SCTT Nancy Part 2 - Her First Tease

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Explorer At Heart
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SCTT Nancy Part 2 - Her First Tease

Post by KittyZateez »

As Sam and Nancy’s relationship slowly progressed, their personal familiarity and sexual intimacy increased quite naturally. But despite how good things were, Sam couldn’t help but make little references to his interest in being sexually teased. And although Nancy had no idea yet that one of Sam’s most intense erotic fantasies was to be denied orgasms for certain periods of time, she had already begun to share little glimpses of her knowledge of comparatively tame playful and flirty behavior with him.

This, of course, was quite a double-edged sword, though, because as she began to reveal some of her natural talents in that area, it only served to whet Sam’s appetite for the more erotic types of cock teasing he had already been exposed to. The little tastes she gave him - glimpses of the inherent abilities she possessed as a woman to entice him - really gave him some hope that they could somehow incorporate his passive sexual orientation and associated desires to be sensuously dominated into their love life.

For example, every once in a while, Nancy would dress up just a little bit sexier than her usual style, and they’d go out to a club or restaurant. There seemed to be something inside her that would awaken on those types of evenings. When she’d present herself to him like that, she would act a little differently, especially when she’d see his reaction to her…


You see, as Sam would begin to respond and pay extra attention to her, she’d act innocent, playing “hard to get” and pretending that she didn’t understand what was causing him to become so…interested. She’d casually evade his advances as his attraction to her started to escalate, and she really seemed to have an innate ability to entice and stimulate him.

She’d say flirty, suggestive things too, then playfully scold him for being naughty when he would respond in kind. This was something Sam had seen many other women do in some form or another, and for many of them it seemed normal to play little games like that - whether they were aware of it or not.

Nancy did it effortlessly, very naturally, and she seemed comfortable with it, although she didn’t seem to want to talk openly about it. Either way, Sam simply ate it up! It was precisely what he wanted from her, but it was still only scratching the surface of the more involved and extreme cock teasing that Vivi had enjoyed with him.

And of course, it only served to further excite his more thoroughly developed erotic fantasies. He desperately wanted her to become an experienced and well-seasoned cock tease, and despite all his reservations, Sam never lost the suspicion that if he could openly express his fantasies about it to her, Nancy could actually be quite devastating at it…

After all, she was a very playful person who clearly enjoyed the flirtatious banter they had between them. She seemed to be able to step outside of herself and fall into a role, and she could even be plenty firm when she wanted something. Really, when push came to shove, she was a woman who liked to have things her own way. And if you gave her a truth serum, Sam knew that Nancy would admit that she loved to be pampered, and to be placed high on a pedestal, even though she often asserted that she wanted to be treated equally.

In any case, in some ways Nancy was clearly comfortable with her femininity, but every time he attempted to coax her into exploring the role of a more openly seductive teasing temptress, whenever he tried to bring it up and have an open discussion about it, there was clearly a conflict between his desires and the negative association she had about being sexualized and objectified.

For example, one way he would test the waters would be to ask her if she had ever dressed up really sexy. He asked if she’d ever put on heavy makeup and teased her hair up wild, for example, like for a costume party at Halloween or something like that?


His curiosity was genuine and he was careful to ask in an innocent way without suggesting that she actually do it. It seemed like a kind of neutral way to approach the topic, and he certainly hoped she would get the idea that he wanted her to do that kind of thing for him. And even though she clearly perceived that the idea of that sort of brazen feminine sexuality excited him, she would flatly defer back to that same negative image of the sexual objectification of women that she disapproved of.

And therein lay the problem, because Sam respected her feelings but he was just dying to see her all dolled up in the kind of clothing and makeup that Vivi employed to drive him simply WILD! Of course, this kind of visually enhanced aspect of Nancy’s femininity would be only the beginning, because in his inescapable erotic fantasies, they would openly explore the long, drawn out tease and denial games he wanted to play with her on an ongoing basis!

He desperately wanted to tell her about his experience with Vivi too, about how it had completely captivated his mind and made him her obedient loveslave. Such a talk would have to be in the context of wanting to explore his desires with Nancy, though, not about confessing an interest in being seduced by some busty, brainless blonde bimbo.

His fear, of course, was that it would undermine her confidence in him as a partner, that she would think that he wanted her to become someone else…or that it literally might mean that he wanted to be WITH someone else! That was not the case, of course, but he also feared that if he couldn’t convince her to cater to his passive/submissive needs, that eventually he would be easy prey for some other vampy vixen to come along and effortlessly lure him away from her…

In any case, as much as he still enjoyed fantasizing about Vivi and lusting after her in his memories, his affections had really shifted to Nancy as he began to truly appreciate her natural gifts. And the equality they shared on an intellectual and personal level had slowly replaced the raw lust he had for Vivi with a much deeper sense of affection and emotional fulfillment.

This was truly the best part of it - that his attraction to Nancy ran deeper than mere physical attributes, and his dream of sharing his sexuality with a more intimate and equal partner was slowly becoming real. This was deeply fulfilling for him, because truth be told, he had been forced to accept that in many ways, Vivi’s brazen sexuality, her mind-blowing Barbie-doll visual appearance and finely honed teasing skills were literally impossible for any woman to compete with!

So anyway, now that Nancy was truly surpassing Vivi in other areas, giving Sam a feeling of a much deeper and intimate familiarity and love, he was quite happy in his growing relationship with her. But there was one thing missing, a rather big thing actually, and it was something he simply had to address with her.

And he so very much wanted to have a more open discussion about it, because he knew that her keen intellect would help her become as much of a tease as Vivi was…even more, perhaps, because he could communicate exactly the way he wanted it…the way he liked it! And his mind simply short-circuited every time he thought about the possibilities of having such a talk with her…

In any case, things stayed right where they were for a few more months as they continued to get closer. Soon after that though, Sam had made up his mind that he wanted to marry this girl, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. So, on the one-year anniversary of them becoming a couple, he planned to take her to a beautiful cliffside restaurant that had a formal dress code, and he was going to ask her to marry him that evening.

But she had a surprise for him too, and the timing of her little experiment would prove to coincide perfectly with his plans to propose. Indeed, even though his mind was already made up, it would be just the ticket to seal the deal, so to speak! You see, she had gone shopping at the local mall that day with a friend of hers, and her friend was just the kind of person to help Nancy take her relationship with Sam in a whole new direction!

It all began when Nancy texted him late in the afternoon, telling him she had a surprise for him and asking him not to come upstairs when he got home. She had never done anything like that before, he thought to himself, and given his plans for the evening, Sam was intrigued. But the rest of his business day went on like usual and he didn’t have much opportunity to think about what she might be up to…

On his way home though, he started to get excited as he thought about her little instruction, and he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. When he walked in the front door and called out to her to let her know he was home, she answered him from the bedroom, telling him she’d be down in a little while. Right away he noticed that there was something different in her tone of voice, something appealing that instantly intrigued him. She sounded sweeter and more feminine somehow, and he knew she was doing it on purpose. Needless to say, it excited him!

So he did as he was told, relaxing with a glass of wine downstairs and waiting in nervous anticipation while she got ready for him. She kept him waiting for a while, of course, just long enough to build his anticipation and make him wonder what was going on. As he sat there, he wondered if perhaps she might be paying extra attention to her appearance and attire for the evening, and he started to get turned on waiting to see if he was right!

Finally, right when he was starting to get impatient, she called out to him from the top of the stairs, and when he went into the hallway and looked up at his sexy girlfriend, his heart did flip-flops. He froze in place and his mouth fell open at the sight of her…

She stood there with her hands on her hips, her weight shifted to one leg, posing for him. There was some confidence in her body language, as if she was purposely showing off a bit. She looked down at him with a blank look on her face, clearly a bit nervous, staring into his eyes and watching carefully for his reaction. And it didn’t take long before she saw him responding in a way that made it clear that he liked what he saw.

Sure enough, her little surprise for him was exactly what he had hoped for, and more, because she had decided to present herself in a way she had never done before. And the way he stared up at her, just stunned and unable to respond as his eyes moved up and down over her body, caused a knowing smile to creep across her face…

She wore a gorgeous, tight, black velvet designer dress that had a plunging V-neck front, way down onto her tummy, and it had tiny little spaghetti straps holding it up from her shoulders. Her hair was up in a bun, looking all perfect and shiny, pulled tight against her head. The way it was held up away from her face really accentuated her high cheekbones and pretty facial features. Sam had never seen her wear her hair like that before, and it really made her look different. It even had a kind of dominant look about it…

Speaking of facial features, Sam was taken aback by the way she had done up her face for the evening out, as though she knew somehow that it was a special night and she intended to show off a bit. Her makeup was quite dramatic, making use of lots of dark night-time colors. First he noticed that her face had a touch of dark color to it, like she had been tanning in the sun, but it was simply the foundation she had used on her face, adding some richness to her natural skin tone.

Next he noticed the beautifully blended dark red rouge that highlighted her high, pretty cheekbones. Subtle, darker tan shades of foundation added contouring along her jawline and nose, noticeable but still natural-looking, and she also had on dark “smoky” eyeshadow blended beautifully above her eyes.

Sam just stared at her, her incredibly striking-looking eyes accentuated with black eye liner applied in an almost feline “cat-eye” look, and he was stunned when he saw the deep green-colored contact lenses she had gotten. Nancy had big, pretty eyes and he couldn’t believe how different she looked with the dramatic contacts. He also noticed the heavy mascara she had on long false eyelashes, something else he had never seen her do before.

He had always loved seeing very glamorous-looking makeup on pretty girls, and suddenly it was his very own girlfriend showing off this wonderfully done-up look for him!

She was still watching him closely, her face not reacting at first, but soon her expression changed and she broke into a nice warm smile as she started to see the way he was responding to her – noticing that she had him right where she wanted him. Her nervous, hesitant look disappeared, replaced by a sudden confidence.

And then she broke eye contact and turned to fuss over herself in the wall mirror there at the top of the stairs in the hallway. Looking into the mirror, she turned her face side to side, inspecting her makeup and taking out a small sponge applicator from a makeup compact, batting her cheeks with it gently.

Sam continued to watch her as she paid attention to herself, and he was absolutely speechless as he felt his cock responding and beginning to get hard. And things only got worse (or is that better?) as his eyes began to move around and he noticed some other nice, sexy little details about her appearance.

First he saw the sparkly rhinestone earrings she had on, twinkling with little reflections in the light. There was one long strand coming down from her ear and triangle-shaped medallions dangling down from there. She wore a matching rhinestone necklace that draped down from her neck toward her low-cut neckline with one long, dangly charm falling down between her cleavage. She also had on a matching rhinestone bracelet on one wrist, adding wonderful detail to her arm and drawing sparkly attention toward her lovely hand.

His eyes moved lower, and he saw how short her sexy dress was; the black velvet ended in a sewn hem more than halfway up her thigh. Sam really loved Nancy’s legs and he had always wanted to see her in short skirts, although she really didn’t ever wear them. But this time she was indulging him, and he took a quick breath when he saw the tops of her sheer black stockings peeking out at him as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. The lacy detailing at the tops of them looked so feminine and appealing, and he was just loving every bit of her appearance at this point.

Right at that moment, as though she was reading his mind, she lifted one leg forward, resting her foot on tippy-toe and pulling up her dress to reveal the garter belt strap she wore attached to the stocking top. Sam’s breath quickened as she gently adjusted it, not paying any attention to him for the moment as she tugged on the stocking top with her slender, feminine fingers and then pulled the dress down just enough to cover it. His eyes then slowly surveyed the entire length of her shapely leg as she held it still for a moment or two, looking all shiny and sheer in those pretty black stockings.

Finally he let his eyes wander down her legs and he noticed the lovely open-toed high-heeled strappy sandals she wore for the evening, and that was it – his heart was pounding in his chest and he had already gotten a nice erection at the mere sight of her. She had really done it this time, presenting herself in one perfectly prepared, elegant and incredibly fine-looking feminine package!

Right then she turned her face to look at him, catching him focusing on her sexy, stocking-covered leg as she rubbed her hands over her dress, enjoying the velvety material. Her eyes opened wide, her lips formed an O-shape and she raised her eyebrows, showing her surprise at seeing him looking at her like that. He was soooo busted!

Sam had a brief moment of concern because he knew she usually disapproved of men staring at her like that, but her surprised look slowly subsided and she flashed him a nice warm smile, clearly approving of the way he was blatantly ogling her. It was so out of character for her, and Sam was surprised, but her smile instantly soothed his concern as he tore his eyes away from her leg and looked back up at her face.

There he drank in the details of her lovely appearance again, her face perfectly accentuated by much sexier makeup than he had ever seen her wear. As she looked back at him, her smile grew wider and her lips parted to reveal her pearly white teeth. Sam had always thought Nancy had very pretty, pouty lips, and tonight they were painted with dark, blood-red lipstick. The contrast between her curvy lips in that dark red shade and her sparkly white teeth simply dazzled him!

Their eyes locked, and the chemistry was clearly building between them already. He was really looking at her quite lustfully, and she knew it…admittedly, there were some conflicted feelings inside her about it (he could tell by the look on her face), but there was also something about his all-too-obvious desire for her that she liked very much. He was just plain stunned, because she looked almost like another person…but it was her, ALL her, and at that moment he wanted her like he never had before!

She continued to smile as she held his gaze and posed for him playfully again, glancing in the mirror at herself before turning to him and putting her hands on her hips matter-of-factly. She twirled around on her tippy toes, giving him a nice little show and a view of her from all angles. And then she paused for another moment, posing for him again briefly and then proceeded to sashay toward the top of the stairs.

Sam watched in utter fascination as she started down the staircase, taking one step at a time, clearly doing it very slowly and purposefully. Each step brought her a little closer to him, and the view of her from where he was standing was just fantastic. By now his breath had quickened so much that his mouth had gone dry, his heart was pounding and he was keenly aware of his own arousal as his erection throbbed in his pants.

As she came toward him, he noticed the sound of her high heels click-click-clicking on each step of the staircase, and when he looked down at her smooth legs, he enjoyed another look at the pretty open-toed strappy sandals she had on. He couldn’t see how high the heels were from that angle, but he knew she had never worn shoes quite like that before. Her pretty toes were painted shiny red and they peeked out from underneath the strappy vamp…

And there was something else in the way she moved, something he had never seen her do before. With one hand on the rail, her other arm swung back and forth for balance with each step she took, and she strode with a confidence he hadn’t really seen coming from her before. Her posture and the movements of her body exuded a kind of sex appeal that instantly captivated him and tapped right into that brazen sexuality he just adored – something he hadn’t seen since his days with Vivi.

As she went down each step, her hips pivoted and swayed side to side, and he was simply mesmerized by the sight of her. So far his eyes had been focused on her lower legs and shoes, but slowly they moved back up her legs and back up onto the rest of her body. Then, about halfway down the stairs he looked up at her chest and saw how she was purposefully adding a little bounce to each step she took.

It was tantalizing, and Sam also noticed that she clearly was not wearing a bra, because her breasts jiggled enticingly through the black velvet material of her dress. Also, her nipples could be seen quite plainly through the material too, obviously being stimulated by the feel of the sensuous velvet covering them.

As she got toward the bottom of the stairs, each step bringing her closer and closer, he could barely control himself, and as she came closer to him he managed to blurt out, “Wow!” His cock had stiffened to the point it was uncomfortable in his pants, and he absent mindedly adjusted it a bit with his hand…

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Re: SCTT Nancy Part 2 - Her First Tease

Post by CagedAnimal »

Great to see your writing again! Another super hot start! I love that you kept the Sam story line, can't wait to see whats in store for Sammy!
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