Vignette -- The Ball Buster by Master Ivan

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Vignette -- The Ball Buster by Master Ivan

Post by mrivan »

Vignette -- The Ball Buster

by Master Ivan

I sat in the chair.

My arms were bound straight out to the sides, my back upright, my legs spread wide and pulled apart. And there was a narrow board extending out a few inches from my groin to which my balls were attached\'97strapped down with leather and pulled out several painful inches from my body. They were already aching when I had been led to the chair, since I had been kept denied for nearly a week now. I foolishly whined to my Mistress about this. The punishment I was about to experience was added to my weekly ordeal as a result.

A few inches away from my exposed balls was a cylinder with a pulley attached. Hanging beneath it by a hinge was a flat piece of wood about eight inches long. I did not know yet what its purpose was, but I feared it did not bode well for me.

Mistress finally arrived. She smiled at me, then gently raked one fingernail across my swollen ball sac. I moaned as she spoke, “Poor, poor nuts. So uncomfortable are they, after only one week in forced chastity. Feel like they’re gonna pop any time now, eh? Perhaps we’ll teach them what happens when a slave complains about his training.”

She flipped a switch. The pulley connected to the cylinder in front of my balls began to slowly turn. The piece of wood hanging beneath it was being pulled up behind it, rising slowly. Already, I anticipated what would be happening soon--when it reached the top, it would swing down, pulled by gravity, and impact my balls. My eyes widened in a bit of fear when I saw this, to which Mistress reacted with a broadening smile. “Ah yes, my pet. You can see it coming already.”

It reached the top. A few seconds later, it did indeed drop, directly onto my balls.

“AAaaaaauuuugh!” I cried out as it impacted, and I moaned again as it sat there, its weight upon me, before being pulled off by the slow rotation, the rough wooden surface abrading my swollen sac as it did so.

“The board weighs about a pound. It makes one complete rotation in about thirty seconds, two a minute. You’ll be bound there for an hour--that means you’ll feel at least one hundred and twenty impacts on your nuts. That should take them a long way towards learning how to not complain.”

“Aaaiieieiiii!!!!” I screamed again at the second impact, my body pulling wildly at its bonds.

“By the way--in case you manage to get used to this before your ordeal ends, I’ll be visiting you again at the half-way point to make things even more interesting for you, make sure it holds your attention.”

I shuddered as she left the room.


Thirty minutes later, my balls were visibly swollen. The board continued to fall, every thirty seconds, and each drop was more painful than the last. Now, the surface of the board felt like sandpaper as it raked across my ball sac, and I was sure I would have at least a few splinters before it was over. Just as I felt things could get no worse, Mistress reappeared.

She smiled at me again. “Look at the edge of that board as it comes over again.”

I did. I noticed there were a series of five holes drilled into the end of the board. Mistress held up a cylindrical steel weight, the size of those holes. As it slowly rose on the far side of its circle, she inserted the weight she carried into the center opening, and with a twist, fixed it there. I stared at it, even more fearful as it rose to the top of its arc and then dropped.

“Aaarrrrhghghhh!!!!!!” The impact was now twice as hard, and my balls indeed felt like they would rupture as the weight came down. As it was dragged across my balls, I felt the increased sting as the sensitized skin of my balls was raked even harder.

“That weight added another pound to the board. You’ll notice there are five holes--space for five weights total. Today, you’re feeling the effects of only one of them. I think we’ll be doing this on a weekly basis. Next week you’ll start with one weight, and we’ll add a second at the half-way point. And we’ll go up by one each week until you get them all.”

I screamed again as the board came down on my balls, pulling with all my strength at my bonds. Mistress laughed, then slowly turned and walked out of the room.

The board fell again...


Master Ivan


Copyright © 2007
Master Ivan Press
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