[Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by lestrian »

dang, ran into mega's new 5GB limit when trying to download both files at once. will have to wait 5 hours to try again, and only download one of them then.

i'm so sorry to hear you had those problems. a ch rpg would've been awesome. i hope you don't delete your original files in case it can still be salvaged. maybe it can be done in teaseme/guideme?
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by Biggie »

Yeah, I also got the 5gb limit. If you have the time it would be nice if you could arrange a torrent.
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by Rule63MePlease »

Well this is funny... I had talked with someone back in July about what an actual Cock Hero Game could be like. Here is what was said.
Rule63MePlease wrote:Then why is it called Cock Hero:"Game"? XD
It would be really cool if someone would make an actual Cock Hero game.
Xity wrote:I'm trying not to give away spoilers. I agree the name is slightly misleading, but there is a (not very good) reason why it is called game, but I couldn't think of a better one. I may change the name to be less misleading if I can think of a better one before the release, but for now, this is the working title.

I do agree that an actual "game" would be cool, but I don't know exactly what that would be. I will ponder this, and maybe come up with something that could perhaps be more appropriately named CH Game in the future...I do enjoy games. Sorry to disappoint.
Rule63MePlease wrote:An actual game could work kind of like Pokemon, but instead of running into random Pokemon in the grass you would run into random porn stars. XD It would be kind of like in CH Island how in some of the rounds would have a different porn star. The first area would have very short and easy rounds maybe only being like 30 secs to 1 minute and as you go the areas would get harder with the rounds getting longer and faster. Boss battles would also be longer, harder, and faster than the other rounds in the area. Also after each round the player would get some money they could use to buy items. In Pokemon you can buy repels that make it so you can take 100 steps without running into a random encounter. Also potions could stop the beats and beat bar for a few secs in a battle. Like maybe the small ones for 10 secs, medium 20, and large 30. The routes will be longer than in Pokemon with grassy areas being bigger.
The goal is to beat the game as fast as possible. Doing this of course wouldn't be easy because just running through the grass would mean you would run into battle after battle with no breaks. There are many other types of games like this that could work for a Cock Hero style game.
Xity wrote:Hmm, interesting idea. I think that is very doable, but probably pretty hard to implement in a standard video format, (I would have to make an actual game framework for it to work in (which would not be too hard)). Perhaps the hardest part, would be having enough material that you don't run the risk of the game being too predictable or encountering the same pornstar multiple times.

Yeah. I really should rename my current one...hmm. I'll have to think of some more appropriate names.

I'm going to be busy for a while after I get this one released, so I may not have time to work on this game thing yet, but I have always thought a Cock Hero adventure with items type thing would be pretty cool, so it may be my next project. If I do make one, I'll be sure to let you know...you can be the first beta-tester for it.
Rule63MePlease wrote:Well getting material shouldn't be too hard. If you make a standard format for each battle and have the graphics for the beat bar and other things needed. Other people could make a round to add into the game. For the game maybe something like RPG maker XP but instead of it going into a battle it would play a random video out of the ones that are set for the area. And later updates could add more rounds so each area wouldn't have too few that you get the same one 5 times in a row like running into the same Pokemon again and again.
Looks like someone is finally trying to make it happen. An actual Cock Hero Game. XD

Also, I know how to use RPG Makers pretty well, because I have in the past played around with them a lot. But sadly my computer is a slow piece of shit and can't handle running this game or RPG Maker MV very well. I'm a very creative person that can come up with tons of ideas for games, and a very skilled artist/graphic designer, so I might be able to help with making graphics for the game. But aside from that, my crappy computer won't be able to do much to help with this project. I would really like to see this thing happen, but there is not much I could do to help. :(
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by lestrian »

shit i tried to download again but got a decryption error after it finished. does anyone know why these happen?
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by slavejack »

lestrian wrote:shit i tried to download again but got a decryption error after it finished. does anyone know why these happen?
Same here...guess I'll have to wait on a torrent. :-(
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by spawni »

Use a program called MegaDownloader i believe the lastest version is 1.7 and it should bypass the 5gb limit. If the program is running in the background it will detect the link once you copy the mega address.


Just choose the windows executable
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by GucciTrain »

lovecraft wrote:One month later :

Anyway, it is not a finished project, I don't really like it, but I couldn't throw out all those hours and hours of work and maybe some of you might like it, or it might contain some ideas for future « cock hero » creators. who knows ? At worst, it is something new in HD to jerk off. :whistle:
Well I'm glad the people will get something out of this for all the effort that went into this. After Leoric disappeared I kind of figured this would just end up dead in the water but I'm glad you managed to salvage it into something everyone can enjoy. While it didn't come out the way I'd first imagined it, it was still fun to see everything put together, even if there was a lot of sacrifices in the end. On the positive side, even now I think the health bar/edge system is a really cool feature that does edging and countdowns right. It's unobtrusive and a really nice touch.

On another note (since PMs seem to be broken on Milovana right now) I wanted to say congrats on the release of your webtease "Will you cheat Kika ?". I appreciate the fact you always try something new with all your content and keep each one fresh. It's also my favorite story from you, so I guess you proved me wrong about what webteases are capable of... :lol:
lovecraft wrote: Once Upon A Succubi Land, Part 1 :
https://mega.nz/#!IcxWRTpS!nG4Ib2qdemrm ... bGTrNPxb1M

Once Upon A Succubi Land, Part 2 :
https://mega.nz/#!4R4hUIgS!pbgmRpOGACKQ ... XsF08bK7SM
If anyone's getting any download limits on Mega and wants an alternate link I uploaded them to Openload. We hope you guys enjoy it!

Alternate Link
Part 1: https://openload.co/f/E3NyNRHALoY/ouasl ... 281%29.mov
Part 2: https://openload.co/f/xTApk3jLpAQ/ouaslpart2.mov
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by lovecraft »

Hello GucciTrain !

Yesterday I uploaded the files on openload too... :look:
So, here are some other links for the two parts :

Part 1 :
Part 2 :

I had a lot of new ideas to do something better with that content, but I must say I was really tired of working on that project and I really wanted to put an end to this. So I do the easiest thing I can to connect each video. I didn't want to bother you with the traduction for such a work...I just tried to use what you've written (actually all the text are by GucciTrain, except the mistakes which are mine), to shorten it when it was necessary.
There some videos I deleted, others than I had to cut off (including your favorite scene with Mr Ryan :-D ) or it would have been a three hours long cock hero video (it was first a 13 Gb file... :huh: )

Thanks for the flashtease ! It was really fun to do something different, more « realistic ». I may be a bit tired with all those succubi and goddesses stories. And I really enjoyed the freedom you have to build a story in a tease.

Maybe, one day, a creator will mix the better of those materials ;-)
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by desertfox »

I'm sorry I missed this thread here looking for help. Downloading it now to check out later and see what is there.

Have you looked into using guideme to drive a choose your own adventure style game? I know it isn't the same as walking around in an RPG maker game but it is not too hard to play videos on a guideme page and then follow up with some button options as for what to do next. Maybe not quite the same but it could still provide the basic idea, some presence and encounters.
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by book_guy »

Funny how Mega CLAIMS that you have a rather large download quotient, and CLAIMS that it is dynamic and can change at any time, but then INEVITABLY locks you out at 5 Gb. This puts a serious damper on my Mega Sharing Zone. I will begin some kind of discussion of that fact over there at my other folder (see .sig below).
Are you missing a cock-hero video?
Me too. Since September 1, 2020, my Mega Sharing Zones contents are being removed by Mega.
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by Rule63MePlease »

Well, I downloaded it and tried it. But my shitty slow computer can't really run it very well. The game is very slow and laggy, and the videos play for like 5 secs, freeze for like 10 secs, then play about 5 secs, before repeating. So it's very much unplayable for me. But I did go through it long enough to be disappointed that it is really just the Cock Hero Fantasy 1 rounds in a story but there is no random encounters like you would get in an actual RPG game. Kind of makes it being a game a little bit pointless because you really don't have any options of where to go and what to do. You only have the 1 path to take. So it really needs a lot of changes to make it into an actual game worth playing.

First of all it needs some random encounters that the player will run into when going place to place. Maybe have like the level 1 area have very short easy videos that are only like 40-60 secs and as you move to new areas they get a little bit longer and faster.
Level 2 area 45-65 sec, level 3 area 50-70 secs, level 4 area 60-80 secs and so on... And your main story rounds will be the boss fights of the game. The game also needs some items the player can use. Each encounter and boss fight should give the player some gold they can buy potions and items with. The items/potions should show up in the corner of the screen, showing the number the player has, and what key to hit to use them. Here is some ideas for potions.

Potion of Pausing - Pauses the video for X number of secs. This should also show the secs counting down until the video continues.
Potion of Muting - Mutes the video for X number of secs. The video will keep going but the player doesn't have to fap because there is no beat sounds while it is mute.
Potion of Slow Motion - Slows the video down to 50% speed for X number of secs. This would be a good one to use when the beats are going really fast. The player could slow things down to a more normal pace for a short time.
Potion of Speed - Speeds up the video to 200% speed for X number of secs. This would be a good one to use on very slow beat encounters that are easy and waste a lot of time.
Potion of Time Stop - Unlike the Potion of Pausing, this potion stops the game clock for X number of secs. And can be used out side of battle.
Potion of Stealth - This potion makes it so you don't run into any random encounter while running through non-safe areas outside of town. It's basically like a Repel in Pokemon, and is only used outside of battle. Also doesn't work for bosses.
Smoke Bomb - This item is used to escape an encounter letting you skip the whole battle/video. Does not work on bosses.
Town Portal - Let's the player warp back to a town that they have been to before. Each town will have a waypoint the player can activate that will let them use a Town Portal to get back there when they want to.

The potions should also have different sizes with the bigger ones lasting longer. For example = Minor Potions last for 10 secs. Light Potions last for 20 secs, Standard Potions last for 30 secs, Greater Potions last for 45 secs, and Super Potions last for 60 secs. Also the potions should have a cooldown time so they can't just be spammed if a player gets a lot of gold and can buy a ton of them. Some testing and balancing work will need to be done of course.

The maps also need a lot of work to them. They should be more maze like with different paths so the player can get a little bit lost and run into more random encounters along the way. Also a few hidden items to find would be great as well as bonus areas to unlock. Maybe even bonus bosses that give more gold than the normal story bosses.

There is a lot more to do to make this an actual game, but the concept has a lot of potential.
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by Bourne2 »

lovecraft wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:10 am One month later :

No one answered me and I didn't want to throw out the video I made for this project, so, I tried to do something with it. It is like a common cock hero, with some « choose your own adventures » parts because sometimes you have a choice to do, and depending on your choice, the story will be different. There's some experimentation I would try, with an health and edge bar, and I called it : « Once Upon a Succubi Land ». First it was something way too long (2h34...). So I deleted some videos, and cut it roughly in two parts. Now it's something downloadable. But you can't play part 1 or part 2 as a standalone.

Anyway, it is not a finished project, I don't really like it, but I couldn't throw out all those hours and hours of work and maybe some of you might like it, or it might contain some ideas for future « cock hero » creators. who knows ? At worst, it is something new in HD to jerk off. :whistle:

Feel free to use your own rules with the health and edge bar. And try to imagine it is sunday morning, in a forest you're running, and you're about to turn into a land full of arousing temptresses...To go home, do not cum ! :wave:

Once Upon A Succubi Land, Part 1 :
https://mega.nz/#!IcxWRTpS!nG4Ib2qdemrm ... bGTrNPxb1M

Once Upon A Succubi Land, Part 2 :
https://mega.nz/#!4R4hUIgS!pbgmRpOGACKQ ... XsF08bK7SM
I have to say i was quite surprised i have never seen this before, i thought it was incredible and i'm glad i stumbled upon it, thanks for sharing. :-)
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by BamJamUhhh »

lovecraft wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:10 am Feel free to use your own rules with the health and edge bar. And try to imagine it is sunday morning, in a forest you're running, and you're about to turn into a land full of arousing temptresses...To go home, do not cum ! :wave:

Once Upon A Succubi Land, Part 1 :
https://mega.nz/#!IcxWRTpS!nG4Ib2qdemrm ... bGTrNPxb1M

Once Upon A Succubi Land, Part 2 :
https://mega.nz/#!4R4hUIgS!pbgmRpOGACKQ ... XsF08bK7SM
These were awesome! :love: I would love to see more of this with the health bar feature implemented! Thanks for making them!
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by VonWoosen »

I must say, I am enjoying the choose your own adventure style cock hero. It allows for more play-ability. I honestly would spend a week downloading 5GB at a time from Mega to have the original in its full form.
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Re: [Proof of Concept] Cock Hero RPG

Post by Corvas »

Sorry to revive an old thread, did anyone happen to archive this anywhere or still have access to the game? All the old download links seem dead
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