It's a Wonderful Tease

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It's a Wonderful Tease

Post by lovesthepain72 »

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This is a little light on the "good stuff" and starts off a but dark, but it's a more personal story I wanted to tell. Plus it has a nice Christmas theme.

It was a cold, bitter night. As Victor stood on the bridge and stared at the roaring river below, the strong winds cut through his coat like it was made of tissue. He couldn’t remember the last time it was this brutally cold on Christmas Eve. Look at that. Now it’s even snowing. “Perfect.” he thought, sarcastically. As he looked down he wondered how cold the water must be, if he’d even notice that falling from this height. What would get him first? The impact on the water, the freezing temperatures, drowning? Did he have the courage to find out, or was this a coward’s way out? He guessed in a few minutes it won’t matter. For as long as he can remember, Victor suffered from depression and general social anxiety. Because of that he had a hard time making and keeping friends, which brought on loneliness, which only helped increase his depression. Over the years he learned how to cope and deal with his disorders, but lately it became too much. Watching the entire world spiral into chaos, literal Nazis coming into power, the impending climate apocalypse...what was the point? He was powerless to change anything and spiraled into a deep depression greater than anything he’d experienced before. That led him here, working up the courage to take his final step.

He was so deep in thought he didn’t even notice the person approaching until they were right on top of him, “That’s a pretty far drop. I think you’d be dead on impact.”

Victor jumped at the voice, but even more surprising to him was the voice’s owner. It was a young woman with long, flowing red hair and sparkling green eyes. She was absolutely stunning. But that wasn’t what surprised him most. She was wearing a short red dress that showed off long shapely legs with a low cut top that displayed deep cleavage. She should have been absolutely freezing, but seemed fine. Not a single goosebump on her flawless, porcelain skin. Utterly confused, he asked, “What?”

“If you jumped off. Hitting the water would definitely kill you. At this height it would be like hitting concrete. Especially considering how cold it is. That’s what you were wondering, right?”

Now Victor wasn’t just surprised, he was completely freaked out. Was she a mind reader? Was that really a thing? Of course he denied it, “What? No I wasn’t! That would be crazy!”

She studied him for a moment, “Uh huh. Okay. Guess you’re just here enjoying the view on this beautiful night. In that case, why don’t you offer to take me someplace warm for a drink?” Victor was flustered and confused. Where did this strange woman come from and how is she not dead from exposure dressed like that? When he never responded she let out an exasperated sigh, “Fine. Guess I have to do everything.” With a snap of her fingers they were suddenly sitting at a bar. Victor didn’t recognize the place, not that he ever went to any bars in the area. There was a warm fireplace roaring nearby that almost immediately made Victor forget the blistering cold from a few seconds ago. Being Christmas Eve, there weren’t many people here. A couple were using the pool table and two others sat alone at the bar. Oddly, no one seemed surprised they just appeared out of nowhere. Not even the bartender standing in front of them, asking what they wanted to drink, was concerned with their sudden appearance.

He was still too in shock to say anything. “Oh, I’ll have a gin and tonic. My friend here would like a whiskey on the rocks.” As the bartender left to mix their drinks the mystery woman turned to him, “Wow, she’s cute! If I wasn’t here I think you’d have a real shot with her.”

Victor finally regained enough senses to ask, “Wait, who are you? Where are we and how the hell did we get here? What the fuck is going on?!”

“Wow. Rude! No wonder you’re so lonely. I’m Clara. I’m the gal who just saved your life.”

Feigning ignorance, “What are you talking about? I wasn’t going to jump. I was just…”

Clara let him struggle in silence for a few seconds. Lucky for him their drinks appeared. “It’s ok. For now we’ll just say you were going for a walk and took a break there. But I know all about you, Victor. I know your dad left when you were five. I know you were bullied a lot growing up. I know you’ve always had a hard time making friends. That you’re a loner. That you’ve been depressed.” She lowered her voice, “And I know you were about to jump and kill yourself. Why do you think I showed up when I did? I’m here to…”

He cut her off, “Let me guess, you’re going to show me what the world would be like without me? I’ve seen the movie. I must be having a nightmare or something.” Clara quickly and sharply punched him in the arm. Hard. “Ow, what the fuck?”

“Just proving you aren’t dreaming. And no, I’m no angel. Well, not exactly. More like a fallen angel, or a demon looking for redemption, guess it depends on your point of view.” As she spoke Victor took a sip of his drink and immediately choked on it. She had to be joking. “Nope. No joke. I know you’re not religious at all, and that’s fine. Most of them are wrong anyway. Long story short, I made some bad life choices and I’m trying to get back to the Good Place. So I’m here to convince you what a bad idea suicide is.” I stared at her, dumbfounded, as she spoke.

At the same time the cute bartender came by to ask if we were ready for another round, but caught the end of Clara’s speech. “Hey, are you guys ok?”

Victor was still too stunned to respond, but Clara didn’t skip a beat, “Yeah, we’ll take another round, but what do you think of my friend here? He’s cute, right? A little shy and awkward, sure, but he’s a decent guy. Would you date him?”

It was the bartender’s turn to stare in silence for a second. “Oh jeez, I uh…”

“I put you on the spot didn’t I?” Turning back to Victor, “I think I put her on the spot. Sorry, I was just telling my friend here, we’re not a couple by the way, I was telling him how cute you are and thought you two would make a nice couple. Am I talking too much? Probably, but it’s not like either of you are chatterboxes. How bout another round of drinks?” She simply nodded and walked off to get our order. “Well that was awkward. It’s been awhile since I talked to humans. You’re all so sensitive!”

Victor finally got his wits about him, “So you’re trying to tell me you’re a demon from hell and you’re here to make sure I don’t die so you can get back into heaven?”

Clara sighed, “Not exactly, but I guess it’s close enough.” They both turned to see the bartender with their drinks in hand and mouth hanging open. “What? I said not exactly.”

“I think you two have had enough. Let me get you an Uber so you can go home.”

Clara rolled her eyes and with another snap of her fingers everyone except them froze in place. “No, I kind of like it here.” She grabbed the drinks from her frozen hands and placed them in front of us. “Now where were we?”

“I’m guessing this is the part where you show me how life is worth living.”

She chuckled, “Maybe, but are you finally admitting to me you were going to jump?”

He was quiet again for a moment, “I don’t know. I was definitely thinking about it. Just don’t really see the point of all this. Figured dying couldn’t be any worse.”

That brought a smile to Clara’s face, “You really think so? You know suicide is an instant ticket to the Bad Place, right? And they’ve gotten pretty creative there these days.”

“I don’t believe in any of that crap. It’s all stories people made up a long time ago to scare people into not acting like animals.”

Her smile faltered, “Really? Am I just a story? Well I can’t convince you that life is great. I’ve seen the world, and you’re right, it’s pretty shitty. But I can show you the alternative is a lot worse.” Before he could respond she snapped her fingers again and transported them away from the bar to a nondescript bedroom. Victor found himself lying on the bed, completely naked, with his arms and legs bound to the posts. He looked around in a panic to find Clara standing at the foot of the bed. She slid her dress down and off her body. Apparently former demons don’t wear underwear because she was completely nude. Her body was perfection! Large, round, firm breasts that defied gravity, trim, flat stomach, full hips, and those long legs he admired on the bridge. Despite what he was planning and the increasingly strange events of the evening, his cock started to rise to the occasion. Clara approached the bed and crawled up between his legs. Without a word she grabbed his now hard cock and slowly began stroking.

Victor closed his eyes and let out a moan, “If this is the afterlife, sign me up!” Clara only laughed before she took him into her mouth. Pardon the pun, but it felt heavenly! In a matter of minutes he could feel himself on the edge of orgasm. “Oh god, yes. I’m going to cum!” Clara moaned setting him over the edge. At least it should have, but instead he felt a strong punch to his balls, preventing his orgasm and causing him to howl in pain. He looked down at Clara, prepared to ask her why she did that when he realized she didn’t. Her hands never left his cock and she never stopped sucking him. In fact, she still was, and again her expert skills were pushing him back to the edge. As he raced closer he watched her head this time as it bobbed up and down, engulfing his full length with ease. But like the first time instead of cumming he felt intense pain in his balls. He was certain Clara didn’t do it. Some invisible force was smashing into him, torturing him, and of course not letting him cum.

Victor soon found himself pleading with her to make the pain stop, but she ignored him and never stopped sucking. He lost track of how many ballbusting edges he hit before he started begging to finally let him cum. His pleas fell on deaf ears and soon he found himself begging for her to just stop everything. Instead the blowjob continued. Clara never tired, never bored, never stopped or even slowed down. She was a sex machine. He couldn’t be sure but it felt like many hours had passed. He should be pretty tired himself, or at a minimum his cock should have given out by now or gotten sore. He’d never been hard for this long, but to his horror neither was happening. He felt as wide awake and energized as ever and his cock was showing no signs of quitting and it still felt as good as the moment she started. It would only get a little discouraged when his balls were battered but was raring to go again a few seconds later. His begging for this to end became non-stop. Tears streamed down his face. He wasn’t sure what he needed the most, an orgasm or everything to stop. Hours turned to days, days became weeks. Neither of them needed rest, food, drink, or even to use the bathroom. Even his voice wouldn’t get hoarse, despite the constant pleas for mercy.

Victor had no concept of the time he spent like this, but six months later she finally stopped and released him from her mouth. He was a babbling mess only saying “thank you“ and “please no more.” Clara smiled at him, “See? I told you they have creative torture these days. Imagine going through this for the rest of eternity. Life isn’t so bad in comparison, huh?” Her words barely registered as he continued begging for no more. “Hmm, I might have made my point, but I want to make sure.” Without another word she crawled up his body, straddling his hips. Slowly she slid him inside of her. As good as her mouth felt, this was ten times more intense. He was also able to watch her breasts bounce up and down as she started vigorously riding him. All this meant was he was able to hit the edge faster now, but like before instead of an orgasm he was ballbusted. While the pleasure was ten times greater, so was the pain. It was pure agony. To make matters worse, this all only served to turn Clara on and she had no problems reaching orgasm. Over and over she came on his unnaturally hard and tortured cock. Like the blowjob, they had sex for months. Not only was Victor’s body unable to give out, but apparently so was his mind. He was certain he should have gone insane by now. He was ready to check out, drool, become a vegetable, anything to no longer have to endure this torture, but that was another sweet release he was denied.

It was another six months before Clara screamed out in one final orgasm and stopped riding him. She sat on Victor with his cock still buried inside, and waited several minutes for him to realize it was over, at least for now. When his breathing slowed to a more normal rate she asked, “So what do you think? Should we give life another chance or are you into this kinky stuff?” Victor was still incapable of coherent speech. “If you’d like I still have a few friends down here who would love to join in.”

That snapped him out of it as he yelled, “No! Please, more! Life, I choose life! I want to live, please let me live again!” Clara smiled and without a word started riding him again. Victor begged her to stop, to have mercy, but she ignored him. Even with the break it was only a matter of minutes before he was approaching the edge again, and based on the sounds she was making so was Clara. He braced himself for another painful shot to his balls, but amazingly it never came. However Clara did, and to his own shock so did he. The orgasm he experienced was the most powerful feeling of any kind he ever felt in his life. He should have blacked out, but that was forbidden here. Instead he came and came and came. It felt like he released a gallon of cum into her before she collapsed forward and rolled off of him, resting her head on his shoulder.

She whispered into his ear, “Thank you. I think you made the right choice. Life may not be perfect, but make the most of it. Remember, I’ll be watching.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Merry Christmas!”

There was a bright flash and Victor found himself back at the bridge, fully clothed and freezing as snow continued to fall all around him. The shock of everything he just experienced made his knees buckle and he collapsed to the ground, ending up on all fours, trying to catch his breath. He was vaguely aware of the headlights approaching as a car pulled up beside him. A familiar voice called out, “Hey, are you okay?” When he didn’t respond, the driver left the car and came to his side, helping him to his feet. Victor was surprised when he saw her face, realizing it was the bartender from earlier. He was too much in shock to notice then, but Clara was right, she is cute. Though he could only see her face since she was bundled up for the cold, she had a goth look to her, dark hair and make-up. Unfortunately for him, their trip to the bar was real as she recognized him as well, “Oh fuck, it’s you? Where’s your weird girlfriend. Shit, you’re not going to carjack me or whatever are you? Look, I don’t have any money and my car is a piece of shit.”

Victor shook his head, “She’s not my girlfriend, and I don’t know where she is. She just left me here.”

That seemed to relax her a bit, “Oh, let me guess. Is your wallet gone?”

He checked his back pocket, “Fuck. Yeah…”

“Uh huh. Seen this a bunch of times. She probably slipped something in your drink. You met her tonight for the first time?” Victor nodded. “C’mon, I’ll give you a ride home. I’m Deb, by the way.”

“Victor, thanks.”

“Sure. You men have to be more careful. Can’t just trust a woman because she’s pretty.”

Before he realized he was saying it, “So does that mean I shouldn’t be trusting you right now?”

Deb blushed a bit, “Shut up and get in the car.” She had a beat up Civic hatchback that had to be at least 15 years old. When he got in the first thing he noticed were a pair of handcuffs hanging from the rearview mirror, which caused him to instinctively freeze in fear after what he’d just been through. Noticing his reaction she reassured him, “Relax, I save those for special friends. For now they’re just decoration.” Victor gave directions as she drove and they chatted a bit. Mostly her asking questions about Clara and the snippits she heard of their weird conversation. He did his best to answer without lying too much or sounding like a lunatic, but for some reason he was fairly open about his own mental state, minus his original plans for the evening. Deb shared her own loneliness and how down she gets over the holidays. They wound up bonding over their shared depression.

As they pulled up to his place, Victor thanked her for the ride and got out. Luckily, he still had his keys. As he walked away, Deb rolled down the window, “Hey, your crazy friend was right about one thing. You’re kinda cute and seem like a good guy. If you asked me out, I’d probably say yes.”

Even Victor with all his quirks picked up on that hint, “Well, I’m free tomorrow. Guessing nothing’s open, but you could come over and watch a movie.”

“How about you meet me at the bar. It’s closed but I can get us in. Bring some movies and I’ll supply the drinks.” Victor agreed and went inside.

As he entered his apartment, on the kitchen table he found his wallet and a note that read, “You’re welcome! Love, Clara” It was written in red ink and had a red lipstick kiss mark. He flipped it over and on the back had the name and address of the bar. Jesus, he had forgotten he had no idea where they were! Any doubts he had that tonight was a delusion were erased. He guessed he has a guardian angel now, or is she a guardian demon?

Deb and Victor hit it off and became a serious couple. Victor couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this happy. A couple months into the relationship, Deb came over to his place and they went to bed. As they kissed and undressed, Deb revealed the handcuffs from her car, “I’d say we’re special friends, what do you think?” He agreed. After she cuffed his arms over his head, “There’s been something I’ve been wanting to tell you, I just didn’t want to scare you off. I’m really into some kinky things. Like right now seeing you a little helpless is turning me on. How would you feel if I took control right now. Maybe teased you for a bit, slap your balls a little. I’ll go easy at first and see if you’re ok with it?”

Victor flashed back to his year in the Bad Place and knew nothing she could do would compare, “For you? Sure. I think I can handle it.”

Deb smiled, “I love you,” and quickly smacked his balls causing Victor to wince in pain.

But instead of begging for mercy, he replied, “I love you, too.”
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Re: It's a Wonderful Tease

Post by Sapphire »

I enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing.
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Re: It's a Wonderful Tease

Post by KittyZateez »

I liked this too; I've never been a fan of physical ballbusting although I love do to it to guys mentally..but that's another story!

Anyway, I loved all the other aspects of this, a bit of magic like Salamando's stuff, a FemDom flair and some romance thrown in for good measure. Well done!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:

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