Female RO??

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Female RO??

Post by willbeg2cum »

Okay, in a thread or two in the past, the subject of ruined orgasms for guys has come up. Specifically, just exactly what it feels like :\'-( , the difference between abandoned and blocked, etc. I know, or aat least think I know, that there are a few ladies around here who play on the denied side of T&D. So, my question is: can a woman have an abandoned ruined orgasm? Like, if you were steadily moving towards a clitoral Orgasm, by way of a vibrating egg, and just as you began the climax it were snatched away, what would that experience feel like? With guys it's like you get your chance and you blew it, the physiological emmisions have happened, even if you didn't get the pleasure you were suposed to, more stroking now really won't help untill at least a little time goes by. I kinda figure that for a woman, I guess that orgasm may die away so that you could call that one ruined in a sense but that if the stimulation were returned she could start right in on another good one. sound kinda right? Way way off? I am curious to hear from some ladies about just what it feels like if you try to do this, please.
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Re: Female RO??

Post by toolman2810 »

I still don't know what a ruined orgasm is, either your tetering on the edge or you fall over a 3m drop. If that makes any sense. Though I suspect the majority of women get potentional orgasms ruined the majority of the time.
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Re: Female RO??

Post by crazyforsex »

I dont think a woman can have a ruined orgasm. In fact, it is not an orgasm - but merely letting sperm exit.

But anyway, the ladies here should answer better.
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