Femmes of Spring Break: The Beach

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Femmes of Spring Break: The Beach

Post by micheleFFS »

Femmes of Spring Break: The Beach

{Author's note: One deserved spanking in this fantasy is non-consensual. Keep real play safe, sane, and consensual}

“OK C U @ 2 @ the beach” >send<

Susie smiled, anticipating meeting her best friend, Elaine, after three month’s separation. Besties since elementary school, they had been practically inseparable until starting college six months earlier. Elaine and her family spent Christmas away, so they had lots to catch up on.

The next day, as predicted, was unseasonably warm. Susie put on her black and white striped bikini, slipped her feet into a pair of sandals, shrugged into a robe, and picked up her tote with towels, lotion, purse and her phone. She smiled at the dog walkers and other pedestrians she met on the short walk to the beach.

A residential street ended at a cul-de-sac at the lakeshore. A narrow strip of grass with benches, litter baskets and even a Porta Potty backed a wide, sandy beach. The usual post-winter flotsam dotted the beach; styrofoam, pop bottles, logs and small sticks, even some metal boat parts. An ore boat steamed north offshore. A few retirees sat on the benches, holding reflectors under their chins to get early tans.

Several teens already occupied the beach, some talking in groups, a few throwing a Frisbee. Susie folded her robe into her tote. Elaine hadn’t arrived but a group of friends called greetings and invited Susie with waves and calls. She joined Brad, Alice, Jimmy, all from her class and a few others she didn’t know as well. Her eyes slid to Pete, who stood a little apart from the group. Her nose wrinkled, but she said nothing.

Everyone had a story to tell, and they discussed what schools they attended, new friends, especially boy-or girl-friends. A few minutes later, Elaine joined them, accompanied by her younger sister Mandy.

Susie greeted Elaine with a hug and Mandy with a big smile. “Hanging out with the big kids, eh, Mandy?”

“I'm of age - barely,” Mandy said defensively. Blonde hair hung to her waist. Light freckles dotted her cheeks on either side of her upturned nose. She wore a modest one piece bathing suit.

“Oh, Mandy, I was just kidding. You’re welcome here.”

“Yeah, we can always use a hot new babe like you,” put in Pete.

Dead silence and glares met his remark. “You’re still a creep! When will you grow up? Susie and I still remember that time you tried to talk to us while playing pocket pool— without the pocket! Why don’t you get out of here?”

“Fuck you all,” said Pete, walking away. Barely audibly, he said, “Fuckin’ snobs.” He moved off and sat on a log, glaring at the others resentfully.

One guy, unfamiliar to Susie and Elaine, looked surprised and curious. “Wow, what’s all that about, Jimmy?”

“Everybody,” said Jimmy, “meet my cousin Alan, he’s staying with us for spring break. That guy’s Pervert Pete, gives everyone the creeps. He wouldn’t even have been in our class, but he was held back a couple of times. A real jerk.”

“Yeah, we got a couple of people like that in my school, too. Takes all kinds.”

“The hell with him. Let’s play Frisbee,” suggested Alice. They separated and threw the disc to one another, the boys showing off fancy throws with varying success. One errant throw, caught by a stray breeze, headed for the sunning oldsters. One of them, a tall slender fellow, stood and caught the flying saucer neatly. He threw it back and Susie caught it. All the players laughed and clapped, smiling at at the old guy. He gave them a friendly wave and resumed tanning.

The game continued. After a while, Mandy dove for a wide throw and landed in the sand near where Pete sulked on his log. She caught it, earning claps and compliments from the others, threw it back, and adjusted the top of her suit.

“Why don’t you pull it down, cutie, and give us all a show?” Pete leered at her.

Abashed, the young girl’s jaw dropped and she stared at him a moment before sobbing and running towards her big sister.

Elaine hugged her and held her. Susie joined them. All play stopped and Brad stepped towards Pete menacingly.

Pete stood, ready to run.

Elaine intervened. Hands on her hips, she advanced toward Pete. “You are a total creep! You don’t know how to treat anybody, you never grew up, and I’m sick and tired of you. Don’t you dare run away. You stand there and take it. Or are you a coward as well as a creep?”

“I just made a funny comment. It was a compliment, ‘cause your sister’s real hot.”

“She’s too young for you. You’re what? 22? 23?”

“None of your business, jerk. Leave me alone.”

They glared at each other, eyes snapping.

Pete failed to notice Susie sneaking up behind him. “I’ve had it with you! We all have!” With two hands she grabbed the waistband of his swimsuit and tugged it down to his knees. Quickly she shoved him in the back. He fell to the sand on his hands and knees.

Elaine jumped back as all the kids laughed at Pete’s nakedness.

Susie picked up a short, flexible branch from the detritus on the beach and took a swift cut at his exposed ass.

“Hey! Ow!”

“Great idea!” Elaine grabbed another stick and swiped at him. The pair struck him rapidly, again and again. When he tried to push himself up, one or the other pushed him back down.

Gasping and howling, Pete tried to crawl away, losing his shorts in the process.

Picture title: Getting Tanned at the Beach

All the other kids laughed and pointed at his naked humiliation. The boys advanced, but Jimmy said, “Hold on, guys. It’s better if the girls do it. More embarrassing.”

Mandy, eyes flashing, breathing hard, picked up a stick of her own. “May I…?”

“Sure, sis, it’s you he insulted.”

Mandy took several cuts, laughing. “This will teach you to talk to me that way!” Alice joined in as well.

The older folks all got off their benches and approached, laughing. One crone shuffled behind her walker, crossing the sand expertly, as eager as the others for a closer look.

Pete, desperate to get away, kept crawling. He looked up at the old folks. “Won’t anyone stop them?” he cried out plaintively.

The man who caught the Frisbee spoke for them all. “No, kiddo, you deserve it. We’ve all seen how you treat girls. Disgusting.”

At that, Pete gave a despairing wail and collapsed face down on the sand. “Please, please. I’ve learned my lesson. Please stop!” His lower back, thighs and buttocks crisscrossed by several angry welts, all bravado left him. He sobbed and cried. Each of the girls took a few more cuts, then they paused and exchanged glances.

Susie said, “Well, I started it, so I guess I’ll finish it. If this doesn’t cure him, nothing will. How about two more from each?”

“Sounds good.” The last few blows rained down on the defenseless Pete. Sobbing, he scuttled about on all fours, looking for his lost trunks. While the others, including the oldsters, pointed at them and laughed, he remained facedown as he tugged his shorts over his inflamed ass. The laughter and derision of the others ringing in his ears, he fled.

Everyone gleefully high-fived, even some of the oldsters. Everyone agreed he got what he deserved, and the elderly people laughed anew when they learned his nickname was Pervert Pete.

One of the women took the girls aside and said, “I’m retired law enforcement. Most likely he’s too embarrassed to tell anybody what happened, but just in case, I think you should go home for a while.”

Taken aback, the girls realized she might be right. They quickly said goodbye and picked up their things, promising to exchange information by text with the boys. Laughing, Alice headed off to her house. Elaine said, “Let’s go to my house, it’s closer.” The three, still laughing and commenting about the way the pervert screamed and crawled, strolled the short distance to Elaine’s.

“My little sister’s growing up. You didn’t hesitate, got right in there.”

“He embarrassed me and pissed me off. Maybe it’s okay to say that to girls his own age, but I’m still a virgin, don’t even have a boyfriend.”

“Mandy, it’s never okay for him to talk like that. He’s a creep and a pervert and that whipping was long overdue.”

“Absolutely!” Susie agreed.

At Elaine’s house, her mother and father greeted them, wondering why the girls hadn’t stayed at the beach very long. “Oh, there wasn’t much happening,” Elaine lied for the three of them. They poured soft drinks and Mandy went to her room, while Elaine and Susie went down the hall to Elaine’s bedroom.

Elaine put her phone in a speaker set and filled the room with music. Shedding their robes, they lounged on the bed in one corner of the room.

“God, that was fun, whipping his ass.” Elaine beamed.

“Oh yes, and it made me horny as hell, too!”

Elaine giggled. “Me, too. Even more than the last guy I was with.”

Susie arched an eyebrow, eyeing her friends speculatively. “It’s been a few years since we had a pussy party…” she said tentatively.

Elaine looks surprised, then smiled. “I could sure use a good cum. Just like old times.”

The girls grinned at each other, recalling the night they confessed how much they loved masturbating. A brief discussion of technique led to demonstrations and experimentation as each learned from the other. They repeated the experience a few times, abandoning it when both, within a month, gleefully abandoned virginity with lucky boys.

Now, though, a repeat performance seemed in order. Susie was first to untie her bikini bottoms. “They’re wet, and I’m all gooshie.” She pulled her bra off and threw the skimpy garments to one side. While Elaine, grinning, stripped, she grabbed the twin pillows and plumped them up against the wall on the long side of the bed.

The two horny girls lay back, grinning at each other, knees touching. Elaine threw her leg over Susie’s. “I like to spread wide.”

Susie giggled as her hand slid up her thigh to her pussy. Soon, both girls’ fingers probed their lips and slits. Elaine pinched her nipple. Susie palmed her whole breast and palpated a taut nipple with her thumb. The music barely drowned out their gasps of pleasure.


Elaine closed her eyes as two fingers swirled over clit. “Mmmmm, such fun to do this to… Oh!” She gasped as Susie’s hand pushed her fingers out of the way and explore her lips and slit for a moment before centering her nubbin. Her eyes opened wide and she gazed at her friend in shock.

“It’s much more fun this way. Try it. I’ll stop if you want but I think you’ll like it.” Susie gazed at her passionately.

“Okay…” Elaine said uncertainly. Though she tensed up at the first touch, she tried to relax. The delicious sensations in her cunt made it easy. “Oooohhh,” she sighed, closing her eyes again. A moment later, fully seduced, her hand sought Susie’s dripping pussy. She probed the depths with her finger and then, like her friend, went straight for the clit.

Susie rolled over and pressed her body against Elaine’s. While the two girls fingered each other, she aggressively kissed her.

Elaine, excited by the forbiddenness of it all, responded strongly. Their fingers, still working at each other’s clits, quickly brought both girls to overlapping orgasms.

Aggressive Susie didn’t let her friend catch her breath before she dropped to her knees in front of her and claimed the wet pussy with her mouth.

Gasping for breath, Elaine pounded the bed with her fists, amazed at the sensations. Susie outlined each lip with her tongue tip, sucked each lip, probed as deep as she could with two fingers and finally sucked her inflamed clit into her mouth, flicking her tongue over it again and again. She pushed Susie’s head into her hips as a wave after wave of orgasm coursed through her body. Finally, she pushed her friend away. “Enough! Enough… for now.” Grinning, she laughed and looked down at her friend’s smiling face. “Wow! I had no idea…”

“I learned a lot at school,” Susie said with a satisfied smile.

“I guess so. Are you…?”

“Fully bisexual and loving it? You bet I am!”

“Wow. That was super. Who would’ve thought? Can I try it? On you?”

Susie plumped her pillow at the head of the bed and lay back with her legs spread, knees up. “I thought you’d never ask. Lick me, girl!”

Shaking her head in amazement, Elaine lay down and looked at her first close-up pussy. “It is beautiful,” she said glancing up at her friend with a smile. “And the aroma…” She took a deep breath and licked from the bottom to the top of the open petals. “Mmmmm!” She probed as deep inside as her tongue would go, then two fingers penetrated and wiggled.

“That’s the way! Feels really good.”

Elaine thrilled to the taste, like her own when she licked her fingers, but subtly different. Imitating Susie, she sucked the clit out of its hood and rolled her tongue around and around it, then flicked it back and forth quickly, still working her fingers.

“Oh, yes, yes! That’s it!” With a keening moan, Susie went over the edge, twining her hands in her friend’s thick, dirty blonde hair. As she came down off her peak, she beamed at her friend affectionately. “You got me, girlfriend.”

Elaine giggled. “Girlfriend for real, now.” The best friends/lovers kissed deeply.
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