Ladies...where have you gone??

This is the place for general discussions on fetishes, sexuality and anything else. What's on your mind right now?
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Re: Ladies...where have you gone??

Post by webmaster007 »

Now, same question for the male writers... does it turn you on thinking about the guys doing your teases? Do you close your eyes and imagine them naked in front of their computer? When you write the tease, do you picture your reader as he licks the precum off the tip of his fingers??

If you do, and you claim you're not gay, you might want to spend a little time in self reflection and start to pry that closet door open! Nothing to be ashamed about, it's 2008 for gosh sakes, free yourself!!!!!

And by no means am I suggesting that all of the male writers are homosexual, just trying to understand.[/quote]

I'm a straight guy in a committed relationship (nearly married) and I for one had never even given the slightest thought to getting turned on by someone doing a tease I wrote or that anybody would get turned on by my viewing theirs. I just enjoy playing along with the fantasy of the teases, ignoring anything that I'm not willing/interested in doing (dildo, buttplug, etc.). It's kind of like watching a dirty movie.

I only create teases for two reasons.
1) Because if nobody creates new ones then there's no content for anybody.
2) There might be something I want to see, or some certain girl that just "speaks to me" when I'm looking at her picture and I think would be really good in a tease.

If someone likes mine and rates it high, that's interesting but not a turn on. If somebody gets turned on by my using their teases, I couldn't care less. I've got no gay/bi leanings, never had any interest. Whatever turns people on is their business if they aren't hurting anybody. [b]Please though[/b] if you are someone doing gay/bi shemale teases, tag or title them somehow as a courtesy to the rest of us. It makes things a minefield if you don't.
Nika Ferlinghetti
Explorer At Heart
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Re: Ladies...where have you gone??

Post by Nika Ferlinghetti »

First, I don't intend to read all the responses, so perhaps this has been already addressed, but....

No one likes a whiner.

There, I said it.

Now, second, I'm not going to write a tease. Seems like a lot of work. Maybe, maybe, maybe, I'll ask a wanker to assemble some appropriate pictures in sequential order, and I'll try. But it is highly unlikely.

Finally, if you want to meet interesting women, and retain them here, BE interesting. Post something interesting. Don't just sit on you silly asses hoping we'll entertain you.

There, lecture's over (for now)

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