Tease Toy Orientation 2 of 6: A Day on the Job

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Tease Toy Orientation 2 of 6: A Day on the Job

Post by subzerowriter »

Authors Forward: Before we start, a few things the reader should be aware of. This will be quick, I promise!

1. This is a sequel series to another story I wrote and posted in the story forums called “Strip Club Tease Toy”. I recommend reading it first in order to get the full picture of how exactly Dan ended up in this situation. I’m certainly biased but I think it’s worth it. :blush:

2. This is the second of a six part series, and I’ll be publishing the rest of the installments weekly(ish), so if you like my stuff, keep an eye out for future installments (and please let me know in the comments: knowing that people actually are enjoying this makes working on it a lot more fun!)

3. If you HAVE already read “Strip Club Tease Toy”, you may notice a few small changes: I changed a few names and details for continuity reasons, but it’s nothing super complex. In fact, I imagine the only thing the average reader would notice is that I’ve changed Sarah’s name to Cindi. But that’s why, if you notice anything different.

4. This is A. a fantasy and B. heavily about female domination and tease and denial. If it's not your thing, don't read it and then leave mean comments on a free story. That's weird behavior! Just go find something you like and talk about that! I don't need the kink shaming!

That’s it! Please enjoy, and again, PLEASE let me know if you did! I have a lot of future plans for the hapless Dan Green, and I’m having a lot of fun doing this.

Tease Toy Orientation 2: A Day on the Job

About 5 minutes after Trixi had left, Dan felt the bands against his body slacken again, and he removed the Exoskeleton. He took it off slowly and carefully (he wanted to smash it against the wall and rip it to shreds while he screamed, but he wisely abstained), and left it on Trixi’s work table, trembling with frustration and sexual need as he did so, his cock still bouncing and dribbling. Then he dressed himself in a daze, pulling his clothes back on in relief and trying to ignore the snug fit of the Control Ring against his still aching scrotum. He breathed slowly and did his damnedest to think about anything in the world except beautiful women or the gnawing hunger in his balls. Once he was dressed, he exited the break room, heading out into the nude poster lined back hallway of The Tease Club, and then hurried out to the back alley before he could get cornered by another one of these insane women.

Dan walked back to the spot where his car had been parked for two days now, moving slowly and with a wide legged, almost limping gait as he tried to calm his erection. As he walked up to his unobtrusive Camry, he found a parking ticket sticking out from under his windshield wiper, a result of leaving the vehicle parked here for over 24 hours. He closed his eyes in frustration “Fuck.” he thought, “Just a perfect end to a perfect day.” It was about a 30 minute drive to get home, and he listened to music as he drove, slowly allowing his body to calm down enough for his desperate erection to begin to go down.

He tried to pay attention to the road, and not to think about the way that Lexi had smelled while she had been riding his cock, or the sounds that Trixi had made as she had diddled herself on the couch next to him while he watched. He pushed the thoughts away, forcefully. With this ring locked around him, any sexual thoughts or stimulation would mean nothing but more frustration, assuming he didn’t want Cindi’s damned pictures emailed to his entire office.

He was pulling around the corner and onto his street when he heard his phone ding loudly in his pocket, and after he pulled into his driveway and parked, he pulled it out to see what it was. A notification message had popped up on his screen that read “The Tease App successfully downloaded” and Dan stared at it dumbly, feeling his stomach began to sink as he sat in his parked car. He went to his phone’s homepage and saw that a new app icon, a hot pink rounded box with a red lipstick kiss at its center, sat on his home screen. He suddenly remembered that he had essentially given Trixi complete access to his phone before she left tonight, and sighed, reaching forward with a trembling fingertip to click on the icon. With a loud, aggressively sexual, female moan, the app expanded, filling his screen with pink.

Dan saw five icons appear, each a small circle containing one of the faces of the five women who had so elegantly taken over his life in the course of forty eight hours. Feeling suddenly very exposed while parked in his driveway, he looked around quickly before bringing his attention back to the screen. Then, as he watched, the image of Trixi’s face, her eyes sparkling beneath her glasses and her purple lips curled in a wry smile, lit up, enlarged, and a text message appeared below the icon.

“Hi Dan!” it read, and Dan clicked on it to find that the app seemed to work exactly like the standard iPhone text and call screens…except everything was in bright shades of red and pink. The message read: “It’s me, Trixi! I figured this would be the easiest way for us to all talk to each other, so none of the girls have to actually give you their numbers…sorry, you little perv, no 3am begging drunk calls ;) Just make sure that if you get a text from one of the girls that you get someplace private and respond within 20 minutes, ok Dan? You don’t want to make us feel like you’re the kind of guy who doesn’t write ladies back the next day, after they let him play with them, right?”
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Dan looked down at the message, trying to fully process his situation. It seemed like every time he got mildly familiar with his circumstances, the dancers at The Tease Club threw another curveball at him…So now he was on call 24 hours a day, through this app that his gothic, nubile, mad scientist tormentor had designed? Dan considered what this really meant, and Trixi messaged him again, asking, “Dan? Daniel? Are you there? Helloooooo?” Then, as he sat there, trying to figure out what to write back, he felt the steel ring wrapped around the base of his still deflating erection began to vibrate in a dull hum, sending delicious and horrible vibrations up his member.

He gasped in surprise, dropping the phone between the seat cushions as he stiffened in reaction. Then he panicked for a moment, grabbing dumbly at the ring before realizing the real solution to the problem, and he scrambled for his phone, straining with his fingertips to reach it between the seats. He finally did…after about 20 seconds of fumbling, and he typed as quickly as possible, sending a hurried reply, the message filling with typos. “I’m here Im her pleeese stop Trxi please I’m sorry Im heer.”

Within seconds, the vibration against his sensitive cock stopped…but the damage had already been done, and the hunger he had been so carefully trying to douse between his legs had reawakened in full force.

Dan groaned in frustration, and then looked back at the screen as he heard the ding of another message. “Hehe, so I guess that means the long range remote equipment I set up works? ;) Lol, ya I know you’re there dummy, I can see your read receipts…Don’t worry, I didn’t set those up on your end, so you won’t have to worry about when we’ve seen your texts or not. Anyway, sorry Dan, I just couldn’t resist with the vibrator! It’s strong right? I just love showing off my toys for you…Ok, I promise I’ll leave you alone for the night as much as I can, I know you had a long one today. I have a diagnostic I need to run later tonight that might be a nuisance for about 30-45 minutes, but I promise that’ll be it! I’ll text you and let you know before I get started, so you aren’t surprised, ok?”

Dan wrote back as quickly as he could, trying to breath deeply and reverse the damage that her damned remote control buzzing had done to his hungry, frustrated cock, “Yes Trixi it was very strong. Very impressive. Thank you for understanding, and giving me some time to rest, that’s very sweet of you.”

She sent back a final kissing emoji, apparently signaling the end of the conversation, and Dan dropped his phone, falling back against his car seat, and almost screaming in frustration. He had no idea what she meant by “diagnostic” but he was almost positive it wasn’t going to be very fun. He sat there, trying to breathe slowly for several minutes, and then he grabbed his phone, got out, locked his car, and walked into his house. It was almost 9:45, which would have felt like bedtime for Dan even a week ago, but after the night he had had, he couldn’t believe how wired he felt. He did in fact, take the longest cold shower of his life, finally beating his raging libido into submission by about 10:30 or so.

Then he spent the rest of the night reading, watching television, and eating…doing anything he could, really, to keep his thoughts away from the delicious and frustrating memories of Cindi, Lexi, and Trixi that were trying to bubble to the surface of his hungry, frustrated mind. He absolutely savored these small freedoms after his ordeal, but even this quiet time held a twinge of constant dread to it. He kept his phone at his side constantly, worried he would miss another message from Trixi and suffer for it. He wondered again and again what this “diagnostic” could be and when it would happen…and the snug fit of the Control Ring against his scrotum never let him fully forget his circumstances.

He finally settled in to bed around midnight, and was just starting to drift off to sleep when the cellphone on his nightstand began ringing, a noise that ripped away the floating, fading sensation of slumber with sudden, jagged anxiety. His eyes opened wide in instant panic: no one Dan knew would ever call him this late: this had to be her. He flipped the light on, trying to move as quickly as possible, and scrabbled for the phone, pressing the answer button before he even looked at the screen, pulling it quickly to his ear. “H-hello?” he stammered. “Trixi?”

Dan heard laughter from the other end of the line, and even from the laugh Dan recognized the voice of Dominique, the beautiful East Coast Latina woman who had first pulled him into the back hallway yesterday. “Oh maaaan! Did someone get a little crush on Trixi today, Danny boy? I mean…I know she’s fucking adorable and all, but you’re going to hurt my feelings! I figured you would be psyched to hear from me before our shift together tomorrow. Trix told me that she set up your phone with her little app. It’s cute right?”

Dan lifted the phone away from his face, saw the pink, Tease app facsimile of the call screen read simply “Dominique”, a beautiful picture of her smiling face beneath the name, and he held it back to his ear, answering in a stumbling, confused response, “H-Hi Dominique! No, I’m sorry, I…of course, I’m so excited to hear from you, you’re the best…It’s just, Trixi told me she was going to text me later about…” He trailed off, suddenly remembering Trixi’s request that he keep the fact that he was still wearing the Control Ring tonight a secret. Jesus, he was going to have to be more careful than this. “Nothing,” he finished weakly, “don’t worry about it, it’s not important. Anyway, why were you calling?”
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He tried to end his question as innocently as possible, and there were 2-3 seconds of deafening, terrifying silence while Dan waited to see if she would ignore this sudden, suspicious behavior…but suddenly she laughed again, and he heard her snap her bubblegum into the phone loudly. Then, she spoke in a low husky voice, purring into his ear through the phone as she talked, “Oh I just figured you had a long day, and wanted to see how you were doing Dan. I know Lexi can be a little rough with the new guys, sometimes. She doesn’t have a lot of appreciation for what the men in our line of work go through…You doing alright Danny? “Mistress” Lexi wasn’t too hard on you?”

Dan spoke as carefully as he could, not wanting to give her any ammunition that they could use against him. He was starting to feel insane and constantly paranoid, as he tried to determine how much of each interaction with these women was part of some cruel and creative new game. “No Dominique, not at all! Lexi was wonderful, she was so sweet to me. I had a great time.” She scoffed, and when she spoke, he could hear pity for him in her voice, which sounded oddly cute coming from her thick East Coast/Bronx-y accent.

“Oh WOW. Danny, baby, Lex really did fuck you up! You poor guy, you sound like a robot! Oh Dan I’m so sorry, see…THIS is why I was calling! We need to take care of you if we’re going to try to keep you around! Fucking Lexi, you can’t just be a terror ALL the time.” She trailed off for a second, and then her voice came back, soft and playful, purring again. “Hey Dan, maybe I could make it up to you, tell me something, have you jerked off yet tonight? You know, since you got home, I mean? I bet your cock was pretty hungry when you left The Tease Club tonight, wasn’t it? Did you come in and just go to town like an animal? …or were you waiting to make it special?”

Her gum squished juicily in the phone, filling the otherwise deafening silence. This felt like another trap of some kind, but he couldn’t figure out exactly how… after a moment or two of contemplating his options, Dan decided that, in this instance at least, the safest answer was probably the truth…but as little truth as possible. He would just try to simply talk around the Control Ring, and stay on everyone’s good side. “Uh…no, not yet. I was…like you said, trying to wait to, you know…to make it special.” The sound of her lips smacking against the gum into her phone was oddly erotic, and when she responded, he noticed again how attractive her “tough girl” accent was to him.

“Good! Oh man, I’m glad, I was worried…I figured you were gonna run straight home and jerk off six times after what Trixi and Lexi put you through today! But…I’m really glad you didn’t Dan,” and suddenly her voice got much softer, and much closer to the microphone, “I knew you would be exhausted after today, and super frustrated, so I figured before I started my shift tomorrow, I’d show you that we’re not all so bad, and give you little treat…I thought we could have a little phone sex? I could help you get off tonight, so there’s no hard feelings when we get started tomorrow…What do you think?”

After her purring, breathy pitch, Dominique grew silent, clearly expecting a response, and Dan closed his eyes again in desperate frustration. With the Control Ring locked around his scrotum, ready to send his blackmail pictures to his entire office the instant he shot his load, and with his coerced promise to Trixi that he wouldn’t tell anyone that she was “breaking the rules” by making him wear it home, he had been painted into a pretty uncomfortable corner. He was going to have to fake his way through this.

He tried to summon as much eagerness and excitement to his voice as possible (He still wasn’t sure what was real and what was part of some fucked up head game, and he wanted to make sure he sold his performance as much as he possibly could in case this was real) with his response., “That…that sounds amazing Dominique! I can’t believe you would think to do that for me, that’s incredibly selfless and thoughtful of you. I would love that so much.”

She giggled into the phone, snorting indecorously, and purred back in a voice like silk, “Oh wow you are a CUTE little guy, aren’t you Danny boy? So polite. I bet Cindi and Lexi looooved that, didn’t they? But…you’re not totally right, it’s not THAT selfless of me…” she breathed, and then moaned a little, “I’m playing with myself too, after all.”

She gasped into the phone then, the distorted blasting of her breath against the mic coming through at a volume that was disorienting for Dan. Despite his attempts to keep his body calm, he could feel his (finally) slumbering penis begin to twitch and awaken slightly again. Then he heard a loud ping in his ear, and she gasped again, whispering breathily, “I sent you a little present, Danny. Why don’t you put me on speaker phone so you can look at my present.”

Dan pulled the phone from his ear and pressed the speaker icon, and then looked at his screen. A new notification (hot pink, as opposed to the standard green that his phone was supposed to be set to) let him know that Dominique had sent him a picture. He opened the message with a trembling forefinger, almost afraid: She was framed in the shot on what he assumed was her bed, completely nude, on her knees with her back arched and her upper body pressed against her pink sheets, naked and toying with her exposed slit with one hand sticking up between her thighs. She was facing away from the camera, so that her ass was in full prominence, and Dan’s mouth watered. He had wanted to see her ass yesterday as she had led him through that bizarre introduction to the staff, before his “shift” with Trixi and Lexi, but hadn’t had the opportunity. He wasn’t disappointed now.
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Her tree trunk thighs and firm rounded ass cheeks were absolutely mesmerizing, and every inch was the same silky, sunny bronze as the rest of her…it felt like a silly thing to notice, but the light in the image bounced off of her bare left ass cheek beautifully. He could see a small, tightly manicured tuft of dark pubic hair leading to the soft lips nestled between her legs, and he saw two of her fingers frozen in time within the image as they slid against her wet slit, the long curve of her gleaming, teal nails pressing against her. Her dainty, soft looking feet were framed into the direct foreground, her toes curled up and back in pleasure at the movement of her fingers, the gleaming teal of her toenails acting as tiny highlights of bright color in the bottom right hand corner of the image.

She was looking over the shoulder, back into the lens of the camera, her luscious brown curls splayed out against the pillow behind her. Her big, liquid chocolate eyes ran deep with pleasure, and when he looked at the image of her on his phone, he felt like she was looking directly into his soul somehow. Her voice giggled from the speaker again, and continued to coo at him, her accent making his head spin a little. “Well? Do you like what you see Danny? Am I turning you on? Are you touching yourself looking at that picture of me?” Dan’s cock was growing again rapidly now, in spite of itself, and he groaned as he felt his erection swell back to its previous, now familiar, snug tightness against the steel ring at its base.

Dan tried to verbally keep up as she continued to pant and moan into the phone at him, and he could hear the wet sounds of both her gum smacking and the wet glide of her fingers into herself now. Her voice was incredible, this picture was unbelievable, and he wanted nothing more than to grab his cock and start pumping in kind…but the thoughts of his destroyed life and legacy made him keep taking deep breaths, and kept his hand as far away from his dick as possible. Despite his herculean self control, the sounds that Dominique was making into the phone were having a noticeable effect on him, and he tried to think of baseball, desperately willing his cock to go back to sleep. He didn’t think he could handle any more blue balls tonight.

Suddenly, as Dominique spoke, another hot pink message popped up over the image of her naked body, this time from Trixi, which Dan saw with horror read, “Diagnostic starting any minute Dan! Sorry I’m starting so late, it was a loooong shift! Don’t worry though, this shouldn’t take too long…but make sure you’re somewhere private, ok? Hehe, some aspects of the diagnostic program are a little…distracting, I guess would be the word ;)” Then, as he tried to figure out what that meant, he gasped loudly, feeling the steel ring of his prison began to expand and contract, pulsing against the base of his cock every 3 to 4 seconds.

The sensation felt like someone had wrapped their hand against his cock and began to squeeze in short, firm bursts. Dominique heard his involuntary gasp, and giggled into the phone, “Oh I heard that Dan! Haha… are you touching yourself now? Are you stroking that big hard cock and thinking of me? Are you thinking about my ass Dan? Are you thinking about my pussy? It’s right here for you and it feels sooooo good. Fuck, I’m so wet. Tell me Dan…tell me what you’re doing to yourself thinking about me.”

Dan gulped at the torrent of sexual language and imagery coming though the phone, trying to ignore the pulsating gripping sensation against his cock, and opened his mouth to respond. Dan had obviously had very little experience with phone sex, and the fact that he was trying desperately to hide that he was wearing the Control Ring didn’t make the experience any easier, but he dove in, desperate to keep her from asking any difficult questions…he didn’t know exactly what his punishment would be if he revealed Trixi’s “secret”, but he didn’t want to find out.

“O-Oh, yes, Dominique…” He started, clumsily, “You-you’re making me so fucking hot right now. My cock is getting so hard for you, and this picture you sent me is absolutely stunning and…” He closed his eyes. Everything he had just said was true, and now he was trying to plan out his lie as effectively as possible.

He spoke again, “I…I’m stroking my cock at your picture, and …Ahh!” He suddenly trailed off with a startled yelp, as he felt the ring against his cock began to vibrate aggressively, just like it had in the garage. This was, to Dan’s horror, in addition to this new, pulsating, gripping sensation, and the two sensations in combination shattered any final efforts to stay the growth of his erection, bring his cock to hard, full attention in less than 30 seconds. Trixi’s “diagnostic” seemed to much more involved than he realized.

Dominique giggled into the phone again, breathing more loudly now, and responded, smacking her gum and continuing her onslaught of purring, moaning dirty talk, “Oooooh, it sounds like little frustrated Danny is having a lot of fun getting to touch himself! Are you happy to be out of that horrible little Control Ring and able to cum whenever you want? I bet you are, yes…Good boy Danny. Stroke it a little a faster for me and I’ll send you another picture ok? I’m playing with my toys now Dan…Don’t you want to see me play with my toys? Maybe I’ll send another present if you speed up for me…But not too fast! You can cum with me, ok? I’ll let you know when I’m getting close.”

Dan closed his eyes in frustration, laying there with tears streaming down his face as Dominique sent him one picture after another, moaning and panting into the phone as she played with herself on the other end of the line. The relentless, mechanical stimulations of the Control Ring were impossible to ignore, and within minutes, he was dribbling precum, as maddeningly frustrated and trapped as he had been at the Tease hours earlier.

Every 5 minutes or so, she sent him another jaw dropping image, and in spite of his absolute frustration, his hungry eyes crawled over every inch of her that she was willing to show him. The second picture showed the gorgeous beauty kissing her full lips tenderly against the head of a large, anatomically correct, peach colored silicone cock, her eyes staring back at him innocently through the camera lens as her full juicy lips pursed around the mushroom head of it. The third was a selfie, her head thrown back, hair wild, her lips contracted into an O of pleasure, as she used one hand to slide the silicone toy in and out of herself between splayed thighs, taking the image with the other.
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The buzzing sensation against the base of his now raging erection was so strong that it vibrated up the length of him, and he felt as though his entire dick had been enveloped in some kind of electrifying, humming sleeve. The constricting and loosening pulse of the ring caused him to gasp again and again, and the noises apparently were enough to convince Dominique that he was enjoying himself as much as she was.

After about 10 or 15 more minutes of gasping, moaning, and the smacking of gum, her breath quickened, and he heard her whisper, “I’m getting close now Dan. Speed up with me, ok Dan? Stroke that hungry cock for me while I fuck myself. Faster now Danny…” and she began to emit a deep, guttural moan that filled Dan with hunger. A tear rolled down his cheek in frustration as he listened to her earth shattering orgasm, his hands in clenched and shaking fists at his side as the contraption around his cock sent waves of dizzying and frustrating pleasure through his member.

He listened as her breathing slowed, returning to normal, and then her voice purred out from the phone sitting on his chest. “Mmmmmm…God that felt good. I loooove phone sex…How you doing over there, Dan? Are you feeling better now?” She giggled, “You make a big mess?” The sensations from the Control Ring hadn’t stopped or slowed in any way with Dominique’s orgasm…the “convenient” timing of Trixi’s “diagnostic” was not lost on Dan, and he had been half expecting this to happen, but now he was left to wonder.

He pushed the concern aside for now, trying to steady his voice as much as possible as he responded, “Oh…Oh god, yes Dominique…Jesus. Thank you, that was amazing. You are so gorgeous. God that felt so good.” Despite his attempts to sound like a normal, post coital man, he was almost positive he was raising his voice slightly at each pulsing contraction of the ring against his twitching and oozing dick, but she didn’t seem to notice, and she purred, “Hehe good! Glad I could help, Danny boy. You better be real thankful when you see me tomorrow, ok?”

She smacked her gum juicily into the mic one final time, giggling a little, and then the line went dead.

He lay there on his bed, gasping for another 20 minutes as the maddening sensations continued against his frustrated, raging erection. The call with Dominique had been about 25 to 30 minutes long, all told, and Dan was trying to remind himself that Trixi had said the diagnostic would be 45 minutes at most. But when 20 more minutes had gone by and the device showed no signs of slowing, Dan began to panic. When the “diagnostic” began to reach for the hour mark, Dan finally gave in to his desperation, threw good sense to the wind, and grabbed his phone.

Dan opened The Tease App, and it filled his screen again with an explosion of pink, and another loud, aggressively sexual female moan blasted from the speaker (he was going to have to be very careful about using this at work, he realized…he didn’t see setting options for volume control anywhere, and silencing his phone didn’t seem to make a difference). He clicked on Trixi’s name, writing a carefully crafted message that he reread three times before finally sending: “Hi Trixi, I’m really sorry to bother you so late, please forgive me, but you had mentioned that the diagnostic was going to last for 30-45 minutes? It’s been almost an hour now, and I just wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong…”

He closed his eyes, waiting, petrified. The instant he pressed “send”, he suddenly became convinced that he had just made a terrible mistake, and the thought became almost more powerful and unnerving than the dull painful hunger spreading from his testicles. These women seemed to use any excuse they could to act offended at anything he said, and use it against him. Had he just given Trixi an excuse to torture him more, somehow?

After a few minutes in these sorts of thoughts, a loud ping rang throughout the room from his phone, and simultaneously, to Dan’s amazement, the Ring stopped vibrating and pulsating against him. This was certainly not the outcome he was expecting, and he pulled his phone to his face, confused and hopeful. Trixi’s response was so positive, that Dan actually thought he was being shown an act of mercy…until he read the whole message.

“Hi Dan, I’m so sorry!” It read, “I just saw your message and checked on the program…it looks like you experienced some kind of extreme episode of arousal during the first 20-30 minutes of the diagnostic, like WAY higher than your baseline should be, and it messed up the program…Did you try to jerk off while I was running my program or something, perv? Lol, the spike in the data threw EVERYTHING out of whack, and it looks like the whole thing’s going to take another…60-70 minutes still! Wow. Well…I guess Lexi and Cindi would say that’s what bad boys get for not being able to control themselves… BUT I know you have to work tomorrow, AND I know you’re doing me a big favor wearing the Ring for me all night. Plus, I kept you up late enough already…so I figured out a solution!”

Dan’s heart sank as he continued to read, “I set up the program to spread the rest of the diagnostic out in 10 minute spurts between 4am and when your 6pm shift starts tomorrow (I don’t know your exact schedule, so you may get hit with one or two while you’re still sleeping in the morning…sorry! I figured it was better to let you get some sleep now). Oh, and I set up a 15 second automatic warning text to let you know before each session starts, ok? Anyway, you can thank me later! Okay, I’m turning off my phone and going to sleep now, and I have coding class all day tomorrow, so don’t bother texting me before your shift, I won’t see it. Anyway, thanks for letting me know! Night Dan! ;)”
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Dan stared at the message, rereading it several times before lying back against the bed once more. It looked like he was an idiot after all, and Trixi HAD absolutely used this as an excuse to torture him some more. And he was now feeling pretty certain that this entire thing had been orchestrated between Trixi and Dominique, his new “appointment” for tomorrow. Fuck. The way that confirmation of any of these suspicions seemed to dangle constantly out of reach was almost as maddening as the constant teasing. He had never felt so paranoid in his life.

He looked back through the app and saw, without much surprise, that the images which Dominique had sent him had vanished. In fact, it seemed that anytime he tried to take a screen shot of the Tease App in any way he was rewarded only with a blacked out image. Like always, his tormentors seemed to be ahead of him every step of the way.

Despite his aching testicles and throbbing cock, the respite from the pulsing, vibrating Control Ring let him feel his exhaustion fully for the first time since he had first gone to bed, and the weight of the day seemed to press down on him. Every bone in his body ached, and he decided that he would have to wait until tomorrow to find a way to outsmart this cabal of cock teasing masterminds. Tomorrow. That’s when he would figure a way out of this. He lay back, feeling himself begin to sink away almost immediately, and let the sticky, spreading blackness of unconsciousness take him.



Dan slept like the dead for several much needed hours, not even dreaming, but was dragged back to the waking world at 5am by a ding on his phone and then, 15 seconds later, the sudden pulsing and vibrating of the Cock Ring against his dick. Half asleep still, he grabbed and pulled at the ring for a moment in blind panic before his situation began coming back to him in tiny waves. The insistent manipulations of the device were incredibly persuasive, and his hungry cock was standing to full attention in under a minute. Looking at his phone, he saw a pink notification bubble which read, “Diagnostic Warning!”

He lay in bed, grinding his teeth and clenching his fists for ten minutes, until the sensations stopped as abruptly as they had started, leaving him panting and oozing. Deciding that there was no use in trying to go back to sleep until 6am for his normal alarm, Dan got up and took another long, cold shower. It would not be his last.

He got dressed and ready for work, and as he was walking out to his car, he paused, thinking about what might happen if Trixi’s “diagnostic” started again while he was changing lanes on the freeway. After a minute or two of deliberation, he decided the risk wasn’t worth it, and grabbed his bus pass, walking to the nearest stop. He was thankful (sort of) that he had made his decision when, while standing in the middle of a rush hour, crowded commuter bus, his phone pinged in his pocket again, and the Control Ring began another 10 minute burst of mechanical teasing. He stifled a gasp, and tried to position himself as far away from everyone as he could.

The bus was so crowded that there was no where to go, really, and after 20 seconds of panicked struggling against the sea of bodies, he found himself sandwiched tightly between two large men, and directly behind a woman in a raised, black hoodie who stood facing away from him, and who was wearing the tightest yoga pants that Dan had ever seen, the clinging fabric of the patterned, pink and grey elastic sliding deeply into the curve of her full round ass cheeks.

At the next stop several more people boarded, and this women stepped back to make room, pressing her ass against Dan, and he bit his lip as hard as he could, stifling an obviously sexual moan in absolute humiliation. He could feel (hell, SEE, depending on the angle) his cock, now throbbing and quivering as the Control Ring teased him, slide lightly between this woman’s glorious, spandex covered ass cheeks as she pressed back against him. He didn’t understand how there could be any way that she didn’t feel his raging erection against her, but she didn’t seem to react, continuing to face forward, her hands in the pockets of her hoodie.
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Every turn, every bounce, every brake of the bus caused her to fall back against him slightly, her ass sliding against his crotch deliciously as her weight pressed against his. Even through the front of his trousers he could feel the firm yet soft warmth of her, and with every slight movement his breath caught in his throat, as he struggled not to let the perverted moans of his desperation out in the cramped, crowded public transit vehicle.

At one point he weakly tried to grab her attention without alerting the rest of the crowd pressed against him, whispering through gritted teeth, “Excuse me…? Miss?….Ma’am…?” but she didn’t react, and he saw with dismay that the cords of earbuds were dangling down from her hoodie into the pocket at the front of it.

He closed his eyes, humiliated at this incredibly public torture, and tried to wait out the sensations of this strange woman’s ass as the Control Ring buzzed against him. It felt like it lasted for hours. This second “diagnostic” session ended about 2 stops from Dan’s office, and the woman whose ass he had been sliding against…shit, almost in and out of, got off at the next stop, her hands still in her jacket pocket as she slid through the crowd and stepped down to the sidewalk. Dan saw her passing by out the window as the bus took off again, and he thought he saw a bouncing curl of luscious brown hair peeking out of the front of the hoodie, but then she was gone.

By the time he had reached his stop, he had calmed down again (relatively speaking), but he noticed with horror that a large patch of pre-cum was VERY visible against the front of his khakis. He swore quietly, and took off his jacket, positioning it in front of his crotch as he got off the bus and walked in to work.

He headed straight for the bathrooms, locking the door the instant he was sure he was alone, and used a combination of tap water, paper towels, and electric hand dryers to undo the damage as best he could. Then, he lined the front of his boxers with several layers of paper towels. He felt silly, but he had no idea when and where this fucking cock ring from hell was going to go off again, and he had to be prepared. He WASN’T going to get caught, goddamit. He was going to find a way out of this. He stood up, took a deep breath, and buckled his pants again, tucking his shirt back in and heading out to face the day.

That Wednesday was one of the most harrowing work days of Dan’s life. Over the course of his day, the Ring started and stopped again a total of 6 more times, each time for another 10 minutes of excruciating pulsing and vibration, and as far as he could tell, there was absolutely no rhyme or reason to how much time passed between each “diagnostic session”. Nothing happened at all from 1-3pm for example, but two sessions early in the morning started within less than 30 minutes of each other.

Needless to say, Dan tried to stay alone inside his office as much as he could, and managed to sit through 4 of these random, automated sessions in safe, excruciating silence at his desk.

He wasn’t this lucky all day however: one of the sessions began at lunch in the break room, forcing him to hold his microwaved meal over his lap as he shook and spasmed slightly, struggling to hide what was happening from his coworkers, and another began as he sat through a presentation by a younger, very attractive female colleague in a room full of coworkers. No one questioned or seemed to notice his behavior, but he nonetheless was ragged with anxiety by the end of the day, and he felt like he had a constant, throbbing and dribbling erection. He found himself needing to change the paper towels lining his underwear several times that day.

He spent so much of his mental energy worrying about hiding the device locked around his dick that the day was over before he knew it, and he left his office, resigned to his fate (at least for tonight, he told himself) as he boarded the bus downtown. This bus was much more empty, and he grabbed a quiet seat in the back, wondering what he was in store for today. He couldn’t help but wonder if Dominique really HAD been just trying to throw him a bone last night…maybe today wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe she was the nice one. There HAD to be a nice one, after all…didn’t there? She couldn’t be as scary as Lexi, after all.

Those incredible pictures she had sent him bubbled to the surface of his mind, and his cock twitched lightly. When he finally reached his stop, it was nearly 5:50, and he walked quickly as he headed towards the back alley of The Tease Club. He didn’t know if he could get in some kind of trouble for being late, and he didn’t want to find out.

He walked up to the door, knocking lightly and hesitantly, unsure of himself, and then trying the latch after a few moments when no one answered. The door was unlocked, and he stepped inside, the familiar nude posters, muffled pulsating music, and giggle of women’s laughter flooding back to him. He remembered Lexi’s instructions from yesterday and got undressed in the hallway, leaving his clothes, wallet, keys, and phone in a neat folded stack by the door before he hurried to the break room door. Getting undressed and walking around out in the open like this was unnerving, and he felt incredibly vulnerable and prey-like. When he got to the break room, he saw with trepidation that taped to the door at eye level was an electric blue envelope…just like the one that Cindi had left on his doorstep two nights earlier.

He opened the note, feeling (quite literally) exposed reading it in the empty hallway, and saw with relief that the message was short and sweet: “Hi Dan!” It read, “I talked to Trixi, and it sounds like you’re settling in real nicely! I’m going to check on you in person later in the week and see how you’re doing, but I left this note because Dominique wanted me to let you know she’s going to be about 10 minutes late today, and she wanted me to instruct you to go in the break room, strap yourself into the adjustable black chair on the far side of the room (you can leave your arms free, obviously…I’m sure she’ll take care of those for you when she shows up) and wait for her. She said not to worry about putting on the Exoskeleton, but if you see any of the other girls before she gets in, have them put your Control Ring back on, so she can get started right away, okay? Have a good shift Dan! I can’t wait to see you again soon!” Cindi had signed her first name in flowery script at the bottom of the page, and left a wet, red lipstick kiss over the signature.
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 2 of 6: A Day on the Job

Post by subzerowriter »

Dan followed instructions, quickly slipping inside the break room and climbing awkwardly up onto the black contoured plastic. As he settled in, he marveled at how perfectly his body fit into the curves and lines of the design. When he leaned back, an extended curved headrest (secured in place by two extended metal bars, as one might see on the back seat of a car) held his head quite comfortably. As he fastened the straps along his ankles, he noticed a slight line separating the plastic between his left and right leg. Then, as he fastened the straps around his hips and chest, he noticed the same along the contoured curves for each arm. They almost looked like they could separate…and he suddenly realized that, upon closer inspection, this “dentist’s chair” as he had described it yesterday, might be capable of much more than he had previously considered.

He waited patiently, trying not to get too physically excited for whatever was to come, and at about 6:15, he heard the door on the other side of the room fly open, and he turned his head to watch Dominique walk in. His jaw almost dropped to the floor. Unlike Trixi and Lexi, who had made quite the show of undressing for him yesterday, Dominique apparently came in ready for business. She was wearing nothing but a black, high waisted leather thong, and knee high, black latex stiletto boots. She carried a small gym bag that she tossed onto the couch as soon as the door clicked shut behind her. The leather underwear was laced together against each hip, high up her waist, and her flesh pressed lightly through the leather laces which criss crossed the two inch bands of beautiful, bronze skin that showed between the ringed flaps of the garment.

Her eyes glittered when she saw him, and a wide smile spread her gorgeous, full lips, done up in a dark, rich red today that he found quite alluring. Her beautiful brown curls bounced around her long delicate neck in a wild cut that stopped about 3 inches from her shoulders, and which caused her hair to constantly fall beautifully in front of her face, dancing across her huge, melted chocolate eyes. He saw that she was wearing the same earrings (or at least the same style) as yesterday, the gold hoops glinting in her sea of curls.

His eyes crawled hungrily up and down her body as she strutted through the room and over to him. Her small breasts bounced perkily with every click of her incredible, skin tight, shining heels, and the sight of her dark brown nipples, each areola the size of a quarter, made his mouth water. Her waist tapered to a small point that creased inward at the top of each rolling hip, and he saw a dangling, glittering ring bouncing round her tight navel from another, interlocking ring piercing her bellybutton. Even from the front of her, he could see her hips and thighs quiver slightly with every step, accentuating her curves as she walked over to him.

“Hiiii Danny! It’s so good to see you, I had so much fun with you last night! I’m so sorry I’m late…I do some volunteer work on Wednesdays, if you’re nice to me maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime.” Her eyes slid to the device wrapped around his cock and her grin widened slightly further. Dan saw that she was holding Trixi’s remote in her left hand. “Oh good! Did Cindi come by and get you set up? I texted her to let her know I was running late…She is SUCH a sweetie pie!”

Dan could tell from her demeanor that she wasn’t really asking, and he sensed that trying to correct her would be a mistake. He considered trying to do so anyway…but he stayed silent, his eyes crawling hungrily over her body as she placed the remote on the Trixi’s workbench and walked over to him.

“Anyway,” she said in a slightly lower voice as she stepped up next to him her nipples right at his eye level, “It’s really great to see you. I had so much fun listening to you pant and moan on the phone last night, Danny boy, and I’ve been looking forward to this all day…” She trailed off as she finished her sentence, and she leaned forward, the lids of her beautiful brown eyes falling slightly, as she moved against him, pressing her lips against Dan’s and kissing him passionately. He didn’t move for a moment, but she pulled back long enough to breathe, “I’m not Lexi, Dan, you can kiss me back, it’s ok.”

With relief, he kissed her back (the first time one of his captors had allowed him to do so) hungrily, nibbling and sucking at her lips, letting her tongue slide in and out of his mouth playfully, and he breathed her in, a combination of the burned smell of ironed hair, her own soothing musk, and a slightly citrusy body wash. His cock was growing hard again already, awakening in random, sudden twitches as he felt his member grow more and more sensitive.

Then he felt her hands slide down his neck, and against each of his arms, and she encircled his wrists in her warm, soft hands, firmly placing his arms into their intended contours on either side of the chair. She pulled her face from his, licking her gorgeous, full lips with a look of satisfaction, and smiled again, looking into his eyes lovingly. Then she looked down and began tightening the black straps against his wrists and biceps, securing him firmly in place as she spoke.
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“You know, all of Trixi’s gadgets are something else, but…I don’t know, I always liked doing things old school, y’know? So when Cindi came to me about the whole master plan, and Trixi started going over the Exoskeleton, and the Control Ring, and that contract and all that shit, and asking people what kind of gadgets they wanted…heh, I was like…well, fuck, I dunno, can I just get a table and some rope to strap him to it?”

As she finished securing his hands, she laughed to herself, shaking her head slightly, and then she turned, walking over to the workbench and grabbing Trixi’s universal remote which she had left there. The leather thong disappeared entirely into the canyon of her ass crack, spreading back out across the small of her back rather than her buttocks, and Dan was treated to every perfect inch of her round hips, juicy cheeks, and thick thighs as she strutted and preened.

“And then Trixi built me THIS! She calls it ‘The Chair’. Not exactly the ‘old school’ approach I was looking for…but it is pretty impressive, I gotta admit.” Dan heard the familiar click of the remote as she pressed a button, and suddenly “The Chair” repositioned with such speed that Dan let out a disoriented yelp.

He felt whirring and vibrations beneath the contoured plastic that held him in place, and suddenly he was lifted to become vertical, and the arms and legs disconnected, spreading wide with hydraulic force, forcefully splaying him out like Da Vinci’s Vetruvian Man. Dominique snorted, and Dan looked up dizzily to find her observing him with a lopsided, mischievous smile and dancing eyes. “Pretty fucking cool right? I don’t use all the bells and whistles most of the time, but I gotta say, it’s nice to know they’re there!”

She hit another button, and (just as quickly), the plastic, contoured slats holding his legs came back together again with a loud click, and The Chair fell horizontal once more, Dan’s stomach churning and his cock bouncing against his lap as he was flung around forcefully. The sections holding his arms remained separated, however, and he felt the hydraulic motors in each stretch back farther, pulling his arms firmly up and behind his head. She pushed another button, and the Chair lowered until it was about 2 feet off the ground. Then she strutted over, placing the remote on the floor next to her, and moved one latex boot against each side of his ribcage, looking down at him.

“Well Dan, I figure I should let you know what you’re in for today. I imagine Lexi took the most active role in your shift yesterday, right? Lexi LOVES playing with cocks, she loves edging and teasing, and seeing how close she can get you, and all that shit. But, honestly, I’m an owner here cuz I want to feel good about ME, you know? So, for me it’s not about stimulation for YOU Dan. That’s more of a…whatdayacallit, motivating factor. The thing that makes me feel good about having a man all tied up in my break room…” Her face grew hungry, and her voice began dripping with light menace, “is the POWER I have over him.”

Her eyes found his, and she smiled again, this time in a way that felt a lot more threatening to Dan. “I just love knowing that I can make a big strong man squirm…and beg…and whimper…And watching them, knowing they can’t do anything about it…God, it just makes me feel good.”

She slid down, and she guided her ass directly onto his erection, pressing it down onto his lower belly. He gasped as he felt the warmth of her soft smooth skin envelop his shaft, and she slid her arms up to his chest. She looked at him with wide, innocent eyes and pouty lips. “Do you want to help make me feel good, Danny boy? Do you want to help make me feel powerful? Will you do that for me? I really hope you say yes.”

Dan nodded, terrified and exhilarated, and she smiled sweetly at his earnestness, before she continued, “I’m so glad Dan. We’re going to find lots of ways for you to make me feel good tonight.” A theatrical expression of consideration crossed her face, and she pulled her lips to one side in an adorable expression of concentration. “Hmmm what should we start with…Hey, I know!” Her eyes widened in excitement, and then she smiled sweetly at Dan again, and her hands began to slide lightly around the outer curve of his pectoral muscles, “Are you ticklish Dan?”

Dan had been (almost) enjoying his experience with Dominique so far: making out with her had been heavenly, and the feeling of her sitting on him like this being incredibly pleasant, but the instant he heard the word “ticklish” he froze in absolute terror. He was, in fact, incredibly ticklish, especially on his feet, and he had hated the maddening, skin crawling sensation it produced in him for as long as he could remember. Not surprisingly, Dan hated feeling out of control, and not much made you feel out of control to an extent quite like being tickled against your will.

In his early 20’s he had broken up with several women who continued to insist on playfully tickling him despite his protestations, but he hadn’t thought about it in years now, and hadn’t even considered that it would be a possible concern here. He was suddenly, absurdly aware of how bound and immobile his body really was.

His mind raced as he tried to think of some plan to trick or manipulate his way out of this, and then realized that there were none: he was strapped to a goddam Transformer chair and being incredibly effectively blackmailed by what was starting to seem like a team of stripper super villains…his best (and only) option was to appeal to her mercy. “Dominique…” He croaked in a suddenly ragged and terrified voice, “Dominique, please don’t do that. Please, I…I’ll eat you out, I’ll get you off. As many times as you want, I’ll do anything you want, but…Please, please don’t tickle me Dominique.”
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Her smile widened, becoming predatory, “Oh woooooow, that was quite a plea Danny! You’re making me feel pretty powerful already! Heh, did I touch a sore spot? Does lil’ Danny boy not like getting tickled?” He felt her fingers press firmly into the flesh on either side of his chest, and slide upward, gliding into the indentation of each of Dan’s exposed armpits. Even the feeling of her fingertips resting there, lightly pressing into the exposed, helpless, sensitive flesh filled him with dread, and he emitted a light giggle in spite of himself as he responded, “Pleeeeassee Dominique haaaahhahha I, I hate being tickled so much, please! Please don’t.” She appeared to consider for a moment, and then she waggled her eyebrows at him cartoonishly, blew him a kiss, and suddenly he felt her soft probing fingertips dig and probe into his exposed flesh.

Dan’s reaction was instantaneous, and he bucked in the Chair as much as his restraints would allow (which wasn’t much), howling in sudden agony. “Keep begging Dan…Keep begging and maybe I’ll stop…” she giggled in a playful, sing song-y voice, as she ignored his screaming and struggles…and then suddenly, she dug into him again, more fiercely now. Dan exploded into pleading screams, “Dominique, oh GOD aaaahhhahahaha heeeeehhee PLEASE! PLEASE, I’ll do ANYTHING! I hate tickling, please DOMINIQUE, NO! Oh fucking Jesus, aaahahahahahha God STOP!” He strained against the straps holding him in place as her fingers danced across his helpless, vulnerable sides, but Trixi’s craftsmanship was as impressive as always, and his struggles did little more than temporarily cut off the circulation to his limbs.

The only part of him that was unbound was his head, and he shook it wildly, stretching and twisting his neck as his face scrunched in unwilling laughter. Dominique was laughing too, although in pure glee at Dan’s predicament, and she slid her arms down to his rib cage after a few minutes, poking and dancing across his torso as he screamed and shook, laughter pealing out of him in unwilling, staggering waves. He was bound quite securely, but his struggles still shook the chair slightly, and despite the maddening and insistent sensation of her fingers against his sides, he also felt the silky warmth and delicious friction of her ass against his cock.

She kept this up for what felt like 20 minutes, not letting him have a moment’s respite as he struggled to plead for mercy through gasping gales of laughter. She really did love the feeling of this, of having a guy tied and helpless between her legs like this, and she felt herself growing wet at the sight of this helpless, hapless man. Her fingers wiggled, and prodded and glided, and teased, his screams echoing throughout the soundproofed room. Finally, she stopped, watched with amusement as he panted and struggled to catch his breath. He was covered in a light sweat, and shaking like a leaf, jumping in terror at her every tiny movement, and she smiled at him, pityingly, “Aww Danny, I’m sorry, was that too much for you? Do you want to move on to something else now? Or should we do this for a little bit longer?”

Dan shook his head, struggling to regain his voice, “Please, no more…move on, oh god please Dominique…” and she slid one leg back and over his expertly, spinning slightly as she stood up and off of him. She arched her back, and bent over at the waist, reaching down to grab the remote on the floor and positioning herself so that her ass was inches from his face as he looked up at it hungrily. Then, she stood up straight again, and walked over to the base of the chair, pressing another button on the remote as she did so. His legs separated once more, and then the Chair flipped back so that he was hanging feet up at a forty five degree incline. She pressed another button, and a sturdy looking metal bar flipped up from the base of each plastic slats holding his bound ankles, as if spring loaded, and Dan saw with growing terror that 5 tiny ropes with dangling metal rings attached to them hung from each of the bars.

She repositioned the bars, locking them in place just past each foot, and then she proceeded to slowly slide the rings over each of his toes, smiling sweetly at him with laughing eyes as they pulled his toes back firmly, leaving the soles of his feet exposed and helpless. He craned his neck up to look at her, past his bouncing, throbbing cock as she slid her hands up to the base of each foot, smiling at him, and he rasped again, “Noooooo, no Dominique please, not my feet, not my feet, you can go back to my armpits, ok? You can go back to my ribs, it’ll make you feel powerful, I promise, you don’t have to do this…Please, can we go back to the armpits? Please? Dominique?”

She stepped forward, and leaned her head cutely against his right foot, looking down demurely so that her curls brushed against it maddeningly, making him shudder involuntarily in reaction. Then she opened her eyes, looking at him teasingly, and she whispered, “But I thought you wanted to move on, Dan? That’s what you said…isn’t it?” Then, she twisted her head, pressing her mouth seductively against his flesh, and kissed lightly at his sensitive heel. As she did this, she simultaneously slid her hand up and around the ball of his foot, rubbing it idly as she looked at him.

Every brush of her hair, every soft kiss of her lips, every slight friction of her hand sent a jolt of electricity through his body as he tittered and wheezed, trying to compose himself. “I was wrong, I don’t want to move aahhhhheheheh… on, I want you to tickle maahahahah…m-my armpits, please tickle m-my armpits…Dominique, please. Please stop doing that. I’m begging you, tickle my armpits instead. I’ll do aaannnnnhahahahahaha… a-anything you want, I swear to GOD! Hehehehehehhhhheehe, Oh god, Dominique PLEASE!”

His begging had started somewhat quietly, but it got steadily louder and more ragged with panic as she continued to slowly increase the sensations against his helpless sole. Suddenly, she extended her tongue and licked firmly up his sole, and he felt the rings holding him firmly in place as every muscle in his leg clenched, trying to escape the maddening sensation.

Then, she repeated the motion to his other foot, leaving a long cold streak of saliva against each of his arches, and she raised her long, teal nails to his feet, and began to rake them against his sensitive skin. Within 15 seconds, Dan’s laughter overcame his ability to beg again, and he began to wail and scream nonsensically. His face was turning beet red, and his hair was plastered against his forehead with sweat, but his cock was bigger than ever, bouncing and twitching against his belly, as she tickle tortured him within an inch of his life.

After another 20 minutes or so of this, she stopped her merciless onslaught, grabbed the remote, and walked around to the side of The Chair, slipping down on her knees, smiling at him. He was shaking and panting, his face beet red, and the wet line of tears streamed from the corner of each eye. She leaned forward, pressing her cool palm against his face, and kissed him deeply. Her soft lips were like a relaxing balm after the torture he had just endured, and he kissed her back hungrily, relishing the soft warmth and taste of her. Then she pulled back, her eyes glittering, and she smiled, “I think we should play a game now…Do you feel like playing a game, Danny boy?”

After almost an hour of the most horrific tickling of Dan’s life, he was completely and thoroughly broken, and he answered quickly (he knew his lines by now, after all), “Yes Dominique, let’s play a game. That sounds so fun.” She nodded in approval, planted another wet kiss on his lips, and then stood up, and moved so that she was standing over him, facing back down towards his legs. From this angle, Dan’s head was between her thighs, and he was looking right up at the incredible curves and clefts of her leather clad ass.
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Then he heard another click, and The Chair repositioned him once more. With the whirring sound of tiny, hydraulic pistons, his torso raised so that he was no longer leaning halfway upside-down, but his torso was instead flat and parallel with the floor, and his legs were pulled up and in, towards his torso, his knees forcefully bent at a 45 degree angle. The effect was such that Dan’s head had been moved to less than about 3 or 4 inches from Dominique’s crotch, the warm, silky skin of her thighs rubbing against his earlobes, and his legs were positioned so that the soles of each foot faced helpless upward, right at her chest level.

She grinned at this. She was getting excited now: she had been looking forward to her solo turn with Dan since she had first met him in the back alley yesterday. She dipped her hips slightly, and playfully wiggled her ass against the tip of Dan’s nose, lightly raking a finger down each of his helpless feet to illustrate the exact position she had him in.

She ignored his pleading laughter and started to speak. Dan quieted immediately. “Ok, here’s the game rules: You have an hour and a half left in your shift. I want you to worship me. I want you to worship my and my ass, and my thighs, and most of all…I want you to worship my pussy. I want you to lick me and slurp me until I cum all over your face. Over. And over. And over. And if you do a good job, I’ll reward you…like this, okay Danny?” Dan felt her slide her fingers lightly against the shaft of his cock, rubbing lovingly against it for a few moments before falling away again, and Dan moaned in frustration, his hot breath blasting pleasantly against her thighs.

She giggled at the sensation, and then continued, “And if you do a bad job…or if I get bored…or if I decide you need a little more motivation, I’ll remind you!…like this.” Dan felt her sharp nails begin dragging and wiggling against his arches again, and he screamed, trying not to move his head to much for fear of reprimand as she stroked and slid against his helpless flesh. “Doesn’t my game sound so fun, Dan?” She cooed.

The “illustration” of her punishment lasted about 5 times as long as the “illustration” of her reward, he noticed, and he lay there, panting against her warm inner thigh, shuddering and tensing as he oscillated between laughter and tears, praying that he would survive until his freedom at 9. Then he felt her shift her weight, and she pressed down, firming her thighs against the sides of his head, and sliding her cheeks down around his lower face. She began to grind against him, the cleft of her buttocks pressing agains the tip of his nose, and the leather wrapped around her sex rubbing gently against his lips. Then he felt another finger stroke against his left foot, and Krista spoke in a warning tone, “Well Dan? What are you waiting for? Do you need me to remind you of the rules again?”

Dan, began, obediently licking at the curve where her thigh met her crotch, slathering his tongue along the edges of the leather thong. When she moved low enough on his face, he licked and kissed hungrily at her cheeks, simultaneously reveling in her absolutely perfect, round ass and terrified of earned any more tickling. These women seemed to really know how to get him the most aroused and the most frightened that he’d ever been simultaneously. If he wasn’t in the eye of the hurricane, he might have admired their talent

This went on for several minutes, and he was in the process of sliding his wet tongue up and down the crack of the bronzed, bouncing bottom that filled almost his entire field of vision, peppering it with soft, loving kisses, when out of the corner of his eye he saw Dominique’s fingers begin to untie the leather straps fastening the thong at her hips.

Then, once she was finished, he felt her lift herself off of his face only slightly, and she slid the leather thong out from behind her, the black leather sliding against his face as he watched her peel it away from her now bare slit, and out from between her cheeks. She tossed it across the room, and pressed down against Dan once more, her wet, swollen, warm lips forming a light seal around his nose and mouth. Like a trained animal, he immediately opened his mouth and slid his tongue down to the front of her, lapping lightly against her button, and moving his face in a slow, circular motion so that his nose slid against her folds, drowning in her natural salty musk.

Suddenly, he gasped as he felt her hands move down against his cock, and she wiggled against him, tightening her grip against his face slightly. “Oooooh!” He heard her moan, in a voice of real arousal now, “Goooood start Dan! Oh wow, Cindi told me you were surprisingly good at this stuff for a woman hating asshole, but I din’t really believe her. Mmmm ya that’s nice…keep it up, okay? Just remember to keep things interesting…don’t forget our game!”

He felt one hand leave his cock and stroke lightly against his heel in warning, and he tried to speed up the pace, desperate to keep her hands off of his feet. Her fingers sliding against his cock felt wonderful, but in these circumstances, they also bizarrely made him feel safe, and he wanted to do anything he could to keep them there.

He stayed on her good side for another 20 minutes or so, slurping and nuzzling at her as effectively as he could manage in this bound state. Soon he heard the same guttural moaning noises that he had heard from her on the phone the night before, and her thighs tightened against his face, her ass gyrating and sliding against him as he lapped at her desperately. He felt her hands clutch and squeeze against his cock, more for her balance than his pleasure, and then her moaning grew much louder as she gushed and stiffened against him.

His jaw was incredibly sore, and he let his head fall back, trying to give his muscles a moment to recover as she slumped against his raised left leg, panting in satisfaction, but after about 5 seconds, he felt her wet, slippery tongue begin to slide playfully between his toes, and her claws began to scrape against his helpless arches again. “What do you think you’re doing Dan?” She asked again in that same, sing song-y voice, “There’s no time outs in this game. I can’t believe you stopped like that! That’s gonna earn you at least a few minutes of punishment, I think!” and raised her hand to his other foot as well, increasing her attack.

Dominique tickled and licked at Dan’s feet, alternating her tongue between helpless bound toes on each foot, allowing her saliva to drip down his arches so that the stroking, maddening fingers became even more effective, and it was while she did this that she made a discovery that was devastating to Dan: as he laughed and cried and screamed into her wet grinding crotch, his tongue trying desperately to move against her so that he could fall back into her good graces, Dominique found these sensations invigorating. “Oh WOW Danny! This feels even better I think! Man, you’re going to have to really impress me now, otherwise I might just do this for the rest of your shift!”

She didn’t go that far, but for the rest of the shift, she never gave Dan a break from tickling for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time, stopping only when he began to bring her to the crest of another shuddering orgasm. She played lightly with his cock whenever she wasn’t teasing him, but unlike Cindi or Lexi, this felt like more of an afterthought, a way to remind him of his frustration while she used his face. For another hour, Dominique licked and stroked, and pinched, and nibbled at his feet, his desperate, muffled howls vibrating into her as she moaned and gasped, grinding and gyrating against him in intense pleasure.

When the timer on the workbench went off, signaling the end of Dan’s second shift in his new job at The Tease, he had brought her to a total of 6 shuddering, gushing orgasms. She moaned, climbing off of him for the first time in over an hour and a half, and the light stung his eyes, causing him to wince. He felt her juices smeared all over his face, and he gulped in huge gasping breaths, the overpowering scent of her beginning to dissipate from his nostrils.
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She grabbed the remote from where she had left it and pressed another button, bringing The Chair back to it’s original shape: Dan’s arms pinned at his sides, and his legs pinned together as he lay horizontally, about 4 feet off the ground. She walked over to him and stroked his face lovingly again. “I had a really good time with you today Dan. I hope you did too. Did you know I’m going to be working with you again tomorrow?”

Dan looked up at her, trying to hide how terrified he was, and summoned a weak smile, “Ya, Cindi gave me the first week sign up’s yesterday. I’m glad you had fun today Dominique.” She smiled back, much more sincerely than Dan, and placed her hands on his chest gently. Then, she lay one cheek lovingly against her hands, looking up at him with her deep brown eyes and large batting lashes, and spoke again, this time in a very gentle and innocent voice, “Oh good! I’m really glad you feel that way. Well Dan, I was kind of hoping I could ask you a favor…seeing as I helped you out last night?”

Dan’s stomach sank. He had a terrified feeling that he knew exactly what was happening here. He had had many paranoid thoughts over the last three days about how, exactly and specifically, these women intended to fuck with him, and after the way his session had ended with Trixi yesterday, a thought had occurred to him that was so likely, so believable, that he had repressed it. Now he was fairly certain he was about to be proven right. “S…Sure, Dominique!” He responded, with absolutely no conviction. He was still desperately hoping that he was wrong.

She batted her eyes at him again. “Well…I’m sharing my shift tomorrow with Lexi, and…God, this is embarrassing, I don’t know if you picked up on it or not, but I guess you could say we have a little bit of a rivalry going on….Anyway, after the lovely evening we had tonight…and knowing that I’m going to have to share you tomorrow…I don’t know, I guess I’m feeling a little superstitious.” She smiled at him again, and although her eyes looked sweet, her mouth had that same predatory smile that had spread across her face right before she had first begun to tickle him.

“I think it would just help my confidence sooooo much if I knew that the erection I was teasing tomorrow was the same one I put so much hard work into today. Would you mind wearing the Control Ring for me tonight Dan? I promise, it’s just a one time thing. I’ll totally take it off after your shift tomorrow, ok? We could keep it between us, and I could come in early and take it off before Lexi comes in…What do you think?” She looked up at him expectantly, and a tear rolled down his cheek. Fuck. FUCK. Another fucking night with this dull, hot liquid pain in his scrotum, and the undulating, sliding bodies of these gorgeous women haunting his dreams.

He took a deep breath and put on his “good boy” face, giving her what he had no choice but to give. His voice was leaden with defeat as he spoke. “S…Sure, Dominique. I totally understand. Just between us.” She smiled widely at him, clearly incredibly proud of herself, and leaned forward, kissing him gently, and whispering, “You really are SO fucking sweet Dan. Thank you so much for being understanding. I’m going to unlatch your arms before I get dressed and head out, ok? But be good, don’t move until I’m gone. I’ll leave your clothes and shit for you by the back door.”

After freeing his wrists and biceps from their straps, Dominique grabbed the remote and walked back to the “normal break room” side of the space, her heels clicking against the linoleum and her round buttocks quivering slightly with each step. Then, as he watched, perfectly still, she unzipped her heels, gathered her leather thong, and opened the gym bag that she had left on the couch when she had first entered. She grabbed several items of clothing that Dan couldn’t see from the bag, and stuffed the remote, boots and thong into it.

Then, as Dan watched with growing realization, she slipped on a black hoodie and a pair of skin tight, pink and grey, patterned yoga pants. They looked identical to those that had slid against his cock as he stood trapped on a crowded bus for what had felt like an eternity that morning. Once she had tied the laces of her sneakers, she grabbed her duffle bag, and opened the door, stopping to wink and laugh, “Thanks again, sweetie! See you tomorrow, Danny boy!” before she slipped out the door. He lay there, floored. The click of the door as it fell shut again echoed throughout the room as Dan began the long process of removing his bonds, and tried to emotionally prepare himself for the next long night of sexual frustration that lay ahead of him.

To be continued...

Dan will be back soon for Thursday's shift at The Tease Club! If you made it this far, and liked what you read, please let me know!
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 2 of 6: A Day on the Job

Post by hj9k1 »

subzerowriter wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:55 am To be continued...

Dan will be back soon for Thursday's shift at The Tease Club! If you made it this far, and liked what you read, please let me know!
I liked it! Personally I'm not really about the tickling thing, but I enjoyed this regardless!

Looking forward to more!
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 2 of 6: A Day on the Job

Post by Bluelow »

It"s such a hot story with all the pictures please keep going :love:
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 2 of 6: A Day on the Job

Post by KittyZateez »

I liked this too, sugar, it's more explicit content than I usually explore or portray in my own stories, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! Looking forward to more explorations...and some collaborations too!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:

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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 2 of 6: A Day on the Job

Post by forbiddendesire »

Ohh this story was amazing, reading it while listening to teasing audios and locked in chastity is just... *shivers*

Amazing story, I loved it! Looking forward to reading the next few parts
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