KCTC Reporter 3

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KCTC Reporter 3

Post by KittyZateez »

When we left off, our hapless reporter had just been introduced to Kitty Z, the owner/proprietor of the KCTC. Much to his dismay, when he arrived for his personal interview with her, he had forgotten the interview questions he had prepared. Seems he was a little distracted by the thought of meeting this gorgeous creature who had been baiting and luring him in with several sexy message exchanges...

His oversight did not seem to phase our pretty blonde owner, however, and she proceeded to inform him that she would be happy to tell him all about her first experiences with teasing...of course, the blatant display of feminine pulchritude she put on via her seductive attire only served to heighten his level of excitement as she proceeded to tell her tale...

I panicked when I realized I left my interview questions at home, but Kitty soothed my nerves and she held my gaze for a minute, smiling broadly as I fidgeted in response to her confident demeanor. I was relieved that she was comfortable taking the lead in the situation though, since I had so thoroughly messed up the interview by forgetting the questions. In any case, her busty blonde appearance, enhanced by her skimpy black fishnet top and skirt, was making my head spin, and I'm not sure I could have led an interview to save my life at that point!

She wasted no more time as she began, "Ever since I was a teenager, I have been interested in the idea of teasing. At first I used to date guys who were only after one thing, if you know what I mean, but soon I found other kinds of guys who were kinda shy and liked to go slowly with me. And I quickly began to learn how much fun it was to turn them on...and keep them that way."

My breathing was starting to get heavy as I listened to this gorgeous goddess telling me about her experiences as a young girl experimenting with teasing, and I could feel my cock stirring in my pants as I sat there, transfixed by her matter-of-fact style. And she continued, "When I was a teenager, it was easy to play hard to get, since I hadn't had sex yet."

"I loved making out with boys on dates, and when they'd get turned on, I'd just tell them I wanted to wait to have sex, that I wasn't ready for it yet. But I also enjoyed continuing to fool around with them, even after telling them it wasn't going to go any farther...there was just something about it that turned me on..."

"And some guys were jerks about it, getting mad or upset, being more concerned with their own selfish needs than caring about my feelings." As I listened, I sympathized with her so much that I felt I had to say something...it was like I wanted to apologize on behalf of every man on the planet! "Yeah", I said, my voice quivering a little as I recalled being in that situation with one of my girlfriends, "guys tend be kinda selfish. I'm sorry about that!"

"It's okay. I just wouldn't go out with those guys again. But..." and she paused, as if to add emphasis to what she was about to say, "there were some other guys," and she paused again, running her slender finger along the edge of the desk, "that didn't seem to mind being treated like that. In fact," she said with a big smile and an excited tone, "some of them seemed to like it!"

I couldn't believe the way this incredible girl was talking, the way she was being so open about how she learned about teasing...it was becoming hard to think clearly. Good thing I didn't have to, I was off the hook about doing the interview and I could just sit back and let her tell me more...

Kitty's eyes got big and bright as she continued, "And there was this one guy..." and she rolled her eyes with delight as she began to recall and describe what was clearly a wonderful experience for her, "that I used to just LOVE to tease...and one time, he even confessed to me how much he loved it too!"

"I'll never forget it! My sister decided to give me a makeover that night, and she did my hair and makeup. I couldn't believe how sexy she made me look...she really knew how to do me up in a very girlie style! And she loaned me some of her really sexy clothes: a low-cut angora sweater, a short little miniskirt and some sexy high-heeled boots. You should have seen the look on his face when he saw me!" Oh, to be that guy at that moment! And she added, somewhat breathily, "I had a very good time with him that night...I'm pretty sure he liked it too!"

Kitty looked right at me, knowing I was simply eating up every bit of what she was saying, but she wasn't going to give me any more details, and she simply said, "Anyway, that was the first time I really got to experience the pleasure of teasing. When I fooled around with him that night, he got sooo turned on, and he didn't mind one bit that I wouldn't let him have me." And she paused, looking at me suggestively and added, "In fact...", and she paused again, looking at me with a gleam in her eye, "He just loved it!"

I was stunned, and I sat there in silence as this fabulous creature described her first experience with erotic tease and denial, although she said that she didn't even know there was a name for it. But that guy clearly had a big impact on her sexuality, and she said that she continued to date him for years...and that they explored lots more teasing games together!

"Of course, as an adult, it can be more difficult to find people who are interested in being teased..." she said, suggestively. "I mean, there is this social definition of a prick teaser as a girl who does it as a deception, and I hate that. I do have some friends who get off on doing that to guys, but I prefer it to be more...you know, consensual. So that's where my KCTC comes in."

"It's clear there are lots of sexy girls in the world who are interested in experimenting with the pleasures of cock teasing...but the kind who work here want to do it with the guy's cooperation, even his encouragement to do it! And it takes a certain kind of guy as well, one who actually WANTS to be teased, one that enjoys remaining passive as he is stimulated and aroused."

As I said, most guys just want to get off, but others seem to like the idea of being seduced and tantalized...and once they're sexually aroused, they actually enjoy being kept that way, left dangling in that state. Those are the kinds of guys that just seem to want to let girls like us have our way!" And her eyes twinkled as the thought of this obviously excited her, and I just stared at her in an aroused stupor. She had me now, and she knew it.

Before Kitty said anything else, she started attracting my attention to her physical appearance, looking down at her body and fussing over herself, adjusting her top and fluffing up her hair. I had already been stealing glances at her body, but this was a blatant encouragement to ogle her, and I was completely transfixed by her feminine display. I just sat there, getting more and more turned on as she let her provocative comments sink in some more before she continued with her story...

"Now, the girls who work here at the KCTC always employ a great deal of visual stimulation, frequently by presenting themselves in a highly sexualized way. We all feel that it's an absolutely critical part of sexual teasing, and we find that this opens the door for many other activities. You men tend to be very visual, and my, you seem to have a great deal of fantasies and fetishes, don't you!

So we do like to cater specifically to each client's kinky desires and personal sexual needs. But let me clear that there is no sexual intercourse permitted here at the KCTC, nor do we allow any clients to achieve orgasm...unless it happens accidentally, which it has been known to do!"

My head was spinning as I listened to Kitty casually talk about such deliciously kinky things, and my heart pounded as she suggested I review the KCTC website for more details about the fantasies and fetishes that are catered to at her little club, and individual information and personal bios of the elite group of private teaser-girls employed there.

But then, rather suddenly, Kitty looked at me as though she had something to say, and she opened her mouth, pausing suggestively as I looked right into her baby blue eyes like a puppy in love. Instead of saying it, she simply stood up, came closer to me and put her hands on her hips, taking a deep breath. I watched in fascination as her breasts heaved out and upward, and I swear she even stuck her chest out a little. I futilely attempted not to look at them, but she was so clearly wanting me to...showing them to me...and I simply couldn't resist...


"Tommy," she said sweetly as she stayed posed there, eyeing me, "I have a little confession to make...ever since we started exchanging messages, and you seemed to be, well, you know, a little interested in me, I decided to have a little fun with you and tease you a little bit. And...I was actually hoping I could show you some of the services and activities we offer here at the KCTC..." her voice trailed off with a suggestive smile.

I was instantly struck by the playful, innocent style and tone of voice she was using, and found it to be completely irresistible. I felt myself get a little lightheaded at the realization that this incredibly attractive sex kitten had just propositioned me, and I was entranced with the seductive way offered to show me around her cock tease club and educate me on some of their available services...it was hard to comprehend how lucky I was!

"Wow, Kitty," I gulped, "I...I'd really like that." And I hesitated before the next sentence, which began flowing out of me like a river once I got started. "Yes, I am interested in you, and everything you just described is incredibly exciting. I mean, I never knew there were girls like you who were openly interested in teasing...it's honestly something I've fantasized about before, but didn't know how to explore it."

I couldn't believe I had gotten those words out. Kitty just stood there, welcoming and encouraging my interest at the same time, and there was an electricity happening between us that was simply mind-blowing. But she couldn't possibly have been as interested in me as I was in her, and there was something about it that I found incredibly appealing. It was like she was a superior being, one that could take me and have her way with me, or leave me at a whim, and having her give me her attention seemed like the greatest gift a guy could possibly imagine!

I continued to look at her, dressed in her revealing black fishnet top and skirt, casually moving around the room as she calmly engaged me in more conversation and answered whatever question I attempted to ask. Her power over me was undeniable, and despite my attempts to steer the conversation, she was unquestionably in charge of everything going on!

And suddenly I realized a very important fact. When she dressed so provocatively like that, it came with an implication that she was not intelligent. But it was quite the opposite, as she was clearly an intelligent, even brilliant woman, who knew exactly how to use her gifts to get her way in life. Instead, the effect that her appearance had on the men around her meant that they were the ones whose intelligence was lowered, at least that is what would happen to men when she looked like that!

As we continued to converse, I found myself having a hard time keeping it together as I awkwardly tried to engage her. I was simply getting so turned on that I was losing my ability to talk. She noticed this and I stumbled out an bumbling apology, and she seemed to gleefully enjoy watching me attempt to explain my behavior.

“That’s okay, my pet,” she said. “In fact, " she said with a wink, "it's normal! I kind of like making men like you react that way...I find it flattering when guys seem to get all nervous around me! But you really do look a little pale. Are you okay? Maybe all the blood is rushing out of your head for some reason...”

Burning with embarrassment, my first instinct was to take that as my escape route - I was ill, that was it. She knew that was not the case, though and prevented my escape.

“Here...let me help you, I know exactly what to do. Just sit back,” she said, standing up with a knowing smile and walking behind me, “and let me help you relax.”

I turned my head to see what she was doing, but found her delicate hand on my cheek as she shushed me, saying, “Shhh, just relax honey, and let me do my thing. I am sure I can make you feel better.”

Unwilling to deny her, I did as she asked of me. Then, I felt her long, sensual fingernails scrape along my scalp as she ran her hands through my hair. The sensation was ultimately soothing and I leaned back and closed my eyes, groaning slightly in pleasure.

“Don’t worry about forgetting the interview questions,” her voice whispered to me in my right ear. “I think we managed to get through it just fine. It was my pleasure to share my experiences with you a little, to tell you more about myself and let us get better acquainted. I bet you've never been confronted by a girl who is so openly interested in teasing, have you, and I hope it excited you...I'd be insulted if it didn't!"

"And it's the same with your nervousness and arousal, sweetie...you know I'm doing it to you on purpose, right? I mean, I might have been slightly offended if you had been able to maintain your composure with me all dressed up like this. I do like it when my naughty boys can’t resist my charms, and they get all...you know, excited.”

This was the first time of many that she taught me one of the most important lessons. It is okay to give in to her. In fact, it is her intention to MAKE me give in to her, and she would accept nothing less. And the way she was openly telling me this, turning it into a topic of conversation, was absolutely mind-blowing. I was being swept up in her whirlwind of seduction, and I was a willing participant!

I should mention that I have ever been turned on by long, slutty fingernails like the ones she was wearing. I always thought that they looked awkward and in some cases grotesque. I had never seen the attraction. But as she massaged my scalp, her sexy nails helped massage me into submission, and my mind started perceiving them differently as they brought me more and more pleasure.

There was something about the sharp tips of them, something powerful and seductive, and they clearly could be used to scratch me harshly. But the way she used them so softly and gently, titillating me and sending chills through my body, could not be denied. Even as they innocently played across my head, I imagined the sensation of them elsewhere on me…

“Now then,” she said, after some time, moving her nails away from my head. “Do you feel better now?”

“Yes, I do,” I said, truthfully, sitting up and blinking my eyes.

“Oh good,” she said as she stepped around to stand in front of me as she had when she first entered. “I like to give guys scalp massages with these nails, and for some reason, they seem to like it too. What about you?"

“Oh wow,” I said, “Your nails felt so good on my head, Kitty, I've never had a girl use her nails on me like that before. It was wonderful!"

"I'm glad you liked it! You know, Tommy, I was beginning to think you weren't interested in me, in fact, I am a little upset that you resisted your lust for me so long. I think we need to work on that!” Again, I was stunned by the way she was openly referring to her seduction of me, putting it out there like she was talking about the weather. She was so confident about it, and again I felt like a helpless child, completely vulnerable and at her mercy. But don't get me wrong...I liked it!

She then lifted up her hands, moving her fingers in sensuous circles before me, showing off her long, sexy fingernails some more. “So, you liked these sexy nails, did you, teasing you like that? They are quite sensual, aren't they! And sometimes they do like to go all kinds of other little places too...I wonder if you would like to feel these fingernails anywhere else, hmmm?” she teased. I simply nodded, still relaxed from her ministrations and enthralled by her presence, and instantly conquered by the pure sexual power that seemed to radiate from her.

“I’m sorry, dear,” she said, running her fingers across her breasts, leaning over to give me a better view, “I couldn’t quite hear what you said. Do you want these fingernails to tease you elsewhere?”

“Oh yes, yes please,” I replied, fervently wishing for her to touch me with them again.

"Ooooo, very good! Now I should warn you...they do have a mind of their own sometimes, and like I said, they seem to like to go to all sorts of places..." And she reached out with one hand and teasingly began walking one long-nailed finger over the other, slowly up my arm, onto my shoulder and down my chest, and she continued, "and sometimes they are verrry naughty, and they like to go..."

Her voice trailed off as she looked at me with a mischievous smile, letting the tips of all four nails on one hand lightly glide down over my stomach, getting closer to my crotch. As they got close to my pants, she paused, pulling her hand away and pointing at my obvious bulge as she added, "Do you think that might be something you'd like to see? You wanna see what else these sexy nails like to do...all the other naughty places where they like to go??"

I had to catch my breath as she let her hand come to rest gently on my leg again, right near my crotch, and she looked at me innocently and batted her eyelashes at me. I practically begged her to show me what else she could do with those super-sexy fingernails, and she studied my reaction, hesitating for a moment and then she lifted her hand up and waved one finger back and forth in a disciplining manner. I watched her playfully scold me like that as she simply said, matter-of-factly, “Maybe later, honey!”

And then she stood up, right in front of me, put her hands on her hips and stared down at me with a bit of an authoritative look in her eyes. The look on her face changed quite abruptly, from one of sweet and innocent sex appeal to a bit of a harsher, more accusatory glare.

"But first, I think we have something else to discuss...something else I've noticed about you. You know what it is??" And she left me hanging for a moment, glancing down at her bountiful cleavage before continuing, "It's my tits! You've been looking at them, haven't you? And you kinda can't keep your eyes off them, can you? And...I know you WANT them...don't you!"

I could feel the blood flushing to my face, and again I felt like a small child who had been caught doing something naughty. I couldn't speak, I was completely overwhelmed, and I just sat there, my mouth falling open as I looked into her eyes. As her words sunk in, my eyes could not help themselves, and they moved down onto her fabulous bosom, as though her accusation had drawn them there.

No sooner did I look at her boobs, than her hands rubbed slowly around her stomach, around the sides of her waist, and up underneath those large breasts. She looked down at them and began adjusting the top, tugging on the side a little, pulling the top edge of it down just a bit to reveal more of her fleshy boobs.

Her eyes looked at mine as she paused for a moment, playfully asking me, "You like watching me do that, don't you!" Again there was a slightly accusatory tone she was using, putting me on the spot, and she clearly had me right where she wanted me.

And what she said wasn't a question. Those words would normally be said as a question, but this girl was sure of herself, sure of her power over me. And I was sure too...sure that she could do whatever she wanted to me. And whatever she did...I would love it!

"That's good, Tommy, because I just love using my titties for teasing purposes..."

And then she turned to the side, suggestively pulled one of the straps of her top down over her shoulder, revealing it a little, and inhaled, sticking her chest out. Her eyes bore into mine as she watched my reaction, and my gaze darted back and forth between her heavenly blue eyes and her incredibly large and full, fantastic breasts. She was right - I was simply unable to take my eyes off them. And she wasn't making things any easier...not one little bit!


My face must have been as red as a tomato at this point, and she seemed amused at my condition and she smiled even more as she continued to tease me with her sexy breasts. And what cleavage! She shook her body side to side gently, exaggerating the movement of those perfectly soft, round melons. I could only gape at her in amazement as I watched her big, bouncy breasts swaying behind her revealing top.

"I knew you were a big-tit guy the moment you saw me all dressed up like this! This outfit is perfect for tittie-teasing, and guys like you are easy to spot! Now, I'll let you in on a little secret, reporter-boy! You wanna know how I can see you glancing at my big titties, and all the other parts of me, even when I'm not looking at you? Didn't you see all the mirrors in this office? Turns out they're here for more than one reason..."

I glanced around and had a sudden realization...the wall-to-wall mirrors that I noticed earlier were affording her a perfect view of the two of us, and it was instantly clear that even when she wasn't looking directly at me, she could see precisely what I was doing and where I was looking from any one of a number of different angles. Already there had been multiple instances when I was glancing at her fantastic body in the reflection in the mirror, but it had never occurred to me that the opposite was true, that she could catch me doing it.

"And I saw you ogling me when I knelt in the chair right when we first me...you didn't think I could see you, did you!"
My shame was becoming intensely obvious, and I fidgeted in my chair nervously as she busted me with my desire. She saw this immediately and showed me no mercy, instead making things worse by leaning just a bit forward and dangling her enormous bosoms right before my eyes...


My mouth fell open, and my mind went blank. Every inch of her was so delectable, but those fabulous tits, being displayed and offered to me so brazenly...it was just too much. I didn't know what to do, and I didn’t even realize that I was slowly lifting my hand to touch her.

Looking back on the experience now, I realized that if she had wanted to she could easily have intercepted my grasping, groping hand well before I touched her. But she did not. If anything she encouraged me further, her display becoming even more enticing as she lifted up her tits with her hands and let out a soft moan of pleasure.

Then, suddenly my hand made the slightest, tiniest contact with them. Instantly, there was a response, one that I felt before I saw it...


She swatted my hand away, and I just let it fall limp, mindlessly accepting her denial of my pathetic little advance upon her.
“What do you think you're doing?” she asked me, her gentle, kind, sweet voice nowhere to be found, replaced by one that was strong and dominant, “Who gave you permission to touch my breasts?”

The way she said "you" had a demeaning quality to it, but it didn't really bother me, it only served to put her up on a pedestal, symbolically, and remind me that she was in charge. I was more than happy to accept that fact!

Despite the advantageous view of her cleavage her posture provided me, I could not take my nervous eyes away from her stern glare at me.

“I--, I’m sorry,” I stuttered, “I couldn’t, I mean, I didn’t realize…” I stumbled through the apology as she stood there demanding it. Her eyes glinted even more as she soaked in my concern at displeasing her.

“I don't care if you couldn't resist,” she said firmly, her voice calm, but losing none of its dominant tone. “You did not have permission.”

“I’m sorry,” I blurted out, nearly crying in worry - had I doomed my relationship with this fantastic woman? “Please, I won’t—“

"Shhhh", she said playfully, lifting a single finger up and placing it gently on my lips, silencing me, "awwww, don't worry baby! You sound so afraid of me! Is that true? Are you afraid of little ole' me???"

I was speechless as she verbally teased me like that, her stern demeanor instantly changing into a sticky sweet sexiness, and she sensed my nervousness and continued, "Now all I said was you didn't have my permission. I wouldn't mind so much if you have it! That's all I want...maybe you could ask for it, ask for my permission to touch my boobies, and then I might let you try again, and this time..." and she winked at me, "you just might get a little bit!"

Ah, I said to myself, THIS is how her little game is played. I was so relieved that her scolding wasn't serious, and I marveled at her ability to switch from her firm rejection right back to a soothing tone so effortlessly.

"Please, Kitty, may I please touch your beautiful breast?" The words came out of me quite easily...

"Hmmmm....that's better, I suppose, just a little, not very much," she mused, but she still encouraged more of my obedience, adding doubtfully "But I'm still not sure whether I should let you have some...maybe you can convince me!"

"Please?" I said, my voice taking on a childlike tone, like a kid asking for a cookie.

Her mouth fell open, the tip of her juicy tongue touching her upper lip, and she paused, considering my plea. Without being prompted, I asked once more, and she relented, saying, "All right, I suppose you get the message. You can go ahead..."

Again my hand reached up, but this time she caught it, grabbing my fingers, holding them right in place, leading them around in the air for a moment and then pressing them down on the desk, keeping them there firmly. I didn't resist or try to pull away...allowing her to assert her power over me was proving to be quite thrilling!

And then she released my hand, obviously taking great delight in the little rejection game she was trapping me into and watching carefully to see what I'd do next. I just left my hand on the desk, right where she had put it, knowing somehow that letting her control me like that was exactly what she wanted.

Again I asked her for permission to touch her, and she winked at me and agreed, only to push my hand away once again when I tried. "Oooo!" she cooed, "I like this! You do see how this little game is played now, don't you hon?

"Yeah!" I said with a smile.

"You like it?"

"Yeah!" It was a silly question...

"Very good! Now that we've gotten THAT out of the way, I'm just going to have to call your attention to something else about me...hmmm, let's see, I wonder how I should do that..."

She looked at me breifly, then moved back to her chair, and bent over just a little, throwing her weight to one side, facing away from me to present her ass. She rubbed her hands over it, and then let them come to rest on the sides of her hips, slowly sliding down a little, right to the bottom edge of her little fishnet skirt...


Looking back at me over her shoulder, she said, “What about this, mister reporter? Perhaps it's...breaking news? I mean, I know you want my titties, that's obvious, but I think you should kiss my ass first before I let you see my tits any more. So c'mon, tittie-boy, come over here and appreciate exactly how sexy my ass really is! Oh, and of course, don't forget to request the appropriate permission first...I wouldn't want to have to punish you!”


Sooo...my seduction is well under way at this point, and things are only going to hotter for my helpless reporter! Soon it will be time for a wardrobe change, and I think he will find my attire to be even more irresistible. You'll all find out soon enough exactly how I'll be dressed for the next phase of my little game with this poor guy...

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
Last edited by KittyZateez on Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KCTC Reporter Part 3

Post by CagedAnimal »

Another super hot ch! I would beg and promise anything to worship that amazing ass!
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Re: KCTC Reporter Part 3

Post by LeoD »

Loved part 3 Kitty. You have a way of writing to really sucks me in and make the reader really believe they are the character in the story or at least want to be.

I love the whole series of the kctc stories, can not wait for the next ones
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Re: KCTC Reporter Part 3

Post by seven »

Our schedules haven't been lining up Miss Kitty so today I needed to re-read your stories. This one reminds me of how you tease me. If only the reporter was in a little sissy maid outfit. Grin. Miss you.
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