New stimmer seeking 2B advice

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New stimmer seeking 2B advice

Post by scottay »

I'm a very new stimmer - I actually bought my 2B a bit over a year ago, but never really got a chance to learn about it and get a good experience out of it. I think I only attempted to use it twice, then bailed... Nowhere near enough time to make a meaningful decision. Fast forward to recently, I have put effort into learning the ins and outs, and yesterday I had a chance to devote a couple hours to testing things out properly. I'll say, it was quite an experience! I thoroughly enjoyed it; however, I definitely have a few questions about my setup in hopes of maximizing my next session, as well and just making sure I'm on the right path moving forward.

  • 2B, Tri-phase, A-Head Loop, B-Balls Loop, Common-Moaner. 2B->PC with a stereo cable, ~20% PC volume, Channel A volume ~7-9%, Channel B volume ~20-25%.
  • Channel A felt "harsh" with small increments, but ok in the 7-9% range. Channel B felt pretty good, and I was able to make decent volume jumps to experiment.
  • Only got a "stroking" sensation toward the end of the session. Not sure if it was the particular video , or enough of my fooling around with settings.
  • Figure out 3/4 the way through I should mess with the fader - found 70-80% toward Channel B felt good. I wasn't really able to dial A up much more, though.
  • Am I losing detail by only getting sub-10% on A? Should I be adjusting the PC volume more? Any way to get 10+% on A, or is it even important to?
  • Should I insulate my "ball loop?"
  • Should I entertain a DIY or other make/model to get the best experience (and play more complex audio files)?
The "full" version...
My equipment (all from E-stim Systems):
  • 2B box
  • 2 4mm loops
  • 1 Moaner (it's actually a bit large, I may consider downsizing a tad).
  • 1 Small Egg
  • Tri-phase cable
  • 3.5mm cord to connect to computer.
  • Electrogel
Yesterday's setup:
  • Connected 2B to computer's headphone jack, using AC power adapter. PC volume to 2B ~20% (before connecting anything, checked that levels were roughly in the middle of the range).
    Loop around tip of penis, loop around base of balls, Moaner. Lots of Electrogel, and made sure the loops were tight so they made good contact.
  • I only messed with Tri-phase, and experimented with where things connected. I think it varied a little bit based on the track (for obvious reasons), but my consistent consensus seems to be A-Head, B-Balls, Common-Moaner (in mono mode, center jack).
  • Video's I experimented with: Estim with Liya Silver (spent the most time with this one), Klinik Industries Vi89, Estim with Lily Ivy, CH Twisted Tales.
  • My comfort range seemed to be ~6-9% on channel A, and ~20-25% on channel B. I dialed each up and back in different combinations to see how things felt, and that's about where things felt good. Right away I noticed the head stimulation went from feeling descent to very "sharp" within a single percent step.
  • With each video change, I started the process over - all the way to 0, and tested 2-3 different plug configurations. I'll say, overall, the config listed in my Setup section was consistently the best.
  • For most of the session, nothing ever felt like "stroking" perse; however, toward the end of the session, after a lot of fiddling, I did actually get some fairly descent "stroking" feeling - it was near the end of Estim with Liya Silver; however, this also leads into my questions...
  • A consistency I noticed between all the videos was there were sections where I could see "activity" on the 2B, but couldn't feel anything (or only light tingling). I'm sure this is normal early on, or through certain sections of a video, but a couple that stand out are during "Edging" and "Cum" sections... In Liya Silver, for example, the Blue Bars is suppose to be the "connection" (which I assume to mean good feelings), but those sections were rather boring for me... The Green Bars got quite intense and very pleasurable (sometimes too intense, had to dial things down a bit); however, once it transitioned into the Cum stage, things got less intense, and that "stroking" feeling sort of went away.
  • About 3/4 through the session, I remembered that I had a fader between the channels. It was initially set at 50/50, so I started tinkering with that. I found pushing toward the B channel felt really good, and I ended up settling on 75-80 toward B.
  • Is only getting 7-9% on A affecting the "detail" I am able to get out of the audio file? In a bit of a daring attempt, in some of the lighter sections I cranked up the A channel and definitely started feeling more of what I think they wanted me to feel; however, once things went to full intensity, I would have cooked the top of my member off at those levels (at least based on how I was feeling sub-10%). I don't know what adjustments or changes I can make in order to push past the sub-10%'s, if I can, or if I even need to... but I can say, going from say 8% to 10% went from "this feel pretty awesome" to "dayum, that effin hurt."
  • Deeper into the session I was able to crank up the numbers a bit(mostly B, pushing high 20%'s, never crossed 30% I don't think)... I know it's normal to build tolerance through the session a bit, so I expected this... Especially after messing with the fader, I feel like I really got into a grove; however, after stopping the session and disconnecting, I noticed that my balls, and that whole area, were numb. Is this a sign I dialed things up too high, or is this a normal experience? At the higher settings, I definitely felt thing contracting fairly strongly, and things are back to normal today (no numbness).
  • Do my numbers and placement/configuration check out in general? I know there are a million variations, but just as a general "getting started config" are there any recommendations?
  • Just a little more of a pointed question - should I prioritize PC->2B volume, how high I can get the dials on the 2B, or does it really not matter at the end?
  • How can I minimize the harshness to the tip - different electrode type, different placement of the loop, more/less electrogel (I did my best to keep it pretty lubed and tight), etc?
  • Should I be insulating my "balls loop?" In the research I have done, there have been some recommendations to do so.
  • Finally, the really big question - so many stimmers seem to be moving toward DIY boxes, and I'm seeing that the 2B isn't really able to process some of the more complex audio files (eg. Mistress and the Control Box)... Should I entertain a DIY or another brand/model? I'm a tech by trade, so fiddling with electronics doesn't bother me.
Thank you all in advance!
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Re: New stimmer seeking 2B advice

Post by CumScream »

Hey, here's my take;

- It does depend on the audio signals, as the 2B can only deal with certain tones. It intentionally filters out harsh signals (this includes most pain files the audio author intended).
- Some audio signals will just be missed, because of the filtering, it's just built that way. Try to focus on teases/video/audio claiming compatibilty for the 2B, during your learning curve.
- During setup and a test run (unwired), ensure the display on the 2B has a full range of signal. Both channels should visually max on the box when you expect the audio to max in your tease/video/audio track.
- I typically run my PC volume at 80/100%, then turn up the 2B (6-12%) untill it just about captures a full range. This is because the volume of output is used for harsh pulses in a 2B.
- I find signals above 40% just turn 'numb', there is no value in pushing stim too high.
- Use a good coductive gel/lube on loops if you feel sharp pain at low signals. Improve the conductive area.

Have fun,
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Re: New stimmer seeking 2B advice

Post by Qybixxx »

Hello all!

I've had a 2B for almost a decade now and I love it for what it does, but not for what it can't.

It does have some good built in routines and all of them are much better for me on high power:

Pulse is great to start out a session; just set the pace and feel all the way down to 5 and slowly turn up the power. When you're ready you can increase the pulse rate which makes the pulses feel less powerful so you have to turn it up. You can also increase the feeling as you go. I find that jumps of about 20-30 on either side at a time really keep me interested!

From Pulse I usually move on to waterfall, again with the numbers set down to 5. This slow stretch needs to be high enough to get you almost there and then slowly back down to disappointment.

If I'm finishing with the 2B or the waterfall just isn't doing it for me I do hard edges with constant turned up as high as I can take it for a few seconds and then hit the select button twice to drop it. I can get so close this way. Once I've calmed down, I hit select again to go back in and push it up slowly until I'm sure I'll cum only to drop it again.

As for what I don't like: Any type of sound stimulation.

If you're like me only a real stereo stim device will do for the clarity and accuracy of the audio signal. I learned very early that the 2B only reacts to sound, not amplifies it. It will leave you mad at people for creating such gappy, laggy stuff until you try a real stereo stim and realize it was just your equipment. And the more high end the production, the worse it gets! The really good stereo stim stuff has dozens of harmonic frequencies that play and trickle around your parts which the 2B will just shriek at every now and then to let you know it hears something but doesn't understand it. Building a stim file for the 2B takes very specific tones and the file has to say "built for 2B" to be any use to you.

I built a stereo stim device first back in the 1990s, and then tried buying pro stuff when I could afford it, but the pro stuff just didn't keep up! The 2B and the other dead things in my closet all had good internal routines, but just didn't have the spark that the home made stereo stim did. The good news is that nowadays you can get professional stereo stim boxes for less than buying the right kit to bang up your own set. If you want to run the high end stereo stim files, get a good 2 channel stereo stim box and keep the 2B for when you just wanna play and/or blow your load!
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Re: New stimmer seeking 2B advice

Post by scottay »


Thank you SO much for your detailed responses! Both replies helped me tremendously, and basically confirmed what was going through my head.

I haven't messed with many of the pre-build routines, other than right after I bought it just to see what things felt like. It sounds like there might be some interesting options in there, perhaps I'll experiment. That said, my main goal is to play some of the finer crafted stim files, so I think I'll go on the hunt for a stereo stim box. Any recommendations for some pre-built options would be appreciated... I do also have a 3D printer and some electronics experience, so perhaps building my own would be fun... I can also keep experimenting with the 2B while I source and build thing to get more familiar with Estim in general.

Thanks again! Happy stimming.
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Re: New stimmer seeking 2B advice

Post by scottay »

I just wanted to provide an update... I had a chance to spend some time on another session, and I actually got really great results. One thing I did was update the 2B firmware to 2.126B. Doing this opened up a new Advanced Stereo mode which uses Output Maps... Surprisingly, after this update, my super low level "issue" was not the case any more. I was able to adjust the PC output volume quiet a bit higher, and I was able to get Channel A around 20%, and Channel B around 40%. After re-testing some of the same videos, I feel like this brought out a lot of the finer detail, and added some action to the "dead zones" I mentioned. It still wasn't perfect, but SO much better.

Another thing I experimented with more is the wiring of the electrodes. I discovered that using the second pole of the moaner instead of the ball loop was WAY better. Additionally, to cut down a bit on the harshness of the Head Loop (Channel A), I tried looping it twice instead of just once, and it really did seem to work. I had Channel A to the loop, Channel B to the second pole of the moaner, and Common to the prostate. I feel like this worked well because the rim of the Moaner was still hitting some of the same nerves as the base loop, and some additional ones, and made the Moaner actually operate the way it was designed (correctly if I'm wrong).

I also pushed the head loop down to the base (and insulated the top - not positive it was necessary in the config, but based on the anatomy research I've done, it seemed appropriate). This was actually really great because it allowed me to stimulate my head with my hand, which added sensation, and helped with some of the weird ED I get while stimming. Something I did noticed by doing this was while I was touching my head, some of the stim signal was lost to the loop, which makes sense. It was really fun to play with the contrast.

Between some config changes and the firmware update, I feel like I was getting pretty close to edging quite a few times. I know HFO with these things isn't something to expect while learning, so I'm very satisfied with this latest experience. If anyone else has any suggestions, I'm all ears!
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