Cock Hero: R.Y.G - [WIP: Final update: 21/03/15]

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Cock Hero: R.Y.G - [WIP: Final update: 21/03/15]

Post by Maskeraid »

Hello fellow Cock heroes!!

This initial project has been scrapped. This past year I was subject to some of life's most bitter lemons, so bitter that it's taken me 8 months to get the sourness out of my mouth :no:. This sadly has caused me to cancel the original video and focus on getting my self back on track and fit as a fiddle!. I'm Happy to say that I am well on the road to get there (yay!).

So, naturally... I have decided to start working on a new video for you all to enjoy! (I hope :w00t:) The video is progressing well, but sadly at a pace even snails would mock... My current work schedule and living situation are prohibiting me from progressing as quickly as I would like to. That said, I am having a blast making this video and it is some much needed comfort to my creativity which has gone unnourished for nearly a year.

The new video will consist of 5 rounds and a separate instructional video so you won't have to see them each time you play. I will be adding beats and a meter after the video has been completed and tested by a few of you ;-)

Making Guitar hero style notes turned out to be FAR, FAR more tedious than I had initially expected. As such, that idea has also been scrapped... well, sort of. I devised a way to keep a similar stroke method, but with significantly less effort.

Progress / Breakdown of rounds:
Spoiler: show
Round: Instructions.
Length: 1:40?
Content : Rules, Instructions + info.
Status: Video editing complete. (Although I may go back and re-do this later)

Round: 01.
Length: 07:40.
Content : Solo.
Status: Video editing complete.

Round: 03.
Length: 07.27.
Content: Solo + Lesbian.
Status: Video editing complete.

Round: 03.
Length: 10.29.
Content: Lesbian + Blowjob.
Status: Video editing complete.

Round: 04.
Length: TBD
Content: Hardcore.
Status: Video editing complete.

Round: 05. Final Round
Length: 12:30
Content: Hardcore + Cumshots and countdown to cum.
Status: Video Editing Complete.

Each round should have a 30 second break between each one (Pending any negative feedback).

I've done my best to keep each model and song featured in the video. These will all be listed at the end of the main video or I may stick it into the instructional video so it saves on file size for the main show.
The music genre is all electro, house, dance music. Since I'm not a fan some of the overly complicated beats that I see, I decided to choose songs that are pretty rhythmic. This will make most of the beats 1-1, with simply a variation of speed. This way I can pay less attention to keeping up with the beats, and more on watching the porn and... well... you know ;-). I'm also using the easier/simpler beat style because I am still sticking with the fleshlight idea I was aiming towards before.

Over the next 2 weeks I aim finish cutting round 4 at the least, hopefully I'll make a start on the final round. The 29th of December is my last day at work until the 12th of January. I'll not count the 3 days between then and the 1st/2nd, because I'll be out of town celebrating the new year (and will be far to drunk to think straight lol). Within those other 8-10 days I'm hoping to have at least 5 good days on this. I should be able to squeeze out round 5 and hopefully get it out to some of you for some quality feedback 8-). In my previous video, it took me very little time to get the beats into place, so the quicker the feedback, the quicker I can get this video out there for you all to enjoy :P

Well, that's all for now, see you guys around.

Have fun,

If you wish to view the information about the original project for what ever reason, then click this spoiler:
Spoiler: show

I'm Maskeraid, pleasure to be here :wave:. I've been a lurker for sometime around here, only registered the other day. I have to say I'm a huge fan of the CH videos you guys put out, many a load has been spent watching them lol.

Now, onto business... To show my thanks for all the CH videos I've downloaded and enjoyed, I'm delighted to say that I'm now working on my own! I present my current (and very ambitious) WIP;

The Idea behind RYG is that I prefer to use my Fleshlight over my hand. Some of the CH videos can have fairly complex beats. Using the Fleshlight in a 'hands-free' fashion whilst trying to maintain the accuracy to the beats can be difficult (and noisy ;)) So I decided to attempt my own with the toy in mind. WOO!

On a side note though, I've never edited video before lol :-O. I am however, a bit of a self taught wizz in photoshop and have been using it for 7+ years. I'm picking up Sony Vegas quite quickly so my optimism is high. This is my first time editing Video though lol, so be gentle :P. I'm having great fun editing and I hope my final video will be as enjoyable as all the other fantastic CH videos.

The principal of RYG is a sort of traffic light system. Different coloured lights or orbs will move along the beat meter and you must use the corresponding stoke to match the colour. The strokes are:


The majority of the beats will follow the tempo of the music in the order GREEN>YELLOW>GREEN>YELLOW......and so on. I hope you get the idea ;). It's explained in the intro too.

The structure plan that I currently have in place is:

#01 - Intro + Instructions.
#02 - Warm up / Tease.
-30s BREAK-
#03 - Progressive Round.
-30s BREAK-
#04 - Endurance.
-30s BREAK-
#05 - BOSS.
-10s BREAK-
#06 - Reward.


Currently, I have the intro and round one [Warmup/tease] done to a level I'm willing to share. The beat meter is there but the lights are not. Nor are the added beat sfx.
My plan is to create the full edited video for all 6 rounds and then I will work towards adding the lights and beat sounds afterwards, because as it stands, I'm still working out the best way to implement them :yes:. The song I used in Round1 and the Intro have been extended by me in Vegas so adding the beat sound won't be a problem. The lights on the otherhand..... :huh:

So without further ado, I present my first round! I look forward to your feedback:
VERSION DATE: 28/12/13
RapidGator: ... 1.wmv.html

-Added Emporium Link. Will seed as long as I can.

-Torrent is seeding properly now, before it was stuck at 0% uploaded. Quick search sorted the issue :)
UPDATED: 04/01/14
-Instructions updated to reflect removal of Freestyle.
-Round one had has its Freestyle section removed, and a break introduced to coincide with a softer part of the song.
-Lights are added and are in time.
-Beat sounds are still to be added.
-Working on what material I'm using for round 2.
Last edited by Maskeraid on Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:18 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by Gary138 »

I like the idea, i don't have a flashlight but a small stroker and as you said most CH are to much for this.

WIll download what you have so far and give it a try soon.!

EDIT: Just ad a quick look at the intro. One think i don't like is the reward round being freestyle, personally i want to be told how to stroke and try to hold it for as long as possible. Just my preference though.
Last edited by Gary138 on Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by wangchungass »

Thanks Maskeraid

Downloading it now, DFiles seems much quicker than RapidGator in the UK.
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by Maskeraid »

Sweet, I look forward to your opinions ^_^. I've always preferred DFiles over other hosts. Only recently started using Gator too.

Updated the torrent too, for some reason it wouldn't seed properly and was stuck at 0% uploaded. Seems to be running fine now. :)
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by brewster »

I understand the eagerness to release what you've been working on. But I think you're jumping the gun with only releasing one round? Why not just wait a week when you have it fleshed out and have some people beta test it?
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by Maskeraid »

I just wanted some constructive criticism is all ;-) Having never edited video before (at least to this extent anyway) I was, as you put it "eager" to make sure I was doing a decent job of it.

I didn't want to have a 30-40 minute video that people hated and have to restart or re-edit the whole thing, it's kinda demoralizing. At this stage I don't mind so much, if at all.

This way, if what I have thus far is good, I can 'crack' ;-) on and finish the other 5 rounds. I not going release the rounds one at a time either, this is simply a "see what you think" sorta thing. If it appeals YAY!, if not, why not? So I can rectify any issues now so the latter rounds can go smoother.

Having this info under my belt is a plus too, because as of 11am on Thursday, I have almost 10 full days off work. So I'll be able to spend a significant amount of time polishing the project. (minus 2-3 days that I'm away with friends)

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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by wangchungass »

Quality looks good, great to see it finished. I don't own a fleshlight, well I do but it eventually gave up the ghost through overuse and became unhygienic. I invested in a Tenga Fliphole and I imagine the system will be the same for that. Not sure if you have ever used one but how about this:
Button 1, green
Button 2, orange
Button 3, red


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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by Maskeraid »

wangchungass wrote:Quality looks good, great to see it finished. I don't own a fleshlight, well I do but it eventually gave up the ghost through overuse and became unhygienic. I invested in a Tenga Fliphole and I imagine the system will be the same for that. Not sure if you have ever used one but how about this:
Button 1, green
Button 2, orange
Button 3, red


Thanks for taking the time to have a look :thankyou:

I've seen the Tenga many times and it does look interesting. Never took the plunge though. Does each button lock when you press it? or is it more like a keyboard key?

What could you use to keep the beat though?

I suppose if you followed the beat SFX to get your up-down tempo and then used the buttons 1-3 for each colour as it passed the mark, that could work :-D Would be much more akin to a Guitar Hero game too lol. :lol:
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by wangchungass »

Maskeraid wrote:

I've seen the Tenga many times and it does look interesting. Never took the plunge though. Does each button lock when you press it? or is it more like a keyboard key?
The buttons are soft and come back out naturally, they don't lock. I remember it was not what I expected, when you push the button it basically compresses the jelly inside creating sensations on your cock. The idea is that you insert to the hilt and use the buttons to create the sensations but I always find thrusting creates a better effect for me.
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by bukem »


Glad youre doing a new CH! The more the better :)))

Im also trying to do an CH edition myself, but i have a question. I already done one round... My question is should i render that round and do that way too all the rounds ive made up and them put them together that way or should i only do one project with all the rounds in the timeline??? Im a complet newb at this, lol, sorry for the question! :)

Hope somebody help me. Thanks in advance

Im checking out youre Test round when i got some free time, im also planning on getting a fleshlight, i always thought that what would be great is an CH dedicated to the flaslight..... Its awesome youre trying to do this, keep it up, its an great idea! :)

Sorry for my english hope everyone understands what im trying to say.. 8-)

Here´s my first attempt at creating a Cock Hero_ Cock Hero Sensual Daze _ ______Hope you enjoy it! :-)
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by Maskeraid »

bukem wrote:Hey!

Glad youre doing a new CH! The more the better :)))

Im also trying to do an CH edition myself, but i have a question. I already done one round... My question is should i render that round and do that way too all the rounds ive made up and them put them together that way or should i only do one project with all the rounds in the timeline??? Im a complet newb at this, lol, sorry for the question! :)

Hope somebody help me. Thanks in advance

Im checking out youre Test round when i got some free time, im also planning on getting a fleshlight, i always thought that what would be great is an CH dedicated to the flaslight..... Its awesome youre trying to do this, keep it up, its an great idea! :)

Sorry for my english hope everyone understands what im trying to say.. 8-)

Being new to video editing I'm not sure I really fit the bill to advise really.

That said... personally, I am going to do all rounds in one complete Vegas file (which will be backed up numerous times lol)

My 30 second clips for breaks have been made separately, I wasn't happy with the tutorials that I could find about making countdown timers, So I improvised my own. I did the break separately so that I can just import the whole 30ish second clip in one go, but that's only because I did it the long ass way by adding images with a duration of 1 second and having them swap out to count down from 30 to 00 in sequence. Same way I used to animate signatures in photoshop, thinking about it I probably could have used Photoshop's animator section to do it lol.

Would rendering them individually, then rendering them again as a single file cause any loss in quality? if so, I don't want to render more than twice if I can. I have to render once to compile the complete video, then again to add the animated beat meter.
Last edited by Maskeraid on Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by tBone »

Protip: Use

Won't need to upload it anywhere else because it doesn't have the shitty restrictions all the others have.
Besides emp, some people like seeding there, so keep that.
MyFreeCams: Great free cam site! Lot of girls who love teasing!

Protip: Use for uploads.
Won't need to upload it anywhere else because it doesn't have the shitty restrictions all the others have. Besides emp, some people like seeding there, so keep that.
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by Flogger »

Was good. Like your style; want to see more.

One question though.

How do you stroke only 1 way when using a fleshlight?
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by jackstock »

If the editing works out, this will be the coolest! :lol:
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Re: Cock Hero - R.Y.G - [WIP] - Need feedback

Post by Maskeraid »

Flogger wrote:Was good. Like your style; want to see more.

One question though.

How do you stroke only 1 way when using a fleshlight?
Green light = Thrust in
Yellow Light = Pull out
Red light = In + out

jackstock wrote:If the editing works out, this will be the coolest! :lol:
Adding the lights is gonna be interesting, I love a challenge though :-P
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