Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by FattsDynamo »

meowww wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:16 pm
Responding to meowww's previous "state of the game" post ... (This is a "dev post" and contains spoilers to the game.)
Spoiler: show
1. Grammar
Addressed in DMs ...

2. Transition Text/Taunt on State Change
This basically is a left over from the time Succubi couldn´t talk,
Interesting ... well, now that I have gotten involved on the project, you won't be able to get them to shut up! :lol:
now with the Succubi being able to talk, it probably could be removed all together or be done in a much simpler way, like use a File called #StateTaunt and in said File there could be simple taunts that fit for everyone, like i don´t know "Time to be more serious" "i am not going to lose" etc. you know just simple stuff that says she is going to increase the heat and this Taunts then would randomly be choicen from #StateTaunt
This is the way. For what I have planned, I think this is how we should proceed ...

3. Edging

Yeah i did nag SuccubiHunter quite alot about it and i think our last stand on this, was to add it in as a chance, basically every Succubi would have a set chance based on Level to make you Edge (hence why every Succubi already has the variable for it in there scripts)

This way it wouldn´t happen to much and at the same time, it totally could fuck you over, to the point of where leveling "Rest" suddenly might be something to consider
So edging is tricky and potentially introduces ALL SORTS of various problems :-/ ... though I WOULD like to see it in the game! :-D :innocent:

This is not a bad solution, and I think it could work ... I've been thinking over the "problem with edging" since I have started playing ... Your above idea is not one I have considered ... it *is* pretty good, but ... I have some ideas as well ... I've got other shit I'm focused on right now, but ... at some point, I will drop a MASSIVE post with ideas for edging ... just not today. :blush: :innocent:
4. Difficulty

To my knowledge this already is work in progress
5. Games Pace

The biggest problem we have with that, is that there simply isn´t that much to do yet, like right now aside from meeting Katya there is no reason for you to ever go outside of the Forest
Hold up ... I was under the impression that different level succubi spawn in different areas ... is that not the case? I pretty much just get lvl 1 Succubi in the forest and occasionally lvl 3 ... in the hills, I have gotten mostly lvl 2 succubi, and level 3 and 4 seem to spawn with much more frequency in the arctic ... Also, the item search drops seem to differ by region as well ... My play experience first focused on the forest. Katya told me to stay out of the Savannah, so, I have not really ventured much there ... After I got strong enough to fight lvl 2s basically, I started exploring the hills. Only then did I encounter Melena. Not sure if that was region-based or time-based and just happened to coincide with me exploring that region, but ... based on my encounter with Katya, I just assumed there were some region-specific things going on, and that perhaps certain succubi were region locked—like Caprice to the forest ... not sure if that is the case, though ...
Basically at somepoint you end up with grinding ancient scrolls,
Spoiler: show
I haven't even gone on Melena's quest yet and haven't even dominated anyone yet ...
as well as grinding to grow stronger and that´s pretty much it, no real reason to actually go outside of the Forest, no NPC´s to meet, no Sidequests to do, only real reason to go to other places then the forest would be to visit the cities, but even then, you by that time already unlocked "fasttravel" removing that reason to
Oh ... I haven't even unlocked fast travel yet ... BRO—SPOILERS! :lol:

Wait, hold up ... I keep getting "Spell lusted", and I have looked at my "Lust.txt" file ... That number ONLY keeps going up, and I thought I saw something about "going insane" somewhere? I sort of just assumed that if the lust went high enough, I would lose or it would trigger some end sequence or series of events where I had to lower my lust or die—which would be an interesting mechanic for an open-ended game ... FOR SURE as my lust goes higher, I SWEAR the metronome is getting faster VERY slowly, so ... if that is all true, then there is a need to gather materials to get those lust reduction potions ...

I visited the western and northern cities just to see what was there. (I guess I'm RPing not going to the Savannah until I'm stronger in order to obey Katya's wishes. :innocent:) I half-expected the northern city to have been taken over by some succubi, so ... I guess I was a little surprised to gain entrance ... and also be able to almost INSTANTLY craft the most powerful armor in the game! :lol: I didn't try it, but ... apparently I can just trade for gold freely between it and the shit forest materials ... so ... yeah, I could craft myself gold armor right now if I wanted to, lol ...

I object to there being "no side quests" ... I've got one right now to go with Melena to raid the castle to get a buff ... I just haven't done it yet, because SH mentioned that there was a long edging section, and I am assuming that is it, and I want to give myself LOTS OF TIME to enjoy that, but ...

It's been interesting so far. I have NOT felt bored and still feel like there is more to explore and do ... I've looked at the files; I know eventually Guerlain becomes an ally, and there is a third media set with her that I have not yet seen and sure I will unlock ... There seem to be some stuff going on with Caprice, cause she gets stronger after I cum with her ... so, I've got that ...

There was a glitch I will report in more detail later, but something messed up, and one time after I did something with Caprice, I awoke in the castle and got locked into "Succubi training" and I could meet Tori, and I was like, "Uhh, something glitched" ... and leaving would just send me back to Caprice, but ... I got around it by just changing my location file from 0N0E ... had to do that for a few sessions, but ... I think it quit that bug and went back to normal (no longer "stuck in the castle") ... I'll report it in more detail later ...

But, I guess my point is that I am quite a few hours in ... haven't been counting, but ... maybe my playtime is around 15-ish hours? Not sure, but ... I haven't dominated anyone yet (won so much they cower before me or some shit--not exactly sure). Now, due to that bug, I can see that apparently Sasha is that actual "final game big bad" ... I'm assuming after I beat Tori or whatever, but ... even without that, there have been hints from Caprice and Melena that the castle succubi aren't all bad ... I have to level and get stronger ... I need to get strong enough to enter the castle ... I've got the Melena side quest ... I've got Katya in the south ... POSSIBLY this need to gather materials or go crazy ...

Yeah, it has been a little bit grindy, but ... it's a porn tease game ... you're SUPPOSED TO ENJOY THE GRIND! :lol: And, the variety has been pretty good ... I have seen some succubi videos twice, but ... I KNOW there are LOTS of succubi I just haven't even encountered yet, and I'm guessing it is because I have not spent much time in the north, west, or south (but maybe I'm wrong about region-locked succubi) ...

I was a bit disappointed that all the towns had to offer was an apothecary and armor, but ... I had other stuff going on and things to do and explore and storylines to unravel ... the game is still in development, so ... the towns just provide another option for development ...

We can discuss more later, but ... right now, I am VERY pleased with the experience, enjoying the game, enjoying the world ... yeah, maybe a BIT more could be done, but ... I'm pretty invested in the game/story/plot ... seeing my character grow and power up is a part of that ... It's a VERY good game, and I'm having a good time. :-D :w00t:

If I hit a wall and start getting bored, I'll let you know, but ... I have NOT YET reached that point :-D ...

My stats are:
Attack 5
Defense 5 (no upgrades)
Health 16
Heal lvl 2 (heals frigging 8—that might be OP! :lol:)
Dispel lvl 1
Reflect 0

Not sure what reflect does, but ... looking forward to discovering that! :w00t:

Perhaps I am still early enough in that it still feels exciting and like I have stuff to do ... maybe in 10-15 more hours it will start to feel boring and like a grind, but ... fighting the higher level succubi will be interesting and I'm sure building up my character to the point where I can fight them will continue to be fun and satisfying ...

Earlier, I was concerned with game length being too long, but ... at this point, I am NOT AT ALL BORED and enjoying both the story AND the pace. :yes: :-D 8-)
6.Character development

As far as i know, there isn´t any real Character development, but there are a few different Personalities for Succubi, the thing is we haven´t really done anything with them yet :lol:
That's about to change :-D ... when you read my next post, you'll see :whistle: :innocent: ...
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by FattsDynamo »

meowww wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:16 pm 6.Character development

As far as i know, there isn´t any real Character development, but there are a few different Personalities for Succubi, the thing is we haven´t really done anything with them yet :lol:
So, this post is mostly for meowww (and SH if you have time) ...

Last night, I brainstormed a list of possible personalities. Tonight, I wrote short descriptions for each of them. 8-)

So far, I have just been working on a general list of taunts, but, I think pretty soon here I will start writing personality specific taunts. :w00t: "SuccubiPersonality" is a variable that is already in the game. I'm pretty sure I can just tag it in the #Taunt files to generate personality-specific taunts. We'll need to update/change some of the succubi personalities to make it work, but ... if it all works as I think it will, we should be able to roll this out in stages without too much trouble even while SH is gone. :-D

So, meowww—you're the media guy. :yes: :look: I'm assuming you've seen all of the videos and had a big hand in determining time stamps ... I have been slowly playing through the game and haven't seen even half of the succubi yet. :-O Here's what I need from you: Below is a list of 20+ possible succubi personalities and their descriptions. With what you know about the girls and their videos, please make suggestions about which models you think would work well with which personalities.

Now, I have a LOT of experience doing this myself for sets I have written for the "Help Me Cum Please" thread. For that, I generally start with a model and a photo set. You get certain feelings about the girl from the photo set, and you can take some of her nonverbal language, read between the lines a bit, and develop a personality and dialogue that meshes with the pictures ... and if you're good, you'll create the impression that the model is having a direct encounter with the player.

Basic stuff is if the model smiles constantly, then she's probably more on the "nice" or "sweet" side ... it usually doesn't make sense to give those models a "dominant" or "harsh" personality ... likewise, a model that rarely smiles can more easily be written as "intense" or "smoldering" or "mean."

To give you an example ...
Spoiler: show
... here's a set I wrote for Milofaul under my "LeeroyJerkins" alias that features five different girls each with a distinct personality. The way HMC teases work, is that they are written for a player who has specific rules. Depending on the rules, you will complete various tasks for each picture, generally stroking or edging a certain number of times for certain things (like hair color or body parts). I wrote this set for Milofaul based on the rules he posted here. His rules are actually quite basic and shouldn't involve an inordinate amount of stroking or edging. Also, I'm pretty sure you guys have similar taste in models, so ... I think this set should actually be playable for you using his rules, but ... feel free to modify them (e.g. more strokes or more edges for other body parts). And if you don't like the CBT stuff, I think it's only really featured in one scene, and you can just ignore those rules ...

When I was active on the HMC thread as "Leeroy," I tried to keep my rules pretty basic: stroke 50 times per pic and edge for ass. Some guys need a separate monitor to display their rules while they play, but ... with a simple rule set, that's not necessary. The tease was written for Milofaul, so ... if you don't keep his "edge for pussy" rule, a little something will be lost, but ... if you're an edgeslut, feel free to add more edges :blush: ...

... and that's just if you want to actually "play" the set. You don't have to. :innocent: Mostly, I just wanted to show you what I meant about matching the model with dialogue ...
Anyway, my normal process is to do everything myself, but ... you and SH have done SUCH a great job of picking the models and choosing killer timestamps ... Believe me—I *understand* the effort involved there! :lol: So, I want to add on to that existing work, and the easiest way I could think of to do that is to come up with these personalities and then sort of tack them onto the existing succubi. :-D :yes:

And that's where YOU come in! :w00t: You know these girls and videos intimately ... it would take me a LOT of work and effort to pick up the vibe of the girls and videos and craft a bespoke personality for each of them ... BUT ... I think you can pick from this (rather lengthy) list of personalities that fit the existing girls, and as long as the video/model matches the personality, I can write the accompanying taunts and dialogue WITHOUT EVEN HAVING SEEN THE VIDEOS! :-O :-D
Spoiler: show
Again, if I was doing this myself, I would select my own models and time stamps and craft a unique personality for the girl (and when I get around to "making my own succubi", that's what I'll do ;-)), but ... I think this could be a REALLY effective way of doing it while ALSO building on all of the hard work you and SH did! :yes: Also, having this bank of personalities tied to taunts means that others can more easily create succubi by choosing a video, setting the timestamps, and choosing a matching personality if they don't want to spend the time writing all the taunts.
Now, we do NOT have to use all of the personalities, and we can ALSO use personalities more than once. I spent some time on those descriptions, so ... it should be pretty clear the idea that I am going for ... I just need you to pick girls that match ... and if a personality has no good matches, then we don't have to use it. AND ... perhaps some of the unused personalities give you inspiration for finding more videos/succubi? :innocent: I don't know, but ... I think this is a good place to start, annnnnnnnnnddd ... we don't need to knock it all out at once ... We can release these in stages a few at a time, so, without further ado ...

The Proposed Succubi Personalities:
Spoiler: show
This succubi is peppy, upbeat, and kind of adorable … Even though she's attacking the player, her speech is friendly and not aggressive. Her taunts are mostly sweet, but she can also be very mischevious and teasing …

This succubus wants the fight to be INTENSE. She wants both the player and herself to have a good time. She wants to GO, GO, GO! She's neither combative nor affectionate in her tone … She's most interested in having a memorable, strenuous encounter.

This succubus enjoys taunting and teasing the player. She's very playful. She wants to win, and she's going to gloat over her impending victory while making sarcastic wisecracks. She's aggressive though not mean and wants to give herself an advantage by getting into the player's head with her relentless teasing.

This succubus is very kind. She's friendly and cares about the player's wellbeing. She wants him to have a good time and a pleasurable experience. She's not overly apologetic—just very nice. She "has to feed," so she's not sorry for attacking the player. The intention behind her teasing is to arouse the player to amplify his enjoyment.

This succubus takes charge. She's not necessarily mean or insulting, but she's very demanding. She's a domme with high expectations and standards. She's intense and doesn't hold back. She'll flaunt that she is in control and imply in various ways that the player enjoys being submissive under her control.

This succubus is mean. She's insulting, and she doesn't care. The player is trash, not worthy of offering his disgusting cum to her—though she'll take it anyway. She has no respect for the player and looks forward to dominating him.

This succubi has a code of honor. She speaks as a knight or samurai of old, commenting on the battle. She wishes to fight fair and hopes for a memorable fight.

This succubi is a sadist. She enjoys inflicting pain on her victim. Where "harsh" was interested in the power dynamic, "cruel" is on a search to discover new ways to heighten displeasure. She is a tormentor without conscience.

This succubus is such a tease! She's fun, and wants to maximize the fun for the both of you. She's less selfish than "sassy." "Cute" wants to be the center of attention. "Playful" is more interested in, invested with, and entertained by your exchanges.

This succubus just wants to get off SO BAD! All she cares about is cumming. She wishes to arouse and excite the player—but only because that will get her even closer to cumming. Her taunts will focus on her own arousal, begging to cum, being impatient to cum, and asking the player to go hard and excite her even further.

This succubus has a dirty mind. She wants to shock and intimidate the player with her foul language and filthy sex talk.

This succubus is a true romantic. In her head, the player is a suitor fully enamored with her, seeking her affection. She wishes to turn their encounter into a tale of epic romance, one filled with passion and excitement, desire, hesitation towards the advances, and pursuit.

This succubus doesn't want to be here. She's nervous and unsure of herself. She's not quite sure what to do. She doesn't want to fight but knows she has to. She's very embarrassed by the teasing she has to do to win and is concerned about hurting the player.

This succubus knows she's an "it girl." She has it all, and she's not afraid to let the player know. She knows she is going to win, and she knows she is WAAAAYY out of the player's league. She's not necessarily vain but overconfident. A little dominant—friendly, and not holding back ...

This succubus wants to win. She is going to one-up you at every turn. She's going to taunt you and explain how you don't stand a chance against her.

This succubus is naïve. She's either ditzy or just never got the proper training. She doesn't know what she's doing or what is going on. She's never teased a man before. She's clueless. It's like she was born yesterday. Every action is a new discovery. (Might need to change taunts to demonstrate "more experience" with encounter number.)

This succubus is focused on maximizing the player's arousal. Where other succubi are often focused on themselves in some regard or other dimensions of the encounter and have additional goals, "teasing" is solely focused on exciting the player. Her only objective is the teasing and to make him pop as soon as possible.

This succubus is cold. She seems kind of preoccupied with other things. She's aloof and slightly disdainful of the player. Fighting is an inconvenience. She's not really invested in the outcome of the fight. She ignores the player and doesn't really care much about what is going on.

This succubus has to be here but doesn't want to be. Fighting the player is a HUGE inconvenience. She's bratty, disrespectful, whiny, and disinterested.

This succubus genuinely cares. She's very kind and warm, completely focused on the player's pleasure. She is polite and unselfish, desiring strongly to meet his needs. Loving is too focused on taking care of the player to consciously say anything that is "flirty" or "teasing."

This succubus wants to be dominated. She teases by saying all of the things she would like the player to do to her and all of the things she wishes she could do for the player. She begs to cum and constantly comments on her rising level of arousal while seeking affirmation from the player.

This succubus is a MILF. She acts like she's your mom—caring, affectionate, a bit too smothering … but she wants to make you cum. She's focused on you and pleasing you and is convinced you're too weak and won't make it without her support.
So, yeah, you guys have like 60+ succubi ... I don't have time to watch all of those videos (at least not all at once! :lol: but GRADUALLY I will—as I play through the game :blush:), but ... You tell me which matches are locks, and we can start with those, and I can even watch some of the videos ... Writing general taunts has been ... okay, but ... I'm a character-focused writer. Once I have a personality in mind, the taunts will become MUCH more easy to write ... and right now, they are all just random and not focused on a theme ... THIS will take the encounters up a notch—you'll see! :-D 8-)

And if you have ideas for a personality, let me know! :yes: ... Ideally, I would write a unique set of taunts for each model, but ... yeah with 60 models, that will be a LOT of time, so ... I figure there is MORE than enough to get started! :lol: And ALSO some taunts can be used multiple times for various personalities, so ... while I'd rather have EVERY phrase unique ... we can cut a few corners ;-)—especially to start! :yes:

Looking forward to your response on all of this! :w00t: :-D :whistle: 8-)
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by meowww »

Just put everything in Spoiler, cause imma lazy :lol:
Spoiler: show
1. Grammar
Addressed in DMs ...

2. Transition Text/Taunt on State Change
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 am Interesting ... well, now that I have gotten involved on the project, you won't be able to get them to shut up! :lol:
Not that i mind, but i totally could make them shut up, i could just add mute Succubi :lol:
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 amThis is the way. For what I have planned, I think this is how we should proceed ...
That´s what i am thinking, but given that i will rework the Succubi one more time, it doesn´t make much sense to do it now
3. Edging
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 amSo edging is tricky and potentially introduces ALL SORTS of various problems :-/ ... though I WOULD like to see it in the game! :-D :innocent:
You aren´t alone on that...
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 amThis is not a bad solution, and I think it could work ... I've been thinking over the "problem with edging" since I have started playing ... Your above idea is not one I have considered ... it *is* pretty good, but ... I have some ideas as well ... I've got other shit I'm focused on right now, but ... at some point, I will drop a MASSIVE post with ideas for edging ... just not today. :blush: :innocent:
Go ahead, more solutions are always welcome, edging is kinda hard to balance in SH :lol:
5. Games Pace
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 amHold up ...
Not going to go into the detail of everything, but with the exception of Katya/Ariel/Caprice, you basically can encounter every Succubi everywhere, obviously encountering a Level 4 in the Forest is super rare, but it is possible

FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 am Whoa—spoilers!
This isn´t much of a Spoiler, i didn´t tell you what you need it for, what it does or anything, just that you will need it and even then depending on your choices this might not be true :lol:
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 am I haven't even gone on Melena's quest yet and haven't even dominated anyone yet ...
i havent done that either, mostly cause i end up resetting the Game for some reason before i get to do it, juts like i will do now moving over to using the Dev Version :lol:
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 amOh ... I haven't even unlocked fast travel yet ... BRO—SPOILERS! :lol:
Ok that might be a Spoiler, just a tiny one though :whistle:
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 amf that is all true, then there is a need to gather materials to get those lust reduction potions ...
To my knowledge there indeed might be a Reason to get Lust reduction Potions, but that´s not what i am talking about :rolleyes:

FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 amI visited the western and northern cities just to see what was there.
That´s you just RPing, still not what i am talking about :lol:
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:44 amIf I hit a wall and start getting bored, I'll let you know, but ... I have NOT YET reached that point :-D ...
To much Text to answer it all, point is, i am specifically talking about the Story, you clearly aren´t there yet, also you do alot of things out of curiousity, what is great btw.

But as of now the Story itself for the majority is focused on the Forest, would be great if the Story itself would give you reason to go outside of it, that really is all i am talking about, also shouldn´t be hard to change, all we need are a few Story Reason to go to other places, like there is a mechanic that doesn´t exist yet, therefor i am not talking about it, but a way of deactivating it could be to move to a specific region and fight someone there or there could be a rumor of an Armor/Weapon in a specific region etc.

That said, with how many times i have restarted the Game, it might just be a me thing of thinking there isn´t enough to do :lol:
As for the Personality Part, will go into it another time
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by FattsDynamo »

meowww wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:23 pm
Spoiler: show
Not that i mind, but i totally could make them shut up, i could just add mute Succubi :lol:
Haha—touche! :lol:
Go ahead, more solutions are always welcome, edging is kinda hard to balance in SH :lol:
100% :yes:

itslate incorporated edges into The Cursed Ascent VERY well ... He did it as part of powered-up, special attacks, so ... that basically made them mandatory in order to defeat your opponents ... There was also metronome stroking ...

Gosh, I think I played The Cursed Ascent in two sittings ... the first one I had a LOT of free time :lol: and in six hours went from the start to the final boss, but ... then I ended up saying "aww screw it" and came for the final boss once I realized how much longer it was going to take to beat her! :lol: :blush: :innocent: So, then I wrapped it up during a second session the next day :whistle: ...

But, that approach *requires* edging, and ... I feel like the whole approach/vibe to SHRPG is to AVOID cumming, fight the succubi, endure the encounters, and make them cum first! Also, people's edging stamina is ALL OVER THE PLACE :lol: ... I know some guys who can edge HUNDREDS of times in a single session ... and then there are dudes like SH who don't even want to edge at all! :lol: And my thinking is to make edging optional—that is going to make the game more accessible to the most players ... and then, I think you ALSO want to scale it to accommodate various levels of endurance ...

When I started visiting this site about 5 years ago, I did this one tease "24" that required 24 edges ... I think it took me about 2 hours to complete, and it felt SUPER INTENSE at the time :w00t: ... Now, after playing on the HMC thread for a year, I could probably do 24 edges in 30 minutes ... and then another 24 in the next 30! :lol: To be fair, that would be a pretty intense session for me, but ... yeah, I know guys where that would just be a warm-up for them :blush: ... So, I'm all about coming up with a solution that scales and is also optional. I think having edging be an option that can be turned on in perhaps a few different levels of intensity ... something like that I think is the goal ...

... but, I'll save my ideas for edging for another time. :lol: This was actually just an introduction to all of the many thoughts and ideas I have about it! :lol:
I was only being half serious, meowww! :innocent: No worries ... you actually didn't spoil anything major that various bugs haven't already spoiled for me worse! :lol:

And I guess at this point I'm a "dev", too ... I've been rooting around in the game files ... Mostly I try not to "peek" but ... sometimes I just get curious, and sometimes I see things because I'm trying to figure out how stuff works ... it's no big deal. :-)
But as of now the Story itself for the majority is focused on the Forest, would be great if the Story itself would give you reason to go outside of it, that really is all i am talking about, also shouldn´t be hard to change,
Oh, for sure—it'd be simple to add ...

I'm an idea guy ... I have NO PROBLEM coming up with ideas! :lol: The problem is finding the time to implement them all! :weep: That's usually the issue I run into. :\'-(

No, FOR SURE I have ideas of things to add, but ... This is SH's baby ... 1) I haven't even finished the game; 2) I don't want to overstep ... I feel like my role right now is to enjoy the game and provide feedback ... and THEN—once I finish—hear what sort of things he has planned, and THEN—at that point—start suggesting some ideas, but ... for sure: additional story, quests, and encounters can be added ...
That said, with how many times i have restarted the Game, it might just be a me thing of thinking there isn´t enough to do :lol:
No, honestly, I think that is EXACTLY it! :yes:

Which is why I want to really take my time and enjoy it and offer feedback and perspective as a new player ... because you can only enjoy a game once for the first time.

You've been working on this project for months now, so ... it TOTALLY makes sense for you to feel like "there isn't much to do," but ... That's why I am HAPPY to report that, no, as a new player, I am NOT getting that sense. :no: The game and world feels REALLY rich and full—and it's because you guys have done such a FANTASTIC job on it. :yes:

And most teases I would have completed by now ... There is a LOT of content here ... I'm probably just 30% of the way through the game ...

BUT ... one of the reasons I'd like to get my work on the personalities completed is to give you and SH some "new" and extra content—add something to the experience! :lol:
As for the Personality Part, will go into it another time
Fair enough ... and no rush on that either, mate! 8-)

I've actually spent WAY too much time obsessed with SH this past week or so, lol ... if you slow down, then that means I CAN'T overinvest, lol—which is good ... There's probably other things I should be working on instead of this! :look: :lol: So, take your time and get back at me when you get back at me! ;-)
Currently playing: Help Me Cum Please! v2My Rules
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

Just some random thoughts before I go on leave

This is mostly for Fatts but for Meowww's awareness and I suppose anyone who wants to get involved

I have to say that I'm finding the improved taunts very encouraging so I was putting my head around how to make similar changes.

@Fatts - Are you interested in writing multi-line taunts?

Here are few things you may not be aware of.

The vocabulary file can call multi-line scripts. If we call a random file in a directory we can create additional randomness e.g.
- @Variable{SuccubiPersonality]=[Sweet] @CallReturn[Custom\Taunts\AttackTaunts\Sweet\*.*]
Doing this would stuff up the metronome cycles especially the on/off cycles involved in the attack cycle but with a few minor tweaks to the standard scripts and inserting some command lines into these multi-line taunts I could fix this. If you wanted to write multi line taunts this is something you could do while I'm away and Meowww is fixing grammar and spelling

There are two other places we could increase the interaction and develop the succubi personality

At the start of each battle there is a static line the succubi speaks to you in the mediasetattribute file, we could
- Manually write multi-line scripts in each mediasetattribute file. Once Meowww has done his spell check you could take this on
- change the static line to a multi line variable script based on the succubi personality. You could start writing these now for implementation later, you could do multiple for each personality and combined with using vocabulary for words would make it truly dynamic
--- @Variable{SuccubiPersonality]=[Sweet] @CallReturn[Custom\Taunts\IntroductionTaunts\Sweet\*.*]

During battle there is a line the succubi says when she changes state in the changeimagecheck file, this typically relates to an action she is doing like starting to masturbate or removing her top. This would be harder to base on personality or flag as it really relates to the first few seconds of the video section the media is changing too, we could
- Manually write multi-line scripts in each changeimagecheck file. This is probably easier than using vocabulary and once Meowww has done his spell check you could take this on
- Create vocabulary files linked to multi-line scripts that could be chosen linked to an action e.g
--- @Variable{SuccubiPersonality]=[Sweet] @CallReturn[Custom\Taunts\StartMasturbating\Sweet\*.*]
--- @Variable{SuccubiPersonality]=[Aggressive] @CallReturn[Custom\Taunts\StartMasturbating\Aggressive\*.*]
The problem with this approach is it takes LOTS of scripts as there will be a lot of changes possible. It would be possible to remove the variable of personality as this just multiplies the scripts to write and could be partially handled vocabulary words

Anyway just some random thoughts on how the taunting interaction could be improved
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

That's one hell of a list of personalities and I love the idea, my first thoughts were that we may need to merge some to cut it down if we adopt some of my ideas in the above.

This many will work with straight single line vocabulary taunts as you can add a single taunt to be suitable for multiple personalities but the idea of using folders for scripts based on personality would make having this many lot of work. However the investment would be fantastic and add massive depth

Perhaps we can implement but temporarily merge into a sort of master-class ie. cute, sweet, playful and loving all get directed to the same multi-line taunts and interactions until the sub-classes are ready.
FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:20 pm The Proposed Succubi Personalities:
Spoiler: show
This succubi is peppy, upbeat, and kind of adorable … Even though she's attacking the player, her speech is friendly and not aggressive. Her taunts are mostly sweet, but she can also be very mischevious and teasing …

This succubus wants the fight to be INTENSE. She wants both the player and herself to have a good time. She wants to GO, GO, GO! She's neither combative nor affectionate in her tone … She's most interested in having a memorable, strenuous encounter.

This succubus enjoys taunting and teasing the player. She's very playful. She wants to win, and she's going to gloat over her impending victory while making sarcastic wisecracks. She's aggressive though not mean and wants to give herself an advantage by getting into the player's head with her relentless teasing.

This succubus is very kind. She's friendly and cares about the player's wellbeing. She wants him to have a good time and a pleasurable experience. She's not overly apologetic—just very nice. She "has to feed," so she's not sorry for attacking the player. The intention behind her teasing is to arouse the player to amplify his enjoyment.

This succubus takes charge. She's not necessarily mean or insulting, but she's very demanding. She's a domme with high expectations and standards. She's intense and doesn't hold back. She'll flaunt that she is in control and imply in various ways that the player enjoys being submissive under her control.

This succubus is mean. She's insulting, and she doesn't care. The player is trash, not worthy of offering his disgusting cum to her—though she'll take it anyway. She has no respect for the player and looks forward to dominating him.

This succubi has a code of honor. She speaks as a knight or samurai of old, commenting on the battle. She wishes to fight fair and hopes for a memorable fight.

This succubi is a sadist. She enjoys inflicting pain on her victim. Where "harsh" was interested in the power dynamic, "cruel" is on a search to discover new ways to heighten displeasure. She is a tormentor without conscience.

This succubus is such a tease! She's fun, and wants to maximize the fun for the both of you. She's less selfish than "sassy." "Cute" wants to be the center of attention. "Playful" is more interested in, invested with, and entertained by your exchanges.

This succubus just wants to get off SO BAD! All she cares about is cumming. She wishes to arouse and excite the player—but only because that will get her even closer to cumming. Her taunts will focus on her own arousal, begging to cum, being impatient to cum, and asking the player to go hard and excite her even further.

This succubus has a dirty mind. She wants to shock and intimidate the player with her foul language and filthy sex talk.

This succubus is a true romantic. In her head, the player is a suitor fully enamored with her, seeking her affection. She wishes to turn their encounter into a tale of epic romance, one filled with passion and excitement, desire, hesitation towards the advances, and pursuit.

This succubus doesn't want to be here. She's nervous and unsure of herself. She's not quite sure what to do. She doesn't want to fight but knows she has to. She's very embarrassed by the teasing she has to do to win and is concerned about hurting the player.

This succubus knows she's an "it girl." She has it all, and she's not afraid to let the player know. She knows she is going to win, and she knows she is WAAAAYY out of the player's league. She's not necessarily vain but overconfident. A little dominant—friendly, and not holding back ...

This succubus wants to win. She is going to one-up you at every turn. She's going to taunt you and explain how you don't stand a chance against her.

This succubus is naïve. She's either ditzy or just never got the proper training. She doesn't know what she's doing or what is going on. She's never teased a man before. She's clueless. It's like she was born yesterday. Every action is a new discovery. (Might need to change taunts to demonstrate "more experience" with encounter number.)

This succubus is focused on maximizing the player's arousal. Where other succubi are often focused on themselves in some regard or other dimensions of the encounter and have additional goals, "teasing" is solely focused on exciting the player. Her only objective is the teasing and to make him pop as soon as possible.

This succubus is cold. She seems kind of preoccupied with other things. She's aloof and slightly disdainful of the player. Fighting is an inconvenience. She's not really invested in the outcome of the fight. She ignores the player and doesn't really care much about what is going on.

This succubus has to be here but doesn't want to be. Fighting the player is a HUGE inconvenience. She's bratty, disrespectful, whiny, and disinterested.

This succubus genuinely cares. She's very kind and warm, completely focused on the player's pleasure. She is polite and unselfish, desiring strongly to meet his needs. Loving is too focused on taking care of the player to consciously say anything that is "flirty" or "teasing."

This succubus wants to be dominated. She teases by saying all of the things she would like the player to do to her and all of the things she wishes she could do for the player. She begs to cum and constantly comments on her rising level of arousal while seeking affirmation from the player.

This succubus is a MILF. She acts like she's your mom—caring, affectionate, a bit too smothering … but she wants to make you cum. She's focused on you and pleasing you and is convinced you're too weak and won't make it without her support.
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

Great work with the personalities - I would be very interested in your thoughts and contribution to the hero kink system I am working on

Here is the script as it exists at the moment - please note that at the moment it is based on the more rudimentary personalities we use right now
Spoiler: show
@SystemMessage Kinks are not yet implemented but will be coming soon
@SystemMessage Selecting your kinks now will allow you to continue your current game when implemented
@SystemMessage You will have to select 4 kinks
@SystemMessage You can select more but this will make the game incredibly difficult
@SystemMessage You can select the same kink multiple times but this will make tasks that involve this kink very difficult
@SystemMessage Select your kink
@SystemMessage System: 1 - Feet - will increase your stroke time when media is labeled to focus on feet and will enable a kink attack based on a foot fetish @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 2 - Ass - will increase your stroke time when media is labeled to focus on Asses @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 3 - Breasts - will increase your stroke time when media is labeled to focus on Breasts and when recieveing a tit job @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 4 - Pussy - will increase your stroke time when media is labeled to focus on Pussy @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 5 - Masturbation - will increase your stroke time when media is labeled to identify that the succubi is masturbating @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 6 - Edging - will enable a special kink attack that makes you edge @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 7 - CBT - will enable a special kink attack that starts a CBT script and increases your arousal @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 8 - Restraint - will enable a special kink attack that starts a restraint script and increases your arousal @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 9 - Anal - will enable a special kink attack that starts a anal penetration script and increases your arousal @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 10 - Chastity - will enable a special kink attack that places you in a chastity cage for the remainder of the encounter and apples a vibrator for stimulation @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 11 - Blowjob - will increase your stroke time when a succubi is giving you a blowjob @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 12 - Slow teasing blowjob - will not alter a standard blowjob but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is giving you a slow teasing blowjob @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 13 - Deep Throat blowjob - will not alter a standard blowjob but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is giving you a Deep throat blowjob @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 14 - Handjob - will increase your stroke time when a succubi is giving you a Handjob @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 15 - Teasing Handjob - will not alter a standard handjob but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is giving you a slow teasing handjob @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 16 - Rough handjob - will not alter a standard handjob but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is giving you a rough fast handjob @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 17 - Fucking - will increase your stroke time when a succubi is fucking you @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 18 - Cowgirl - will not alter other types of fucking positions but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is fucking you cowgirl style @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 19 - Reverse Cowgirl - will not alter other types of fucking positions but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is fucking you reverse cowgirl style @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 20 - Missionary - will not alter other types of fucking positions but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is fucking you missionary style @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 21 - Doggy - will not alter other types of fucking positions but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is fucking you doggy style @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 22 - 69 - will not alter other types of fucking positions but will significantly alter your stroke time when a succubi is fucking you 69 style @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 23 - Personality Loving - Will increase your stroke time when the succubi has a loving personality @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 24 - Personality Dominating - Will increase your stroke time when the succubi has a dominating personality @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 25 - Personality Sadistic - Will increase your stroke time when the succubi is sadistic @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 26 - Personality Aggressive - Will increase your stroke time when the succubi behaves aggressively toward you @RapidCodeOn
@SystemMessage System: 27 - Personality Horny - Will increase your stroke time when the succubi is horny and wants both of you to cum @RapidCodeOn
[1] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkFeet]=[KinkFeet]+[4]
[2] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkAss]=[KinkFeet]+[1]
[3] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkBreasts]=[KinkBreasts]+[1]
[4] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkPussy]=[KinkPussy]+[1]
[5] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkMasturbation]=[KinkMasturbation]+[1]
[6] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkEdging]=[KinkEdging]+[1]
[7] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkCBT]=[KinkCBT]+[1]
[8] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkRestraint]=[KinkRestraint]+[1]
[9] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkAnal]=[KinkAnal]+[1]
[10] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkChastity]=[KinkChastity]+[1]
[11] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkBlowjob]=[KinkBlowjob]+[1]
[12] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkSlowblowjob]=[KinkSlowblowjob]+[4]
[13] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkDeepThroatblowjob]=[KinkDeepThroatblowjob]+[4]
[14] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkHandjob]=[KinkHandjob]+[1]
[15] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkTeasingHandjob]=[KinkTeasingHandjob]+[4]
[16] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkRoughhandjob]=[KinkRoughhandjob]+[4]
[17] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkFucking]=[KinkFucking]+[1]
[18] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkCowgirl]=[KinkCowgirl]+[4]
[19] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkReverseCowgirl]=[KinkReverseCowgirl]+[4]
[20] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkMissionalry]=[KinkMissionalry]+[4]
[21] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkDoggy]=[KinkDoggy]+[4]
[22] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[Kink69]=[Kink69]+[4]
[23] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkLoving]=[KinkLoving]+[1]
[24] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkDominating]=[KinkDominating]+[1]
[25] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkSadistic]=[KinkSadistic]+[1]
[26] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkAgressive]=[KinkAgressive]+[1]
[27] @NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkHorny]=[KinkHorny]+[1]
@DifferentAnswer @SystemMessage Invalid response please enter a valid response @LoopAnswer
@NullResponse @ChangeVar[KinkLoopCounter]=[KinkLoopCounter]+[1]
@NullResponse @If[KinkLoopCounter]>[3]Then(OfferKink)
@SystemMessage Choose another kink @Goto(KinkLookMenu)
Would you like to choose another kink
1 - Yes
2 - No
[1] @NullResponse @Goto(KinkLookMenu)
[2] @NullResponse @Goto(Start)
@DifferentAnswer @SystemMessage Invalid response please enter a valid response @LoopAnswer

FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:20 pm The Proposed Succubi Personalities:
Spoiler: show
This succubi is peppy, upbeat, and kind of adorable … Even though she's attacking the player, her speech is friendly and not aggressive. Her taunts are mostly sweet, but she can also be very mischevious and teasing …

This succubus wants the fight to be INTENSE. She wants both the player and herself to have a good time. She wants to GO, GO, GO! She's neither combative nor affectionate in her tone … She's most interested in having a memorable, strenuous encounter.

This succubus enjoys taunting and teasing the player. She's very playful. She wants to win, and she's going to gloat over her impending victory while making sarcastic wisecracks. She's aggressive though not mean and wants to give herself an advantage by getting into the player's head with her relentless teasing.

This succubus is very kind. She's friendly and cares about the player's wellbeing. She wants him to have a good time and a pleasurable experience. She's not overly apologetic—just very nice. She "has to feed," so she's not sorry for attacking the player. The intention behind her teasing is to arouse the player to amplify his enjoyment.

This succubus takes charge. She's not necessarily mean or insulting, but she's very demanding. She's a domme with high expectations and standards. She's intense and doesn't hold back. She'll flaunt that she is in control and imply in various ways that the player enjoys being submissive under her control.

This succubus is mean. She's insulting, and she doesn't care. The player is trash, not worthy of offering his disgusting cum to her—though she'll take it anyway. She has no respect for the player and looks forward to dominating him.

This succubi has a code of honor. She speaks as a knight or samurai of old, commenting on the battle. She wishes to fight fair and hopes for a memorable fight.

This succubi is a sadist. She enjoys inflicting pain on her victim. Where "harsh" was interested in the power dynamic, "cruel" is on a search to discover new ways to heighten displeasure. She is a tormentor without conscience.

This succubus is such a tease! She's fun, and wants to maximize the fun for the both of you. She's less selfish than "sassy." "Cute" wants to be the center of attention. "Playful" is more interested in, invested with, and entertained by your exchanges.

This succubus just wants to get off SO BAD! All she cares about is cumming. She wishes to arouse and excite the player—but only because that will get her even closer to cumming. Her taunts will focus on her own arousal, begging to cum, being impatient to cum, and asking the player to go hard and excite her even further.

This succubus has a dirty mind. She wants to shock and intimidate the player with her foul language and filthy sex talk.

This succubus is a true romantic. In her head, the player is a suitor fully enamored with her, seeking her affection. She wishes to turn their encounter into a tale of epic romance, one filled with passion and excitement, desire, hesitation towards the advances, and pursuit.

This succubus doesn't want to be here. She's nervous and unsure of herself. She's not quite sure what to do. She doesn't want to fight but knows she has to. She's very embarrassed by the teasing she has to do to win and is concerned about hurting the player.

This succubus knows she's an "it girl." She has it all, and she's not afraid to let the player know. She knows she is going to win, and she knows she is WAAAAYY out of the player's league. She's not necessarily vain but overconfident. A little dominant—friendly, and not holding back ...

This succubus wants to win. She is going to one-up you at every turn. She's going to taunt you and explain how you don't stand a chance against her.

This succubus is naïve. She's either ditzy or just never got the proper training. She doesn't know what she's doing or what is going on. She's never teased a man before. She's clueless. It's like she was born yesterday. Every action is a new discovery. (Might need to change taunts to demonstrate "more experience" with encounter number.)

This succubus is focused on maximizing the player's arousal. Where other succubi are often focused on themselves in some regard or other dimensions of the encounter and have additional goals, "teasing" is solely focused on exciting the player. Her only objective is the teasing and to make him pop as soon as possible.

This succubus is cold. She seems kind of preoccupied with other things. She's aloof and slightly disdainful of the player. Fighting is an inconvenience. She's not really invested in the outcome of the fight. She ignores the player and doesn't really care much about what is going on.

This succubus has to be here but doesn't want to be. Fighting the player is a HUGE inconvenience. She's bratty, disrespectful, whiny, and disinterested.

This succubus genuinely cares. She's very kind and warm, completely focused on the player's pleasure. She is polite and unselfish, desiring strongly to meet his needs. Loving is too focused on taking care of the player to consciously say anything that is "flirty" or "teasing."

This succubus wants to be dominated. She teases by saying all of the things she would like the player to do to her and all of the things she wishes she could do for the player. She begs to cum and constantly comments on her rising level of arousal while seeking affirmation from the player.

This succubus is a MILF. She acts like she's your mom—caring, affectionate, a bit too smothering … but she wants to make you cum. She's focused on you and pleasing you and is convinced you're too weak and won't make it without her support.
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by meowww »

FattsDynamo wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:20 pm
Finally looked into the Personalities and this looks interesting, should you manage to do all of them and have them feel as different as the description makes them sound, this alone should give quite the variety to the game itself :-P

There also are quit a few that could mix and match on different Mediasets for the same Succubi, giving her somewhat of a mood on top of the Personality itself, like for example a overall" Subby" Succubus, still could be Playful, Loving etc.
While an overall Dominant one, still could be Competive, Lewd etc.

That said there is one Personality i absolutly hate (Matron), but this is a me thing, i just don´t get this whole "Mom" thing :lol:
SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:53 am
i wonder if stimulate could be somewhat based on the Personalities too, like if she is Playful, the overall metronome speed never will be fast with her, but the amount of time will be long, where as an another example a Competive one could always have a rather fast metronome speed, but the amount of time being shorter, one maybe even could have intervals of stroking (i think i read about this being a thing for Awakening)

As for Kinks you may already have a bit to many :lol:

If i remember right you wanted the Player to choice 4

In this case we may want to Group up quite a few Kinks that are similiar, for example:

Ass,Pussy,Breast,Feet, basically every Succubi is applicable for all of them, they all will increase Stroke timing, so how about instead of this 4 we have just One Kink (Nude?), that overall increases the Stroke time for all Succubi?

For Deepthroat, Slow Teasing Blowjob, Blowjob, Group them up as Blowjobs in general

For Rough handjob, Teasing Handjob, Handjob, Group them up as Handjobs in general

For Cowgirl, Missionary, Fucking, Doggy, Group them up as Pussy Fucking in general and another one for Anal Fucking in general

The Idea for this is to give the Player a better chance to choice a variety of Kinks, this way someone who has a Kink for Blowjobs, just has to choice one and still has 3 more choices for other Kinks open, instead of ending up with taking all three Blowjob ones and having only one choice left for something else :-P
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by meowww »

So i finally am back to actually playing the Game, run into the same Sorceress back to back and i am just going to say it, they suck, in theory they are supposed to be scary, let them buff/debuff to much and they will somewhat nuke you right?

Well the reality looks different, the just keep on buffing/debuffing and you simply run away...

They also are stupid, buffing stuff they don´t even use -.-

Like yeah go ahead buff your shield to 100, who cares you don´t even have the Ability to use Defend :lol: :lol: :lol:

Level 1/2 Sorceress? Yeah sure buff your Attack, maybe in a hundred Years you actually will use Attack :lol: :lol: :lol:

Level 3/4 Sorceress? Go Ahead Buff Attack, you traded your one chance to Attack with another Heal anyway :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ultimately, unless they choice the perfect combination of skills, they are the weakest as well as most annoying Succubi

Ok enough salt, but listen i love Mages no matter what Game and seeing how weak they are just hurts my soul :weep:

So can we please just buff the Sorceress?

1. Remove the Shield Buff from Evolve, they don´t use Defend anyway

2. Change the Actions, as in remove Confuse for all Levels and change it to either Attack or Stimulate, she doesn´t need Confuse anyway

3. For Level 3/4 change the second Heal back to Attack

Maybe then they actually end up fighting rather then just buffing/debuffing while you simply run away :whistle:

Also i would do this, just not going to do it, unless you are ok with the changes :-P

By the way the Reason i write this is, cause i am Level 1 right now, both times i got ambushed, had to Flee for 8 turns while being affected with Slow and yet i had no problem running away and yeah that´s just not how a Sorceress encounter should be :rolleyes:
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Developers page

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

The development sticky has been completely re-written with the impending release of Succubi Hunter 2.0

I am now seeking beta testers for Succubi Hunter Version 2.0

Beta testers are expected to support themselves, I won't release it to people I have to support.

Please read the development sticky and If you are interested PM me with a brief note of your level of understanding of Tease AI and Succubi Hunter scripting
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