Dan's New Life 02: The Birthday Barbecue

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Dan's New Life 02: The Birthday Barbecue

Post by subzerowriter »

Dan’s New Life 2: The Birthday Barbecue

Chapter 1: Mistress Mode

Dan awoke slowly, blearily opening his eyes and stretching his arms and back, letting out a soft groan as his aching muscles pulled pleasantly. The silky sheets of the bed slid sensuously across his body as he moved, reminding him almost immediately that he wasn’t in his own home: he was completely naked, completely shaven, and lying in Cindi’s bed. The thought sent a jolt of nervous energy through him that caused him to suddenly wake up much faster: he sat up quickly, looking around for her gorgeous, voluptuous body in the bed with him, feeling a mixture of excitement and fear. He relaxed when he realized that, for the moment, he was mercifully alone.

He shifted again, and shivered as he felt the silk slipping against his throbbing and frustrated cock. Not for the first time, he repositioned the sheets so that they weren’t making contact with his hard member. The thread count was so high that they felt almost wet as they enveloped him, and his cock was so sensitive now that any movement against it sent overwhelming sensations through his body. The sun shining hotly in through the window in a bright shaft of light, a clear sign that it was going to be a beautiful, warm, sunny summer day

He spread his thighs away from his throbbing, sensitive testes, breathing slowly as he tried to fight off the sudden burst of morning arousal that stretching had filled him with. It had been almost two full weeks since he had last been allowed to cum by the five sensual and sadistic women who now owned him, and his genitals were almost screaming at him with constant need. It was Saturday morning now: he “belonged” to Cindi for the weekend (he still felt a wave of humiliation wash over him every time they passed him around like a toy), and this might have been the first conscious moment of peace he had had since he came home with her last night. He was going to do everything he could to keep his libido in check.
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Once he was sure he wasn’t in danger of those soft, smooth sheets rubbing against his aching cock anymore, he lay back down, and thought about what today’s significance might mean for him. Today was June 2nd. Dan’s birthday. And Cindi had been very sure to point out that all five of them knew it during his last Monday Test. But, beyond a few teasing comments throughout the week that Dominique was going to have a barbecue for him today, he honestly had no idea what to expect from these women: were they going to use the event as an excuse to grant him mercy? Or as an excuse to torture him even more cruelly? Honestly, either option seemed equally possible at this point.

It had been happening almost too subtly for Dan to notice, but over the last three weeks of shaving his body completely smooth, working out nude and on camera for The Tease girls every morning, and surviving the constant sexual torture that he was put through, the Dan who lay naked and throbbing in Cindi’s bed was almost unrecognizable as the same man who she had first met protesting out in front of her club. His body was tight, his stomach muscles defined, his biceps even bulging slightly. And what’s more, the angry, entitled glint in his eye had disappeared entirely. Submission was starting to feel natural…pleasant even.

He recognized that he was changing, but…he couldn’t for the life of him figure out how to stop it. Almost any time he was in the presence of these hypnotic, cruel, playful women, he was naked and tied up. Dan was starting to feel ridiculously physically objectified, and he noticed that less and less did it even occur to him that this was unfair. It was starting to feel so natural.

At almost all times, he felt vulnerable…exposed…helpless. And as much as he felt the constant, screaming, aching need to cum, he also didn’t want to escape his captors anymore. In fact, he was feeling more and more addicted to the constant, helpless, mind melting stimulation. He was fairly certain he was starting to lose his grasp on sanity, but he just couldn’t seem to make himself care.

All he cared about now was surviving the next game, making it to the end of the week, and making his owners happy enough that they might decide to reward him for his good behavior.

After tragically failing his second Sunday Hearing a week previously, and learning that he was going to spend at least another seven days in frustrating denial, Dan had made an even bigger misstep and failed his Monday Test. And because of that failure, the Control Ring locked around his shaft and scrotum was now no longer set to send compromising pictures of his domination to everyone in his conservative Christian workplace, but instead to painfully shock his testicles every time he reached the orgasmic point of no return.

He lay back in Cindi’s comfortable bed, enjoying the rare moment of quiet, and thought back to that horrible Monday, six days previous. While Cindi had set up the new Control Ring settings, she had explained exactly how “Mistress Mode” worked: Trixi’s Control Ring had already been able to measure and respond to his arousal levels with absolute precision, but this specialized design had three small green lights running along the flat surface of the brushed steel ring which encircled his shaft. As he had struggled to hold back tears and ignore Lexie’s excited laughter, Cindi had explained that each tiny green light represented an increasingly serious warning that he was approaching an electric shock “correction”.
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As he reached the edge of orgasm (“the ‘plateau phase’ in scientific terms,”, Cindi had explained), the first light would switch on and the Control Ring would beep loudly, letting him know that he was entering dangerous territory. When his arousal levels first showed that he was threatening to tip over into the orgasm phase, the second light would switch on, the Control Ring would beep loudly again, and he would have one final opportunity to hold himself back and calm down before “corrective measures” turned on.

But if the third light switched on, Cindi had explained cheerfully, he would get zapped immediately, and strongly enough to stop whatever eruption was about to occur. It was a concentrated shock to his scrotum: not strong enough to do any real damage… but strong enough to hurt, and strong enough to make sure that a real orgasm was impossible.

After Cindi had finished her explanation, Lexie had offered, with great pleasure in her voice, to demonstrate exactly what that third beep would feel like at the end of that Monday shift. Dan had tried to argue, but before he could stutter out more than a few words, Lexie was slowly working his cock towards eruption, smiling with shining eyes as she swirled her wet fingers against the head of his cock. Her gorgeous eyes shined a bit more with each beep, and her stunning smile spread a little bit wider, until the Control Ring had beeped a third time and sent a fiery bolt of pain through his groin.
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The instant the Control Ring had been switched over to Mistress Mode, the behavior of most of The Tease girls shifted as well. At first Dan was terrified about being shocked repeatedly and constantly during his nightly shifts at the club. But he quickly learned that “Mistress Mode” allowed for a much more psychologically devastating game to occur. Cindi, Lexie, Dominique, Trixi and Destiny didn’t HAVE to shock him every twenty minutes to remind him who was in charge: there was a real threat attached to his arousal now: an inescapable threat of punishment, of pain…and that meant that his every interaction with these sultry strippers had been completely re-framed.

On Tuesday, his shift with Destiny had begun in a way that immediately illustrated for him the new kinds of challenges that lay in store this week. Instead of tying him up in some dizzying way the instant that he walked in the door, Destiny had instead invited Dan into the break room sweetly, and asked him to sit on the couch with her. She had been dressed in a low cut, skintight red t-shirt that showed of her impressive cleavage and a pair of hip hugging blue jeans.

He had been immediately confused: he didn’t think he had ever seen her wear this much clothing, and especially not at work. But she had simply snuggled up with him on the couch, smiled warmly at him with those wide, innocent, liquid chocolate eyes, and leaned in to begin lightly kissing against his neck.

When he had moaned loudly and stiffened his arms at his sides, desperately struggling to sit still, Destiny had slid her wet tongue up to his ear, and whispered with a giggle, “Aww, look at you! We’re not playing Rag Doll tonight, you can touch me baby…You can squeeze me and kiss me and grope me as much as you want…I know you want to, I can see your hands shaking, go ahead and touch me however your horny little fingers want to….”
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He had been ecstatic, groping hungrily at her heavy, soft breasts, sliding his hands around her full, round ass cheeks, and kissing her back, tasting the strawberry scent of her as their tongues slid against each other. But after a few minutes of this hypnotizing exploration of her incredible body, she shifted even more firmly against him, and he felt his hard cock begin to press deliciously against her.

As they continued to hungrily grope and paw at each other, she began rolling her hips as well, rubbing even more powerfully against his throbbing shaft. And as he felt himself being rocketed quickly towards the point of no return, he suddenly heard a loud, familiar beep echo throughout the tiny room, the reality of his situation had come flooding back to him.

“W-wait, Destiny…” he had stuttered, desperately breaking free of her delicious lip lock and feeling dizzy, “We’re…we’re going too fast, you have to slow down…” He suddenly remembered the blinding pain that had torn through him as Lexie had “demonstrated” the Control Ring’s taser function for him.

He looked down, past her heaving, bouncing cleavage, and saw a soft green glow down by where they were pressed firmly against each other. He moaned as he felt another rising bolt of pleasure tear through his groin. His hands suddenly stopped groping and started pushing, desperately trying to escape the building pressure before the Ring beeped again.

Destiny had simply giggled at that, and pressed more forcefully against him, almost pinning him against the couch with her thick body, and had moaned into his ear, “What’s wrong baby? I thought you wanted to touch me…go ahead…squeeze my titties…spank my ass, go on baby, grind that hard cock against me…”

His hands sunk deep into her round thighs and heavy breasts as he fought unsuccessfully to escape her soft, grinding attack, and moaned as he felt himself hurdling closer and closer towards climax. “Destiny p-please! Pl-please, you’re hips, you’re moving to fast, I…” he trailed off, trying to scurry backwards against the couch and moaning as she followed him, crawling forward like a predator.
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The hornier he got the more terrified he became, and he had whimpered as he clenched his PC muscles desperately. Destiny’s soft, consistent grinding was relentless however, and he soon had felt another wave of pleasure burst out of him. Suddenly, another loud beep had rung out, muffled between their bodies. He had realized with a sudden surge of fear that he had to escape her grasp before he felt that horrible pain again. Completely panicking now, Dan wriggled desperately out of Destiny’s embrace, scurrying backwards away from her, and leapt from the couch, gasping and panting as his cock twitched and dribbled.

Destiny had looked up at him from the couch with amusement, and slowly stood, strutting purposefully towards him as she had asked in a faux innocent voice, “What’s wrong, Danny baby? Don’t you want me? I’m right here…don’t you want to touch me?” As she approached him, he nervously backed up a few more steps, looking wildly behind himself to make sure he didn’t trip on anything.

He had looked like a man trapped naked in a very small cage with a jungle cat, which was an image that caused her to giggle and stop where she was standing, staring at him with a look of playful love in her eyes. As he watched, unable to look away, she had plucked lightly at the base of her shirt with both hands, and slowly lifted it sensuously over her massive tits, her long delicate neck, and wild, curly hair.

Destiny’s body was thick, curvy, juicy…her massive, heavy tits, her soft, slightly round belly, her thick thighs…as much as he knew he shouldn’t, he hadn’t been able to stop letting his eyes crawl hungrily over every inch of her deep, chocolate brown skin, shimmering in the florescent lights and even further highlighting her curves. And her eyes were so big, so beautiful, and so full of love…every time he found himself caught in her gaze, the temptation grew.

“Don’t you want these Danny?” she had purred as she began to lightly circle her sharp red fingernails around her dark, hardening nipples, and he had watched with quivering lips as goosebumps rose lightly across her breasts. “If you come back over here and kiss me right now I’ll let you suck my tits Dan. Would you like that? You could get on your knees and lick them as much as you want.” Then she smiled widely at him, and he almost moaned again at her beauty, “But you need to be a good boy and come back to me first…”
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He resisted as much as he could, backing away slowly as she lifted her huge jiggling melons in her delicate fingers and dropped them again, over and over, stretching and posing for his benefit. “C’mon boyfriend, I’m offering myself to you…” she moaned with a glimmer in her eyes, again and again, “You’re allowed to do anything you want to me…touch me anywhere you want…my tits, my mouth, my feet, my ass, my thighs…”

After almost a minute of backing slowly away from her while she toyed with him, he had almost fainted in relief when the second green light on the Ring disappeared, signally that he was finally backing away from the danger of electrocution. But with the way Destiny was posing, strutting, and mercilessly taunting him, he couldn’t seem to calm down enough for the first to disappear as well. He cock leaked and dribbled as he watched her bounce her tits, play with her nipples, and promise his cock the world.

Each time she spoke, she would step slightly towards him again, slowly chasing him around the Break Room, and offering him things that he wanted more than life itself. For the first but definitely not the last time that week, he had begged desperately for Destiny to turn off Mistress Mode, just for the night, almost drooling as she plucked and teased at her nipples. But of course, she completely ignored his pleas for mercy. Destiny wasn’t interested in mercy: she was interested in devotion.

The amount of internal conflict he had felt for that entire shift with her had been excruciating. Every molecule of his being screamed out for her body, for her soft warmth and her sweet smell…but that beeping had been a reminder, and he knew that if he let himself fall back into her embrace, it wouldn’t be long before he felt that electric fire against his scrotum again.

But then again…there was only so much a man as desperate as Dan could refuse in the presence of someone who looked like Destiny. And so of course, despite his deepest, sincerest efforts, he found himself falling back into her warm, wet, soft trap over and over and over.
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The rest of the night had gone on like that, with Destiny offering Dan free exploration of her body again and again until he finally gave in, and then giggling wildly as he struggled to get away again before the Control Ring reached level three. He had become his own worst enemy, feeling helpless as he his lust overpowering his fear, and he dove face first into her soft, cavernous cleavage for a few moments of heavenly bliss.

And every time, of course, he had felt his fear overpowering his lust as he struggled to push away once more moments later, while Destiny giggled, wrapping her arms around his head and holding him firmly against her incredible breasts while he struggled, the Control Ring beeping in warning.

Chapter 2: Working Stiff

Every shift for the rest of the week had been some version of that exact experience. Now that the girls knew how torn he was between the freedom to touch them and his absolute terror at his own arousal, he found himself constantly trapped between his arousal and his panic in a way that made him feel like his brain was actually short circuiting. Each of the women would slowly, playfully, erotically break down his defenses until he was struggling to get closer to them…and then they would laugh in sincere amusement at his rising fear as the taser locked around his scrotum beeped in warning again and again.

He had only actually felt the effects of the taser three times this week, he realized now as he lay in Cindi’s bed, and debated whether he should stay where he was, or try to explore the house while she was otherwise occupied. The first two times he had been zapped this week, unsurprisingly, were at the cruel hand of redheaded, icy, and refined Lexie. The first, of course, had been when Cindi had first put the specialized ring onto him, and Lexie had “demonstrated” again exactly how the taser worked for him, her lubricated fingers teasing him towards an explosion of pain while he begged her to stop.

The second shock had occurred during a shared shift between Lexie and Dominique on Wednesday night, when Lexie had started their shift by declaring that she had decided to remind him of exactly what he should be afraid of so that he was on his best behavior, and had slowly, methodically stroked him to the point of electrocution, once more. His pleas that she had already reminded him once fell on deaf ears, of course…and after the shift had ended, he had to admit she had been right. He had spent the rest of the night having his tongue passed back and forth between Lexie and Dominique’s thighs while they had played with each, and he had spent the entire shift in absolute terror of being shocked again.

The third shock, however, had been a bit more surprising, and had come at the hands of Trixi, who had had her first solo shift with him yesterday. After strapping him into “The Chair”, Trixi had explained that she planned to use her first day alone with him to “test” the effects and the limits of her little inventions. “I know you’ve gotten to have a lot of fun with all my little toys…” she had explained in a slightly patronizing tone, as she had spread his limbs wide in The Chair, “but with all the fun and games lately, I haven’t gotten to take real life measurements. So you’re just going to be my little guinea pig today, okay Danny?”
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“Oh and don’t worry, “ she had cooed at him, with a sweet, reassuring smile on her face as she adjusted her glasses, “just let me know if you can’t hold back any more and you think you’re gonna get zapped, ‘kay my little lab rat?” She had pulled a stool between his outstretched legs and sat, completely nude save a pair of black thong cotton panties and matching thigh high socks, with a feather duster in one hand and her remote control in the other.

And then, with the calm curiosity of a scientist observing an experiment, Trixi had begun to torture him.

At first she had simply lightly feathered the underside of his throbbing cock, pausing occasionally to take notes in a small yellow pad at each response. She spun the implement lightly in her fingers, giving the feathers a quick twirl against the underside of his swollen ridge that had awoken a flame in him. She had done this for almost an hour, completely ignoring his begging, his crying, his laughing as she adjusted her technique, her position, her intensity, her speed, pausing each time to check the readouts and calming jotting another note down in her notebook.

Next she had begun playing with the Control Ring settings, still calmly checking readouts and taking notes as the Ring vibrated and squeezed against him and his testicles turned a deep, almost painful shade of purple. Dan had never been in a room alone with Trixe like this, and it had truly terrified him. She hadn’t acknowledged him ONCE since she had tied him to the chair. She didn’t make eye contact, and completely ignored his desperate, shrieking pleas as she carefully recorded one measurement after another. Instead of an actual human being, it was like he was nothing but a cock, a swollen, captive, denied and leaking cock for her to test her ideas on.

By the end of hour two, Trixi had added her custom built, vibrating butt plug to the equation, working it slowly into Dan’s puckering asshole and giggling as he lay there writhing and weakly begging, helpless to stop her. And then on and on it went: twirling the duster against him again, looking at her readouts, increasing the vibrations against his anus and the base of his cock, taking notes, on and on and on. By the time the night was almost over, he had been leaking nonstop, and panting out the word “please” almost deliriously. But that was when Trixi had proven that she could be just as cruel as Lexie.
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“Ok Danny boy” she had said softly as the feather dropped away from his leaking cock, acknowledging him for the first time in almost 3 hours, “We have one more thing I need to do today, and you’re not going to like it very much. But I know you’d do ANYTHING for me…right baby? So you don’t mind, do you?” He had gasped out in relief as he felt both the plug in his anus and the Ring around his cock suddenly stop vibrating, and had looked up weakly to find her staring at him with a sweet smile as she held her finger over her phone.

Dan had nodded quickly, and managed a very hoarse, “Y-yes Trixi…” Desperation permeated his entire body, and at this point he thought he would agree to anything she could have possibly wanted, if she would just promise to leave those vibrations switched off long enough for him to catch his breath. She had looked deeply into his eyes, her dark irises glittering mischievously, and she had adjusted her glasses again, as she whispered, “Are you sure Danny?”

He almost screamed the word “YES” his voice hoarse and rasping, terrified to do anything to incur her wrath any further, and a single tear rolled down his face, as he wondered about what was coming next. She had smiled at his loud, desperate response, looking pleased, and had stared lovingly into his eyes as she cooed, “Good, Danny! Because, before the night is over, I need to see exactly what the Mistress Mode shock correction looks like in person. So we’re going to end your shift with some fireworks tonight.”

She had winked at him at that, watching as his face grew horrified. He opened his mouth to beg, to cry, but before a word could come out, the pulsing vibrations tormenting his body returned with a vengeance. Dan struggled desperately in his bonds to get away from the building stimulation growing within him, but he couldn’t do anything to escape his body’s natural responses, and he could only stare silently at Trixi’s pale, lithe, pierced and tattooed body, gasping and trying to catch his breath, as the first light had ticked on, and a loud beep had echoed throughout the room.

“Oooh that was so quick!” Trixi had giggled at that, her dark eyes shining with fascination, “You really are all backed up aren’t you baby…” She leaned forward with her left hand, and brought the feather duster up against the underside of his dribbling cock again, and giggled as he bucked and groaned in rising terror at the sensations before continuing, “Good think you have my little Control Ring to train you Danny bear, we don’t want a premature ejaculator on our hands, huh? Now try to hold back, baby, make it last as looooong as you can…”
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He had clenched his abdominal muscles and fists, gritted his teeth, screamed, sobbed and begged, but her face had shown no signs of mercy, or even signs that she was listening to him at all. Instead, the pulsating vibrations and the spinning light tickling of the feather duster attacking him just continued increasing, sending one wave of stimulation after another through his body, and he moaned out in terror as the second light had lit up, and the Control Ring had beeped loudly again.

Dan shivered in Cindi’s bed now as he thought back to his shift the night before: he almost whimpered to himself as he remembered the way Trixi had coldly turned her attention to his cock, watching the thick veins pulsing against the sexual torture device locked around them. Her face showed no compassion, no mercy, only cold scientific curiosity as she had watched him writhe in his bonds, tears streaming down his face as he had try desperately to hold back.

He had actually felt his balls pull tightly against the rubber ring around them as his cock threatened to explode in pleasure…but then that terrible, blinding pain had torn through him instead, dipping his balls in white hot flame for just an instant, immediately snuffing out any semblance of an orgasm. And as he cried out, every muscle in his body tightening in response to the electrifying pain, Trixi had just kept calmly taking her notes.

He sat up now, in Cindi’s soft, comfortable bed and rubbed tenderly at his testicles as he remembered what it had felt like, and shivering. He always expected the pain to last for days given its intensity, but it always disappeared almost as quickly as it had come. Within seconds his nerve endings had returned to normal.

The shocks didn’t do cause any burns or even sore skin…they just HURT. And they hurt enough that he had spent every waking moment with these women torn painfully between his deeply flowing, physical, desperate desire for release, and his nervous, anxious, intellectual fear of pain. And because all of the girls KNEW that, they had spent the entire week offering him more access to their bodies than he had ever dreamed of. He couldn’t tell if this week had been heaven or hell.

Chapter 3: The Birthday Boy

Finally tired of reminiscing about his week of torment, he got out of bed and peeked down the hallway, nervously wondering where Cindi had gone. He “belonged” to her for the weekend, and true to form, she hadn’t given his aching cock a rest since she had driven him home yesterday from his Friday shift. So this rare moment of quiet was making him feel very anxious as he waited for the other, sparkly pink stripper heel to drop. Birthday or not, he knew that something else terrifying was on its way at this party, he just didn’t know what. After, all Cindi hadn’t been shy about putting him through his paces last night.

Cindi had come into the Break Room to pick him up only minutes after Trixi had electrocuted him last night, barely giving him a moment to recover before she had dressed him and taken him home for the weekend. As soon as she had walked him inside her apartment, she had firmly stripped him naked. Then, as he had begged her for mercy, trying to explain what Trixi had just put him through, she had cuffed his hands behind his back with a pair of sturdy steel handcuffs, lined with soft pink fluff. And then, once he was trussed up just like the naked horny boy that she loved for him to be, Cindi had taken him to the bedroom, and begun to play a new game with him.

Since the first day that Cindi had dominated Dan, turning him into a helpless puddle in her dressing room at The Tease, she had always appreciated his begging. She loved the way that he screamed and howled, adored the way his voice cracked when he was getting truly desperate, and got wet at the way he began to blubber and cry after prolonged torment.

And last night, as she had slowly peeled off her clothes one piece at a time and crawled onto the bed with him, she had informed him that his job, for the rest of the night, was going to be to show her just how good he really was at begging. And she had lived very much up to that promise. Totally naked, her massive breasts dragging beautifully against her silk sheets as she crawled towards him, Cindi had positioned herself so that her face was inches from his throbbing dick.
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He had been confused, not sure what she intended him to beg for at first, but of course Cindi had quickly begun to illustrate the finer points of her horrifying new game. She had used slender, delicate fingers to stroke lightly around his shaved groin. She licked and pursed her full, soft, glossy lips by the throbbing head of his cock. She kissed lightly at his innermost thigh, and extended her tongue to taste lovingly at his scrotum. She even used several soft fingers to stroke lovingly at his taint, pressing in a gentle stimulation of his prostate that brought him to even higher states of arousal. But she didn’t for an instant touch his aching cock.

Within minutes of this, he had burst out into desperate begging pleas…he begged for her to kiss his cock, to lick it, to take it into her mouth, his voice growing louder and more cracked with desperation as she teased slowly around his throbbing, screaming cock. From time to time she had stopped kissing and slurping lightly at his thighs long enough to purr in a breathy voice, “What’s that Dan? What do you want me to do with your hard throbbing cock? You need to speak louder baby, I can’t hear you.”

Her gorgeous, short, blonde hair had brushed and bounced around her round, beautiful face as she teased him, and she had slowly licked her full, wet lips over and over as he watched. Soon he had been screaming, crying, and begging so loudly that his breath grew short and his head grew dizzy. For almost 10 minutes he had sobbed and pleaded for mercy, before she finally…FINALLY…had slid her lips to the tip of his cock and her slender fingers to the base. Then, as he watched with shaking, sweaty desperation, she had parted her lips as she stared at him with wide, piercing blue eyes, and taken his throbbing cock into her mouth.

He had almost fainted in pure pleasure as he felt her wet mouth enveloping him, and had moaned out in absolute ecstasy as he felt her thick tongue rolling with a delicious warm slickness against his frenulum….He warbled dizzily in absolute bliss, feeling his tense muscles loosen in relief as he finally experienced the pulsating, building pleasure of real stimulation. But once she started, she wouldn’t slow down, and suddenly Cindi was passionately and sensuously worshipping Dan’s cock with such vigor that he found himself hurdling towards terrifying pain once more.

When the first loud beep of the Control Ring had echoed throughout the room, Dan’s reaction had been immediate. He had instantly begun wriggling, writhing, unable to escape the suction of her wet mouth with his hands cuffed behind his back, and had burst out into desperate, sobbing begging again…only this time it had been for her to slow down. She had giggled at this, letting his cock slide wetly out of her soft lips with a “plop”, and cooed, “What’s wrong Danny, baby? I thought you WANTED me to slurp and suck at you…and now you want me to stop?”

She had batted her lashes at him innocently, and leaned in again with her wet tongue, “Well if you don’t want me to suck you any more, maybe I should just lick at you…like this…”. She had then spread her lips once more, sliding his cock deep into her mouth along her tongue without tightening her lips, her gasping breath against his cock head sending him into another desperate round of sobbing, frenzied begging.
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She had done this to him for over three hours last night, bouncing him back and forth between begging for her to slow down and begging for her to speed up. Just as had been the case with Destiny, he couldn’t seem to help himself, and two weeks of unexpressed sexual arousal was causing his cock to override his logic in all things. Every time she had slowed enough to make him feel that empty, hungry denial, he had helplessly found himself begging again for her to suck on his needy, dribbling cock.

Now, sneaking out of Cindi’s bedroom on Saturday morning, a shiver went down his spine as he remembered exactly what her mouth around his cock had felt like last night. She had finally uncuffed him sometime after 1am, and had allowed him to fall almost immediately into a horny, exhausted sleep. He peeked out into the hallway again, and stepped nervously towards the bathroom, looking quickly in all directions and wondering where Cindi was.

His hard cock bounced prominently in front of him as he tip toed towards the bathroom, wondering if she was in the shower. And when he found the shower empty, and turned to look for her in the kitchen, he could feel the cold morning air tickling his bare buttocks. The girls never let him wear clothing in the house when he was staying with him, and he hated how completely vulnerable that nudity made him feel. But even worse, the intense vulnerability of his nakedness was only magnified when he had no idea where his gorgeous, cruel, playful tormentor was.

Suddenly, as he peeked into the kitchen, he felt a warm, perfumed body, and a pair of soft, massive tits press into his back as Cindi’s hands playfully covered his eyes, and her breathy voice whispered in his ear, “Guess who, Birthday Boy?” He let out a whimpering yelp, and went suddenly stiff in her arms, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, and she giggled, “Aww, was someone trying to be sneaky?”

Dan let out a quavering moan, his knees went weak, and he fell back limply against her body as he felt the drunken dizziness of his growing arousal overpower him. Despite her wide hips, thick thighs, and creamy, bouncing breasts, Cindi had snuck up on him in complete silence, heightening the sensation that he was her prey, her victim, her conquest.
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He felt his cock throbbing and twitching quickly to full size as she let him fall weakly against her, giggling playfully in his ear, and kissing wetly at his earlobe. She rolled her hips against him suggestively, and lowered her hands from his face to his hardening nipples, tweaking lightly and turning him into a puddle in her arms. The soft sliding sensation of silk against his buttocks told him that she was wearing panties, but the delicious, rubbery feeling of her hard nipples pocking into his shoulder blades told him that was ALL she was wearing.

“Mmmmmm” Cindi hummed in his ear, her left hand sliding slowly down his tight, exposed stomach muscles, letting her fingers fondle appreciatively at the new, rippling, abdominal definition that she found there, “Good horny naked little slave boy, look at that obedient throbbing cock waking up for me…” He felt her extend her tongue, running it lightly along the ridge of his ear, and another wild shiver spread throughout his body as he gasped. But before he could think of anything to say, he felt Cindi shift against him to grab something.

Then, as he watched with nervous arousal, she held her hand in front of his face once more, this time while dangling the brushed steel and pink fluff handcuffs that she had used to torture him with all evening between thumb and forefinger. He moaned a bit louder at the sight of them, and as she playfully jingle jangled them in his face as she giggled sweetly in his ear, “So have you decided yet baby? Do you want to try to earn a bathing suit for your little party today, Birthday Boy, or did you like my idea?”

Dan almost burst into tears. In the midst of this insane, intense teasing, he had forgotten that Cindi had threatened (between torturous bouts of slow, wet, blowjob cockteasing) last night that she was going to make him wear his “birthday suit” for the entirety of his birthday. He had been so out of his mind with paradoxical desire by that point that he had barely registered it, but…she couldn’t seriously be asking him to travel buck naked like this, could she?

“S-Cindi, please,” he stuttered, trying to keep himself calm as he searched desperately for some way to reason with her, “I-I can’t drive over there naked with you, I’ll get caught…someone will notice…”

She gave his nipples one more light pinch, and then let her hands slid slowly and sensuously down towards his throbbing cock. She let the soft pads of her right index and ring finger slide gently against the underside of him, cradling his pulsating shaft lovingly as she kissed lightly at his ear before responding. “Oh people will DEFINITELY notice…” she giggled happily, wriggling her smooth, warm skin against his back, “Dominique lives in a HUGE apartment complex, and sometimes I have to park BLOCKS away…”
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As he watched, hypnotized, she reached down slowly with her left hand, the fuzzy pink handcuffs still dangling from them, so that the soft fringe brushed maddeningly against the root of his shaven cock. “And it’s going to be pretty hard to hide that big birthday boy cock when it’s twitching and leaking like this…” she giggled, as she lightly tickled at the base of him with one hand and stroked slowly at his frenulum with the other. “Look at you! You can’t even control that naughty naughty cock, can you? Poor Danny, all the girls are going to laugh at him in his birthday suit…if only there was something he could do about it…”

He gasped, trying to focus his thoughts and feeling his composure crumbling as she slowly teased and stroked at him from behind. He hadn’t even SEEN her yet this morning, and yet she had already completely broken him. “Cindi, p-please…” he sputtered, struggling and failing to keep his voice even as he held back nervous tears of frustration, “Please let me wear something, just until we get to Dominique’s, I swear I’ll get as naked as you want the second we’re inside, but PLEASE you can’t make me walk around in public like this…”

She nuzzled warmly and wetly against his neck, moaning in arousal as she nibbled lightly at him, and she giggled, “Well if you want something to cover up, I guess you’re going to have to earn it, huh baby?” She suddenly lifted her hands away from his cock, and grasped one of the fuzzy pink and steel cuffs in each hand, sliding them up to his chest and then pulling him firmly and forcefully against him. “You know…” she continued, still panting hotly in his ear, “Making you beg all night was really really fun… didn’t you think so baby?”

He moaned unintelligibly, thrusting his hips in light, uncontrolled spasms as the soft fluff and cold steel of the cuffs brushed against his hypersensitive nipples. “I just LOVE the way I can hear you losing control…” She cooed as he unconsciously thrust his cock forward at the sound of her soft, confident voice, “The way you make that cute little face when you cry…”

A combination of relief and terror ran through him as he realized two things at once: Cindi wasn’t REALLY going to make him walk around naked in public today after all…but if he really wanted to cover up, she was going to make him work for it.
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“We don’t have to start getting ready for the party for another 3 hours, you know,” she purred, rolling her hips lightly into his buttocks to encourage his desperate humping, “So maybe if you’re a REEEALLY good boy the whole time, I might be inclined to give you a bathing suit as an early birthday present.” She moaned lightly as she pressed more firmly against him, and her voice took on the slight, husky crackle that he knew meant real arousal: he felt his knees growing weak as she continued, “But it’s your choice Danny. You can show off how much you love us to everyone in Dominique’s apartment complex instead if you want…”

She nibbled a bit more sharply at his ear now, and he could hear her breath speeding up as she moved against him. “Or…” she panted, “You can show me how much you love me right now, and earn something to hide that naughty naughty cock from the world…”

She paused dramatically at that, but never stopped her rolling, grinding motion against him, and he felt the slide of her massive breasts, her hard nipples, her satin panties against drive him even deeper into drunken arousal. “C’mon baby, you know you want to say yes…Wasn’t it fun begging me to lick your cock? To kiss the head? To slurp at your shaft? To open my warm wet mouth, and slide you so far in that I can kiss your Control Ring?”

She started rubbing the cuffs lightly up and down his chest as he tried to think, tried to consider, and her voice got softer, weightier, “And even if it was just a little bit scary…if you’re being honest Danny…wasn’t the other begging fun too? Begging for me to slow down? Begging helplessly for mercy while you ticked closer…and closer…and closer to punishment? Wondering if I was going to stop in time, and how much louder you’d have to howl before I did? Three more hours, that’s all baby…Three more hours of fun, and you won’t have to worry about everyone seeing your cute little tushie…All you have to do is give me your hands, and go back to the bedroom, Danny…”

He almost let out a sob, and closed his eyes in an effort to hold back tears. Three more hours of constant, paradoxical begging…begging for more, begging for less, begging for mercy that he knew he was never going to get. And that was just the start of what he was sure would be one of the most intense days of his life.

He slowly lifted his wrists behind himself, as if in offering, and she squealed with joy as she dropped her hands to grab his, and fastened the cuffs around his wrists with a loud click. Then she wrapped her arms lovingly around him again, and her voice swelled with pride as she giggled, “Oooh, yay Dan! We’re going to have soooo much fun before the party. You know, you didn’t get me off ONCE last night, so I think we should start by remedying THAT situation.”
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She slapped him lightly on the ass, causing him to jump nervously, and then left her hand pressed gently against his buttocks, fondling him softly. He felt her begin to push forward with her hand against his bare butt, as she stayed behind him and firmly lead him cuffed and panting back towards her bedroom. As they entered her bedroom for another long round of cockteasing mind games, Cindi kissed lightly against his earlobe and whispered “Oh, and don’t worry, sweet buns…I have the perfect outfit for my cute naked Birthday Boy to wear after he earns it…”
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Re: Dan's New Life 02: The Birthday Barbecue

Post by subzerowriter »

Chapter 4: A Long Walk

It was, truly, almost three hours later when Cindi and Dan finally left her house and headed over to Dominique’s. Dan stumbled out of her house looking a bit shell shocked, and still wiping her juices from his mouth. After putting Dan through sexual hell, Cindi had been true to her word, and allowed him to wear a bathing suit. Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t exactly the kind of suit that Dan was used to wearing. Cindi had only showed it to him moments before they walked out the front door, and had listened to him beg to wear something else for almost a full minute before she held out the suit before him, and reminded him in a soft, confident voice that it was this…or nothing.

Dan scurried behind Cindi as they walked out to her car, terrified of being seen. The “bathing suit” that Cindi had handed him was a hot pink, latex, undersized speedo, and was so tiny that his butt cheeks peeked embarrassingly out of the rear. Even worse, formed into the interior lining was a thick bulbous protrusion, almost like a shallow butt plug. It was designed, Cindi had explained in a breathy, cooing voice, to press pleasantly and constantly against his anus with every step he took. But worse than the latex panties…worse than the constant stimulation of his vulnerable prostate with every movement…worst of all, the words “TEASE TOY” were brightly emblazoned on the hot pink fabric in bright, white letters, encrusted with rhinestones.

Each detail had made the garment more terrifying, more mortifying to wear, and he had literally fallen to his knees as he begged her to give him something else to put on. But after her amused silence had made it clear that this was in only option, he had felt his entire face begin to turn hot red as he gingerly pulled it on. The suit barely contained his throbbing erection, which was incredibly apparent nestled in tight latex, and his face burned with embarrassment as he felt the thick plug in the rear push firmly against the ridge from his testicles to his anus.
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Dan had never worn something like it in his life, especially in public, and the way the thick curve of latex pushed constantly into his ass crack, made him gasp and whimper as he moved. The front of the hot pink fabric hugged tightly against his throbbing testicles, making sure that he stayed a horny mess the entire drive to Dominique’s apartment. Cindi drove, taking her classic electric blue convertible, and to Dan’s absolute horror, she made sure to take surface streets the entire way, driving excruciatingly slowly with the top down. She giggled endlessly as he ducked down and hid every time they drove by pedestrians, ignoring his pleas to put the top back up.

He hadn’t forgotten her comment about parking blocks away, but he was relieved when Cindi pulled right outside of Dominique’s apartment complex, parking next to a large, concrete arch emblazoned boldly with the words “Buena Vista” curving over the entryway. However, his relief only lasted for a moment. As soon as the car was in park, Cindi promptly pulled the keys and got out, and Dan realized that he was still going to have to walk through a crowded apartment complex wearing nothing but this latex abomination. To his confusion and horror, he felt his cock surge at the thought of the humiliation of the staring eyes of strangers as they read the words “Tease Toy”, sparkling and emblazoned across his ass.

While he was still sitting there, nervously frozen, Cindi popped the trunk and began rummaging through it. Suddenly, as he tried to work up the courage to open the door and stand up, he heard Cindi call sweetly from behind him, “The bashfulness is really cute, but if you’re not out of the car in 5 seconds, that bathing suit is staying in the trunk, Danny.” He felt his entire body flush with fear at that, and grabbed for the handle, climbing awkwardly out of the car as quickly as he could.

Cindi’s deep blue eyes twinkled at him as he stood there, blushing furiously, and he suddenly was very very aware of how much of his bare buttocks the speedo left uncovered. He slid his hands in front of his ass and in front of his cock, twisting in an instinctual attempt to appear less naked than he was. He felt vulnerable…exposed. His body surged with excitement, unable to deny how aroused this new humiliation made him feel, and he felt himself clench his ass cheeks against the plug pushing against him, gasping as he did so. Cindi didn’t do anything to help the feeling: she used one crooked finger to beckon him over seductively, and she giggled wildly as his face and chest exploded into another deep shade of crimson.
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She licked her lips and leered at him as he shuffled over, his heart beating frantically, and when he was finally standing next to her, she lifted one hand to his face, cradling his jawline gently in her soft hands, her cool skin an instant relief against his burning face. “Look at my poor blushing birthday boy…” she purred, and stepped closer to him, so that their faces were inches apart. She bit her lip, her wide innocent eyes sucking him in as she added, “Hands at your sides, like a good boy now…”

Then, as he stood there, hands obediently at his sides, he watched in fascinated horror as Cindi smiled, and lowered her hand to his chest, where she began softly and slowly kneading his nipple between her thumb and forefinger. He moaned softly as he felt the familiar, hungry stirring of his cock, struggling to keep himself from growing erect. His eyes darted around wildly as he moaned, absurdly aware of how public this was, and not knowing what to do if anyone caught them. The moan made Cindi giggle, and she dropped her other hand to his corresponding nipple, and began plucking, squeezing, pinching them both in tandem.

The his cock lurched and swelled slowly to life as she did, the latex hugged his member so tightly that he could see the outline of the Control Ring: if he got hard now, there was going to be no way to hide it. But no matter how much he whimpered, she never stopped, and never broke eye contact. There was no resisting her, of course, and within thirty seconds his cock was pulsing desperately against the pink latex, pulling it so tight as he stretched the material that you could almost see the veins of his throbbing shaft.

It was so unfair that he felt like crying…here he was, almost naked, hornier than he’d ever been in his life, practically bursting out of his tiny latex panties…and Cindi hadn’t even shown him the bathing suit she was wearing yet. She was wearing a stylish, patterned, full body sarong wrapped around herself, and a pair of strappy wedge sandals. And yet he was wearing less fabric than he had ever worn in public in his life, and about to parade through a busy apartment complex while his hard erection was threatening to split his bathing suit in half. He was helpless to fight back, helpless to resist, he realized, and felt his cock pulse even stronger as he stared into her shining blue eyes. Cindi owned him completely now, body and soul.

Finally satisfied with the size of his erection, she let go of his screaming nipples, and reached into her trunk, pulling out a huge serving tray that was at least three feet wide. It was loaded with homemade jello shots, finger food snacks, chips and dip. Everything a good house party needed. She held the tray out to him, a look on her face that invited no argument as she said, “Carry this for me Danny, I need to grab my purse.”

He clumsily took the tray, balancing it awkwardly in his forearms, his upturned palms flat against its surface…and watched as Cindi closed the trunk, grabbing nothing but a small clutch purse, no larger than a sandwich. Then she locked her car, and strutted past him, her eyes twinkling as she called out, “Ok, follow me, birthday boy!”
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Without another word, she began to click her way into “Buena Vista”, and Dan walked carefully behind her. The instant he began to move, he realized what she had done: while he was balancing this massive tray in his forearms, at chest level, he had absolutely no way to cover himself, or to hide the massive, pulsing erection that jutted out from the front of his hot pink, latex panties. He swallowed nervously, looking around as he followed Cindi through the outer gate, and into a maze of walkways between buildings, grassy areas, rec centers, and pools.

He had hoped that when Cindi had said that Dominique lived in an apartment complex, she had meant one building. But now he saw that the complex was comprised of dozens of buildings, with pathways and open lines of sight everywhere he looked. “God, it’s Saturday…at NOON” He thought to himself, feeling miserable as he heard voices in the distance in nearly every direction, “There was no way that I’m going to get through this unseen…” He felt his face blush furiously, hurrying along behind her as his cock bounced, and he weakly asked, “Cindi? H-how far are we from Dominique’s?”

Cindi laughed at that, looking back at him over her shoulder with mischievous eyes, her lightly freckled nose scrunching adorably in amusement. “Aw, are you feeling a little exposed, baby? Are you worried someone’s gonna notice that poor, throbbing cock? Don’t worry, baby…you look SO cute in those little naughty panties…and we’ll be there in about 15 minutes.” She giggled at his horrified expression, and added “Dominique lives on the other side of the complex, but I like the parking situation way better over here. Besides, isn’t it a beautiful day for a nice long walk in the sun?” Her eyes glittered beautifully in the summer sun as she almost whispered, “You don’t mind, right?”

He felt the urge to panic rise in his gut, and fought it off: if he did anything stupid, like spilling Cindi’s tray, he would be in worse shape than he was now. He had to stay calm. He took a few deep breathes, and while they did nothing to lessen the intensity of his cock, he felt the panic finally subside. “N-no Cindi” he stammered, and mostly kept his voice from quavering, “I don’t mind…” He told another deep breath, trying not to imagine what would happen if he walked by the wrong group of people dressed like this…

Cindi, turned left and right, zig zagging between buildings as he shuffled behind her, trying not to think too much about the plug teasing at his prostate, or the massive erection he was sporting for all the world to see…and within minutes he hit his first big hurdle. As they slowly approached it, Dan realized that Cindi was about to force him to walk past a large, open community pool, which was thriving with daytime activity. Cindi had been right earlier: it was a gorgeous, sunny summer day, and the hum of chatter, laughing and splashing made him want the ground to swallow him up as he obediently followed her along the pathway which encircled the pool.

However, when he peeked through the chain link fencing surrounding the pool area, he saw a scene that was quite different than he had expected. The pool was filled and surrounded by nothing but beautiful women and photographers in every direction. There were women posing alone and women posing together. Women in tiny, lacy bathing suits, arching their backs and stretching their legs. Curvy women, lithe women, all posing, all smiling at the lens as the shutters clicked.
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Dan saw several women playing seductively with the thin strings of their skimpy bathing suits as cameras flashed. One very large breasted woman posed topless as she rubbed tanning oil into her flawless skin. Two women sitting in the jacuzzi together were pulling each other closer, threatening to kiss as photographers snapped away. It was like watching 15 different playboy photoshoots occurring at once.

He had been terrified that everyone in the pool would see his cock threatening to burst free of its teensy latex prison, but almost no one even noticed him. A few photographers noticed his outfit and shook their heads in amusement as he walked by, and a few of those gorgeous women smiled as if they were seeing something very familiar, but no one screamed, or pointed, or seemed surprised by his appearance. Dan’s mind was swirling in confusion. What the hell was this? But he barely had time to wonder at the scene in front of him before they had moved on, walking further into the labyrinth of buildings.

Despite this bizarre first encounter, Dan spent the rest of their walk feeling naked, exposed and terrified. Almost every person they ran across seemed to be a young, seductive, and beautiful woman, and not one seemed to be remotely bothered or surprised by Dan’s state of arousal or undress. There were a few young, sturdy looking men walking around as well, but the majority were provocatively dressed women. And a lot of them seemed to know Cindi suspiciously well.

One lithe, tiny women with a front puff ponytail and large catlike eyes, who appeared to be in her early twenties, waved from her sunbathing spot in the grass as they walked by, calling out, “Hey Cindi! Oooooh, new Tease Toy, how sexy!!!! Looks like the party’s at Dominique’s today, huh?”
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Cindi had smiled back widely, wiggled her fingers at the bikini clad woman “Sasha! Good to see you!” She laughed and gestured back at Dan. “Yes, Dominique’s throwing a little work party for our new hire at the club…” She looked at him, and firmly added, “Dan, say hi to Sasha, she’s one of Dominique’s neighbors,” before looking back to Sasha and winking, “It’s his birthday, you know!” Sasha sat up at that, and he felt her wide, cat eyes immediately zero in on his erection. She giggled, “Oh wow, Happy birthday Dan!” before she turned back to Cindi, and winked, “Well it looks like you’ve been treating the little birthday boy right so far!”

The beautiful young woman sunbathing in the grass slowly let her eyes crawl up Dan’s almost completely nude body, and he suppressed a shiver. He could FEEL her eyes on him, enjoying his discomfort, as she surveyed his newly toned and hairless body. And as she ogled him shamelessly, the strangest feeling bubbled up...that he recognized her somehow. But before he could figure out from where, she caught his eye, kissed her lips sweetly at him, and winked before adding, “Have fun today Dan, maybe I’ll come by later…”

As soon as Dan and Cindi were out of earshot, he speed up so that he could walk next to her. He was terrified that even that might earn him a scolding, but he needed answers. “Cindi,” he almost hissed, feeling dizzy with complex feelings of arousal and humiliation, “What is going on here? What is this place? Why does nobody care that I’m dressed like this? And who was that?”

But Cindi didn’t scold him. Instead, she burst out giggling, and exclaimed “I was wondering how long it would take before you said something! I thought you were going to trip and fall while we were walking by the pool earlier!” She bit her lip in an absolutely adorable attempt to stifle another gale of laughter, and she brushed her blonde and blue hair out of her sparkling eyes. The way she smiled, the way her soft, round freckled cheeks dimpled as her lips spread, and the way her eyes shined at him made his gut explode into butterflies. He couldn’t help it…despite every moment of torture she put him through, he loved her so much.

After she finally gained control of herself, Cindi explained, “You see Dan, a lot of people in the world look down at people who do sex work. Strippers, porn stars, cam girls, pro dommes, high end call girls…they all have to live somewhere, and there are a lot of places and people that won’t sell to them, or rent to them, because of where their money comes from. So when working girls find a place that doesn’t care, or even better, one that’s supportive, they spread the word.”

She smiled at him again, and gestured all around her, before continuing, “Well, Buena Vista is one of the oldest and largest save havens for sex workers in the city. Nearly every tenant in the complex does some sort of kinky work for money. That scene at the pool is what it looks like when twenty OnlyFans models are doing photoshoots at once.” She paused for a second, and lifted her thumb to her mouth, biting cutely at her nail flirtatiously, “So you thought you recognized Sasha from somewhere, huh baby?”

He nodded, confused…where the hell did he know her from? Something about that haircut, with the stylish bump in the front of her soft, brown ponytail…her dark catlike eyes…Cindi had stopped as they talked now, in front of a large row of doors, and Dan suddenly wished they were still moving: standing still like this only magnified the feeling of humiliating nakedness that was coursing through him.

Cindi giggled at his obvious, intense discomfort, and continued, “Well I’ll give you a hint horny boy…you know all of those dirty videos that Lexie and Dominique have been sending you?” Dan suddenly blushed furiously, his entire face and chest blossoming bright red. He knew exactly what she was talking about, of course, but it was humiliating to learn that Cindi knew about it too. It was true, for the last several weeks, any time Lexie and Dominique had pulled Dan into their sexual games via text (as they did two or three nights a week), they would send him porn clips, on after another.

Suddenly, his familiarity with Sasha snapped into place. Three days earlier, he had watched a video of that woman slowly and sensuously teasing a cock as he stroked and edged himself to Lexie’s instructions. He had seen that beautiful woman, who he had just met sunbathing in the grass, lick and kiss and slurp until the man she was worshipping begged her to fuck him. On video. For almost an hour as Lexie and Dominique had tortured him. The look on his face must have been enough to confirm for Cindi that he realized how he knew her, because she broke out into another gale of laughter.
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“Why do you look so shocked, I just told you the kind of people who live here!” She smiled at him warmly, and her face softened into a more serious expression as she added, “You know, Dominique’s been living In Buena Vista for almost 10 years now, almost since she first started dancing, and she helps take care of a lot of the girls around here. She’s become a little bit of a momma bear in the community.”

She winked at him, and then reached out to lightly stroke his cock through the tight hot pink latex, and whispered, “Which means that while we’re here at Buena Vista, we don’t have to worry very much about someone being offended by your appearance, okay Danny? You’re among friends here, my little subby boy. So you stop worrying about that naughty, naughty cock getting you in trouble…”

He moaned lightly as her fingers slid lightly against his desperate cock, and he thrust forward into her hand unconsciously, almost causing him to let the tray in his arms tumble to the concrete. “Uh oh…” Cindi cooed playfully, as she lightly massaged his shaft, “Better not drop that, Danny, or your party is going to be off to a much rougher start than you’re hoping for…” Then she released him again, biting her lip in amusement as she watched him struggle to calm himself.

She moved closer to him, and she looked deeply into his eyes, suddenly with an incredibly serious expression on her face. “I know you were nervous about this walk today baby, and you did so well. But I just want you to know, Tease Toy,” she added with a lopsided smile and a sheepish expression, “The other ladies and I might love to torture you, but we’re always going to take care of you, okay? I never would have made you do that if I didn’t think it was safe. I hope you know that baby.”

She suddenly leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek, and Dan felt another explosion of nervous warmth and butterflies in his belly. As absurd as it sounded, he suddenly did feel taken care of. And he was absolutely bursting with joy at the idea that he had made her proud. He felt another powerful wave of love wash over him as he breathed in her scent and felt her soft, wet lips against his cheek. He wanted to kiss her back…to throw the tray to the ground, and grope at her as he ripped off that sarong…to bend her over and thrust deeply and wetly into her…but he acted like the good boy he knew she wanted him to be, and stood still.
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After one more beaming, proud smile that made his knees feel weak, Cindi walked towards one of the many front doors surrounding him, and grabbed the handle. He looked around one last time, lost in thought about what might be happening behind the hundreds of other doors he had passed on his long walk to Dominique’s apartment, and then followed her inside.

Chapter 5: Fun in the Sun

Dominique’s home was small and sparsely decorated, and the decor looked like it was over 30 years old, but it felt homey and warm. Unlike Lexie’s palatial estate, it felt LIVED in. The walkway opened into a living room with an old TV and a few couches, and as Dan’s eyes adjusted to the light, he saw that all four of the other Tease girls were standing around, most holding drinks, as he stumbled through the doorway behind Cindi.

“Dan! Birthday boy!” Destiny squealed, and ran over to hug him. She was wearing the same tiny American flag string bikini she had been wearing the first time he had laid eyes on her, and every inch of her soft skin jiggled as she bounced towards him. Dominique was right behind her, wearing nothing but a tiny teal bikini top and a pair of cut off jean shorts, which hugged tightly against the thick bronze curve of her thighs. Her light brown eyes twinkled at him as she smiled, smacking her gum, and she whispered, “Hiya birthday boy” in that oddly alluring New Jersey tough girl accent as she slid the palm of her hand lightly around Dan’s exposed butt cheek.

He moaned softly as Dominique’s hand squeezed against his ass cheek through the latex, pushing the plug against him in a sensation that made his lower belly explode into fireworks. Destiny took the tray from him, placing it on the coffee table in the living room before enveloping him in another hug, pulling his almost naked body tightly against her warm, soft, massive breasts, and he grew dizzy as he felt the strawberry scent of her envelop him. Instinctually, he thrust forward, pressing his throbbing cock clumsily into her as if he was hypnotized, until he suddenly heard a loud, familiar beep echo throughout the room and he was startled back to reality.
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“Oh my goodness!” Lexie marveled as she sauntered confidently toward the growing group of women surrounding Dan, “THAT was fast…Cindi my dear, have you been playing with that poor boy all morning?” Her emerald eyes glittered as she caught Dan’s. She was wearing a tiny black bikini, made of skin tight, silky material that clung to her pale freckled skin, and connected with glittering golden clasps. She held up her martini absently in one hand, as he felt her bright green eyes crawl down his bare body towards his pulsating erection, smiling as she lingered there. His eyes followed hers, and he saw with horror that one bright green light was shining through the latex fabric.

Trixi bounded over next, wearing a deep purple bikini with tiny black skulls speckled all over it. Her numerous tattoos dragged his eyes almost involuntarily towards her tight, lithe, pale body. Her jet black hair was done up in pigtails that bobbed cutely around the boxy black glasses that framed her dark, glittering, terrifyingly intelligent eyes. As always, she was at her most confident when he was nearly drooling with arousal, and she actually grabbed the bulge of his testicles through the latex, pulling him forward so she could examine her precious Control Ring.

“Oh good, I was right about the battery life!” she exclaimed, almost to herself, as she softly but firmly used her grip on his swollen testicles to turn him left and right, and ran her other forefinger against the outline of the Ring wrapped around his cock through the latex. She looked up, but right past Dan towards Cindi, and Dan was again struck by how much he really was just an interesting lab rat to Trixi. “Cindi,” she asked in a hopeful voice, “Dominique’s already got the hot tub going, do you think I could test out how waterproof Mistress Mode is for a bit? Anybody who wants to can join us, I just want to make sure it can get wet without starting to shock him constantly. I never checked on that when I was building it with Louie.”

Dan’s head spun at those words, and for a moment he considered making a case for his physical safety, but he thought better of it, instead standing silently as Cindi giggled and responded, “Well, alright.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her gently remove her wrap-around sarong, revealing a shockingly tiny, electric blue bikini with silver clasps beneath it. His eyes crawled hungrily over her body as he watched her grab a large bottle of something from the side table by the door and hand it to him. She looked at Trixi as he obediently took what he saw was an economy sized bottle of sunscreen, and said to the pigtailed mad scientist, “Just make sure Dan puts plenty of sunscreen on everyone. I want everyone to be safe in the sun!”
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Trixi smiled widely at that, pulling firmly at Dan’s cock through the latex, and leading him out the sliding door to the back patio. He stumbled breathlessly behind her, desperately trying to breathe slowly and calm down before the second light on the Control Ring lit up, and the rest of the Tease Club girls followed. As he stepped out into Dominique’s backyard, he blinked his eyes as he readjusted to the bright summer day, and he looked around. The backyard, just like the house, was basic but homey. The lawn was fairly well manicured , and a long picnic table set up in one corner, covered with chips, dips, and large coolers of drinks.

The yard was enclosed by a brown wooden fence, about four and a half feet tall, that enclosed the perimeter. And as he looked around, Dan suddenly realized how easily neighbors would be able to see into the yard over that fence. Then, as his stomach began to sink, he started to notice how many second, third, and forth story windows of adjoining buildings had a direct view into Dominique’s yard. As Trixi tugged him insistently by his throbbing, oozing cock towards the middle of the yard, he began feeling just as exposed as he had on the walk here from Cindi’s car.

Hung up in sweeping curves around the fenced yard were colorful streamers, and dangling from the picnic table were the words “Happy Birthday Tease Toy!”, words that made him blush furiously, his cock growing somehow harder as he read them. All the way across the lawn stood the hot tub that Trixi had mentioned, an above-ground, wood-paneled, bubbling monstrosity that looked like it would barely hold 3-4 people comfortably. Dan looked around at the gang of voluptuous women who were getting read to get in the water with him, and he thought about squeezing into that warm, wet, tub with them, their bodies sliding against him as the splashed together.

The mental image overwhelmed him, and his cock lurched again. Unable to stop himself, he pistoned his hips forward wildly, pushing his cock greedily into Trixi’s hand, gasping at the feeling of his head pressing deliciously against the tight latex wrapped around his throbbing member. As he thrust, he unwittingly pulled the plug that was tormenting him deeper into himself, stimulating his prostate. He felt another explosion within his lower belly, and his breath caught short in his throat, as Trixi released him with a look of disgust.

“Ewwwww Dan!” She squealed, wrinkling her nose cutely at him as he struggled to catch his breath and stop his hips. She looked around at the others, her black pigtails bobbing cutely around her face as she almost yelled, “Did you guys see that! The little pervert was humping my hand, without asking permission or anything!” Dan’s face burned red as she shook her head in disapproval, her dark eyes glittering in amusement as she watched him squirm. “You need to be a better tease toy than that today, or you’re not going to get your birthday present!”
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Cindi came up behind Dan, sliding her arms sensuously around his waist, just like she had done when she had caught him sneaking this morning, and he shuddered as he felt himself fall back into her soft, pillowy body. Her wet lips pressed against his ear as she almost whispered, “Ooooh, you better listen to her Danny…You’re going to like your birthday present…”

As Dan almost melted into Cindi’s embrace, Dominique strutted over in front of Dan, spinning in the summer sun and showing off her thick, toned body, her small but pert breasts pulling tightly against her torso as she ran her fingers through her luscious chocolate curls, and he felt his eyes draw desperately to her mouth, where she was smacking her gum between full, soft, inviting lips. She grinned in amusement at his gaping expression as she spoke, in that thick New Jersey accent that drove him wild, “Cindi’s right Danny boy…I promise you’re going to want to be good today…we have some fun stuff in store.”

As he watched, she turned away from him, arching her supple, muscled back and locking her knees, before she began to slowly shimmy out of her tight cutoff jeans, her round, juicy, copper toned bottom wriggling deliciously for him as she slide them down her thick thighs and shapely calves. She was wearing a teal G-String that matched her bikini top, and a strand of drool actually fell from his lips as he watched her display, his hips against pistoning forward uncontrollably. She laughed merrily at his gawking desperation before she called out, “Now will someone give the Tease Toy the sunscreen so we can get this party started?”

Dan felt soft, feminine hands slide against his exposed and shaven torso, and he ripped his eyes from Dominique’s ass to look around. Destiny was standing at his right, where her fingers inched teasingly towards Dan’s sensitive nipples, and Lexie on his left, her fingers snaking sneakily towards the exposed skin at the border of his latex panties. Cindi, her arms still wrapped around his waist, was kissing gently at his neck now, and he watched as Trixi walked over to the speakers by the picnic table and turned them on.

Summertime classic rock and roll began to blast from the speakers as Destiny and Lexie held Dan’s hands hands up and poured copious amounts of sun screen into each of his palms. Destiny giggled against him, and whispered, “Go ahead Dan…make sure Dominique’s nice and protected from the sun…rub that lotion aaaaaaalll over her ass…and legs, and neck…and her tight stomach…” Suddenly he felt Cindi, Destiny, and Lexie’s hands around his waist fall away, and he was so dizzy with arousal that without their support, he literally fell to his knees, sun screen dripping from his palms as Dominique’s gorgeous, bronze rear end jiggled and bounced inches from his face.
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“C’mon Danny boy,” Dominique said in a soft, playful voice, rotating her knees just enough that the jiggling soft bronzed globes of her perfect ass slapped lightly together, “You don’t want my pretty skin to get burned, do ya?” Almost in a state of horny hypnosis, he lifted his hands slowly, and let them fall, palm down, one against each perfect ass cheek, and the way her the flesh of her bottom rippled out from the two points at which he had almost SPANKED her made him salivate wildly. He gently squeezed his fingers, feeling the soft give of her warm skin, and began to lovingly knead the sunscreen into her skin as another strand of drool fell from his open mouth.

The moment he began working his hands against her tight, brown body, the other girls surrounded him, each with gobs of sun screen on their hands, and began to tease it into his wirey, muscled, hairless body at the same time. Lexie’s hands stroked and kneaded slowly into his pecs, stopping occasionally to tease at his nipples, while he coated every inch of Dominique’s bouncing ass in sunscreen. Destiny’s slippery, soft hands slid up and down his naked thighs, her creeping fingertips petting gently against the border of the latex speedo that rested against his extreme inner thigh, as he slid trembling hands up and down Dominique’s coppery back. Cindi’s sun screen coated fingers dragged gently against his defined biceps and against the vulnerable skin of his inner arm, raising uncontrollable goosebumps all over his body, as he carefully worked sunscreen into the exposed edges of Dominique’s tight, perky breasts.
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After what felt like an eternity, Dan had coated every inch of Dominique’s athletic, wide hipped figure in glistening sunscreen, and she stepped back, seemingly satisfied, filling him with a tremendous sense of relief: the first green light was still brightly shining, and he didn’t know how more of that he would have been able to take. But before he realized what was happening, Cindi slid around in front of him on all fours, her huge, natural breasts threatening to burst free of her tight, electric blue string bikini. “My turn now, birthday boy,” Cindi giggled in a soft, breathy voice as Dominique coated her hands in sunscreen, and began to work them teasingly up and down his still kneeling form, “Only four more to go!”

As Dan’s arousal addled brain slowly realized what she meant, he almost cried, although he couldn’t decide if it was in horror or gratitude. Rarely did the girls let him touch them like he had just touched Dominique, after all. And he had just been allowed to slide his trembling hands against every delicious curve of her body. But…

He glanced down suddenly, uncomfortably aware that his cock was drooling uncontrollably against the latex interior of his “outfit”, making his throbbing member slide and slip as the latex clung to him in a way that caught his breath in his throat. But even more, he was uncomfortably aware of the bright green light shining from the base of his crotch through the hot pink material. He felt like he was mere moments away from that second light. Could he handle much more of this without another burning blast of electricity to his swollen testicles?

Seeming to read his thoughts, Cindi cut off Dan’s consideration of disobedience instantly, as she sensuously removed her bikini top while he goggled at her. He began to sweat as her heavy, jiggling breasts bounced freely, her bubblegum pink nipples tight and erect in the center of each one. “Ohhhh you’re not thinking of saying now to us are you? You wouldn’t do that, you’re going to be a good boy and make sure I don’t get sunburned, aren’t you Tease Boy?” Then she gently (but firmly) grabbed each of his hands by the wrist, and lifted them to her pale, heavy, dangling breasts.

She leaned even further forward, so that her face was inches from his own, and he stared hungrily at her round, freckled cheeks; her soft, pink, pouty lips; and her hypnotic, electric blue eyes as she pressed his upturned palms into her swaying, heavy tits, “Remember, only GOOD Tease Toy’s get their present at the end of the party, Danny…”

Dan’s mind swirled with confused thoughts as he almost unconsciously cupped at the delicious weight of them, letting his slippery, trembling fingers slide against her hard, rubbery nipples and along the swollen curve of each beautiful breast. God, could he make it through this without being electrocuted again? And, more importantly, what in the holy hell was this present? He knew what he hoped it was, of course: with his aching balls screaming with their constant maddening need for release, there was literally nothing in the world he wanted more. But it wasn’t even Sunday…and he knew how much his owners loved to fuck with his head…
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For almost 20 minutes, he wondered, going mad with hope and fear as he slid his sunscreen coated hands against every inch of Cindi’s soft, round, warm, creamy, pale skin. And for every second of it, he tried to fight the constant, maddening instinct to thrust his hips against the slick latex enveloping his cock. He tried to think of anything he could that was non-sexual, anything at all that would let him fall back below the first light of Mistress Mode, but the soft hands constantly teasing against his body, and the way Cindi’s voluptuous form felt in his own kneading hands made him feel like he was heading closer to light number two.

Cindi smiled at him flirtatiously the entire time, licking her lips pornographically, and gasping in performative arousal at the way his hands caressed her. Despite his attempts to control himself, he thrust violently forward several times during his ordeal, each time lurching closer and closer to the edge. And each time he did, his thrusts pulled the bulbous plug nestled between has ass cheeks to pull against him, filling his lower belly with an exploding warmth that he couldn’t escape. By the time he had finished covering the slightly chubby, curvaceous blonde in shimmering lotion, he could barely breathe, and his entire chest was flushing into warm red patches. So when Cindi rejoined the others in slowly caressing sun screen into his quivering body, and Lexie walked around in front of him for her turn, he actually started to cry.

He looked up at Lexie standing before him, kneeling in the grass as four gorgeous women teased his body, and saw that the sun was positioned just behind her head, so that her fiery red hair looked like a flaming halo around her angelic silhouette. But the dry, sadistic, and sexually low voice that came out of her was anything but angelic. “It’s your Queen’s turn next, my darling little Tease Toy,” she purred, her voice dripping with pleasure at his desperation, inviting zero argument, “Why don’t you start at my ankles and work your way up. Go slowly now…and give my toes a little attention with your tongue as you do, mmm? That’s a good boy.”
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Dan obediently knelt forward, his breath hitching in his throat in gasping sobs of desperation as he did, and he delicately applied sunscreen to her pale, freckled ankles as he kissed and licked at her tiny, perfectly manicured toes. Leaning forward like this, the plug pulled even more deeply into him, and the constant stimulation make his desire to thrust, to feel the pleasure of it all, skyrocket. He had never been this close to Lexie’s perfect feet either, and being allowed to kiss at her creamy, soft, delicate skin was driving him through the roof. And so he was barely surprised when a loud beep echoed throughout the backyard before his hands had reached her knees, and the second green light on his Control Ring blinked on.

He was almost in a state of pure ecstasy when it did, his mouth moaning against the cream arch of her left foot as his hands worked lovingly against her calf, but the sound ripped him back to reality, and he was flooded with blindingly painful memories of Mistress Mode “correcting” him when he was brought too close to the edge. He pulled back from her in a panic, falling backwards against the other girls, and looked up at Lexie, as he absurdly considered begging her for mercy. Much more wisely, he swiveled his head around to look at his other tormentors, looking for the friendliest face he could. He settled on Destiny.

“P-please…” he sputtered, almost moaning, “P-please Destiny, tell them that I need a break…Please don’t make me set off Mistress Mode again, it hurts so much…” His voice took on a whiney, almost mewling quality as he desperately searched her deep, soft, chocolate eyes for forgiveness, “Pluh…please!…My cock encased in wet latex…and this plug is teasing me beyond sanity…I can’t handle much more of this without getting zapped, just tell them I need five minutes.”

Destiny giggled at his pure desperation, and appeared to consider his words. For a moment, Dan actually allowed himself to believe might be granted mercy, but the next words out of his mouth dashed him of that hope. “Aww poor Danny!” she cooed at him teasingly, “Well if your little bathing suit is bothering you so much, I guess you should just take it off, huh?” Dan froze at this, and began to sputter out that that wasn’t what he meant, but before he could stop them, he felt all four girls slide their hands down to his waistline, and begin sliding the hot pink latex down his thighs.

His cock, glistening down its entire shaft with precum, burst out like a bouncing veiny rod as soon as it cleared the fabric, and the girls giggled and congratulated each other on their handiwork, as they slid the speedo over his knees, down his calves, and off his feet. A light breeze flew gently against his bare ass, and he looked around in a panic, suddenly remembering he was outside. Another round of giggles erupted from his tormentors as he whipped his head around, scanning the perimeter to see if anyone else was watching.
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No one appeared to be in any of the adjoining backyards thankfully, but…was someone watching him from one of the windows? He squinted his eyes against the sun, almost sure that he could see a feminine silhouette in another building’s third story window, but it was only a silhouette…he couldn’t tell if she was even looking in his direction. And what’s more, he didn’t have long to think about it, because after only a few seconds of staring at that window, he felt a soft hand full of cool, slippery lotion slide between his legs, and press gently up against his swollen testicles and quivering cock.

He heard Dominique let out one of her unfiltered, raucous laughs, and she chewed her gum juicily through the words as she said, “Well I guess if the Tease Boy isn’t wearing his little pink panties anymore, we have to make sure we get the sunscreen everywhere, huh?” As she said this, another soft hand, dripping with sun lotion, slid up against the sensitive ridge between his scrotum and anus, and began to press and prod oily fingers up and down that line. Another hand pressed against the base of his neck, and guided his face firmly back down to Lexie’s still awaiting feet, and he heard Destiny whisper, “There you go honey bear, problem solved…now get back to work helping Lexie with her sun screen…”

Dan sobbed as he pressed his trembling lips once more against Lexie’s exquisitely manicured feed, kissing and slurping at her hungrily as he worked his hands against her supple thighs, his brain short circuiting between pleasure and terror. “Only two more after Lexie…” he thought to himself as he desperately clenched his PC muscles, holding himself back from eruption while soft, oily hands lightly caressed and fondled his cock, his balls, his perineum, his anus. “Only two more after Lexie…”

When he finally finished Lexie’s legs, she turned away from him and ordered him to his knees, demanding that he worship her ass as he worked lotion into her upper body. And so, knowing he had no other option but to play along with every little thing they asked of him, he began to plant soft, loving kisses against the creamy, pale curves of her round bottom. And all the while, the others stroked, and teased and fondled, and petted at his erogenous zones constantly. And so he teetered there, on the edge of heaven and hell, as he worked his groping fingertips into the soft, supple skin of Lexie’s freckled breasts, and as he kissed adoringly at her juicy, round ass.

And every few minutes, out of the corner of his eye, he thought he caught a glimpse of another feminine silhouette watching from the one of the many windows all around him.
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Re: Dan's New Life 02: The Birthday Barbecue

Post by subzerowriter »

Chapter 6: Bubbles

Things went on like that for almost an hour, as Dan moved on from Lexie to Trixi, and finally, to Destiny. With each of them, he couldn’t help but revel in the freedom he was being given to explore their beautiful bodies. The girls didn’t stop petting between his legs for even a moment as he worked, and by the time each girl was finally completely coated in gleaming sun screen, he was barely coherent, and had collapsed into the weeping, horny state that his captors seemed to enjoy so much. However, he was quickly reminded that being done didn’t mean that he was going to have any kind of a break: instead, it meant was that it was time to get into the jacuzzi, completely naked, blue balled beyond belief, with the five most sadistic cockteases he had ever met in his life.

He was so exhausted by his attempts to keep the impending shock at bay, that Cindi and Destiny actually had to help Dan to his feet, and they almost dragged him across the lawn towards Dominique’s hot tub. Dan peered in for a moment, and saw that the tub was almost 5 feet deep at its center, and ringed by a raised seat. Dominique walked past him and bent around the back of the tub, flicking a switch that caused the hot jets to begin bubbling wildly, but before the floor of the tub disappeared from view in a sea of roiling bubbles, he decided that his initial assessment was right: Dominique’s hot tub was not built for six people.

As he watched dizzily, the girls climbed in, one after another, and slowly lowered themselves into the hot water. Lexie was the last girl to climb in, and there was already so little room to move that the gorgeous redhead laughed merrily as she chose to float into Dominique’s lap rather than try to squeeze between two other women. She wrapped her freckled arms around Dominique’s neck as Dan gawked, smiling beautifully as she nuzzled her Puerto Rican lesbian lover’s neck. Dominique purred sensually, and slide a hand up Lexie’s neck, pulling her close and pressing her mouth against the gorgeous redhead’s.
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As Dan watched this incredible display with trembling knees, Cindi reached over the edge of the hot tub and grabbed Dan’s hand, pulling him insistently towards the water as his leaking cock lurched and bobbed. “C’mon Birthday Boy, the water’s fine! Although we’re all so stuffed in here that I think you’re going to have to stand in the middle…”

Dizzily, obediently, he climbed the ladder, and gingerly dipped his left leg in the bubbling water, searching for a foothold on the seat between Cindi and Trixi so that he could step forward into the middle. But just as he began to arch his right leg towards the center of the hot tub, Trixi squealed, “Ooooh this is so exciting Danny! Oh, and don’t worry: if the waterproofing doesn’t hold up, I’m sure we’ll be able to get the Control Ring off of you before it shocks you more than…oh, i don’t know, probably five or six times.”

Dan froze in place at that, one foot on the step and the other leg in the air as he balanced, his throbbing cock twitching and oozing embarrassingly for anyone to see. He was suddenly terrified to get into the water, but standing on the raised seat like this, far above the top of the fence, he knew that anyone who lived nearby and happened to look in his direction would see him, naked and erect, as plain as day. He wobbled like that for what felt like hours (but was actually more like 10 seconds) when the girls simultaneously burst into entertained laughter, and Trixi smiled at him sweetly, as if she were explaining something incredibly obvious to a small child.

“I’m messing with you Dan,” she explained, grinning mischievously and rolling her eyes, “Everything I make is 100% waterproof already…there’s not much use in a sex toy that can’t get wet, after all…is there?” Then she reached up, brushing her jet black pigtails out of her face, her lip and nose ring gleaming in the light of the summer sun, and giggled as she tugged lightly at his hand. “Now stop being silly and get in the water, Tease Toy.”

He quickly obeyed, letting himself fall forward into the center of the hot tub, between the five voluptuous women who owned him, heart, mind, and soul. Even when standing on his tip toes, the water reached to his chest, and the bubbles bursting on the surface of the water tickled at his erect nipples as his skin grew accustomed to the sudden warmth. Dominique and Lexie were still kissing passionately right in front of him, and he couldn’t help but stare: glistening moisture clung to every inch of their flushed bodies as they floated against each other, water beading against their skin as the rubbed and pressed together. The soft, wet sound of their lips pressing together and their tongues exploring each others’ mouths echoed in his ears.
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Suddenly, as he gawked and almost whimpered at how horny he had become, he felt a pair of soft, inviting arms slide around his torso and pull him backwards. He fell back clumsily into Destiny’s lap, who giggled as she pulled him closer, cradling his naked, floating body in her arms like he was a baby. Her strawberry scene wafted into his nostrils on the wet, steamy air he was engulfed within, and he stared, silently and helplessly, as her breasts heaved against his chest, beaded with moisture, and she pulled him closer, whispering, “Mmmmm, doesn’t it look yummy when two beautiful women kiss like that, honey bear? Watching kissing always makes me want to kiss someone…Does that happen to you too baby?”

He nodded dumbly as she pulled his face up to hers, firmly guiding him by cheeks smushed between her thumb and forefinger, and he began to cry again as she pressed her delicious lips against his own, and lightly flicked her tongue against his. He had never needed to cum worse in his life, and he kissed her back (after all, every inch of his body was demanding he did)… but he knew he was damning himself. The sweet, wet taste of her mouth caused his testes to pull tight against the rubber ring encircling them, and when he felt her other hand slide below the water towards his throbbing cock, he found himself unable to stop his desperate thrusting into her waiting hand.
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Reason fell away as Dan pressed wildly against her, his hands groping desperately at the largest breasts he had ever seen, and his mouth reaching desperately for her full, soft, heavenly lips. He gasped into her as he felt her fingers slowly tighten around his cock below the water, and he felt himself lose all sense of control. “I can’t anymore, it’s too much…” he thought incoherently to himself as he began to violently piston his hips against Destiny’s awaiting encircled fingers, “I have to, I have to cum, I don’t care wha-“

Mid-thought, a white, blinding pain ripped through his body from his scrotum, and he screeched in agony, his mouth falling away from Destiny’s as he tumbled back into the middle of the hot tub. He sputtered and gasped for breath as he righted himself, sobbing at the sudden, painful blocking of his imminent orgasm. He felt his lower belly churn and tighten as he fell back maddeningly from the edge. The girls were clapping and hollering, congratulating Destiny on the first shock of the day, and his cheeks burned bright red at the way they were treating him like a toy.

The pain faded as quickly as it came, but the dull ache of his blue balls was excruciating, and he groped helplessly at his scrotum, trying to quiet the screaming need that was emanating out of him. And then, to his horror, he felt Lexie and Dominique pull his body back against them. The center of the hot tub was so small that there was no way for Dan to keep himself upright, and he collapsed helplessly backwards into the wriggling flesh of the two women. Dominique gripped tightly at his bicep, pulling him close as she moaned into his right ear and kissed at his neck, her tight brown curls bouncing in his face, and Lexie pulled his other arm around her neck, pinning him against the edge of the hot tub as she began to kiss slowly against his erect nipples, her fiery red hair brushing maddeningly against his gasping lips.

“Puh…” He croaked, struggling to form words, “Pl-please…please stop, please don’t make it shock me again…” No one in the tub even reacted to his words however, and Trixi spoke up excitedly, as if Dan hadn’t spoken. “Oh Cindi, I forgot to tell you why I was REALLY so excited to get Dan in the hot tub!” she suddenly blurted out, with a playful glint in her eye that made him feel true terror, “I couldn’t wait to see how fun it would be to play around with Mistress Mode while the Tease Toy can’t see or hear how close he is to his next shock!”

As her words hit home, Dan lurched his head forward so that he could look down at himself, and saw that she was right. Through the thick sea of roiling bubbles, Dan could see a faint blur of green light coming from the Control Ring around his cock, but the water was too agitated to tell if it was one light or two. In a panic, he pushed his feet against the floor, trying to raise his floating hips to the surface of the water in order to get a better look, but Dominique and Lexie simply giggled and each slid a hand tightly around his inner thigh, pulling him back beneath the bubbles, and he let out a warbling, desperate sob.
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“Ooh, poor Danny Boy!” Dominique chuckled in his ear, her gum smacking hypnotically as her warm breath puffed against his neck, “Is somebody worried they’re going to get shocked again?” As she whispered in his ear, he felt Lexie’s hand slide slowly up his thigh until it reached his swollen blue balls below the water. He sobbed again, much more loudly, as the redhead curled her fingers, like silk below the water, around his screaming cock, as she looked up at him and laughed as she said, “If you’re so worried, just be a good boy and hold back, Daniel. Don’t let that naughty cock start to cum, and you won’t have anything to worry about…”

Dan hadn’t felt so physically helpless since the first moments that Trixi had used the Exoskeleton on him: he was essentially sitting in Dominique and Lexie’s combined lap, his hands floating limply in front of him, and his feet struggled and failed to find purchase against the floor of the tub in this position. As a result, he felt almost like he was floating, unable to grab or push against anything to adjust his position, and fell more deeply against the two lovers.

Their bodies felt exquisite against his below the water, ever inch of their skin like soft, wet silk, and the way that Lexie fondled lightly at his cock caused him to cry out and wriggle almost constantly, causing Trixi, Cindi, and Destiny to giggle as they watched him struggle. After a few minutes of this, Dominique took his face in her right hand, turning him to face her, and she smiled with huge, playful brown eyes and soft, full, juicy lips as she looked down at him. She turned for a moment, and unceremoniously spit out her gum over the side of the tub, before turning back to him and slowly licking her plump lips.

He felt Lexie’s hand tighten against his cock as this happened, and felt the redhead begin to kiss more passionately at his nipple, tonguing it lightly as she nibbled and teased him. Dominique brought his face against hers, softly and sensuously pressing her lips against him. And despite his panic, despite his absolute terror at the thought of another blinding shock, he hungrily kissed at her, his arousal overriding everything else as he parted his lips and let her warm tongue explore his mouth. Almost crazed, he thought to himself, “Dominique’s right…just hold back…you can do it, Lexie’s been forcing you to practice for weeks, after all, just make it through without another shock and hope that their “present” is what you think it is…”

And he did just that for almost a minute, kissing passionately at Dominique, feeling the water leave her face flushed and warm as he watched beads of moisture run down her slender, bronzed neck, pooling at her collar bone. All the while, he clenched his lower belly like his life depended on it, wriggling and twisting his hips in a desperate attempt to lessen the stimulations of Lexie’s slender, unrelenting fingers against his aching cock.
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Almost unbelievably given his level of arousal, his focus worked, and for a moment he actually managed to hold the impending orgasm at bay. In fact, for just a moment, he actually felt there was a chance that he could make it through this without being punished again by the Ring’s infernal Mistress Mode. But then, as he kissed hungrily at Dominique, he felt her slowly slide her left hand down his back, her wriggling fingers moving past his lower back and towards his naked buttocks. There, he felt her gently slide two fingers between his cheeks, and begin to circle lightly against his anus, pressing inward.

The combination of Lexie’s mouth against his nipple and hand against his cock with Dominique’s tongue inside his mouth and fingers threatening to enter his puckering sphincter was too much, and he felt his self control beginning to fade quickly. He cried out as Dominique pushed her probing fingers more insistently, entering him and swirling her fingertips playfully, and he tried to pull his mouth from her delicious lips, but Dominique’s hand against his face held him firmly in place against her own.

Lexie’s hand against his cock gripped him more tightly, her thumb settling just below the ridge of his helmet where it began to swirl against him, while he moaned wildly into Dominique’s mouth. He could feel his balls tightening against him, and the familiar warmth of impending orgasm was beginning to spread out from his lower belly. “Maybe it’s off this time.” he thought desperately, insanely, knowing that he was only fooling himself if he really believed that, “Maybe…maybe it’s some new mind game, and this time the ring will actually let me cum…”

And again, as the women attacked his body with growing passion, he felt his logic begin to slip away and instincts take over, as every molecule of his being began to scream for the release he so desperately craved. He thrust forward with his hips, breathing in Dominique’s warm, wet breath, and grabbed desperately at Lexie’s fiery hair as he felt himself begin to piston, faster and faster, his body beginning to finally release two weeks of pent up, roiling semen from his body.

But again, just as he felt the first moments of impending orgasm, just as he began to tip over the edge, that same white hot, blinding pain ripped through his body, cutting off his pleasure in an instant and replacing it with agony. He screamed in hitching breaths as he ripped his mouth free from Dominique’s, grabbing desperately at his crotch in an attempt to stop the pain, and he fell the dull, painful warmth of acute blue balls begin to radiate through his belly.

The women began to holler and cheer yet again at their victory, and he saw Dominique and Lexie actually high five each other as they openly laughed at him. But being shocked twice so closely together like this, combined with the worst case of blue balls Dan had ever experienced, caused him to finally snap. And as he felt Cindi and Trixi begin to pull his floating, naked, fetal positioned body towards them next, only one thought screamed through his mind: he had to escape this.
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In a panic, Dan grabbed at the edge of the hot tub between Destiny and Dominique, pulling himself free of Cindi and Trixi’s groping hands and wrenching himself over the edge. He fell out of the pool, landing on his side soaking wet in the warm grass, and stumbled to his feet, barely able to breathe. “Nuh…nuh…” he sputtered as he tried to collect himself, his throbbing cock jutting violently from between his legs, bigger and more purple than he had ever seen it, before he finally screamed at the top of his lungs, “NO!!! I can’t take anymore! It’s too much!”

He wobbled on his feet, still dizzy from the quickly receding pain, and looked up at the five women, who were watching him from the tub with varied expressions of amusement and pity. Dan’s mind whirled, knowing that no matter how loud he screamed, he had no power here…but the prospect of spending the rest of the day being teased towards electrocution again and again by these women was too terrifying to consider. As he continued, his voice quickly returned to the mewling, desperate, quavering quality that had become so normal for him. “Please Cindi,” he sobbed loudly, feeling himself start to tear up again, “I’ll do anything…ANYTHING…just no more Mistress Mode…”

What little control he had discovered as he pulled free from the pool was quickly fading now, and he found his voice cracking as he babbled, “I’m so horny…I’ve never felt like this in my life, PLEASE! It’s been almost two weeks, and you’ve been torturing me everyday…and now the shocking…please I’ll do ANYTHING you ask, I’ll be good, I swear to Christ but PLEASE TURN THIS OFF.” As he screamed, he thought he saw another figure watching him from the raised windows, and his volume and his nakedness came rushing back to him. He looked around, panicked, and saw that almost half of the windows looking out over Dominique’s backyard were occupied now, all feminine silhouettes staring down at him, watching him nakedly beg.

For a moment, he considered grabbing the embarrassing “Tease Toy” bathing suit that Cindi had given him this morning to cover himself, but then he remembered the constant teasing of the plug sewn into its rear and decided against it. Instead, he fell to his knees in the grass, using two hands to hide his raging erection as best he could, and looked up at his owners, begging them desperately for mercy.

As Dan looked hopefully up at the team of strippers staring down at them, they appeared to consider his request. After weeks of living under the constant control of these women, he had learned never to expect mercy, but he was shocked when Lexie of all people spoke up and said, “You know, I DO actually have to make a few calls before we give the poor Birthday Boy his present later…” she turned to Cindi, a knowing smile on her face, as she continued, “And Cindi, I know you had at least one more party game you wanted to play before dinner…”

As Dan watched, the girls began to climb out of the pool and walk over to them, their dripping bodies surrounding him as they looked down with amused faces. Dan started to move to his feet, but Lexie placed a firm hand on his shoulder, wordlessly forcing him back to his knees as they considered his pleading. Cindi giggled as she watched him stare up at them hopefully, her large, bare breasts dripping beads of water, and she cooed at him in that breathy voice of hers, “Well…maybe Lexie IS right…after all we only have a few more hours of sunlight today, and I want my poor little guy to get his birthday present before the sun goes down…and games might be a little more fun if Mistress Mode is turned off…”
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Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Destiny walk away from the rest of them as if on cue, grabbing something from the picnic table, and she walked back over to the group, handing it to Cindi. All he saw before Cindi hid it behind her back was that it was a white box, about two inches deep, and about one foot tall and wide. Instead, he held her electric blue gaze, terrified to do anything to change her mind. She giggled at the attention, and asked him, “What do you think Dan? If you agree to be a good boy and play our games until the sun goes down, we’ll turn off Mistress Mode for a while…How does that sound?”

Dan nodded eagerly, almost crying in relief as he blubbered out, “Oh god YES, please Cindi that sounds so good, you’re so fair and so kind, and I don’t deserve your mercy, thank you so much…” He trailed off, his cheeks burning bright red as the girls all laughed at his eagerness to please, and in that moment he suddenly realized that he had no idea what he had just agreed to. He thought about some of the girls favorite games: Destiny’s “Rate my Outfits”, Dominique and Lexie’s “Who’s Sexier?”, Cindi’s “Lapdance Practice”, and he suppressed a shudder. “S-Cindi?” he almost whispered, terrified of the answer, “W-what game are we going to play?”

Cindi grinned widely at that, pulling the white box that Destiny had handed her out from behind her back and holding it up for him to see. The front of the white box was adorned in red, green, yellow, and blue circles, and the familiar logo emblazoned in bright red letters across the front of the box made his heart sink. “Of course,” he thought to himself, almost unsurprised, “It is a backyard summer barbecue after all…”
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As she held up the famous party game for him, Cindi’s eyes twinkled, and she giggled a little at the hopeless expression on his face. “Alright Mr. Birthday Boy,” she said, as Trixi reached down and began working to remove the Mistress Mode attachment from Dan’s Control Ring, “Are you ready to play some Twister?”

Chapter 7: Dan’s Birthday Present

The next few hours had been a bit of a blur for Dan. True to her word, Lexie had disappeared into the house to make some phone calls, and Dan had watched as the rest of the women set up the game in the middle of the grassy yard. Trixi had pulled up a chair next to the large pad of multicolored circles, and grabbed the game’s spinner board, leaving Dan to play, completely naked, with Cindi, Destiny, and Dominique.

As soon as Cindi had figured out their turn order, Trixi had started to call out spins, until each of them was contorting and arching against each other in a web of flesh. Almost immediately, he found himself positioned with his face pressed against Destiny’s pillowy tits, and his bare ass stuck up in the air. Dan was the only person playing without a stitch of clothing on, and whenever he could, he was constantly scanning the windows of nearby buildings, wondering who could see him, who was watching.
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On the next spin, Cindi had wriggled playfully between his legs to “reach a blue circle” , so that his dripping cock dangled between her own soft breasts. Soon after that, he felt Dominique straddle his neck with her warm thighs, still slippery and dripping from the hot tub, in order to reach a green circle on the other side of him. Her tight, thick thighs tightened against his ears, pulling his face more insistently into Destiny’s unbelievable cleavage, and he gasped wetly as he was smothered against her chocolate breasts.

This went on for almost two hours, each spin creating a horrifying new position for the three nubile strippers to tease him in, and all the while Trixi sat with her pale legs crossed, as she spun the board and called out new orders. She held the spin board so that no matter how he craned his neck, Dan couldn’t see the results, and he began suspecting almost immediately that she was ignoring the results completely, and instead calling out whatever would put him through more excruciating sexual frustration. But by this point, Dan had learned enough to know that voicing those suspicious was a bad idea.

However, Trixi’s playful bending of the rules didn’t stop with the spinner results. Whenever, Dan found himself in an especially compromising position (like when he found his mouth resting less than an inch from Destiny’s soft, perfectly manicured feet as his cock lay nestled between Dominique’s soft, squeezing, thunderous copper thighs), Trixi would pause her spinning to gossip with Dominique and Cindi about they’re favorite sexy stories from working at the Tease. As each of them would detail moments when they had made a customer cum in his pants, or fucked with him so much that he was begging for more, Dan had to listen, wobbling on all fours as his cock rubbed deliciously against naked skin.

Usually these gossip sessions only lasted a few minutes before Trixi would spin again, but on occasion these stories were so unbelievable long and hot that Dan would start begging them to keep playing. With Mistress Mode removed from his Control Ring, he was no longer living in the constant fear of being shocked, but he was so overstimulated that this constant parade of flesh and touch kept him near the edge the entire time they played the game. And whenever he was positioned so that he couldn’t see what the others were doing, he would feel soft, teasing fingers pressing lightly against his nipples, his thighs, his anus, his cock, and his scrotum.
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When they had finally finished playing, Dan was a dripping, shaking mess, and Cindi had told him that, because they couldn’t trust him not to touch himself with Mistress Mode turned off until his next Monday Test, they would have to tie him down until it was time for his “present”. This present was all he could think of now, and he obeyed immediately as the Tease Club girls ordered him to lay flat and upright on top of the picnic table, stretching his arms and legs out in a starfish pose, so they could tie each wrist and ankle to one of the four corners of the table.

Once he was tightly splayed out, the girls each went inside to grab dinner, bringing out bowls of chips, plates of sandwiches, and coolers stuffed with drinks, and placing them around his bound, naked body. Each of the women sat around the picnic table, with Cindi and Destiny on the left and right of his face, Lexie and Trixi on the left and right of his hips, and Dominique positioned down by his feet. As he watched, they began passing food around, almost ignoring him as they talked and ate, except to stroke teasingly at his body from time to time as his cock shot straight up in the center of the table.

For almost another hour, they had teased him like this, pausing on occasion to dangle food in front of his face, and giggle as they made him beg for his dinner. At any time, at least one of the women was caressing him, lightly and slowly, and he was a constant, panting, leaking mess as they ate. Once dinner had finished, Cindi, Destiny, and Trixi had gone inside to do the dishes, and Lexie and Dominique had stayed behind to continue to tease him.

Each of them had grabbed a Rocket Pop from the coolers, and had proceeded to performatively lick and slurp at them as he watched. Dominique wrapped her thick, dark lips pornographically against the tip of hers, sliding up and down only the first two inches of the popsicle, and Lexie had cocked her head to the side and extended her pink tongue, curling it around her own frozen treat as she slide up and down the side for Dan’s benefit. Dan found his eyes desperately ping ponging back and forth between the two women, trying to see everything at once.
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Every few minutes, one of them would stop licking and slurping at the popsicle, and lean over Dan’s bound body to do the same to his aching cock. But each time this happened, it would last for less than five seconds before they returned to their ice cream. By the time they were licking the last globs of colorful ice from the sides of the wooden sticks, Dan was a blubbering mess, and he was swaying his head wildly and moaning for more.

Suddenly, down by his feet, he heard a soft, kind voice purr, “Poor Danny…you’ve had a long day, huh? Is your poor cock feeling frustrated?” He struggled to raise his head, so overwhelmed with sexual desire that his muscles felt weak. Standing at the foot of the table, now completely naked, was Destiny. Her huge, soft eyes bored into his, staring at him lovingly, and she smiled with approval as his eyes crawled hungrily over every inch of soft, round, inviting body.

As if on cue, Dominique and Lexie both stood up from the table and stepped away, but Dan had no idea where they were going: his eyes were glued to Destiny, and he suddenly was overcome once more with the memory of plunging his aching cock into her slick wetness two weeks ago. He was flooded with the feeling of their flesh slapping together as his balls had tightened, and as he moaned deliriously into her chest, cumming harder than he had ever cum in his life. He felt himself start to salivate as his cock twitched and bounced for her, signifying his arousal for all to see.

Destiny giggled again and crawled onto the table, never breaking eye contact as she did so. Her massive natural breasts swung pendulously as she did, brushing softly against his calves and thighs as she climbed. Suddenly she stopped, and sat back onto him, her knees bent around the outside of each thigh, and his pulsating member only inches from her bare, shaven slit. Still staring at him, she ran one fingertip lightly against the underside of his cock, watching him shudder, and almost whispering, “Is the Birthday Boy’s cock feeling frustrated, my poor little guy? Does the Tease Boy want some help with that?” Her eyes glittered as she spoke the next sentence, “Does the Tease Boy want his birthday present?”
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The word “present” set off an almost Pavlovian response in Dan, and he moaned wildly at the word, almost incoherent in his frustrated arousal. “Is this it?” he thought to himself, dizzily, as he allowed a small seed of hope begin to bloom in his chest, “Is it really time? And…oh GOD did ‘present’ really mean what he hoped it did?” He slowed his breath, trying to speak, and let out a cracked, desperate “Pleassssseee…” like it was the hiss of a snake.

Destiny giggled again at this, and then looked around the surface of the picnic table, as if thinking. As he watched, she reached for the fruit tray that was positioned under his left arm, and grabbed the large, half cantaloupe that was sitting next to the melon baller. As he watched, his lips quivering, she took the half melon in both hands, and flipped it so the hard shell was on top and the wet, juicy fruit was faced downward.

Her eyes glittering in love and amusement, she dropped her hands a few inches, so that the deep hole at the melon’s center pressed just slightly against the head of Dan’s cock. The soft, wet, cool flesh of the melon pushed firmly against his member for a moment, and he felt a rivulet of sticky sweet juice dribble down the side of him. He gasped and moaned at the sensation, thrusting his hips upward to more forcefully meet the wet, inviting hole of the melon, but Destiny pulled it back in time with his thrust, allowing him to do no more than tease the tip.

“Awwwww…” she cooed in a sweet, loving voice, giggling as he struggled, “Does that feel good, baby? Is my poor boyfriend so desperately horny that he would fuck a piece of fruit if it means that he gets to have his cummies?” She stared at him for a moment, expectantly, and then her gaze hardened slightly as she pulled the melon out of reach. “Well?” She asked in a somewhat firmer voice, “would you?”
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Dan looked around, surveying the windows in the area again, and felt a sharp relief when he saw that every window was now empty. The idea of cam girls and call girls, dominatrixes and pornstars watching these women tease him was mortifying enough, but the thought of cumming with all those eyes watching him made him want to crawl out of his skin in humiliation. His eyes met Destiny’s once more, and he parted his lips weakly, croaking out, “Yessss Destiny…I’ll fuck anything you want me too…please let me fuck the cantaloupe, I’ll do anything you want, just PLEASE let me cum…I-I can’t take anymore, please…”

Satisfied with his desperate begging, Destiny lowered the melon so that it pressed lightly against just the tip of his cock once more, and she smiled at him, purring, “Good, baby…you know how much I love when you beg…Do you want to know what your birthday present is, my sweet, sweet boy?” Dan nodded violently, his breath growing short at the soft slickness of the melon rubbing gently against his cock.

“Goooood…” she cooed, as she pressed her biceps inward, pushing her jiggling breasts together for his benefit, “Because you were such a good boy today, I’m going to give you EXACTLY what you’ve been hoping for…” She pressed the melon a bit more firmly against his cock, and he felt the soft, firm flesh of it part wetly for him, juices trickling down his shaft and pooling against his hairless lap. She continued to explain as she teased him. “I’m going to sing happy birthday to you Dan…I’m going to sing it three whole times, because I love my boyfriend so much…and while I do,” she continued, her voice growing deeper, and her breath growing heavier, “I’m going to let you fuck this dirty little wet hole, and cum as hard… and as rough… as you want…”

She leaned forward now, so that her breasts pushed lightly against the underside of his throbbing rod, and the juices now coursing from the melon streamed down the curve of her cleavage, leaving her skin glittering against his shaft with sticky sweet fluid. “But the second round three of the birthday song is done, I’m pulling back, okay baby?” She grinned at him as she slowly twisted the fruit against him, watching him pant and nod as she explained, “45 seconds, Tease Boy. That’s all you get…are you ready baby?”

Dan whimpered, nodding violently again as he felt himself slide fully into the wet flesh of the melon, allowing it to fully envelope his cock, and the instant she opened her mouth and began to sing, he began thrusting forcefully against the fruit, moving as fast as he could. After the day he had been put through, he was on what felt like the shortest hair trigger of his life, but even if he came almost immediately, 45 seconds was not a very long time, and he was terrified of the prospect of a ruined orgasm. And despite his relief at finally being allowed to cum, he already knew that this would most likely be his only chance for the week: he didn’t want to waste a single second.
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“Happy birthday to you…” Destiny sang in a soft, seductive voice, her breasts jiggling wildly as he thrust into the fruit she was holding between them. Each new piston upward caused another spray of fruit juice to splatter across her mocha skin, and her breasts dripped with wetness.

Suddenly, a chorus of voices standing around him sang out the second line of the song, and he was ripped violently from the hypnotic state of the nearing explosion between his legs by Cindi, Lexie, Dominique, and Trixi cheerfully singing the words, “Happy Birthday to you…” Dan moaned, his cheeks burning brightly in embarrassment as he realized that he had been so focused on Destiny that he hadn’t noticed the rest of them gathering around his bound, naked body. He looked helplessly from one laughing face to the next as he pistoned deeper and deeper into the wet soft fruit in Destiny’s hands.

But as embarrassed as he was to see all five of his captors watch him perform this humiliating act of sexual desperation, the next moment was so horrifying to Daniel that he thought for just an instant that he might be having a nightmare. As the next line of the song was sung, the air was suddenly filled with dozens and dozens of female voices.

Dan looked around to see beautiful young women staring at him from over each of the three fences lining Dominique’s yard, and every one of them was laughing as they watched him desperately thrust into the dripping cantaloupe that Destiny was teasing him with. Sasha, the lithe pornstar with the front puff ponytail and the cat like eyes, had her phone out, and was recording him as he humiliated himself, laughing wildly. Almost every OnlyFans model that Dan had seen doing photoshoots by the pool was hanging over the edge of the low fence, pointing and cheering. As Dan looked around, tears forming in his eyes, he saw women leaning out of open windows from all around him, taking pictures, clapping and laughing. “Happy Birthday dear Daaaa-aaaaan…” sung the massive crowd in happy unison, finishing the first chorus. “Happy Birthday to you…”
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Dan’s mind raced as he heard what looked like nearly one hundred strange, gorgeous young women sing his name. This wasn’t a nightmare, he realized as his stomach plummeted, and his entire body flushed a creeping crimson that revealed his total humiliation to anyone watching. If it was a nightmare he would have woken up by now…but how did they all know his name? That made it so much worse…

Suddenly, he remembered the moment that Lexie had excused herself into the house earlier, in order to “make some calls”, and he turned to look at her, his eyes silently pleading for her to tell him that she hadn’t done this. “Awww, I’m sorry if you’re embarrassed darling,” she purred in amusement, her emerald eyes flashing as she lightly petted his cheek in condescension, “But I just couldn’t resist showing off my sexy little Tease Toy to every working girl in the area. They just ALL wanted to see you open your present…so go ahead darling…open your present for all the nice ladies to see…”

Dan had begun to uncontrollably thrust again at that, and when Destiny began her second round of “Happy Birthday”, this time every woman watching him began singing along from the beginning, their voices echoing from every building. As he humped desperately, fruit juice coating his cock and balls, and dripping down between his ass cheeks, his eyes flitted from face to face, groaning in humiliation when he recognized one after another videos he had been ordered to watch. Almost every pornstar Dominique or Lexie had ever sent him a video of was represented in the crowd. They were taking pictures, jeering, whooping, high giving, and egging him on as he thrust, driving him wild.

“You fuck that melon good, baby!” cheered a dark haired, dark eyed woman with a wet mouth named Raquel. She was a dead ringer for Selina Gomez, and Dan had been ordered by Lexie to watch videos of her giving cock teasing blowjobs every time he had gone to the bathroom at work last week. “Ya baby, hump harder!” yelled a chubby, nerdy, camgirl with glasses and stunningly large breasts named Amber: Trixi had demanded Dan watch videos of her fucking herself with a dildo for over an hour on Thursday before she had sent him home with Cindi. “I wanna see him spurt that load!” hollered a thin brunette with big doe like eyes and thick, pale, juicy thighs named Ashley, who had made some of the best twerking and blowjob videos Dan had every seen.

The stimulus was overwhelming, and Dan felt himself losing control. He thrust deeper, deeper, deeper, relishing the slick wetness enveloping his cock, and feeling himself shiver in humiliation as his testicles pulled tightly against him one final time. He began to erupt near the end of the second chorus of Happy Birthday, and the entire apartment complex had erupted into cheers as his eyes grew wide, and his thrusting grew jerky and uncontrolled. He cried out as he began to spurt, feeling ropes of thick semen being propelled out of his cock and into the soft, wet flesh of the fruit.
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As the huge crowd began their final chorus of Happy Birthday, Dan humped, and jerked, and thrust, gasping and sobbing as he struggled to violently expel every last drop of cum from his body. He felt tears rolling down his face as he did, not sure if he was crying in stunned relief that he had finally been allowed to orgasm, or because he was being made to do it in such a humiliating way, for hundreds of laughing eyes to see. As the girls slowly finished the last line of the song, Dan collapsed back against the table, utterly spent. He was glistening with sweat, shaking, and a huge puddle of cantaloupe juice was mixing in his lap with the semen he had expelled from his body.

Each of the Tease Club girls leaned forward, one at a time as he lay there trying to catch his breath, and kissed him once on the cheek before whispering “Happy Birthday Tease Toy” in his ear. He blushed wildly, and despite the humiliation and torture they had put him through tonight, he felt a massive burst of love and gratitude well up from deep in his soul. “I love you…” he whispered hoarsely, turning one by one to face each of them, “I love you all so much…”

Cindi cradled his face in her soft, cool hand, giggling at that, and smiling as she said, “Aww sweetie! We love you too! We’re always going to take care of you, we promise! We’re going to take care of you, for ever and ever…” He felt hands at his feet, and looked down for a moment to see Trixi and Dominique untying the bonds around his ankles. But Cindi tightened her hand against his face, pulling his gaze back to her, and she smiled happily as she said, “And I’m glad you’re feeling so grateful, sugar lips, because the night’s not over yet!”

As soon as Dominique and Trixi had freed his feet, Destiny and Cindi guided him off the table, so that he was standing and facing it with his wrists still bound to two corners. His legs wobbled weakly as he put his weight on his feet, and he had to lean forward slightly to accommodate his wrists still being tied to the edge of the picnic table. Then, as he watched, Cindi sensuously untied her electric blue bikini bottoms, and climbed up onto the table, as naked as he was.

She sat on the edge of the table, leaning back to rest her weight on her hands, and spread her legs. Then, as she lifted her legs, draping one of her warm, pale legs at the knee over each of his shoulders, she quietly asked him, “How old did you turn today, Tease Toy?”
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Despite Dan’s recent ejaculation, he felt his body tingle as his eyes crawled down her breasts towards the undeniably moist wetness between her legs, pink and warm and inviting. He felt lumps of cantaloupe and rivulets of juice streaming down his thighs as he whispered back, “F-Forty two, Cindi…”

She smiled happily, and lifted her head slightly, shouting to the crowd. “My new little Tease Toy wanted to thank everyone one of you beautiful ladies of the Buena Vista for helping us break him in for his birthday! Our cute, blushing toy turned 42 today!” A round of whoops and hollers and clapping echoed around him for a moment, reminding him of just how many eyes were on his naked body round now, and he again turned a deep shade of red. As soon as the cheering died down, Cindi continued loudly, “Now, the birthday boy is going to thank me and the rest of the Tease Club girls for his birthday present for a while. But while he’s doing that, I figured some of you ladies might want to come down here and give little guy his birthday spanking! Was I right about that?”

Dan’s eyes grew wide as a thunderous round of applause broke out among the crowd, and he realized what was going to happen next. Cindi waited for the cheering to die down once more, and then she shouted, “Well then, anybody who’s interested, come on over!” He felt Cindi’s calves interlock at the ankle behind his head, and she began to pull him insistently downward, towards the moist, pink slit between her legs. “Danny’s going to be thanking me first, so the first 42 of you to show up get one spank each!”

Dan looked up at her with pleading eyes as she pulled him insistently downward, and her blue eyes twinkled merrily at him. “But don’t worry, we’ll reset the counter for 42 more when it’s Destiny’s turn next!” she shouted to the crowd, many of whom were actually climbing over the fence now to be the first ones to spank his bare ass. She purred in a much softer voice, as she continued, just for his benefit, “And 42 more when it’s Lexie’s turn…and 42 when it’s Trixi’s turn, and 42 more when it’s Dominique’s turn…”

Her voice faded as he was pulled against her thick, soft thighs, and he felt them tighten around him, pulling him inward until his lips were pressed against Cindi’s shaven, wet slit. He panted, and felt his cock begin to slowly stiffen and lurch back to life, already hungry for more, and then he obediently began to lap gently against her.
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Cindi grabbed the back of his hair with one hand, pushing him insistently against her, and she moaned in pleasure as he began to lick and kiss and slurp at her. And as he did, he realized with a sinking stomach that bent over at the waist like this, his bare ass was raised as if in an invitation to the hands of every strange woman lining up behind him. One after another they stepped forward, each lightly caressing his ass before slapping it, and each impact made him gasp into Cindi’s wet pussy. And after each slap, he heard a new voice whisper, “Happy birthday Dan…” Some of them fondled his balls first, or lightly stroked his anus, or teased lightly with one finger at the head of his cock. But after a moment or two of this ecstasy, each women, one after another, would spank firmly against him.


“Happy Birthday Dan…”

By the time he had licked Cindi to her first orgasm of the evening, each of his ass cheeks was burning red, sensitive to the coolest breeze, and he gasped wildly as she tightened her thighs even more tightly around his head, grinding against his face as she flooded him with her juices. He struggled to keep count of how many women had spanked him now, or to try to remember what 5 times 42 was, but it was getting difficult. And he thought he recognized so many of the voices from so many videos, as one woman after another slapped him on the ass and wished him Happy Birthday. By the time he reached 42, he had licked Cindi to three gushing orgasms, and she had stepped away, letting Destiny climb up onto the picnic table to replace her.

He watched the next group of women hurry excitedly forward for their chance to spank him next, before Destiny took his face in her hands, and forcefully pulled him down between her thighs, purring, “Show me how much you appreciate me baby…show me how much you want to thank me…” And as he began to lick and slurp at her, drawing her sensuously towards the same release that he was to be denied again and again and again, seemingly for the rest of his life, he felt the next strange woman’s hand groping and squeezing playfully at his vulnerable ass cheek, before slapping against him with such force that he cried out.

The sun began to go down as Dan licked and nibbled, tongued and sucked. And despite the growing soreness in his jaw, and the burning pain radiating from his ass cheeks, he felt content. Like he was exactly where he belonged. And as each new soft hand spanked against him, he suddenly realized that this might be the happiest birthday of his life.


“Happy Birthday Dan…”

To be Continued…
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