FlashTease Saving/Loading

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Re: FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by Incubo »

seraph0x wrote: However, on a more general note: I would remind authors that anything that improves readership should be considered a good thing by both sides. There are simply situations where not following an instruction are practical necessities. A tease is fundamentally static and authors can't anticipate *every* possibility. That's why it makes sense to give readers the flexibility to compensate for real life and simply do the tease to the best of their ability.
Oh sure! Use logic and intelligence to dispute my point. That's just great. Now, how am I supposed to argue with that? :lol:

You're right of course, anything that increases readership should be considered a good thing and I can't anticipate everything that might happen. Still.....(you knew that was coming didn't you?)

Most webteases are written to take half an hour to an hour. Some are longer, some are shorter, but seems to be the average there. I can't imagine why anyone would need to save a half hour tease and come back later. It might be useful for the "all day" kinds of things, but I don't see much use in it for the shorter ones.
Seems like a lot of effort for minimal return.

Like I said before, if saving is included, I'll learn to work with it, I just don't see it as a major need.
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Re: FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by seraph0x »

Incubo wrote:Most webteases are written to take half an hour to an hour. Some are longer, some are shorter, but seems to be the average there. I can't imagine why anyone would need to save a half hour tease and come back later. It might be useful for the "all day" kinds of things, but I don't see much use in it for the shorter ones.
You just lack the vision! All day teases are so 2008, in the future people will spend their entire summer vacation doing one tease. :lol:

But in all seriousness: You make a very good point. Teases are done in sessions and you're right, it's hardly worth creating a save/load feature for something that last only half an hour. Especially given that it would be a rather complex feature that would require a lot of compromises in other places. I think we should instead give authors the power to create their own custom save/load feature if they so choose. I could even write a quick tutorial on how to do it.
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