"Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by bootslicker »

@MissAnnabelleNomus I'm really happy that You come back !!!
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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by aksuborbi40 »

MissAnnabelleNomus wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:18 pm I'm back to clear up the mess I left.
The news you care about, yes I will attempt to revive the tease.

I am a weirdo I'm on a site for sexual exploration and experimentation and I still feel like a weirdo.

Just chill and be friendly, this community is good. I have brought the ugly out in a few with my fragility and insecurity. Be nice to each other. I will message again soon.
I simply, and respectfully, wish to say Thank You for Your hard work. I for one appreciate the tease, and was truly exxcited about how well it was written and how well it performed.

Sure I too am a weirdo, but Ihave embraced it, enjoyed it, and learned to live with it. We each are ourselves and we gotta be who we are.

I know there are some who are critical. Let it go. Do your thing and if some like it then that iS AWESOME!
There are always gonna be a few who are critical. I just ignore them and move forward.
It is YOUR tease.

Use the feedback YOU want and make what YOU like.

If others also like it, then great.
(I am one of those others who did like it just a it is....)

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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by SamrichRichards »

Adding my support to this. I would love to see the tease brought back. It was truly one of the most interactive and repeatable ones I had seen and there were still so many paths I wanted to go down.

Its a great shame to have lost it and that its author was driven to its removal.
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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by mangoman »

Huh? Was she bullied? I mean, I critized the tease a little for making me watch 1 hour of porn everyday, which I found unrealistic. What else was the criticism?
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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by Vennyo »

paswis wrote: Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:14 am Huh? Was she bullied? I mean, I critized the tease a little for making me watch 1 hour of porn everyday, which I found unrealistic. What else was the criticism?
From what i can tell i dont think she was bullied necessarily, but more that she was not in the right head-space for being on such a public space.
But as she states in her profile she appears to have gotten over that problem.

Altough i cant speak for her, and she stated (on her profile) that she does not want to discuss it any further.
Maybe its for the best to let the whole topic rest for now and await her future releases.

(Btw. I dont think 1 hour of porn is unrealistic, but rather not for everyone. I did not get the chance to play her tease so far but "not for everyone" appears to be a theme in the responses. A theme that should be pretty normal on a website like this :lol: )
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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by mangoman »

Alright, yeah.

From what I've seen, it definitely seemed like a once in a lifetime tease. Really can't wait for it to get back online again.
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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by bootslicker »

Miss Evans Is back !!!
Ready to punish us again :)
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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by dmas964 »

Is there any chance someone would post a link and instructions on how to run it? Tease is great but I "use" it most often when I do not have internet on my computer so I have to do it on my phone but you know that it is much more convenient on a computer and being able to run it offline would be great. :blush:
Sorry for my English, I hope you understand.
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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by nutterbutter »

OrgasmPhantasm wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:42 pm I hate to be "that guy", but something is fishy about this whole thing. I too have a "gut feeling" similar to nutter.

I want to preface by saying that I enjoyed the Miss Evans tease (what I saw of it). It was well-written and had reasonable pacing. Did I think it was the best tease Milovana has ever seen? No, not a long shot. Was it perfect in every way and revolutionary to the teasing world? Nope. But I do think it deserved the 4.7 rating it had (which it shared with 29 other worthy teases) and it was fun. So please don't wrongly interpret this as some sort of attack or hate on the tease or the tease author.

The first point of concern for me is the knee-jerk reaction of the tease author to remove the tease and delete their account over some supposed negative feedback (or trolling?). That's an irrational and extreme response to that type of feedback, even if it was trolling. It suggests one of two things to me: 1) the author has an incredibly fragile ego if some negative feedback to a tease that was viewed by thousands and had an impressively high rating and great reviews on the forums was cause to delete both it and the account behind it.

Or 2) it's a marketing thing. I'm in marketing. I write copy, sales letters, and do 1-on-1 sales professionally and I can tell you that this isn't an uncommon marketing tactic. Tease or offer something to gauge interest, then suddenly deprive people of it. This creates two things: hype and intense desire. Both are driven by the sudden loss of something they liked. After a while, offer the product/service again and you've got 10-1000x more engagement than before.
SarahService wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:22 pm Maybe this is part of the tease? Maybe it's waiting on enough of Mistress Evans's toys and slaves to beg and plead for her return to prove our utter devotion and submission to her?
Maybe it is? :hmmm: :hmmm:

Secondly, the account "SarahService" ("SS" henceforth) is sending some major red flags, as others have picked up on. I'll outline them here, quoting SS verbatim so as to preserve my thoughts and their words to avoid confusion should old comments get removed at a later date.

Firstly SarahService seems to be an account created specifically for the purpose of promoting the Miss Evans tease, generating sympathy and good will toward the tease author, and driving conversation surrounding the removal of the tease.
SarahService wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:49 am I don't speak for the entire community, but as far as I'm concerned we can't have too many threads on this topic.
The least we can do is provide an outpouring of support for her, and hopefully (if she even sees these threads)
The account was created on Sun Mar 28, 2021 at 9:10 PM. Less than two hours later they start making posts about the tease (the first one entitled: "Miss Evans". They have only made two replies to threads that do not focus on Miss Evans.

SS is not an established account in the community. This does not mean that their opinions or posts necessarily have any less value than that of others, but it does mean that we know nothing about them or their purpose here on the forums, and that we should consider what they have to say with a measure of thoughtfulness to those facts. I have no personal agenda against SS, but as with new members of this and other forums, I tend to weigh the input of seasoned and established members of the community (either by age or post volume) as more credible and more immediately trustworthy and wholesome than that of 1 week old accounts with less than 10 comments. I've been a part of Milovana for years, and this is a second account after my last one was exposed to IRL friends. Anyone can look at my comment history to see that I'm just here to have fun and help others, like 99% of us on these forums.

2. SarahService's praise of the tease and the author is over-the-top. I get it, everyone has fans. And there are many people who are fanatic about their support of things they love. Start a convo with me about Monster Hunter and I'll nerd out for 6 hours straight with you. But SS' accolades feel off and tend toward the extreme. Here are examples:
SarahService wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:39 pm You may have just won Milovana by writing the best tease ever!
I disagree that Milovana is a contest to be won. But is it the best tease ever? Strongly debatable, but it's fair that someone might think that.
SarahService wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:39 pm I don't know if you used AI to write the programming or were emotionally intuitive as you wrote the story, but Mistress Evans always seems to be one step ahead of me. When I beg her, the next page pops up as she taunts me and asks to hear more begging. If I cry, her next page makes fun of me for crying and proceeds to torment me. She can be cruel when she wants, but she's fair in declaring the expectations of her toy or slave. As a matter of fact, as she teases me right now she's wearing the same pajamas as I am, how did you do that?
I'm sorry, but none of this makes much sense. The tease was not some omniscient AI that someone created nor was it so intuitive that it was able to react to the exact actions and emotions of any given player. And the pajama thing is what tips balance from weirdly obsessive to bizarrely... something else.
SarahService wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:39 pm the way you put that tease together, the way you timed sessions and gave a "continue" button in all the right places, kept the story going... Regardless of whose personal fetishes you hit, from a technical perspective, you played a perfect game.
I agree that the pacing was good. But the way this comment was phrased sounds more like the way someone who is a tease author or who wrote the tease itself might talk about it. I have no published teases but several draft ideas in the works for some day. The placement of continue buttons isn't something I thought much about before attempting my own tease writing. But we know that SS hasn't written any teases. But perhaps the person who wrote this tease would feel pretty pleased with how they timed it and where they placed the buttons. :hmmm:
SarahService wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:39 pm Perhaps more importantly to be said... We love you, we respect you, we admire you, and we appreciate all the time and effort you put into the tease.
I mean... maybe we do. But do we? Anna Nomus was also a new account, with one tease to their name and only a couple of comments on the forums. We didn't have enough of a relationship for love or admiration. Granted, we enjoyed the tease, but there's a difference.
SarahService wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:48 am 3-Although I have higher expectations of writers here at Milovana, we can't rule out a jealous writer. I mean, Mistress Evans did just break the mold concerning how well a tease can be written, the entire concept of how these things can work is different now.
Did it break the mold, though? Not hardly. Miss Evans was a small fraction of what Tease AI has accomplished. And GuideMe and TeaseMe have also done some very impressive work in the community. The tease was well written and fun, but it wasn't earth-shattering or paradigm shifting.
SarahService wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:22 pm Then again, the concept of this tease goes beyond anything we've ever seen on Milovana before.
No, it really doesn't.
SarahService wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:49 am we love and support her both in game as her Mistress Evans personna and out of game as MissAnnaNomus, a real person with real feelings, and the wonderful person she is.
A real person who we knew nothing about and had no relationship with whatsoever.

Thirdly, SarahService is disrespecting established members of this forum by suggesting that they are trolls and are driving people away. Specifically with user nutterbutter. Nutterbutter has been a member here for nearly ten years, has a fleshed out profile with several posts, all of which are helpful or constructive in some way. He's the furthest thing from a troll you can find on a forum. He (rightly) saw something fishy and brought it up. And SS was quick to condemn him as a troll.
SarahService wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:49 am And to all the other Milovanites, note how a troll works. It starts with, "I may be wrong" and proceeds to use that wrong assumption as proof of further comments, which ends with some nonsense about my "thirst for recognition." The end of the troll's remarks are based on their initial assumption which was false and suggests my comments aren't worthy.

I don't have a solution, the internet is going to have trolls.
This is rude and defensive on the part of SS. It does nothing to assuage the stated doubts beyond just saying "that's false". Nutter was respectful but to-the-point in his post, which at a minimum deserved equal respect in return.

Lastly, SarahService seems to have a truly uncanny amount of knowledge about the person behind Anna Nomus/Miss Evens. If they are not the same person, they are connected in some way. Examine for yourself:
SarahService wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:39 pm To MissAnnaNomus, I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard you received undue criticism and trolling for the amazing tease you wrote.
How? Where did you hear this? This is the first time this is mentioned publicly on the forums. I can't find anyone else saying this or any evidence of it. What's your source for this? And if you don't know if it's true or not, why are you repeatedly saying that it is across multiple posts?
SarahService wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:49 am MissAnnaNomus was nice and kind enough to provide us with her great tease, then was bullied for it. The least we can do is provide an outpouring of support for her, and hopefully (if she even sees these threads) she'll realize the insults weren't from us,
She was bullied too?
SarahService wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:22 pm but there is some good news.
Over on the reddit thread, MissAnnaNomus asked someone to pass along her apologies to the people who really enjoyed it for removing the tease.
Why is SS the only source of news on the tease author? What reddit thread? There's no thread on reddit that is searchable by the name of the tease, the name of the tease author, or SarahService. Not in r/milovana or elsewhere. Why is she asking others to speak for her?
SarahService wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:22 pm I'm not sure exactly, I don't speak for MissAnnaNomus, but she seems to suggest she's on vacation and doesn't feel well, either of which explains why she hasn't re-posted the tease.
Speaking for MissAnnaNomus is exactly what SS is doing here, despite claiming not to be. "She seems to suggest" is also a very weird way to phrase this. She's both on vacation and sick... maybe? And that's why she's only able to communicate via a secret reddit thread to a single person with whom she is leaving instructions on passing on information to Milovana? :hmmm:
SarahService wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:22 pm She also mentions how she may have posted the article before she really had it completely finished. With a tease that size, we understand. It needed a quick Beta-Test for input before being finished. It's a great tease as it stands, but yeah, there are a few minor glitches in it.
Again, some very specific knowledge for someone who claims not to be associated with the author.

And, does it make any sense for someone to create an account, write a tease, release it for "beta-testing", then remove the tease AND delete the account afterward? What happened to the idea that she was bullied off of the site by internet trolls who hate "the perfect webtease".

I don't know exactly what to make of this whole thing, but nothing really adds up here. I'm not going to make any direct assumptions or accusations beyond anything that I've already written. You folks are smart enough to draw your own conclusions. Just wanted to point out some of the red flags I saw in this.

(nutterbutter, I just saw your recent post as I finished writing this book of a post. Agree 100%)
you...OrgasmPhantasm....Good Sir are a Gentleman and Scholar! :yes: I have no need to defend myself....why? Because I know I am no troll. Now, if the "SarahService" account was not created 2 hours before, I would not have made such an accusation, but to me it was then, just too obvious...especially with many injected promotions of the tease.

To me, "their" actions it were the equivalent of " an official trying to buy votes during an election....coughs*(no comment) :lol:

Yall, I love this community and I have no problem helping to protect it from the "Real" trolls. Thank you for all that you do guys!

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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by tigrotto »

I've investigated this story and I came to my conclusions. I'm waiting for a second opinion to be sure.
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Re: "Miss Evans" - best tease EVER, please bring it back!

Post by Shattered »

Let's leave this here then :)

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