Succubi Hunter RPG 2.0 - Awakening

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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

8inchSubToy4u wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:04 pm It's my fav thing to jerk off to.
LOL that is actually a cool thing to hear you say and thanks :)
8inchSubToy4u wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:04 pm However... I was just fighting a knight for over 2 hours. AGAIN. I get it, you wanted them to feel different. They're supposed to be "tough" and need more attacks to take down....

So, your solution was:

1. Give them 75% more health than the other succubi of their level. (BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH!)

2. Give them armor, which equates to 2 additional health every time you attack them and that's only the lvl 1 knights (BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH!)


4. Make them defend way, way, way more often. Everything they do is "defend" so you have to sit there for hours waiting for them to not defend to get a single attack in.

Dude, what? It's so unbelievably infuriating. Even with 6 attack the fight still lasts 20+ minutes against a level 1 knight. Did you honestly need to take all 4 of those steps? Just make them stimulate instead of defend more often and it'll be less annoying. If they need high health AND armor AND a high shield when they defend, they don't need to defend 95% of turns.
I think it is fair to say that the Knight is the succubi type I am least proud of. You would have to have been pretty unlucky to get defense as much as it seems in your description but I do tend to agree that she needs tweaking. There is a skill you have not learnt that can damage her armor that makes knights more manageable but the fundamental problem you identify still exists.

At the moment my primary focus is on the next release which has a lot of other features and I hope to get ready in the next month (but I said that in September) but I think it is fair to say that fixes to the knight are not going to be in there at the moment.

In the mean time if you want to modify the knights behavior simply go into the succubiprofile.txt file for each succubi you have that is a knight

These are the key lines
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction1]=[Defend]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction2]=[Defend]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction3]=[Attack]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction4]=[Stimulate]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction5]=[Stimulate]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction6]=[Attack]

Possible action 1 comes up 6 out of 21 times
Possible action 2 comes up 5 of 21 times
etc etc

Meaning that defend occurs just over 50% of the time

If you swap the standard with these lines you will get
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction1]=[Defend]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction2]=[Stimulate]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction3]=[Attack]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction4]=[Stimulate]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction5]=[Defend]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPossibleAction6]=[Attack]

in this scenario defend will be reduced to 38%
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

8inchSubToy4u wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:58 am I just updated TAI awakening to 3.5. It's a million times faster. It used to be like this:

"You're in the forest 0N1E.
[wait 5 seconds]
You can
[wait 5 seconds]
1 go north
[wait 5 seconds]
2 go east
[wait 5 seconds]
3 go south
[wait 5 seconds]
4 go west"

Now those wait times are almost gone, it's less than a second per line.
It is even faster in the new version I have written
8inchSubToy4u wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:58 am I'm not 100% sure that it's just the update though. I played 4 ingame days in a row and just kept selecting "continue and start the new day." I believe this caused the game to slow down significantly. Perhaps the longer you play, the slower it is b/c the ingame chat log gets insanely long, which slows it down? Maybe it should only store the most recent 50 lines and anything older than that just gets deleted if this is the case? Or maybe, if that would be too difficult to code, just get rid of the option of continuing and starting the new day? That's what I'm doing from now on, just in case. I'm quitting, exiting, and then restarting TAI if I want to play for another ingame day b/c those wait times were brutal.
I'm glad to hear you say that because I notice that the game just gets slower and slower the longer I let it run. I have a theory why but Markus says I'm wrong, I will bring it back up with him when I finish the next release if people are still experiencing it. FYI Markus is the person who wrote and continues to develop TeaseAI Awakening, he is really good in helping me but I don't think he has even tried Succubi Hunter, says it is not his thing :)
8inchSubToy4u wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:58 am Something else:

What if, instead of the gameplay being like this:

"1. You attack, you attack.
2. Enemy stimulates, enemy slows, enemy heals.
3. You defend.
4. Enemy attacks, enemy defends, enemy evolves."

Note how the only times you're jerking off is when you're attacking or they're stimulating. What if it went like this instead:

"1. Enemy uses 3-3 metronome and loses 2 stamina, enemy uses 7-7 metronome and loses 2 stamina, enemy uses heartbeat metronome and loses 2 stamina.
2. You attempt to flee. It will take 8 more attempts. You attempt to flee. It will take 7 more attempts.
3. Enemy Strengthens herself [her beats are faster and using this also plays a fast metronome for 10 seconds], enemy Grounds you [this roots you to the spot, preventing you from fleeing, and also plays a metronome forcing you to stroke], enemy Breathes and recovers 2 stamina.
4. You rest. [15 second break to avoid cumming]. You rest.
5. Enemy Distracts you! [you lose your next turn], enemy uses heartbeat metronome and loses 2 stamina, enemy uses doubletime metronome and loses 2 stamina.
6. Enemy uses doubletime metronome and loses 2 stamina, enemy uses fast heartbeat metronome and loses 2 stamina, enemy Seduces you [increases your lust stat, permanently making all future beats slightly faster until you can use foraged supplies on a potion to reduce your lust].
7. You Charm the enemy! [enemy is more attracted to you and will therefore lose more stamina when she attempts to make you cum] . You Struggle [attempt to free yourself from the enemy's Root effect] - success! You're free from the enemy's Root!
8. Enemy uses 3-3 metronome and loses 3 stamina. Enemy has run out of stamina and is cumming! [this plays a very fast metronome for 10-30 seconds depending on succubus level, after which you survive the encounter and collect the succubus's magic cum]"

Obviously the player in this scenario played poorly, a more effective strat would just have been to use charm so the enemy wears herself out faster, but I just wanted to demonstrate the various options the player could have instead of attacking/defending. Notice how, gameplay-wise, it's better b/c the stroke patterns are varied and more frequent. Notice how, flavor-wise, it's much better b/c instead of swords/sorcery you're simply trying to avoid cumming and the enemy is just trying to make you cum. Instead of attacking and defending, it's you resting vs them stimulating you. Instead of the enemy losing HP, she's losing stamina. You're just trying to get away, she's trying to keep you there. Instead of healing wounds that you inflicted on her, she's seducing you. Instead of attacking her, you're charming her. Instead of "fainting" due to HP reaching 0 [aka dying, come on], she simply runs out of stamina and passes out. It's simply in better taste, it's more original, and it fits with the tone and style of the game unlike attacking and casting spells.

But what does the "attack" translate to? How would you increase attack if you don't have attack? Simple, replace the attack stat with a charisma stat - the more charisma you have, the more stamina is drained from a succubus when she tries to make you cum. What about DEFEND? There is no defend, the enemy doesn't need to b/c you're not attacking and when she did defend, she wasn't making you do anything anyway - in fact she was forcing you to just do nothing on your next turn so I guess it's the same as when she uses Distract (except that isn't even so bad any more b/c you don't need a turn to win, you just need her to run out of stamina and she does this to herself). What about your hp? That would be your own personal stamina - how long you can go without cumming. Player HP is pointless here, your stamina is your real stamina.

All of the succubi vids are good and most of the mechanics are good. Some mechanics would be better off gone. Other mechanics should be added. I really hope the combat is improved b/c as good as this game is, it could be a lot better. I think I've mentioned it b4 in this thread and it's still true - I've still never lost due to anything the succubus does, I only ever lose when I attack. It feels wrong.
That is a lot to digest and there are some great ideas in here. To be honest I wish I had this feedback 6-12 months ago when I was starting version 2.0. There is no reason what you are saying can't be done but it is actually a incredibly large overhaul requiring massive changes to the game mechanics and every succubi built (there are almost 100 ready to go with the new version.

I especially like the idea of the different beats and have been thinking of a way to implement these and I think you have hit on a great idea there.

However all said I'm really sorry but most of this is too hard to put into version 2 when it is so close to release. I will put a lot of this on the radar for version 3 however.
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by snoogie »


I was wondering if someone could help me with installing succubi. I downloaded what I could from the @Meowww link, but all of the succubi sets seem to be lacking the SuccubiProfile.txt files to support them. I've done by best to reverse engineer what I could from other files but I seem to be lacking quite a bit to get this running.

Here is what I have so far:

Code: Select all

@LockImages @NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @RapidTextOn
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiName]=[Eden]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiLevel]=[LVL1]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiType]=[Acrobat]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiBaseNumberOfActions]=[1] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiNumberOfActions]=[1] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMaxHealth]=[1] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiHealth]=[1] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiBaseDamage]=[1] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiDamage]=[1] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiShield]=[0] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiBaseShieldPower]=[1] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiShieldPower]=[1] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiBaseStimulatePower]=[3] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiStimulatePower]=[3] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiPhysicalarmor]=[0] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiSpellConfuse]=[2]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiSpellEvolve]=[0]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiSpellHeal]=[4]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiSpellSlow]=[2]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiSpellWeaken]=[0]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiSpellLust]=[2]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet1Available]=[Yes]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet2Available]=[Yes] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet3Available]=[Yes] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet4Available]=[No]  
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet5Available]=[No] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet6Available]=[No] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet7Available]=[No]  
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet8Available]=[No] 
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiMediaSet9Available]=[No]
@NullResponse @SetVar[SuccubiLevel]=[LVL1]
@NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom\LoadSuccubiEncounter.txt)
@NullResponse @End
Additionally, I was lacking a #SelectEnemy.txt so I've also tried to figure out what is being expected there as well:

Code: Select all

@SetVar[SuccubiName]=[Eden] @SetVar[SuccubiID]=[Eden] @SetVar[SuccubiLevel]=[LVL1] @CallReturn(Custom\Succubi\Eden\SuccubiProfile.txt)
However, when I try this, I get a bunch of errors during encounters such as:

Code: Select all

NO_POSSIBLE_LINES: Scripts\SuccubiHunter\Vocabulary\#SuccubiStimulateApproach.txt 

Code: Select all

 NO_POSSIBLE_LINES: Scripts\SuccubiHunter\Vocabulary\#SuccubiStimulateApproach.txt 
These result in loops that aren't broken out of, eventually resulting in passing out.

Can anyone provide definitions for what is being expected in the aforementioned files and/or provide a download link to the succubi files with the older definitions? I understand these are being reworked by @Meowww, but the older versions don't seem to exist on this forum anymore, and I'd like to get something running in the meantime. If there is any other information that would be helpful let me know, and I'll happily provide it.
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

snoogie wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:25 pm Hello,

I was wondering if someone could help me with installing succubi. I downloaded what I could from the @Meowww link, but all of the succubi sets seem to be lacking the SuccubiProfile.txt files to support them. I've done by best to reverse engineer what I could from other files but I seem to be lacking quite a bit to get this running.
Ummmm damn! I did not realise that Meowww had removed his old versions of the succubi compatible with the old version of the game. There is no way that Meowww will re-upload all the old versions

If you want to play then I guess you are our first official tester for version 2.0 :-)

Fair warning, the game is actually really solid but I have been playing with the setup to load succubi to allow for other developers, it's evolving and the current version I have is not 100% compatible with what Meoww has online atm. I think I have found an older version that is 98% compatible with a few easy edits but I only had time for a quick look so there may be more issues than I can see at first glance.

Get the updated version and Meowww's scripts from here and extract them as usual

Everything is in the right location except for the two file that are in your scripts folder
- CreateSuccubi.txt
- #SelectLesbianPair.txt

#SeletLesbianPair belongs in the Vocabulary folder, please move it

CreateSuccubi text does not really belong anywhere in this version but you will need to run it at the start of the game and the command to run it is wrong. For ease I will ask you to move CreateSuccubi.txt to the folder \LoadMedia\CoreSuccubi\

Open the file \Custom\StartNewGame.txt

The 7th last line is
@SystemMessage @RapidCodeOn Loading core succubi @Call(LoadMedia\CoreSuccubi\*.txt, LoadCoreSuccubi)

this needs to be edited

@SystemMessage @RapidCodeOn Loading core succubi @Call(LoadMedia\CoreSuccubi\CreateSuccubi.txt).

Now delete all your old variables that you may have created by deleting all the files in \System\Variables\

I think if you do this it should all work for you when you start the game.... I hope :-)

Please note that the two files CreateSuccubi.txt and #SelectLesbianPair.txt assume you have downloaded all of Meoww's succubi.

If this is not the case then if you open these files and remove the succubi you have not downloaded before you start the game. All should be fine :-)

Based on what you wrote, I know that these instructions are not good enough for the average person but you showed a lot of knowledge in your post so I hope this is enough to get you going
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by kong »

Hello! I'm thrilled to give it a shot. However, I'm currently unable to locate the file.
\Custom\StartNewGame.txt ?
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

kong wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:30 pm Hello! I'm thrilled to give it a shot. However, I'm currently unable to locate the file.
\Custom\StartNewGame.txt ?
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by kong »

Today, I managed to get it working and even discovered a new strategy to help me win the game. In my second battle, I faced off against Vanessa, who was a level 2 Succubi.

When I become too slow, I have access to negative actions that prevent Vanessa from taking her turn, essentially keeping her stuck indefinitely and granting me turn after turn.. It feels like a bug, but it's strangely amusing. Perhaps it's a philosophical take on being 'too slow'—entering another dimension where I become hyper-aware, allowing me to act swiftly. Quite humorous, isn't it?"
2024-02-13 172943.jpg
2024-02-13 172943.jpg (36.92 KiB) Viewed 1587 times
2024-02-13 172858.jpg
2024-02-13 172858.jpg (24.9 KiB) Viewed 1587 times
It's great that you've incorporated game speed progression and stroke settings, allowing me to customize the challenge level. However, it's odd that my attacks are the most stimulating moments, whereas when they stimulate me, the beat meter slows down significantly. Is there a way for me to tweak these settings too?

In the new Tease AI Awakening 3.5, is there a way to resize the chat windows in windowed or fullscreen mode? Additionally, can I utilize voices for Text-to-Speech (TTS) beyond the ones provided by default in Windows? I'm aware of other free TTS services like Silero TTS for AI language model installed locally with Taverna; is it possible to integrate them?

Another observation: When presented with movement options like north, west, etc., the game generates them one line at a time, causing a delay as it waits for the second line. It might be beneficial to display all the information simultaneously to speed up gameplay. This includes details such as the day, hero status, and any other relevant information.
2024-02-13 174534.jpg
2024-02-13 174534.jpg (8.33 KiB) Viewed 1579 times
Attached is a picture illustrating the information provided when I move to or find myself in a new location.
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

kong wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:22 pm Today, I managed to get it working and even discovered a new strategy to help me win the game. In my second battle, I faced off against Vanessa, who was a level 2 Succubi.

When I become too slow, I have access to negative actions that prevent Vanessa from taking her turn, essentially keeping her stuck indefinitely and granting me turn after turn.. It feels like a bug, but it's strangely amusing. Perhaps it's a philosophical take on being 'too slow'—entering another dimension where I become hyper-aware, allowing me to act swiftly. Quite humorous, isn't it?"
2024-02-13 172943.jpg
2024-02-13 172858.jpg
I have done extensive testing and never encountered that, This is really strange as the amount you are slowed impacts how many turns you are slowed not how much you are slowed.

It's possible that what I have given you has bugs I don't have. As soon I get a few hours I will arrange publishing the current version that works but I have broken one of the system menus in a critical manner that I have to fix before I can share

The infinite nature is easy to understand, every time you complete a turn I reduce the number of turns left by 1. When this hits 0 I make it the succubi attack. If somehow this variable is stuffed up and gets below 0 it will never equal 0 and you will have infinite turns.

There is a simple solution to ensure that the error does not give infinite attacks, working out how this happened in the first place is harder. Here are where the checks occur, if you replace the =[0] with <[1] then at least it won't give you infinite attackes :-) I just made this change in my version even though I have never encountered it

D:\SBHunter release files\SuccubiHunterScriptsExp\SuccubiHunter\Custom\CombatHeroAction.txt (1 hit)
Line 10: @NullResponse @If[HeroNumberOfActionsLeft]=[0]Then(Effects)
D:\SBHunter release files\SuccubiHunterScriptsExp\SuccubiHunter\Custom\NPC\Queen\Battle.txt (1 hit)
Line 16: @NullResponse @If[HeroNumberOfActionsLeft]=[0]Then(SuccubiAttackStart)
D:\SBHunter release files\SuccubiHunterScriptsExp\SuccubiHunter\Custom\NPC\Witch\Challenge.txt (1 hit)
Line 56: @NullResponse @If[HeroNumberOfActionsLeft]=[0]Then(WitchChain)
kong wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:22 pm It's great that you've incorporated game speed progression and stroke settings, allowing me to customize the challenge level. However, it's odd that my attacks are the most stimulating moments, whereas when they stimulate me, the beat meter slows down significantly. Is there a way for me to tweak these settings too?
Yes but the menu to get there is a little broken and on my bug list to fix You can edit the variables directly in the \system\variables\ folder
These are the variables that set the stroking speed maximum and minimums
OnOffStrokeSpeedMinimum/maximum used for attacks
SteadyStrokeSpeedMinimum/maximum used for when the succubi stimulates you and for spell casting
SteadySlowStrokeSpeedMinimum/maximum used for defence
kong wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:22 pm In the new Tease AI Awakening 3.5, is there a way to resize the chat windows in windowed or fullscreen mode? Additionally, can I utilize voices for Text-to-Speech (TTS) beyond the ones provided by default in Windows? I'm aware of other free TTS services like Silero TTS for AI language model installed locally with Taverna; is it possible to integrate them?
Honestly the collaboration betweeen myself and Markus who wrote TeaseAI goes as far as I ask him for features and 90% of the time he agrees, I'm no expert in Tease AI but I think the answers are no regarding the chat window size and I have no idea about TTS, I gave it a try in earlier versions but found it stilted and turned it off
kong wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:22 pm Another observation: When presented with movement options like north, west, etc., the game generates them one line at a time, causing a delay as it waits for the second line. It might be beneficial to display all the information simultaneously to speed up gameplay. This includes details such as the day, hero status, and any other relevant information.
2024-02-13 174534.jpg
Attached is a picture illustrating the information provided when I move to or find myself in a new location.
agree and disagree at the same time :-)

If the game is running properly it should not matter

Does the game start by running really fast and then the longer you run it the more it slows? it does for me but others are not reporting this. If it does universally I would prefer to work with Markus to fix this but if I can't then yes what you propose is what I will do.

Finally since you are testing can you put your bugs into the bug forum rather than here
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by snoogie »

This is great thank you. I'll go through it later today and see what I can get working. Regarding being in beta(ish) land... let me know if there is anything you guys could use help with. No promises, but I could probably help with some of the scripting if need be and/or at very least spell checking etc..

I'll keep you posted on any issues I might have running this in a little bit. Thank you again.
SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:56 am
snoogie wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:25 pm Hello,

I was wondering if someone could help me with installing succubi. I downloaded what I could from the @Meowww link, but all of the succubi sets seem to be lacking the SuccubiProfile.txt files to support them. I've done by best to reverse engineer what I could from other files but I seem to be lacking quite a bit to get this running.
Ummmm damn! I did not realise that Meowww had removed his old versions of the succubi compatible with the old version of the game. There is no way that Meowww will re-upload all the old versions

If you want to play then I guess you are our first official tester for version 2.0 :-)

Fair warning, the game is actually really solid but I have been playing with the setup to load succubi to allow for other developers, it's evolving and the current version I have is not 100% compatible with what Meoww has online atm. I think I have found an older version that is 98% compatible with a few easy edits but I only had time for a quick look so there may be more issues than I can see at first glance.

Get the updated version and Meowww's scripts from here and extract them as usual

Everything is in the right location except for the two file that are in your scripts folder
- CreateSuccubi.txt
- #SelectLesbianPair.txt

#SeletLesbianPair belongs in the Vocabulary folder, please move it

CreateSuccubi text does not really belong anywhere in this version but you will need to run it at the start of the game and the command to run it is wrong. For ease I will ask you to move CreateSuccubi.txt to the folder \LoadMedia\CoreSuccubi\

Open the file \Custom\StartNewGame.txt

The 7th last line is
@SystemMessage @RapidCodeOn Loading core succubi @Call(LoadMedia\CoreSuccubi\*.txt, LoadCoreSuccubi)

this needs to be edited

@SystemMessage @RapidCodeOn Loading core succubi @Call(LoadMedia\CoreSuccubi\CreateSuccubi.txt).

Now delete all your old variables that you may have created by deleting all the files in \System\Variables\

I think if you do this it should all work for you when you start the game.... I hope :-)

Please note that the two files CreateSuccubi.txt and #SelectLesbianPair.txt assume you have downloaded all of Meoww's succubi.

If this is not the case then if you open these files and remove the succubi you have not downloaded before you start the game. All should be fine :-)

Based on what you wrote, I know that these instructions are not good enough for the average person but you showed a lot of knowledge in your post so I hope this is enough to get you going
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by LancerKnight »

Hi, I was really excited about this project and tried to install it, but... it's been riddled with issues

First: When I downloaded the core media packs, they seemed to all contain a lot of the same images/filenames that I had to skip or replace.
Second: When I clicked the link for the succubi images, they are all separate downloads and there are no instructions where to put the files from the downloads. Am I supposed to download all of these separate packs? There are about 80 1gb packs that can be downloaded. Can I pick and choose? And where do I put the files?
Third: When I tried to run the game regardless, I kept receiving errors of files not found, so my images are not matching at all with what Sasha is saying (my entire scene with Sasha has been a woman getting teased with a vibrator, even when it started describing a blowjob scene to me).

Are these known issues? Are there any fixes?
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

LancerKnight wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:05 am Hi, I was really excited about this project and tried to install it, but... it's been riddled with issues

First: When I downloaded the core media packs, they seemed to all contain a lot of the same images/filenames that I had to skip or replace.
Second: When I clicked the link for the succubi images, they are all separate downloads and there are no instructions where to put the files from the downloads. Am I supposed to download all of these separate packs? There are about 80 1gb packs that can be downloaded. Can I pick and choose? And where do I put the files?
Third: When I tried to run the game regardless, I kept receiving errors of files not found, so my images are not matching at all with what Sasha is saying (my entire scene with Sasha has been a woman getting teased with a vibrator, even when it started describing a blowjob scene to me).

Are these known issues? Are there any fixes?
Hi LancerKnight

You have come onboard at a funny stage, I did not realize that Meowww had removed the old supporting media for the new media and it's not yet 100% compatible with what I am doing and we have not updated the instructions either. FYI I wrote the game but did not supply media and meowww decided to share media for everyone.

If you are good with this sort of stuff if you download the core media pack and some succubi you should be able to get it working if you read the last couple of posts and extract the files in this order (replacing anything that has the same name.
- core media
- scripts
- SuccubiHunterScriptsDevelopment

If your not comfortable keep an eye out for me to complete the changes and instructions - it's only about a days work but finding the time is very difficult at the moment
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by markus »

SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:50 am
8inchSubToy4u wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:58 am Maybe it should only store the most recent 50 lines and anything older than that just gets deleted if this is the case?
I notice that the game just gets slower and slower the longer I let it run. I have a theory why but Markus says I'm wrong
IIRC I said that I cannot imagine that your theory is true, not that it's false. ;-)
I still think it's not the length itself but maybe I have build in a stupid bug, ... anyway, ... I'll take a look at that.

kong wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:22 pm Additionally, can I utilize voices for Text-to-Speech (TTS) beyond the ones provided by default in Windows? I'm aware of other free TTS services like Silero TTS for AI language model installed locally with Taverna; is it possible to integrate them?
For now, nope, only those 'normal installed' TTS voices are supported (yet).

Another observation: When presented with movement options like north, west, etc., the game generates them one line at a time, causing a delay as it waits for the second line. It might be beneficial to display all the information simultaneously to speed up gameplay. This includes details such as the day, hero status, and any other relevant information.
There are 2 ways - script-wise - I could think of:
1. Creating images (in photoshop, gimp, whatever) which show those text lines, then just show those images as a sort of menu, could also be displayed with @ImageBar1On(x_position,y_position,width,height) so it would not be displayed on the whole screen.
2. Use @Censorbar1On with text -> Would be more dynamic than the images, ... check out Masturbatrix, it has menus created like that.

Best greetings,
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by meowww »

SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:49 am You have come onboard at a funny stage, I did not realize that Meowww had removed the old supporting media for the new media and it's not yet 100% compatible with what I am doing and we have not updated the instructions either. FYI I wrote the game but did not supply media and meowww decided to share media for everyone.
Just saw this now

Yes i removed all the old stuff for the new ones

No i haven´t shared anything, since we weren´t ready yet

Actually i even removed the Link on the Collection Post for now

But, here comes the funny Part:

i may totally forgot, that the first post of this topic also had a Link to the Collection :lol:

My bad i guess :whistle:
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by LancerKnight »

SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:49 am Hi LancerKnight

You have come onboard at a funny stage, I did not realize that Meowww had removed the old supporting media for the new media and it's not yet 100% compatible with what I am doing and we have not updated the instructions either. FYI I wrote the game but did not supply media and meowww decided to share media for everyone.

If you are good with this sort of stuff if you download the core media pack and some succubi you should be able to get it working if you read the last couple of posts and extract the files in this order (replacing anything that has the same name.
- core media
- scripts
- SuccubiHunterScriptsDevelopment

If your not comfortable keep an eye out for me to complete the changes and instructions - it's only about a days work but finding the time is very difficult at the moment
Okay no worries! I'll wait til it's all fixed before trying again ^^
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG - Awakening

Post by DerpZerp »

SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:46 pm
kong wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:30 pm Hello! I'm thrilled to give it a shot. However, I'm currently unable to locate the file.
\Custom\StartNewGame.txt ?
I have followed along with this as I set this up yesterday, I can't find this file anywhere.
Creator of Maze of Desire (GuideMe tease).
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