Right now, 1428 people are browsing Milovana.
Non-registered users We collect anonymous usage statistics that are not linked to user accounts.
Registered users During registration you will be asked to provide a email address and password that will be used for administrative purposes. While using the site we will also personalize your experience as much as possible by building an accurate usage profile. We delete this data when you delete your account. Any content you create (such as teases) remains after you delete your account. If do not want that, please delete your content before deleting your account.
Currently the only emails we are sending out are the one that confirm your registration and ask you to activate your account. We reserve a right to make important announcements over email if we have to reach all of our members. In the future we might also offer a regular newsletter for which you will need to sign up explicitly.
We do not share email addresses or profile information with anyone else for any reason unless compelled by law.