Points of Intrigue for cb6000

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Points of Intrigue for cb6000

Post by curioussubby »

More specfically, how well do the current Points of Intrigue fit on the Cb6000S (small). Does any1 have any experience or knowledge with fitting a POI on a cb6000?

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Re: Points of Intrigue for cb6000

Post by seidenki »

I have to say I don't know, as I've only got the POI for the CB2k and have never tried them in my CB6kS. However, I can tell you that you will have problems because the CB6kS has matched pins and spacers (unlike the '2k), so there's nowhere to put the POI unless you mix'n'match. But there's another problem: the pin in the newer device is a different shape. I've heard someone used a Dremel in the POI's hole so it would fit.

I use a KSD in my CB6kS. It was designed to fit over the spacer, so you don't get the mix'n'match problem.

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