My Shirt

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My Shirt

Post by Twalt22 »

For several years now I have been masturbating at least twice a day. I discovered Milovana by accident and found the teases to be very interesting. Recently I have met a woman here who has shown me the different joys that can be realized when a man subordinates his more base physical desires and instead earns the right to pleasure.
Nika suggested that I would enjoy and appreciate my orgasms more if they were more directed and earned.
Recently she suggested that I should delay any orgasms until I had purchased a tee shirt with the letters HM on the front. I agreed to take the challenge. Not wanting to wait for an ordered tee online I found a small custom tee shirt shop and went to order the item. Getting to the shop I realized that it would have to be special ordered first I had to pick a shirt. Nika had suggested she thought a pink would be fun so I looked around and chose a soft pink and asked if they would apply the letters. I picked large white letters about the size of numbers on a football jersey. Then the clerk asked what they stood for. Since they symbolize Habitual Masturbator I was more than a little taken back but spit out Happy Man I thought rather quickly. I was assured that the shirt would be done at five the next day. Rather pleased that I would not have to wait to long I paid and left. The next day when I returned I was told sorry but they didn’t have it ready. Since they were not open on Sunday I could pick up the garment then. I gathered my self up and determined I was going to fulfill my commitment I went home and denied myself for the extra two days. Monday after work I hurried to the shop picked up my shirt and quickly was home naked except for the shirt happily masturbated and discovered that Nika was right my orgasm was one of the most memorable in ages.
That night it was suggested that the next time I should allow myself a sexual release would be a little different. There is an adult novelty store not far from my home that I had mentioned and young “goth” clerk that I had admitted for some reason I found appealing. Way way to young for someone my age to even consider outside of a fantasy. Nika suggested that I wear my shirt to the store so she could see it before my next session. The big stipulation was that if she should ask I had to tell her what the letters stood for truthfully. Next night after work wearing my shirt I go to the store and she is not there. A little no greatly disappointed I decided that I should just pick up a movie and at least I would have a reason to return the next day. That night was more than a little torturous not able to play obviously not daring to watch the video the night seemed to drag forever. The next day again in my shirt I returned and was thrilled to see her behind the counter. I went set the video on the counter and told her I just wanted to return it. Fingers crossed and a stirring in my pants as she checked it in. Thinking I was home free when suddenly she said nice shirt what does the HM mean. For a second or to I just stood there and then I mumbled Hab….Mast….. She looked at me and said what? This time I shot a quick look through the store seeing no one and turning shades of red I told her Habitual Masturbator. She looked at me and in a totally cutting and sarcastic voice said “now there’s something to be proud of I could feel my self getting an erection I left and speed home and this time the orgasm was even better than I could have ever imagined.
This confession is my way of thanking Nika for showing me the joys forgoing quick fleeting pleasures and instead dedicating them to a caring woman.
Nika Ferlinghetti
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Re: My Shirt

Post by Nika Ferlinghetti »

Happy Man! You left that part out of our private conversation. It made me laugh out loud.

So, wanky boys, who can point out a misspelling in Twalt's otherwise fun story? I found at least one. But, I'm not mad, it made me smile more than once. Who knows, maybe I'll send a special note to the boy who points out the most.

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Re: My Shirt

Post by cumhardy »


Thats amazing, weird how that all panned out. Congratulations on going through with it and seeing it to the end.

Whats next?

....hmmmm.... Nika, why are we picking out spelling mistakes exactly? :look:
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Re: My Shirt

Post by mdteased »

It is very well written and a thoroughly enjoyable tale. The only tiny thing I could spot as wrong was the use of "to" instead of "too" in the sentence "I would not have to wait to long I paid and left".

Other than that it all looked perfectly spelt to me. Thanks for the excellent post.

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Re: My Shirt

Post by slavecbt2000 »

Nika Ferlinghetti,

You should start a club for MH'ers. i would join such a club and we should start a yahoo group to prove that we have the shirts and are preforming Your instructions.

Just a thought
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Re: My Shirt

Post by all2true »

Wouldn't it be more appropiate
to be
HMD Habitial Masterbators Denied?
Or something like that.

I think it would be kinda cool if we did have a logo like that.
With some cryptic symbol that could be worn in public that
others could have

Or how about a Shirt that
just says
Milovana on it?

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Re: My Shirt

Post by joeliwan »

Alright, Miss Nika, for your amusement, these are the spelling errors I found in Twalt's post.

"I was more than a little taken back"
This one's not technically a spelling error, since 'back' is a real word and spelled correctly, but the correct word there is 'aback'.

"I would not have to wait to long"
As pointed out before, the second 'to' should be a 'too'.

"Way way to young for someone my age"
Another 'to' that should be a 'too'.

"For a second or to I just stood there"
Here it's a 'to' that should be a 'two'.

"I left and speed home"
Again, not really a spelling error since 'speed' is a real word, but since the sentence is in past tense only two words earlier, this one should really be 'sped'.

Other than that, there's a general disregard for punctuation and tense, but nothing worse than is common in chatrooms and forums.

I hope this was what you're looking for Miss Nika,

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Re: My Shirt

Post by slavecbt2000 »

Oh my i do like that one all2true!!!!

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Re: My Shirt

Post by dark »

:lol: Funny story for sure. And RESPECT for having the balls to tell her what HM means. Really you can be proud of that :yes:
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Re: My Shirt

Post by eteased »

Great story. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing! I'm not sure if I should be thanking you, Twalt, or Miss Nika. Probably both. Anyway, thanks. It was fun to read and imagine being in your situation. Sounds like you two should have some fun times ahead.

Miss Nika, I didn't find any misspellings beyond what's already been pointed out.
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Re: My Shirt

Post by MontSpam »

I preface all of this by letting Twalt know that I really enjoyed his story! But, Nika asked us to point out “misspellings”. Technically, there were no misspelled words that could be caught by a typical word processing spell-checker program. However, there were words used incorrectly, which are technically “typos” or misspellings”, most of which have already been pointed out. But, I add a couple more. In addition, Twalt’s grammar is not perfect, which a human editor would correct. It may seem that I’m picking on Twalt, especially since I generally read through typos, grammatical and other errors on a website such as Milovana and would never, ever criticize Twalt for doing them. So, Twalt, please don’t be upset, at the following, somewhat pedantic corrections, as they are meant in the spirit of fun, as well as in the spirit of correction you might receive from Nika. So, please consider the following (and forgive my own typographical errors, since I am an editor):

1. “Recently I have met a woman here who has shown me the different joys that can be realized when a man subordinates his more base physical desires and instead earns the right to pleasure. ”

This sentence should begin: “Recently, I met a woman . . . .”

2. “Recently she suggested that I should delay any orgasms until I had purchased a tee shirt with the letters HM on the front.”

3. Since he recently met you, the word “recently” is not needed here, so this sentence should begin: “She suggested . . . .”

4. “I agreed to take the challenge. Not wanting to wait for an ordered tee online I found a small custom tee shirt shop and went to order the item.”

Although not a typo, he immediately later writes that he realizes that he has to special order the item. So it would have been better to write, “Not wanting to wait for an ordered tee online, I found a local, small custom tee-shirt shop.”

I note also the missing hyphen between tee and shirt.

5. “Getting to the shop I realized that it would have to be special ordered first I had to pick a shirt.”

Tense is incorrect and would be better written as follows: “When I arrived at the shop, I found that they did not have any HM tee-shirts already made up, but that I could pick out a plain tee-shirt and have it custom emblazoned.”

6. “Nika had suggested she thought a pink would be fun so I looked around and chose a soft pink and asked if they would apply the letters.”

Should be: “Nika had suggested she thought a pink tee-shirt would be fun, so I looked around and chose a soft pink tee-shirt and asked if they would apply the letters.”

7. “Since they symbolize Habitual Masturbator I was more than a little taken back but spit out Happy Man I thought rather quickly.”

This is a typo, since it would be “taken aback”. It would also be better English as follows: “Since they symbolize “Habitual Masturbator”, I was more than a little taken aback, but spit out, ‘Happy Man’ which I’d thought of rather quickly.”

8. “Rather pleased that I would not have to wait to long I paid and left.”

“Too long” is correct.

9. “The next day when I returned I was told sorry but they didn’t have it ready.”

Better written as, “The next day, I returned to the store but was told with apologies that they didn’t have it ready.”

10. “Since they were not open on Sunday I could pick up the garment then.”

Could be: “Since the next day was Sunday and they would not be open, I could not pick up the garment until Monday.”

11. “I gathered my self up and determined I was going to fulfill my commitment I went home and denied myself for the extra two days.”

12. Could be: “I gathered myself together and decided that I was going to fulfill my commitment. So, I went home and denied myself for the extra two days.”

Those two days being Saturday and Sunday.

13. “Monday after work I hurried to the shop picked up my shirt and quickly was home naked except for the shirt happily masturbated and discovered that Nika was right my orgasm was one of the most memorable in ages.”

Could be: “On Monday, as soon as work was over, I hurried to the shop and picked up my tee-shirt. As soon as I got home, I stripped off my clothing, donned the tee-shirt and happily masturbated. Nika was right, my orgasm was one of the most memorable ever.”

14. “That night it was suggested that the next time I should allow myself a sexual release would be a little different.”

Could be: “That night, Nika suggested that the next time I allowed myself a sexual release that I would have to do something a little different to earn it.”

15. “There is an adult novelty store not far from my home that I had mentioned to Nika and young “goth” clerk who I had admitted for some reason I found appealing. Way way to young for someone my age to even consider outside of a fantasy.”

Could be: “There is an adult novelty store not farm from my home I had mentioned to Nika and a young ‘goth’ clerk who I had admitted to Nika that I found appealing for some reason, even though she was way, way too young for someone my age to consider outside of a fantasy.”

16. “Nika suggested that I wear my shirt to the store so she could see it before my next session.”

Could be: “Nika suggested that I wear my tee-shirt to the store so the goth girl could see it before my next session.”

17. “The big stipulation was that if she should ask I had to tell her what the letters stood for truthfully.”

Could be: “The big stipulation was that if she should ask, I had to tell the goth girl the truth about what the letters meant.”

18. “Next night after work wearing my shirt I go to the store and she is not there.”

Could be: “The next night after work, I wore my tee-shirt and went to the store, but the goth girl wasn’t there.”

19. “A little no greatly disappointed I decided that I should just pick up a movie and at least I would have a reason to return the next day.”

Could be: “I was a little, no, I was greatly disappointed she wasn’t there. But, I decided that I would just pick up a porno movie so that I would at least have a reason to return the next day.”

20. “That night was more than a little torturous not able to play obviously not daring to watch the video the night seemed to drag forever.”

Could be: That night was more than a little torturous for me, not being able to play with myself and obviously not daring to watch the porno video. The night seemed to drag on forever.”

21. “The next day again in my shirt I returned and was thrilled to see her behind the counter.”

Could be: “I went to the store again while wearing my tee-shirt and was thrilled to see the goth girl behind the counter.”

22. “I went set the video on the counter and told her I just wanted to return it.”

Could be: “I set the video on the counter and told her I just wanted to return it.”

23. “Fingers crossed and a stirring in my pants as she checked it in.”

Could be: “I crossed my fingers and hoped that she wouldn’t ask about the letters because there were other patrons in the store. Yet, I felt a stirring in my pants as she checked in the video.”

24. “Thinking I was home free when suddenly she said nice shirt what does the HM mean.”

Could be: “I thought I was home free when she suddenly said, “Nice shirt! What does the ‘HM” mean?”

25. “For a second or to I just stood there and then I mumbled Hab….Mast…..”

Could be: “For a second or two, I just stood there and then I mumbled, “Hab . . . Mast . . . “

26. “She looked at me and said what?”

Could be: “She looked at me and said, ‘What?’”

27. “This time I shot a quick look through the store seeing no one and turning shades of red I told her Habitual Masturbator.”

Could be: “I shot a quick look through the store, saw no one, and while turning shades of red, told her, ‘Habitual Masturbator.’”

28. “She looked at me and in a totally cutting and sarcastic voice said “now there’s something to be proud of I could feel my self getting an erection I left and speed home and this time the orgasm was even better than I could have ever imagined.”

Could be: “She looked at me and in a totally cutting and sarcastic voice said, “Now, there’s something to be proud of!” I could feel myself getting an erection. I left immediately and speeded home. When I masturbated, the orgasm was even better than I could have ever imagined.”

29. “This confession is my way of thanking Nika for showing me the joys forgoing quick fleeting pleasures and instead dedicating them to a caring woman.”

Could be: “This confession is my way of thanking Nika for showing me the joys of foregoing quick, fleeting pleasures and instead, dedicating my orgasms to a caring woman.”


Twalt, thank you for submitting your story! I hope Nika doesn't "punish" you too much. It took guts to do what you have done! :-)
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Re: My Shirt

Post by Nika Ferlinghetti »

My my my... reading all the posts here I'm struck by the thought: Wankers have an undeservedly bad reputation. You boys made me smile more than once.

The thought of a bunch of you running around in HM t-shirts made me damn near giddy. No, I don't think a cryptic symbol would do at all. No, it should be something that is either clear, like 'HM' or easily understood, and yet not at all offensive. Well, I'll leave that to you boys to work out.

So that leaves me to the question of who gets a special message from me. Well, we have the first respondent to identify a typo. No, there were two clearly more thorough responses. joeliwan did a nice job and deserves something. Montspam, goodness son you went above and beyond. I am tempted to disqualify you for criticizing my use of the 'misspelling', I'll let it go. Frankly, I can't pick between you two. So, I think I'll send you both something (don't get too excited, it'll be the same something). Might take a few days to write it. It'd be very thoughtful of you both if you didn't make any ickies while I work on it. It'd make it more fun for me.

Well, take care messyboys. And joel and monty watch your inboxes.

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Re: My Shirt

Post by MontSpam »

Thank you, NIka. I will actually, um, comply with your request and not make any "ickies" and thus "save myself" until after I receive your "something" as my reward . (Crikey, I'm getting hard just thinking about that. Dang!)
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Re: My Shirt

Post by joeliwan »

Miss Nika, my humble thanks. After seeing how thorough MontSpam's reply was, I seriously had no hopes that you'd choose to call this a 'tie', so to speak.

Wow, never had a real person tell me I couldn't play with myself before (though this was merely a suggestion). While a big part of me is really turned on and tempted by that, my sense of respect would balk at disobedience, so for the next couple days, no messes from me.

Thank you again.

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Re: My Shirt

Post by slavecbt2000 »

i like the pink shirt with the letters om HM on it. i also think all slaves should goto and get a slave bar code and customize each shirt and post pic in the shirt front and back with the bar code.

What do You think Nika Ferlinghetti?

:w00t: :lol: :-O
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