[Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.75 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 30.04.2024

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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.50 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 26.11.

Post by subm13 »

Sorry, didn’t mean to offend, wasn’t asking you specifically either, was just wondering if any fan of the project (more familiar with what makes scripts compatible) had any modules they knew of that work with the personality. I’ve looked through the forum, but I’m also not really sure what to look for, and I don’t wanna screw up my set up.
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.50 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 26.11.

Post by markus »

subm13 wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:09 pm Sorry, didn’t mean to offend, wasn’t asking you specifically either, was just wondering if any fan of the project (more familiar with what makes scripts compatible) had any modules they knew of that work with the personality. I’ve looked through the forum, but I’m also not really sure what to look for, and I don’t wanna screw up my set up.
I didn't understood it as 'offend', no problem, I hope my answer wasn't offensive in any way either. :-)

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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.70 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 11.04.

Post by markus »


[Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening 0.3.70 - Change Log

General hint (not specific for this update, I mean really generally ):
In most cases it doesn't matter, but to be sure that everything works as intended, after you make changes in the settings, close and restart Awakening.

New settings in the Settings-Menu -> Advanced Settings -> Misc:
- Content Player:

--> Variations: Use Old Approach (I.e.: For Linux/Wine)
The 'old approach' is what it was till v0.3.50.
The 'new approach' keeps the video-thread alive which has pros and cons, so this is optional if for whatever reasons you get problems with the new approach.

--> Chat Display (Fullscreen): Hide Chat While Video With Wait
This will hide the chat (after a few seconds of delay) when a video is played without the NoWait-feature, which means while the video plays there wouldn't be any chat-output anyway.
Hint 1: F3 toggles the display of the chat.
Hint 2: The chat will be displayed again as soon as the domme is typing something.

--> Video Fade: Fade In After Pause
Smoothly fades in the video (and audio) after it has paused.

New settings in the Settings-Menu -> Sub -> Stroking:
--> 'Use Unique Taunts'
All taunts from the taunt-files will be selected just once per session.
If exact the same line is twice or more often in a taunt file, that line can be selected as often as it is present in the taunt file.

New settings in the Settings-Menu -> General -> Debug:
--> 'Write Protocol'
In the past that protocol was always written, a theory came up that after 2 or 3 hours it could slow down the whole app.
Now it's optional, happy testing!

Keyboard Shortcuts
CTRL + S -> Toggle Sampler-Mode -> While playing Videos as CHC (using @PlayCHC), this switches On/Off the jump to the next Video
CTRL + Space -> Hide/Show the pause label while Pause.
---> Meant to be used to set the aspect ratio (CTRL+A) while a video is paused.
F8 / F9 -> Move Chat position left- rightwards (Fullscreen only)
Space -> You can toggle the SlowMotion-Function with a simple press of the Space-Key.
----> It has conditions so it doesn't interfere with the usual functionality, those conditions are that a video is playing and the chat-text-box is empty.

Small/Several Fixes / Finetuning
- @NullLine -> Delay Values fixed
- Compatibility fixes for Miss Blue Audio playback.
- SkipModule Reworked
- Response Yes/No Reworked
- NoHintLabel for @CustomMode, i.e.:
@NullResponse @CustomMode(skipmasu, Goto, skipmasu, HideAnswer, NoHintLabel)

- Fixed issues with using @Info and @ControlFlag(X) in Taunt files.

- @PlayCHC
---> Now you can use the genre 'additional' alone, before 'additional' worked only together with other given genres
---> If used a second time, the first video was selected from the before used genres, fixed.

New System Keywords (all values are in seconds):
#VideoRemaining -> Returns the remaining playtime of the currently played video
#VideoPosition -> Returns the playtime position of the currently played video, this is the opposite value of #VideoRemaining
#VideoLength -> Returns the length of the currently played video
---> These 3 System Keywords take their values directly from the video-player itself, which means it makes only sense to use them while a video is running (loaded in the player).

#VideosPlayTime -> Videos is plural! (!!) -> Returns the playtime of all videos in a session, the time while a video is running in SlowMotion is not counted.
#VideoOneSloMoTime -> Returns only the time a video is running in SlowMotion, from one @SlowMotionOn command till the next @SlowMotionOn command (or in other words, the value will be reset with each @SlowMotionOn command)
#VideosSloMoTime -> Returns only the time of all videos while they were running in SlowMotion
#VideosPlayTimePlusSloMo -> Simple addition of the both above: #VideosPlayTime + #VideosSloMoTime = #VideosPlayTimePlusSloMo
---> These 3 System Keywords can be used also when no video is playing.

New commands:
@ResetVideosPlayTime -> Simple reset of the counter for #VideosPlayTime
@ResetVideosSloMoTime -> Simple reset of the counter for #VideosSloMoTime

@SlowMotionOn(X) -> X: 1 till 100 -> These values are in percent, 100% is normal play speed, 50% half speed and so on.
--> Set the playspeed to 45%
The older @SlowMotionOn command without the (X) set the play-speed to 30% which is IMHO a really good value (I have tested a lot to find that value, it really turned out good).
In most cases you should be fine with that older and simple command.

Hides the chat after a little delay until Domme is typing something. (Fullscreen only)

To be used in the same script-line as @JumpVideo.
Smoothly fades the video (and audio) out, does the jump and then fades back in, ... just a visual effect.

@NewContactSlideshow(X) -> X -> 1 till 6 -> The number of the Contact
To be used in a text-containing contact chat line before the change of the contact slideshow should happen (not in a @NullResponse line), otherwise the change would happen one line later/one line too late, i.e.:
Works as intended:
adding contact ... @AddContact5
@Contact5 blabla
@Contact5 I'll change ... @NewContactSlideshow(5)
@Contact5 How do you like this outfit? <--- New contact-slideshow is on display!
Works NOT as intended:
@Contact5 blablubb
@Contact5 I'll change ...
@NullResponse @NewContactSlideshow(5)
@Contact5 How do you like this outfit? <--- New contact-slideshow is NOT on display!
@Contact5 Oups, ... but now, ... how do you like this outfit? <--- NOW the new contact-slideshow is on display!

---------> Everything about Emlalock would be too much to post here, just check the Change Log textfile from the download.

Download as always:

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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by markus »


[Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening 0.3.72 - Change Log

- Chat-Textbox lost focus after FadeJump -> Fixed

- New feature: No repetitions for vocabs (vocabulary files)
It works kinda the same as the 'Use Unique Taunts', ... reminder:

--> 'Use Unique Taunts'
All taunts from the taunt-files will be selected just once per session.
If exact the same line is twice or more often in a taunt file, that line can be selected as often as it is present in the taunt file.

So, each line from a vocab file will be selected randomly, but only once now.
Once each line is selceted once, the 'memory' of that gets cleared and it starts all over again.
Important, ... it's the same as with 'Use Unique Taunts':
---> If exact the same line is twice or more often in a vocab file, that line can be selected as often as it is present in the vocab file.

I don't know any good reason why you as a scripter would not want to have this feature/behaviour in your project,
but if you would want to surpress that behaviour - for whatever reason -, you can add this line into the vocab-file:
@Info @CodeWithRepeat

- New feature: Folder-Structure
You can now have a subfolder in:
The new folder must have the Prefix 'Voca_', i.e.:

In that new folder you can place Vocab-Files, the ones in this subfolder have higher priority,
means if you have 2 Vocabs with the same filename (bad practice btw.),
one in the main 'Vocabulary' folder and one in the subfolder 'Vocabulary\Voca_Alice', the one from the subfolder is taken.

The only reason for this is to be able to better organize your Vocab-Files.

New command:

@StrokeSuperSlow -> The command @StrokeSlowest is orientated on the original Tease Ai and the BPM's used there,
for compatibility- and balance- reasons the 'old system' stays as it is, nevertheless I saw it necessary to go slower
than what is called 'slowest' in the original, that's why a new command is added instead of changing the existing ones.

With @StrokeSuperSlow the BPM is set to 15 BPM which is slower than '@StrokeSlowest' can go.

Along with this command I've added a few new filters:
---> Pace0 is superslow.

Download as always:

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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by Daragorn »

Uhh thanks for the new update, i didn't know you were still working on it hehe.
Nice idea about that unique taunts/vocab think, i think it's awesome.
Any chance to implement such a thing even for modules/links? cause, despite having a lot of scripts, sometimes the randomness make it so that the same module/link comes up more than once in the same session; i imagine it would be quite a pain to develop, but i throw the rock anyway :-D
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by Rar1197 »

Thanks for the option for disabling 'Write Protocol'. One of my scripts tests several flags once per second, and it got noticably slower after half an hour so. It seems to behave itself much better with the logging switched off.
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by markus »

Daragorn wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:04 pm i didn't know you were still working on it hehe.
Yeah, pause on development postponed. :-(
Nice idea about that unique taunts/vocab think, i think it's awesome.
Selfish me just too lazy to script such a behviour. :whistle: :-D ;-)

Any chance to implement such a thing even for modules/links? cause, despite having a lot of scripts, sometimes the randomness make it so that the same module/link comes up more than once in the same session; i imagine it would be quite a pain to develop, but i throw the rock anyway :-D
That a different story.
If that module/link system WOULD be used as it was intended initially by 1885 -> all link files inside the link folder, all modules in the module folder, ... THEN we could talk about that, but I just checked 'your' MissBlue version you've send me a while ago, ... it doesn't not only have a link-hub which I was expecting, but also a module-hub system.
My point here is, if we would wanna make it right, we would have to build such a unique-selecting system into the @Call- and @CallReturn- functionality, because every Personality (except maybe the old Wicked Tease) has it's own hub-system, all based on @Call- and @CallReturn.
And here's the catch, ... I don't WANT to touch that @Call- and @CallReturn system ever again if not absolutely necessary (as in 'Never touch a running system').

But what you could try (just an idea, not tested on my own), ... take an app which lists files in a folder and gives that as a list of paths to the module- link files.
Now use some clever copy&paste / find&replace on that list and create vocab files full of @Call- and @CallReturns (to each single script file!), find where such calls are used in your personality and replace with such a vocab file, ... that should simulate the desired behaviour.

So instead of (a line from your 'ModuleMain.txt'):

Code: Select all

@NotFlag(EdgingModuleDone) @NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom/Modules_Edge/*.txt) @TempFlag(EdgingModuleDone)
@NotFlag(EdgingModuleDone) #EdgeSelection
With #EdgeSelection like this:

Code: Select all

@NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom/Modules_Edge/001.txt) @TempFlag(EdgingModuleDone)
@NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom/Modules_Edge/002.txt) @TempFlag(EdgingModuleDone)
@NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom/Modules_Edge/003.txt) @TempFlag(EdgingModuleDone)
... and so on.
(Really not the best example since the flag would make it unique already, but I hope you get what I mean).

Rar1197 wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:35 pm Thanks for the option for disabling 'Write Protocol'. One of my scripts tests several flags once per second, and it got noticably slower after half an hour so. It seems to behave itself much better with the logging switched off.
Thanks for the feedback, interesting and good to know! :yes:

If you also recognize a better performance by deactivating the protocol, please let me know.
(I might should consider to make the deactivated protocol the default setting).

As always, best greetings, :wave:
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by Daragorn »

markus wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:12 pm If that module/link system WOULD be used as it was intended initially by 1885 -> all link files inside the link folder, all modules in the module folder, ... THEN we could talk about that, but I just checked 'your' MissBlue version you've send me a while ago, ... it doesn't not only have a link-hub which I was expecting, but also a module-hub system.
My point here is, if we would wanna make it right, we would have to build such a unique-selecting system into the @Call- and @CallReturn- functionality, because every Personality (except maybe the old Wicked Tease) has it's own hub-system, all based on @Call- and @CallReturn.
And here's the catch, ... I don't WANT to touch that @Call- and @CallReturn system ever again if not absolutely necessary (as in 'Never touch a running system').
Yeah i imagined that infact, that's why i said i thought it would be too hard to implement hahaha.
But what you could try (just an idea, not tested on my own), ... take an app which lists files in a folder and gives that as a list of paths to the module- link files.
Now use some clever copy&paste / find&replace on that list and create vocab files full of @Call- and @CallReturns (to each single script file!), find where such calls are used in your personality and replace with such a vocab file, ... that should simulate the desired behaviour.

So instead of (a line from your 'ModuleMain.txt'):

Code: Select all

@NotFlag(EdgingModuleDone) @NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom/Modules_Edge/*.txt) @TempFlag(EdgingModuleDone)
@NotFlag(EdgingModuleDone) #EdgeSelection
With #EdgeSelection like this:

Code: Select all

@NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom/Modules_Edge/001.txt) @TempFlag(EdgingModuleDone)
@NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom/Modules_Edge/002.txt) @TempFlag(EdgingModuleDone)
@NullResponse @CallReturn(Custom/Modules_Edge/003.txt) @TempFlag(EdgingModuleDone)
... and so on.
(Really not the best example since the flag would make it unique already, but I hope you get what I mean).
mmm i don't see what would change doing it that way anyway....unluck could still call for example 001 module 3 times in a row.
Anyway, not a huge problem since to deal with that i just created 2 responses to automatically call the module or link hub if that happens and "reroll" the chosen script.
Rar1197 wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:35 pm @All:
If you also recognize a better performance by deactivating the protocol, please let me know.
(I might should consider to make the deactivated protocol the default setting).
As for this, i will surely tell you if it works...i don't know if you remember it, but a few months ago i told you i had exactly that problem that lead longer sessions to slowly become slower and less responsive and, if i had too many scripts in the personality (i tried a "megamix" just throwing all personalities in a same folder), it even lead to it crashing)...maybe it was this.
I will keep you updated.

Now...stop working on it, and go back to Alice, we are eager to meet her :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by TanyaHumble »

any idea why some Domme pictures shows as flipped or on the side?
flipped.jpg (145.51 KiB) Viewed 1003 times
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by markus »

Daragorn wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:27 pm mmm i don't see what would change doing it that way anyway....unluck could still call for example 001 module 3 times in a row.
No, it cannot, ... that's the hole point.

Let's say we call the vocab '#TestCallReturn.txt', it contains:
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/001.txt)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/002.txt)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/003.txt)

The first time this vocab is used, it will pick randomly 1 of the 3 lines, let's say it calls 002.text.

The next time, you could imagine this vocab looking like this:

@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/001.txt)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/002.txt)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/003.txt)

The only possible lines are those with 001.txt and 003.txt.

Once all 3 lines are chosen once, then, and only then the already picked lines could be used again, here, test it (fill 001.txt till 003.txt with some blabla):

Code: Select all

@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @RTOn
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @SetVar[MyVariableName]=[0]
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @ChangeVar[MyVariableName]=[MyVariableName]+[1]
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @Variable[MyVariableName]>=[3] @Goto(reset)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @Goto(loop)

Code: Select all

22:44 Alice: Reset
22:44 Alice: this is 001
22:44 Alice: this is 002
22:44 Alice: this is 003
22:44 Alice: Reset
22:44 Alice: this is 002
22:44 Alice: this is 003
22:44 Alice: this is 001
22:44 Alice: Reset
22:44 Alice: this is 001
22:44 Alice: this is 002
22:44 Alice: this is 003
22:44 Alice: Reset
22:44 Alice: this is 003
22:44 Alice: this is 002
22:44 Alice: this is 001
22:44 Alice: Reset
22:44 Alice: this is 003
22:44 Alice: this is 001
22:44 Alice: this is 002
22:45 Alice: Reset
22:45 Alice: this is 003
22:45 Alice: this is 001
22:45 Alice: this is 002
22:45 Alice: Reset
22:45 Alice: this is 003
22:45 Alice: this is 002
22:45 Alice: this is 001
22:45 Alice: Reset
22:45 Alice: this is 003
22:45 Alice: this is 002
22:45 Alice: this is 001
22:45 Alice: Reset
22:45 Alice: this is 003
22:45 Alice: this is 001
22:45 Alice: this is 002
22:45 Alice: Reset
22:45 Alice: this is 002
22:45 Alice: this is 001
22:45 Alice: this is 003
22:45 Alice: Reset
22:45 Alice: this is 003
22:45 Alice: this is 001
22:45 Alice: this is 002
22:45 Alice: Reset
22:45 Alice: this is 001
22:45 Alice: this is 003
22:45 Alice: this is 002
22:46 Alice: Reset
22:46 Alice: this is 003
22:46 Alice: this is 001
22:46 Alice: this is 002
22:46 Alice: Reset
22:46 Alice: this is 002
22:46 Alice: this is 001
22:46 Alice: this is 003

i don't know if you remember it
I'm getting old it seems. :no: :closedeyes: :weep:

and go back to Alice,
But she scares me. :\'-(

TanyaHumble wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:54 pm any idea why some Domme pictures shows as flipped or on the side?
Because the pictures are that way! :-D
(See the brazzers logo) :wave: ;-)

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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by Daragorn »

markus wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:09 pm Let's say we call the vocab '#TestCallReturn.txt', it contains:
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/001.txt)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/002.txt)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/003.txt)

The first time this vocab is used, it will pick randomly 1 of the 3 lines, let's say it calls 002.text.

The next time, you could imagine this vocab looking like this:

@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/001.txt)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/002.txt)
@NullResponse @RapidCodeOn @CallReturn(Custom/test/003.txt)

The only possible lines are those with 001.txt and 003.txt.
Ohhh right...the new functionality for the vocabs....i completely not considered that hahaha now i get what you meant.
But she scares me. :\'-(
That's a good thing, isn't it? :lol:
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by TanyaHumble »

markus wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:09 pm
TanyaHumble wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:54 pm any idea why some Domme pictures shows as flipped or on the side?
Because the pictures are that way! :-D
(See the brazzers logo) :wave: ;-)

Best greetings,
Strange, when viewed in Windows it shows as normal, and when opening it with Windows photo it does the same, only when viewing it with TAI or a paint program does it show as a "flipped" image. Well, problem solved now, thanks!~ :-D
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by FrozenWolf »

TanyaHumble wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:30 am
markus wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:09 pm
TanyaHumble wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:54 pm any idea why some Domme pictures shows as flipped or on the side?
Because the pictures are that way! :-D
(See the brazzers logo) :wave: ;-)

Best greetings,
Strange, when viewed in Windows it shows as normal, and when opening it with Windows photo it does the same, only when viewing it with TAI or a paint program does it show as a "flipped" image. Well, problem solved now, thanks!~ :-D
This might be related to the Orientation tag that's specified in the JPEG EXIF data, i.e the image may need to be rotated when it is displayed. It's happened to me before where loading an image and blitting it to a surface was correct for 99% of the images that I was using, but a handful of images were in the wrong orientation and I had some trouble figuring out why other tools (such as the Windows photo viewer) were showing it correctly.
The solution in this post for C# might be useful: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/278 ... n#48347653.
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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.70 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 11.04.

Post by FrozenWolf »

Hi markus,

This is great, I tried a session last night with 0.3.70 (I didn't notice 0.3.72 until this morning!), and the session worked very nicely indeed under Linux/Wine using a newer Wine version (9.0.2) and that seems to handle the video playback significantly better.
markus wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:15 am --> Variations: Use Old Approach (I.e.: For Linux/Wine)
The 'old approach' is what it was till v0.3.50.
The 'new approach' keeps the video-thread alive which has pros and cons, so this is optional if for whatever reasons you get problems with the new approach.
I ran some video tests with this tick-box unchecked (i.e. using the 'new approach') and was able to run over a hundred video playbacks in sequence without any problems at all. Thank you very much for including the option, it might still be useful at some point.

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Re: [Tease AI Awakening] - A Sharp Awakening - Release: Remote Toy Control v0.3.72 (Buttplug.IO) - Latest Update: 20.04.

Post by TanyaHumble »

Pressing pause when video is playing and then resuming makes the picture freeze, I can hear the audio continue ( this was during a Mastrubatrix session so don't know if it is the script or the program, the video was a MKV.

After you are finished with a session you can't press start again and have to restart TAIA.

When asked a question with a timer, any input in the text bar pauses the timer.
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