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Re: Spicy Personality 3.00 [TEASE AI] Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

genome231 wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:52 am
marspank wrote: Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:25 pm You mentioned new pictures for the punishment script. Are those available anywhere? I didn't see a new link on the first page.
I didn't have time to complete the upload yesterday before I had to get out the door.
I expect to upload it tomorrow and post the link + update with the current bugfixes.
You need to update the images and sounds.

Best regards
i checked through the interrupts and responses and i realized what you wanted to do with the #DateDifference[speak] in the response files....then forget my suggestion of using a vocab for that because it makes no sense....you just need to initialize the variables in the system folder:
either set those dates to the start of the session each time (i suggest this) or just create the variables with fake date so that the first time you trigger a date check, it is already there and will not throw the exception of not finidng a response.

P.s: awesome idea on that :yes: :w00t: (i won't spoil that for the others heheh)....but in current version sadly it doesn't work (there was a "hardcode" remove of please/fucking/fuckin words, don't know why...i removed that, so in next version it will work (hopefully that will come out earlier than spicy release...i am just doing the final bugfixes)

Small suggestion for the response files:
be more generic with the trigger words so it will be triggered in a more realistic variety of situations.
For example the "can't ask" response, right now will trigger only if you use very specific phrases:
-can't ask this -->wont work
-can't ask that--> wont work
-cant ask---> won't work
-cant ask that -->work

if you change the keywords to be something like
[can't ask,cant ask]
Now it will be triggered in all the abose situations

P.s1: yes please....at the very least send us the fixed end/chastitytraining problem because, right now it is pretty critical...the ending of sessions is really important and right now it is completely broken :(

P.s2: in the #DT vocabs, i see there is never a call for @DomTag(Naked) but there are some for @DomTag(Boobs) ....i suppose that you misplaced and put boobs instead of naked there? (you told us to tag the images to be fullycovered/halfcovered/garmentcovering/naked)

P.s3: on a side note, right now, the @DomTag() command, just like the @ImageTag(), will look for an image with all those tags (and it is bugged too..so if you have more than 1 tag it will never find any bue to how it searches for them...)) and not for an image with either of them.
In the next version it will be possible to ask to look for all tags or for at least one of the tag (@ImageTagOr()/@DommeTagOr() new commands to look for an image with at least one of the tag, @ImageTag()/@DommeTag() to look for an image having all the tags)

As far as the Assistant/Academy/Session flags needed for the response files, my suggestion is to activate them this way (seems like you forgot to activate/deactivate them):
in AcademyBase, first line: @TempFlag(Academy) @DeleteFlag(Assistant) @DeleteFlag(Session)
in GNMBackgroundBase:
first line: @TempFlag(Assistant) @DeleteFlag(Academy) @DeleteFlag(Session)
line36 in the startsession: @TempFlag(Session) @DeleteFlag(Academy) @DeleteFlag(Assistant)
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

Still on the chastitytrainingactive:
the first time you run it, it explain you what it means and then, she asks you if you have completed the assignement she gave you...that sounds weird since you had no assignement yet

tease busy modes:
when asking which frequence of the interruptions you want, on each answer, you should also put a @Goto() to that mode and not only the @TempFlag(). As it is now, it sets you with the flag, but then always moves to the custommode and asks how frequente you want the interruption to be (in the others it is present)
Same @Goto() missing on lines 22-24-26 to repeat the cycle

in all the @Flag(Assistant) parts of the responses you should add @SystemMessage (probably also in @Flag(Academy)...not sure though on those...i don't know how/who is answering in those cases yet ehehe)

R3a_CloseEdge: it misses the @Flag before the checks for the filters
R3e_MayEdge: it misses the @Flag before the checks for the filters

You also have to empty the files in the response/system: StartStrokingKEY and GiveUpKEY or they will override your startstroking and stopstroking responses since system files have priority over responses (or you can integrate your response in the system startstrokingallowed,giveupallowed files).

Imho you should put in some kind of check to see if the sub is actually listening to the assigned task and doing it or apply some consequences

I have noticed that in many points you use callreturn in a wrong way.... you do calls like this:

Sadly, callreturn can't work with a generic call...you have to indicate a specific file to callreturn to (the only command that can randomly pick a module is @CallRandom()....i implemented it for the next version...but at the current moment it will give you an error
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

#VAN #VANC should be #VANC #VANP

Misses all the @NullResponse before the various @Goto()
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by genome231 »

The reports are great! Thank you!

Sadly it will be another day before i'm home. So thursday i'm gonna run through bugfixes and upload the media!

Best regards
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

Since you still have not started the bugfixing here is another huge mistake in all your scripts due to wrong command usage that you have to correct.
@call , @callreturn, @callrandom, @interrupt paths can NOT start with a / as you have done in most cases....either you write the full path (not reccomended obviously) or you write the relative path by starting with the dir name....if you start with a / it be consifered as a full path and will cause errors (it will basically stops you since it will try to go back to a non existing file)

Edited: oki fixed also this for the next version...keep in mind that if you dont change them, though, it will make spicy not work properly until the new version of teaseAi comes out
So to recap
@callreturn(dir/subdir/file.txt) is correct
@callreturn(/dir/subrid/file.txt) is wrong
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by CatCrap »

This must be the most anticipated release ever on these forums!
I think that I shall die if there are any more delays! :love: :-P
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

Another leftover bug from previous version still not fixed....i think the calculation used for short/medium/long session variables are wrong... unless you use some weird other way of measuring session lenght....because my short session is higher than medium which is higher than long
I have:
long session = 0
medium session = 17
short session = 29

By looking at how #DT works, nope...i think you just have the wrong calculations there :D

They are definitely wrong...i changed the devotion to 60, run again the script and here is the result:
long 54 (ok)
medium 18 (wrong)
short 36 (wrong)

You have inverted the calculation for short and medium it seems (apart for some weird reason in the first launch i obtained 0 as long session...but the calculation for that one are right..).
You should changethese:
@NullResponse @ChangeVar[SessionLengthFactor2]=[SessionLengthFactor2]*[7]
@NullResponse @ChangeVar[SessionLengthFactor3]=[SessionLengthFactor3]*[4]
@NullResponse @ChangeVar[SessionLengthFactor2]=[SessionLengthFactor2]*[4]
@NullResponse @ChangeVar[SessionLengthFactor3]=[SessionLengthFactor3]*[7]
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

Ok...i found another gamebreaking bug...
If she is VAnnoyed she will deny the session and ask you to report for punishment or chores....but there is no place (apart for link scripts) where that flag is deleted....so you are stuck in a loop where you cant start a session because she is vannoyed with you, but you cant remove that flag no matter what you do.
I reported to the dungeon and the assistant told me i already expired all my punishment points (this already felt strange since the session was refused and she suggested me to do chores OR punishment...then the assitant tells me i have nothing to expiate)
After this, i did a few chores and still she denied me the session....so i looked at all scripts and discovered that those flags are only modified in link scripts, but there has to be a way to modify them in background mode, otherwise you cant ever see her)

Just copy the checks you do in the link script and create an "updateMood" script to callreturn as the first thing you do in backgroundbase and it should work fine then (mmm...no...it seems that nothing in the background mode ever modifies the GNMMood variable, but only the GNMPPoints...so even doing that would not change it....you need to put some variable modifications in the chores/punishment scripts)
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

You should ask if the user uses the metronome or not in the first run...i discovered there was a setting for this just because i am going theough the files to look for bugs

General bugs:
@addt command used in stroketaunts (and maybe somewehere else) DOES NOT EXIST as a command....you are looking for @FollowUp and @FollowUpXX ....those are the right commands

@wait(9999999999) and @timeout(999999999) and the like cant be used...they will throw errors...the max you can use there is 999999999 (nine 9....more than those will cause errors)

Line7: @datedifference should be #datedifference
EDIT:actually this line is throwing error because it is wrongly written (apart for the @ instead of #):
@Variable[@DateDifference(TimeSinceO, Days)]>=[HardOTimeLimit]Then(HardLimit)
should either be a @IF check or a @Variable filter....so either of these:
@If[@DateDifference(TimeSinceO, Days)]>=[HardOTimeLimit]Then(HardLimit)
@Variable[@DateDifference(TimeSinceO, Days)]>=[HardOTimeLimit] @NullResponse @Goto(HardLimit

All cr/responses:
You have duplicated subparts (vannoyed)(normal) etc etc in each script...the second set of them.seems to be just placeholder for the future....but you cant have duplicated subparts in scripts or teaseai will not know which of the two to goto()

Butwhy part misses the @end

Warning part misses @end

End part misses the @end

Cr/end/chastityon (and all cr/end and related sub scripts at least...probably somewhere else too...)
Missing @end after the various @callreturn

In most/all script (maybe somewhere else too) you have used @accepting instead @acceptanswer
Last edited by Daragorn on Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

Houserule7 image pic in images is wrongly named.

Exercise mode is still inactive in backgroundmode...i see there are scripts done for i though...maybe is intentional to keep it off...maybe is a bug so i am reporting it :-)

I think this will cause problems since in each subpart the @goto(end) is tied to a line that has a @flag check....if thaose flags are not present the program will skip that line and proceed through the file basically doing all day checks until it finds one that works instwad doing just the current day check.. You should put those @goto in a separate line with a nullresponse without using filt
Last edited by Daragorn on Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by genome231 »

Okay guys! :wave:

Bugfixing done.
Images and videos are back online. <-- You need to download new images, there are quite a few new images and I cant remember which you dont have / have. :-)

Comments to bugreports / questions:
General comments to vocabulary.
Vocabulary right now is in a very simple state!
Basicly I just want the personality running before I really get into those. So they are primarily for testing purphases atm.

I believe I got all the nasty bugs, but there were some comments I didn't understand:

similar problem as above...it will only be possible to launch few scripts (many subparts (a2,3,4,5,..etc) are empty) when there are more than that...is this intended?
I'm not sure what you're refering to here?

P.s2: in the #DT vocabs, i see there is never a call for @DomTag(Naked) but there are some for @DomTag(Boobs) ....i suppose that you misplaced and put boobs instead of naked there? (you told us to tag the images to be fullycovered/halfcovered/garmentcovering/naked)
Did I write Naked? Oh shit I meant Boobs <-- The domme I use is never completely naked, at best she shows her boobs
I'm gonna implement a setting where you can select if your domme pictures goes all the way to naked and create a flag used in the #DT
Also updating the #DT to reflect how it currently works (1 tag only per line)

Read through the Chastity Training Script <-- It's quite bad to say the least.. I must have forgotten about it. Giving it a makeover today.

Will update the busy modes. But they aren't intended to have any consequences, they are simply an offer, a fun little twist to when you're doing other stuff at the computer.

All CallReturn and Interrupt should be fixed now

You also have to empty the files in the response/system: StartStrokingKEY and GiveUpKEY or they will override your startstroking and stopstroking responses since system files have priority over responses (or you can integrate your response in the system startstrokingallowed,giveupallowed files).
Can you explain this further?

Academy is run by glitter, Academy will also receive an update today, changing the structure. Not happy about the current structure is too clunky.

Fixed writing task chore

Daragorn your four posts above this I will look at later today if I get a chance.
Right now I'm gonna focus on the above mentioned stuff

Awesome job with the bug reports!

Until later today!
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

Great work on those bugfixing

As for your questions
-it was just a proposal for the busy modes...if you feel like it is better that way go with that...it is your personality ehehe

-Naked: well you told us it was more a sort of "dressed level" since there arent numebered tags you suggested us to tag them accordingly to how undressed she was (for example my "naked" arent really naked pics...it is just the tag used for those pics she is most close to being naked)...imho actually it made more sense than boobs since you were using "dressed states" it makes sense to go from full to half to garment to naked as more undresses she gets

-Modulebase problems (true also for edging and chastity variants, just at different line values probably):
In the (select) part you goto(a,b,c)
(a) for example only calls a1 and a2 as possible modules from the tease folder (btw a1 a2 and b1 link are wrong...the script name terminates with a 1 which is not present anymore in the file names)....so modules 3-4-5-6 will never be callled even if now they are completed.
You need to goto(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) inside (a) instead of goto(a1,a2) and then add the callreturn to those scripts in the relative subparts
Same thing goes for (b) and (c) ...well actually c is even worse since the sissy module folder is not present at all....so the script it is trying to call doesnt exist at all
Last edited by Daragorn on Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

I forgot the part about the startstroking/stopstroking
In responses/system there are some files that are used for key situations like asking to startstroking/speedup/slowdown/on edge/giveup
These files have a KEY file which contains the words/phrases that will trigger them
These files have priority iver normal responses so for example:
Giveupkey contains let me stop
If you write let me stop teaseai will make an intetnal check based on level/aphaty to see if responding with the giveupallowed or giveupdenied file.
Noe...if you create a response file using let me stop as trigger word that will never be read becasue the sysyem response giveup takes priority.
So if you want to use your response instead of the system one you need to remove the let me stop phrase from the giveupkey file

Those system files are useful because they can trigger the interruptstartstroking files, let you give up and move to a new link (or continue from the next line of a script if you have give up continue active in the settings) and things like that.
It is up to you to decide if you want to completely override these system (cancel all trigger words in the key system files) or integrate your response with them (either putting your options in the relativr system files or by selectively removing only some of the trigger words so that some cases will trigger your response and some other the system one)

I hope i have been clear enough:-)
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by genome231 »

I'm done :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
It's been tough :lol:

To the testers
I believe I have caught 90% or more of the reported bugs! Some might have evaded me :lol:


Has been through a complete restructure! I like it a LOT more now!
A few features have been disabled for now, but they will be turned back on at some point shortly :)

Did a few small updates and a restructure.
The new structure allows me to update this without confusing myself xD

Flags related to responses have been placed, I definetly missed a few spots :) So I expect this to haunt me :lol:

Tag naked has been implemented in settings and the #DT files
I apologize for any inconvenience! I get the logic behind:
Fully clothed --> half clothed --> Garments covering --> Naked
But I'm keeping my structure with
Fully clothed --> half clothed --> Garments covering --> Boobs(Naked) Because the model I use never gets completely naked :-)
And ultimately I'm creating this so I can play with it myself :lol:

Busy modes are hopefully functional now, but they still need a update to be of "high-Enough" standard.

Added the @SystemMessage to responses

Made a temporary fix to @ChastityOn @ChastityOf, but generally the whole response system needs a lot of work, it too simple right now, but the goal is to get the personality working :-D

Added information to startupfirst about the metronome being able to turn on/off

Fixed many small bugs.
Daragorn do notice that some of the @CallReturn()'s in the End folder cannot return meaning they do not need the @End.
I just decided to keep all end related material in the same folder to keep it more structured.

Coming fixes
As a final thing today:
@ I'm looking into punishments and chores rewarding merits to increase standing with domme
@ Will add a moodcheck to backgroundbase so that the mood flags (VPleased,Pleased,Neutral,Annoyed and VAnnoyed) can change outside of session.
Then I'm sending the next version (To night).

Update 1) Almost all the chores provide with merits if they are completed. So only added it a few missing places.
Update 2) Copied the state check from link to also be tested in backgroundmode.
Update 3) Next version has been sent to the testers (Fingers crossed!).

To everyone
Generally things are coming along nicely and as soon as Daragorn says "Go", the personality goes live.
I believe (hope) that it wont be any later than this sunday/monday, but I'm leaving that choice to Daragorn. Basicly I'm so hyped I just want to release it, especially after all this time. So I need a cool head to tell me when it's a good idea to release.

Best regards
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Re: [TEASE-AI - Personality] Spicy 3.00 Preparing launch

Post by Daragorn »

I am testing it as fast as possible :-D
I believe that after this batch of fixes we should be pretty close to being done, honestly...i did a look trhough most files to see if i spot errors in the code to speed up the process and i think i have already told you all i found for now.

P.s: i haven't received the new version yet.. :-)
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