Ch.01 - Anya discovers my secret fetishes

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Ch.01 - Anya discovers my secret fetishes

Post by kane86 »

Before you read: Here is what could be the first chapter of a story about the journey of a young couple towards a female dominated relationship. The themes would be heavy humiliation, cuckolding, chastity, etc. In this chapter, Anya discovers the secret fantasies of her husband, after a bet made with their neighbors, Jake.

If you liked it, please provide some comments. It will incentivize me to continue, or drop it.

I hope you enjoy it.


"Of course my husband doesn't watch porn!" Anya replied, a little bit louder than she intended. Her cheeks were flushed, showing how pissed she was at the neighbor, Jake. "At least not that often. He doesn't need to, when he has me" she added with an ounce of pride in her voice.

Jake chuckled, a grin on his face. He was clearly enjoying the being an annoying prick, and the discomfort of my wife. That she had invited him for a drink was beyond my understanding, considering we both didn't like him much.

Anya and I had moved in the town house next to him a month ago. It is basically a big house, vertically separated in two. Our living room shared a wall, same for the bedroom. It is not ideal as he seemed to listen loud music most days, annoying us often. Aside small points of friction, our short relationship had always been cordial and polite. Still Jake was rubbing me of the wrong way, probably because he always seemed to have a cocky smile on. Or because he looked like such a playboy. A very handsome one, I was sure he was getting plenty of girls. In fact it wasn't rare I was seeing his one night stands leaving his place when I was getting on my way to work in the morning.

Anya and I met two years ago. I couldn’t believe she said yes when I proposed six months later. She is literally the woman of my dream: brunette with a very cute face, always dressing sexy, with a smile I would die for. Even if she is already one inch taller than I am (At 5’8’’, I’ve always been short), she always wears high-heels making our height difference significant enough for people to stare. I always felt torn between pride and a bit of shame when it comes to me looking a bit like a mismatch.

"Would you bet on it?” Jake insisted.

“Well…I…” my wife blurred.

“I'll make it easier, I'll bet you anything you want that he watches porn at least 4 times a week!" Pushed Jake

"Four times?! Of course he doesn't. Who do you think I married? A pervert?" She shouted.

"Hey I'm here guys!" The conversation was making me so awkward that I had stood in silence. It's almost like they were discussing it without me being in the room, except I was right there with them.

"Well, maybe you can answer the question! Do you wank it on porn at least 4 times a week?" Jake replied, shameless. "It's not a big deal dude!"

Red flag! I was watching porn almost everyday. Sometimes multiple times a day. It was the case since I was a teenager, and even being with Anya hadn't changed anything about it. Of course she had no clue as I was always finding ways to sneak away and hide when doing it. If someone was to see it, I wouldn't be proud of my browser history either. Everything was always revolving around female domination, foot fetish, humiliated male slaves and so on. I had never opened up to Anya about it, mostly by fear of her judging me. Our sex life was pretty vanilla. I was always trying to make love to her in a tender and romantic way, mostly to compensate for my inferiority complex. If I was being sweet to my wife and treated her with care, she couldn't be unsatisfied; maybe a little bored sometimes at most.

I defensively answered "of course not", with my face flushing. I had to find a way to change the topic. "Why do you care anyway?"

Before Jake could say anything, my wife interjected "See! He told you himself. Happy?". She was clearly pissed, and the few drinks she had made her speak louder than she meant to.

Jake paused. We were finally going to drop this dumb topic. To my surprise he answered : "I don't believe him! Do you want to bet Anya? If I win... You'll wash my car wearing the bikini of my choice!"

"Fuck you Jake!"

"Hold on, if I loose, I'll..." scrambled Jake, searching for something worth betting. "I'll become the perfect neighbor! No more loud music at funny hours, I'll take care of your loan, bring your mail to your doorsteps, and so on!"

I was in panic. I couldn't jump in to push her to reject the bet as it would basically mean Jake was right. But I couldn't encourage her to agree either. It felt like a trap. Even if the proposal of Jake must have seemed appealing for my wife, there was no way she'd accept such a silly bet.

Before I could finish my train of thoughts, I heard Anya answer coldly "deal".

Fuck! She always had been competitive, prideful and a sore looser. That was getting the best of her.

"Alright then! Mike you won't mind if we have a look at your browser history to figure out who the winner is, right?" Jake asked me with a smirk.

I was in a daze. Everything was happening in front of my eyes, like I was a spectator, with no control whatsoever. It was one of these moments I would probably think about later, and in hindsight think about half a dozen things I could have done to get out of this situation.

"Hum, well I don't really mind but it may be out of battery. And anyway, I don't want you to see our banking information and all" I argued.

"Don't be silly. I couldn't care less about your banking information Mike. Plus, it's not like your social security number is going to be listed in your history. Come on man, do you want your wife to win her bet or not? Or maybe you already know she lost?" Jake teased.

Anya had been so pissed at Jake she hadn't looked in my direction once. It looked like his last comment made her consider there was a possibility she could loose the bet for the first time. But she quickly shoot her head, probably thinking how absurd it would be to be married to someone she was around most of the time but who happened to be a secret femdom porn addict.

"Come on honey, just go get your laptop and show him how wrong he is." Anya said, in her most bossy tone.

"OK, alright!" I said in a higher pitch voiced than epected. I was panicking but was trying to show some confidence. On my way to my office, my brain was racing. How could I possibly trick them?

I heard foot steps behind me. It was Jake. "Hey man, wait for me. I wouldn't want you to erase your history before you bring the laptop back!" He said with a wink.

I shrugged. This asshole was not going to drop it, ever! Before I knew it, I had my laptop in hand and was coming back to the kitchen counter where Anya was waiting at, her arms crossed on her chest, with a resting bitch face she had the secret of.

I dropped the laptop on the counter, debating about saying something like "look guys, this is just silly! The joke has lasted long enough". But it would have made it suspicious. Instead, I decided to take my destiny in my own hands and go for a complete bluff.

"So, let's settle this once and for all" I said while opening the laptop screen. Anya stood on my right, arms still crossed, looking half pissed half anxious. Jake was on my right, observing me with his permanent asshole grin. The laptop came up to life quickly, and I opened Internet Explorer web history. Empty!

"See! What did I tell you?"

"Do you mind if I have a look?" Jake asked.

"Not at all!" I doubled down.

Jake pushed me out of his way and reduced the Internet Explorer window, then opened Google Chrome. I felt my heart drop. In a few seconds, he opened the browser history that displayed a long list of sites I visited. Most URLs were pretty obviously porn, judging by the URL name and the logos next to it.

"Well, what do we have here Mike? Wouldn't you say it is porn? It even looks like you were on this site today!" Jake giggled, triumphant.

I glanced at Anya. Her jaw had dropped. She was staring at the screen in disbelief. I didn't know what to do or say. Instead I stayed frozen hoping this moment would end.

Jake continued scrolling down the endless list of sites. The dates on the left of the screen were clearly showing I was going on those sites daily, browsing from one video to the next. Some URLs were impossible to read, some other ones a bit more revealing about the kind of videos I enjoyed. "Foot fetish", "face-sitting", "tease and denial JOI", "mistress worship", "humiliated slave", etc.

"Damn! Looks like Mikey is the kinky type!" Jake chuckled! After scrolling down for a few seconds, he clicked on a random link. A naked submissive male appeared on the screen. Wearing only a chastity cage and a dog collar, a tall woman wearing a latex outfit was pulling on his leash, forcing his face into the open crotch area of her suit. In normal circumstances, this would have made me hard as a rock, but right now, I felt embarrassed and anxious. Nothing to be excited about, at all!

"Enough! That's enough!" Anya said, pushing Jake away from the laptop and slapping the screen down. "You have to be fucking kidding me Mike!" Her eyes were in fire. I had never seen her that angry before.

"I am sorry honey, I can explain..." I blurted.

"Oh really?" Anya said. Never breaking eye contact with me, she addressed Jake "I need to have a serious conversation with my husband. Time for your to go home."

"What about you washing my car Anya?" teased Jake.

"Get lost Jake. NOW!"

"Alright princess!" he shrugged, unphased while already walking towards to exit. "Sorry I put you in trouble Mikey! Man, I cannot believe the stuff you are jacking off to. Psycho! Good night guys!"

The door slammed shut behind him. Followed by the longest 10 seconds of silence of my life.

"Well! What the hell Mike?" Anya said, ice cold.

"I... Ok, sure I go online here and there and jack off to porn sometimes. I am so sorry it got out of hand." I blurred.

"Here and there? Mike you are clearly going daily, sometimes multiple times a day. I have just seen your browser history. Do you think I am stupid? And what the hell with those videos? Who did I marry?"

"It is just those things turn me on sometimes... I can't help it! But I like our sex life too. I swear I do!" I justified.

"Do you see how embarrassing this was in front of Jake? How do I look now? Like I married a pervert, who secretly fantasized about being treated like a piece of shit!"

I kept silent. Nothing I could say would make it any better. Anya let a sigh out, grabbed my laptop, and left the room. I heard her go up the stairs and slammed the door of our bedroom.

I sat on the couch, in a daze, not knowing what to do. I should have wondered what it meant for my marriage and if we were going to be ok, but really I kept wondering about what she intended to do with my laptop. Would she smash it against the wall in rage? Or open it back up and uncover even more about my twisted fantasies? I laid down, looked at the ceiling and waited.

After around thirty minutes, which felt like an eternity, I heard Anya call me from upstairs. Scared to get into more trouble than I was, I climbed the stairs quickly and opened the bedroom door. Anya was standing in the middle of the room, naked with the exception of a pair of red sexy high-heels. She had put her hair in a high ponytail, and applied a bright red lipstick. Saying she looked gorgeous was an understatement. Any guy on earth would have felt lucky to admire how hot she looked. Her legs were toned from her daily gym sessions and with her heels making them look endless. Her hips were voluptuous without being too large, same as her natural breast. She was looking at me, obviously still angry, which was making me confused.

I must have looked stunned. As I was about to start speaking, Anya said, in a firm voice: "Silence. I do not want you to speak. Strip naked. Immediately."

I complied, wondering where this was all going, rushing not to piss her off some more. She was so hot I wished for a second this was going to be make-up sex but something seemed off. Still anxious about the whole evening, I finished removing my boxers and stood with my manhood completely soft in front of my wife. She had seen me this way countless number of time but I felt uncomfortable; more exposed than any other time. Anya glanced at my soft penis quickly. On top of her being much taller than me in her high-heels, I felt bad I wasn't hard. But her towering over me and looking so bossy was kind of arousing too.

"Lie down on the floor. On your back."

"Hum... what?"

"Quiet Mike. Just do what I say."

Nothing to argue here! I laid down, with my hands unconsciously trying to cover my body.

"Hands on your sides."

I obeyed. Her legs looked infinitely long from here, leading to the groomed triangle of hair between her legs. It finally got my penis to react a little. She was looking straight at my face without a word, observing me.

"I spent the last 30 minutes looking at your browser history, and watching some of the videos you shortlisted as your favorites." She said factually.

I didn't answer; because I was not supposed to, and because I was too mortified to find anything to say. Some of the stuff in there were really kinky.

"Look at my feet."

I turned my head slightly, looking at her pretty feet, manicured toes, enclosed in her red heels. My cock instantly started to grow semi-hard, which didn't go un-noticed from Anya.

"Well there is that. Feet really turn you on." She said, observing my every move. Was she trying to verify what I was watching online was actually turning me on?

"Are you just as pathetic as the slaves in the videos you watch Mike, getting off licking the bottom of the shoes? Stick your tongue out." She lifted her leg up, and positioned the bottom of her shoe one inch away from my mouth. "Now lick it." She said, coldly.

It was indeed turning me on, and her being so mean completed to give me a hard-on. I started to lick the bottom of the shoe while she stared at my erection.

"You are so disgusting." Anya said, removing her shoe from my face. My cock twitched at her comment. She raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know I married a pathetic foot fetishist"

Uncontrollably, my penis twitched again, betraying how much her comments were arousing me.

"You are such a disgusting loser Mike, no girls would ever want you!" She insisted.

Twitch, twitch.

"Oh my god, you like to hear those things too!" Anya said, breaking character a bit. It was the first time she was looking a bit shocked instead of bossy and cold. She was definitely trying things on me to see if I was actually into it.

She removed one of her sandal and pointed her foot right above my lips. "Open up, you pig!" she said while pushing the tip of her toes inside my mouth. I opened and welcome her toes in my mouth, my cock pulsing of excitement at how demeaning this act was.

I didn't need more orders. Turned on, I started to suck of her toes, and move my tongue between them, like my life depended on it. After a minute, I started to whimper, with my hips thrusting a little bit back and forth. My cock was achingly hard, a single drop of precum going down the tip. It was impossible to miss how horny this was making me. I wanted to touch myself so bad while sucking on her toes.

Suddenly, Anya removed her foot from my mouth and slipped her heels back on.

"If this turned you on, I assume all the other perverted videos you have been watching actually turn you on as well." She said factually, yet looking a bit defeated. "Now listen good Mike, I am going to give you a choice, and what you decide is totally up to you. I am going to bend over the bed, waiting for you to fuck me like a bimbo from any regular porn video. You can stand up, grab my ponytail from behind and fuck me like a man. Or you can drop on your knees and eat me out while you jerk, like the pathetic men in the videos you watch."

She walked a few steps to the bed, exaggerating the sway of her hips. Dropping her forearms on the covers, she looked in front of her, waiting. Her long legs straight and open, her ass up, ready. I sat on the floor and looked, mesmerized. À perfect view on pussy and her brown asshole. I couldn't believe this was happening, and was mad with lust.

Perfectly aware I wanted to kneel and kiss her ass, just like in my fantasies, I wondered if I could make anything better by looking more manly and fucking her from behind, like Jake would probably do. I was so aroused I would ejaculate in two seconds. But I was too horny and selfishly, it looked like a golden opportunity to make one of my fantasies a reality : worshiping the ass of a gorgeous woman, and for her to know I wasn't man enough to satisfy her. What difference would it do anyway, after everything that had happened tonight?

I crawled on my knees, and almost in a trance, and bent to kiss the back of her shoes. I moved up to kiss her ankles, then her calves, then the back of her thighs. As I was making my way up, through the inside of her thighs, the smell of her sex became intoxicating. Her skin was so smooth and warm. A true goddess.

Now standing straight, on my knees, I looked closely at her perfect asshole. Would she think less of me if I kiss it, instead of kissing her pussy? Would she think it was gross? That I was gross? Deep down, I wanted her to think less of me because of it - it was so arousing.

Uncertain, I started kissing her pussy. She clearly had been wet for a while. Did she enjoy all of this after all? Taking it as an encouraging sign, I continued my exploration. She started moaning softly. As I started to push my tongue inside her, I felt her pushing her crotch against my face. The delicate smell of her ass, and the taste of her pussy were driving crazy and I started stroking my cock.

Licking her with the full surface of my tongue, up and down, I was coming closer and closer of her asshole. My saliva and her intimate juice had create an absolute mess. I was afraid she move away as my tongue started to get to destination; but she continued moaning, and even started grinding her ass on my face while I was pressing her asshole harder with my tongue.

Then, out of nowhere, her voice unsteady by an imminent orgasm, she said : "that's it you disgusting loser, burry your tongue in my asshole! Show your wife how pathetic you are, on your knees stroking your dick! I'm... I'm... I'm going to come. Ughhhh" her knees started to shake as she pressed her ass harder on face. I could feel she was having a strong one by the muscles between her legs contracting repeatedly.

The combination of eating her asshole, her humiliating but true words, and her actually climaxing right on my face pushed me over the edge. I ejaculated big spurts of cum on the floor, right at Anya's feet. A mind blowing orgasm that formed a big white puddle.

She collapsed on the bed for a second, while I sat on the floor. After some time, she stood up to grab a her silk robe and said without looking at me "I will sleep in the guest bedroom tonight. You clean up the mess you made." Just like that, she was gone, leaving me on the floor, next to my puddle of cum, with my face red from her grinding, and wet from her intimate juice.

I wondered if she had done all this to make me happy, or to verify if it was really turning me on. Or if maybe she had enjoyed it too? Anyway, the cat was out of the bag. And it wasn't going back in any time soon.
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Re: Ch.01 - Anya discovers my secret fetishes

Post by phönix »

I love your story!
My browser history looks like this too, so I could fully identify.
And opening Microsoft Explorer - nice try, Mikey! :lol:
If you feel like telling more, please don't hold back.

One little thing:
Spoiler: show
Jake says if he loses the bet, he will "take care of your loan".
That's mighty generous and makes the bet really look big. But somehow it feels like he actually meant "lawn". :whistle:
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Re: Ch.01 - Anya discovers my secret fetishes

Post by ballsfull »

Hoping you'll continue the story!! It's got a lot of potential directions to go in, and I'm looking forward to reading each and every one of them!! Thanks!
Working on exploring "Bondage_Barbi_Doll"'s well as pushing that little horny slut Stephi's boundries... Plus denying a few other little show-off cock-teasers too...
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