Orgasm Reward Game

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Orgasm Reward Game

Post by MistressDagny »

My husband and I have begun playing with chastity. I've come up with a way to reward my little subhub by earning improved chances at orgasm and tried to turn it into a little game. Tell me what you think. More importantly, if you have constructive criticism or ideas on how to improve the game, please share:

At the start of his denial period, we start with 100 black marbles and 100 white. The black marbles are put in a jar (or bag) and the white are held in reserve. Each day he automatically gets one white marble added to the jar of black provided he has done all of his household chores. He is given the illusion of control (or at least some control) by getting to decide when he will try to pull a white marble. Any time he wants to cum, we pull out the jar/bag, shake it well and reach in to pull one marble out. If it is white, he gets to cum. If it is black he has to separate the black from the white and we start over.

So on day one of the denial period, his chances to cum are just less than 1% (one white in 100 black or 1/101). At the end of 4 weeks, his chances are 21.9% (28/128); close to one in five.

Additional white marbles can be earned in several ways:

•Since we are both trying to lose weight, and since his overall health is important to me, several of his rewards are centered around reinforcing good behavior to these ends:

1) He gets one white marble for each day he works out. Right now, he must do at least 1 hour of cardio, three days a week with a specific target heart rate (approx. 80% maximum for his age). If he achieves that, he gets one white marble (max. 3/week).
2) He has to weigh in every Friday morning. If he has lost at least one pound since the last weigh in, he receives another white marble. (Eventually, i.e. once he hits his target weight, this will have to get modified somehow to reward maintaining that weight. Right now I am thinking that he gets a "weight window"; as long as he stays at his target weight +/- 2.5 pounds, he gets the marble.)

•I am also thinking of making him take classes at the local community college. Specifically, I want him to learn a foreign language for our next trip overseas. SO, again, I want to incentivize him to learn. Until I see the course syllabus, I won't know exactly how I'll do this but I'm thinking of rewards for test/quiz results. Each "A" on a test or quiz is worth two white marbles, each "B" is worth one. Since a "C" is average, he gets nothing. "D" results cost two marbles and any "F" costs him ALL of the white marbles he's accumulated. There may be other rewards tied to vocabulary or final class results but as I said, I won't know the specifics until I see how the course is laid out.

•Next, there are rewards for him giving me orgasms. The simplest version of this is if I ask for an orgasm and he gives me one, he gets a marble. But since this is too easy we won't keep it that simple that often. Here are a few alternatives I've come up with. I'm still deciding on which one (or more) I will employ:
1) Variation #1 - I roll a six-sided die or cut a deck of cards. Whatever number comes up is the number of orgasms he must give me to earn a white marble.
2) Variation #2 - To make it harder still, I may institute a time limit on him to give me all required orgasms.
3) Variation #3 - If he cannot give me the instructed number of orgasms by the end of the time limit, he loses two white marbles. If I want to make it even harder, I will take one or two marbles for EACH missed orgasm.

•Of course, there are "Mistress's Discretionary Marbles". If I feel he should be rewarded for something, I give him one or (rarely) more marbles. Examples of rewards he could achieve would be for particularly well-made meals, surprising me with flowers, a small gift (or a new sex toy) or for letting me try something new on/with him in the bedroom. I need to be careful with these though as I do not want him to assume that he will always get a reward for things like this. These are things he should do because he wants me to be happy, not merely for a reward.

Conversely, I may also take one or more white marbles away from him as punishment for some minor indiscretion (major offenses are dealt with more severely). Plus I've already mentioned the possibility of losing marbles in our little orgasm games.

Thus you can see that the discretionary marbles as well as the punishment marbles allow me some control over how fast he can accumulate white marbles and thus how fast his odds of success rise. Like I said, he really only has the illusion of control in this game.

So...if we look at his chances they go up the longer he holds out and the better he behaves:

•He can earn an additional 16 marbles over 4 weeks for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and losing weight. That alone ups his chances to 30.6% (44/144); almost one in three.
•Rewards for giving me orgasms are variable but lets' just say that I reward him 5 times a week (2-3 during the week and an additional 2-3 on the weekend). There's another 20 white marbles, upping his chances to 64/164 or 39% after four weeks.

Now, the BEST he can ever do is to earn all 100 white marbles to get a 50:50 chance at cumming. To do this, he will need to either hold out for more than a month (not very likely) or I will need to be particularly horny and have him give me orgasms several times a day, every day (better chance for him but still not likely just in practical terms).

Additional rules:

•I cannot deny him the opportunity if he asks to try his luck at pulling a white marble. In other words, if he asks to cum, he gets to try. HOWEVER, I can defer his chance until the weekend if I want merely to make sure that we have plenty of time for the session to follow.
•When he pulls a marble, he must do so blindfolded. Thus he will NOT know if it was black or white until I give him permission (or not) to cum. In other words, he is asking to submit himself to me for a teasing session without knowing how it will end for him.
•Even if he pulls a white marble, he still cannot cum during the session without permission. He must tell me any time he is close so I can slow down or stop things if I am not ready for the session to be over. Then, when it is finally time for him to cum (if is up to chance, when during a session is my decision) I will show him the marble. If it is white, he MUST cum within ten seconds. If he does not, the session ends and he loses the opportunity even if the marble was white. Obviously this makes it extremely fiendish. I can bring him to the brink of orgasm over and over, only to stop him at the last second and since he will not know if I am about to tell him to cum or not, he cannot ask to stop a safe distance from the "finish line" if he wants his eventual release.
•Although he may earn the right to cum, HOW he cums is still my choice. I may have him masturbate for me, I may give him a handjob, a blowjob or let him penetrate me all depending on my mood and how generous I am feeling.
•Once the session is over, no matter if he is allowed to cum or not, the game resets to one white in 100 black.

Some random thoughts:

•I'm still thinking about tweaking the number of marbles so as to adjust the odds/timing of a 50/50 result. If I start with too few total marbles, his starting odds go up and the time to a 50/50 chance goes down. If I start with too many, the time between orgasms could become so great as to lose effectiveness as an incentive. So realize that the 100 black and 100 white is just for illustration purposes.
•I'm considering adding additional marbles to the jar. Specifically a green or both a red and a green. If he pulls one of these it could be an extra rewarding or extra punishing session to follow (but so far, I'm still not decided on what these particular rewards/punishments will be). e.g. in place of the first white marble, he could get a green. Then, if he pulls it, he not only gets to cum but he is allowed to chose his own method. Or if he pulls the green, the game does not reset and he gets to keep all of his accumulated white marbles. Alternatively, I could put a red marble in place of one of the black ones and if that is pulled, not only does he NOT get to cum, but he gets caned.

OK......That's all I have so far. At this point, I'd like to get feedback from the community on what you think, how I could improve the game (especially the green/red options), etc.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by jackstock »

wow, this is PHENOMENAL!
You've done so well. It is maniacal. This game looks like a WHOLE lot of fun. You are one fantastic mistress. :-D
I think the 100 marble thing is a lot. I would reduce it to 50, essentially doubling the speed of white marble accumulation. This makes the 50/50 chance occur at two weeks instead of a month, which I think may be a better denial period. A full month or two of denial may actually make it too easy, because he can get used to it. With about two weeks at a time, There is still the real idea of release.

The red/green idea is cool too. You could add them if he does an exceptionally good job (or poor job).

So absolutely DOMINATING!
:clap2: :evil:
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by jp »

I think you've got a great set of rules established here. Particularly love the fiendish nature of the teasing session after drawing a marble. Very, very well done!

My only remark is one of personal preference for me. Everyone is going to have a different opinion here but I think it's just food for thought.

Personally, I would be devastated if I managed to get to a 50/50 chance after a month+ of denial only to draw a black marble and have to start from scratch. I'd much prefer a sliding scale on the reset, perhaps something based on the % chance when the marble is drawn. Such as:

0-20% chance = total reset, all white marbles removed. Don't be so greedy!
21-30% chance = 75% of white marbles removed
31-40% chance = 50% of white marbles removed
41-49% chance = 25% of white marbles removed
50% chance = 10% of white marbles removed

So you get rewarded for waiting for a higher chance instead of being greedy with an earlier release. Also if you have that 50/50 chance and it's just bad luck you know it won't be 4+ weeks longer before you have another good chance.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by MistressDagny »

Jackstock - Recalculate the odds. 50 and 50 does not get you to a 50:50 chance at two weeks.

With no bonus marbles, a 50:50 chance takes as many days as marbles, 100 days (> 3 months) in my original scenario and 50 days (almost two months) in yours. Even adding in my bonus marbles for giving me orgasms and maintaining his "health & fitness", to get to a 50:50 chance in the original scenario takes just over 6 weeks and that assumes perfect behavior.

With your 50 white/black it will take just over three weeks to get to a 50:50 chance and again, that assumes earning all possible bonus marbles for health & fitness AND me getting an average of five orgasms a week.

It is those "bonus" marbles (and frankly, my discretionary "penalty losses") that keep this from being a simple time-based system. So rather than reduce the numbers of starting marbles, I would think I should find a few more good habits I want to reinforce. After all, if we were both at the right weight or better about exercising, there would be no need to reward those behaviors and those marbles would be guaranteed.

That was the point of this game seems as if far too often D/s games rely on negative reinforcement to obtain a desired behavior. When the submissive does not comply with requests then they get punished. I wanted to find a way to bring the carrot instead of the stick. Or better yet, both. There are some indiscretions that get punished. But in other cases, I want there to be positive incentive.

Nevertheless, I agree that 100 may be too many.

JP - You have added a good twist I think. I agree that an all or nothing reward/penalty system may be too extreme, especially if I stay with such a high number of marbles to play. I'll need to run it out on paper to see how it will work in different iterations.

Perhaps, since the point is to reward good behavior, he will get to keep a fraction or even all of the "bonus marbles" but lose all time-based marbles. You've given me something to really think about.

But to both of you, thank you for the quick feedback. You've both given me things to consider and frankly, I think the only way to work out these two points will be empirically. :devil: I'm just going to have to pull the trigger and see how he reacts.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by jp »

MistressDagny wrote:But to both of you, thank you for the quick feedback. You've both given me things to consider and frankly, I think the only way to work out these two points will be empirically. :devil: I'm just going to have to pull the trigger and see how he reacts.
Only 2 posts on these forums and already I like you. :-D

Have fun with this! Glad I could give you some food for thought.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by titan »

This kinda reminds me of a two part story that MVGauis wrote. I believe it was titled "The Duchess", but I may be wrong...
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by cbt365 »

Awesome Idea, You are a dream Mistress.

I think your ideas are great, but the added ideas from JP to reducing the initial amount of marbles and using a sliding scale for removing white marbles after requesting a chance to draw a white one would be best. I agree if he waits the entire time to draw a white marble and strikes out would be devastating to start from scratch again.

Again nice job Mistress Dagny, I'm jealous of your husband.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by Kniffhanger »

If you want to be really mean: if the red marble is pulled it means a ruined orgasm for him.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by DoxysTurtle »

MistressDagny wrote: It is those "bonus" marbles (and frankly, my discretionary "penalty losses") that keep this from being a simple time-based system. So rather than reduce the numbers of starting marbles, I would think I should find a few more good habits I want to reinforce. After all, if we were both at the right weight or better about exercising, there would be no need to reward those behaviors and those marbles would be guaranteed.
As they're intended as a bonus, and you're considering manipulating the odds to give a shorter duration, you might consider the bonus ones being a different color. When they're drawn the same rules as white ones, except if he doesn't manage his orgasm, he still gets to keep all the bonus marbles he's earned and only loses the other. It'd have a similar percentage effect to what JP suggested (provided he's working to earn them), but make it far easier on you in terms of doing math or as much work when the time comes, if he doesn't manage to.

Just my 2 cents.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by Snoopy76 »

Well what a marvellous idea! I have taken some of these ideas and created a marble game of my own. However I started with 20 black, a white added each day then an opportunity for 5 bonus marbles to be added at the end of each week for certain tasks being completed.

It is only Day 4, so too early to take any major learnings but so far all going well and he even managed to earn a cum even though his chances were only about 7%!... Jammy heh!!

Am curious how the op is doing with her version as am keen to swap notes as this develops.

snoopy xXx
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by MistressDagny »

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Last edited by MistressDagny on Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by ullr »

Just a suggestion, but you say he has a habit of slipping for the first week or so; it might be worth altering the rewards to try and achieve a consistent effort, possibly increasing the reward for exercise/weight loss by one or two marbles in the first week. This wouldn't have a big impact on the overall odds but might motivate him more to try harder in the first week to ensure he gets those marbles.
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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by rebekeplex »

First of all i would like to thank you for bringing this idea here on Milovana's forums. I liked the concept itself so much that i had to modify it for my personal use. I kept the concept of becoming "better" person with organised life in general in exchange for some orgasm rewards. This modification is made for a single person, not for couples, but since there's no other person to control you, you have to be honest with yourself (otherwise it would be nonsensical - obviously). It is also made for males (as long as I am male) and I'm not sure if it can be performed by females - If yes, please let me know.

Next thing i would like say here is, that i used some ideas from people's comment on this post and some ideas from a book "The end of procrastination" written by Mr. Ludwig. Why am I telling you this.... I tried to end procrastination (it means that you aren't able to do things you should do and you tempt to waste your time instead of doing something useful) but my motivation kinda went back to zero after few days of trying... Then i found this post and i decided to try spice my life a little bit using this particular concept. Simplified: I sewed together motivation (sexual energy) with organised life (things i want to do but i can't motivate myself to do them).

So i present the
game (what a witty name for something this serious, huh ?)


3. HOW TO GET WHITE STONES (also black ones)


I put here higher chance to success - up to 90,91 % (because even 2 days of abstinence drives me crazy) depending on your willingness combined with patience.
I unfortunetely forgot the word "marbles" when i was typing the ideas so i replaced it with the word "stones" - it doesn't actually matter because I'm using airsoft balls (the ammo) instead.
Like i said before, there's no other person to control you so be honest with yourself.
There's not CBT in this game, but you can add some if you want (i don't like pain).
Chastity is optional, not required.
You will need 150 white stones, 50 black stones and 5 tokens.
Have fun.


1. Start with 1 white stone and 25 black stones in the jar
2. Minimal amount of black stones in jar = 15 pcs.
3. Max. amount of black stones in jar = 50 pcs
4. Minimal amount of white stones in jar = 1 pc.
5. Max. amount of white stones in jar = 150 pcs
6. You can earn max. 10 white stones per day
7. If you earn 10 white stones for 3 days in a row, you can remove 2 black stones from jar.
You can remove another 1 black stone for each consecutive day you earned 10 white stones.
8. If you did things, which should give you more then 10 white stones that day, you earned yourself a token (keep token outside the jar).
No matter if you done things worth 11 or 15 white stones - you can only earn 1 token per day.
9. You can exchange 5 tokens for removing one black stone from the jar.

HOW TO GET WHITE STONES (also black ones)

1. As long as you want to have your life organised, you should pick some (5 should be enought for the start) things to become your daily routine, for example: healthy eating, doing 50 push ups, preparing your snack for the next day (for school or work), going to bed early, dont curse whole day or being rude etc...

5 things done = 5 white stones
4 things done = 3 white stones (so doing all the 5 things is more worth it)
3 things done + 2 undone = 3 white stones + 2 black stones
2 things done + 3 undone = 2 white stones + 3 black stones
1 thing done + 4 undone = 1 white stone + 4 black stones

As you can see, you can get 25 white stones in 5 days just from doing your new routine. With the one white stone
from day 0 which makes it (slightly better than) 50/50 chance.
That's the step one of getting white stones.

2. There are some activities (and passivities) which can't be done every day (not matter what reason)

5 white stones for activities:
- day spent doing sports
- day spent helping your parents / friends (for example moving, helping with garden ....)

2 white stones for activities:
- Attending to training / jogging / going to gym / other excercisings(can be combined each day, but remember the cap is 10 white stones per day)

1 white stone for activities (passivities) -> these are everyday
- keeping your room clean
- not smoking (pot)/ not drinking a beer all day long
- giving yourself 5 edges (only once every day)
- learning foreign language for 30 minutes (THIS ONE CAN BE DONE MORE TIMES A DAY)
- not procrastinating (via facebook, 9gag etc.)


Here the real fun starts.
You are able to contest in Judgement day every 12 hours, if you don't violate the laws of the game.

Best case scenario: 150 white stones + 15 black stones in jar = 90,91 % chance to cum
Worst case scenario: 1 white stone + 50 black stones in jar = 2 % chance to cum.

I have two scenarios for the Judgement day (show the spoiler, otherwise this post would be endless)

1. "A drowning man will catch at a straw"
Spoiler: show
- this method gives you chance to try your luck again, but includes a big risk (how far will you push your luck ?).

First round of drowning man.

Edge at least 5 times and hold the last edge for 30 secs, then use you other hand to pick one stone from the jar (dont look in the jar -_-, just pick it randomly), if you are lucky and picked the white stone, you can release. If the stone is black you have two options:

- ruin yourself (and lose 20% of your actual amount of white stones in the jar) to end this session.
- wait until you are soft (no boner), remove 10% of your white stones from the jar, then shake the jar to mix the stones
(while not looking on or in the jar/bag) and go for round 2

Second round of drowning man.

Edge another 10 times and hold the last edge for 60 secs, then use you other hand to pick one stone from the jar (dont cheat), if you are lucky and picked the white stone, you can release. If the stone is black you have two options:

- ruin yourself (and lose 20% of your actual amount of white stones in the jar) to end this session.
- wait until you are soft (no boner), remove 10% of your white stones from the jar, then shake the jar to mix the stones (while not looking on or in the jar/bag) and go for round 3

Third round of drowning man.

Edge another 15 times and hold the last edge for 90 secs, then use you other hand to pick one stone from the jar (like i said, don't cheat), if you are lucky and picked the white stone, you can release. If the stone is black you have two options:

- ruin yourself (and lose 20% of your actual amount of white stones in the jar) to end this session.
- wait until you are soft (no boner), remove another 10% of your white stones from the jar, then shake the jar to mix the stones (while not looking on or in the jar/bag) and go for round 4

Fourth round of drowning man.

Edge another 20 times and hold the last edge for 120 secs, then use you other hand to pick one stone from the jar (like i said, don't cheat), if you are lucky and picked the white stone, you can release. If the stone is black you have two options:

- ruin yourself (and lose 20% of your actual amount of white stones in the jar) to end this session.
- wait until you are soft (no boner), remove another 10% of your white stones from the jar, then shake the jar to mix the stones
(while not looking on or in the jar/bag) and go for round 5

Fifth round of drowning man.

Edge another 25 times and hold the last edge for 150 secs, then use you other hand to pick one stone from the jar (like i said, don't cheat), if you are lucky and picked the white stone, you can release. If the stone is black you have two options:

- ruin yourself (and lose 20% of your actual amount of white stones in the jar) to end this session.
- wait until you are soft (no boner), remove another 10% of your white stones from the jar, then shake the jar to mix the stones
(while not looking on or in the jar/bag) and ... go for the LAST round.

The very LAST round of drowning man.

There are 3 possible causes which can you lead to this final round:
1. you just wanted to edge with small chance to release (that is acceptable)
2. you were extremely unlucky (i feel sorry for you, but it won't make it easier for you)
3. you weren't patient enough collecting white stones or you just had too much black stones (and this is the logical ending of it)

Here you go...
Edge another 30 times and hold the last edge for 180 secs, then use you other hand to pick one stone from the jar (like i said, don't cheat), if you are lucky and picked the white stone, you can release. If the stone is black you have following options:

- ruin yourself and start a new game tomorrow with 1 white stone and 25 black stones (only in case you had from 15 to 25 black stones and you are no longer able fight for benefits in the next game)

- hold the edge for another 120 secs. (up to total 300 secs.) and then ruin yourself (in case you had from 15 to 25 black stones and you were just unlucky) and start a new game tomorrow with 1 white stone and with 15 to 25 black stones (depending on how much you had before the Judgement day)

- hold the edge for another 270 secs. (up to total 450 secs.), deny yourself and start new game tomorrow with 1 white stone and 50 black stones, while you aren't able to contest in "The Judgement day" for 168 hours (one week) from the denial
2. "All or nothing"

- this method is very similiar to the original concept

First of all you should decide if you want to pick the stone from the jar before you start (and then hide it under a cup), or to pick the stone just before releasing / denying.

Then go slowly to the edge (it should take you at least 15 minutes before you reach the edge), hold the edge for at least 30 seconds and then find which stone is hidden under your cap or pick one from the jar (this option is here if you want it already decided but you don't want to know the outcome until the release / denial moment or if you want to feel more of a "control" of this moment you can pick the stone just before release)

If you pick white stone, you have 15 seconds to release which should be easy (because you are supposed to be very close to the edge)

If you pick black stone, you are denied (and you lose 25% of your actual amount of white stones).
You can continue the game with remaining amount of white stones, but your next try in "The Judgement day" is after 12h hours after denial (in case you are trying in the evening and you have the next day free - you don't have to go to work)


If you find this interesting i will probably make flashtease for helping you release.

Please leave feedback


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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by brandon »

these are all fantastic games!

AND, they reinforce good husband/boyfriend/slave behavior, and gives incentive to do things that are desired, and to reduce the amount of undesirable behaviors.

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Re: Orgasm Reward Game

Post by mrivan »

Just a little variant based on some of my own philosophy on slave training.

When starting the game for the first time, use JUST one black stone and one white. Each time the slave cums, add a black stone. NO top limit. The idea here is that the slave will slowly work up their endurance for denial.

To me, the idea of losing all their white stones for picking a black is very demoralizing. Even more so, it can build a sense of distrust when the stone is not revealed until later. Losing some whites is probably a good idea -- anything from 1 to 5 to 10 to even 50%; again, starting small and working up as tolerance for denial builds up over time.

My own original theme was simpler. Keep in mind this was for a Male Dom and a female slave. She would serve my needs orally to earn her first pleasure. She would have to do so twice for her next, and each time the number would increase by one with no top limit.
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