A message to the lurkers. ;)

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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by tanuk »

neakyone wrote:i tend to just pop in and out and so i rarely log on...
have you tried viagra?
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by frankie57 »

Damn, Lindsey, you are simply amazing!

I've lurked forever because I don't check in very often, and I cannot really follow threads other than to read them long after they have run out.

If only there were a hundred of you to go out and spread the word. Wouldn't it be great if someone like you would post on the sites my wife reads....
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by Lindsey »

Last_One_In wrote:Hi im Kev.

and im a lurker. :lol:

Ok so i joke about almost everything- i think that humor in life is very important. without it wed all be screwed ... in a bad way. after looking at compressor maps and ignition/fuel tables for the past 12 hours my brain is fried and i decided to take a break and post here for the first time. ive read some of the forums and the webteases and it amazes me at how imaginitive and creative some people are. the webteases in general cover a vast array of interests and the pictures with them are perfect. some real thought was involved with laying them out.

ill try and not be such a lurker anymore....
Thanks for joining us. It would be nice to see you around some more. Don't be shy! ;)
besweetlycruel wrote:Very nice into post, Lindsey; you talked me into joining after I lurked for months. :-)
Well...for every month you lurked, I expect a month of active contribution. ;)
borzo wrote:Rather than the girl who gave me the best orgasms, let me de-lurk with a quick message about a girl who never gave me one. We fooled around in bed several times, and she always made it clear, mostly through body language, what she wanted -- and I was always eager to give her what she wanted. This might be for me to suck on her nipples, put some fingers in her pussy or in her ass. She would lead me to giving her an orgasm (which can be quite thrilling - to be the cause of such a tumultuous burst of pleasure) and then be all comfortable and snuggly in a way that would make one feel like a cad to ask for anything more :-) That was a typical night in bed with her.

She also played a little game with me a couple of times. She would be lying on top of me and lean down as if for a kiss, but stop just a bit short. I'd raise my head a bit, but then she'd pull back a bit, her lips just staying an inch or so from mine. Repeat maddeningly... In short, she probably made me feel sexier than any other woman has, and without intercourse or orgasm (for me).

I suppose I was too young, inexperienced and shy at the time to push things farther and see what would happen, but I have to admit I've fantasized about those few minutes quite a few times in the years since, and have sought out similar feelings! And then, to my surprise, I stumbled on the first web teases, and then orgasmdenial.com, and now milovana to find out that there's a whole community of people who find that sort of thing just as hot as I do.

:love: B
Very sexy. That's actually how I go about kissing quite a bit. Being in bed makes it hot, as I can be on top of a guy. But even standing up it works plenty well. ;) I like to alternate between being extremely aggressive, and very passive. I'll run my fingers through his hair on the back of his head, grab his head and pull him close to me, kiss him hard, pressing my body up against his, moaning, rubbing my leg up against his...then i'll playfully bite his lower lip abruptly and pull my head away...make him move forward and come get more if he wants it. I'll let him touch his lips to mine...barely, but then back away again. After doing that a few times, i'll be passive and let him kiss me...but not for long until I turn very aggressive again. I find that changing things up, taking myself away when I know he wants it most, and alternating between being rough and very gentle is a great way to build up sexual tension.
slavedave wrote:Hello,
I have been mostly lurking for a while now. I love the teases and the forums, and of course, am a big Lindsey fan. I love reading your posts and am incredibly aroused and generally interested in your thoughts, comments, and the exciting things that go on in your head. I have always been interested in the Psychology of sex and foreplay and what it is that people (of either sex) are thinking during such encounters. You do a great job sharing the details of what is going on in that creative mind of yours during such times.

I appreciate all that you and so many other members have shared during these exchanges and I feel empowered to do more of it myself. Thanks for the involvement, honesty, and encouragement to many of us who don't really share as much.

Aww...thanks for the kind words. And it's nice to know that there are a lot of people out there that are intrigued by the subtle details of sex. I think we could use people like you around here. Don't be shy. ;)
arekives wrote:I figured I should post here. I've had a username for quite some time now, but don't post often. I'm a very big fan Lindsey, and enjoy your posts immensely.
Thanks for saying hello!! ;)
frankie57 wrote:Damn, Lindsey, you are simply amazing!

I've lurked forever because I don't check in very often, and I cannot really follow threads other than to read them long after they have run out.

If only there were a hundred of you to go out and spread the word. Wouldn't it be great if someone like you would post on the sites my wife reads....
That actually made me blush a bit. Thanks for the positive reinforcement. ;)
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by pentroll »

I've been here for sometime now. I had the obligatory welcome post (Not that long ago actually). A review post that I hope helped the creator in some way.
This is only the second thread I have read in its entirety. The other thread also started by Lindsey. Coincidence. I think so.

I have finally decided to become 'vocal' because of an interesting chat I had in the Milovana chat application. I actually helped someone along with their self imposed denial by giving them ideas on how to control themselves. I think.

So if nothing else I'd just like to say thanks to Lindsey for giving some of us the push we needed to say hello. To everyone who responded to Lindsey's call to come from the shadows, it was inspirational. Ha. That made me sound a little like a twat. And to everyone in the community, active or not, this has changed my sex life forever and I hope it will continue to enrich it.
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by bullzi »

Hello Lindsey how are you? I'm good, and I simply can't stop thinking about you on this site. You one of the main reasons I decided to join. I want to sincerely thank you and all the mistresses that put in so much time and effort. I feel like I don't deserve something this great. I truly look forward to hearing from you and anyone else that wants to talk.
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by besweetlycruel »

I will do what I can, Lindsey. You have such a tantalizing, wonderful way with words that I would like to be in thrall to.
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by Karthorn »

Well now, a post about lurkers, i have to respond just b/c i like the fact that your trying to get lurkers like myself to show themselves. Truth is i'm not sure if it's shy or if it's the fact that i'm useally on at crazy hours or that i just don't ever really have much to try to say. Though i have lurked onto your other posts where you say your on to have fun and what not. That makes me smile, just the idea of it is pretty cool. I just never posted on them b/c i'm on crazy hours and for some reason never wanted to be that dude. You know that person who has no posts and puts something on a thread like that being all selfish and what not. Or maybe it's that i figured that i'd never get a response. Or possibly that i'm not sure if i'd even want a response. Only chat type talk like that i've ever done with is girls i've been emotionally envolved with, and damn...i mean damn is it hot. Ok i'm sorry for rambleing, and also sorry that most of the stuff i just typed probably doesn't make much sense. That's probably more the reason i tend not to post. I ramble off on different trains when i type.

Anyways i've always had fun reading your posts. So i hope you have a fun day at work and don't have a chemical spill Lindsey. Anyways, thanks for pulling people like myself outta the crowd.

p.s. i joind in june but have been lurking for a couple years :-P
p.p.s. This post has motivated me to post how i created this little kink in myself. Please feel free to check it out lurkers and of course Lindsey as well. I'll call it MY BEGININGS TO T AND D and i'll put it int the Stories section b/c it's going to be long. Though i must admit i'm not into chastity but prolonged tease and denial is exilerateing.
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