FlashTease Saving/Loading

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FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by seraph0x »

Should we add save/load functionality to FlashTeases?
seraph0x wrote:Technically it's pretty complex but not impossible of course. So the question is: Is it worth the effort? I've always seen a tease as one session, but now I see our authors starting to write teases with over a hundred pages and I'm not so sure anymore. Another question: Should the author be allowed to control when you can save? For FlashTeases it's important that the author has some idea of where you're at. Did you just start the session or have you been at it for two hours? Saving and loading could screw that up pretty thoroughly. I'm interested to hear your opinions.
So what do you think?

Edit - to clarify: By saving/loading I mean like saving and loading in a game. I.e. stopping a FlashTease and continuing from the same spot later on.
Last edited by seraph0x on Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xenophobe »

If it's done, I think when and how should be determined by the authors. But, I doubt it's worth the effort. The authors can sort of already do that by simply breaking their teases into multiple parts. Although, a save feature would at least make it so you had to follow the parts chronologically.
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Post by globetrotter69692001 »

Sadly some of us are stuck using dial up internet :weep:
Flash teases would be far more viewable\doable if we could download them first...

I've followed 'webteases' since their humble beginings and think what you've done at Milovana is truly fantastic. Many thanks to all those involved in making this site the masterpiece it has become. :-D
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Post by kneeforu »

Having written one of the flash teases and planning another, I think it's a good idea to input a save. However, I agree that it should be at the discretion of the author.
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Post by seraph0x »

globetrotter69692001 wrote:Sadly some of us are stuck using dial up internet :weep:
Flash teases would be far more viewable\doable if we could download them first...
This isn't the kind of "saving" this thread is about, but since you asked: Some way of viewing FlashTeases locally is definitely planned. So hang in there!
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My 0.02

Post by camel »

I love the idea of saving, but it would have to save all "set" pages, too.

If implemented, the author should have options to "Show Save Button" where, if deselected, the author can still save via a save() command, possibly triggered from a button, possibly triggered by simply reaching a certain page. E.g. The last page calls save().... and the tease is coded so that the first time the user jumps to the beginning, but all other times the first page could be redirected to say "welcome back, press 'continue' to start, or choose the right button to jump to your favorite part of the tease!"

Hmm.... *rummage, rummage*

I still think my idea on variables would be a better pay-off, though. It would be really cool to ask for a difficulty level at the beginning, then set a number to DifficultyLevel, then tell do things like

Code: Select all

delay(random(0, 30*variable(DifficultyLevel)), nextpage#)
You can simulate some pretty complex code with set, unset, must and mustnot, but it's probably too difficult to expect most people to both get it and bother doing it. As proof: While I've never downloaded PCM.exe I've looked at a few of the scripts. None of them I've seen even try it other than say "do you have a shoe lace?" and show/hide slides accordingly, and even those are pretty rare.

If that gets going, then nobody would bother with the PCM style page-name variables.
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Post by Evals »

Personally, variables would be the feature I'd most like to see. It'd make it so much easier to manage the user's past actions, and fit right in with the "have you been a good boy / deserve it" type of thing.
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Post by rbtheservant »

I haven't played around with the Flash Tease Editor yet, but it would certainly be cool if variables could be set in by the creator. Sort of like the old "Ask For Permission" teases of old. Maybe that is a whole different type of set up, and not feasible here, but that is certainly something I would like to see as a creator.
As a user, I think saving the tease is a way of cheating. Let's say the tease were happening live with a paid session. When your time is up, your time is up. Too bad. Sort of part of the process isn't it?

Just my two cents.
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Post by Jaberwocky »

Saving would be a great feature, because than you can build in a point system in a tease that last a couple of days. (like earning points to increase the change to cum at the end)
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Re: FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by globetrotter69692001 »

Hi again,

I'm still hoping that someone will come up with a way to download the flashteases onto my computer (the whole shebang - not just from a save point).

1. There are still people out there using dial up connections.

2. What if Milovana is ever lost to us - (a terrifying prospect indeed!) remember the "orgasm denial" debacle! - If users hadn't saved copies of the "classic teases" as they're now known then many of them would have been lost forever - Are we really willing to risk the flashteases like that!

3. It's far easier to index teases when they're located on your own computer - trawling through dozens of teases to find the one you want can be a royal pain in the arse.

4. I'm obssesed with hording these things and it would do my mental health the world of good :w00t:

Thanks again Milovana, still far and away the best site on the www! :yes:
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Re: FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by Incubo »

Well, it seems I'll be the voice of discension here, but as an author, I don't like the idea of giving users an opportunity to save. Mainly because when I write these things, they are meant to be in control, not the user. They're supposed to be taking the place of a live dominant to some extent. You can't tell them to save and come back later, so it should be with the teases as well. If the user doesn't have time to finish the thing, then you shouldn't start it. If something happens and you have to quit, no worries. Start over when you can.

Some of the better authors take a lot of time to set a mood or an atmosphere around their teases. Jumping back in to the middle of the thing destroys that. Further, imagine one of the many "challenge" type teases. Did you really succeed or did you stop and start? Not the same thing.

Ultimately, if it's included, I'll learn to work with it of course, but personally I'd rather not have it at all.

...and while it's not the subject of this particular thread add another vote in favor of variables. :-)
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Re: FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by globetrotter69692001 »

I don't believe that being able to download a tease is taking away any control from the authors.
I don't understand why a tease shouldn't be able to operate in exactly the same way it currently does. Having the data located on my computer rather than on the milovana site shouldn't change the way the teases operate should it? (forgive me if I appear ignorant, I know little of the technical aspects of flash teases) - I just want to be able to wank to teases without having to go omline to do so all the time! :-(
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Re: FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by seraph0x »

Incubo wrote:Well, it seems I'll be the voice of discension here, but as an author, I don't like the idea of giving users an opportunity to save. Mainly because when I write these things, they are meant to be in control, not the user.
Obviously there is a tradeoff here. As for saving and loading, I think it's unlikely we'll add that anytime soon because it is simply too complex.

However, on a more general note: I would remind authors that anything that improves readership should be considered a good thing by both sides. There are simply situations where not following an instruction are practical necessities. A tease is fundamentally static and authors can't anticipate *every* possibility. That's why it makes sense to give readers the flexibility to compensate for real life and simply do the tease to the best of their ability.

And finally there are users who like to read teases without following them at all. I don't see why that should be any more or less legitimate a use of the site.
globetrotter69692001 wrote:I'm still hoping that someone will come up with a way to download the flashteases onto my computer
Despite my earlier comments, we are no longer planning to create a downloader. The reason is that we are now moving away from FlashTeases towards the next-generation tease system called "MIA" (Milovana InterActive). In the new system teases will be able to embed videos and interact with user profiles and at that point downloading a tease will make about as much sense as downloading a copy of Facebook. :-D
Incubo wrote:...and while it's not the subject of this particular thread add another vote in favor of variables.
Yes, the current MIA prototype supports variables. Only non-persistent ones for now, i.e. when somebody leaves the tease and comes back everything is reset. Eventually we may add persistent variables that stay with the user permanently. (Although the user can still choose to delete them manually, resetting that particular tease.)

Note that persistent variables will allow the author to add their own save/load feature if they so choose.
globetrotter69692001 wrote:I don't believe that being able to download a tease is taking away any control from the authors.
Incubo wasn't talking about downloading teases, but saving/loading them. You know, like you save and load a videogame. This thread is unfortunately about two entirely different things at the same time. So please read everything carefully to see which issue people are referring to.
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Re: FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by green »

globetrotter69692001 wrote:Hi again,

I'm still hoping that someone will come up with a way to download the flashteases onto my computer (the whole shebang - not just from a save point).

Well, you can download Flash-Teases already.

The problem is, that you'd need a viewer/interpreter for the code of those flash teases. So you could:
Solution A) Reverse Programming, where you look how scripts are constructed, and try to programme an interpreter for that.

or Solution B) Decompile the Original Milovana Flash-Tease-Client, Change it so, that its using an local source, And morph it to an .swf file again.

But as seraph0x said, don't bother too much with downloading flash teases, when theres something greater ahead (MIA) : D

@seraph0x: How about making an module for MIA that would be able to interpret flash-teases ?. So we could open the existing flash-teases with mia as well.

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Re: FlashTease Saving/Loading

Post by seraph0x »

green wrote:@seraph0x: How about making an module for MIA that would be able to interpret flash-teases ?. So we could open the existing flash-teases with mia as well.
That would be quite a bit of work. But I don't wanna preclude the possibility. If we somehow find the time to do it, we will. :-)
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