A Passionate Encounter, pt 3 (m/f, breast worship, oral,CUM)

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Explorer At Heart
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A Passionate Encounter, pt 3 (m/f, breast worship, oral,CUM)

Post by jimbean485 »

Here's the final part of my latest story (for now). Once again, this is not intended for minors. Feel free to repost, but please include my name and email: Jim Bean, [email protected]

You can find the previous parts here:

Part 1

Part 2




Part 3 - Passion Erupts

Jim followed Lucia out into the cool night air. Before she had a chance to shiver from the cold, he shrugged off his coat and put it around her shoulders. She looked up at him with those beautiful brown eyes and said, "Thanks, Jim. You sure know how to treat a lady."

"My momma raised me well," Jim said, smiling softly down at her. "Now, let's see if we can't get a cab to take us home."

He turned toward the street then stopped, and turned back to face Lucia. She looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to speak. Instead he gently lifted up her chin and leaned in to kiss her once again. This time there was no hesitation as she closed her eyes and firmly kissed him back. After a few moments he pulled back a bit and looked deep into her eyes. "Mmm, you are delicious, girl. I cannot wait to get you out of these clothes and do unspeakable things to you all night long." Lucia flushed again at these words but continued to stare hungrily into Jim's eyes.

Just then a cab pulled up and what appeared to be 3 . . . no, 4 . . . no, 6 young college girls piled out! Jim and Lucia looked on in amused wonder as these girls extricated themselves from the back of the cab and proceeded into Milo's, tripping and laughing and belching the whole way. Once the parade had passed, Jim stepped up to the cab and opened the door, holding it for Lucia. "Why, thank you, kind sir," Lucia said, almost managing to keep a straight face. Jim smiled back and couldn't help but be transfixed by the wobble of her tits as she bent forward and sat into the cab. Priority 1: get my mouth on those nipples, Jim thought as he got into cab next to her and pulled the door closed.


Once the cab was under way, Jim sat back and felt Lucia rest her head on his left shoulder. He couldn't help but sigh and take her right hand and squeeze it gently. There was such a strange mix of emotion and lust roiling inside him, he hardly knew what to think. The only thing he knew for sure was that he was going to do his damndest give this amazing the girl a night she'd never forget. Oh, and I'm going to cum at least 4 times tonight. At least, he thought, trying not to let the ache in his swollen balls distract him.

Jim figured they'd have about 15 minutes before they arrived at Dan's apartment complex. Based on her display in Milo's, Jim was pretty sure Lucia wouldn't mind the presence of the cab driver. Those tits will not wait until we arrive. They must be mauled. Now. Thankfully Lucia had taken off his jacket and put it on the seat next to her when she sat down.

He started by turning his body toward hers and bringing his right hand up to cup her face. Once again he was struck by the raw beauty and sexual energy Lucia possessed. He drank it in for a few moments more, and then leaned in to drink deeply of her lips. She moaned as their tongues intertwined passionately, and groaned softly seconds later as Jim broke the kiss.

He leaned back just enough to catch his breath for a moment, and then planted soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. Then again on her cheek, and another by her ear. "Gawd, you are so hot," he breathed softly into her ear, and then nibbled gently on her lobe. As he moved lower and continued planting soft, wet kisses down her neck to her collarbone, he brought his right hand down. He caressed her neck and chest, and traced her cleavage with his fingers. Then he cupped her enormous left tit and squeezed it firmly through the material of her top. "Ohhhhh, yessss . . ." Lucia moaned, pushing her chest out at Jim. He continued his kissing expedition to her cleavage, lifting her breasts and pressing them into his face.

He then slid onto his knees and got between Lucia's legs. Her eyes went wide and she glanced at the back of the cab driver's head, but did nothing to deter Jim. He brought his hands up and firmly cupped her enormous tits in his hands, kissing into her cleavage and all over the tops of her breasts. He felt Lucia's nipples against his palms like bullets and slid his hands around to roll his thumbs back and forth over her erect nubs. Jim shuddered slightly at her hiss of indrawn breath; nothing turned him on more than arousing a woman, and this woman was literally dripping with passion from his ministrations.

He looked up at Lucia, her eyes closed, her face flushed, biting her lip with a look of almost painful pleasure on her face. He licked up her cleavage until he reached her breastbone and planted one more kiss at the base of her throat. Jim then reluctantly removed his hands from her soft tits with a firm squeeze, and brought them to the back of her neck. Thankfully her low-cut halter had a simple bow-knot that released itself with one firm tug on the right string.

Jim could not suppress the gasp as Lucia's breasts were revealed in all their glory. They were so full and round, so soft and suckable. They rested high on her chest with just that delightful hint of sag that only large, natural breasts can achieve. Better even than I imagined. Damn. Jim's mouth watered instantly and he brought his hands down to cup them once again, this time skin-against-skin. As he squeezed each breast overfilling his hand, he tore his eyes away and looked up at Lucia's face. She had her eyes closed and her mouth open, breathing shallowly and appearing to revel in the sensations Jim was giving. Jim almost lost it right then, this stunning woman surrendering herself to him, totally lost in the pleasure that *he* was giving her.

He took a deep breath, shook his head, and brought his mouth down to her left nipple. It was hard as a rock and he bit down on it gently as he sucked the aureola into his mouth. Her moans were coming in a steady stream now, and he thought her breathing might be getting more ragged, as well. He ran his tongue roughly over the nipple and around in circles, pausing to suck voraciously every few seconds. His right hand kept busy, rubbing his thumb over the rock-hard twin of the one in his mouth, squeezing and kneading the ample, supple titflesh.

With one last hard suck he released Lucia's left nipple from his mouth, gently scraping his teeth along as he did so. He then turned his attention to her right breast and dove in head first. He continued alternating back and forth, lost in the heaven of Lucia's amazing tits, sucking and licking and nibbling for all he was worth. At least a couple of times he felt Lucia's body quake with what he could only assume were miniature orgasms.

Oh, God. If she gets this aroused from my mouth on her tits, I cannot wait to get at her pussy.

Without releasing his lip-lock on her right nipple Jim brought both of his hands down and began caressing the outside of Lucia's thighs. He purposefully moved his hands up her legs toward her ass and as his fingers made contact with the top of her panties he prepared to slide them down her legs, finally giving him access to the dripping treasure he had been teasing all night. But Lucia put her hands on his, stopping his progress. Jim looked up at Lucia mildly confused by the look of conflict and frustration where he expected to find naked passion. Suddenly Lucia erupted with, "Goddammit!! I want that big, fat cock in my mouth!!"

Jim's eyes widened in surprise at this outburst, Lucia's right tit still firmly stuck in his mouth. He felt the cab lurch to a sudden stop, and released his mouth's treasure to look outside. Oh. Looks like we're here. Where does the time go?


After helping Lucia hastily cover herself with his coat and taking care of the fare, Jim had turned to see her standing in the moonlight, waiting for him. God in Heaven, thank you for smiling your favor down upon me. He smiled at her and she smiled shyly back, melting his heart and causing that tingling in his chest again. Jim walked up to Lucia and put out his hand, and she put her hand in his. As he led them to Dan's apartment, he couldn't help lamenting the fact that he was missing an opportunity to ogle Lucia's luscious ass, but consoled himself that he would have ample opportunity for a lot more than ogling soon enough. She had seemed somewhat abashed after her outburst in the cab, and was walking along quietly beside him. Well, I knew she was hot for my cock, but I had no idea she was so keen on sucking me off. I think I've teased her enough; let's get her inside and let her have her reward.

As they got to the door, Jim fished out his keys and unlocked it, stepping out of the way to allow Lucia to enter first. "After you, m'Lady," he said, giving a slight bow. She smirked up at him playfully for a moment before putting her nose up, entering the apartment with a distinctly regal air. Jim smiled to himself as he followed Lucia in, closing the door.

He politely took his jacket from her, smiling at the hastily tied halter doing a very poor job of containing those delicious breasts. He offered her a seat in the living room and asked, "Would you like something to drink?"

"I never did get that water," Lucia pointed out, smiling.

"Ha! That's right! One moment, please," Jim said as he turned toward the kitchen.

"So this is your place, huh? It's pretty nice," Lucia called from the living room.

"Thank you. Actually, I'm staying with my buddy Dan for a bit, while I look for my own place," Jim called back. He got a glass from the cupboard and poured some filtered water from the fridge.

"Oh, well that's nice of him. Do you mind if I use the restroom?"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," Jim said, as he poked his head out of the kitchen, "The restroom is the first door on the left in the hall. Please feel free." He heard the bathroom door close and tried to maintain his composure as he thought about what lay ahead. His cock twitched against his stomach and the ache in his balls yelled for his attention. Ow, damn. I *really* need to cum bad. I hope she's not too disappointed at how fast this first one comes.

He returned to the living room and set the glass of water on the coffee table. You know, now that I think about it a bathroom break is probably a good idea. Jim headed down the hall to the master bedroom, which had its own bathroom. "Lucia? I'm going to use the other bathroom. Please make yourself at home; I'll only be a moment," he called through the door as he walked by.

"Okay," he heard Lucia say faintly through the door.


Jim zipped up his fly and flushed the toilet, putting the toilet seat down. He'd had to turn the faucet on to help himself relax and will his cock down enough to relieve himself. He washed his hands and looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn't help but remember John Travolta's character in 'Pulp Fiction,' in the bathroom at Mia and Marcellus' house, though their positions were decidedly opposite. Tonight I will most assuredly *not* be going home and jerking off. He put his fists up in a small victory celebration and made sure everything was in order.

Jim briefly considered leaving the bathroom completely bare-assed, but thought better of it. Then he thought about Lucia's lovely lips stretched around his thick cock, those enchanting brown eyes looking up at him . . . and his cock was almost at full mast again, stretching down his pant-leg. Soon. Very soon.

He opened the door and turned off the light. As he stepped into the master bedroom he prepared to holler something to Lucia, when his breath caught in this throat. There was Lucia, kneeling next to the bed, wearing nothing but a hungry smile and pair of sheer, black panties. Holy Lord, Jim thought to himself, momentarily at a loss for words. She knelt their primly, her chest thrust out, her hands on her thighs, her arms gently compressing her enormous breasts together, waiting expectantly for him. Jim's cock was almost instantly at full erection again, precum freely flowing from the tip.

Jim collected his jaw from the floor and walked toward Lucia, holding her penetrating, hungry gaze with his own. He stopped just short of her, looking down into her upturned face, flushed with desire and longing.

"You are absolutely stunning, Lucia. You know, my personal rule is usually 'Ladies First,' but I think you have waited long enough for your prize," Jim said, as he gently reached out and cupped her chin. He reached behind her and grabbed a pillow from the bed, putting it at his feet and helping her onto it. With that she slowly ran her hands up his legs, not stopping until her right hand traveled lightly over his cock and arrived at his belt. She deftly opened his pants and then secured her fingers in his boxers and began to tug them down. Inch by inch, his thick cock was revealed to her voracious gaze, and Jim was once again awestruck by the beauty and sexiness of the creature before him.

The waistband of his boxers caught briefly on his distended cock-crown, and Lucia gave a sharp tug to finally free her prize. The sensation of his boxers scraping over his cockhead caused his cock to lurch, barely missing Lucia's nose and sending a gout of precum across her face. She stared in open-mouthed astonishment at Jim's circumcised cock, and he was worried for a moment that she was having second thoughts.

"My, GOD!" she exclaimed in wonder, "You have the most magnificent cock. I mean, I knew it was going to be big, but Jesus . . ." she trailed off, transfixed by the pillar of flesh before her. Jim knew his cock was pretty thick but not especially long, but prudently decided not to belabor the point. Lucia's reaction caused his cock to stand even firmer to attention and a large bead of precum formed at the tip of his fat, round helmet. As it grew to a fat dollop and began its slow descent toward the ground, Lucia leaned in and caught the end of the string on her tongue, closing her eyes and moaning. Jim watched in rapt fascination as she opened her eyes, looked up to make eye-contact with him, and slowly followed the sticky string back to its source.

She had to swallow the thick juice as she reached his knob, and when she closed her mouth the stream of precum continued to flow and coat her lips. She reached up her right hand to grasp his cock around the base, her fingers and thumb unable to meet around his girth. Lucia then planted a sloppy, sticky kiss right on the underside of his cockhead, and a streamer of precum followed her lips as she sat back to once again admire the thick meat in her hand.

Then she did something that nearly caused Jim to lose his week's-worth of cum right then and there. Making eye-contact with him again, she brought her face in under his cock and proceeded to slap the fat dick against her face! Jim's cock made wet, slapping sounds as it left streaks and puddles of precum all over Lucia's face. *SMACK, SMACK, SMACK* over her cheeks and her mouth and even her forehead.

Releasing his cock, she then leaned in under him and brought her mouth once again to his bloated, aching balls. "Mmmmmmmm . . . " Jim heard her moan as her lips made contact with his clean-shaven scrotum. His cock rested heavily on her face, it's girth obscuring the entire left side, as she kissed and suckled his tender testicles. Jim was in heaven as Lucia worshiped his balls, his cock dancing and leaking over her gorgeous face.

After a minute or so Lucia sat back and looked up at him adoringly, her face shiny with precum and beaming with pleasure. Jim took this brief respite to quickly slide out of his shoes, pants, and underwear. As he pulled his shirt over his head he felt Lucia's hands running sensuously over his flat stomach and he couldn't repress a shudder as his cock twitched violently again.

Now fully denuded, Jim sat on the edge of the bed and spread his legs to give Lucia access to her desire. As she scooted in and rested both hands around the base of his cock, Jim brought his own hands down to caress and squeeze Lucia's amazing tits. She closed her eyes and moaned at his touch, letting Jim know that his efforts were not in vain.

Suddenly she snapped her eyes open and took in his cock with a determined, measuring stare. "I am going to take this fat fucker down to the root," she said, as if trying to psych herself up. Jim paused in his ministrations on her breasts to watch her stretch her mouth as wide as she could to accommodate his thick mushroom tip. Jim had never had anyone take his cock into their throat, and many of his girlfriends had had a hard time getting his cock into their mouths without scraping it with their teeth. Lucia showed her prowess and determination from the start by getting his entire cockhead into her mouth without scraping once.

She paused at this point and looked up into Jim's eyes. He stared back in wonder and admiration, and Lucia smiled up at him as best she could with her lips stretched to the limit around his girth. She then braced her right hand at the base of his cock and brought her left hand down to his balls. Jim groaned deeply and threw his head back as she began her slow, determined descent.

Jim felt her tongue dancing and sliding around the underside of his cock as Lucia began a gentle bobbing motion, taking him slightly deeper on each downstroke. He knew he wouldn't last long with this amazing girl hungrily devouring his cock. Jim felt his cockhead reach Lucia's molars and compress slightly to fit in between. Lucia gagged a little as his distended knob made contact with the back of her throat. Her eyes were already watering and her nostrils flared for air, but her hand maintained its grip and her tongue continued to swipe back and forth all over the part of his cock in her mouth.

She held there for a long moment before slowing pulling back, keeping suction on his cock so that when his knob slipped from her mouth it was with a loud *POP*, and thick streams of saliva rolled down his cock and over his balls, connecting her mouth to his head with thick strands.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You are fucking amazing . . . " Jim's reassurances were cut short as Lucia, not missing a beat, brought her mouth around his cock once again. This time she swirled her tongue all around the head and worked her lips around the top of his shaft. She sucked and twisted her head using her right hand to firmly stroke the rest of his cock. Jim felt the cum boiling in his balls and unconsciously gave Lucia's breast a very firm squeeze. She moaned around his cock stretching her jaw, and her right hand left his cock as she prepared once again to take him all the way down.

Jim, through the haze of mind-numbing pleasure, saw her move down toward her panties and slide underneath, quickly locating her clit and rubbing insistently. He couldn't believe she was getting so hot from his cock in her mouth, and he hoped she had a mind-shattering climax in reward for her efforts.

Keeping her left hand cradling his balls, she pushed her way down his cock until the fat knob was again pressing against the back of her throat. She leaned up on her knees to get more leverage, and Jim saw the pleading in her eyes as she looked up at him. Jim usually didn't go in much for face-fucking, mostly because his girth made that a cruel joke for both parties, but Lucia clearly wanted his help. Who am I to refuse a lady? he thought to himself, generously.

Jim released Lucia's breasts with a parting squeeze and gently put his hands into Lucia's lovely brown hair. He was still a little amazed when she looked up at him with gratitude, maintaining eye-contact as she made love to his cock with her mouth. She began a swallowing motion and pushed herself down onto his thick cock. Jim then began to apply additional pressure, pulling her head down onto his cock. Suddenly he felt her throat give way as his tremendous cockhead slipped into her throat. Tears were running down her face as her lips descended the rest of his cock to sit around the base. He felt her tongue try to push its way out of her mouth, but there was just no room. The sensation of her swallowing around his cock was better than Jim had ever dreamed possible, and he felt his nuts draw up tight against him in preparation.

With his breath coming shorter and quicker and that tingling sensation spreading out from his groin, Jim released his hold on Lucia's head to allow her to pull back and get some air. But she was determined and maintained her lip-lock around the base of his cock and continued swallowing around his head lodged in her throat.

"Oh, God, Lucia! I'm going to cum any second, girl!" Jim exclaimed, trying to warn her.

Lucia just kept her eyes intently on his and then her left hand gave Jim's heavy balls a squeeze. Lucia's stunning beauty, her unstoppable desire, her cocksucking skill, and the night's teasing were all too much for Jim to bear, and her squeeze on his testicles sent him violently over the edge.

He felt Lucia begin to shake and moan with her own climax as the cum was forced into his shaft and began its ascent. The massive orgasm exploded over Jim's whole body and he threw his head back in ecstasy. The first spurt of cum went straight down Lucia's throat and Jim thought it would never end. Maintaining her hand on her pussy and a gentle milking motion on his balls, Lucia slid his cock out of her throat until just the head remained inside and firmly swept her tongue back and forth over his sweet spot, her own moans of passionate pleasure increasing the intensity of Jim's orgasm unbelievably.

The second spurt shot thickly and violently into the back of Lucia's throat, forcing her head from his cock and gagging her. Her teeth involuntarily scraped over the ridge of his cockhead as it left her mouth. She closed her eyes and sputtered slightly, attempting to swallow the massive amount of thick jizz clogging the back of her throat. Jim's cock was far from done, however, and three massive bolts spurted in quick succession, forcefully coating Lucia's face in his creamy spend.

She quickly recovered and clamped her lips over his head once again, and brought her left hand up to firmly stroke his base, desperate for the rest of his ejaculate. Jim's cock was happy to oblige and fired off four more hot, thick spurts of cum into Lucia's mouth. Jim's orgasm continued to rock him, his testicles clenching violently, reveling in this long-awaited release.

The spurting stopped but Jim's cock continued to pump sperm into Lucia's hungry mouth for another 30 seconds. She swallowed as fast as she could, her throat becoming clogged with Jim's extra-thick cum. As his orgasm finally subsided, Jim looked down at Lucia, still nursing on his cock, cum leaking from around her stretched lips, her face almost completely coated in sperm.

Sensing that he was finally done, Lucia released Jim's cock and it fell back onto his stomach with a heavy *SPLAT*. Jim brought his hands to Lucia's face and gently removed his cum from her clenched eyes with his thumbs. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at Jim with the most joyful, grateful, satisfied look he had ever seen. She grabbed his hands and licked the cum from his thumbs. Then she proceeded to use her own hands to catch the sperm sliding down her face and brought it to her mouth. Jim watched this display in awe, his appreciation for this girl (already considerable) growing by the second.

"Oh, my GOD, that was incredible . . . " they both began at the same time. Jim chuckled, his heart still pounding in his chest as he tried to catch his breath. Lucia, too, was gasping for air around handfuls of cum, her face and breasts flushed now from what Jim would surmise was a pretty intense orgasm.

Jim once again leaned in and brought Lucia's face to his. He closed his eyes and kissed her deeply and firmly, oblivious to the strong taste of his own cum in her mouth. He held onto her and kissed her passionately for what seemed far-too short a time. When he broke the kiss, he and Lucia just stared into one another's eyes for awhile.

"Lucia, you are the most incredible woman I have ever met," Jim stated matter-of-factly.

"And you are a rare specimen yourself, Jim. A sweet gentleman with an insane cock! And those balls! Jesus! I thought you were never going to stop cumming!" she exclaimed, laughing. With that she glanced down to see his thick member still half-hard against his thigh. "Oh, my God, are you ready to go again already??"

"Oh, honey, I have big plans for you tonight. This was just round one. Now that the edge is off, the fun can really begin," Jim said, winking at her. Lucia just stared up at him awestruck, a small trickle of drool escaping the corner of her mouth. "What's say we head for the shower and get cleaned up a bit first?" Jim asked.

Lucia shook herself from her stupor and replied, "That sounds lovely," still collecting shots of sperm from her breasts.

"After you, m'Lady," Jim said as he stood, helping Lucia to her feet. As he watched Lucia walk to the bathroom he was once again captivated by her ample, round ass as it bounced and rolled behind her. His cock filling with blood in anticipation, Jim thought, I am officially the most blessed man alive. Let the festivities begin!

Still watching her ass, Jim licked his lips and followed her into the bathroom . . .

The End (of the beginning ;-) )
Just walking around, looking around . . .
Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Re: A Passionate Encounter, pt 3 (m/f, breast worship, oral,CUM)

Post by AngelAnna837 »

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I :love: It :D

and i wanna hear more :innocent:

then again, might be more fun to to leave it to the imagination :flowers:
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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Re: A Passionate Encounter, pt 3 (m/f, breast worship, oral,CUM)

Post by jimbean485 »

Aww, thank you so much, Anna :-D I'm really glad you liked it, and thanks for taking the time to comment; that means a lot to me.

Yeah, I may end up writing what happens next, but right now I kind of like leaving it open-ended; like you said, let people's imaginations run with it! But I'm almost certain these characters will be having more adventures that I will write about! ;-)

Just walking around, looking around . . .
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