The Care and Feeding of Your Master - A Succubi's Guide to Becoming an Obedient Familiar - Extended Edition

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The Care and Feeding of Your Master - A Succubi's Guide to Becoming an Obedient Familiar - Extended Edition

Post by computergeek »

(Revision 11/14/2020)
(Parent Thread viewtopic.php?p=278950)

--- A leather clad tome encasing black parchment with fine hand painted calligraphy of a whitish ink. On the cover of this tomb of knowledge is a hidden warding that prevents any form of magic to be used on this book. More precisely to prevent any form of magic that can translate the contents. Other than the title on the cover and that it is authored by Astmah Naaroth, it is written in an exclusive dialect of Demon Speak reserved for only the Succubi to understand. The original copy of this manuscript is stored in the library of Order of the Eldritch Arts. While rare, other copies can be found throughout the realms. ---

Dear reader,

I hope that you were not observed laughing too much as you read the title of this manuscript. As we all know it is the host that is our familiar, but we allow them to have their illusions of grandeur. Now before you devour this information, stop a moment, take a breath, relax. None of this information will be of any use to you if you are rushing though it. Sit back and ensure you are comfortable. You should at least be taking the time to softly pet your clit while perusing this manuscript. How else would you ever expect to absorb what may be some of the most important information for your success? Focus your thoughts on your owner, be it present or future. Let the heat flow through the center of your need to bind this information to your skills of keeping a cherished host.

If you have not done so by now, you should make a conscious effort to consistently refer to your host as "Master" or "Mistress". This can be especially effective while preforming oral sex. The exquisite sensation of a hard cock making that extra special throb rolling off your tongue, dripping between your lips as you form the word master around it. This will help emphasize their conditioning to believe in the illusion that they are the one in control and are making all the decisions. Early on in a new relationship you will find the need to use the Mind Wipe spell to correct errors of judgement, be it theirs or your own. There is no reason to try to place blame on yourself or your host for such failures as blame itself will simply cloud your judgement of the real objective towards your goals. Far more important is to limit the need to use the Mind Wipe spell before damaging the host beyond repair. Other methods of subjugation are far more preferable than to being followed around by a drooling brain damaged zombie. A most unbecoming sight, you would be forced to complete your feeding upon them so as to not suffer the humiliation of being seen in public with such a horrid creature. They have completely forgotten what a shower even is. Have you ever needed to subject yourself to the vile taste of zombie cock? Though I hear zombie pussy can be far worse. Repugnant! A great amount of care must be taken into raising a proper upstanding mistress or master that will, with a little luck, publicly proclaim a proud ownership over you, and all over your face.

Many that are reading this now might be asking, "Why would a succubus want to keep a familiar? They are just prey after all! They are simply cattle for us to feed upon!" To this question I would answer that cattle die off and must be bred. It takes a lot of time and effort to do all the husbandry of raising mortals to feed upon. That is of course if your intentions are instead to constantly be hiding in the shadows to prey upon the weak, always trying to keep one step ahead of the local sheriff. Granted many a sheriff can be bribed with a simple blowjob, but that is not always guaranteed. Ask yourself this. Would you rather risk being chased by an angry mob with torches and pitchforks at the chance of possibly sucking on the weakest in their lot? Or would you rather be openly treated like a princess, held in the highest regard by one of the strongest in their community? The potential orgies will ensure that you will never go hungry. This is the choice you have to make on your own.

As it is a more prudent choice to keep a host, and to preferably keeping them healthy, you must learn self control in how you milk their cock, or pussy if you prefer. You will obviously want to share your host among your coven. There is a certain enjoyment of seeing your fellow sisters with just a glint on envy in their eyes as they suck and feed upon your succulent gift. Just be certain to proclaim your host as master or mistress when introducing them to your coven to clearly denote they are not to be slain. And of course, do not devour the entire soul of any host, be it your own or one belonging to others in your coven when they cum inside you. This of course being the ultimate act of self control, you must not suck their cock completely dry. One never knows, you might even find them to be useful. Perhaps they have some talent that can be beneficial to your needs. Do they hold political power in the local region? Do they have a trade or other useful skills that can be helpful? They may end up having more uses than to simply being your dinner.

The one thing to always observe is that even with Mind Wipe and Brainwashing, the host will still have needs that must be met. This of course being that we must keep the illusion that they are our masters! Yet more importantly that we keep them satisfied beyond simply feeding on their orgasm. Spend time with your host, learn of their hopes and dreams beyond what carnal thoughts emanate from between their legs. Not that such thoughts have any less importance, but those should be fairly obvious early on. However, there is a difference between simply making your host cum, and taking the time to making them desperately needing to cum. Savor every little tingle and throb, drawing out those little aches of need. Not only will the host enjoy the final orgasm far more, the greater the power you will derive from milking them. Do not simply keep your host as your dinner. That will be seen by your fellow coven members as being lazy. Raise a host that you can take pride in your ownership. Raise a host that you want to be seen out in public with!
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