Shell's Challenge

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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

freaau wrote:
Spoiler: show
shell wrote:Here's something I bet you haven't thought of.........................what if I get to cum before you start your challenge, or even while you are doing it........and then...I will have a clear head and be able to make it almost unbearable for you! Didn't think about that, did you??? *wicked smile*
No i didn't think of that - but we'll be starting in just a few short hours, i'm going to post the instructions soon too. So I don't think You'll cum before that.
Hmmm.......wouldn't you be surprised if He had let me! *Wicked laughter*
We've already confirmed that my thinking capacity is somewhat impaired by reduced blood flow to the big brain...
Uh huh....sorta like my thinking is impaired........??? *giggling*
But perhaps Dr.D. can be persuaded to hold off on letting You cum - if he's going to at all *winks* - until after the boys are through.
The only way that Master is persuaded or changes his mind is if I beg him. Do you really think I am going to beg Him to NOT let me cum? *giggle*
Didn't think of that either did You *wicked teasing smiles back*
Didn't have to....*sticks out my tongue*...cause I KNOW my Master!!!! *giggles*

*shivers and moans*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

freaau wrote:
Spoiler: show
You may only start 1 hour after reading this post - You need to spend the next hour not looking at porn, not doing anything sexual just doing normal things and trying not to think about what is coming *wicked winks*

You need a timer and a stopwatch - try this if you have nothing else, make sure you have your ample supply of ice cubes and a nicely sized bowl...

Specific instructions look like this (instruction text) the rest of the text is fantasy - let yourself succumb to it.

Any text by Shell in this challenge is my approximation of what Shell would say at those moments - Dr.D. and Shell - if there is anything you don't approve of please advise me and i will change it immediately!

You will post one (1) reply where you describe all of Your experiences in as much detail as you can. Be honest. Have fun. Stay safe. And don't forget about Shell's number instruction afterwards.

Do not read ahead. (set the timer for 60 minutes and try to concentrate on something else - i dare You)
Shell's Ice Challenge Instructions
Spoiler: show
Part 1
You arrive in the waiting room, there is a note in Shell's flowing handwriting:
Shell wrote:Dear participant,
thank you for taking part in my experiment. I appreciate the time, effort and above all honesty of your commitment.
Highest priority during this experiment is your safety - if at any time You feel unsafe, or are in danger of hurting yourself, please bring this to the attention of me Your supervisor and the experiment will cease immediately.
The second highest priority of this experiment is to make me incredibly horny - so that means if you are just uncomfortable, and would like to stop - try to be a good boy and hang in there a little longer for me.

Please place your ice cubes in the slot provided, strip naked and place Your clothes next to those of the other participants.

Kneel and wait I will fetch you shortly
The note is signed by a lipstick kiss, and you can smell a hint of perfume

You strip naked, fold your clothes neatly and slide the ice cubes into the shoot as directed before kneeling - legs nicely spread and waiting with your hands behind your back.

(set the timer for 8 minutes and 37 seconds - kneel as instructed with your eyes closed)

Part 2
You hear the slow methodical clicking of a sexy pair of heels approaching from behind your right shoulder. You resist desperately the urge to turn, to look, to respond in any way

*Shell giggles* "My my aren't You a desperate boy - we're going to have a lot of fun, well i am at least"

Shell walks a slow circle around you, her fingertips lightly grazing your shoulder, making you shudder. You smell Her perfume as it wafts past you breath in deeply moaning a little.

Shell places a collar around your neck gently, you hear the click of a padlock and feel the snap as a leash is attached.

With a gentle tug Shell says "follow me boy - but don't open your eyes until i give you permission" *giggles*

(set the timer for 2 minutes and 12 seconds - crawl around slowly with your eyes closed - be careful!)

Part 3
"Open your eyes boy" *wicked giggles*
"Like it?"

You can only stare, your throat goes dry as you brain desperately tries to understand what you are doing here, what you have gotten yourself in for. You brain is overruled as Shell steps in front of you - in an outfit that you find incredibly sexy.

"Up you get boy, strap yourself in as much as you can, i'll just get ready and then finish off what you can't reach"
You receive a playful spank on your backside as you get up and begin to strap yourself in.

Shell busies herself off in a darkened corner "not too tight boy - you'll be there a while" She calls over Her shoulder.

Shell come back - you can see Her holding a bowl very full of ice cubes in her gloved hands and you shiver.

She looks You in the eye as She places the bowl on the floor in between your legs and gives you a very big wicked sexy grin "i'm really going to enjoy this boy" She says as She checks all of your straps and buckles away your free arm.

Shell kneels between your legs, rubbing your thighs with Her gloved hands and gently blowing on Your cock until it is rock hard. She strokes You gently with Her gloved hands, fondling Your balls too

(set the timer for 3 minutes and 27 seconds - stroke slowly and teasingly while you massage your balls gently - don't edge, don't cum, just get very very hard for Shell)

Part 4
"My so hard and desperate" Shell lets go of your cock and balls, blowing hot air over Your cock head one last time.

"I think you're ready - will you be a good boy for me?"

You can only stare down at Her sexy form and nod desperately.

You watch fascinated as Shell picks up the bowl, gives it a little shake to settle the ice cubes. She pushes a couple of fingers into the ice making a little hollow in the ice. And she slowly raises it up towards your balls.

One gloved hand lifts up your balls, as the other aligns the bowl - you're shaking a bit, nervous.

She looks up at you questioningly "Do you want this boy? Do you want to do this for me?" *wicked sexy grins* - You could never resist that grin and you nod your head up and down just once, slowly as Shell lowers Your balls into the ice.

"How long can you take it for me boy?" *wicked sexy grins* "lets find out" Shell starts a stopwatch running.

She continues to hold the bowl in place, lifting it up as the ice sinks over time. She's watching your face, your breathing, your cock as you whimper and moan.

(fill a bowl with ice as described, hold it up under your balls and start the stopwatch - keep those balls properly in the ice - do it as long as you can for Shell, you know it will make Her so wet and horny, so try hard. No touching your cock, no getting up, no moving about - sit still and take it for Shell. Make a note of the time afterwards)

Part 5
When you complete cant take it any more Shell removes the ice and places the bowl by your feet again. She stops the stopwatch and looks at the time.
She gives a low sexy whistle "My my well done boy" and notes the time on a clipboard filled with columns of other numbers.
Shell gets up and starts to walk away, as an after though She says over her shoulder
"You rest now and we'll try again when i get back ok".

She's still giggling as you hear Her footsteps recede down the hall.

What does She mean "again"?!

(set the timer for 7 minutes and 49 seconds, sit still, no touching your cock, no getting up, no moving about, wait patiently and sink deeper into subspace)

Part 6
Somewhere deep in your subspace haze you register the sound of Shells heels clicking on the floor approaching you again.

She kneels down, you barely have time to notice She has another newly filled bowl of ice cubes.

She looks you in the eye as she lifts your balls again, and lowers them into the bowl - she didn't even stroke you once this time.

"Try and last a bit longer for me this time boy - i know it will be harder to do, but it makes me so very very wet"

(fill a bowl with ice as described before, hold it up under your balls and start the stopwatch - keep those balls properly in the ice - do it as long as you can for Shell, you know it will make Her incredibly wet and horny, so try hard. No touching your cock, no getting up, no moving about - sit still and take it for Shell)

Part 7
Once you cant take it anymore Shell removes the ice and stops the stop watch.

"Not bad boy, we'll see how the others do"

She gently undoes the straps and hands you your clothes.

"Off you go boy, but out the back way - the next victim is waiting out front"

Just as you are about to close the door behind you She calls after you "No cumming boy - no rubbing or touching or playing with that cock or those balls until You get permission!"

*wicked laughter follows you out of the door*

(well done boy - now don't forget your report)
I simply couldn't stay to talk last night about this post. Heck, I didn't even realize that I had missed a few comments, before reading the Challenge. *giggling*

The whole way you did this was perfect!!! I guess you figured that out, since after reading it, I made a mad dash for the door. *blushing*

At first, when I saw you speaking for me....I wasn't thrilled...but then as I got what you were doing and how you were doing it....I was okay with it. *Smile*
Of course....there are a few things that I would and wouldn't do that you had me doing or not doing...but hey...there's only one ME...and I'm the only one that knows how I think. *giggle*

Well done, boy!!!! Well done!!! *big smile*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

Snare wrote:Just completed the challenge, I am sending shell a pm with my number. I am so freaking horny right now.
I have received your PM with your number. Thank you. I liked the way you chose your number too. *grin*
And whether it's good or bad, will be announced later. *giggle*

Horny is a good thing!!! *wicked smile* God is it a good thing!!! *moans*
Just realized I screwed up so i am editing :)
Part 1
I knelt down anticipating what was to come for me.
*thinks about you kneeling.....................*
Part 2
Crawled in a circle around my room feeling a little silly but also a little dominated.
Sometimes feeling silly, just is part of the experience. Thank you for doing what you were asked to do. *Smile*
Part 3
Oh god how i wanted to go faster but just for you shell I teasingly stroked and massaged myself.
Good boy!!! *Bright smile* *moans with need*
Part 4
I tried so hard to keep the ice on but it felt like a burning sensation almost, interesting! I lasted 1:26.
Makes notes about how long you made it.... *grin*
Part 5
I sat very still doing absolutely nothing.
Was that hard to do?
Part 6
Again with the ice this time I just kept calling myself names to motivate me to push further. My time was 2:34.
Good boy!!!! I'm impressed!!! *bright smile*
Part 7
Very frustrated and really wants to cum.

I think I like you frustrated.....*wicked smile, followed by a low moan*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by freaau »

Last edited by freaau on Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sorry - i've had to leave this place - i cannot be reached anymore

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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

Makarov wrote:Alright, just completed the challenge! Now for the details:
*Gets excited.......and ready to enjoy*
Part One:

I live in the same house as my parents and sister. Getting naked I can do, getting naked without having to worry about people walking in not so much. So I did it with my shorts and underwear off, but in reach. I figure I'd have enough time to toss them back on while they open the door to the basement.

And then I waited. I rolled back and forth on my knees. I rolled forward and back, side to side. I thought about what thoughts I'd be writing about, thusly pre-writing thoughts. I tried to think of what the challenge would be and the most I could come up with was, "Shell, you cold bitch." Right now I've got Vanilla Ice playing through my head, so I still haven't improvement upon it. Onto part two!
WHOA!!! *Reads that again, and again...thinking I misread it* Really? You just called me....thought of me as a cold bitch? Hmmmm...not very pleased right now.
Part Two:

For this one, lacking room to crawl around, I crawled in place. It felt awkward and silly, but I just told myself that it was for Shell and it was alright.

Part Three:

Lacking the sizable contraption shown in the picture, I called my desk chair the next closest thing. I tossed a towel on it so my bare ass wouldn't have to meld with the leather. I stroked and got very, very hard for Shell.

Part Four:

It was cold, but it wasn't that bad. It was manageable. I wondered how many minutes I was in ice during the tease, and whether I should try to beat that number. It was then that I realized that the ice section of the tease was divided amongst stroking sections, so I settled on five minutes. I figured I could manage five minutes. And I did. I removed the ice, stopped the countdown and relaxed.

Part Five:

My balls were cold, my penis limp. Much like the ice to the dinosaurs, it had put down the beast. :-D

Kidding aside, at the moment I felt my balls had tightened up. They were not low and lazy anymore. They were also cold. But otherwise nothing else in particular.

Part Six:

What I didn't expect was any sort of special reaction when I returned my balls to the ice. I did not expect to feel the cold run through, to suddenly tense up and quiver and squirm in my chair. I did not expect the cold to register to my senses greater than it had the first time, rather I expected a diminished return, thinking that my earlier numbness would decreased the further experiences.

I was wrong. Making it to six minutes (I had to beat out my first time! For Shell!) was tough!

Part Seven and onward:

Now that I've completed the challenge every so often I quiver in my seat, my cock and balls demanding attention and release. Now they are not only cold but aching!

*breathes in deeply, exhales deeply*

That's okay, I can do this! I think. I just can't orgasm. Or stroke. Or touch. *tries to find excuses to readjust the crotch of his shorts*
I will read this again...............after an apology is given.

*Takes a break for a bit*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by Snare »

Just for the record so everyone else knows, my number is 8 and I let my fate dice set's d10 choose my number. Also shell the more horny and frustrated I get the more evil and sadistic I get, so for the sake of all the little subbies who come into the chat room, please let me cum.


P.S. This is all for you shell, I'm going to guess 2:45pm (central) and I hope I am wrong. :devil:
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

Alliteration wrote:Introduction:
Spoiler: show
The one hour of not thinking of anything sexual was very tough, due to the chat games from the past two days. I started this after 24 edges, 140 cock slaps, and 9 edges with toothpaste. I've also not had a full orgasm since the 3rd. I turned on "The Empire Strikes Back" for awhile, and was able to mostly succeed.
*giggling* poor, poor boy...having to not think about sex for an hour. *giggling some more. And resorting to Star Wars......oh my!!!! *giggling a little more*
Part 1:
Spoiler: show
The part about the note makes Shell seem very elegant and sexy, in my mind. Something like this would be a good approximation:


The lipstick signature and hint of perfume drove me up the wall, I love little touches like that. My mind started going all kinds of places during those 8 minutes kneeling with my eyes closed - wondering what I was going to do with the ice, wondering what Shell had planned, etc. I ended up with a huge erection.
*smiles......I liked this.....very much!!! I am blond, but other then that.....ya done good!

I liked it that you had a huge erection as you began. *wicked smile, moaning softly*
Part 2:
Spoiler: show
I sometimes write as a hobby, and when I do I get really deep inside my own thoughts. This happened while I had my eyes closed, and when the timer went off, the ringing was mentally jarring, and disoriented me for a moment. Reading this part, I'm really starting to get into my own little mental world. I can vividly imagine Shell's voice as a sexy, throaty whisper with an undertone of amusement. I can almost feel her touch on my shoulder, I gulped in nervous anticipation when she put the collar around my neck.

Luckily, I know the layout of my house very well, and walk around it in the dark often. I have tile floors however, and my knees were starting to hurt a bit at this point.
*moans rather loudly as I read down through this......I really liked it that you were so lost that the timer startled you.....been there, done that. a little gift..................tell me.......did you imagine my voice right? *wicked smile*
Spoiler: show
It opens slowly sometimes.....
Part 3:
Spoiler: show
I open my eyes and click to reveal part 3 - this thing is *scary*. It takes me several seconds to even realize what it is.

Shell's changed her clothes in my mind. She's now wearing leather knee-high boots, skirt, gloves, and corset; black with red trim. I don't have one of these wicked devices, so I decide to sit in my chair and sort of put my legs through the armrests; it's a bit of a strain.

My ice is starting to melt a bit, but I made way, way more than was asked for, just in case. I figured this would happen since it's fairly hot where I live. My cock has been hard this whole time, but now it's throbbing. My frustration (see what I said in the introduction) is coming back full force. I can still almost feel her breath and hands on me. God, she's a tease.
*pants and moans* Oh MY GOD!!! you put your legs through the armrests...... Oh Master, he surely gets bonus points for this, doesn't he??? *begging smile*
Part 4:
Spoiler: show
I'm gulping again, and starting to tremble a little. I've never played with ice before and have no idea what to expect or how cold it will feel. I'm a little worried about frostbite so I make a mental note to pay close attention to how numb I get. I find myself actually nodding along and starting to moan a little.

I wince when my balls go into the ice - holy shit, it's *cold*. I'm fairly hairy, so I felt rather cool down there to begin with after shaving. And I take endurance trials as a personal challenge, I always have an idea of how well I think I can do, and feel terrible if I don't meet that. I decide 10 minutes is doable.

I'm starting to breathe harder and harder as time goes on, and wincing more and more. At least my erection is going down. I make it to...11 minutes 24 seconds!
*moans more and more......holy cow!!!! You made it a long time!!!! Makes me want to kiss your balls until they are all warm again. *wicked smile*
Spoiler: show
Part 5:
Spoiler: show
Shell seems proud of me - that puts a smile on my face. I imagine long, sexy legs and a perfectly round ass as she walks away, and that she blows me a kiss as she leaves. Doing this again worries me, I'm going to want to beat my previous time by a lot. But I sit there and wait, wishing I could warm up my balls with my hands.
*panting like a wild woman*
Part 6:
Spoiler: show
The only word that can describe this part is "Argh!" After replacing the ice I realize that I should have positioned my cock over the edge of the bowl; it's completely soft now and is touching the ice along with my balls. Too late, I guess, I'm already sitting still. Cold, cold, cold. But I'm determined to beat my time. I hope it makes Shell so wet that her juices run down her thighs. I'm starting to want "revenge" of a sort, and I know she's denied at the moment. I hope this drives her right out of her head.
FUCK! FUCK!!! FUCK!!!!! OH GOD!!!!!
Part 7:
Spoiler: show
13 minutes, 8 seconds. Take that, Shell!

She's calling me "boy" again - I love being called that. It's driving me crazy mentally, but I probably couldn't get hard at this point even if she was right in front of me, due to the ice. And no touching at all..probably a good thing since I'm not allowed to cum for quite awhile anyway. I guess this means I still can't warm up my balls with my hands, so I do the next best thing and put my clothes back on.

Shell, you'll regret that wicked laughter. You might want to stay away from the site until your denial is up, because I'm going to make you squirm with desire every chance I get. Misery loves company.
*whimpers and moans so loudly.......* Good God.................WOW!!!! I am so wet..pussy aching....twitching....FUCK!!!!

Well, done boy!!!!!! Very, very well done!!! I am very proud of you!!!! *Bright smile*

I did receive your PM and have recorded your number on the tally sheet. I will also respond to the PM......oh boy will I respond to it. *giggling and moaning again*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

freaau wrote:
Snare wrote:Just completed the challenge, I am sending shell a pm with my number. I am so freaking horny right now.
Well done Snare! Congrats on being first to take on the dare - it's over now, so that's a good thing for you, but on the down side you'll have longest to wait until you find out what the number means *wicked grins*

You should post the number here according to Shell's instructions ... 60#p100163
Shell wrote:For those of you that COMPLETE the challenge completely, after saying so, to freaau, with any instructions he has, you are to WRITE ME A SEPERATE REPLY and in that reply you are to pick a number between 1 - 10.
*smiling and giggling at you taking charge......* *winks at you*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

freaau wrote:
shell wrote:HOLY...........*reads down through the challenge..................* WOW! *can't take anymore...........* leaves MILO quickly...........................knowing I might, or might not get to look later this evening...............*shivers.......................with need...............*
So i take it You approve Shell?

Shell? *watches your cute butt recede quickly as you tear off down the hall way from Milovana"

Ah... she'll be back, *wicked sexy grins*

I loved hearing about your toy that you were using too - expect a reply to your pm soon, I just need to get on with the experiment first...

OH Yes, boy.......I approve!!! Very much!!!! God......I am so freaking wet, as I move down through all of this.... *moans softly*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by freaau »

Last edited by freaau on Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sorry - i've had to leave this place - i cannot be reached anymore

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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

freaau wrote:
Makarov wrote:Alright, just completed the challenge! Now for the details:


That's okay, I can do this! I think. I just can't orgasm. Or stroke. Or touch. *tries to find excuses to readjust the crotch of his shorts*
Well done Makarov!

Yes that 2nd time in is a special kind of cold hell - even more so without being allowed to touch!

Don't forget to pick your number as per Shells instructions here ... 60#p100163

And get your hands off those shorts *grinning*
No comment, for the time being....
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

freaau wrote:Well done Alliteration!

Such a good boy for Shell *teasing wink*

Don't forget to pick Your number as per Shell's instructions here ... 60#p100163
He did do a good job, didn't he?? *moans again, as I think of his legs through the arm rests* That!!!! *pussy twitches*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by shell »

freaau wrote:Current Status

EDIT: The times are NOT comparative - each time is the personal best of the individual and stands in no relational to the times of any other individual - i am listing them here only to give Shell a quick overview - NOT to compare you to each other!!!

Code: Select all

        boy      | 1st time | 2nd time | number ===============================================Snare           |    1:26  |   2:34   |  8Makrov          |    5:00  |   6:00   |  5Alliteration    |   11:24  |  13:08   |  2rockiesresident |    2:05  |   4:02   | freaau1         |   16:12  |  14:38   | 10freaau2         |    9:51  |  11:19   | freaau3         |   12:18  |  10:47   | les             |          |          | dtspam          |          |          | 
The following people showed interest, but need to check in as ordered and need to attempt the task!

And anyone else who wants to give it a go - please feel free, just post your reports and pick a number from 1 to 10 after you successfully complete the challenge!

Thank you, freaau *Smile* That was very sweet of you.
I am curious posted your times...but I have yet to read anything about your experience. *giggle*

As for the others joining in.......right now it is 11:41 am, on the East coast of the United States. I think that fair is fair and this should be concluded by 9:00 PM my time.

Anyone doing the challenge after that time, shall not be given the opportunity to choose a number.
Master, if you do not agree with this, please, please over ride me. I am only doing what I think You would want. *Respectful smile*
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by Alliteration »

Reading your response Miss Shell...oh god oh god! I'm getting hard again...and the first picture isn't loading, which makes me even more frustrated :wall:

And imagining you tenderly kissing my balls is making me squirm soooo much...I want to touch so bad >.<
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Re: Shell's Challenge

Post by freaau »

Last edited by freaau on Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sorry - i've had to leave this place - i cannot be reached anymore

Goodbye all.
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