The Curse

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The Curse

Post by lovesthepain72 »

With a global pandemic going on, finding a bit more free time and trying to complete some old stories that I started and abandoned. This one is a bit darker and shorter than I normally do. Can find this and many other stories, as well as captions updated twice daily, over at

The Curse

As soon as she started crying, Jack knew it was time to go. He usually handled this over text, or even better would just ghost them, but he was always a little stupid and overly honest right after sex. She started going on and on about their future, meeting her mom, being in love, but he wasn’t looking for any of that, which is exactly what he just told her. Still only twenty-five, Jack was only interested in having fun and that meant as much sex as he could with as many women as possible. Usually it was easy for him to find someone. He won the genetic lottery in the looks department and was born into wealth.

Of course, sometimes he liked a challenge. Like Sonia, the crying girl he’s trying to get away from. He met her in a bar on her twenty-first birthday and he could tell right away she was the sweet, innocent type even though she was gorgeous. It was her perfect legs that first caught his eye, but when he heard a hint of an accent, Russian or something, he knew he had to have her. After buying a few rounds of drinks for her and her friends, she loosened up and confirmed his suspicions. Her mom was a bit overprotective and this was her first big night out on her own. Never drank before, never even had a boyfriend. A few drinks later and they were making out on the dance floor. Her friends insisted it was time to go, but not before he got her number with promises of seeing each other again. Three dates later and here he was at her place with mom conveniently out of town.

With women like this it was the chase that excited him. The sex was the icing on the cake and usually a little disapointing when he was pursuing someone as inexperienced as Sonia. Quickly he gathered his clothes, put them on and left, ignoring her cries and pleas to stay and talk. If he ever felt guilt it was fleeting. Instead he sang along to the radio as he drove home, happy with himself for another successful conquest.

Around a month later he was in a club, unsure of what he wanted that night. Jack wasn’t even sure if he was in the mood for anyone after the busy week he had. Every night he was with a different woman, including the threesome just last night. Resting is probably his best bet, but since he’s here he figures he’ll have one drink then be off. He greets a few of his bro acquaintances and heads to his reserved table. A few women approach him but he politely shoos them away, after getting their numbers of course. He found it’s a good idea to always have some backup plans when he needs them. Finishing his drink he was ready to call it a night until she walked in. He clocked her the second she entered the club, as did almost every other guy. She seemed out of place here. Had to be at least twenty years older than anyone else, but she looked phenomenal. She was a tall woman with very long legs, which she was showing off in her short, tight dress and high heels. Her thin waist made her large chest even more impressive looking. Her long, jet black hair encased a beautiful face that was scanning the club. When her eyes settled on him and she smiled, his heart skipped a beat. When she began walking towards his table it began racing. No woman ever made him feel like this before and his plans of going home went out the window. He had a new target for the evening.

As she approached his table he heard a thick accent that was very familiar but he couldn’t place, “You look lonely. Can I join you?” For the first time in his life he was at a loss for words and simply nodded, watching as this stunning woman sat down with him. She extended her hand across the table, “I am Sabina.”

He froze for a split-second, but like a reflex his well practiced charm kicked in as he gently took her hand, “Hi, I’m Jack. Sabina is a beautiful name, it suits you.”

She smiled warmly, “You flatter. Buy me drink?” Jack suddenly noticed her perfume and it was intoxicating. Everything about her had him entranced so he eagerly went to the bar to fetch drinks. Once he returned they chatted and flirted a bit as they drank. As soon as their glasses were empty she suggested going back to his place. He made it a rule to never use his house for his hookups. Made the eventual break easier for him when they didn’t know where he lived, but before he could suggest anything else she smiled at him and his resolve immediately broke. Moments later they were making out in the back seat of an Uber on the way to his place. Once there he quickly let them inside and seconds after were in his bedroom, kissing and removing clothes along the way. At least his clothes were being removed so when she broke their kiss and sat down on the bed he realized she was still fully clothed and he was completely naked and feeling a little self conscious. He took a step towards her to rectify the situation but she said, “Play some music for me.”

He didn’t notice she wasn’t asking, more like commanding, and he was obeying as he connected his phone and selected one of the many playlists he has for just such an occasion. He also didn’t notice the very large handbag she had with her, or that she pulled something out of it and was silently walking up behind him. He didn’t notice anything until both his hands were behind his back and locked into place. Spinning around, he said, “Hey, what the hell? Get these damn things off me!”

She smiled again, placed her hands on his chest and gave him a long kiss. “Don’t you want to be kinky boy for me? Go sit on the bed and I’ll make you feel good!” Jack was used to the one being in charge, always on top, always in control, but for some reason he was putty in her hands and instead of protesting, he meekly did as he was told and allowed her to push him to the bed and he sat on the edge. He was rewarded as Sabina knelt down between his legs and gently held his hard cock. Her head slowly moved towards it, but instead of taking it in her mouth she began whispering then kissing the head, sending jolts of pleasure throughout his body. She repeated this over and over. He had no idea what she was saying, her voice so low and any words he could make out were in a language foreign to him. He had never been so desperate and helpless before and had no idea what to do. Begging seemed beneath him, something only losers who couldn’t get laid would do, but despite that belief he soon found himself pleading with her to suck him, stroke him, anything to relieve his ever increasing need for stimulation.

She ignored his pleas, continuing her strange ritual. When she was finally finished, she looked up at the mess of a man she had created and quickly took him into her mouth. Jack couldn’t help but yell, “Oh, fuck yes!” He had always prided himself on his stamina, but he had never been this worked up before and knew he wouldn’t last more than a minute inside her mouth. He didn’t care, he was ready to drown this bitch for teasing him so badly. He wanted to grab the back of her head so she couldn’t stop until he was satisfied, but the cuffs held them in place. Luckily for him, she showed no signs of stopping or slowing down, and he was seconds away from cumming. Laying back on the bed, he closed his eyes to savor the sensations and his impending orgasm, but just as he was sure he would cum, he didn’t. Not only that, but his cock was quickly deflating despite the sexy woman’s mouth still sucking away. He sat up, wondering what just happened.

Noticing, she stopped and stared at his now flaccid cock, then up at his face, “What’s wrong? Am I not sexy for you?”

Jack turned red, he’s never had issues like this before. That was for other guys, weak guys, not men like him. “Uh, look, this never happened before, maybe I had too much to drink or something.”

Sabina couldn’t suppress her laugh, which made Jack feel even smaller, “All boys say that. It’s ok.” She stood and hiked up her dress, revealing she wore no underwear, and climbed onto the bed. She positioned herself at the head of the bed, laying back on his pillows and spreading her legs. Jack turned as she did, transfixed on her naturally hairy pussy. The women he normally slept with were usually clean shaven, or at least neatly trimmed. Not that it mattered since he never went down on any of them, that’s what his cock was for! He just preferred it that way from an aesthetics stand point. Which was why he was so surprised when he found his face buried deep in her bush after she said, “Why don’t you please me while we wait for your cock to wake up?”

What Jack lacked in experience with cunnilingus he made up for with enthusiasm. Despite being unable to get erect he was still extremely turned on and went after her like a starving man being offered a four course meal. With his hands still bound behind him he had a difficult time getting into a comfortable position, but did his best to please her despite that.

Sabina laid back and sighed, enjoying the young man’s eager tongue. Her sighs soon turned to moans as she grabbed his hair and pushed his face hard into her sex as her first orgasm overcame her. She held his head in place, forcing him to continue, making her cum a few more times. After about an hour she released him and asked, “Is your cock awake yet?” Not waiting for an answer she flipped him onto his back to reveal a hard cock waiting for her. She crawled down his body until she was straddling that hard cock. Facing the foot of the bed she slid it inside of her and began slowly riding. She knew he would never last long enough to truly please her but enjoyed his cock for as long as she could.

Jack was in complete shock at everything that’s happened tonight, but in this exact moment he didn’t care and was just happy he not only was hard again but deep inside this beautiful woman. Still helpless with his arms pinned behind him, he could only lay there and enjoy the sensations as she slowly rode him. He managed to last longer than he thought he could, considering the circumstances, but soon his long awaited orgasm was approaching. He began thrusting into her as much as he could, trying to hurry it along. But just like earlier, as soon as he thought he was going to cum it never happened and instead he went limp again, sliding out of her.

Sabina climbed off of him and stood next to the bed, pulling her dress back down. “Tsk tsk, poor boy. At least your tongue works.” Grabbing her purse she fished out the handcuff keys and dropped them on the floor. “I must go. Maybe I visit you later and give you another chance.” And just like that she left, leaving Jack to fumble on the floor for the keys and free himself. What the fuck just happened and why couldn’t he cum? Once free he grabbed his cock and began rubbing it, but no matter what he did it remained limp and useless, despite how horny he was. Defeated, he went and took a shower and got ready for bed.

As he laid in bed, hoping to fall asleep and forget this evening he suddenly found his cock was starting to stir. He reached down and gasped as he quickly brought it back to complete hardness. Still frustrated from earlier he began stroking himself, faster and faster, wanting just one relaxing orgasm before sleep. But just like earlier, as soon as he was about to cum he instead went soft and nothing he could do would get it back up again. What the hell was wrong with him? Confused and frustrated, he went to sleep.

The next couple of weeks were a blur for Jack. He went on many dates, picked up plenty of women, masturbated countless times, and they all ended the same way. No matter what he did, as soon as he was ready to cum his cock would just quit and go soft. It stayed that way for about an hour before it would work again, but it wouldn’t matter as the results were the same and he’d go soft again. Embarrassed, he went to the doctor for a complete physical. Not saying exactly what was wrong, but trying to ensure there were no physical issues with him. After getting a clean bill of health he considered maybe it was mental, but the idea of going to a therapist and sharing this, or anything for that matter, was something he could never do.

As a last ditch effort he went to a different kind of professional. He found a couple of escorts and booked them for several hours and offered to quadruple their rate if they could make him cum. They thought he was ridiculous, but knew it would be easy money and agreed. They spent four hours doing everything in their power to make him cum, but nothing. He’d be hard, get close, then go soft. An hour later rinse and repeat. The girls left pissed, thinking he used some kind of trick on them, but he tipped them well even though they couldn’t help him.

The next week he quit trying with other women. He avoided the clubs and bars and all the dating apps. A few times he was horny enough to try masturbating, but it never worked. Depressed and unsure what to do, he was surprised by a knock at his door. Opening it he was even more surprised when he saw Sabina standing there. “Hello, horny boy. How are you?”

Jack hadn’t thought about her since she left him a few weeks ago. For some reason he never made the connection that she could have something to do with his new condition, but now that’s all he suspected. Before he could say a word she invited herself in. “You must have questions for me. But first I have one for you. Do you remember girl named Sonia?”

“What?” Did he? Probably. He was sure at one point or another he slept with a girl named Sonia. Suddenly it clicked. The accent. Sonia was the virgin he had a couple months ago. Shit, was this…

“Ah, smart boy figured it out. Yes, Sonia is my daughter. You broke my poor girl’s heart. Now I break you. We are Romani, people you do not want to anger. I have cursed you. You like sex and women so much, but now you cannot enjoy it. Now instead of orgasm you go soft for one hour. I wanted to make this forever, but my Sonia is a sweet girl. She convinced me to make it last one hundred thousand times you go soft. Then the curse will be lifted and you orgasm again. The more you try, the sooner you break the curse.” Jack was speechless. He would think she was full of shit if it wasn’t for what he experienced the past two weeks. He was also unsure if he should be angry and attack her, forcing her to remove it. Bargain and offer money. Beg for forgiveness. This indecision froze him in place. “Goodbye, boy. You will never see us again.” And just like that she left. A few seconds later his paralysis broke and he went outside to confront her, but she was nowhere to be found.

Heading back inside he sat at his kitchen table drinking some scotch, wondering what he should do. Maybe he can find someone to lift or break the curse? That’s the first thing he’ll do tomorrow. In the meantime he did the math, and even if he was able to almost cum ten times a day it would be over twenty seven years before he could ever orgasm again! Jesus, he’d go insane! There must be another way, there had to be! Just to be safe he did his best to recount the past couple weeks and tally how many times he almost came and then spent some time adding a few more to the total. This was just a precaution, he assured himself. He’ll find an answer soon.

30 Years Later

Jack never found an answer. He wasted the rest of his 20’s and a good portion of his family’s money first trying to find someone, anyone who could help him. No one either could or would. He then tried finding Sonia or Sabina, but she was true to her word and somehow they disappeared completely. He gave up on women, it was too embarrassing and not even worth the effort. His 30s and 40s were spent mostly masturbating every hour, trying to bring the number down as quickly as he could. He became a recluse and suffered from depression, but that didn’t stop him from being able to masturbate. Each time he tried and failed to cum, he became slightly more aroused. It wasn’t long before he was constantly horny. So much so that as soon as the hour was up his cock immediately sprang to attention no matter where he was or what he was doing. It was even worse when he was soft as he had no way of even trying to relieve his urges. He became so desperate he tried fucking his ass with various dildos and vibrators, but they did nothing except to further increase his libido.

Now at 55 and he’s finally about to hit number 100,000. He wonders if he should just stroke one out finally or try and make it special with an actual woman. As he assesses himself in the mirror he sees a thin, broken down shell of a man. A shower and shave will help a bit, but there’s no way he could attract any woman. He decides to find a prostitute again, like he tried and failed with so many years ago. He’ll find a young one, one that looks similar to Sabina, and have her suck him off until he cums. Poor girl might choke to death, but he doesn’t care. He searches online until he finds the perfect one and sets up a date. Jack was meticulous when it came to keeping track of his number, so he knew when he was exactly at 99,999. He was so very tempted to simply grab himself and finally cum, but he figured he waited this long what was a few more hours?

He met her at the agreed upon hotel. He could tell she was a little disgusted by him, not that he could blame her but he didn’t care. He’d been rock hard for the past several hours and was ready to go. He got them a room and went upstairs. When he set this up he told her to speak with a Russian accent. He didn’t care how fake it sounded. As they entered the room he quickly took all of his clothes off and her disdain for him became a little more apparent, but she was a pro and instead of a hurtful comment said, “Ah, big boy has nice cock. I suck?” He eagerly nodded his head and she led them to the bed. He sat on the edge just like he did with Sabina, the first time he tried and failed to orgasm.

She knelt on the floor and grabbed his cock. “I, uh, probably won’t last long. Please try and make it last. “ She simply nodded and began licking up the sides and around the head. His cock was pulsing and throbbing like mad, desperate for relief. After only a few minutes of this she took him into her mouth and began sucking him, slowly at first, but it wasn’t long before she quickened her pace. No doubt she wanted to be done with this and on her way as soon as possible. At this point he didn’t care. This was it. Thirty years of no relief, not even a wet dream, were about to end. He paid a high price for his youth but it was finally about to come to an end.

And cum he did. He came and came and came. To her credit, she never stopped and sucked down everything he had to offer. It was amazing, exquisit, by far the greatest experience of his life. He was overjoyed that this nightmare was finally over. He started looking forward to getting back in shape and having sex again with as many women as possible. That is until he felt a sharp pain in his chest. His arm went numb. What the hell was happening? Clutching his chest he gasped out for help. “Hey, are you ok?” Unable to answer he struggled for air. The panicked girl grabbed her phone and dialed 911. As darkness began taking Jack away forever, the last thing he heard in his mind was the laughter of a Romani woman finally completing her revenge.
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