Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

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Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by webmaster007 »

First of all, while there's some embellishment in this story to make it easier to tell, it is real. It's not a fantasy, I am currently stuck in the situation outlined below.

I've got a major weakness for Asian women. There's just something about them that I find irrisestable. I simply go nuts for them. You could give me a fully clothed Asian girl over any other naked girl any day. By massive stroke of luck, I managed to find a gorgeous one who's sweet, fun to hang out with, low maintenance, and was the one who seduced me on our first date, if you can believe that. Heck, even our families get along great. Can you say jackpot! We've been dating for a couple years now and have a great relationship, we'll be married here before long. I knew she could be wicked, but not quite this wicked until recently.

So anyway, months back we were making love and she accidentally caught my legs in a position I wasn't able to move much and started squeezing me in there. I mentioned something about how good it felt and she started doing it again every now and then. Over the months her pussy has become noticeably stronger down there and she's figured out positions that make it nearly impossible for me to move until she wants me to. The girl manages it all with only her body as restraints. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and she started asking for favors before she'd finally let me move. She'd just squeeze and squeeze until I was frothing mad and would agree to just about anything. I've always had a bit of an orgasm control fantasy, so I was loving it and they were all just chores I'd do anyway so no biggy. This is where the story really starts.

She comes into the bedroom a week ago, dressed in this sexy little nighty and thong. I wasn't expecting anything that night because we'd had a little fight that day, but she just told me to be quiet and started dancing for me, really hot stuff, ending with one heck of a lap dance. I'm hard as a rock by this point and after playing with me a little more she lies down on the bed, pulls aside her panties and instructs me to go down on her. Now I love her smell/taste and driving her to orgasm, so I was more than happy to ablige. All the while I was getting her off, I'm getting hornier and hornier.

Once she was done, she rolled over and started to give me just the softest, slowest, most erotic blowjob she'd done in months. I mean it was like she was a mind reader, doing everything just perfect to drive me nuts. I should explain that she routinely likes to give me hand jobs on long car trips (yes, I'm that freaking lucky) while she's driving and I've pretty much shown her exactly how to get me off the best so she could do them easily with one hand. She used all those acquired skills to full effect and I was out of my mind and ready to cum. She knew this and stopped, pulled her thong away from her pussy, and she freaking mounted me, reverse cowgirl, with that hot little thong covered Asian ass of hers facing me! :-P

She starts moving on top of me and I'm so horny I'm just about to cum, I mean literally right at the last second or two before cumming, when she clamps down on me with her full weight and position and starts squeezing with her pussy. I cannot exaggerate just how horny I was at that point so naturally the first thing I did was try like crazy to move, to unlock her, to get some kind of leverage to move, but if you've ever had a woman do this to you, you'd know that those squeezes will drain the strength right out of you like nothing else. She used every technique she'd been practicing to make sure I had no relief. Pretty soon I was barely able to think much less fight back. That's when she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. She told me something about my needing time to think about things and that she was going to watch her show. I really can't even be sure how long it was, but it had to have been a two hour movie. My captor would take breaks, but the whole time she was making these light, repeated squeezes with her pussy on my already overwhelmed cock. At one point I do remember her getting her feet behind my head and lifting it up to show me a scene in the movie, which was these smoking hot Asian schoolgirls doing something on screen. Great normally, but pure torture at that point. Exactly why she made me watch it! :w00t:

After the movie was over, while still inside her, she told me she was going to let me cum now. We rolled over into missionary position and I began to lose control, but she slowed my motions with her hands and guided me the way she wanted it. Again, I got to just about the point I was going to spurt, when she brought me in close to her and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. I returned the kiss and it was just incredible, however it also distracted me into not noticing that she'd moved in to lock my legs in position and held me close to her body. I'm not the strongest guy in the world, but I'm no wimp either; there was no getting out of her hold for me at that point though. I was a rag doll. She started whispering sexy talk in my ear about owning my cock and proceeded to lick my ear, neck, anything she could reach while her pussy savaged my stationary cock. "If you'll loan me that money I asked you for and agree not to touch yourself for the next week as punishment for not agreeing before, I'll really let you cum this time." she said. I agreed in a heartbeat and she gave me the most amazing orgasm of my life. I was wondering why she was giggling so much afterward though. A week of no jerking isn't ideal, but it's by no means impossible.

Here's my predicament. It's now been nearly a week and she's been stroking me to the edge at least twice a day since then. When I whimper because my balls are sore she just laughs. She says if I dare to take care of it on my own, she'll know and she'll punish me for it. Frankly, I believe her completely and unless I never want to risk going inside her again, I'm stuck. Now I'd rank myself as very considerate in general. I bring her flowers for no occasion, surprise her with little gifts or cards, thank her for all the laundry and cooking she does, etc. This week though, I've been doing all the extra housework I can before she asks, giving her foot rubs, and in general being about ten times as considerate as usual. This hasn't helped, except maybe to keep the teasing down a little. The main thing is that there are a couple of places she likes to go that I don't. Usually I get one night of her in lingerie with a blow job each time we go to one, but now she's telling me if we go once, I can touch myself, twice and I can have a quicky with her. Unfair! I could hold out, but she just keeps my cock on my mind constantly with her teasing. I've never been this frustrated in my life. How can I give up a night of hot sex for my own hand? How can I let her double the "cost" of a night together? We can't go that often because of cost, so that'd mean a whole lot less relief. The week of penalty is almost over, but she has a pretty strong position to force me into agreeing to an extension. :\'-(

So, what does anybody think. Option 1 and be kind of humiliated that I had to ask permission to touch my own self or option 2 and accept more torture and half as many orgasms until she gets tired of her little game?
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by nomeuno »

i don't feel like reading all of that.... what's the bottom line?
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by texturedshroom »

I read it. It was hot. Marry her.
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by SomeOne »

Wow.. i jsut have to reply to this.. First of all, your story is hot. Really, really hot, you can post it in the story forum without changing a word ;)
As for an advice, i can only suggest one thing: Talk to her. You both have to agree about what will happen in the future. Obviously she can control your life in a strong way, you should both agree about limits.
As for those places you don't like to go, i cannot give any hint about how often you should go there, i have no clue, how much you do not like those places.
Maybe you can return the favor, and always touch yourself for each of those visits, and if she wants sex, let her do/promise something ;)

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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by masoboy »

If you are OK with her using sex to control are in heaven, no? This behavior will probably continue, so ... marry her. Personally, I think that kind of behavior is inappropriate and and unsatisfying, but I'm not you.
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by irish2222 »

i dont see what the problem is.
many a guy here would give their left nut to be in your shoes!!

and why are you asking us what to do?
talk to the LAdy involved, She is the one deserving of your attention and focus, and should know of your concerns, you may be able to take this in a direction where both of you will be very happy.

or She may take you in a diretion that you dont want to go and you will have to make a choice and thingk with your brain not your head

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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by bobbbliss »

I'd suggest you talk to her about it, but definitely set limits. Something like: You can touch yourself if you go to that place once, but can't touch yourself after the 2nd time, alternating. This would give her motivation to stop at two if she wants you to hold it or 3 if she wants you to be poor :-|

As for the sex and holding and controlling you... Enjoy it. She already knows that she owns your cock, but likes to hear you say it. I'd suggest a pre-nup kind of contract where she outlines her rules for giving you access to her pussy or your ability to cum and plan a very special T&D session before you get hitched!
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by webmaster007 »

Thanks for all the concern about anything being unhealthy or damaging, but honestly this is a great girl and if I really told her no, she would accept it. She is the greatest girl I've ever met. :love:

She's not hard core, is just treating it as kind of a game because she can get me to do stuff without hassle; she's never asked (and I'd fully trust her to never ask) for anything that's way out of line or that I'd be fully unwilling to do; I'm at least half enjoying it because she's paying more frequent attention to my cock, though the blue balls are not something I'm used to and are kind of hard to take. Does make me hot though. :blush: In the worst possible case, I get stuck doing house chores all weekend instead of watching the games. As for that loan, she'll pay me back.

My real question was which is less frustrating? To have to go once by your own hand, a fair amount while someone teases you about it or to get teased for longer periods but then getting sex? Bare in mind, we occasionally "earn" the right to take a certain number of pictures of each other, so there would be photo evidence she might laugh about with her friends, but not like blackmail or Internet posting if things ever went bad; we're both paranoid about them getting somewhere they shouldn't and never have faces in the shots.
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by Marke »


I don't see any problem here at all.
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by Timshel »

The whole, you will loan me the money thing, kinda raised an eyebrow.

But everything else is just what it is, harmless stuff. Althought harmless stuff a lot of guys around here would love to engage in with a lovely lady.

So either learn will power over your bodies desires, or start trying to figure out how to enjoy the places she wants to go with you.
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by freakygeak »

i would tend to agree with most who have already posted.. talk to her, come to an agreement. control and power are all well and good, unfortunately they can also be abused if left unchecked.
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Re: Need Advice on Real Life Denial Situation

Post by webmaster007 »

Controlling the body's desires is the problem; how can you really control it when someone whose naked body alone nearly makes you leak is constantly reminding you about it. She just knows me well enough to know exactly how to get to me. Guess I'll just have to try to control it, maybe get easier with time...though she just went out shopping for new lingerie today so I may be in for it now. :crazy: Wish me luck, going to be a long night.

Thanks again all for the concern and advice. I could see how it could get to a bad place for someone with money involved, where things got abused and it ended up hurting the individual. Mostly I had said no because she'd kind of irritated me earlier that day; I would have loaned it to her anyway in another day or so. Not a concern.

One other thing, I don't want to sound jerk trying to claim to know it all about how to get a girl to be interested in this, but at least with mine, starting slow and subtle hints over a long period until she sort of figures it out on her own seems to have brought me to this point. A whole lot of patience and putting her in a position where teasing gets her what she wants. That and being unbelievably @#$@ing lucky getting a better gal than I deserve who for some crazy reason loves me as much as I love her.
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