A pair of pliers and a ticket to Australia

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A pair of pliers and a ticket to Australia

Post by aimauanca »


I’d been working in the office for two weeks. It was a fairly simple job, more like data entry than accountancy – I just had to keep track of invoices and payments made by the company’s clients and suppliers. The company ran a niche import-export business – buying and selling pet food, and there were just three of us to run it. I was the latest arrival, obviously. With me in the outer office was Sheena, the secretary, with her short skirts and tight blouses. In her private office was Miss Steel, around forty years old, the owner of the company.
Like any other import-export business, the company didn’t actually produce anything – it just acted as an intermediary between someone who needed to sell a product, and someone else who needed to buy it, wherever they were in the world.
My pay wasn’t particularly good, but I felt lucky to have a job, as I had been on the dole for some time, and had no particular skills to offer, except basic maths and computer use. But these two, combined with a hint of desperation, made me just right for the job.
So my day was spent checking receipts, introducing payments into the computer, and looking at Sheena’s legs and breasts, trying not to let her see. Sometimes I was sure she was teasing me, when, knowing I was watching her, she would adjust the hem of her skirts, or lift her breasts in her blouse to a more comfortable position. Apart from that, she completely ignored me. She spoke to me of course, but only ever about work; never a kind word, and at lunch she went out with her friends, leaving me to go to lonely cafes on my own (Miss Steel never left her office during work hours, even for lunch; either she was dieting, or she brought a packed lunch with her – I never found out.)
I’d never been into Miss Steel’s private office – I’d never really had much to do with her at all, except the first days, when she told me what my work was, and how to use the computer. Then one Monday morning, my third Monday morning, to be precise, the intercom buzzed, and after a few words Sheena told me to go through to see Miss Steel.
I knocked, entered and closed the door behind me. For some reason I was afraid I was in for some sort of reprimand, and I didn’t want Sheena to hear.
Miss Steel waved me to stand in front of her desk. To stand was the only choice, as hers was the only chair in the room. She looked up from the papers she had been reading. “Michael” she started, “you’ve been here two weeks now, and your work has been quite satisfactory, so we can assume that you’ll be staying with us.
“Your contract” she continued “is defined under the terms of the new law governing short-term jobs, so we will have to renew it each month as the previous one expires. The idea of these contracts is to increase employment, in that they give flexibility to the employer – they can let an employee go at a moment’s notice without any particular motivation. Of course the employee enjoys the same flexibility – he can up and go any time he likes if he finds another employer who better appreciates the skills he can offer.” A pause. “Are you likely to up and go, Michael?”
I moved my mouth a few times but I didn’t really know what to answer. I certainly was not likely to up and go – I knew perfectly well that if I lost this job, I had little chance of finding a new one.
Miss Steel correctly interpreted my silence. “I thought not” she said with a sarcastic smile. “So you see, this flexibility that both parties have, that the law-makers bandied about so loudly, is really only on one side. The employer’s side. My side.”
Another pause. “You are an intelligent young man, Michael, so I’m sure you understand. Firstly, you need this job. Secondly, we can let you go at a moment’s notice, on a mere whim, the moment we don’t find your performance satisfactory. In other words, if I say ‘Jump’, you jump. Is that clear?”
I nodded agreement.
“Good” she said, and leaned back in her chair. “Now you will do what I say, because if you don’t, you’re sacked.” A pause for effect, then “Kneel down!”
This was new for me – it had nothing to do with entering invoices. I hesitated. “Kneel down!” she commanded. I did as ordered. Pleased with her success in dominating me, she continued. “Now crawl under the desk.” Again I did as ordered. “Between my legs.” She waited. “Now lick me.”
Under the desk, I found her hips thrust forward, her legs open wide, her cunt naked and wet. You could see that power excited her, even though at the same time she was exposing herself in her desire for sexual satisfaction.
I knelt under the desk and licked softly at her cunt. If I had to do this, I may as well do it well, without rushing to a quick climax. She moaned slightly, and shifted herself in her chair. I continued to lick lightly, up, down, side to side, around and over her clitoris. Not surprisingly I started to get hard, and steadying myself with one hand, I moved the other down to rub my cock through my trousers. But immediately, as if she had sensed what was happening, she ordered me to caress her thighs “with both hands” she emphasized, and I reluctantly obeyed.
From the way she was moving and sounding, I knew it was time to speed up. I moved my tongue faster and harder, and of my own initiative, without waiting to be told, I released one thigh and thrust two fingers deep inside her wet vagina. I heard no more as she reacted my suddenly closing her thighs tight around my head. I felt her pull my head towards her cunt with both hands, and I went for broke. I licked harder than ever and treated her vagina cruelly with two, then three, then four fingers.
I felt her whole body shake. For a second I heard her cry out in orgasm, as she released my head from the grip of her thighs, to then hear nothing again as the closed them. There then came a long period of calm, after which she moved back in her chair and adjusted her skirt.
“Stand up” she ordered, though her voice was somewhat softer than before. “Michael, you have performed well, and the company finds that it can confirm your contract. Please go back to your desk.”
With these words she dismissed me, and I started to hobble across to the door – walking normally was impossible due the enormous hard-on that made a tent out of my trousers. “Stop” she said, just before I opened the door. “We can’t have Sheena see you like that. What would she say?”
She motioned me to go behind the desk and stand at her side. “Open” she commanded. I unzipped my trousers, and with some difficulty maneuvered my bursting prick out into the open, its head gleaming with precum. I gasped as Miss Steel lightly caressed its length, before taking it tightly in her fist and wanking it hard. I knew that this would not last long and that soon a hot stream of semen would be shooting into her face or across her chest. The image excited me even more and within little time I felt the orgasm about to start.
Then, just before the point of no return, she let go. My prick stood hard, straight and twitching just in front of her chest. She opened a packet of tissues and cleaned the precum from her hands. Then, with a clean tissue protecting her hand, with absolutely no delicacy, she took hold of my cock and thrust it into my trousers, while holding the zip open with her other hand. She almost bent my prick in the process, and it, being hard as a rock, was in no mood for being bent, and it caused great pain. Once it was in, she pulled up the zip, managing to nick my skin, and get several pubic hairs caught at the same time.
Just one word – “out”. “But Sheena, what will she say?” I stammered.
“Out. Now. Go back to your desk, and do not visit the bathroom in the next hour or your fired”
I left the office as best I could. I tried to walk sideways so that Sheena would not see my hard-on, and the tears in my eyes, but when I looked over she was laughing, silently, with a hand over her mouth to stifle her mirth. I couldn’t even go to the bathroom to clean up (and maybe even wank, to ease my frustration.)
I sat, shamefaced, and stared at my computer screen, pretending to work.


The next morning it happened again. The intercom buzzed, Sheena sent me through, and I was ordered to service Miss Steel again, just like yesterday, though this time without all the preamble about contracts and flexibility. Miss Steel’s cunt was ready and waiting, cleaned, shaved, perfumed and wet. I went through the same process as the day before, though I generally licked faster, so as to get it over with. Again, Miss Steel came fast and violently, and followed with a few minutes of relax.
“Stand” she ordered. “That was rather rushed,” she complained. “You will have to do better next time. So that you’ll remember, you must be punished. Come here.” Again I went to her side. “Pull your trousers down.” I opened my belt, the button and zip of my trousers, and pulled them down, together with my boxer shorts. My prick stood straight out in front of me. From a drawer Miss Steel took a reel of adhesive tape. She stuck one end to my prick at its base, and then started wrapping round and round over my balls and for the whole length of my prick.
“Out. And remember, no bathroom for an hour.”
It was the most stupid thing that had ever happened to a penis. There was nothing erotic about it – it was just uncomfortable. Dressed and at my desk again (with Sheena laughing silently at me again) I could feel my erection dying down, my prick shrinking, and the glue on the tape pulling at the soft, sensitive skin on this, the most delicate part of a man’s body.
After an hour I went to the bathroom and began the painful process of liberating myself. The tape tore at my skin, and I winced as entire tufts of pubic hair were pulled from my body. With tears in my eyes, I returned to my desk, only to find Sheena sniggering over the intercom to Miss Steel.


More of the same. This time I made it last, and used every trick in the book to make it a great orgasm. Dare I hope that I would receive a reward?
Dare I might, but no reward was forthcoming. Just like Monday, she had me stand by her side as she teased my penis, even more slowly, so that my need to come was even greater, until I was about to burst, and then she stopped, zipped me up and sent me out.
Sheena giggled as I sat down. Then she stood and walked provocatively over to my desk. “Has the boss given you a hard time?” she punned. She leaned over my shoulder to look down at my erection, and at the same time pressed her chest into the back and side of my head.
“That looks very uncomfortable” she said. “Would you like me to help?” With these words she reached down and seized the head of my prick. I gasped as she stroked it through the material of my trousers. I could feel one hard nipple pressing through her thin blouse to my cheek. She took me straight to the edge in just a few seconds, but just as I started to come the mean, cock-teasing, donkey-sucking bitch took her hand away and laughed. Instead of an enormous mind-shattering explosion of an orgasm, my prick just twitched and dribbled semen inside my trousers, giving no sexual release at all. It just left me as frustrated as before, and profoundly depressed.
As Sheena walked triumphantly back to her desk, I sat and felt the semen, sticky and rapidly cooling all over my prick and balls. I stood, crouching, and made for the bathroom, but Sheena stopped me, indicating the clock. Even in this state I had to wait till the hour was over! I sat again at my computer and brooded over the goo that was staining my trousers. I had never felt so humiliated in my life.


A new twist. Miss Steel perched directly on the side of the desk, pulled up her skirt, and had me lick her, there, in the middle of the inner office, out in the open. I can’t say that I really put my heart in it, but her reaction was good all the same. She became more and more excited as I licked her clit and plunged my fingers up her cunt, and she was moaning with pleasure when suddenly, maybe even reluctantly, she pushed my head away. “Stand up” she commanded, “and put this is on.” She passed me a shoe-box which I opened to find a strap-on dildo. “Quickly” she gasped, as she was really wanting it. The dildo was enormous, in particular in girth. As I took it I discovered that it was hollow inside, and so wide that I could slide it over my erect prick with no difficulty. I fitted the straps and positioned the head of the dildo right before her wet cunt. I pushed slowly because the dildo was so big, her cunt was too tight at first. Then her muscles started to relax and I was able to thrust in and out, and with each thrust was able to penetrate a bit more, until she was taking the enormous plastic prick right up to the hilt. She screamed in pleasure with each thrust, while I, as hard as ever, was getting absolutely no pleasure at all. The dildo was strapped on tight round my waist, and there was no friction between my prick and the inside of the plastic. There was no stimulation, and I could have fucked like this for hours without coming.
Miss Steel did not need hours. She leaned back over the desk and came with one final scream. I carried on pumping while she rode the orgasm and slowly wound down. After a few minutes of relaxation, she stood and tidied herself up, ignoring me completely. Finally, when she was presentable again, she addressed me simply and firmly: “Out.”
I took off the strap-on, zipped up with difficult and returned to my desk. Sheena was on the phone, and apart from her usual snide laughter, took no notice of me. My erection took longer that ever to fade away.


Just like Monday, up to a point. Intercom, kneeling, licking, probing, orgasm, side of desk, prick out rigid two or three inches over Miss Steel’s mouse pad.
“Stay perfectly still” she commanded from her chair, and then stretched out her arm and rested the back of her hand on the mouse pad. Then she reached up with her fingers and tickled my twitching prick with her long fingernails. She had positioned her hand so that she her nails were just touching that sensitive point under the head of my prick. After servicing her cunt I was as hard as nails, and her tickling took me ever closer to orgasm. But as I got closer, my prick would seem to twitch a little bit higher, and so I no longer felt her nails stimulating the head. And so it would calm down again, her nails would tickle again, and it would twitch out of reach again.
I wanted to come so much, and began pleading with her, but Miss Steel just kept on working at her computer, using the mouse with her left hand, and managing to write email without ever taking her right hand from tormenting my poor, aching prick.
She did this for one hour. Her hand by now was slick with precum, I was desperate, but then she turned to me and ordered me out. She didn’t even bother expressing the “bathroom off-limits” rule; by now that was implicit.
Sheena laughed. I fantasized about the revenge I would never wreak.

The weekend.

I wanked all weekend. I needed to after all the frustration that built up over the week. I wanked to DVD’s, I wanked to satellite, I wanked to internet, I wanked to stories, I wanked to films.
I wanked to facials, I wanked to anals, I wanked to latex, I wanked to rubber, I wanked to most anything I could find. I wanked until I was completely dry, and not a little sore; and then I wanked some more.


Monday morning I showered and then threw pints of cold water over my face to try to alleviate the dark bags hanging under my eyes. It didn’t work much, as I found out when Sheena saw me walk into the office. “My, my, you have had a busy weekend”, and then she was straight onto the intercom. In just a few seconds, she sent me through to the inner office.
Miss Steel frowned. She seemed to pause to consider, drumming her fingernails on the desk. “This is a great disappointment, Michael. It is plain to see that you have been misbehaving this weekend, and that is completely unacceptable. As you are obviously of weak character, you must be prevented from repeating such disgusting self-abuse. Come over here at once, and open up your trousers.”
From a desk drawer she took a small box which she opened to reveal a transparent male chastity device. With just a few clicks, she fitted it over my penis and behind my balls. “As you can see” she explained, “there are no locks. You can remove the device any time you like, just by breaking this seal with a pair of pliers. But then of course, at your next inspection I will know you have misbehaved.”
From another larger box, she then took an enormous double-ended strap-on dildo. She raised her skirt and slowly inserted one of the two plastic cocks, and then strapped the whole device around her waist. And then she gave me the order I had been fearing since she opened this box. “Bend over the table” she said, “and hold open your cheeks.
“By the way” she added, “Sheena has been filming our little sessions from one or two well-placed and well-hidden micro-cameras, so don’t even think about leaving this company, or we’ll be putting you on one or two blogs we know about, and you’ll never work again.”

Which is way I am going the shops, to buy a pair of pliers and a ticket for Australia.
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Re: A pair of pliers and a ticket to Australia

Post by wonderbo »

Another one of your great stories that I somehow missed.

I love the concept of the hollow dildo. He receives all the stimulation in the world as if he was actually fucking her, except for any actual stimulation to his penis.

Also, the part where she is teasing him with her fingertips so that the harder he gets, the less stimulation he receives is awesome! I may have to borrow this idea for a tease!
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Re: A pair of pliers and a ticket to Australia

Post by Evals »

wonderbo wrote:I love the concept of the hollow dildo. He receives all the stimulation in the world as if he was actually fucking her, except for any actual stimulation to his penis.
Perhaps something like this?

http://www.tickleberry.co.uk/p/cock-bon ... cb006.html
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Re: A pair of pliers and a ticket to Australia

Post by wonderbo »

Evals wrote:
wonderbo wrote:I love the concept of the hollow dildo. He receives all the stimulation in the world as if he was actually fucking her, except for any actual stimulation to his penis.
Perhaps something like this?

http://www.tickleberry.co.uk/p/cock-bon ... cb006.html
Wow, I love that! I wish I wasn't too scared to ask my wife to let me use this on her. The fact that you can actually see you cock through the sleeve is a major bonus!
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