Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

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Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »



This thread is the right place to learn and discuss about modding or customizing the game "Pilgrim Quest". Here is also the right place to share your custom mods, cards and encounters. I will add some tutorials as soon as possible and reserve some posts for these at the beginning of this thread.

Remember: With customization and modding you can greatly enhance your playing experience in "Pilgrim Quest" but you could also break the game. So always make backups before you change something!

Attention: This Mods & Tutorial Thread is NOT intended for general feedback, questions or discussions regarding Pilgrim Quest. Visit the general Pilgrim Quest thread for that. Here you can learn how to mod and customize your play experience on your own and share your mods or custom cards with other players.


1. basic customization (config.js)
2. adding / changing the random porn images
3. custom exploration cards
4. custom quest cards
5. custom ritual chambers
6. custom chance to cum cards
7. custom encounters
8. available mod packs

What you need (to know) before you start!

Customization in "Pilgrim Quest" is easy, but - depending on what you want to do - you might need some tools and basic knowledge. Teases in GuideMe are written in xml and use javascript for more advanced game mechanics (which wouldn't be possible in normal flash- or webteases). Both of these basic web technologies are easy to understand. To create your own cards you will also need some basic image editing skills.

You might need the following tools:
  • a texteditor to edit .xml or .js files. Notepad works, but i highly recommend Notepad++ (it is free and it supports both xml and javascript, so editing these kinds of files is much more easier)
  • an image editor if you want to create and add your own custom cards. If you want to use my Card Template for Pilgrim Quests (contains templates for all card types) you will need Adobe Photoshop
Important knowledge ressources if you have questions:
Every tease for GuideMe consists of two basic elements:
  • The script file (PilgrimQuest.xml) which you load in GuideMe to play the tease
  • The media folder (/PilgrimQuest/) which contains all the needed additional files like images, audio files, additional script files, configuration files for Pilgrim Quest sorted into different subfolders
So if we talk about the Pilgrim Quest script file we mean the PilgrimQuest.xml and if we talk about the media folder we mean the /PilgrimQuest/ folder with all the additional files and subfolders.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

1. basic customization (config.js) (back to top)


  1. open /PilgrimQuest/scripts/config.js with a text editor
  2. choose an option to customize and read the explanation
  3. customize the chosen option to your liking
  4. save your changes and restart Pilgrim Quest

The file config.js (in /PilgrimQuest/scripts/) is a javascript file and the central configuration file for "Pilgrim Quest". I will try to add as many basic options in this file, so you don't have to mess around with other script files. Every option has some basic explanation (in javascript comments) to understand how to customize these options.

screenshot of config.js in notepad++:
Spoiler: show

currently available as options:
  • vMedia: categories for random porn images (see next tutorial)
  • vEndingTable: ritual endings (denial, ruined orgasm, full orgasm) and their basic chances
  • vExploreTable: exploration findings (quest, encounter, village, ritual chamber) and their basic chances
  • vMoodTable: daily moods for your goddess and their basic chances
  • vBeatTable: loot table for metronome beats with audio files (.mp3)
  • fCheckForFindingChance: decide how frequently you will find something during exploration
  • fGetRandomDelay: decide how long (in seconds) you will stay at a random porn image during exploration
  • fCheckHoldingChance: decide your chance to hold an edge during exploration
  • fGetHoldingFreeEdgeDelay: decide how long (in seconds) you have to hold an during exploration
  • fGetHoldingChance2CumDelay: decide how long (in seconds) you have to hold an edge during chance to cum
  • fGetQuestEdgeTimeLimit: decide how fast (in seconds) you have to reach the edge after marking a quest target
  • fGetQuestFail: decide how much energy you will loose after failing a quest (didn't reach edge within time limit)

Some useful background information

vEndingTable, vExploreTable, vMoodTable and vBeatTable are very simple loot tables. Pilgrim Quest uses an algorithm called "weighted random selection" to randomly pick an item from a loot table. Basically you assign to each item in the loot table a "weight". The larger the weight the more likely it will get picked. A weight of zero means, this item will never get picked. If you customize the weight to your likings you should stay within the 0-10 range or you break the balancing of the game (modifier during gameplay will stay in this range... if you change the basic weight to 10000, a +1 modifier will do nothing anymore).

The different formulas for decision making often don't use a single random dice throw represented through fRandomNumber(min, max). Instead they will often use a sum of multiple dice throws. This creates more of a gaussian distribution. The extreme results for possible sums will be less likely than the "average" sum. For example: If you add the results of 2 random D6 throws the sum 5 (1+4, 2+3, 3+2, 4+1) will be 4 times more likely then the sums 2 (1+1) or 12 (6+6). This way, the player always can expect an average behaviour but sometimes will get surprised by extreme results.
Last edited by d3vi0n on Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:05 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

2. adding / changing the random porn images (back to top)



adding more images to existing categories:
  1. open /PilgrimQuest/scripts/config.js with a text editor
  2. read the vMedia table in config.js to learn which categories are there and wich file types are allowed for them
  3. copy your own porn images into /PilgrimQuest/random/<categoryfolder> depending on the category
  4. (optional:) start the game and go to help > random images to check if your images are there
changing / customizing categories:
  1. open /PilgrimQuest/scripts/config.js with a text editor
  2. read the explanation for vMedia in config.js to learn about your customization options
  3. edit vMedia to change, add or delete random image categories
  4. sort your own porn images into /PilgrimQuest/random/<categoryfolder> depending on your custom categories
  5. save /PilgrimQuest/scripts/config.js and restart Pilgrim Quest
  6. (optional:) start the game and go to help > random images to check if your categories and images are there
Important Hints
  • Category folders and their subfolders can be empty, but you need at least one category with one image.
  • Currently only images are supported for random categories. Don't try to add a "video category" there
  • Pilgrim Quest will reload all random images according to vMedia in config.js at the start of a new game and if you start a new day from your village room. So you can add new random images or change random image categories before a new game and between your play sessions.
  • Pilgrim Quest will search in each category folder and all direct subfolders for files with correct file endings.
  • Subfolders in a category folder can be empty and named as you want and you can have as many subfolders under a category folder as you want
An example category in more detail
  • Title: the title of the category (i.e.: "My Images")
  • Folder: the category folder for this category located under the media folder (i.e.: "random\\myimages")
  • Desc: a short description for this category (i.e.: "My hot and sexy porn images")
  • Types: allowed file endings for this category; case insensitive (i.e.: ["*.jpg", "*.gif", "*.bmp"])
  • Files: empty array which will be filled by the game automatically with all found files. DON'T EDIT THIS!
Last edited by d3vi0n on Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:06 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

3. custom exploration cards (back to top)


  1. Download the Card Template for Pilgrim Quest
  2. Create a new Exploration Card using the template
  3. Save your new card into /PilgrimQuest/explore/Core/ as .jpg image

Exploration cards are only "flavour" cards. They don't have any specific game mechanics tied to a specific exploration card. It is just for the variety of the artwork during exploration. They will get chosen purely random from the folder /PilgrimQuest/explore/. So if you get bored of the artwork on the current exploration cards, create your own and add / change / mix them with the existing exploration cards. If you don't have Adobe Photoshop you also could try to recreate the card template in an image editor of your choice. You even could ignore the layout completely and throw the artwork without the "card frame" into the explore folder as .jpg file, as long as you're sure that you will remember during gameplay, that this artwork represents an exploration card, you should be fine. :whistle:
Last edited by d3vi0n on Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:09 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

4. custom quest cards (back to top)


design principles
  • Purpose of quest cards: The main way to built more energy during free exploration. They give players specific "targets" (i.e.: "blowjobs") to search for. When the player finds a fitting random image he may mark this image and edge to it for an easy earned energy reward. There is no real risk or time limit involved with quests edges. Quests are on purporse "not difficult". The real challenge / risk comes through encounters not quests. The only risk in a quest is going over the edge and cumming without permission (resulting in an game over).
  • Each quest card should have 1-2 targets (shouldn't be more, because the player already can have 2 active quests at the same time so 2-4 active targets); Each quest should have an individual energy reward (a "weak" quest reward should be less than 50 energy, a "normal" quest reward should be 50-100 energy and a "great" quest reward should be over 100 energy but max 200); Each quest should have an unique artwork (800 x 533 pixel) which illustrates the chosen targets for the quest.
  • Multiple Quests with identical targets are no problem. If they have the same reward, they will basically raise the chance for their targets to appear in the game and make these targets more "common". If they have the same targets but different rewards, they simulate different strengths of the same targets. In this case the player will most likely change his active quest to the one with the better reward as soon as possible.
  • If you create your own quest cards, you should also a create a unique "set" for your quest cards (don't use a generic set name like "my cards" to avoid conflicts or compatibility issues with custom sets from other users!). Creating custom cards will be explained in more detail in the following guide...
Summary for creating a custom quest

WARNING: Pick a unique set name for your own quests to avoid possible compatibility issues with other mods. No two sets should have the same name!
  1. Add entry into quests.js and fill in the required information
  2. Create a quest card using the card template
  3. Copy your card into your set subfolder under /quests/
  4. (Optional] Start the game and go to help > browse card pool to check if your quest is there
guide coming soon...
Last edited by d3vi0n on Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:20 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

5. custom ritual chambers (back to top)


design principles
  • Purpose of ritual chambers: Gives the player different choices for ritual locations. Earch ritual chamber has an individual cost (for starting the ritual in this chamber) and individual (hidden!) modifiers to influence the chances for the three endings (denial, ruined orgasm, full orgasm). The play might be tempted to start his ritual add a "cheap" ritual chamber, but will then have to accept the risk to lower his chances for a full orgasm. Or he might decide to continue exploring without knowing when he will find the next ritual chamber...
  • ...
  • If you create your own ritual chamber cards, you should also a create a unique "set" for your ritual chamber cards (don't use a generic set name like "my cards" to avoid conflicts or compatibility issues with custom sets from other users!). Creating custom cards will be explained in more detail in the following guide...
Summary for creating a custom ritual chambers

WARNING: Pick a unique set name for your own ritual chambers to avoid possible compatibility issues with other mods. No two sets should have the same name!
  1. Add entry into rituals.js and fill in the required information
  2. Create an ritual chamber card using the card template
  3. Copy your card into your set subfolder under /rituals/
  4. (Optional] Start the game and go to help > browse card pool to check if your ritual chamber is there
guide coming soon...
Last edited by d3vi0n on Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:18 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

6. custom chance to cum cards (back to top)


design principles
  • Purpose of chances to cum: They work exactly like quest cards (mark > edge), but are used during the ritual and add a "countdown" to the ritual. The countdown represents the number of random images shown during the ritual until the ritual will fail. So the player has to find his targets within that limit. If successful he gets his chance to cum (one of the three possible endings denial, ruined orgasm or full orgasm). Chance to cum Cards have no energy reward because the reward is the ending.
  • If you have quest cards with specific targets you should consider also creating a chance to cum card with similar targets. You could also add cards with "risky" targets, so there is some tension when you get your chance to cum, because you will have to edge to these targets to earn your chance for an ending.
  • ...
  • If you create your own chances to cum cards, you should also a create a unique "set" for your chances to cum cards (don't use a generic set name like "my cards" to avoid conflicts or compatibility issues with custom sets from other users!). Creating custom cards will be explained in more detail in the following guide...
Summary for creating a custom chances to cum

WARNING: Pick a unique set name for your own chances to cum to avoid possible compatibility issues with other mods. No two sets should have the same name!
  1. Add entry into chances.js and fill in the required information
  2. Create a chance to cum card using the card template
  3. Copy your card into your set subfolder under /chances/
  4. (Optional] Start the game and go to help > browse card pool to check if your chance is there
guide coming soon...
Last edited by d3vi0n on Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:19 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

7. custom encounters (back to top)



An encounter is basically a "Mini Tease" within Pilgrim Quest and consists of a .xml script and additional content like images or videos. Everything you can do with a full tease you also can do within an encounter in Pilgrim Quest. Because of that, creating a custom encounter is a bit more complex then the other topics.

But don't worry... "Miss Tutorial" is available to help you create your encounters. She offers a detailed tutorial, an overview about the most important aspects of an encounter and examples to give you something to start with.


Summary for creating a custom encounter

Download "Miss Tutorial" from the official thread and play her tutorial before writing your own encounters!

WARNING: Pick a unique set name for your own custom encounters to avoid possible compatibility issues with other mods. No two sets should have the same name! The first page of your custom encounter has to be named "Set"+"ID" (i.e.: "Tutorial1"). Use that unique prefix for all your pages, variables and functions in the encounter (i.e.: "Tutorial1_P12", "vTutorial1Hosts") to avoid compatibility issues!
  1. Create an encounter card using the card template
  2. Add entry into enjounter.js and fill in the required information
  3. Write the .xml script for your custom encounter
  4. Copy all files (including media files) into the correct folders
  5. Add the Include node for your .xml script in PilgrimQuest.xml
  6. (optional) if you wrote additional .js or .xml files include them as well

Golden Rules
  • Encounters in Pilgrim Quest represent dangerous sex demons and bring risk and challenge into the game. The most common design goal for an encounter should be to get the player to the point where he cums before the encounter ends knowing it will kill his character.
  • You should always utilize and embrace the setting of Pilgrim Quest in your writing. Try to add some lore and world building to every encounter to make them more immersive for the player.
  • The world of Pilgrim Quest has the appearance of a medieval world because the goddess wants it this way, but in reality it is just a parallel dimension. The pilgrim is "trapped" in the encounter and the sex demon will fill his mind with erotic visions to get his cum. Visions could come from any dimension. So feel free to use modern or science fiction settings for your encounter.
  • Winning an encounter represents "surviving" the sex demon long enough without cumming. Before you end your encounter and let the player continue exploring (target: "EncounterWin"), consider giving the player a reward for resisting the urge to cum.
  • As a reward you can give the player energy with "fEarnEnergy(vBaseValue)" or some items with "fLootRandomItem()" or "fLootItem(vName)". Don't give to big rewards or you will break the balancing. A reward for an encounter should be more worth than an average quest reward but not make quests worthless.
  • Always design encounters with a reasonable playtime in mind. The player still has to continue Pilgrim Quest after your encounter and find a village or finish a ritual to get to a save point.
  • Loosing an encounter represents breaking the bond to the goddess and cumming for the sex demon instead. In result the sex demon will suck the player empty and kill him in the process. After that the player will recieve a Game Over (target: "EncounterDeath").
  • Good tasks for bringing the player to "give up" and cum, are forced stroking to a beat and forced edging with long holding times. But you are not restricted to these tasks. Remember, you can do whatever you want within the encounter. So utilize cbt or other fetishes as you like. Maybe your encounter won't have the risk of "cumming" but instead challenges the player with other tasks.
  • And remember: Although the sex demon is not the goddess and therefore can't grant the player the permission to cum, the sex demon still can taunt the player to cum as strongly and often as wanted
  • Try to add some replay value to your encounter, for example with randomization of image (sets), tasks, dialogue and flavour text.
  • The current player energy ("vUser.Energy") represents how much cum the pilgrim has built. The more energy, the more eager the sex demons will be to suck the pilgrim empty. Consider increasing difficulty depending on the current player energy.
  • The player score ("vUser.Score") represents the overall fame (or "player level") also used as "highscore" after a game over. Consider adding special events which unlock at specific score goals or generally increasing difficulty depending on the player score.
  • Consider writing special events for specific dates ("vCurrentDay") like a "holiday event" or "summer event" to create some surprises in your encounter
  • You don't need to track many user stats. Counting your encounter for the user statistic or setting it as cause of death will be done automatically. Granting an ending like a denial, ruined orgasm, full orgasm or transferring player energy into player score (aka feeding the goddess) also isn't part of an encounter (because only the goddess herself can do this during a ritual).
  • You should track edges during your encounter with "fCountEdge(vNumber)" and energy gained or lost with "fEarnEnergy(vBaseValue)". Be aware, that an active love potion will only double energy gained.
  • And lastly, when you design your encounter, don't forget to look at other encounters (like "Miss Tutorial" or the core set) to get some inspiration and insight how different features could be realized.
  • Most important of all, have fun writing and sharing your encounters for Pilgrim Quest!


Available examples in "Miss Tutorial"

"How to utilize different image sets in encounters"

This example shows how to use different image sets for the same encounter and go through the set in an particular order. So every time you play the encounter you might get a different image set for your encounter. Image sets in an encounter could be used to get different "hosts" for the encounter (not all succubi look the same) or to get different image sets for the same "host" (the same succubus but in different outfits).

"How to utilize random media folders in encounters"

Random media is an important factor if you want to add replay value to your encounters. You can use the default random folders as configured in config.js, but in this case you can't predict which categories or types of random media the player has available. If you want specific categories or types of random media in your encounter use custom random folders and save them in your encounter media folder instead of the default random folder. In this example i added a folder for .jpg, for .gif and for .mp4 files. See page Tutorial1Random. This way you remain in full control which content to offer for the player and when to show what kind of random media. It also allows the player to customize his encounter by adding his own random images or videos to your custom encounter.

"How to utilize random metronomes in encounters"

Metronomes are a good way to force the user to stroke a certain speed. If he reaches the edge and isn't allowed to slow down he will cross the edge and start cumming (loosing the encounter as a result). So encounters can be a real challenge. The user has to keep himself away from the edge while still maintaining the required speed for the metronome. There are two common ways to create a metronome. Click on "Metronome 1" and "Metronome 2" to learn more about these. Other possibilities could be to play a video with a beat track (for example a cock hero scene) or use animated .gif and instruct the player to follow the "speed" in the visual animation.

"Natural Taunts"

Here Miss Tutorial will showcase how to implement the Tease AI dialogue system in Pilgrim Quest. This creates more "natural" responses with randomized taunts or instructions including #vocabulary and @tags instead of fixed and static responses. You should be able to easy adapt this flexible system for your own encounters and give them their own unique responses, @tags and #vocabulary. You could even use different sets within one encounter. This way you could for example "simulate" moods depending on the player energy or the current date. This example also includes a tag editor for images. Tagging is optional as long as you have some "generic" responses (without specific tag requirements). But with tagged images, the dialogue will feel more natural. The 35 default images for this example are already tagged, but feel free to change these images or tags as you like





more example taunts:
Spoiler: show




Last edited by d3vi0n on Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:12 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

8. Available Mod Packs (back to top)

Here some of the first custom mods from other authors:

Encounter Pack by Ambossli

contains "Video Nymph" and "Teasing Nymph". Just some easy encounters for now to make it more intresting before the real encounters are finished.
Spoiler: show


Encounter Pack by bobhill

I have taken some of the maze encounters I wrote and added them as direct PQ encounters. It also is a template if others want to use the scripting engine to write simple PQ encounters. There are 10 encounters and #4 is the "Random Slideshow". (...) Some mods I made to PilgrimQuest.xml for my gameplay are included. I added a 'cum check' after accidentally hitting the cum button a couple times when 2 hours into a game :blush:. Also, I changed the "Free Edge" rewards based on the amount of energy - just found it more interesting to use it that way.
Spoiler: show


Dungeon AddOn and Update for Dungeon AddOn by Ambossli

I got the idea that desertfox's Random Mazes could work as "dungeons". I added a new exploration event in the config.js under the script folder called "Ruins". So when you're exploring it might be possible that you find now also Ruins. When this happens you're forced(at least for the moment) to Investigate the ruins and this brings you in a random maze. If you get out of it alive you earn energy. How much depends on different factors I put them in spoilers if you want to spoil yourself . You can customize the themes of the mazes, add mazes with different themes or change how big a maze will be. I used the already existing encounters from random mazes so it works identical to random mazes. The chance to find a ruin is in the moment the same like for encounters but you can change that in the config. In the moment the maze will automatically mapped for you.

Update for Dungeon AddOn: When you find a Ruin now you can decide to investigate or ignore the Ruin. If you Investigate an encounter appears or you get stuck in a maze (50/50 chance). Then I added in a new Item called "the Orb" which you can use only in the maze to summon a succubi which than offers you the integrated map. (so the map isn't activated from start but you get 1 Orb as a start bonus) And the succubi wants a "payment" for the map. The "payment" is a randomized tease so it should be every time a little different.
Spoiler: show

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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by Sam86 »

Wow that looks really cool :-)
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by xman911 »

Ty for the great work.

I was thinking about something, after some time it gets a bit repetitive. The stroking time is always free stroking and there is always 1 edge with short hold time. Is there a possibility to add some variety ?!

I mean something that looks like leveling up in an RPG game where with time it gets more probable to hit on stronger opponents even some of the regular monsters can become problematic. I mean the easy exploration in the beginning can get randomly harder after some time. So there is more meaning to use potions and scrolls in later game.

I would give an example. In the beginning the max edge hold time is very short and everyone can do it... but in later parts it could become longer and there could be an option to use potion or scroll to overcome it (if it's too long for the player). But this event can happen only in later game. For example after day 3 there could be a quest with 2 min. edge hold time. (or even longer when videos are implemented). Or another example, there could be task for multiple edges for a limited time. How this could be implemented.

I'm know the encounters would get some variety but we need, for regular exploration to get harder (I actually mean more varied), just like in a real RPG game.

Also we have edge scroll... which is meaningless now, nobody could be forced to the edge with (free stroking). Is there a way to change exploration so it becomes more challenging later?!

Maybe exploration could vary based on the terrain... or we could add dungeons ?!! Can we do that ?!? They would still use the random images but tasks could be different and also some small reward can be given. For example normal terrain gives 1 point, dungeons can give 2 points or 5 points.

I should also add the game is working very well. It's good that quests give vague descriptions to what is expected. For example "big boobs or beautiful blondes" (everybody has different taste for boobs and beauty) so that was great to make it like that. Also after a few days of denial... you change your views... on what is what... ha ha that's funny. Also when you add a really big number of images it becoming really diverse. I almost didn't find one and the same image 2 times. And because of the quests, all random images actually get a meaning. This game is the best on meaningful image diversity.

P.S. I almost forget to ask. Where is the save game location so I can copy it to other folder and don't mess my quest while testing the game.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

I see... :whistle: the two threads get confused now. You're in the wrong thread ;-) Feedback to Pilgrim Quest and suggestions how to develop it further belong in the original thread... not here. :innocent: The Mods & Tutorial Thread is for you to learn and discuss how you can mod and customize your play experience on your own and as a place to share your mods or custom cards with other players. :w00t:

So please post feedback and suggestions in the general feedback thread and not in this thread here :wave: I will answer your questions there. :yes:
Try GuideMe to play Milovana Teases offline or create your own offline teases with highres images and videos...
Look at Hearts Club or Pilgrim Quest or My Succubus if you wanna see whats possible with GuideMe...
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by drak34 »

Really great work and thank you for sharing such guides and information! I was wondering if there is a way to use only specific folders and subfolders with pictures/gifs during certain events like encounters or certain exploration types. For example:

In the village:
Once you get to a village you see a signpost and from that signpost you can go in different directions which, in turn, have different themes, so the tease loads only that specific theme or set of themes. A signpost with 3 directions, one of which is named "The Red Mountains", and the pilgrim going in that direction would result in the tease loading random images only from a specific folder like "random\\redheads". In that folder there can be placed only pictures with redheads.

for creating encounters:
Creating encounters with specific themes by showing only pictures/gifs from a predefined directory like "random\\encounterX" which has been created specifically to be used solely for that encounter.
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by d3vi0n »

my goal with pilgrim quest is to stay as modular and flexible as possible, to make modding easier...

because of that there is no predetermined set of "categories" for random images. The user can change, add or delete any random category and any quest card. So i can't build "game mechanics" expecting specific categories of random images or specific quest cards - i don't know if these even exists. In result "free exploration" shows just any random images from the random folder. I also don't want to restrict players for free exploration.

Every encounter on the other hand is its self contained own module and comes with everything needed to run this module, including own image sets or own folders for random encounter images seperated from the general random folder if needed. Basically you can do whatever you want in an encounter... for example build a dungeon, or play a cock hero video... anything. If an encounter wants to use the general random folder, it can do that too.

I want to realize "themes" with encounters. For example the castanic nymph will feature redheads. The elven girl will feature blonde girls. We could talk about a fixed set of categories for encounters (i.e.: difficulty, "prefered terrain"). So every author of an encounter has to categorize his encounter within this fixed set of categories before sharing it here. With that we could create something like you suggested. So if you go to the "Red Mountains" you will encounter sex demons which prefer mountain as terrain type. So far my ideas...
Try GuideMe to play Milovana Teases offline or create your own offline teases with highres images and videos...
Look at Hearts Club or Pilgrim Quest or My Succubus if you wanna see whats possible with GuideMe...
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Re: Pilgrim Quest [MODS & TUTORIALS]

Post by Ambossli »

So I coudn't sleep tonight so I played a little more with making an encounter for pilgrim.

First I quote my post in the other thread because there are some similarities
So since d3vi0nwas so friendly to let me play around with the tutorial encounter early today.
I made an very basic encounter myself.

It will just be played a random video and a random beat is added.
The media in the file is just an example. There are 3 different subfolders \PilgrimQuest\encounter\ambossli\1\hostess

there you can put pictures and videos(extra subfolder) in it
The encounter will then choose one of the 3 hostess chose a random picture in there and a random video from the video subfolder

if you want to change names of the folders or add more you have to make changes in 1.js located in \PilgrimQuest\encounter\ambossli
This new one doesn't use videos. But there are again 3 Hostesses and you can/have to put your own media data in it. mine are just examples again.

So what this encounter does is Pick a random Hostess each with an different Level. The higher the Level the harder the tease.
More details in the spoilers:
Spoiler: show
There are 3 Stages each Stage can be a little bit longer. On a stage there will be a picture for a random amount of time with a random beat. Is the level higher the chance that the stage take longer rises. After every stage there is a chance that you have to edge also influence by level and stage. I wouldn't recommend to use an Level higher than 3 maybe 4 will be ok but the amount of strokes are influenced by the Level as well (not the time you will have for these) and with 3 it can go over 240 bpm
The zip will contain both files and you should load first version v0.4.9
I don't have any data in the zip which I didn't change!!!


update: Link updated contains now the second one updated. more about the update Post
Last edited by Ambossli on Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:57 am, edited 3 times in total.
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