Ballbusting Intelligence Agency: Office Introductions

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Ballbusting Intelligence Agency: Office Introductions

Post by TheBusted »

Chapter One: Torture Certification
Chapter Two: Office Introductions
Chapter Three: The Kidnapping

Chapter Four: The Promotion
Chapter Five: Taylor Returns

Does not require reading the previous chapters.

Monday, 8:45 AM

She dripped sexy professionalism. Her makeup? Immaculate. Her blouse? Crisp. White. The only hints of the sadistic, cruel sexuality lying just beneath the surface were the three buttons undone on her blouse and the high slit on her jet-black pencil skirt. Jim was so enamored with the way her outfit hugged her body’s curves he almost forgot to be intimidated. Almost.

“Welcome, Jim. I’ve been waiting for you. I’m Nicole.”

Jim grasped his new boss’ outstretched hand and shook it. The strength of her grip surprised him. It snapped him out of his fantasy, replacing his thoughts of bending her over her mahogany desk with all of the first-day nerves he had been feeling just moments before meeting his boss for the first time.

“How are you feeling? I heard you passed your examination with flying colors. You really impressed Zoe and Taylor.”

“I’m alright. The two-week break after graduation really helped me recover.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear it. Tell me – what have you heard about being an agent here?”

“Not much, honestly. I’m just excited to finally be an agent and to contribute to your team.”

“Good, that’s very good. I won’t lie to you, though, as a man, you’re going to have a very difficult time being successful here.”

Jim gulped. He had been afraid his torture certification wouldn’t be a one-time thing.

“You, and your balls, belong to me. You must do exactly as I command. No questions asked.”

Jim tried to put on a brave face, hoping to disguise his first-day nerves.

“Of course, Nicole. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Good boy. Let’s start with an easy one. One of the rules around here is that men are required to be fully naked on the job at all times. Lose your cadet uniform so I can get a good look at you.”

Jim hesitated. He had been uncomfortable stripping naked during his examination a few months ago. Now he has to be naked all the time at work? Is this a prank?

Not wanting to disappoint his new boss on his first day, though, Jim obediently stood up and began removing his cadet uniform. One by one his shaky fingers undid the buttons on his shirt, exposing his muscular upper body. His fumbled with his belt as his shirt fell to the floor, unfastening the button and zipper holding his pants in place. He hesitated for a moment before fully removing his underwear, only proceeding after Nicole motioned that she wanted him to continue. It fell to the floor with a gentle plop, leaving nothing to shield his private parts from Nicole’s steady gaze.

His cheeks flushed red as his freshly shaved manhood rest between his legs in plain view in the middle of Nicole’s office. He glanced at the window to the hallway. Nicole’s blinds were wide open; anyone walking by could look in inside and see him standing naked.

Nicole eyed Jim’s exposed package with delight. She was going to have a LOT of fun playing with her new toys. The corners of her mouth betrayed the slightest of cracks in her professional demeanor.

“Is that as big as it gets?”

Jim’s cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. His cock, which stood at a magnificent seven and a half inches when fully erect, was a flaccid shell of its full glory.

“It gets bigger, I’m just nervous” he squeaked.

“I hope so. I’ll warn you – the women here can be very mean. Hold still for a moment.”

Nicole reached under her desk and fished out a large, old-timey looking camera. Before Jim could cover up his exposed private parts, she snapped a picture.

“Hey! What was that for?”

“Comparison purposes. We need a good ‘before’ picture so we know what they look like before anything’s happened to them.”

“What do you mean? What’s going to happen to them?”

“That’s the next rule I wanted to tell you about. As a man, you are required to follow not just my commands, but the commands of every single woman at the BIA. No matter how painful they are. No matter what they want to do to you. You don’t get to complain. You just get to spread your legs. Understood?”

Jim gulped, but nodded meekly. He wasn’t liking how his first day was going. Was his job really to act as a naked plaything for the women at the BIA? He had learned to like Taylor’s ballbusting abuse during his torture certification, but he was worried that daily torture would be just too much for him to handle.

“There’s one more rule you should know about. You are only allowed one orgasm per month, administered by me. If I feel you have been underperforming, I have the right to take away your orgasm privileges, so be on your best behavior.”

Jim was alarmed. This was just getting worse and worse. He always had terrible luck, but this was something else entirely. He gave his boss a once-over. She was incredibly sexy, but he didn’t like the thought of her having complete control over his sexual pleasure.

Nicole rifled through a file cabinet in her desk and pulled out a manilla folder crammed with papers. The words “Valkyries” and “Top Secret” were printed in large block letters on the front.

“Now, turning to the actual work. Here is your assignment. Study this information. Memorize it. Know it like the back of your hand. I’ll come see you later to discuss specifics.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Jim was relieved to finally have something to do. This was why he had applied to the academy. This is what he had always dreamed of doing: catching the bad guys by doing a bunch of cool James Bond spy shit. Except, well, James Bond always wore a suit. And now Jim was only allowed to wear his birthday suit. Oh well. Details. If he was lucky, maybe he could still get a smoking hot girlfriend out of this.

“This assignment is extremely critical, Jim. We have reason to believe the Valkyries are responsible for a string of castrations in the area. If we can’t stop this terrorist organization now, there’s no telling what they’ll do. And remember – this information is top secret. Guard this with your life.”

Monday, 9:05 AM

Jim left Nicole’s office, incredibly self-conscious about how completely naked he was. He heard a wolf-whistle come from the end of the hall, followed by a woman’s voice yelling out “Fresh meat!”. By the time he located where the voice was coming from, though, the woman was gone and the hallway was empty.

He walked nervously to his desk, doing his best to use the file folder Nicole gave him to conceal his exposed twig and berries. By some miracle, he didn’t see anyone else on the way to his desk and was able to sit down without incident.

His cubicle seemed to be in the middle of the entire office. And to make matters worse, it only had half walls. Anyone walking by was just one glance away from seeing his nakedness on full display. And it didn’t take long for someone to stop by. The midwestern twang of her voice quickly filled the air.

“Oh, who do we have here? First day? I’m Ashley.”

Jim tried to look over his shoulder without turning around. He didn’t want to present a stranger with a full view of his exposed cock and balls.

“Hi, I’m Jim.”

Ashley giggled, sensing Jim’s nervousness.

“Come on, don’t be shy! Stand up and greet me properly.”

Jim hesitated, but ultimately swiveled around in his chair slowly before standing up and shaking her hand. He looked at the ground first, unable to make eye contact. His gaze moved up from her pointy black stilettos, up the length of her thigh-high dark stockings, past her tight black skirt and fixated on the hollow-top bra doing a terrible job containing her ample bosom. Her long brunette hair fell simply past her shoulders, stopping inches short of where Jim could see the outline of her magnificent nipples through the soft white fabric of her skimpy top.

“Has anyone popped your cherry yet?”

Jim was taken aback, unsure that he understood.

“Excuse me?”

“You know. Your nads. Balls. Testicles. Has anyone hit them yet?”

“Oh. No, not yet.”

Ashley’s face lit up as her smile spread from ear to ear.

“Really?! Oh my goodness, this is so exciting! I get to be your first! Here, spread your legs. Let’s do it right now.”

“What? No. I don’t want to.” The words were out of his mouth before he could think twice.

“Wow, it really is your first day, huh? I’ll be nice and I won’t get you in trouble for refusing. Didn’t Nicole explain the rules to you?”

Jim nodded, embarrassed. Without another word, he spread his legs and presented himself to Ashley as she commanded.

“There’s a good boy. This may smart a bit.”

It happened in an instant. She drew her foot back high in the air behind her, then flung it at full force directly between his legs with practiced precision. He barely had time to register the audible, sickening, crunching sound of his nuts against her pointy black stiletto before being overwhelmed by the horrible sensations shooting out from his midsection. He doubled over, clutching at his freshly battered man-meat, trying desperately to sooth the intense ache that suddenly filled his stomach.

“How’d that feel?”

“It hurt …” Jim stammered out between wheezes.

“You’ll get used to it. The first one of the day always smarts a bit.”


“Yes dear, first. There are some pretty vicious agents here. Your balls are going to be thoroughly worked over. Every. Single. Day. I’d say you get used to it, but … you won’t.”

Jim just groaned. He was still too preoccupied with the soreness in his nutsack from Ashley’s kick to fully comprehend the gravity of his predicament.

“In fact, I’ve got just the thing to introduce you to the BIA properly. Come with me.”

Ashley motioned for him to follow and started walking down the hallway. She made small talk as they walked towards the kitchen.

“What did they give you to work on?” Ashley inquired. While Jim was extremely self-conscious about being fully nude in the middle of the office, Ashley seemed totally unconcerned.

“I can’t say. My boss told me it was top secret.”

“Oh, come on, we’re office buddies! I popped your cherry. You can tell me.”

“Fine. I’m supposed to read some file on the Valkyries and then meet with my boss.”

“Psssh, the Valkyries? Figures they’d give the new guy the least important task around. Have fun wasting your time, ball-boy.”

Finally, they arrived in the kitchen. Ashley made Jim wait there, naked and exposed, while she fetched something from the closet. Jim just prayed no one else would walk in on him.

She returned after a few seconds, holding what appeared to be a step-stool with a small hole in the middle.

“Lie down in front of the sink, on your back.” Ashley commanded.

“Lie down?”

“Yes, lie down. Are you seriously going to question every single one of my commands? Don’t make me go to your boss on your very first day.”

Jim was confused, but lay down on the cool tiles as Ashley commanded nonetheless. She placed the step stool over his midsection. Jim’s confusion turned into alarm when she reached through the small hole in the middle and fished out his testicles, which were still aching from her kick just minutes before. She pulled them through the hole, one by one, so that they were exposed on top of the step stool. Like a cock box, but for his nuts.

“I’ve always felt that this sink was just a little too high. Now, thanks to you, it’s the perfect height!”

Ashley placed her foot directly on top of his baby makers. Jim felt the cool underside of the toe of her right stiletto rest on his scrotum. His eyes grew wide with fear as she steadily increased the pressure. Soon he was moaning in pain as she placed more and more of her weight on his most tender sexual organs.

Despite the crushing pain caused by Ashley’s foot, Jim’s cock twitched momentarily in excitement. From his vantage point on the floor, he could see straight up her tight black skirt and get a good look at the bright red thong leaving little to the imagination. His eyes were momentarily transfixed on the piece of delicate fabric that seemed to have been swallowed by the folds of her labia. Jim’s attention was quickly brought back to his own private parts, though, with a sharp jab from her stiletto. He could feel his insides scrambling as she just giggled. Trapped into place by the makeshift cock box, his balls had nowhere to run and hide. They were forced to absorb all of the weight Ashley placed on them.

“Please … you’ll break them …” Ashley just laughed at his voice, which was noticeably higher than normal.

“You promise? I hope I do. Welcome to the BIA, ball-boy!”

Ashley lifted her other foot off the ground. Her full weight was now supported entirely by Jim’s testicles.

There was a moment of silence before an excruciating, blood-curdling, soul wrenching wail was forced from Jim’s mouth. It was the cry of a wounded animal. A man whose very manhood was being forcibly castrated at the feet of a woman he just met. He screamed every ounce of oxygen out of his lungs as his soul was gripped by fingers of icy agony not felt since his torture certification exam with Taylor several months ago. Ashley, the cruel sadistic bitch that she was, laughed and began jumping up and down, ever so slightly, flattening Jim’s aching plums ever closer to the point of no return. She enjoyed feeling each delicate orb under her heel get closer and closer to crunching for good, like the shells of two bugs being crushed under her foot. She couldn’t help but tease the man she was reducing to a sobbing puddle beneath her feet.

“That’s right bitch, take it. Take the pain for me. Which one do you think will pop first?”

While Jim and Ashley had been miraculously undisturbed up until this point, Jim’s frantic cries attracted attention. He was far too concerned with the horrific, crushing anguish coursing through his veins to notice the two female agents who had rounded the corner then stopped in their tracks. The unfamiliar agents seemed relieved at the sight of Ashley flattening Jim’s testes under her foot.

“Oh, it’s just Ashley and the new guy. I thought something might actually be wrong in here!”

While Jim barely even registered her voice, he did notice Ashley stepping down off the makeshift ballcrusher. It was as if a weight was lifted off his soul. His breath returned in sharp gasps, although the overwhelming agony in his sack remained, leaving him completely immobilized.

“I was just teaching ball-boy here his place at the BIA. It’s his first day.” Ashley motioned to Jim as he lay twitching on the ground.

“Ohhh, fresh meat! Can we have a turn?”

“Of course! Actually, you know what? I have some work to finish up. I’m going to go back to my desk, so you two can have as much fun with him as you want.”

Jim just groaned. He was slowly regaining awareness of his surroundings as the searing pain in his crotch subsided bit by bit. His first day was turning out to be a lot more painful than he had anticipated.

Ashley left, leaving the two unfamiliar agents alone with Jim. He got his first look at them as the tears slowly receded from his eyes. His cock twitched once again as he took in their feminine figures.

The woman on the left was the taller of the two agents. Her wavy brunette hair fell just past her shoulders, draped gracefully around her open collar. The plunging neckline of her white see-through top revealed a surprising amount of cleavage. Her hot pink bra was doing an exceptionally poor job of containing her obviously erect nipples, and her black micro-skirt left little to the imagination. From his vantage point on the floor, Jim could clearly see her pink panties.

The woman on the right appeared to be Asian. South Korean or Japanese, maybe? Her black hair was done up in a messy bun, although a few strands of loose hair hung framed the corners of her face. Her tight black corset top accentuated her ample chest. Her skirt ran down almost to her knees, although the high slit on the side let Jim see just how muscular her thighs were.

The taller agent stepped forward and introduced herself.

“Hi, I’m Ada, and this is Caroline.” She motioned to the other agent. “We’re partners here, nice to meet you.”

Jim, still reeling from his earlier crushing, could barely squeak out a meek “hello” before Ada continued.

“Thank you for presenting yourself so nicely to us. This is a great way for us to get to know each other.”

Jim looked on with horror as she walked up to the wooden board trapping his most prized possessions. He wanted to beg for mercy, but in his compromised state struggled to force the words out of his mouth.

“P-p-please …”

“Please what?”

Jim, remembering once again the rule about submitting to female agents, resigned himself to his fate.

“… do whatever you like …”

“That’s what I thought you were going to say.”

Ada stepped up onto his testicles in one sudden motion. Once again, Jim was thrown into depths of agony he previously never thought possible as his testicles were flattened like pancakes. This time, he found himself unable to scream. Instead, a frantic mewling emerged from his throat as his limbs bucked about wildly with each spasm of pain that ricocheted throughout his body. Ada just laughed as Jim’s manhood was slowly turned to mush under the sole of her right flat. She couldn’t help but taunt Jim as he writhed under her shoe.

“Does that feel good? I bet it does. Just accept it, ball-boy.”

Caroline interjected, cutting off her partners fun.

“Hey, don’t pop him yet! I want a turn!”

“Be patient, jeez. You’ll get your turn. I want to see if I can make him sing for us.”

With that, she started squatting up and down, which had the effect of increasing and decreasing the pressure on Jim’s manhood. As if on cue, the pitch of his fervent groans changed too, increasing each time Ada pressed down on his gonads.

“Wow, he’s a great soprano.” Both girls giggled at that one.

Finally, Ada stepped down. Jim let out a giant sigh of relief as he felt his balls re-inflate. By some miracle, his precious baby makers hadn’t popped yet.

His reprieve was short-lived, though, as Caroline quickly took Ada’s place.

Caroline was bit lighter than Ada, so Jim’s horrific agony wasn’t accompanied by the same sense of impending castration. After the assault they had just been through, though, Jim was still left dry heaving on the floor as every single neuron in his swollen testicles screamed bloody murder to his brain. He found himself begging desperately for even an instant of mercy as the rubber underside of her sneakers turned the organs between his legs to mush.

“Please oh my god get off you’ll pop them.” The words raced out of his mouth, betraying the urgency of his futile requests.

“Get off? I kind of am.” The girls giggled again, exchanging knowing looks.

Soon Caroline grew bored of torturing Jim and stepped down. They bent down to inspect the damage they had wrought. His precious plums, which had been pink and unscathed mere minutes ago, were now a very bright shade of red. The left one was noticeably swollen. Ada took his nuts in her hand, noticing that they were hot to the touch and obviously very tender.

The girls decided to give Jim a break and let him out of the contraption. They didn’t want to leave yet another male agent with popped nuts on their very first day at the agency, after all. They pushed his orbs one by one through the hole in the stepstool before leaving him to curl up and cry in the fetal position on the floor of the kitchen.

Monday, 11:45 AM

After a few minutes, Jim’s boss Nicole walked in to find him rocking back and forth on the floor, whining softly to himself. She couldn’t help it; a smile broke through her professional demeanor.

“I see the girls have introduced you to the BIA properly, huh?”

Yes ma’am.” Jim whimpered out. Nicole quickly hid her smile and returned to her no-nonsense manner.

“Don’t worry, you’re alright. Let me help you up.”

Nicole helped Jim lumber to his feet. His pained state left him with only a fraction of the typical strength in his legs, so Nicole let him use her for balance. His cock pulsed as the side of her breast rubbed against his chest with each step. She walked him back to her office where he slunk down in a chair in the middle of the room. Even this simple motion caused him a twinge of pain as his tender organs plunked gently against the hard seat of the chair. Nicole took her position behind her desk and faced him with a stern look.

“Have you reviewed the file I gave you?”

“Not yet. I was preoccupied with those girls.”

“Tsk tsk, Jim. To be a successful male agent here, you must find a way to be productive even while having your balls beaten.”

Jim sunk even lower in his chair. Was he a disappointment already?

“I’m sorry ma’am, it won’t happen again.”

“It better not. Now, let me fill you in. We just received credible intelligence that there’s a spy in our ranks here at the BIA. The Valkyries have infiltrated our organization. We don’t know much else about what’s going on, just that the spy is a low-ranking brunette based in this office. Do you have any idea who the spy could be?

“No ma’am.”

“Here’s a list I developed of my top three suspects. I want you to talk with each of them to determine whether they could be the spy.”

Nicole handed Jim a file folder with three agent dossiers. Jim skimmed through it quickly, trying to take in the pictures of the three bombshell brunettes identified inside.

“Why are you trusting me with this?”

“Well, as it happens, you’re the only male agent we have right now. Which means you’re the only agent I can trust. The Valkyries would never work with a man due to the two vulnerabilities hanging between their legs.”

“Are you going to help me?”

“No. We have captured the boyfriend of a high-ranking member of Valkyries, and I’m leading the interrogation. It’s up to you to ferret out the spy and protect the BIA while I try to coerce information about what they’re planning next. This is extremely time-sensitive, so I’ll check in with you at the end of the day. I suggest you start with Special Agent Kate. At this time of day, you can find her in the training room.”

Jim got up and walked out of Nicole’s office. He reviewed Special Agent Kate’s dossier as he walked. Apparently, she was a superstar agent. She’d been with the BIA for less than a year and already promoted to Special Agent. The file indicated she stood 5’4’’, was a 32DD, and “had legs you could climb.” Why was everything around here so sexual?

Jim found Kate in the training room like Nicole had suggested. She appeared to be mid workout, ferociously attacking a punching bag in the middle of the room. Jim’s jaw hit the floor, though, when he saw she was wearing nothing but the skimpiest blue bikini he had ever seen. It left nothing to the imagination. He suddenly forgot what he came here for as his mind was more preoccupied with thoughts of ripping that micro-bikini right off her perfect figure.

Kate noticed Jim ogling her from the entry-way. Then, she noticed his impressive seven-and-a-half-inch cock, which had become fully erect at the sight of her nearly naked body. She paused for a moment before breaking the awkward silence.

“Can I help you?”

The words snapped Jim out of his trance as he remembered what he came to do. He raced to come up with a cover story to explain himself.

“Yes, hi, I’m Jim. I’m new around here, I was just going around introducing myself to everyone.”

Kate was skeptical. While the BIA didn’t get many male agents, the ones it did get tend to go off and hide in the corner to protect themselves. She could see that Jim’s sack was already quite red, and he was bent over slightly. It was obvious he had already been busted today, so what was he doing here presenting himself for more punishment?

“Hi, I’m Kate, nice to meet you. You must be the fresh pair of testicles everyone’s been talking so much about.”

There was an awkward pause as Jim struggled to think of what to ask next. He took too long, though, and Kate interjected again.

“Well, are you going to help me with my workout or what?”

“Sure, what can I do to help?” He was hoping to get close to her and maybe give her a massage or undo the tiny bit of fabric covering up her private parts.

“Just come over here and spread your legs nice and wide for me.”

Jim gulped. He should’ve seen that one coming. His nuts were still quite tender, although the searing pain from earlier in the day had subsided to just a dull, thudding ache. Obediently, he spread his legs and thrust his hips forward, submitting to Kate’s commands.

Kate swung her leg twice for practice to line up her aim. Jim felt the cool tips of her toes gently graze the underside of his ballsack each time as she identified the exact spot she wanted to crush. He grimaced, anticipating the looming destruction. He was so nervous he could barely admire the way Kate’s whole body was jiggling with each swing of her foot.

With a practiced precision, she flipped her hips and slammed her toes into his tender ball bag with brutal force.

Jim froze.

At first, he couldn’t process what happened. He knew, logically, that he had just been kicked where it counts. But for some reason his brain and body stopped working, refusing to process the trauma in his manhood. He teetered, hoping against hope that Kate had missed the mark and his precious orbs had escaped unscathed.

No such luck. In an instant, his body flooded with the type of horrific agony that only accompanies a particularly brutal kick in the balls. He screamed, hands racing to his midsection, as if that would do anything to quell the sensations shooting through his extremities. His stomach lurched as he collapsed to the floor, a sniveling, aching mess of twitching limbs and busted bullocks. Kate’s brutal kick felt even more ferocious after the abuse he had endured that morning. She just laughed as he lay whimpering on the floor.

“Oh yes, that was a good one. That was so satisfying! It’s been so long since we’ve had a male agent, I had almost forgotten what it’s like to actually kick a man down there. Spread your legs, I want to do another!”

Somehow, miraculously, Jim was able to force his legs apart and present himself to Kate for destruction even though his plums were on fire. He lay on his back, legs spread wide, hands on his face in dismay. He couldn’t even bring himself to look at Kate’s perfect figure. He knew he was powerless to stop her abuse. He accepted that this was his life now. At the BIA, he would be subject to non-stop testicular torment.

It didn’t take long for Kate’s foot to find its mark again. Within seconds of Jim submitting to her commands, her foot found his crotch once more.

The skin-on-skin smack sounded like a five-star slap on the back.

The bridge of her foot, pointed down with practiced precision, made direct contact with Jim’s swollen, aching gonads. Laying exposed between his legs as they were, they had nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. No choice but to absorb the full force of Kate’s powerful kick. He screamed, plunged to depths of agony he could never have even dreamed of before today. He couldn’t even feel his individual testicles any more. All he felt was one searing lump of pulsing, exquisite pain at his core.

Kate had no sympathy for Jim, even as he lay on the ground acting as if he had been freshly neutered. She was having way too much fun making him squeal. It had been too long since she’d had a new pair of balls to bust.

“Keep your legs spread!”

This time, Jim could not will his limbs to comply, not for lack of trying. His primitive instincts kept him stuck rocking back and forth, cradling what was left of his freshly battered ballsack. No even Kate’s sweet feminine voice could penetrate through the animalistic instincts forcing him to cover up. Ever the professional, she forced his limbs apart anyway, exposing his most vulnerable sexual organs once more.

He pleaded, begging for just a moment of mercy. His pathetic cries fell on deaf ears. Kate kicked him with the practiced accuracy of an expert marksmen.

This time, Kate did not point her foot down. Instead the tips of her toes made direct contact with Jim’s delicate orbs, crunching them painfully against his pelvis. She kept her foot lodged between his legs, digging with her toes to solidify his anguish. Lightning bolts of delicious agony fired through his body in an instant, forcing any rational thought out of his mind. His voice, mere moments ago pleading for relief, fell silent momentarily before being replaced by a barely audible mewling sound. His limbs seemed to act of their own accord as he thrashed about wildly, unable to remove Kate’s foot from the center of his existence.

Kate couldn’t help but mock Jim in his ridiculous predicament.

“Aw, poor baby, do your little balls hurt? Do you want me to check that they’re ok?”

Jim was far too preoccupied with controlling the overwhelming nausea he was experiencing to hear or respond to Kate’s question. He simply lay on the floor, half curled up, twitching periodically as fresh waves of suffering coursed through his body.

Kate rolled Jim onto his stomach and sat between his legs. She reached down under his exposed buttocks and fished out his beat red balls to admire her handiwork. They were swelling quite nicely. And she could tell based on Jim’s pained groans that they were already extremely tender. Feeling her cool fingers wrapping around his manhood snapped Jim out of his pained trance enough to beg for mercy in short gasps.

“Please … please be gentle … you’ll break them!”

Kate just giggled. She couldn’t believe it only took 3 kicks to completely break Jim. 3 kicks and he was reduced to a blubbering mess.

“Aw, don’t be such a baby. It’s just a bit of ballbusting. You can take it, can’t you?”

Just as she was about to clamp down, though, a thought crossed her mind. She decided to take advantage of Jim’s temporary lucidity amidst his very real vulnerability to find out what he was really doing here.

“Why did you come to see me? Does this have anything to do with that Valkyries agent they just captured?”

Jim froze, unsure how to respond. On one hand, his ballsack was on fire, and currently in the hands of a sadistic woman who appeared hell bent on castrating him. On the other hand, though, Nicole had told him not to talk about the Valkyries case under any circumstances. What if Kate was the spy? He couldn’t risk giving up BIA secrets to the enemy. He vowed to himself that he would take his pain like a man.

Jim shook his no.

Moments later, he felt Kate’s thumbs press deep into the underside of his aching testicles.

Jim screamed. And screamed. And then he screamed some more. He screamed until there was not an ounce of oxygen left in his lungs. Given the state of his scrotum, even a gentle squeeze would have been unbearable. But Kate was not squeezing gently. On the contrary, she seemed to be trying to split his nuts in two with just her bare fingers. He clawed at her hands desperately, hoping against hope for an instant of relief. But that only made her squeeze harder, digging her nails ever deeper into his swollen, squishy orbs. She moved her thumbs around his bullocks, searching for the spots that made Jim scream loudest, giggling as she did so.

While Jim’s arms and legs flailed about as if they had minds of their own, his crotch was anchored to Kate’s grip. His whole body shook with every slight shift in pressure from her agile fingers. Each twitch of her thumbs, buried deep in his nut-meat, shot spasms of pain up his spine. He was completely immobilized. With her fingers at the center of his sexuality, he had no choice but to experience whatever pain she wanted to dish out. She was in complete control.

Finally, Kate relented. She removed her hands from his delicate gonads and watched as Jim instinctively curled up on the fetal position. She stood up, admiring her handiwork. That should teach the new guy what his proper place in the agency is, she thought.

Jim, on the other hand, could hardly think anything. He just lay on the ground feeling sorry for himself, convulsing occasionally as fresh waves of pain shot from his midsection. His nuts, while extremely tender, hot to the touch, and noticeably swollen, both seemed to be intact. He breathed a small sigh of relief. He even stole a quick glance upward to peak at Kate’s magnificent rack. With all her moving around, her micro top had slipped slightly, exposing most of her right areola. His cock bulged in excitement despite all the pain.

He also had no idea whether Kate was the Valkyrie spy. And in his current state, it didn’t seem like he would be able learn anything further. All he could do was hope that Kate took pity on him and let him go back to his desk to recuperate.

After spending a few moments enjoying the sight of Jim flopping about pathetically, Kate decided it was time for her to get back to work. She wanted to get one last solid kick in before leaving, though.

She ordered him to get back on his feet, which was a task in and of itself. His movements were unsteady and laborious, but he managed to get up under his own power. She noticed his cock was somehow still hard. Maybe he will be able to make it around here, she thought to herself.

Knowing that Jim was almost certainly going to try to flinch out of the way of her foot, she decided to make her final kick a kick from behind. She took her time walking behind him and lining up her kick. She enjoyed watching him shake from a mixture of pain, dread, and fear. She enjoyed seeing him doubled over before she even kicked him. She enjoyed hearing him whimper pathetically, reduced to a shell of a man due to her abuse.

Then, in an instant, she kicked him.

The room was filled once more with a wretched skin-on-skin smacking sound. Jim’s nuts, already quite swollen, were crunched once again between the bridge of her foot and his pelvis. He yelped like a dog whose tail had been stepped on before jumping up in the air and ultimately collapsing to the ground. He convulsed like a man hit by a cattle prod. He grabbed between his legs like a man in fear of losing his very manhood. But no matter what he did, nothing soothed the horrific ache consuming his soul.

Kate giggled, content with the destruction she had caused. Her practice over the years had paid off. While she hadn’t had a man to practice on recently, all those hours with the punching bag had obviously made her a gifted ballbuster. She got dressed, blew Jim a kiss, and left him there on the floor to whimper. He was too preoccupied with the ache in his crotch to watch her ass bounce as she walked out the door of the training room.

It took Jim almost an hour to collect himself. He lay there on the floor right where Kate had left him for most of that hour, doing his best to hold back from vomiting. He felt utterly defeated. He had made precisely zero progress in determining whether Kate was the spy. To Jim, she seemed just like every other woman at this agency; an insanely hot, sadistic ballbuster. He did notice, though, that a small pool of precum had formed on his lower abdomen.

Monday, 2:45 PM

Eventually, after the searing agony subsided to just a throbbing ache, Jim was able to regroup and get another look at the dossier that Nicole had prepared for him. His “interrogation” of Kate hadn’t gone so well, but maybe he’d have more luck with the next suspect, Maria. Maria was a secretary hired within the past year. 5’2’’, almost comically large melons, and she always wore librarian-style glasses. Jim lumbered gingerly around the office looking for her, before finally locating her in the copier room.

In comparison to every other woman Jim had seen at the BIA today, Maria was dressed very conservatively. She wore black boots, tight blue jeans and white button down with just two buttons undone. Her sleeves were rolled up past her elbows, and she seemed very focused on the copies she making. She didn’t notice Jim walking in to the small copier room. He walked up behind her and introduced himself.

“Hi, I’m Jim, are you Maria?”

She jumped up in the air and let out a small yelp before turning around. She was startled again when she saw Jim standing naked in front her.

“Oh my god you scared me!”

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to!”

There was a brief pause while Maria caught her breath.

“It’s ok, I was just frightened. How can I help you?”

“I was just going around introducing myself to everyone here. It’s my first day.”

“Oh, well, I’m Maria, nice to meet you.”

“I’m Jim, nice to meet you too.”

Maria paused, taking in Jim’s nude figure. Her eyes drifted unconsciously downward, and she noticed that his manhood appeared quite mangled underneath his magnificently large penis. She seemed self-conscious about looking at his package, though, and her eyes quickly raced back up to meet Jim’s gaze.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to stare. You’re just the first male agent we’ve had since I’ve started here. I’m not used to seeing men naked in an office like this.”

“It’s ok, I’m not used to being naked either, especially not in public like this.”

“Is it true that you have to follow the commands of every single woman at the agency? I heard that was the rule, but it just seems so hard to believe. What kind of guy would agree to that?”

“Yes, it’s true. If you order me to do something, I have to do it, no complaining.”

Maria smiled deviously. As a secretary, she didn’t get all of the perks and glory of being a full-blown agent. But here was Jim, being served to her on a silver, naked, platter. She intended to take full advantage.

“Oh, so … if I told you to spread your legs, you’d have to do it?”

“That’s right.” Jim widened his stance so his gonads dangled freely between his legs. He had learned his lessen from earlier in the day, and intended to be more compliant from here on out.

“And then if I did something like THIS …” in one swift motion she put her hands on his shoulders and rammed her knee into his crotch “… you’d just have to take it?”

Jim doubled over. Maria’s knee had slightly missed the mark, but given the damaged state of his ballsack, it still hurt like hell.

“That’s right” he wheezed.

“But doesn’t it hurt?”

“Yes, it really hurts. This is how our agents interrogate enemy spies”

“Ohhh that sounds fun. I want to try another knee!”

Jim straightened back up and obediently spread his legs once more. In an instant, she rammed her knee into his crotch again. Jim doubled over, a bit further this time. But he still managed to stay upright. Maria’s aim wasn’t as good as Kate’s had been.

“Maybe if I practice enough on you, they’ll let me be an agent someday!”

While Maria was giggling at the prospect of using Jim’s most delicate organs as her own personal punching bags, the copier behind her revved to life, emitting all manner of beeps as it did so. Maria turned around to eye the awakened machine when a devilish thought crossed her mind. She smiled sadistically.

“Let’s scan them!”


“You know, with the scanner. Just rest them right here and I’ll press this button to take a picture.” Maria gestured to glass top of the large office copier, which conveniently rested at waist height.

Jim, alarmed that yet another woman at the BIA seemed hell bent on torturing his manhood, was skeptical.

“Are you sure that’s allowed?”

“I thought you had to do whatever I say?”

Jim moaned before shuffling over the copier. He lurched forward, dropping his swollen gonads on the cool glass with a soft plopping sound. The copier was slightly too high, so he stood on the tips of his toes for them to reach.

“Do you want to scan my cock too?”

“Not just yet. Be a dear and hold it out of the way for me?”

Jim did as Maria instructed while she reached around and rested the top of the scanner on his aching gonads. To Jim’s delight, it wasn’t as heavy as he anticipated, although it was still uncomfortable given the tender state of his plums.

The machine brr’d to life as Maria pressed the copy button. A blinding light flashed from underneath the glass and, an instant later, a printed silhouette of Jim’s ballsack landed on the print tray. Maria grabbed it with noticeable excitement. They looked normal to Maria, although Jim could tell they were swollen, the left one noticeably so.

“Are you satisfied?”

“Oh, someone’s got a bit of an attitude. Not quite yet. I want to see what they look like after I do this …”

To Jim’s dismay, Maria grabbed a stepladder from the corner of the room and used it to climb on top of the copier. In one swift motion, she climbed on top of the scanner and used her entire body weight to flatten Jim’s balls, which were still trapped under the lid.

Jim’s nuts compressed immediately, flattening to a mere fraction of their height just moments earlier. The pain came an instant later. He fell backwards for a moment as the strength lefts his legs, but his balls, trapped in the copier under Maria’s weight, kept him locked into place. He convulsed as a series of desperate grunts escaped his mouth. Maria looked on with glee as Jim’s face transitioned from fear to anguish to desperation in a matter of seconds. She giggled as his hands clawed hopelessly at the copier in a futile attempt to relieve even a portion of the pressure.

While Jim’s suffering grew more and more intense with each passing second, Maria turned herself around on top of the copier to face Jim. She placed her legs on either side of his body and scooted forward, inch by inch, increasing the pressure on Jim’s manhood. She continued until she was sitting on the very edge of the machine, pressed up against his body, her full bodyweight directly on top of Jim’s flattened man-meat.

As Jim shivered in pain, barely able to comprehend what was happening, Maria reached her arms and legs around Jim’s body to intimately enjoy the misery he was feeling. Her chest pressed up against his as she leaned forward to whisper in his ear. His cock, forced straight up in the air by the lid of the copier, twitched with excitement despite the pain as her nipples rubbed against his naked chest.

“Shhh … just take it. I want to see what your nuts look like after they’ve been completely flattened.”
His balls, already having been tortured by 4 different women today, were in bad shape. Trapped by the lid of the copier, they had spread to alarming size under Maria’s weight. He was far past being capable of thinking straight, or even being able to maintain control of his limbs. His movements were animalistic, governed by millennia of evolution screaming out trying to protect his reproductive organs. It was no use. Maria seemed intent on castrating him, and he was powerless to stop it. The pressure only grew more intense as she rocked back and forth, squashing each one of his battered testicles individually. She even went so far as to bounce up and down, lightly, sending shockwaves of agony shooting through Jim’s body. His grunts transformed into high-pitched mewling sounds that seemed to climb an octave higher each time Maria bounced.

Jim’s hands were clawing desperately at the lid of the copier, pulling up with all their might. While his efforts were futile, he was trying to relieve as much of the pressure as possible. Maria, noticing this, shook her head sternly.

“Tsk tsk, no protecting yourself. Here, maybe this will distract them.”

Maria undid the next four buttons of her white button-down shirt, exposing each of her gigantic breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra. She reached down and pulled Jim’s hands away from the lid of the copier, pulling them upward instead and placing them on her chest.

“Go on, pinch my nipples. Let’s both enjoy some pain.”

Feeling the soft skin of Maria’s beautiful rack brought a small portion of Jim’s brain back to reality. By some miracle, he was able to retain enough of his fine motor skills to comply with her request. He pinched down firmly while cupping her breasts in the palms of his hands. His cock somehow grew harder as he squeezed her perky tits with both hands. It made the horrific pain shooting out from his ballsack slightly more bearable.

Maria coo’d softly as she felt the pinch of Jim’s fingers. She breathed in deeply, enjoying feeling him writhe against her. She was glad that her jeans obscured the growing wetness between her legs. She was enjoying forcing Jim to submit to her every whim.

Eventually, Maria leaned forward and pressed a button on the front of the machine. A moment later, it brr’d to life and a bright light flashed underneath the glass. A picture shot out into the paper try. Maria leaned over to retrieve it, nearly popping Jim’s left testicle in the process. What she saw left even her a little bit shocked.

“Oh my! That must hurt SO badly!”

If Jim’s vision weren’t already filled with exploding stars, he surely would have passed out at the sight of his scanned scrotum. His nuts, which were already swollen before this little encounter with Maria, were at least three times larger than in Maria’s first picture. They felt just moments away from bursting.

“OK ok, I suppose you’ve had enough.”

With that, Maria sat back and twirled off the lid of the scanner. As soon as she did so, Jim fell backwards, dragging his balls off the glass top of the copy machine with a small screeching sound. The instant they were free, he collapsed to the ground, hands racing to check both bollocks were still there and intact. Assured that his manhood had not been permanently lost, Jim curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth as he tried desperately to sooth the horrific aching feeling.

Maria looked down at him with just the slightest hint of sympathy as she re-buttoned her top.

“Wow, that must have really hurt, huh?”

Jim was unresponsive, too preoccupied by the sensations still coursing through his body.

“Well, um, I guess I’ll just leave you be. I’ll leave those pictures we made in the copier in case you want to keep them. Thanks for indulging me, that was a lot of fun.”

Jim just groaned, barely aware of the fact that Maria was talking. He groaned again as she walked out.

He just lay on the floor, broken and suffering, for a long while before he began to recover. It didn’t take him too long to realize that he had once again completely failed to find out anything about his suspect. He had no idea at all whether Maria was the traitor. How the hell was he supposed to learn anything, anyway? Every woman here seemed hell bent on castrating him. He was barely getting a chance to ask any questions before the women started obliterating his manhood.

He was determined to do as good of a job as he could on his first official day, though. After a few minutes writhing on the floor, he gathered up his willpower, brought himself to all fours and crawled over to his dossier once more. He inspected the profile of his final suspect, Natalie.

Monday, 6:30 PM

He had actually already met Natalie during his torture certification. She was a bit older, but you couldn’t tell from her photo. She was nicknamed the ballbreaker, and she spent most of her days in the lab inventing new torture devices. Great, just what the BIA needed, Jim thought.

He lumbered to his feet and shuffled down the hall to the lab where Natalie worked. He found her looking focused, hunched over a normal looking workout bench with a rope in one hand and a drill in the other.


She looked up with a jump, startled to have her concentration interrupted.

“That’s right. You must be Jim.”

How did every woman here seem to know him? Undeterred, he tried earnestly to make conversation before the ballbusting he knew would inevitably follow.

“Hi, yes, nice to meet you again.”

“How’s your first day going so far?”

“It’s going ok. I’ve met a lot of very capable agents.”

“And how are your testicles feeling? They look very tender already.”

Jim tried to put on a brave face, even though they hurt like hell.

“A few different girls have busted them already, but they’re alright.”

“Is that so? You’ve come a long way since I ran into you during your torture certification, then. That cadet you were with, Taylor, I heard she was quite enamored with you.”

Jim blushed. He’d heard that too.

“What are you working on?” Jim gestured to the workout bench she had been hunched over just moments before.

“Oh, this? I call this the immobilizer. The idea is the guy gets strapped down here and then his balls are exposed for whatever kind of torture we can dream up. Here, let me show you how it works.”

She showed Jim how to lay down on his stomach on the bench. After he was in position, she used the rope to fasten his wrists and ankles into place, preventing him from having any chance of protecting himself. To really make matters worse, she tied his stomach down tightly to the work out bench, making sure he had nowhere to run and hide. When she was finished with the restraints, Jim was strapped down on all fours, ass stuck high in the air, swollen balls presented neatly for Natalie to attack.

Jim tried to sound confident, hoping that if he could make conversation, he might learn something that would tell him whether Natalie was the spy.

“This is very effective. I can’t move at all.”

“That’s great, thank you for that feedback. Would you be willing to be the first test subject?”

Jim’s heart sank. He hadn’t been able to delay this nearly as long as he had hoped.

“Of course. I’m already strapped in, so it only makes sense.”

“Since we’ve had so few male agents around here, you’ll actually be the first man this device has been tested on. How does it feel to be the inaugural testing dummy?”

He put on a brave face as his stomach filled with dread.

“Just happy to help however I can, Natalie.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I can’t wait to find out just how badly we can abuse your nutsack with this thing. Now sit tight for a moment.”

Natalie went to the corner of the room and pulled out a small video camera. She pointed it directly at Jim’s crotch before turning it on to record her little “experiment”.

“Now, let’s have a look at the state of you. I want a nice before shot so we can see just how fucked up I’ve made them at the end.”

She bent down and reached between his legs. While Jim was unable to see exactly what she was doing, he could feel her icy cold fingers reach between his exposed legs and grab a firm hold of his scrotum. She took her time rolling his precious plums through her hands, poking and prodding them gently but firmly. While Natalie wasn’t using too much pressure yet, even this introductory inspection made Jim’s stomach churn after all he’d already been through today.

Satisfied that Jim’s testes would be adequate for her cruel test, she stood up and prepared to begin in earnest. She took her time lining up the toe of her doc marten boots directly against the back of his exposed testicles. After she was in position to unleash the first of many kicks, she paused to give Jim one final reminder.

“It’s crucial that you tell me precisely how painful this is. And be honest! It does me no good if you lie. Ready?”

Before Jim could spit out his answer, she slammed the toe of her heavy boot directly into Jim’s crotch at brutal force. The contact was direct, scrambling the fragile tubing connecting his manhood to body. Each one of his testicles was crunched painfully, back to front, against his stomach.

The pain was immediate. In an instant, his already sore ballsack exploded once more in agony. He cried out, convulsing violently in his restraints. But no matter how hard he tried; he could not cover up. He could not protect himself. His balls continued to dangle, exposed and vulnerable, between his legs for Natalie to kick once more.

And it did not take long for her to do just that. Just as the pain from her first kick was reaching its zenith, Natalie unleashed another devastating kick to the center of Jim’s existence. He cried out once more, still powerless to guard against Natalie’s sadistic assault. All he could do was sit there and succumb to the explosions of fiery suffering overwhelming his senses.

The third, fourth, and fifth kicks came in rapid succession. And tied down as he was, all of them were direct, brutal hits. The smacking sound would have been exquisite, if it weren’t drowned out by Jim’s screaming. What had begun as pained, frantic grunt grew to the ear-piercing wail of a man convinced he was being castrated one kick at a time.

Not that Natalie cared. She was far too focused on abusing Jim’s most precious sexual organs to have even an ounce of sympathy for his plight. Whatever it took to prove her new device was a success. She stepped back to watch him suffer, basking in the glow of a job well done. She especially took time to admire her handiwork with the restraints; they were doing a great job of leaving her test subject completely exposed.

After Jim’s desperate screaming had subsided to just pained grunts and hurried gasps, Natalie bent down once more to inspect the state of his package.

“Would you say my invention is working well, Jim?”

He could barely respond. Especially not as he felt her fingers circling his swollen gonads once more.

“Oh … my … god …” Natalie grinned as Jim wheezed out the words.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

With one ball in each hand, Natalie clamped down, sending shivers of pain straight up Jim’s spine. Her thumbs pressed deeply into the tender heart of each one his swollen, aching testicles as he was forced to just lay there and take it. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t protect himself. He couldn’t get away. All he could do was surrender to the agonizing pain as her fingers slowly crushed the life out of precious plums.

Yet somehow, in addition to the pain, he felt something else happening in his private parts. He felt a load that had been building slowly all day get ever so slightly closer to shooting out of his bulging erection. The tantalizing eroticism of his predicament, the close female attention focused on his most delicate body parts, and the frustration of being surrounded by devastatingly gorgeous women all day combined to create the smallest inkling of pleasure amidst his horrific pain. Those pleasurable sensations grew and grew, until he was just moments away from the release he suddenly craved desperately.

Natalie, as if sensing Jim’s pending orgasm, relinquished her iron-clad grip on his nutsack. His desperate screams quickly quieted. His gonads quickly reinflated. And his breath quickly returned in short, sharp gasps as he tried to will away the devastation wrought upon his crotch.

His reprieve was short lived, though. Just moments after relinquishing her fierce grip, she stepped back and swung her foot into his crotch once more, shooting a fresh wave of agony through his body. Rational thought had long since left his mind. His screams were barbaric; his convulsions senseless. He was completely absorbed by the soul-consuming suffering wrought by Natalie’s doc martens.

Natalie simply giggled, taking a moment to admire her handiwork. It had been far too long since she’d had a fresh pair of balls to bust. She’d almost forgotten what it felt like to feel those twin orbs compress against the toe of her boot. But, based on Jim’s frantic writhing and guttural wails, she was just as effective as she’d ever been. And her newest invention, the immobilizer, was a smashing success.

She kicked him again, harder than before. The smacking sound rattled throughout the room as Jim had just about gone mute from the pain. A few high-pitched squeaks escaped his throat as he struggled to comprehend his destruction.

Natalie, of course, could have stopped there. Jim’s destruction was thoroughly complete. And she had demonstrated, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that her invention was quite effective. She didn’t want to risk castrating him too early. But she wanted to make sure Jim was properly welcomed to the BIA on his very first day as a certified agent. And with him all strapped down, his swollen gonads presented a particularly juicy target. So, she decided two more kicks would complete his annihilation for the day.

She wound her leg high behind her once more before slamming it into his crotch with a sickening crunch. She counted to four before kicking again, wanting to hit him again when the pain from the last kick was reaching a crescendo. And based on Jim’s visceral reaction, she timed it perfectly. To him, it felt as if she had literally kicked his nuts to pieces.

“How do they feel, Jim? Do they smart a bit?”

Jim was barely able to hear the question, much less respond coherently. He just let out a pitiful moan and prayed his balls were still intact.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Natalie began undoing his restraints one by one. The instant she freed his hands they raced to his midsection to inspect the damage to his package. While it was swollen, tender, and deeply bruised, he was relieved to find both testicles still intact. As she undid the restraints around his stomach and ankles, he slunk over, curling up in a ball beside the bench he had been strapped to.

“Well, I’ll just leave you be, I suppose. Thank you for helping me test out my invention!”

Natalie clicked off the video camera and left the room, leaving Jim to wallow in his suffering on the ground. He lay there in the fetal position for almost an hour, rocking gently back and forth, trying to control the horrible nausea that had been building in his stomach all day. He also felt horrible that he hadn’t learned anything about any of Nicole’s three suspects. How was he going to tell his boss he failed on his very first day?

As Jim lay on the floor feeling sorry for himself, he was startled to see one of the ceiling tiles suddenly get removed. A long rope dropped down from the ceiling, and two unfamiliar women dressed from head to toe in all black climbed down the rope and approached him. They walked with a deliberate elegance, heels click clacking against the floor, before bending down next to him. His eyes grew wide as one of the women positioned a syringe on his neck and injected him with some sort of mysterious substance. He tried to fight her off, but the hours of ballbusting he had just endured had drained him of his strength. The other woman pulled a burlap sack over his head, but he managed to make out a tattoo on the inside of her left ankle before she did so. It read “Long Live the Valkyries.”

Jim felt them picking him up and draping him over their shoulders just as he began slipping into unconsciousness.

To be continued …
Last edited by TheBusted on Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Ballbusting Intelligence Agency: Office Introductions

Post by tigrotto »

Oohh!! Not only part 2 but there's part 3 planned already!
I've been really looking forward to this second installment and you didn't disappoint.
Like chapter 1, this was vey well written, very descriptive. It made me gulp when Ashely brought him into the kitchen and took the stool out and introduced him to the BIA.
What followed made me clench my thighs, but at the same time I wanted to experience it too although I was sure I'd have regretted it immediatley.
I really liked the secretary, Maria. So cute and innocent at the beginning, almost looked like an amateur, but soon She turned into a pro busting Jim's balls with no mercy.
I was quite surprised to see Natalie in the list though. I guess I hoped She'd appear again in a future chapter, but now I find it intriguing that She could be one of the two that kidnapped Jim. I'm fantasizing that She would torture him to get the info She needs, but he won't spill the beans no matter how hard She is on him and then have Taylor save.
But that's only what I'm fantasizing about. No matter what You'll write on Chapter 3 is going to be really exciting!
Congratulations The Busted. You wrote another great piece of erotica.
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Re: Ballbusting Intelligence Agency: Office Introductions

Post by sweden123 »

Love it!

The part about being "productive even while having your balls beaten" stuck in my mind, I hope you explore it further
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