Curiosity Leads to Irony Leads to...Jamie?

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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Curiosity Leads to Irony Leads to...Jamie?

Post by aldorax »

Curiosity Leads to Irony Leads to...Jamie?
(A Jamie74-related story)

(c) 2002. CM99 (now aldorax)

This story is dedicated to the wonderful teasing women on NTC (you know who you are) and the rest of the folks making the T&D board what it is. The idea came from Jamie's playful message (or was it a 'threat') of mercilessly teasing me for being a smart aleck in one of my postings on the board, coupled with a desire to become more active on the site. Being a slow Friday, I decided to put my creative talents to use. (Somehow the thought of being teased mercilessly by Jamie stuck in my mind all only can wonder.)

Although lurking now and then in online erotica for several years, this is my first ever attempt at writing an erotic story. Please bear with me. :)

DISCLAIMER: This is a complete work of fiction and sexual fantasy, and I do not know Jamie personally. Neither is my name Craig or Gina my girlfriend. However, there are some elements of truth about my experience and desires with T&D, which are incorporated in the story. If this sort of thing isn't for you, or if you're underage, please ignore it and go elsewhere.

Thanks to NTC for this forum, and for Jamie for giving it a quick pre-publication sanity check. Her response to this first part was...uh....encouraging. :)

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PART I OF ????
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Craig was slowly going crazy. For the past few days he was under a strict regime of sexual self-restraint set apart by periods of brief self-stimulation on command from an as-yet-unseen tormentor.

Now he was living day-to-day, hour-by-hour in a swirling and chaotic sea of emotional, sexual, and biological urges. Urges that were made more frustrating by the fact that although he *could* freely (and quite easily) remedy his situation with a simple reach, he didn't.

He was an average thirty-year old guy; he liked everything from sports to hiking to sitting on his balcony reading a book to playing his guitar. By day he was a technology geek working for one of the faceless Wall Street banks, running trouble calls and managing the firm's help desk. A stressful job, to be sure, and that was before the tragic stream of events that he sadly witnessed firsthand as a New Yorker a year earlier.

But his views on life changed for the better after that fateful day -- later that month, almost out of the blue, he received a call from Gina, his old girlfriend from both high school and then community college. Although Gina - now a marketing consultant and closet geek - lived in New Jersey, they had kept in periodic touch as good friends over the years despite growing apart professionally. Neither had wanted to commit when they were together, and as a result, after graduation, they drifted apart as lovers, but still held a very special place in their hearts for each other.

Soonafter, Gina and Craig rekindled their relationship. Although both had busy schedules with plenty of travel, they managed to stay in touch via e-mail, instant messenger, and savored the occasional lazy weekends spent together as very good friends and lovers.

Gina was a bit of a sexual free spirit, and relatively unafraid to try new things, while Craig was more traditional and vanilla, believing in simple, straight sex. He'd heard about kinks and fetishes, but tended to stay to what he felt most comfortable in, which was simple, straight sex. Gina was more than happy to oblige in this area, but slowly began to introduce him to the concept of 'soft bondage' -- light restraints that kept one partner relatively immobile while being pleasured by the other. The other was free to sit back and surrender total control of their body to the other, and experience what Gina called 'true and total release' from worldy stress, problems, and cares of modern life....even if it was for a few hours every so often.

Surrendering his body through 'soft bondage' with Gina certainly spiced it up a bit for Craig - once he got used to the new idea. In his view, whoever was the 'top' was able to give a gift of pure ecstacy and pleasure to the other, while the 'bottom' would voluntarily surrender to the sensual sensations playing through their restrained body and opened and vulnerable mind; something most people aren't able to do normally. For Gina and Craig, that was an almost-sacred sign of their mutal love and trust for each other. Gina was a good teacher, too.

Although hearing about it on the net from time to time, it was during one of his many work junkets to Europe that Craig was introduced firsthand to what he viewed as the 'darker side' of sexuality. Although interesting to watch from a sociological perspective - like watching trash television but not really wanting to change the channel to see what happens next - he tended to shy away from the leather-and-chains clubs and bars that his colleagues would frequent overseas, such as in Amsterdam's "Black Light District." However, in what he called "normal" strip clubs and bars, he heard recurring talks and innuendo about extended teasing and denial of one's orgasm as a sexual practice. It sounded interesting, if not a curious extension of what Craig viewed as traditional foreplay. Being in a position of simultaneous agony and ecstacy was somehow enticing to Craig - he didn't know why - and he wanted to learn more.

This thought occupied him for a few weeks until he returned to Europe for a quick day of meetings with his firm's European office managers.

The last night he was in-country, he returned to his hotel room after a 'night on the town' with his colleagues and after chatting briefly with Gina, he began surfing the Web for more information about the (as he put it) "whole teasing and denial thang." He found website upon website dedicated to this fetish, and quickly discovered a burgeoning online community of similar-minded folks sharing this fetish for any number of reasons.

This was interesting - Craig was exposed to an anonymous community of people that not only shared a common sexual fetish but seemed happy to engage in online versions of real-life sexual foreplay leading to extended periods of denial. From what he could tell, when granted release, the pent-up sexual frustration would lead to one fantastic, mind-blowing orgasmic experience, either with a partner or alone (or in front of the computer.) In the latter case, Craig saw that oftentimes the partner would be part of the fun, working with the online teaser to make it more frustrating for the man.

Soonafter, Craig joined the online community and began to participate in the forums and chat sessions - first as a lurker, then as a more active participant. He quickly became comfortable with his online companions - male and female - and the idea of prolonged foreplay and sexual frustration continued to attract him for some reason he couldn't quite figure out. Every now and then he was tempted to discuss this with Gina, but he kept avoiding the issue, figuring not to bother her with what he viewed as a 'closet fetish' and a morbid - yet kinky - curiosity.

Despite his initial shyness, he struck up a conversation with several participants on the board, including jamiegirl74, one of the more active participants and devious teasers on the board. From his observations, Jamie was a playful tease that would take delight in making things so frustrating for the man that when he ultimately received permission to release, it was reportedly like nothing they'd ever experienced before...and this was over the Internet! Yet she had a kittenish, almost sensual allure to her online persona that Craig was quickly becoming attracted to over the weeks and months after joining the community. Part of him lusted to meet her in real life, but didn't want to disrupt his fantasy image of her, or push his luck...after all, he knew that on the Internet, anonymity is both a blessing and a curse.

After a few months of community involvement and interaction, Craig felt the courage to actually participate in an online teasing session periodically offered by the various women on the board. He waited until an opportunity arose to join in such a web tease.

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As luck would have it, as the summer drew to a close, jamiegirl74 announced that before heading back for the final year of her part-time MBA program, she would do one last week-long intensive tease for those 'most willing' to playfully suffer and whimper for her. Craig contacted Jamie and became one of her voluntary online tease toys for that coming week. He was thrilled at the prospect of surrendering to her whiles for a while - such that one could do over the Internet and through voluntary self-discipline - and excited at this new territory he was now able to explore in the sexual world. Besides, there was no harm in a little anonymous fun, was there?

Jamie's instructions were simple: he was to check email twice daily to report on his situation and receive new instructions on what was to be done to increase his level of sexual frustration and desire in preparation for the ultimate orgasm. She warned that her instructions might range from wearing underwear a certain way to using a freeware computer program called PCMistress that would issue on-screen and audible self-stimulation and self-denial instructions to its user while enticing them with photos of scantily-clad women. All he needed to do was follow her instructions and not cheat.

Craig decided this was not too difficult of a chore, and as a result, began to follow Jamie's instructions starting that following Sunday night. Besides, if he did cheat, or explode ahead of time, he would have no problem saying so via email.

That evening, he was to bring himself to the brink of orgasm three times before going to sleep. This he was able to do somewhat easily, as he was in the habit of self-abusing (to use Jamie's term) himself on a regular basis during the week, and he'd long ago figured out how to 'edge' himself repeatedly.

On Monday morning, he checked his e-mail and was Jamie's instructions were to very lightly tie a ribbon around his cock and balls....the new sensation was to remind him that he was starting a journey and that he no longer exercised control over his orgasms. When he returned home, Jamie's instructions were to download a PCMistress script called StrokeTease and run the "Easy" setting before going to sleep.

This he was able to do, although he noted that the last series of rapid strokes were moderately difficult to resist coming from them. He went to bed, tired, hard, and horny. He felt different - sort of tingly - but not entirely uncomfortable.

On Tuesday, Jamie's morning instructions were somewhat strange. Craig was to wear a pair of briefs under his dress pants, but pull his cock and balls out through the fly. He was to remain like that during the day and directed to bring himself to the brink of orgasm twice during the workday. Naturally, while walking around during the day, the tight cotton of his briefs made his balls compress together and swing while his dick was massaged by the warm wool of his dress slacks. He was moderately-hard all day, and had a devilish time covering it up while walking around the multistory building in mid-town Manhattan.

When he returned home, Jamie's next note told him to remove the ribbon and use a shoelace to tie off his balls and cock from each other, and then proceed to 'edge' himself to the brink three times before removing the shoelace and going to sleep. Further, she indicated that when he arose, he was to stroke his member two hundred times while in the shower; but no more than 20 strokes could be rapid - she wanted it s-l-o-w and s-l-o-w-e-r.

Since his dick was super-sensitive from its day spent rubbing against his wolly dress pants, within a dozen strokes he was ready to explode - for a few seconds, he contemplated blowing his load and relieving himself. Yet he varied his speed and stroking to let the need for release wash over him before continuing. After about forty-five minutes, he was able to complete the task and go to sleep. Suffice it to say, he awoke horny and flushed, and his shower stroking session felt good, but his voluntary inability to ejaculate started to become annoying.

On Wednesday (after completing his agonizing two hundred slow, soapy strokes in the shower) his instructions were simple. He was to use the PCMistress program and run "Stroketease" on Medium immediately upon coming home that evening, and then ignore his aching member until an hour before bedtime, when he was to tie himself off and bring himself to the edge three times using something 'silky and smooth.'

After dinner - and still somewhat unsettled from his Stroketease session - Craig appropriated a sheer pair of Gina's best pantyhose from her closet in his guest bedroom. He tied himself off with one, and with the other, proceeded to wrap it around his sensitive member and begin the edging process. With the first stroke of the sheer pantyhose on his member, Craig felt a rush in his loins - never before had he felt such a rapid flow of sexual energy by himself! It took willpower to stop and regain his composure before continuing his task.

He fell onto Gina's bed and continued to slowly stroke himself to the edge three times, noting that he was unconciously stroking quite slowly since the new fabric on his dick was working such arousing magic on his libido. As he crawled into bed, Craig grimmaced in the throes of a growing sexual frustration, noting that it would be over on Friday, and that he'd have his relief. In only two more days. He shook his head to try and clear the building itch he felt all over his body.

Thursday morning's message from Jamie was somewhat cryptic. He was told to edge twice before going to the office, and to once again lightly tie off his cock and balls with a ribbon to serve as a constant reminder of his condition. "Fair enough," Craig thought, "but why is she asking me to bring home a bunch of banannas from the store?"

During the day, Craig's mind was awash with confusion. Aside from the curiosity about the need for fruit, he found it extremely difficult to concentrate on his work tasks. He found it increasingly difficult to sit still in one place for any length of time, and discovered himself unconciously staring at every woman that passed by his cubicle. He began to sense when a woman had walked by, or had occupied a room before he arrived, based on what seemed to be a sharper sense of smell. Every action or thought during the day seemed to end up in his aching crotch.

Craig was in quiet agony, as Thursday's work day passed exceedingly slowly. To make matters worse, being summertime, the help desk was not as busy as usual, meaning he had plenty of time to sit in his cube, hidden from the world, and ache and tingle in silent frustration.

That evening, Craig stopped at the grocery store for his weekend groceries, and per Jamie's confusing request, picked up a bunch of bannanas. When he got home, he checked his e-mail and saw an even more confusing directive from Jamie:

"By now, you probably have an ache in your loins that feels like a dead weight, or at least a million ants crawling around your balls. That's expected, and what we're going for here this week, you know!

You're probably wondering why I wanted you to have bannanas handy tonight. Simply put, dear, we're going to have some FUN! I want you to get good and comfortable, and get yourself nice and hard.....and if you'd tie yourself off TIGHTLY for me, that would be even better, dear! *giggle*

Take the bannana and cut the ends off of it, and then use a spoon to CAREFULLY scoop out the bannanna goop (eat it if you want, love, it's good for ya, you know!). Try hard <wink> not to break the skin of the bannana -- if you do, just get another one and try again more carefully.

When you've done that, log onto PCMistress and fire up the Joy1 script. I said we'd have fun tonight, and you WILL! Take your (er, "my") hard plaything and slowwwly slide the bannana around it. Now begin Joy2 and stroke yourself inside the bannana skin....feel the wetness as you move the skin up and down, and all around your feels sooooooooo good, and soooooooo moist and wet, you will probably explode uncontrollably very quickly. Normally, that's the idea, but you really don't want to cum just yet, despite what your (er, "my") plaything is telling your brain! And yes, if you need to stop stroking to prevent an accident, you may do so TWICE during this session. No more than twice, though!

While you're doing that, know that I'll be bringing myself to a wet, warm orgasm....maybe even two or three! So you can rest assured I'll be having as much fun as you will, the only difference is, I will be satisfied, and you'll be hot and horny as you fall asleep tonight. But I will be thinking of you, all flustered and tingly as you work with that bananna. >wink<

After you run the program to its completion - and asuming you have NOT been a naughty boy and done something nasty - clean yourself up and write me a quick note about the experience. Then go to bed, and have pleasant dreams of me, and what fun we will have when you finally get some much-needed relief."

Craig shuddered. He was being asked to fuck a piece of fruit! How kinky is that for a guy? He'd heard of women impaling themselves on cucumbers and carrots, but for a guy to get intimate with a piece of produce seemed a bit weird.....but at the same time, it seemed a bit devilishly kinky, and he thought he felt a bit aroused by the thought of something moist and wet to help alleviate his aches, even if it was only an inanimate piece of fruit.

After three attempts to cut and eviserate the bananna, on the fourth try he had what he thought Jamie would deem an adequate 'fucktoy' for his task tonight. He made a mental note to thank the produce companies for selling bannanas by the bunch and not individually - he still had two more if he broke this one.

He began to follow Jamie's instructions, and was ready to explode simply by sliding the moist bananna skin down his enlarged member. He paused before starting the computer tease, but within the first few slow strokes with the bannana, the room started to spin, and he stopped stroking. He could *feel* the tingle in his balls and his dick was already twitching in expectation, and he was only on the first screen of the tease! It was truly an exquisite sensation that could only be made better if it was a real woman mounted on him and not a piece of produce.

Craig calmed down and began stroking in-time with the sound files played by the computer. Less than a minute later, he stopped again and groaned in - was it agony? Was it frustration? Was it in pain? He couldn't tell. He carefully pulled the bannana off his enlarged member and was amazed at how swollen and purple it had become after only a few strokes with that devilish piece of fruit. He sighed - he'd stopped stroking twice, and the programed tease was only starting....

...but he resolved to see this thing through - and see for himself how high on the sexual plane of desire he could tolerate before breaking down - so he s-l-o-w-l-y re-inserted his enlarged member back into the moist, mushy confines of the bannana casing, and took a deep breath before continuing his stroking with the program - at least on this screen, he was in-time with a slow, but still agonizing beat....the photo changed on the screen, but the tempo continued its slow, steady, tick-tock metronome beat that brought Craig closer and closer to the edge - or the "edge of the edge of the edge" that would lead to an earth-shattering orgasm. He noted that he kept finding new and higher "edges" of ecstacy this week. The slow beat continued, and just as Craig felt comfortable that he was able to keep his balance on this sexual "edge" he never before thought possible....

...the photo on the screen changed, and the beat intensified to a rapid tap-tap-tap like one would find in a dance club. Craig let out a moan and stroked his member in-time with the beat, feeling the fluid bubble in his balls and slowly start its journey towards freedom. His toes began to curl, and just as he felt a wave of defeat as his dick throbbed in excitement and his member fill with fluid.......the beat stopped and the screen went dark.

Relieved, Craig stopped his stroking, and with his free hand, wiped the bead of sweat that had formed on his brow. A question appeared on the screen asking him if he was ready to cum now, and to click "Yes" or "No" as appropriate.

"Oh, God, yes, I am SO ready!" he said out loud. He looked at the clock and it was almost 1:00 Friday morning. Friday! He'd made it, and would get his chance to cum as he never came before! He quickly hit "yes" and braced himself for the explosion he was sure was mere seconds away from becoming reality.

The photo on the screen changed, and the beat intensified. Craig was ordered to stroke in-time with the beat, and to continue doing so - while watching a slideshow of scantily-clad women - until he was ready to cum within ten seconds.

Although he'd grown a bit soft during the short intermission, Craig began stroking his encased member in earnest, and could almost taste the energy rushing through his body. As the beat intensified, the photos changed more quickly, and his dick was being massaged by the now-warm moist mush of the bannana peel, he felt himself growing closer and closer to orgasm....YES! He could cum within ten seconds!!

With a trembling hand, he banged on the keyboard to indicate he was ready - desperate, actually - to come, and come hard, and NOW. The beat continued; he kept stroking for another few seconds...the screen went dark, a siren sounded, and a pop-up window said TOO BAD - YOU CANNOT CUM TODAY. The program ended, and Craig was stuck staring at his desktop while holding his twitching, bannana-encased member.

He shook his head in frustration and banged the desk with his hand. No! This was Friday - he was supposed to cum today - he WANTED to cum today - and Jamie's program said he couldn't. Craig gently lifted the bananna peel from his aching and engorged member, and tossed it into the trash. He gingerly wiped off the bannana mush from his crotch, and untied his balls. As he did, he noticed a small dribble of fluid from his dick, and winced in frustration.

He wiped the clear fluid away and sat back in his chair, severely tempted to fire off an angry note to Jamie and say he failed her teasing requirements, that he was an unworthy man, yadda, yadda, yadda (he'd seen many others post such notes begging forgiveness on the board) and that he was sorry for wasting her time.

Ready to admit defeat and end his suffering, he lightly fingered his now-deflated dick and began to softly stroke it to get some relief - any orgasm was welcome at this point - when he noticed the instant messenger icon was blinking on his screen.

Although hard again, Craig stopped stroking and acknowledged the incoming chat request from Gina, who was working late across the river in New Jersey. She was a bit surprised to find Craig online at this late hour - all she was going to say was that she was going to come over Friday evening - but given the late hour and Craig's condition they only exchanged brief messages. He did tell her that given the 'frustrating' and 'stressful' week he had (he didn't elaborate on what made it so frustrating or stressful) he wanted her more than ever, and couldn't wait to see her. She agreed, and would be over Friday evening for a visit.

Looking forward to seeing his girlfriend the next night, he crawled into bed and thought about bringing his member to stiffness and orgasm, but was simply too emotionally drained and physically tired to do it. As he drifted off to sleep, he prayed that his sexual antics - and the resulting frustration - wasn't evident in his tone with Gina when they chatted.

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On Friday morning, Craig awoke and knew he didn't get a good night's sleep. He felt like a zombie, and as he lay in bed with a raging morning hard-on, felt a quiet tingle in his balls. Having been away from sexual torment for a few hours, he felt somewhat better than last night, and figured he could survive this final day of torment from Jamie, but whenever he thought about his situation, he felt a tingle in his balls. As he showered, he unconciously fingered himself and brought himself to hardness before realizing what he was doing and quickly stopped.

He checked his mail from Jamie, who said that for today, he was to do the ribbon tie-off again, and bring himself to the edge twice during the work day, but also directed him to stroke himself ten, and only ten times each hour he was at the office. She ended her note by saying he couldn't 'stock up' on strokes and give himself fifty strokes at one time. Only ten strokes per hour. Craig snickered - she was good, and thought of everything.

While on the bus heading uptown, Craig pondered his situation. He was horny. He was hot. He was continually excited, and felt like a teenager in heat. Every girl, woman, lady, and scent of a woman he encountered was a turn-on, sending signals from his eyes through his brain and straight down to his crotch. Yes, it was frustrating, and yes, it was definately annoying, but being brought to the edge repeatedly, and in different ways was a new experience that he found somewhat interesting and enjoyable, if not a tad was almost like a pleasurable drug had been introduced into his system that gave him added energy but requiring him to sacrifice a small bit of his sanity in payment. The fact he felt a closeness to Jamie made it somewhat more bearable, even though he hardly knew her online, and never met her in person. He suppressed a chuckle as he remembered that it was just last night he had quite literally fucked a bannana and actually enjoyed it.

The day passed somewhat quickly, as people that were out earlier in the week decided to come into work on Friday to catch up on paperwork, and as a result, Craig's helpdesk team was a flurry of activity. To make matters worse, given the summer staff shortage on the help desk, he was making 'trouble calls' like his staff did, and he as a result, he found himself present at, or crawling under, or around, many a desk occupied by female employees. In such cases, he found it increasingly difficult to think clearly, and simple computer problems normally requiring two minutes to fix took five or six.

He just couldn't concentrate today.

It got to be so bad that after he 'edged' himself the second time for the day, he almost exploded when seeing the half-hidden cover of Maxim Magazine on a coworker's desk. Yet despite the hustle and bustle - which helped keep his mind away from his aching member - Craig managed to comply with Jamie's instructions, leaving work much hornier than he arrived, a situation not helped when his coworkers dragged him off for dinner and a few rounds at happy hour in a local bar frequented by twenty- and thirty-year old professionals, many of whom were rather attractive women.

Craig arrived home around 7:45 that evening, and found Gina there, wearing her typical tight athletic shorts and a crop-top, her normally-flowing hair bandied up into a scrunchied ponytail. She must have come over from the gym, as she normally did on Fridays.

She looked up from her magazine with deep crystal blue eyes that always drove Craig wild. "Hey, sweetie! How was your day?"

He loosened his tie and groaned, despite being very happy to see her. "Terrible. Hell of a week, you don't know the half of it. Lots of little things getting on my nerves. Ugh. Thank God it's over." He collapsed next to her on the couch. They embraced and took a long, lingering kiss. "How about you?"

She handed him a glass of wine. "Mmmm. Kickboxing class, what a great way to vent frustration after a week of crazy executives that can't make up their minds about what they want for print advertisements next month." She signed. "But that's work. We're off the clock, and it's been a while since we've been together, y'know?" She kissed him again.

Gina stood up and took Craig's arm, dragging him toward the bedroom. "Come on, you've had a long week. What say we go and celebrate a long weekend of fun away from the office? I've got the wine already chilled, you know."

Craig smiled, and offered no resistance. She contined, "Just get comfortable and change. I'll get things ready...did you eat yet?

"Yeah, the guys and I went to happy hour, so I had a burger." Gina came back with candles and a few CDs. "I'm going to grab a quick shower first, I just feel exhausted...." His voice trailed off as if to underscore his condition.

Gina nodded.

A few minutes later, Craig was much more at-ease and refreshed, helped along by a playful, yet frustrating backrub in the shower by Gina - every time she moved her hands toward his crotch, he froze in silent expectation, wanting, but not wanting anything more to happen down there. Now, they were both clad in soft terry robes and sprawled on his bed, sipping wine and nuzzling.

Craig stood up and refilled his glass. "Honey, I want to check my email real quick before we start...I wasn't able to get online much today, and it's going to bug me until I do check my messages."

Gina frowned. "You're always checking mail! Jeez, can't you live without it, huh?" She smiled and gestured toward the bedroom door. "Go check. I can't live without mine, either." She held up her Blackberry pager.

Craig moved to the living room and checked through his messages. Sure enough, there was a note from Jamie. At last! He would have any final words, thanks, praise, or kudos for his efforts this week, and be able to explode inside Gina with a force she was hardly expecting.

Jamie's message was short.

"My dear, you've experienced a week of fun and games. I've had multiple orgasms each night, and the thought of you quietly suffering for me was a constant turn on. In fact, I'll bet I'm more turned on that you right now! Only 3 lucky fellows made it all week, and you're one of them,

Anyway, you've earned your orgasm, so I grant you permission to enjoy it when it comes. But I think we've clicked somewhat - I would like very much for us to stay in touch, and do this again sometime, if you're up to it. <snicker> You know where to find me, and I'll be heading back to school next week in NYC, so my time is going to be at a premium - but I will ALWAYS make time for you, my little teasething!


Craig smiled. He had survived Jamie's teasing torments, and was now able to seek and obtain the release he so desperately needed, and give Gina what he hoped would be the ride of her life. He quickly tapped out a short note to Jamie:

"Jamie, this week has been sheer hell for me. But it's also been weird and exciting. You've brought feelings out inside me that I never knew existed, and with your help (er, 'tormenting guidance') I have pushed my limits and explored new avenues of sexuality - and it was sort of fun. Thank you! I *DO* want to continue this relationship, especially if it makes you happy as g/f is over, and I want to make this a memorable night for both of us. Thanks again, and I'll talk to you soon."

He headed back into the bedroom, ready for a wonderful night with his lover.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

By now, Gina had lit the candles and the sounds of Deep Forest were quietly coming from the bedroom stereo. Craig returned and slowly de-robed both himself and Gina. Standing amid the flickering candles, they slowly began to feel each other's bodies, taking longer and longer kisses that resulted in an eventual slow grind between them. Craig was going crazy... touching Gina all over... her legs, bare back, and her firm breasts. It didn't take long for him to become stiff.

Noticing this, and rather aroused herself, Gina playfully pushed him back onto the bed, and slowly slithered up his naked body with her deep crystal blue eyes glazed in that sensual 'fuck-me-now' glow that only made him want her more.

"I love you so much, Gina." Craig mumbled between kissing and nuzzling. His eyes rolled back in his head as Gina's fingernails begain to scratch his back and sides - not quite painful, but sharp enough to be enticing.

Cuddling next to him, she whispered "I love you too, dear. And since you had the worse week, I'll let you bottom tonight, even though I was ready."

Craig quietly moaned in gratitude, agreement and anticipation. While he had become an avid "top" in the sense that he could repeatedly arouse Gina without her doing anything herself, sometimes he preferred to just let go and receive whatever sexual pleasures Gina would bestow on him. The way this week had gone, he was more than happy to sit back and let Gina drive. He'd do the same for her next time.

Gina rolled out of bed and went to 'her' bedroom, returning with one of their soft bondage sets consisting of velcro ankle and wrist cufs that secured around the legs of the bed, thus placing whoever wore them in a spread-eagled position on the bed.

Craig smiled at her as she began to fasten the velcro around his wrists, but froze when she secured the last restraint - his right wrist - which totally, but not uncomfortably, immobilized him. Althougth not the first time he'd been trussed up in bed, he still had trouble totally 'letting go' and placing himself completely at someone else's mercy, even with someone he trusted, yet afterwards he always enjoyed the experience.

'Oh, relax, sweetie! You've done this before, you really should be used to it by now." Gina smiled as she stood over him on the bed. "Or would you prefer ME down there?" She paused, and moved to unfasten his restraints, slowly grinding her hips in the air. "That could be arranged, you know....I know that I'D prefer it..."

Craig grinned. "Nononono-NO, you know I trust you, love. I'll get over it sometime, I hope."

"You better." Gina smiled, kneeling down on the bed and running her fingernails lightly over his chest and stomach, noting his body tensing in eager anticipation.

She contined, swirling her fingersnails over his chest, down his arms, back up his arms, down his chest, and down his legs. Occasionally Craig would twitch, but quickly sink back into the bed, eyes open but starting to glaze over. "Hrmm. Looks like you want something badly tonight, huh?" She received a prolonged moan in reply. "I wonder what that could be!" She snickered playfully.

Gina moved closer to his dick, which by now had become fully erect. Looking at Craig, she began to lightly breathe on the tip, something that elicited a sharp gasp followed by a muted thrust toward her face as he slightly arched his back to meet the soft rush of air moving across his cock.

When Craig's breathing became ragged, Gina stopped and gave him a kiss, taking his lower lip and gently sucking on it. Running her tongue around his lips, she gently ran her fingers around his head and through his hair.

Another moan escapted Craig's lips as Gina began to kiss her way up to his left ear and quietly nibbled on his earlobe. After a few minutes of careful kissing and caressing, she returned to his mouth, kissed him, and moved up to his right ear and began to lick inside his ear.

Craig was starting to tremble and unconciously, slowly thrust into the air. He wanted nothing more than to have Gina sink onto him and bring him to a cataclysmic orgasm that had been building all week. Yet here she was, giving him a full-body sensual rundown that was both exquisite in its sensuality yet pure torture in that it was just enough to prevent him from gaining any relief at all. He was truly excited, and deeply aroused.

As she moved back to his lips, their eyes met, and he pleaded with her. "Oh, God...Oh, God, Gina.....My....God, you've got to take me.....please....."

Gina's eyes twinkled and she smiled in response. "But we've only just gotten started! You can't possibly be ready already, can you?" She kissed him softly.

His mind was racing. He desperately wanted her to finish him off and relieve him, but continuing to feel the sensations she was generating all over his body was an equally powerful, almost addictive need.

His cock twitched once, twice. Gina noticed this involuntary spasm and slowly began to stroke his twitching member at an agonizingly slow pace. So slow, in fact, that Craig was starting to thrust his hips to help the process along.

"I see you ARE quite worked up, sweets! Wow! You really were looking forward to seeing me tonight, huh?" She continued her slow stroking despite his thrusts. "But doesn't this just feel soooooo exquisite and make you just melt all over inside?"

He grunted in vehement agreement. She continued her slow stroking, every so often lightly breathing over his enlarged member. She cooed, "This must feel soooo good right now, you can't possibly want the rush to end, do you?"

She was right - Craig's mind was indeed melting, the sensations were exquisite, and he was becoming a very confused person. His mind raced to debate whether to ask her to finish him quickly or continue her sensual tortures....but in his frustrated and highly-aroused state, he was powerless to hold a single thought for more than a few seconds between her stroking. So he ended up laying there - a quivering mass of pent-up sexual energy, purring softly with a glassy look in his eyes.

Gina looked up at him and smiled. "You know what would really put you into orbit? Let me get my nylon warmup suit from my gym bag. Imagine how that smooth, cool nylon would feel rubbing lightly over and around your toy!"

Craig's eyes were wide - his heart was racing - and given his condition, he began to babble somewhat incoherently. "Umm, Honey, really, you gotta...God this week, it's all built up inside me, I just wanna let go. Please, baby. I'm gonna explode here."

She paused for a moment, and then agreed. "You're right. I've gotta do something about your aching. I bet you just want to cum more than anything else in the world. But it's kind of fun stretching it out a bit....imagine how it will feel when you really do come. My God, I would probably enjoy it as much as you do!"

"Uh-huh. But you have no idea how much I need it, baby. Really. Now."

"Well, okay. I suppose tonight can be what the male pigs call a 'quickie' but you did say you had a bad week, so I suppose the least I can do is make it fun for you, right?

Craig smiled in relief, happy that she was beginning to see things his way that evening. "Definately. Besides, you are just SO hot, you have no idea. I was almost ready to jump you on the couch when I walked in before..."

She patted his cheek. "So what's the rush, baby?" Gina smiled lovingly. "Oh, alrright, I feel your pain, sweetie." She reached down to his swollen member and began to pump, alternating several rapid strokes followed by several agonizing slow ones. With her free hand, she lightly massaged his balls. He began to groan.

Craig's breathing became more and more rapid, and his arms began to tug against their velcro restraints. He was almost there; in fact, he'd been 'almost there' for quite some time, and now he was on the verge of what he knew would be the most explosive orgasm of his life. He began to slowly thrust into her hands.

Craig was in heaven. His drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend was providing him near sensory and sexual overload, was in full-control of his body, and although trembling and moaning in quiet ecstasy, he was almost sad to know it would end soon. The only -- the ONLY -- care he had in the world at this moment was to reach the edge and explode in a torrent of passion and pent-up sexual energy. Nothing else - work, traffic, the stock market, nothing - mattered to him.

Gina picked up the pace again, and began to alternate stroking and squeezing his dick, taking care to gingerly run her index finger around the tip while squeezing....

...quickly stroking...

...gently squeezing...

...lightly swirling...

Craig tensed, feeling his balls once again start to tighten as the fluid moved toward its outward journey and freedom in that sought-after orgasm....this was it, his week's worth of waiting and suffering, self-stimulation and self-restraint were going to pay off in just a few more seconds when he would -----


Gina abruptly stoped her ministrations and rolled off the bed. "Sorry, love, I've been waiting for this message all day....guess they just made up their minds on what they want to do for next month's advertisement campaign." She snickered. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back now....."

Craig's body slumped into desperation. He was so close - closer than anytime previous that week - and he was denied release. He was hot, horny, and every nerve in his body was screaming for release. He closed his eyes and tugged on his restraints, powerless to finish the job himself.

A few minutes later, Gina returned. Slithering into the bed and crawling on top of Craig, she ran her fingers through his hair and gave him a kiss.

Frustrated and horny, yet somewhat cooler than a few minutes earlier, Craig managed to pant out a question to Gina between her kisses. "Was that your work calling you?

Gina sat up and smiled. "Nope, it wasn't work, and even if it was, I can probably stand to ignore them for a day or two. Was a note I've been waiting for all week from a friend, and it just showed up - the stupid pager system has been slow sending messages all week. No wonder my boss was peeved when I told him I never got her pages. Oh, well." She dismounted his chest and lightly probed his cock and balls with her finger. "Now let's see if I can remember where I left off before we were so rudely'd like that, right?"

Craig managed to nod and moan softly once she began to stroke his cock again. After a few minutes of super-slow stroking, she again picked up the pace, and began to alternate stroking and squeezing his dick, taking care to gingerly run her index finger around the tip while squeezing....

...quickly stroking...

...gently squeezing...

...lightly swirling...

Craig's body was a trembling, quivering pressure cooker. Again, he felt his balls begin to contract, his captive fluids once again trying to escape and grant him relief in that awe-inspiring orgasm.

...quickly stroking...

...gently squeezing...

...lightly swirling...

Gina slowed her strokes again, forcing a muted whimper from Craig.

"Whoops! Sorry about that, dear - I had a cramp in my wrist. All that time on the keyboard this week must not be good for me." Gina grinned tauntingly.

He moaned softly. "Nggggh......God, baby, I am so close, you have no idea....just a few more strokes, please....please.....come on..."

Gina was quick to comply with his request, but instead of pumping him quickly as he expected, she ever so slowly moved her hand up his shaft, lingering around his ultra-sensitive head, and then slowly back down again. The entire stroke seemed like an eternity to Craig, whose body began to tense.

After a few such strokes, she stopped and looked up at Craig's flushed and anguished face. His chest was heaving, and his breath came in short, ragged, gasps.

He grimaced in frustration, thrusting his hips into the air in a vain attempt to get some - to get any - relief. Between frantic pants, he begged "Oh, come ON, Gina!!! This is not fun! Jeez!!"

"You asked for a few more strokes, and I gave them to you." Gina removed her hands from his shaft and sat back, pouting. "There's no need to shout at me, love. I just want you to really enjoy yourself tonight." She paused for a minute, smiled, and leaned close, bringing her chest over his, whispering, 'You know who that was that messaged me? You'd probably be amused at the irony."

Craig's frustration began to seep into his voice, as she leaned back and continued to slowly stroke him. "Fine. Who.....mmmmmghhh.....was it?" he managed to say.

Gina said nothing but began to gradually pick up the pace until he was once again panting and thrusting his hips as he reached yet another 'edge' that he never before thought possible to reach. As her stroking reached a sustained, rapid tempo, he once again felt his balls tighten and his dick start to fill....a slow gutteral moan escaped his lips....this was going to be had to be it....

...but she stopped. Again.

"WHAT?" Craig screamed, persperation beginning to form on his brow. He thrust his hips towards Gina, hoping, praying, to trigger some sort of automatic body function to force his orgasm, but Gina backed away. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING"? His voice was shaky, and given his melting mental state, began to babble. 'My God, Gina, baby, I am so've had me so close, I need to be closer....please, honey, finish the job, I need to cum so badly." His eyes narrowed as his voice faltered. "Please. I need you now. I'm begging you. Please."

Saying nothing, Gina once again slithered her body up his, taking care to rub her breasts over his cock and balls as she made her way up to his face.

"Please, Gina. Baby. Please, you gotta-" His plea was interrupted by her lips locking his in a long, throaty kiss.

Gina leaned back and looked at him with a lover's look of sensual play. Her eyes twinkled, and she knew that alone was more than enough to drive Craig wild. Her ministrations in the bed were icing on the cake tonight. She smiled at him and asked, "You want to know who messaged me?"

"God. Yes. Please. If it will let you finish me off, please tell me....I don't care...whatever. Please. " Craig's brain had indeed begun to melt.

Gina leaned close to Craig's face and licked his lips. "You did," she whispered.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Craig looked confused, not sure if he was being played a fool. "I what?"

Gina smiled - but this time there was a devilish tinge to it. "Let's was something about how a week of sexual torment over the net brought you closer in-touch with yourself (ha, no pun intended) and that you kind of liked what you were's that for starters?" She added, "You asked for this."

He continued to look bewildered and played ignorant, but felt a cold rush of panic start to form in his stomach. Gina reached down on the floor and began reading from her Blackberry,"You told me that-" she scrolled down the small window of the pager, "Let's've brought feelings out inside me that I never knew existed, and with your help I have pushed my limits and explored new avenues of sexuality - and it was sort of fun. Thank you! I *DO* (emphasized that, I see) want to continue this relationship, especially if it makes you happy as well"

She dropped the pager on the floor again, and without breaking eye contact with Craig, licked her lips. "I'm so glad you enjoyed this week; I especially liked your reference to my 'tormenting guidance' -- I guess I did do a number on you, huh? Excellent!"

Craig's eyes widened at the realization that his girlfriend in the flesh was the lacivious online tease known as jamiegirl74 with whom he'd been experimenting with online teasing and orgasm denial. "How's that for irony, sweetie?" she cooed. "Guess we both have the same closet interests in cyberspace after all....hooray for us! And I'm soooo glad we can share this mutual interest together. You may not know it, but the thought of making you absolutely silly - beyond straight sex that is - turns me on like you can't imagine....and when you get the chance to reciprocate, you'll see that I will go absolutely out of my mind in ecstacy....just like you will very soon."

He looked away from her and closed his eyes, partly in frustration, partly in embarassment, and partly in anger at himself for even starting down this road of sexual antics with someone that - until now - he figured would be anonymous. He mentally kicked himself and made a mental note that if he ever contacted someone online in such a fashion again, it would be from a new email address that he could be sure the recipient wouldn't recognize. This was his own fault.

Gina giggled and massaged his still-eract member. "Don't worry, silly, there's nothing to worry about - it's perfectly normal to fantasize and play. I mean, we ARE lovers, aren't we? I mean, didn't you wonder why I had you use something silky the other night? I figured you'd probably raid my clothing to find that pantyhose, and sure enough, you did....I mean, you knew it was there and everything....and I KNOW that I mentioned in one message that I was going back to school in a little while here in New York....which, by the way, you are still going to help me pick out a new computer before classes start, right? All those hints and you still end up here, trapped and ready for me!" She licked her lips and smiled devilishly. "Maybe I was too subtle online. Well, that's not the case now."

He grimaced.

"Craig, honey, you have no idea how wet I am now, or how many times I came this week, knowing that someone - you - was teasing themself for me. When I read that last e-mail from you before, I almost come on the spot." She looked straight into his eyes. "This is going to be a fun experience for both of us. Well, maybe a weeeeeee bit more for me, since I can cum when I want at the moment, and you can't. But we'll see."

He protested loudly and half-heartedly pulled at his restraints, quickly realizing that despite his week of diligent directed self-teasing and Gina's expert ministrations on him now, he probably wouldn't experience the much-hoped-for orgasm of orgasms anytime soon. Yet - and quite strangely - something inside reassured him that although it would probably be a hellish few hours with her, knowing Gina, it would probably be worth it. Besides, he was slowly becoming turned on to the idea of his fetish becoming an in-person reality, especially at the hands of his loving girlfriend.

Resigned to his fate, and still restrained, he sank back into the bed. Coming closer, she massaged his chest and whispered "Craig, dear, you know deep down inside you this is what you want. You admitted that much to me and to yourself already. All the stuff online is nice, but it doesn't compare to the real thing, where we can be much more...creative." She brough her hand up and lightly pressed her finger against his lips. "That being said, you think what I had you do this week was tough? This is the weekend, baby, and we're just getting started!" She paused to think and smiled. "And besides, you know I'm much better than a bananna."

She licked her lips. "Dear, if after this weekend you don't like it....and I mean beyond the ache in your balls...if you really, really get turned off or disgusted by saving yourself up for me time and again and doing this sort of thing, I'll stop, and never bring the idea up again. But I really think you'll enjoy this new experience, and deep down, as I said, I bet you're looking forward to it. I trust you not to chicken out, and you trust me to be safe with you. So what do you say - or should I just unhook you and let you head to the bathroom?" She began to slowly stroke his member again.

Craig stifled a quiet whimper of agreement. Indeed he trusted her, loved her, and wanted her more than anything in the world, but right now - being so close but yet so far, experiencing both pain and pleasure concurrently - he felt....was it anger? No, he couldn't be angry at her, or hate her...but what was it? It sort of felt happy and right, but at the same time it felt bad and somewhat wrong. His mind was awash with conflicting emotions and thoughts. His mind was melting, and succombing to the sensory overload of his body's biological needs. He wanted to be with her, in her, within her essence....anything to ease the pressure building in his loins.

Yet despite the rush of conflicting emotions in his overloaded and quickly-melting mind, he found himself looking up at Gina and smiling lovingly, a silent sign of his trust and affection for whatever sensual and tormenting delights she had planned for him.

"Gina, I hate to ask it, because I sort of know the answer, I think....but does that mean you're not going to let me cum? After everything I did this week?" he nervously asked. "It was hard not to cum, and that was before you got me all trussed up here and everything."

She lovingly ran her fingers through his hair and around his chest. "Don't worry, love, you will get your orgasm as I said in my note to you this afternoon, and it will be like nothing you've ever felt before. In fact, you might cum so many times you'll beg for it to end, where NOT cuming would actually be a relief...if you can even fathom that in your current condition -- but I don't know if I'd go that far with you just yet." She smiled and softly drummed her fingers on his chest. "I love you, baby. I promise you will definately have the best orgasm of your life this weekend." She kissed him gently.

"Just not very quickly...or very soon."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Part 2......maybe.....if I get in the mood......if y'all like it......if I have the time.....yadda yadda yadda. :) Hope you enjoyed this one!
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Re: Curiosity Leads to Irony Leads to...Jamie?

Post by candii »

love it! whats NTC though?:)
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Re: Curiosity Leads to Irony Leads to...Jamie?

Post by aldorax »

candii wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:27 am love it! whats NTC though?:)
NTC was a website circa the early 2000s that was one of the first, if not THE first, site with webteases on it. Very basic HTML, click-to-advance sort of thing, plus a bunch of tease stories. Some of us have posted zipfiles of their webtease archives now and then over the years here. But Milo blows it away in many, many ways -- not the least of which being the community it's built. :)
Explorer At Heart
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Re: Curiosity Leads to Irony Leads to...Jamie?

Post by candii »

aldorax wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:08 pm
candii wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:27 am love it! whats NTC though?:)
NTC was a website circa the early 2000s that was one of the first, if not THE first, site with webteases on it. Very basic HTML, click-to-advance sort of thing, plus a bunch of tease stories. Some of us have posted zipfiles of their webtease archives now and then over the years here. But Milo blows it away in many, many ways -- not the least of which being the community it's built. :)
oh thank you! is it still up and running?
Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Re: Curiosity Leads to Irony Leads to...Jamie?

Post by aldorax »

candii wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:04 am
aldorax wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:08 pm
candii wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:27 am love it! whats NTC though?:)
NTC was a website circa the early 2000s that was one of the first, if not THE first, site with webteases on it. Very basic HTML, click-to-advance sort of thing, plus a bunch of tease stories. Some of us have posted zipfiles of their webtease archives now and then over the years here. But Milo blows it away in many, many ways -- not the least of which being the community it's built. :)
oh thank you! is it still up and running?
I don't think so, no. Even if it was, compared to Milo it'd be a huge step down -- we're talking circa 2003 site design here!
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