Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by Banquo »

I did not know one could save teases. How do you do this magical feat :-)
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by dubble »

janmb, I agree. Cool.

Funny how quick people are to slam Obama, yet they forget the G-Dubbya Bush years... how HE doubled the national debt of America (5-something trillion to 10+ trillion!), couldn't balance a budget when Clinton had it all in place with a budget SURPLUS to pay off the national debt... and Obama did say in his campaign before election, 'it will not be a quick fix'.... So, atyourservice, please open your eyes, take the spuds out of your ears, learn, listen, read.... I'm not a big Obama fan, but what's the other choice? Romney or Gingrich... who BOTH stated they would go to war with Iran if they were in office? Yes, I support Obama.

The President has limited powers, & as long as the Republicans in Congress can turn Obama away at everything he tries, of course he's going to look bad! He can't get a lot done without everyone on Capital Hill cooperating! No, I don't agree with everything he wants. But he was dealt a big pile of shit from Bush & these things cannot be turned around overnight. It took Clinton 2 terms to correct the Reagan/Bush era of overspending, & G-Dub was twice as spendy!! Ignorance is bliss...

If you don't like it here, I read there's plenty of land for sale in Iraq. :wave: I hear North Korea is gladly accepting! :wave: Maybe the North Pole? :wave: It's the arrogance & ignorance of people like you that make Americans the butt of jokes & detested by so many (& it embarrasses me to call you a fellow countryman). If you're not part of the solution, maybe you are part of the problem. Everyone else here is just too nice to say it.
atYourService wrote:
Thundercat2k9 wrote:Most Europeans, like myself, support Obama
That is because he wants to turn America into a European Socialist country like the rest of Europe.

What has he done for America, nothing good
Expanded the Federal deficit by trillions of dollars even though he said he would cut it in half by the end of his first (and only) term.

Ram an overhaul of the Healthcare system down the throats of the citizen's even though the majority of the citizen's were and are against it.

Refuses to do anything to promote lower energy prices and energy independence such as approve the Keystone Pipeline or allow oil and natural gas exploration on public lands

Constantly trying to divide the country with class warfare, painting the banks, oil companies and rich as enemies while trying to tell the rest of us the only way we can be better off is if we put our dependance on the government instead of relying on our own self-reliance

At that is only the beginning of the list

You Europeans can keep Obama because we Americans don't want him
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by dubble »

SexualChoc wrote:
Sett wrote:i'm sorry to say that, but i hate America for having such an influence on the rest of the world... :-(

Most people do, amaericans are arrogant, most countries have jokes about American tourists.
As Americans, even many of us living here are uncomfortable with that kind of influence. Our government steps into too many matters where they do not belong. Yes, arrogance runs rampant in many.

We are not ALL arrogant bastards here, just mostly those rich enough to frequently travel the world & expect other people to kiss thier ass, coddle them, wait on them, change thier ways to accomodate them.... Those are the spoiled, lazy, selfish ones you see, the ones who are okay with alienating others, not the real core of hard-working lower middle-class. BTW, when I can afford to travel, I will not tell anyone my nationality. Yet I am thankful to my ancestors for trying to have a better life & moving here.
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by Thundercat2k9 »

atYourService wrote:
Thundercat2k9 wrote:Most Europeans, like myself, support Obama
That is because he wants to turn America into a European Socialist country like the rest of Europe.

What has he done for America, nothing good
Expanded the Federal deficit by trillions of dollars even though he said he would cut it in half by the end of his first (and only) term.

Ram an overhaul of the Healthcare system down the throats of the citizen's even though the majority of the citizen's were and are against it.

Refuses to do anything to promote lower energy prices and energy independence such as approve the Keystone Pipeline or allow oil and natural gas exploration on public lands

Constantly trying to divide the country with class warfare, painting the banks, oil companies and rich as enemies while trying to tell the rest of us the only way we can be better off is if we put our dependance on the government instead of relying on our own self-reliance

At that is only the beginning of the list

You Europeans can keep Obama because we Americans don't want him
First of all my statement didn't mean that everything Obama doing seems right to me, but if I should choose I knew who I would vote for. The Problems your are listing seems familiar to me, we have the same here in Europe and they are not easy to solve. Example: atm I pay 1.50 €-1.60€ for 1 litre gas. Funny thing is that bigger part are taxes (~ 70 %) and the gouvernmet don't want to lower them cause they need every Euro they can get for our welfare state. My question to you: If you want lower energy prices, how you want to manage it, that everyone gets a fair solution.
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by Banquo »


I saw this and immediately thought of this thread :lol:

And in my opinion there seems to be a rabid anti socialism present in American politics, culture, society. I think it probably has a lot to do with the cold war, and the witch hunts of the 1950s "reds under the bed" and all that. Rather than any notion that it is counter to the American dream.
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by atYourService »

dubble wrote: Funny how quick people are to slam Obama, yet they forget the G-Dubbya Bush years... how HE doubled the national debt of America (5-something trillion to 10+ trillion!), couldn't balance a budget when Clinton had it all in place with a budget SURPLUS to pay off the national debt

The President has limited powers, & as long as the Republicans in Congress can turn Obama away at everything he tries, of course he's going to look bad! He can't get a lot done without everyone on Capital Hill cooperating!
Talk about getting your facts straight....Obama has added more to the national debt in 3 years than Bush did in 8 years so there is no comparison there. I never mentioned anything about approving what Bush did. This is not about how good or bad a job Bush did it is about how good or bad a job Obama has done. Yes the budget was balanced under Clinton and I give him credit for that however it was also in large part because of the Republican Congress at the time and a time of fantastic growth in our economy fed by the technology bubble

With Obama it is always someone else's fault, blame the Bush administration, blame the Republicans in Congress. Leaders take responsibility, losers make excuses. While you are pointing out the short comings of Congress don't forget that the Democratic controlled Senate has not passed a budget for over 3 years...this includes the last year that Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. Talk about shirking their Constitutional responsibilities. And yes I already know you are going to blame the Repubs for that as well but I got news for you, when the Repubs controlled the senate they were able to still manage to pass budgets so don't whine about not having 60 seats.
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by masterstroke »

It's another diversionary issue designed redirect attention from the real issues. There will never be reform in the U.S. because the corporate/political interests don't want it. Even if there is reform, often the solution does more damage than the problem.

Also, both parties are run by extremist factions - the right is run by factions that make Benito Mussolini look like a liberal and the left is run by factions that make Vladimir Lenin look like a conservative.

You don't vote who will do best for the country, but for who will do the least damage or who will screw you the least.

The best description of the American political system I've found is Alice Cooper's 1972 "Elected" video.

It's lyrics are also a better political platform than the platforms of most of the candidates. ... 05771.html

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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by atYourService »

ismara wrote:I hardly think the problem with today's America is a move towards more available healthcare and rich citizens and corporations being expected to pay a reasonable share of tax, but excellent recitation of reactionary media talking points! "Class warfare"... lol
More affordable healthcare yes, government directed and mandated healthcare no. Let's look at how affordable this healthcare is.
Canada Free Press wrote: "The health overhaul law is making health insurance more expensive — a fact that is angering voters who were promised repeatedly by President Obama that health reform would save families $2,500 a year by 2013.

Yet independent studies, such as those conducted by the Congressional Budget Office, show that health costs will continue their unrelenting climb and some people will pay much more for coverage as a result of the new law. The CBO says families purchasing their own insurance will pay $2,100 a year more for coverage by 2016 because of ObamaCare.
Washington Post 3/25/11 wrote: according to CBO’s latest estimates, the cost of Obamacare has increased by $500 billion. Meaning, in only one year, the cost has increased from an already staggering $938 billion price tag to $1.445 trillion.
New Republic 3/15/12 wrote: CBO had discovered that Obamacare was going to cost $1.76 trillion over the next ten years. 3/16/12 wrote: Rather, what the current report does is examine changes in coverage under ObamaCare and the impact that will have on costs and revenues.What the CBO found is that changes in coverage resulted in revenues exceeding costs by a further $48 billion from 2012-2021.

But look at how the CBO got there. There were $51 billion in additional coverage costs during that 10-year period, all of it accounted for by increases in Medicaid enrollment. Meanwhile, revenue from the excise tax on high-premium health plans declined by $8 billion.Those two factors boost the deficit by $59 billion.

But other coverage-related revenues brought in an additional $107 billion from 2012-2022. The CBO found that, on average, an additional 4.2 million more people will be uninsured annually when compared to its 2011 estimate from a year ago. Those people will be paying an additional $11 billion in fines for being uninsured.

Next, CBO assumes that, on average, 3.8 million fewer people annually will have employer-based coverage than it estimated last year. That has two revenue impacts on revenue. First, more employers will be fined for not providing coverage, bringing in an additional $15 billion in revenue. But the deterioration in employer-based coverage results in another $81 billion in revenue “because a larger share of total compensation will take the form of taxable wages and salaries and a smaller share will be in the form of nontaxable health benefits.”
the CBO report can be found here

What is the fair share a rich citizen should pay and who should define it? If I make $12,000 and you make $24,000 a year you are rich compared to me just the same as if I make $100,000 and year and you make $200,000 a year. It is true that 20% of the population makes 50% of the income but it is not the government's place to take from the 20% to give to the 80%.

If trying to divide the nation into two groups on that make less that 250,000 a year and one that makes more and then trying to turn the groups against each other is not class war fare then what is. Oh I know it is unifying people. i forgot that Obama ran on a campaign of unifying us and changing the way Washington works....guess that did not turn out that way we all hoped
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by aimauanca »

S'funny. He wants to ban porn because it destroys your brain.
Not cigarettes that destroy your lungs and heart.
Not booze that destroys your liver and those people in that car you hit.
Not guns that destroy those kids in your school when you go on a rampage.

He wants to ban porn.
And no-one'll come out and say "No - you musn't - I LIKE PORN A LOT".
But how many do like porn, secretly? Are they all Democrats?
(Could be a good slogan - "All Democrats are wankers")
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by Thundercat2k9 »

aimauanca wrote: He wants to ban porn.
And no-one'll come out and say "No - you musn't - I LIKE PORN A LOT".
But how many do like porn, secretly? Are they all Democrats?
(Could be a good slogan - "All Democrats are wankers")
So Obama's next slogan: Yes, we wank :D
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by les »

 The handjob anthem is;

                             "We will,
                             "We will,
                             "Wank you"

                             "The hand on the cock goes
                             "up and down
                             "up and down
                             "up and down.

                             "The hand on the cock goes
                             "up and down
                             "All day long"
                                          Lord Les
                                 Be careful what you wish for!

Growing OLD Is Inevitable,
          But Growing UP... Is Optional
                              Why do I have to stop being a KID now I can afford it.

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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by SexualChoc »

Banquo wrote:I did not know one could save teases. How do you do this magical feat :-)

regualr teases are easy to save
you can copy the picture to powerpoint
and then the text..
Okay that's the old school way but it's the only one I know.
masterstroke wrote:It's another diversionary issue designed redirect attention from the real issues. There will never be reform in the U.S. because the corporate/political interests don't want it. Even if there is reform, often the solution does more damage than the problem.

Also, both parties are run by extremist factions - the right is run by factions that make Benito Mussolini look like a liberal and the left is run by factions that make Vladimir Lenin look like a conservative.

You don't vote who will do best for the country, but for who will do the least damage or who will screw you the least.

I read a good book written by a Rabbi called
"You don't have to be wrong for me to be right."
on how to edge away from extremism.
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by Incubo »


Good grief....
Is no where safe from the hyper-partisan bickering anymore?
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by Human »

atYourService wrote: With Obama it is always someone else's fault, blame the Bush administration, blame the Republicans in Congress. Leaders take responsibility, losers make excuses.
I dont undertstand the logic of media---
Anything good? Credit Obama
Anythign bad? Blame Bush/earlier administrations/republicans
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Re: Santorum wants to deny everyone hardcore porn

Post by Snot »

I voted for Obama but since then my vote has been disappointing. I would still have voted the same way if I could do it again though. I doubt McCain would would have done any better. I'm sure he would have just been in someone else's pocket.

Sadly our country's leaders work to build up their own political party while diminishing the other instead of trying to do what's best for the American people.

It would have been good if Obama had ended the wars like he said he would instead of continuing Bush's war mongering.

It would have been good if Obama had made an attempt to lower our national debt like he said he would instead of pushing for an unbalanced budget.

To me the worst part is how he's taking away or civil liberties and we via our elected officials are letting him.

He didn't retract the Patriot, has gained the ability to use military force to arrest American citizens and hold them indefinitely without due process, has forced a bill that allows him to have American citizens assassinated without needing to explain why, and has banned freedom of speech everywhere that's its most important.

The worst part is that in 2012 all but one of the Republicans running will probably be worse than he is... and the one I think would make the best president is being ignored by the media.

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