A message to the lurkers. ;)

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A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by Lindsey »

Every time I sign on here, there's at least a handful of 'guest' users browsing the forums. I figured i'd lend some encouragement for the lurkers amongst us to register and participate in discussions. This is in the interest of creating a more lively forum, which i've devoted some time to in the past, but have been a bit too busy lately to upkeep that amount of activity. For now. ;)

Why not participate?

You come to the site to do webteases because it arouses you, and you got curious about the forums as well, right? No harm in posting every now and again.

You don't have any questions you need to ask? Maybe your viewpoint can enlighten someone who does have something they want some insight on.

You don't really see the point in having sexual discussions in a forum with mostly guys? I'll let you in on a little secret, the VAST majority of the webtease authors that created the teases you're touching yourself to...yes, they're guys. It doesn't make you gay...it makes you intrigued in things they've learned from being with women that you have not been with. It's no different from a conversation of kiss and tell when your friend mentions something his new girlfriend did in bed. People write websteases based on their experiences and fantasies. Guys can't have fantasies without girls to feed those fantasies. Trust me, there's value in talking about it and sharing ideas. The more you learn about sex, the better chance you have at being extremely proficient at it with a woman. ;)

You're shy? No worries there...you can hide behind the comforting blanket of anonymity that the world wide interweb creates for us. Believe me, you wouldn't be able to pin my personalty down very well at all based on forum posts. Where there are no consequences, there are no inhibitions. Also, overcoming inhibitions makes you a more approachable, desirable individual...girls like this. ;)

You feel dirty/guilty/self absorbed/perverted making something like this any more than a sporadic fixture in your life? Sex is a huge part of everybody's life. Some just show it more than others. It's not dirty, it's natural curiosity. Also, the sooner you explore the curiosities you have, the sooner you can figure out what it is you like, and what it is you don't. And, pssst. ...that makes you better in bed. ;) You can't fight sexual curiosities. It's a loosing battle. I speak from experience. ;)

And if those aren't reasons enough for you...i'm going to personally give you some incentives. I can't chat with anyone that doesn't post on the forums, as I don't know you exist. And if I can't chat with you, I can't send you a few pictures that i've selected for newly registered forum members. ;) ...If you decide to join our little party, it will show in your profile...i'll pick out a number of guys at random, PM you to talk via email or chat...and send you a few pictures if you'd like. Is there another lady on the forum that intrigues you? I'm sure I can convince her that you're a nice guy.

And of course, seeing as i've slanted this towards male lurkers...if there are any ladies out there, i'm sure everyone here would be delighted to have you be a part of things. I know I would. ;)

I'm going to be very upset if this becomes one more thread with hundreds of views, and enough responses for me to count on my non-dominant hand.


P.S. Which hand is that, you ask? You'll have to PM me to find out. ...But why would you want to know that? ...Because then you'll know which hand I touch myself with. ;)
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by Raye0072 »

Incredible read. I am still pretty shy about posting on the forums here, but I had to reply to your message. It was a great read and I felt encouraged to post and get more involved. Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts.
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by Jim »

hhehehe there's gna be a lot of horny guys :P
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by aaboy »

Thank you for the encouragment to get more involved.
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by Mr.Panty »

Well said, Lindsey! I was thinking along these lines the other day. Someway to get the forums more lively. I was thinking about a monthly poll and question about different fetishes or something.

And hey, don't forget about us boys that have been participating. ;-)
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by crazydreamer »

Wow, your words are always so well spoken.. Well I once was one of the people among the lurkers as well. Then I saw some posts from Lindsey, and couldn't help but want to join and post. Now here I am actually starting to post on the forums I never thought I would join to post here but thanks to Lindsey I do.. I can't even begin to say how amazing Lindsey is. Well anyhoo off I go..

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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by nomeuno »

cool post
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by pslion24 »

Well I have wanted to start joining into the conversations around here. I can't think of a better reason to start. Thanks Lindsey!
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by Forevergallant »

I'll be honest, Im often on here lurking without logging in. Mainly if I dont have time to read posts, and dont want them to be lost. I save loggin in for when I have time to read posts.

If I can ever get my head around how or what type of scenario I want to use I will make a webtease.

And I cant ever seem to get on at the right time to talk to you lindsey ;)
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by dark »

I really appreciate all the effort some women here show(ed) to encourage other people to participate anf make this place to a better place. It's great that you girls are here :wub:

The Internet is full of people so called "lurkers". I am a lurker, too on other websites. Of course participating is always very appreciated and also very important to keep a website alive, but lurking is common on every site. A few people are the core, then comes another group of regular participants and the biggest part (70%-90%) are lurkers on every website based on the Web 2.0 spirit.

This is ok, because the sense of the Internet is mainly providing content for people who can use it free without conditions. So every lurker is very welcomed here :-) But if some of the lurkers decide to participate it's even better. Thank you for the encouraging post Lindsey.

And I agree that we guys can benefit a lot from exchanging views about sexuality with women like Lindsey.
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by goodboy »

Again, well said. I don't post often although a lot of the threads are lively and entertaining, believe it or not I tend to read the forums if the thread catches my eye rather than torture myself with the teases! (honest!) :blush:

I can't get my head round writing the teases though because you always need resource from other sites, I know the photo's might actually be a good thing for many of the sites as it promotes visitors to that site, are there any sites Milovana actually have agreements with that there resource can be posted here? I think I've posted this question before but never really got an answer...
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by justanotherguy »

Though I've been a member for a bit, I tend to lurk, simply because I often only have a minute or so to sit down at the computer. I've posted a few times and can attest to the benefits of membership....before Lindsey ever made this offer, I was the recipient of a pic, and trust me, it is a very nice pic :) So join if you're only surfing anonymously!
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by JelloBoy »

Great post Lindsey, as ever. I was once a lurker too, but once I took the steps to register and started posting it became fun. I don't post often, because I'm usually way behind everyone else is saying and don't really just want to repost what others have said.

Again, great post Lindsey!
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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by Devon113 »

Good post L!

This is my second post actually (edit: whoa, apparently it's my FIFTH post already! Go me!), even though I've been around since the good old orgasmdenial.com days (where I first discovered what sick perverted sexual practices I'm into :-D ).

I guess I never thought anything really post-worthy tbh, so I didn't register until recently I came across this really cool tease where I just had to open a thread to say my thanks to the author!

By the way, now that I'm posting in one of your threads I might as well let you know that I found that story you shared in the "ask me anything-thread", the one with you being tied to the bedroom door, really, I mean REALLY hot! Gave me some nice ideas in case I come across a girl that might be into that! So thanks for that^^

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Re: A message to the lurkers. ;)

Post by JHChrist »

I'm a lurker on most forums I go on, that's just who I am, in the real world I'm usually quiet till I get to know people (unless I've had a few drinks, obviously...)

But, as y'all seem so keen on new members, I may aswell have a go....I'm Dave, I'm an English, alcoholic gambling addict, I've made enough playing poker to cover my losses in prop bets.....I don't post a lot because, the site has how ever many thousand members, I can almost guarantee atleast 10 of them have done everything I have, so they'll likely post it. And if they don't, it was never worth saying.

I dunno...looking back over that, it either wasn't worth saying, or didn't make sense...but, well...hi there
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