Chastity gaming

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Chastity gaming

Post by Hermance »

I'd like to share an idea and see if anyone wants to play a little game... :blush:
Here's the deal : I really like being forced not to pleasure myself. However, since I'm a female and since the price of actual good quality chastity belts is unaffordable (around 300/400€ and they do not look so comfortable to wear for a long time), I find it hard to control myself alone... The only times I was able to control myself (despite being really thrilling to pleasure myself :blush: ) was when people had a real contact with me (either in real life with a guy, or with people on EmlaLock) !
The only problem is that it's hard to find someone that wants to control you and has all the qualities you want (for instance, I don't want him/her to be too demanding, like lots of people end up asking me to go out wearing a tiny skirt or with no bra, and I might be too shy for that).

So I had an idea! Since (I bet) many of us are interested into chastity or denial or however you call it, we could create a little game to play together :blush: ! My idea was that each of us started with the same definite (slightly long) chastity time, and then, we battle/ally to reduce our chastity time and increase the one of the others !

For instance, we could adapt this to some sort of Poker game :
Each of us starts with, let's say, a month in chastity... :blush: :-O
Then, in the long run, we play a poker game where we can exchange chips :blush: We would have :
  • 144 chips of 20 minutes each
  • 192 chips of 1 hour each
  • 40 chips of 6 hours each
  • 10 chips of 12 hours each
  • 5 chips of 1 day each
The chips would also disappear as the times goes, but much slower than if you win... ;-) :
The goal is to lose all your chips :blush: ! We could therefore adapt a poker game where, simply enough, the rules are the same, but at the end of a round, the winner takes no chip back, and the other chips are shared proportionnaly to the other players ! It makes the game really thrilling, since, let's say we are 6 players, it is possible that within 1 day, one will have two monthes to do, and two other players now only have two weeks to do! What's exciting too is that each player could decide to leave the game, say for instance you have only 1 day and 40 minutes, left, you might not want to play... So if you start to have more and more chips, it becomes stressing as you would imagine that people could abandon the game and let you stay a long time with no pleasure at all :blush: ! It puts some challenge on us that would really control us :$
To such games, we could of course add precious little games that spice things up :blush:
Let's give two examples :
  • In the poker game I described, we could also buy tasks to other people in the game with our chips! Say you want to see a picture of me half naked (with no face), I can do it, but you'll have to take one "12 hours chip" of me and add it to your counter :blush: ! Say you want me completely naked, it will be one "1 day chip" :-P ! It adds something to the game, since you trade a picture of me with a waiting time to pleasure yourself with it :blush: ! Moreover, each of us could supply personnal services :blush: ! For instance, I'd definitely consider having to stay chaste a little more to be dominated by someone !
  • Once again, in the poker game described above, we could add what many people like : teaming at a price... For instance, we could decide to team with someone, so that the amount of time we have to stay in is the amount of chips of both of us divided by 2 ! Let's say you team with me, and in the game, you finally get to zero chips, but I have some left, so you have to keep waiting... :blush: ! Moreover, it's advantageous for me since my chips disappear twice as fast as if I was alone ! :-D
Here I took one specific example that, I think, would work really well and would be really thrilling to play ! But lot's of other games are possible (I mainly thought of gambling games because it's the easiest way to play with, if I can put it this way, a currency).

All this game would of course be linked to a system that stores pictures and can't show them until you have no time left, for all you guys who can wear a chastity device on a daily basis (and therefore be sure not to fail) !

So as you probably have guessed, I would love to play such game with different people, the only problem is about actually creating it... :-( ! As I thought it, I think it would be possible to develop it on a website (which would be really cool since many players could be together, and since we could make something to add friends, chat and everything), but I have no clue how to develop a website at all! I'm sure some of you know little things about it, so if you're interested in playing such game, we could definitely team up to make it real (everyone has something to give in such projets, for instance I'm quite good at drawing and designing so I could create pictures, logos etc...) !
So, anyone who want to give a few more ideas and / or help ? :love:
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by Spurtless »

Oooh that sounds hot, I would play. I like the idea of a chastity club, for people to keep each other honest... and they would all know they're getting frustrated together, and they could be sure everyone knows how it feels for them. Everybody would be so jealous of the first one to unlock, when they get relief and everybody else is still in chastity ;)

Another idea would be if there was a game each week where the winner gets one orgasm, and everybody has to compete to see who gets to have it that week. It would be more fun the more players there are, since the odds go down... and the longer it's been since anyone was free, since the competition would get more fierce :)
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by NEGEV »

Sounds interesting. I would take part in it.
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by Spurtless »

Maybe we could all start with 1 week while we talk about the rules. It'll make sure we all have time to contribute instead of pleasuring ourselves, and at the very least we all get a bit of denial. I just locked mine on :)

Another way to define the chips would be, we each start with 40 days of chastity and 1000 chips. 100 chips is worth 1 day, so if nobody does anything, we all get out after 30 days. If you win all the chips off someone, they're in it until day 40, and you can get out 10 days earlier.

That way, we could use any online poker game, where the winner gets more chips, and they could also be traded for other deals. The cost to unlock would start at 4000 and go down by 100 each day, but the chip totals we each have wouldn't change, it would be easier to keep track. The one difference is that everyone would get out at the worst after 40 days, there would be less risk of staying locked forever... if the chips are worth extra time, and one person loses big and ends up with all the chips, they would have to serve the time in chastity of all the other players added together, which could be a lot ;)

I like the idea of teaming up, to sacrifice to let someone get pleasure sooner... this way, two players could share their pot of chips, which would be the same as teaming up since it would let them get out on the same day.
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by brandon »

hello, count me in!

i love the idea of this kind of gaming, and risk taking, so that your orgasm is under mostly control of luck and chance, but there is also some skill and risk as well.

i'm in!
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by TrustedOne »

I really like the concept of this game
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by Hermance »

I'm glad many people like the concept ! :love:

I did a bit of research on how to create such thing, and luckily I found some "coding" that would (to my opinion) partially fit this project ! It's a web based poker game with the source code on
Also, anyone can test the game here : :-O

I think that with a small amount of changes to that code, we could totally have a functionnal website :blush: ! Another greating thing with this is that, as you saw, there are tables with multiple amount of players (one two-players table, one four-players, etc...), it is really cool since, if we add the things I mention under, we could play whenever we want and with different people and it would still be amazingly funny and stressing :blush:

So here are some minor changes :
  • adding different kind of chips and naming them according to the time they represent
  • changing the share of the chips at the end of a round so that the winner gets non chips back and the losers share the chips
  • changing the colors (some red or pink color in the background would fit better, don't you think ?)
  • maybe making things a little more beautiful (creating graphics for the chips, changing the ones of the cards too, etc...)
I also thought of other bigger changes that would be necessary :
  • first, obviously, buying a domain name (which I think I could do, since it shouldn't be so complicated)
  • creating a way to register, so that there are players in game with a definite amount of chips, and creating things like a profile or anything so that players can see each other, add each other as friends, and see how much time they have left, the profile pictures etc...
  • making something that stores the pictures of codes and gives it back only when you have zero chips left for all you boys that keep their keys in a box with a padlock
  • creating a dare system so that each player can set a dare, with a price, that other players can buy (the idea of the naked picture v. 12 hours for instance :blush: )
  • creating a way for people to team up (which could be more complicated I bet but we're far from here yet)
  • creating special little games (maybe different than poker) with jackpots (things like "two days reduced" or "one orgasm", things like this, as Spurtless described
If anyone is interested in such project and wants to get in and participate in creating it (if he or her has skills in coding for instance), I'd be so happy :love: :blush: !

Also thank you Spurtless for the idea of little games being played each week ! It really spices up things too !
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by HerpDerp42 »

Amazing idea indeed,
but for technical reason I think that Spurtless idea is easier to start with.
Every player gets a "cost" for his freedom and when the player got enough chips he can buy himself free.
The "cost" naturally lessens with the time. The huge adventage is in my (naive) eyes that we would just have to add features to the game instead of reworking some parts.
On the long run your idea would be probably nicer though.

After all a ncie project I would love to help with but sadly I don´t have thta much knowledge about coding. Maybe I will get bored in my freetime and see it as a motivation to learn it. :lol: (Knowing me probably not though! ;-) )
Last edited by HerpDerp42 on Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by sexboy_69 »

Fine, I'm interested.
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by HerpDerp42 »

Hm, I was thinking about your idea a bit and the problem with trying to lose all chips is that obviously everyone wants to always set the highest bet possible. You wouldn´t have a huge risk with the normal poker rules and it takes a huge part of the poker game.
For that reasons we would need some new rule settings to actually punish for losing when betting a lot (for example, it get´s doubled by a bank - just an example, not really a great idea), when you actually want that the coins represent the denial time.
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by Spurtless »

I think it's logistically easier if the chips are like 'money' than like 'debt'... poker code is already written that way, and wagers would be easier to figure out. If the chips are money, for a game like scrabble, everybody could bet 500 to play, and winner takes all. If the chips are debt and 4 players wager 500, the winner would be left with 0 and the losers each get 666.67 chips... splitting them would lead to weird totals.

To keep track of chips it could be done a simple way through group email. If there's a transaction, each participant says to everyone how many chips they have before and after. If I lose 500 to you, I would say (1000,500) and you would say (1000,1500). Everyone could see the active total in each player's wallet, it would be the last number they said in the group email. For each transaction, the first number they say has to match the amount that everyone knows is in their wallet. In a game with several players, each player would have their total change, but it would be easy to keep track of. The 'before' and 'after' values over all players have to add up to the same amount, so it would be easy to see typos or cheating. Community verified wallets, like with bitcoin.
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by Spurtless »

Also if the chips are money, the group would stay synced. If the chips are debt, one big loser might get six months in chastity while everybody else stays out... but that's not the point of a chastity club right ;) If we use a fixed interval like forty days minus time won, then the next round could start right after, at the same time for everybody.

It might be fun if the chips represent time in chastity, to hand somebody a big stack of debt and say 'haha have fun :)' But if the chips are money, then what they 'really mean' is how much pleasure each player gets in a month. If they play it safe, they get to have pleasure for ten full days after thirty days of denial... but that's not really enough ;) If they lose all but 100, they get one day to masturbate as much as they can, but that's definitely not enough to feel better after 39 days without. With 1000 chips, what each one 'really means' is 15 minutes of pleasure... after prolonged denial :D If someone loses all their chips, maybe the group could be nice and let them have 15 minutes after 40 full days of denial, before everybody starts the next round. At least one quick orgasm a month guaranteed ;) That way when you check somebody's wallet total, what it means is how much sexual pleasure they're allowed in a month... and getting it away from them so you can have it instead would be really funny :)
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by Spurtless »

It would be handy to start with a payment system and have it separate from the games. Then we could try a few different games... if players agree, they can make any bet or deal they want and then update the ledger. Along with each transaction, add a description of what it's for. If it's an online game, post a link so other players can use it, or if it's a deal give a little description... if you trade a topless pic, you might get a few more offers once you say your price ;)

The list of transactions would be a bit like a marketplace... we could see what deals are available, and what the price for them turns out to be. If we make a game or site later we could adopt it, but that might take a while and we can start the chastity now :D If we start with a ledger to keep track of chips, we can figure it out as we go. Actually we could do it right here: "Spurtless (0,1000)". Anybody who wants can introduce themselves, lock up now and claim their chips.

Can you tell I'm excited about this haha. Oh and I was thinking, if we do a fixed interval, it should be 1 month... a new round of the game would start on the first of each month, and we compete for how many days of pleasure we're allowed at the end :)
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by HerpDerp42 »

You really seem to be into the idea Spurtless :D
My latest idea about the chips is, that each player who joins will be denied for a set period of time and gets around 50% of this denialtime as chips (the vlaue is just an example). These chips stand for denial-REDUCE by that amount of time. With this principle we would make sure that nobody could get almost endless denial and we don´t have to rework poker itself, since it is depending on the goal to GET as many chips as possible, not losing them.
On the other hand, the chips will still display the dneial in some sense. I guess that was basically your idea aswell.

I would love to hear from Hermance since I kinda feel like we steal the idea from her otherwise. :no:
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Re: Chastity gaming

Post by gingersub »

This sounds like an interesting concept that I would enjoy participating in. But i do think having a set time of denial with the chips being a time reducer sounds like a very good idea.
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