Webteases are great, but what if you're in the mood for a slightly more immersive experience? Chat about Tease AI and other offline tease software.

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Post by oats71 »

Cooldogephone wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 5:55 pm My review after finishing the current game. It was about a 15-18 hour ride in total... you mileage will very depending on how long it takes you to figure out the back-track sections.

I'll divide this up into game-play and narrative as it certainly is some of both. I want to make clear that I really enjoyed the game. I will certainly play any and all future releases. Save game compatibility was good. I only ran into a few minor bugs which resolved themselves by quitting and re-loading the game. Again, 10/10, 5 stars, excellent game. Would, and probably will, play again.

Spoiler: show
Generally: very, very unique idea in terms of gameplay. It feels like a combination of pokemon + final fantasy.

The combat mechanic is an excellent idea. It isn't just "stroke for x time, press attack button, repeat". Rather, I think you did an excellent job giving the player agency within combat. The player feels as if they directly influence combat. I think the idea to do full tease or to do one of the lines is a fantastic idea. It makes the combat tactical and fresh.

On the specifics: for basically everyone except the summoner, the most used skill is either going to be attack or to transfer TP to MP to the male hero. The male hero has the best attack ability, and until you unlock the ability for the women to "stroke" they essentially become banks for more MP. The mind ability doesn't do much. True sight is only useful in the castle (more on that section later). For the summoner, however, her ability to summon the nymph which rejuvenates you is way, way too strong. There is essentially no situation where you will not have that going. Once you have that ability combat becomes a bit of a slog because it is a bit too easy and becomes: swing, swing, swing, summon... swing, swing, swing... swing, swing, swing... swing, swing, swing... repeat... I'd suggest a nerf or some sort of cost to control that. Especially in some late game encounters I'll rest, rest, rest, summon just to get that effect going before actually doing any combat if I think I'm strong enough to kill the opponent in one round.

On that note, it would be cool if I could choose what fires first. I would like to be able to chain a tp->mp conversion into a big attack. In the current game, I can't do that because I have to go sequential and everything kinda happens at the end of the round. I wish I could summon, swing, swing, swing instead of having to do the swings first.

There were a few too many times where opponents would only have one stroking line on the tease with two rest 50s. I think the giving out of rests are a bit too generous. Making the rests less generous would also allow for support actions to have more effect. If I already have three rests in the list, why would I spend points to do another one? Additionally, having only one actual tease line dramatically slows combat because you don't get the 2x bonus. Something to think about for the lower tier enemies that don't really matter. All of the more scripted encounters are great. All of them are well balanced and feel great. Its just having to do the "stroke a bit" action 4 times in a row that gets annoying when it is a 100 hp normal enemy.

I think that enemies also don't really attack you with status effects. That could be a cool mechanic which was a bit under-used. I think a standard medic enemy that needs to be killed with aoe is a cool idea too which could be weaker than the boss version. That was the coolest combat in the game because it had more complication and interaction between combat participants. You have an excellent combat base here, and I think you can add a lot more complex / creative things for what the enemies do later in the game with this base. In the early part of the game I think you kept it good and simple so that the player can understand how combat works. I just think later in the game you could add more combat variance and complexity to keep the player finding new stuff and being invested in the game.

WAY, WAY TOO MANY RANDOM ENCOUNTERS. This wasn't such a big deal for me in the early parts of the game. You explore new areas, see new enemies and you are constantly making progress. However.... once you get to the castle and you have to back-track around and around to figure out how and what it is you are supposed to do... yeah... it is a real, real drag. I was fully intending on beating the game without the cheat items given... however, I really started to get frustrated. By the end of the game, the second I saw that I had to go to the castle... again... I went from half-random encounter chance to zero without any guilt what-so-ever. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: cap the number of random encounters the player can get in sections which require significant back-tracking or have a puzzle element. It is hard to keep a mental map of the confusing castle in head, dick in hand, all while being interrupted every 25 seconds for a long drawn out sequence of the same. Another idea would be to combine the below with loot drops to make the player feel like they are actually getting something out of the combat...

Items/Crafting could be used more. I did, in general, feel satisfied. But, I couldn't help but think that the inventory wasn't used enough. I felt wishing for my character to level up more, get some cool gear, etc. I think that would have made the game better. Maybe I got unlucky or didn't find the secrets to give me that way cool cock-sword or whatever, but I felt like this could be an area that could massively improve the sense of progression... if more cool shiny things were thrown at the player that effected combat, I'd play more of the random encounters. HP really isn't enough of a reward.

The castle... urrrg... What a mess trying to find what to do. It is a real, real slog. Partly for my own stupidity in not using the number for the laser thing in the front hall... but even that aside. It is a real-back-track fest. Giving the player a map in their inventory of the castle once they have been to every room would have been nice so that the player can move efficiently. I had to make a map myself so I could plan movements to minimize random encounters before my will broke. But, when the player is stuck and has to walk all the way from the secret lab, around the walls of the castle, back underground and all the way around... yeah, that's a slog with the random encounters, especially if they have trouble figuring out that there is that single piece of water they can run over that is different than every other water in the game. I LIKE THE PUZZLE, BUT, with random encounters on, if I wasn't already invested I would have quit playing the game the second time I heard that I had to go to the castle. I imagine on my second-playthorugh the castle will cause less problems since I know where everything is... but a lot of time was spent wandering around making sure I didn't miss something and beating the same maids over, and over, and over again with no reward what-so-ever.

LOVED THE MINI-GAMES! Really, really cool! I really enjoyed the performance mini-game. Super, super cool. I also liked the way that you were able to make boss encounters feel different with different combat mechanics in their rounds. ALL OF THE SCRIPTED SEQUENCES ARE FANTASTIC!!!! 11/10.

COLLECTIBLES ARE AWESOME!!! 10/10 on the photo-sets. Love the idea! Keep putting those in there! Kept making me want to explore and find more.

BUGS: There are several times where a manual page 20 fails to load. This will allow the game to run until you hit a loading screen. At which point it gets into a locked loop. FORTUNATELY: the game saves where one is after the loading screen, thus simply closing and re-opening solves the issue entirely.

Quite the cool plot. On one hand it is a standard boy goes to girls school type of idea. Not surprising to anyone, but boy does it take a really, really cool turn. Huge fan of the story. I really like the dueling worlds narrative. I like all the characters. They are generally well written and each have their own personality. I do think Anita might be a bit under-developed to turn out to be the supreme villain. GIVEN, HOWEVER, this is just a part of the larger game.

Some super minor typos in the early game. Nothing that prevented understanding.

You kinda trick the player in the first series of quests by posing a false choice with having to do a study date with each of them. I think that's a great idea to get the character development in and introduce each character, and then to actually get the plot going in a single, needed, direction. I think that this false choice is something that would be cool to return to in the later parts of the game. I think you did good not to branch out too early.

One minor issue: I often got abilities for characters before they were explained to me by the tutorial.

Really enjoyed the world building with all of the mythical creatures and the people you meet along the way. The world seems to make sense, but its just a bit off. I like how each character's (even the minor ones) setting reflects their own mentality in a way. I do think that there is potential for having enemies that are more biome specific. Potentially choosing different outfits for different landscapes that one is in. I am thinking of a winter island or a desert island giving different general themes to the enemies you face.

I really like how meeting new people creates new enemies!

The Ms. Betty / Anita tension with who is the real bad one is great. Really want to see where this goes.
First of all, thanks for taking the time to reply with so much feedback.
I really appreciate it!! It helps to know what people think for tweaks, rebalancing, and Part 2!!
Spoiler: show

The Tease list was actually a way to make it not just you attack, I attack type of back and forth. I remember an old tease I played a long time ago which had a list of stuff to do per page, and I though, that would work.

Having said that, the Tease list was also a product of me being new to making these games with the software I had. This is my first game, and I used it as a learning experience. The most important lesson so far? Don't put any whitespaces in file names.

Critiques I might be able to do something about:
When there's only one line, or only rests.
I might be able to make an accessory which will always allow you to do a stronger skill, like stroke 50 for example.

Status Effects
The status effects were mostly to effect the girls. There weren't too many to effect you or your teammates. There's some I added later, but they were more to augment your skills. I like the idea though, and will probably add some, though I'd need to think about what they would do.
Do you have some examples of which ones you think could have been implemented more?

The random encounters:
Yes. I will likely tweak the encounter rate in Anitas castle for sure. I agree that is a place where I think there's more wandering around. There's actually a super low rate in the casino too! Not sure if it's even noticeable. One problem with the game making engine is you can only change the max encounter rate (i.e. maximum number of steps before encounter). But not the minimum, so even if I set the rate super high, it's still possible, though less likely to get another encounter soon after. I will look into that.

Items Crafting:
I did have all those outfits in the end game, but they are more for the teammates, and not your character, but yeah, I should add more stuff.

The castle, yeah that was meant to be puzzling, but I guess the encounter rate needs to be set much lower so it's not annoying. A few here and there should be enough.

By Performance, do you mean the Theater performances?
Did you play the casino games at all? I'm particularly proud of those.
Had to make all the games from scratch.
Also curious if you took out a line of credit.

Yeah, I'm glad they served the purpose, makes you want to go in and see what's in a room.

Manual Bug, which version do you have? I thought I got all those, but I may have missed one or two.

On the Narrative,
Yeah, Anita was supposed to be a bit of a mystery, but more will be explained in part 2!

The choice of the study dates was originally going to lead to more differences depending on who you choose first.

Right now, if you Whichever you choose first, from Hailey or Destiny, that's the one who's town you'll go to first and free, and you'll get them as a playable character first. The only difference is, if you have Destiny first, when you go to Hailey's town, you can discover the hidden room in the item shop. Otherwise, you'll need to come back later for that during the endgame stuff.

My original plan was to make the choice have more impact on the game later, but it ended up being too complicated at the time for me to figure out.

The Biome specific idea is possibly how I might handle part 2.

Quick insights on how I plan to do part 2:
There will be more open world exploring of the real world.
There will be less linear options, so you will be able to pick which dreams to do next.
Of course, more story explaining what's going on with Anita and Betty, and the Dreamscape in general!!

Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the critique and praise, I really appreciate it!!!
I hope part 2 doesn't take me as long since much of the framework is already build.
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Post by oats71 »

Hey everyone, new update!
After reading Cooldogephone review, I took some easy to implement changes and applied them to this version.
I will go through all other reviews (Thank you all for your feedback) soon and see if I can implement more changes.

Version 0.918:
-Encounter Rate Anita's Castle much lower now.
-Add Group Portal Device, get in Kats room. Allows you to rearrange formation of team, i.e. who goes first.
-Add 50 strokes skill, always available.
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Post by avatarbr »

I finished the game some time ago, but did not wrote a full review (I am not good at that :-D ), but will make some general considerations:
Spoiler: show
First, to be clear, maybe I am not the main target for this type of game, since I am not a rpg fan.

So, I really disliked the battles. Unfortunately I played before any rebalance, so I got a lot of these random battles. I almost gave up at some point. I would enjoy more the required battles if I was not forced to play countless battle before. (Yeah, it took me a while to find out that you could run away). I know you did put a lot of effort on that (cutting pictures and all the system), but it's not really for me.

So, the option to disable being available since the start would be nice for those who don't like that system.

Now, I loved the story and the other teases. I missed the last Theater part because I did not started in time.
I would like to have to stroke when the girls (great choices btw) are teasing you in the real world too.

To be honest, I think I liked the real world more than the dream world (maybe because there was not battles there). Wolud like to see more there in a new version.

I played some of the Casino games. It's fun, but I think would work better if you are not in a quest when you go there. And, since I am not a big rpg player, I don't know if the puzzles are too hard for everyone. Sometimes don't see to be clear what you need to do, but I dislike getting everything easy too. Maybe a system with additional tips/clues as the player take too long to discover could be nice (not sure if can be implemented)

One last thing I would suggest (if it's possible to implement), I remember some cases where they tell you to stroke X times, while a beat/technical form is playing. Would be cool if the game know when that number is done, basead in the beats and not when the player say is done.

With all of that, thanks for the game, still enjoyable and really immersive.
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Post by oats71 »

avatarbr wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:47 pm I finished the game some time ago, but did not wrote a full review (I am not good at that :-D ), but will make some general considerations:
Spoiler: show
First, to be clear, maybe I am not the main target for this type of game, since I am not a rpg fan.

So, I really disliked the battles. Unfortunately I played before any rebalance, so I got a lot of these random battles. I almost gave up at some point. I would enjoy more the required battles if I was not forced to play countless battle before. (Yeah, it took me a while to find out that you could run away). I know you did put a lot of effort on that (cutting pictures and all the system), but it's not really for me.

So, the option to disable being available since the start would be nice for those who don't like that system.

Now, I loved the story and the other teases. I missed the last Theater part because I did not started in time.
I would like to have to stroke when the girls (great choices btw) are teasing you in the real world too.

To be honest, I think I liked the real world more than the dream world (maybe because there was not battles there). Wolud like to see more there in a new version.

I played some of the Casino games. It's fun, but I think would work better if you are not in a quest when you go there. And, since I am not a big rpg player, I don't know if the puzzles are too hard for everyone. Sometimes don't see to be clear what you need to do, but I dislike getting everything easy too. Maybe a system with additional tips/clues as the player take too long to discover could be nice (not sure if can be implemented)

One last thing I would suggest (if it's possible to implement), I remember some cases where they tell you to stroke X times, while a beat/technical form is playing. Would be cool if the game know when that number is done, basead in the beats and not when the player say is done.

With all of that, thanks for the game, still enjoyable and really immersive.
Spoiler: show
Yes, I was worried about the random battles being a bit much for some. I hoped some would like them, but I am most interested in people having fun with the game, so allowing people to unlock the two clothing items to reduce or remove random battles right away is probably best. Hopefully for those who like them, I can balance the battles to work best, and not be too annoying to the game progress. Maybe I can reduce the overall encounter rate, and add a piece of clothing which would increase them, for those who want more.

Having said all that, avatarbr, I do appreciate you sticking with the game despite not being into this aspect of the game, and your feedback has been very helpful.

I do envision the next part to be open world, both in the real world, and dreamscape as well, and might be sort of half one half the other.
I don’t expect to remove random battles, but they should stay only in the dreamscape for now.

There is more incentive to play casino games at the end, if you’re trying to buy all the clothing items, you’ll need to make money somehow.
But the first time at the casino, not as much incentive, so you'll just try them out a bit before you move along.

Having the Metronome and Technical forms work was quite challenging. Since there’s no way to have the game detect time reliably, with frame rate loss, and stuff.
I did try to get a timer to sort of out the strokes for you, but it tended to be irregular and not always accurate, so I had to leave it to the player to count for themselves.
I agree having the game do it for you would be better. Maybe I can find a solution for Part 2.
As always, thanks for leaving your review. And for anyone else who’s played the game, please give me any feedback, I will consider it for updates, and for part 2.
Also, if you haven’t rated the Tease link of the game, I would appreciate it. I was worried it might drop below a 1 at the beginning, and get hidden.
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Post by avatarbr »

oats71 wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:25 pm
As always, thanks for leaving your review. And for anyone else who’s played the game, please give me any feedback, I will consider it for updates, and for part 2.
Also, if you haven’t rated the Tease link of the game, I would appreciate it. I was worried it might drop below a 1 at the beginning, and get hidden.
Oh, I did not know you posted there. I just rated 5 stars. People don't like these 'tease links' there too much. Even some higher rated teases there, gets low rate in a sequence downloadable.

Spoiler: show
Yeah, I thought the timed/beat would be a problem.
I did try to get a timer to sort of out the strokes for you, but it tended to be irregular and not always accurate,
A option could be just telling to stroke until the beats stops. And you make play nearly of what you think would be the X. But, if that give you too many problems, I don't think it's worth it. I know getting stucked in some of these problems can discourage you to continue more important parts of the game.
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Post by oats71 »

avatarbr wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:42 pm
oats71 wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:25 pm
As always, thanks for leaving your review. And for anyone else who’s played the game, please give me any feedback, I will consider it for updates, and for part 2.
Also, if you haven’t rated the Tease link of the game, I would appreciate it. I was worried it might drop below a 1 at the beginning, and get hidden.
Oh, I did not know you posted there. I just rated 5 stars. People don't like these 'tease links' there too much. Even some higher rated teases there, gets low rate in a sequence downloadable.

Spoiler: show
Yeah, I thought the timed/beat would be a problem.
I did try to get a timer to sort of out the strokes for you, but it tended to be irregular and not always accurate,
A option could be just telling to stroke until the beats stops. And you make play nearly of what you think would be the X. But, if that give you too many problems, I don't think it's worth it. I know getting stucked in some of these problems can discourage you to continue more important parts of the game.
Yeah, I thought it was a good way to get more eyes on the game. I wasn't sure of the protocol. When I posted the alpha version, I asked around if it was ok to do so, or what people though, and I got a big ole "meh, whatevs". So I figured it couldn't hurt.
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Post by oats71 »

Before I continue with Part 2, I got some replies asking about kinks.
Are there any in particular people would like to see?
No guarantee's but any ideas might get put in if I haven't thought to put them in yet.

Also, any other thoughts on changing the game or modifying it?

I've already got ideas on where the story will go, but there's plenty of space to fill in the middle.

One more update is coming soon which will add 3 new skills to Destiny's skillset.
They will be:
Opaque - Remove Translucent and Transparent
Translucent - Make encounters rate Halved
Transparent - Make encounter rate 0

They will cost a a bit of MP and TP, and will run out after 100 steps, so it's not free,
and you won't get them until you speak with
Spoiler: show
Kat in the casino.

But that's how you can justify getting these in the game without using the Cloaks if you don't want to use them.
I believe if you already have a save past this point in the game, she should just have the skills.
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Post by Cooldogephone »

oats71 wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 2:56 pm
Cooldogephone wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 5:55 pm My review after finishing the current game. It was about a 15-18 hour ride in total... you mileage will very depending on how long it takes you to figure out the back-track sections.

I'll divide this up into game-play and narrative as it certainly is some of both. I want to make clear that I really enjoyed the game. I will certainly play any and all future releases. Save game compatibility was good. I only ran into a few minor bugs which resolved themselves by quitting and re-loading the game. Again, 10/10, 5 stars, excellent game. Would, and probably will, play again.

Spoiler: show
Generally: very, very unique idea in terms of gameplay. It feels like a combination of pokemon + final fantasy.

The combat mechanic is an excellent idea. It isn't just "stroke for x time, press attack button, repeat". Rather, I think you did an excellent job giving the player agency within combat. The player feels as if they directly influence combat. I think the idea to do full tease or to do one of the lines is a fantastic idea. It makes the combat tactical and fresh.

On the specifics: for basically everyone except the summoner, the most used skill is either going to be attack or to transfer TP to MP to the male hero. The male hero has the best attack ability, and until you unlock the ability for the women to "stroke" they essentially become banks for more MP. The mind ability doesn't do much. True sight is only useful in the castle (more on that section later). For the summoner, however, her ability to summon the nymph which rejuvenates you is way, way too strong. There is essentially no situation where you will not have that going. Once you have that ability combat becomes a bit of a slog because it is a bit too easy and becomes: swing, swing, swing, summon... swing, swing, swing... swing, swing, swing... swing, swing, swing... repeat... I'd suggest a nerf or some sort of cost to control that. Especially in some late game encounters I'll rest, rest, rest, summon just to get that effect going before actually doing any combat if I think I'm strong enough to kill the opponent in one round.

On that note, it would be cool if I could choose what fires first. I would like to be able to chain a tp->mp conversion into a big attack. In the current game, I can't do that because I have to go sequential and everything kinda happens at the end of the round. I wish I could summon, swing, swing, swing instead of having to do the swings first.

There were a few too many times where opponents would only have one stroking line on the tease with two rest 50s. I think the giving out of rests are a bit too generous. Making the rests less generous would also allow for support actions to have more effect. If I already have three rests in the list, why would I spend points to do another one? Additionally, having only one actual tease line dramatically slows combat because you don't get the 2x bonus. Something to think about for the lower tier enemies that don't really matter. All of the more scripted encounters are great. All of them are well balanced and feel great. Its just having to do the "stroke a bit" action 4 times in a row that gets annoying when it is a 100 hp normal enemy.

I think that enemies also don't really attack you with status effects. That could be a cool mechanic which was a bit under-used. I think a standard medic enemy that needs to be killed with aoe is a cool idea too which could be weaker than the boss version. That was the coolest combat in the game because it had more complication and interaction between combat participants. You have an excellent combat base here, and I think you can add a lot more complex / creative things for what the enemies do later in the game with this base. In the early part of the game I think you kept it good and simple so that the player can understand how combat works. I just think later in the game you could add more combat variance and complexity to keep the player finding new stuff and being invested in the game.

WAY, WAY TOO MANY RANDOM ENCOUNTERS. This wasn't such a big deal for me in the early parts of the game. You explore new areas, see new enemies and you are constantly making progress. However.... once you get to the castle and you have to back-track around and around to figure out how and what it is you are supposed to do... yeah... it is a real, real drag. I was fully intending on beating the game without the cheat items given... however, I really started to get frustrated. By the end of the game, the second I saw that I had to go to the castle... again... I went from half-random encounter chance to zero without any guilt what-so-ever. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: cap the number of random encounters the player can get in sections which require significant back-tracking or have a puzzle element. It is hard to keep a mental map of the confusing castle in head, dick in hand, all while being interrupted every 25 seconds for a long drawn out sequence of the same. Another idea would be to combine the below with loot drops to make the player feel like they are actually getting something out of the combat...

Items/Crafting could be used more. I did, in general, feel satisfied. But, I couldn't help but think that the inventory wasn't used enough. I felt wishing for my character to level up more, get some cool gear, etc. I think that would have made the game better. Maybe I got unlucky or didn't find the secrets to give me that way cool cock-sword or whatever, but I felt like this could be an area that could massively improve the sense of progression... if more cool shiny things were thrown at the player that effected combat, I'd play more of the random encounters. HP really isn't enough of a reward.

The castle... urrrg... What a mess trying to find what to do. It is a real, real slog. Partly for my own stupidity in not using the number for the laser thing in the front hall... but even that aside. It is a real-back-track fest. Giving the player a map in their inventory of the castle once they have been to every room would have been nice so that the player can move efficiently. I had to make a map myself so I could plan movements to minimize random encounters before my will broke. But, when the player is stuck and has to walk all the way from the secret lab, around the walls of the castle, back underground and all the way around... yeah, that's a slog with the random encounters, especially if they have trouble figuring out that there is that single piece of water they can run over that is different than every other water in the game. I LIKE THE PUZZLE, BUT, with random encounters on, if I wasn't already invested I would have quit playing the game the second time I heard that I had to go to the castle. I imagine on my second-playthorugh the castle will cause less problems since I know where everything is... but a lot of time was spent wandering around making sure I didn't miss something and beating the same maids over, and over, and over again with no reward what-so-ever.

LOVED THE MINI-GAMES! Really, really cool! I really enjoyed the performance mini-game. Super, super cool. I also liked the way that you were able to make boss encounters feel different with different combat mechanics in their rounds. ALL OF THE SCRIPTED SEQUENCES ARE FANTASTIC!!!! 11/10.

COLLECTIBLES ARE AWESOME!!! 10/10 on the photo-sets. Love the idea! Keep putting those in there! Kept making me want to explore and find more.

BUGS: There are several times where a manual page 20 fails to load. This will allow the game to run until you hit a loading screen. At which point it gets into a locked loop. FORTUNATELY: the game saves where one is after the loading screen, thus simply closing and re-opening solves the issue entirely.

Quite the cool plot. On one hand it is a standard boy goes to girls school type of idea. Not surprising to anyone, but boy does it take a really, really cool turn. Huge fan of the story. I really like the dueling worlds narrative. I like all the characters. They are generally well written and each have their own personality. I do think Anita might be a bit under-developed to turn out to be the supreme villain. GIVEN, HOWEVER, this is just a part of the larger game.

Some super minor typos in the early game. Nothing that prevented understanding.

You kinda trick the player in the first series of quests by posing a false choice with having to do a study date with each of them. I think that's a great idea to get the character development in and introduce each character, and then to actually get the plot going in a single, needed, direction. I think that this false choice is something that would be cool to return to in the later parts of the game. I think you did good not to branch out too early.

One minor issue: I often got abilities for characters before they were explained to me by the tutorial.

Really enjoyed the world building with all of the mythical creatures and the people you meet along the way. The world seems to make sense, but its just a bit off. I like how each character's (even the minor ones) setting reflects their own mentality in a way. I do think that there is potential for having enemies that are more biome specific. Potentially choosing different outfits for different landscapes that one is in. I am thinking of a winter island or a desert island giving different general themes to the enemies you face.

I really like how meeting new people creates new enemies!

The Ms. Betty / Anita tension with who is the real bad one is great. Really want to see where this goes.
First of all, thanks for taking the time to reply with so much feedback.
I really appreciate it!! It helps to know what people think for tweaks, rebalancing, and Part 2!!
Spoiler: show

The Tease list was actually a way to make it not just you attack, I attack type of back and forth. I remember an old tease I played a long time ago which had a list of stuff to do per page, and I though, that would work.

Having said that, the Tease list was also a product of me being new to making these games with the software I had. This is my first game, and I used it as a learning experience. The most important lesson so far? Don't put any whitespaces in file names.

Critiques I might be able to do something about:
When there's only one line, or only rests.
I might be able to make an accessory which will always allow you to do a stronger skill, like stroke 50 for example.

Status Effects
The status effects were mostly to effect the girls. There weren't too many to effect you or your teammates. There's some I added later, but they were more to augment your skills. I like the idea though, and will probably add some, though I'd need to think about what they would do.
Do you have some examples of which ones you think could have been implemented more?

The random encounters:
Yes. I will likely tweak the encounter rate in Anitas castle for sure. I agree that is a place where I think there's more wandering around. There's actually a super low rate in the casino too! Not sure if it's even noticeable. One problem with the game making engine is you can only change the max encounter rate (i.e. maximum number of steps before encounter). But not the minimum, so even if I set the rate super high, it's still possible, though less likely to get another encounter soon after. I will look into that.

Items Crafting:
I did have all those outfits in the end game, but they are more for the teammates, and not your character, but yeah, I should add more stuff.

The castle, yeah that was meant to be puzzling, but I guess the encounter rate needs to be set much lower so it's not annoying. A few here and there should be enough.

By Performance, do you mean the Theater performances?
Did you play the casino games at all? I'm particularly proud of those.
Had to make all the games from scratch.
Also curious if you took out a line of credit.

Yeah, I'm glad they served the purpose, makes you want to go in and see what's in a room.

Manual Bug, which version do you have? I thought I got all those, but I may have missed one or two.

On the Narrative,
Yeah, Anita was supposed to be a bit of a mystery, but more will be explained in part 2!

The choice of the study dates was originally going to lead to more differences depending on who you choose first.

Right now, if you Whichever you choose first, from Hailey or Destiny, that's the one who's town you'll go to first and free, and you'll get them as a playable character first. The only difference is, if you have Destiny first, when you go to Hailey's town, you can discover the hidden room in the item shop. Otherwise, you'll need to come back later for that during the endgame stuff.

My original plan was to make the choice have more impact on the game later, but it ended up being too complicated at the time for me to figure out.

The Biome specific idea is possibly how I might handle part 2.

Quick insights on how I plan to do part 2:
There will be more open world exploring of the real world.
There will be less linear options, so you will be able to pick which dreams to do next.
Of course, more story explaining what's going on with Anita and Betty, and the Dreamscape in general!!

Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the critique and praise, I really appreciate it!!!
I hope part 2 doesn't take me as long since much of the framework is already build.
1) I ran the latest version before your post. It was manual page 20 that failed to load, if that matters.

2) Status effects could be things just like an MP or TP poison that drains a bit per turn, you could have antidote or have a skill you have to do to stop the bleeding. Poison could be an attack itself too when you complete a certain stroke sequence (snake, for instance) and have some sort of item equipped. You could have a skill the girl does which weakens a member of the party's damage. You could have a reflect enemy which reflects some damage back to the attacker's MP/TP. You could have an effect which increases or lowers conversion cost from tp to mp (an ability you use a lot... until you get the summoner and you never really do it). A "lighting chain" idea where one turn it damages the MP of one member of the party, next turn two, the third all 4. You could have a type of blinding effect that prevents attacks or makes who you attack random. You could have a "charmed" effect which only allows a member of the party to do either TP or MP skills. Another negative effect to a character of the party might be that in order to use MP/TP you have to do X additional strokes. Piercing damage might also be an idea for an item... if you stroke and kill an enemy your damage rolls over to the next one.

You could also think of more complex enemy design, for instance, a summoner enemy who creates a very weak shield enemy that you have to attack first.
-- The main idea is to make certain encounters more unique and to break up the repetition later in the game. --

3) I did play in the casino. Very, very, very well made. All function perfectly as they are supposed to!

4) I realized I didn't do any of the late game stuff on other people's islands. I basically took the quickest way to finish after I was ready to fight Anita for the last time. I'm thinking of doing a second playthrough (or loading an older save) to do some of that content.

5) TO BE CLEAR: The castle puzzles are good!!! It is just that the encounter rate is too high there. You have to back-track and explore around to figure out what to do. Don't change the actual puzzle or the area, its cool! Glad you lowered the encounter rate for that section.

6) Thanks again for a great game!!!
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Post by zenetix »

oats71 wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:00 pm Before I continue with Part 2, I got some replies asking about kinks.
Are there any in particular people would like to see?
No guarantee's but any ideas might get put in if I haven't thought to put them in yet.

Also, any other thoughts on changing the game or modifying it?

I've already got ideas on where the story will go, but there's plenty of space to fill in the middle.

One more update is coming soon which will add 3 new skills to Destiny's skillset.
They will be:
Opaque - Remove Translucent and Transparent
Translucent - Make encounters rate Halved
Transparent - Make encounter rate 0

They will cost a a bit of MP and TP, and will run out after 100 steps, so it's not free,
and you won't get them until you speak with
Spoiler: show
Kat in the casino.

But that's how you can justify getting these in the game without using the Cloaks if you don't want to use them.
I believe if you already have a save past this point in the game, she should just have the skills.
Spoiler: show
Something I noticed is that the Casino Debt Collectors seemed to chase me even after paying the debt - not sure if that's a bug or intentional. There were more at 2000g debt than when my character was at 0g debt, but they still showed up. To be clear - they only showed up and wouldn't go away until after I borrowed money - not before.
As for thoughts/ideas about part 2:
Maybe having an audio tease or parts of one playing in certain game areas rather than music, or maybe inside a combat encounter? The gonewildaudio subreddit has a lot of good teases. Short and simple JOI with audio could be pretty hot (Stroke, Edge, We're going to make you cum, etc.)

I hardly noticed the attitude status having much effect on the game; could be fun if that was more of a thing in certain areas. For instance, maybe if you try to go to somewhere before completing a quest then the wisps have aggressive attitudes or something.

Areas with tease encounters that have to be completed in a certain time limit; maybe a reward/punishment if you succeed/fail?
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Post by markus »

It seems I have a little problem:
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I did the 'Hailey’s Note’s Quest' first, next chapter I have the quest 'Destiny’s Clothing Quest'
Not sure, but I guess that I need to buy those 'special' clothes in that shop to get the 'wings', but in the shop I always be told that it's only for special customers who bought more items, ... but I ran there like 5 times, bought everytime things for those 200 G and still get that.
So my question(s):
Is this even the right place to get the 'wings'?
Did I missed something,... any idea?
Is there maybe an insert-code for those 'wings'?
From gameplay (even if I like some old-school RPGs) it's not mine ( a matter of taste ), ... BUT the story-telling is awesome, great job on that, and I'm really looking forward for what you have in store when it comes to a more 'not-only-vanilla' second part.
As a little suggestion,... if possible and not too much work,... it would be great to name the characters optional, so I could give them names which would work better for me, ... just an idea. :-)

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Post by oats71 »

markus wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:47 pm It seems I have a little problem:
Spoiler: show
I did the 'Hailey’s Note’s Quest' first, next chapter I have the quest 'Destiny’s Clothing Quest'
Not sure, but I guess that I need to buy those 'special' clothes in that shop to get the 'wings', but in the shop I always be told that it's only for special customers who bought more items, ... but I ran there like 5 times, bought everytime things for those 200 G and still get that.
So my question(s):
Is this even the right place to get the 'wings'?
Did I missed something,... any idea?
Is there maybe an insert-code for those 'wings'?
From gameplay (even if I like some old-school RPGs) it's not mine ( a matter of taste ), ... BUT the story-telling is awesome, great job on that, and I'm really looking forward for what you have in store when it comes to a more 'not-only-vanilla' second part.
As a little suggestion,... if possible and not too much work,... it would be great to name the characters optional, so I could give them names which would work better for me, ... just an idea. :-)

Best greetings,
Hi Markus,
Thanks for the comments, they are very appreciated. You know, I actually built it into the game that you could change the names of the main characters, But I never implemented that part of the game. Theoretically, I could add it and it should work, although there would probably be places where I used their names "hard coded" and it would still show up as Destiny or Hailey (For example) even if you named them something different. At this point, I'm not sure if I want to try it, it might not be worth the debugging at this point. But I will think about it.

Yeah, I've gotten both "the gameplay is right up my alley", and also "The gameplay is not my cup of tea", but so far I feel like most people like the story, which is encouraging. If you have any non-vanilla suggestions, throw them out. I will try to implement what ever I can which can fit into the story as I have it planned.

As for where you're stuck:
Spoiler: show
There should be 4 shops: Tops, Bottoms, Accessories and Stockings. The Accessory shop (Top right) sells Wings, and Anntenae, but you need to check for Regular Items, not special items. Let me know if that helps!!
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Post by richman2 »

After a longer break I'm kinda stuck here:

Spoiler: show
-Speak with Kitchen maid and play her games to get past her and collect the Rusty Key in the Treasure Chest.
-Go to the run-down house past where Anita Boss was first time. Use Rusty Key to get through.
-Use the Whiteboard Code from before to get into the Lab in the underground hallway.
-Speak with Betty Maid in the Lab
-Keep going through the underground hallway and to Anita’s Dream House.

After collecting the rusty key. Just don't find the place where to go and also, I think, don't have written down any codes...

Anyway, will download the new version and play again.
Regarding feedback, pretty much everything has been mentioned, but at least I want to repeat the positive things to encourage you!

I really love the story and the well-crafted way it is made. I mean character development and how side elements of the story come together/ play out. I said this earlier: The player can literally feel how much effort you put into to make it more than just a "stroke, click, head on, stroke" thing.

Aspects I would also remark had been mentioned, like too many encounters and stuff. Will look forward to the new version.
One thing you mentioned to develop further and I'd love to see is more open world exploring also in the real world.

I really liked the quest log. Without it, esp. after longer breaks I would have been lost. Maybe I overlooked, but wouldnt it be good to note "codes" you found in the mobile phone or in the quest log?

On game/battle mechanics... yes I'd also wish for an "automated counting" on technical forms (which I generally like a lot) but it's a minor issue and I understand very well, that is is difficult to implement timing wise.

Just an idea I didnt read yet: How about the ability to "sacrifice"/ exchange HP not only for the known Orbs but also for equippment-like effects (cloak or glasses to see wisps...) I wouldnt recommend getting those items but maybe Orbs could give you this skills when equipped?

Sorry for confusing feedback... feels like others did a way better job with detailed ideas and critique.

Ah, a last idea but dunno if it makes sense: Provided you want to extent the game more: How about using the "level system" a bit more. Each level you could maybe "skill" say a) stroking b) edging c) holding to make it more powerful after and/ or it would need less MP when skilled or something.

Anyway: Love the game, want to see it being extended! Great work! Keep going!
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Post by oats71 »

richman2 wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:30 pm After a longer break I'm kinda stuck here:

Spoiler: show
-Speak with Kitchen maid and play her games to get past her and collect the Rusty Key in the Treasure Chest.
-Go to the run-down house past where Anita Boss was first time. Use Rusty Key to get through.
-Use the Whiteboard Code from before to get into the Lab in the underground hallway.
-Speak with Betty Maid in the Lab
-Keep going through the underground hallway and to Anita’s Dream House.

After collecting the rusty key. Just don't find the place where to go and also, I think, don't have written down any codes...

Anyway, will download the new version and play again.
Regarding feedback, pretty much everything has been mentioned, but at least I want to repeat the positive things to encourage you!

I really love the story and the well-crafted way it is made. I mean character development and how side elements of the story come together/ play out. I said this earlier: The player can literally feel how much effort you put into to make it more than just a "stroke, click, head on, stroke" thing.

Aspects I would also remark had been mentioned, like too many encounters and stuff. Will look forward to the new version.
One thing you mentioned to develop further and I'd love to see is more open world exploring also in the real world.

I really liked the quest log. Without it, esp. after longer breaks I would have been lost. Maybe I overlooked, but wouldnt it be good to note "codes" you found in the mobile phone or in the quest log?

On game/battle mechanics... yes I'd also wish for an "automated counting" on technical forms (which I generally like a lot) but it's a minor issue and I understand very well, that is is difficult to implement timing wise.

Just an idea I didnt read yet: How about the ability to "sacrifice"/ exchange HP not only for the known Orbs but also for equippment-like effects (cloak or glasses to see wisps...) I wouldnt recommend getting those items but maybe Orbs could give you this skills when equipped?

Sorry for confusing feedback... feels like others did a way better job with detailed ideas and critique.

Ah, a last idea but dunno if it makes sense: Provided you want to extent the game more: How about using the "level system" a bit more. Each level you could maybe "skill" say a) stroking b) edging c) holding to make it more powerful after and/ or it would need less MP when skilled or something.

Anyway: Love the game, want to see it being extended! Great work! Keep going!
Thanks for the comments, I will take everyones comments into consideration for part 2.
Some great ideas I hope I can implement.

As for where you're stuck...
Spoiler: show
If you got the rusty key, you need to go back to the Dining room and go down through the fireplace to the hidden underground area where you encountered Anita Boss the first time you were at the castle. You can't get into the Dining room the same way though (Through the kitchen), so this time you need to get the dining room key. You get the Dining room key by defeating the Throne Room Maid on the 3rd floor using Destiny's skill "True Sight"
Also, if you look through your items, there should be a category called Notes, and it should be any notes you've collected.
But I agree, adding them to a cellphone notebook would be useful. Let me know if this works!
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Post by richman2 »

A question on Fairy Glasses:
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Am I just blind? There was acode for the fairy glasses, wasn't there?
Could you/someone post it again/ maybe in the walkthrough?
Or - where to get them actually in the game?

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Post by oats71 »

richman2 wrote: Wed Jun 22, 2022 12:47 pm A question on Fairy Glasses:
Spoiler: show
Am I just blind? There was acode for the fairy glasses, wasn't there?
Could you/someone post it again/ maybe in the walkthrough?
Or - where to get them actually in the game?

Spoiler: show
Hmm. I thought I had put in a code for them, but it looks like i did not.
If there's anything else anyone thinks I should put an unlock code in for, let me know.
Anyway, there's 2 places to get the Fairy glasses but I can only remember where one of those is, but there's also one place to get the Fancy Glasses. (Fairy Glasses: Wisps stay after defeat, Fancy glasses: Wisps disappear after defeat)
The one place for the Fairy Glasses is from the attic of the item shop, which you need to return on day 8 with Destiny, and find the hidden wall to get there. The place to get the Fancy Glasses is from Pink in the corrupted castle. Also found on day 8 from and you get there from the Run-down house from Anita's castle underground. I do believe the first place to get the Fairy Glasses is earlier than Day 8 so for sure more useful. I'll try to remember where the other place for the Fairy glasses is, but next time I update versions, I'll put in a code for them, and let you know.
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