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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
Posts: 355
Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:33 am


Post by Salamando »

They had cleaned up Violet’s mess as best they could, though they’d waited so long, some of it had soaked too much into the couch material and left a stain. Violet sighed with annoyance as she flipped the cushions. Jim was now in class, but Violet had none today, and she was also off from her part time job. She got some work done around the apartment, such as unpacking some of the boxes they hadn’t gotten around to. After a few hours of this, Violet felt like getting a Coke, but when she opened the fridge, she saw they had apparently gone through their stash already. So, she grabbed her wallet and stepped outside, going down the stairwell to the vending machines near the apartment office. As she stepped up the Coke machine, digging out a dollar, she saw a man leaning heavily against the machine as he seemed to mull over his choices.

The man noticed her, then stepped back saying, “Go ahead, I don’t know what I want yet,” he sounded very tired. And Violet was not surprised, since this was the man she had seen tormented in the apartment four doors down from hers last night.

Violet had told Jim she wouldn’t get involved until he could find the number to that organization he mentioned. But here the man was, looking haggard as hell, and Violet just couldn’t help herself.

“Are you okay?” she said to him.

The man just looked at her, eyes a little bit haunted. He shrugged. “I’m just really tired,” he said. “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Violet didn’t think a whole solid day’s sleep would have been enough. She gave him a sympathetic smile, and tried to put the image of his thrashing, naked body out of her mind. Now that he wasn’t drenched in sweat and in obvious agony, Violet thought he was rather good looking. She had seen that he was physically fit last night, possibly just from the torture sessions alone being a work out for his whole body, but he had a handsome face, even if he was several days overdue for a shave and his expression was rather melancholy. Violet turned and got her Coke. She paused, then put another dollar in the machine and got a Dr. Pepper. She handed it to him. “Here,” she said. “My treat.”

The man gave her a surprised look. “Oh, no, that’s okay, really. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Hey, I’m just being a good neighbor,” Violet said giving him a bright smile. “We live on the same floor, I’ve seen you coming out of the apartment down the hall. Come on, take it.”

The man managed a small smile in return. “How’d you know I liked Dr. Pepper?” he said.

“You had your hand hovering between it and the root beer,” she replied. “So I figured you weren’t sure between those two, but you probably wanted the caffeine.”

“Ah,” he said. He took a drink and let out a breath. “Yeah, that really hit the spot. Thanks a lot. My name’s Doug. Let me know if you need any help with something sometime.” He held out his hand and Violet shook it.

“Violet,” she said. “My boyfriend’s name is Jim. And likewise on the help.”

Doug’s smile faltered a bit at then, almost like he wanted to say something else, but he forced it back into place. He turned and started to walk towards the stairs. Violet tried to ignore the slump of his shoulders as he went. She meant to wait until he was back on their floor before going up the steps himself, but she just couldn’t do it. She quickly stepped up behind him and walked with him, until they got to her door.

“Well, this is my stop,” said Violet. She paused then, said, “Do you need help with anything?”

Doug shook his head. “Nah,” he said. Then he chuckled humorlessly and muttered, “Not unless you know a good way to get rid of witches.” He turned to go to his place.

The words came out almost of their own accord. “Is that what she is? A witch?”

Doug froze. Then he turned and his face had hardened into a stony expression, but his eyes seemed to light up with several emotions at once. Violet took a step back as the intensity of the gaze surprised her. She let her psychic senses rise a bit to better tell what he was feeling. Shock, followed by an almost hope that was instantly replaced by distrust, which became fear, which started to move to panic.

“I saw you last night, Doug,” she said. “I’m psychic. I could sense something going on in your apartment, and it was going on for so long, I had to check it out to see that everything was okay. I saw what she was doing to you. And I saw her.”

Remarkably, Violet felt Doug shove his emotions down and his features calmed. He turned again and started walking quickly. “I have to go.”

“Doug, wait!” said Violet, following him. “Doug!”

“Get away from me!” he shouted. He reached into his pockets and yanked out his keys. They slipped from his grip and went skittering across the floor, down to the door past his. “Shit!” he muttered. He nearly dashed towards them, snatched them up, and fumbled for the right key as he backtracked to his door. Violet reached his door just as he did.

“Doug,” she said. Doug’s hand was shaking and he couldn’t seem to get the key in the lock.

“Leave me the fuck alone,” he said. “I’ve got enough problems with the witch. I don’t need some psychic trying to fuck with me. For all I know, you’re one of her friends, and she’s setting this up just to screw with me some more.”

“No, Doug, listen,” said Violet. He dropped his keys again and cursed. He snatched them up and moved to try again, but Violet placed her hand over the lock. “Doug. Calm down. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not going to try and screw with you either. I just want to know what’s going on. I wasn’t sure last night, but I can tell now without having to read your mind that it’s not a consensual thing.” She looked in his eyes, trying show him she was sincere. “I want to help you, Doug. But you have to let me, okay?”

He looked at her for a few long moments before saying, “Can you stop her?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “My boyfriend thinks he can contact some people who might be able to. But I’m here, right now, and I want to help.”

“If you can’t stop her, what can you possibly do to help me?” Doug said bitterly.

“I can…” Violet paused, wishing she had something, anything to say that would give him concrete help. “I can try to ease the torment she puts you through. I can use my powers. I can help you regain your calm, relax, and help get your head back together, so you don’t have the spend the next week walking around like a zombie.”

Doug considered it, and seemed about to nod, but then, he hesitated. Cautiously, he said. “How… how do I know I can trust you?”

Violet frowned. “You can’t,” she said. “But… I guess if you look at it this way, I doubt I can fuck you up any more than she has.” Doug smiled humorlessly, then nodded. “Okay,” said Violet. “So, who is she? What’s the deal between you to?”

Doug cleared his throat. “Sara. Her name is Sara.” He paused. “The deal between us is… kind of a long story… I guess.”

“Okay,” said Violet. She took Doug’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go to my apartment. I don’t really want to do this in your place.”

Doug frowned. “If she wants to come after me, it won’t matter where I am,” he said. “But then, if you’re going to help me and she catches you, it won’t matter where you are either.”

Violet thought for a moment. “Well, if we’re screwed either way, let’s just go to my place. It should be less stressful a location for both of us.” After a moment’s hesitation, Doug nodded, and he followed her.

Violet invited him to sit on the sofa, then remembered how she’d squirted all over it just from trying to contact Doug’s mind last night. She shivered at the memory, but Doug was already sitting down before Violet could stop him. She decided she would just not mention the incident.

Violet sat on the overstuffed chair partially across from the couch and said, “Okay, Doug. Go ahead. Just tell me whatever you’re comfortable with.”

Doug took a long breath and then nodded. “Okay. I might need to stop a few times, though. And, uh, if I get an erection while I talk about this, please don’t freak out. Also, if you catch me ogling you, I’m sorry in advance. I don’t mean to, it’s just… well…”

“Its okay, Doug,” said Sara. “Just go ahead.”

“Well, we had been dating for about a year,” Doug began. “Then, out of no where, she started developing these powers. Apparently, she was a randomly born witch; most are born to witch families, but sometimes, a witch is born to an ordinary family. This is usually due to an atavism appearing in a bloodline that has some extremely diluted witch ancestry.”

Violet nodded. “It’s the same with us psychics,” she said. “My family has weak traces of the gene, but only me and my uncle have ever demonstrated the power.”

Doug nodded. “Right. So. This was like five or so years ago. Sara and I met freshman year of college and fell for each other. We were decent together. I dunno if, assuming she never got her powers, we’d still be together now, but for the time, we were happy. Then, suddenly, she awoke to her magic.

“Now, I’m not sure if it’s the innate focus of her powers or just what she chose to use them for, but she uses her magic for sexual effects. She can manipulate people’s libidos, can read a person’s body to know exactly how they tick, and control their bodies to make them perform sexual acts. She can also do things like turn invisible, has some kind of telekinetic ability, can create illusions and phantom sensations, has healing powers. She’s recently learned how to teleport. I’m sure she uses her powers for other things sometimes, but even the most utilitarian abilities, she uses them for sex to some capacity.”

“I see,” said Violet. “So, like last night? She was using telekinesis to hold you up while she manipulated your body?”

Doug nodded. “I don’t think it’s quite telekinesis, more like some kind of binding spell. A psychic has to continuously concentrate on maintaining their telekinetic effect. Sara can just make someone float and leave them that way until she comes back and gets them down, or the effect wears off on its own.”

Violet nodded. “Is that what she usually does? Float you up in the air and just hammer you with magic pleasure?”

“If I’m lucky, yeah, that’s all she does,” he said. “Often times, she’ll do that and taunt me, telling me about other guys and sometimes other girls she’s fucked. She’ll tell me how she makes them cum, rubbing it in that I can’t. She’ll mock me on how I can’t get pussy on my own, and then sometimes a random girl, maybe some friend of hers, I dunno, will just show up at my place and force herself on me. The last time I actually had any sort of physical sex with someone was like five months ago, these five women just showed up in my apartment, grabbed me, tied me to the coffee table and then had an orgy, using me as their fuck toy.”

“Oh, god, what a bitch,” said Violet, a touch unbelieving. But she could sense Doug was not lying to her. Then something he’d said sunk in: “Wait. Did you say you can’t cum? Like, you’re unable to have orgasms?”

Doug nodded. “She did something to me which turned off my ability to orgasm, no matter what she made me feel. The first year or so after we broke up, she would sometimes relent and let me cum about once every two or three months, usually in some way that would be humiliating. Out of no where, she’d just make me cum while I was walking down the street, and then I’m standing there with a giant wet stain on my pants. After a while, though, she just cut it off permanently. I also can’t masturbate or initiate sex, either, so basically, I’m constantly horny and can never do anything about it.”

Violet’s eyes widened. “Oh my god,” she said. “That’s terrible! I mean, I’ve occasionally used my powers to delay a guy’s orgasm before or tease him, but that’s just cruel and inhumane.”

“Well, don’t freak out, but it’s probably the only thing keeping me from trying rape you at the moment,” said Doug. Violet noticed he wasn’t looking at her eyes anymore. Doug seemed to realize he was staring inappropriately and forced himself to close his eyes and lower his head. “Sorry,” he said in a low voice. “Sorry, I…”

“If it’s any consolation, you seem to be keeping yourself in remarkable control,” said Violet. “I mean, even with not being able to do anything, you seem like you can keep your focus. That’s very impressive.”

Doug, still not looking at her, shrugged and said, “After five years, you learn how to deal with it. You have to. I still need to pay the bills I still need to go out and work and if I didn’t learn tricks to getting through day to day, I’d probably die starving in a gutter somewhere. I guess she doesn’t want me to just become a homeless bum to die in the gutter, because she seems considerate enough not to do things that would get me fired from work, but otherwise… I don’t have much of a social life anymore. And there’s no way in hell I can date anybody. I tried it a few times, a couple just to see if I could get them to fuck me. Never worked. I found out Sara just dropped their libidos and they thought I was a freak when I would just sit there staring at them with a raging hard on while they were never interested. One girl I really liked and she really liked me back, but when Sara discovered her, she made the girl go all sex fiend on me, made her rape me for two days straight. The girl was so traumatized and guilt ridden by it, she moved to the other side of the country.”

Violet just shook her head. “Why? Why would Sara do that to you?”

Doug shrugged. “She wants me all to herself, I guess. Even though she goes out and fucks other people whenever she wants, I belong entirely to her, so I can’t have anyone else unless she’s lending me out to her friends for a night. Which she really only does to torment me further, not for any sort of real companionship.”

“God,” said Violet, and a few moments of silence passed. She then said, “I felt a bit of what you were experiencing when I tried to touch your mind. How the hell do you survive that kind of treatment? Either your mind or body?”

“Part of her powers,” said Doug. “She can keep me alive, force me to stay conscious, force my mind to stay just intact enough to appreciate what’s going on even while I’m right at the edge of insanity, just like she holds me right at the edge of orgasm. It’s because of those powers I can recover quickly enough I can walk around and coherently talk after about a day of rest.”

Violet shook her head. She couldn’t even imagine was that was like. “Okay,” she said. “So, how did this all start?”

“Well,” said Doug. “At first it as just harmless tricks.. I, uh…” He swallowed hard. “She, um…” Violet saw the bulge in his shorts flex and his hands starting to fidget. From the lust coming off of him, she knew he wanted to touch himself. “I’m sorry, if I start talking about this, I’m going to rile myself up too much.”

Violet chewed her lower lip for a moment. “Doug,” she said. “You don’t have to talk about it. But if you want to, if it would be easier, you can just think of what you want to say, and I can read your mind. Just your surface thoughts. It’s entirely up to you.”

Doug gave her a strained look. “You… you have my permission to look, if it would be faster.”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be pushing you,” said Violet.

“No… no it feels good to talk about this,” said Doug. “I’m glad you came to me. I can’t actively try and seek help, you see, and when most people try to help out, and I try to tell them, they get scared off.”

“You won’t scare me off, Doug,” said Violet.

“Okay, well, I guess I can just show you the highlights…”
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