DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuff

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DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuff

Post by seraph0x »


After salivating over it for many months I finally scraped some cash together and bought myself a DreamLover 2000 Pro and ChronoVault from DreamLover Labs. Nothing sponsored, I paid full price for it, so this is going to be an honest review.

First impression

First off: Both products are incredibly well-designed. From conception to execution you can just feel the love and the deep understanding of the lifestyle these guys poured into it. I'm nothing short of blown away. Extremely well done and I wish to send everyone involved my deepest admiration and congratulations.

I spent the first day after receiving the product just playing around with it. Initially I had some issues with electrode placement. I do not think that the placement recommended by the manufacturer is optimal. What I ended up using is a CB6000 with the hole placed slightly lower. That means that I can have the bottom electrode facing back towards me meaning it makes much better contact with the scrotum. This in turn makes the pain from the pulse focus on the glans which is a much "nicer", sharper kind of pain. I'll make sure to post some pictures of the setup when I can.

In depth: DL2000

The DL2000 has really only three, maybe four main features:
  • It can shock you.
  • It can vibrate.
  • It can sense how it's positioned (accelerometer)
  • It can detect whether the electrodes make a good connection (penis detector)
But between the remote and all of the fun little options like leash mode, canine mode, timed pulses etc. - there is just so much variation to play around with. Canine mode especially provides a surprising amount of entertainment: How long can you keep standing upright until the pain overpowers your conscious control of your own body and you feel yourself getting down on all fours?

From other reviews I knew that some of the components of the receiver can be fragile. For example, the electrode and vibrator motor wires can break if bent too much. Most people who report these problems also report that DreamLover Labs is extremely responsive and helpful in dealing with these issues. Still, knowing this, I treated the device with great care from the start and I haven't had any problems whatsoever. Everything works, nothing feels particularly fragile. Overall I'd rate build quality as high to very high.

As for the penis detector feature, I tried it out and I got a green signal even when the electrodes were completely in the air, not touching anything. To enable the penis detector you set the LED color for each pulse type to black, so it's possible I did that wrong. Either way, the penis detector isn't all that interesting to me anyway since it can't report its status back to the computer. From what I understand there is no way at all for the DL2000 receiver to send messages back. That is ok, but it's definitely one feature that I'd be looking for if there is ever a successor model. Being able to log and download accelerometer data and randomly sampled penis detector data would be amazing and would open up lots of interesting new possibilities.

In depth: ChronoVault

Alright, the ChronoVault. I'm not usually someone to write one-sided reviews, but this thing is about as close to perfection as I've seen a product get. It is beautifully designed and cleverly engineered. The key is always tantalizingly close, yet kept securely behind the transparent dome, which feels extremely solid. There is no place to get a good grip on it, so you end up fumbling uselessly as your fingers slip again and again until the reality of your chastity sentence sinks in.

Not much else to say about it - the LEDs do a fun light show so it's definitely something that draws attention if you leave it openly on your desk. It has a ton of flexibility with respect to the timing options and the "owner lock" (where you lock yourself out from overriding the timer) seems to be implemented in firmware and even with reverse engineering the USB protocol, there doesn't seem to be a way to disable it. Once closed and locked, only brute force will open it and due to the clever engineering you'll need a lot of it and it won't be pretty.

Hacking time!

After playing with the remote for a day, my geeky nature kicked in and I started looking into ways to hack it, more specifically to write my own software that would control both devices.

I wanted my apps to be able to run permanently and issue commands at any time, so I first turned to the remote management functionality. It was fairly straightforward to write some code that emulated a user clicking the buttons in the DL Lounge interface. Unfortunately this had substantial latency (several seconds) and a lot of variance in that latency as well.

My second attempt was to have a DL Browser open a page which would run Socket.IO and take commands from a server I wrote. This felt like a bit of a hack, but it solved the latency issue. Unfortunately the DL Browser API was pretty restrictive: I had issues with the rate limiting - it would kick in sometimes even though the last command happened ages ago. Also some features like canine mode were just straight up missing from the DL Browser API. Overall the API just feels neutered - nothing I hate more than having my own access to my own hardware restricted. I always get around the restriction eventually, so all it does is waste my time.

In the end I wrote my own driver called Priestess that acts as a drop-in replacement for DL Uplink. It's basically a Node.js server with an Edge.js binding to a quick .NET library I hacked together.

This is what it looks like:


This finally gave me access to absolutely all features. I can even implement changes to pulse and timer settings if I need to.

Game time!

Now that I had unrestricted programmatic access to the device, the fun could begin. I christened my new software Pele, after the Hawaiian Goddess Pele, who reigns over volcanoes and fire. She's also associated with having a strong will and purpose and given that this software would be able to make its point very clearly to the wearer of the DL2000 she seemed to be an appropriate inspiration.

So far I've implemented three apps in Pele and here they are in turn:

App 1: Alerter


This is a very simple concept. When turned on you have to push a button every five minutes. If you don't you get a page (several weak pulses) every minute from the DL2000. If you still don't push it after a total of ten minutes, the paging becomes a level 1 pulse, level 2 after another five minutes and finally level 3. I never got to level 3, eventually the mind game just becomes too much: You push the button and the game starts over.

One way this could be used I envision is as a sleep deprivation method. You can fall asleep, but very soon the pulses are going to wake you up. Just something fun to play with.

Impression: Gets annoying real fucking quick. One minute intervals is long enough so you can't exactly predict when the pulse is going to hit, so once you get to level two you're just hunched over in anticipation half the time. I haven't tested it as a sleep deprivation method yet, but it certainly seems like it'd be extremely devious and effective.

App 2: Fondness


This is inspired by the excellent Fond of Writing app. Basically you have to type 15 random preselected sentences that have to do with being submissive. Every typo means a level 2 pulse. Stop typing for 1 second and you get a level 2 pulse plus another level 2 pulse every second thereafter until you start typing again.

Based on these rules you can get through the whole exercise without getting shocked once. But the threat is always near enough that you become surprisingly focused and very quickly you get very, very good at typing these sentences. I'm really looking forward to playing with this concept of DL2000-enhanced learning some more: Maybe I can finally add some spice to my boring sessions of reviewing Chinese vocabulary flashcards.

Impression: Tons of fun. The instant shock when you make a typo is just unlike anything I've experienced before. This is by far my favorite game for the DL2000 so far.

App 3: Debug


This is just a very simple page giving access to many of the DL2000's features. (I'll eventually implement every single one on this page.) Thanks to the way Node.js manages asynchronous events and due to the fact that I use Node.js across the whole stack (including Priestess) all the buttons are incredibly responsive.

What's next

I have a pretty clear idea of what I want to do next. I want scheduled events to happen that trigger "games" automatically. So imagine for example the following morning ritual. 7am, you get paged, waking you up. You know you have five minutes to get to the computer (else... well... let's just say you'll learn quickly to always make it in time...) Once there, a "morning ritual" starts which basically consists of some fun kinky games with the DL2000. After the morning session, Pele will go into day planner mode. Basically it will give you slots of time to complete certain tasks within a time limit. For example: 60 minute time slot for workout, 20 minutes for shower etc., 1 hour work, 15 minute break, 1 hour work, 1 hour lunch, etc. If you finish any task early, you have to report it and your day schedule will move forward immediately. If you don't complete the task within the limit you must abort it and report failure to Pele.

(I noticed just from experimenting so far, that the DL2000 is actually just a really neat little notification system that reaches you wherever you are in the apartment and that is on you no matter what. :-P (Whereas, who knows where your phone is at any given time.) The DL2000 has a feature where you have 10 configurable vibration patterns you can use to communicate one of ten commands. There might actually be a product idea here for a wristband or something that you can wear all day and night and that just provides some basic notification features in an unobtrusive form factor. But I digress.)

At the end of the day there is a leisure section where all your saved time goes from any tasks you completed early. If you failed any tasks, you get damage points which accumulate until they reach a random threshold. Once that threshold is reached a punishment is issued. The system should be set up in such a way that punishment can be completely avoided by being reasonably disciplined. On the upside you'll earn rewards like vibrator activations in the DL2000, a chance to be unlocked and edge or even a chance to be unlocked and orgasm. These rewards (except orgasm of course) will be awarded pretty frequently and liberally since they double as increasing your arousal and sexualizing good behavior.

Over time, I'd like to make Pele smarter to take in information from other sources to cross-reference with your self-reporting. For example it could query Github to see if you've checked in any new code during the time you were supposed to be coding. Or it could query the wifi wattmeter on your Steamwave to see if you've taken the time to cook a healthy meal or just microwaved something for two minutes.

WTF is the point?

Now, if you're reading this, there is at least a decent chance that you *get* what the point of this is. For those who don't, well, I'd describe it as a scientific interest into ways that BDSM and self-improvement intersect. It's a way of tinkering with technology in order to create interesting situations that make you learn something new about yourself. I probably wouldn't want to live under this kind of "motivation aide" forever, but who knows? Eating healthier, never missing a workout and being super-aroused by the whole thing - seems like there are worse ways to spend your time. ;-)

The main question I'm trying to answer for myself if how big of an impact doing this for a few weeks can actually have. Will I get tired of it after a day? Will I keep going until a lot of these tasks become solid habits? Maybe I'll even keep this tool around forever. You don't know until you try.

Like I mentioned before, more than the pure pain and pleasure aspect of it I think what's going to make a big impact is the timed notifications and enforced structure to your day. Awake, asleep, when worn 24/7 the DL2000 is with you all the time and it can always get your attention. That makes for very interesting, very comprehensive time management.

Open source

Due to the fact that it uses some reverse engineered code, I'll need permission from DreamLover Labs to release Priestess. And without Priestess there is no point is releasing Pele. So watch this spot, I'll direct them to this post and try to get their permission to post both projects. I'm sure they'd love to see some great use cases and new selling points for their hardware so maybe they are willing to have their driver code opened up a little bit to make it happen. I certainly think it's a very attractive proposition.

I wanna emphasize that I'll respect their decision either way. But I certainly hope they'll see the benefits of making their hardware platform more attractive for software developers. And if I'm allowed to release Priestess that would certainly accomplish that.

Let me release the Priestess, don't keep her chained up!


So, what are you guys' thoughts? If it wasn't for the price, would you buy the DL2000? What features would you like to see in Pele? Any suggestions for future iterations of the hardware?
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by seraph0x »

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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by seraph0x »

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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by guzzi123 »

Thanks for the review. It is certainly an interesting device. It's a shame it's not compatible with any long term device such as neosteel, I won't spend that much money for ball trap device accessory when I can easily pull out of it. The chronovault looks interesting though. Do you need to have DL with the chronovault?
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by Bandit224 »

Oh my god! You have unlocked an amazing amount of potential for the DL2000. Games that control the device, especially for those of us that don't have mistresses, will be absolutely incredible.

I have a question about the DL2000. Is it possible for the machine to be a pleasure machine, for instance, be used in combination with cock hero movies, or torment people by having them edge?
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by JustMeNow »

Bandit224 wrote:I have a question about the DL2000. Is it possible for the machine to be a pleasure machine, for instance, be used in combination with cock hero movies, or torment people by having them edge?
I don't know about the DL2000 but in my opinion it is pretty hard to have an edge with electricity since there are conductors attached to the penis and the stimulation needs to be pretty intense to create a handsfree orgasm.
Should not be impossible, but it will require a lot of training and a quick reaction.
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by seraph0x »

Bandit224 wrote:I have a question about the DL2000. Is it possible for the machine to be a pleasure machine, for instance, be used in combination with cock hero movies, or torment people by having them edge?
The DL2000, Pro version at least, comes with a pretty strong vibrator attached. The problem is though, that the vibrator motor eats battery power like no tomorrow, so yes, you could use for CH, but you'd have to be prepared to spend a lot of money on those 34$ replacement batteries.

If you want a USB controlled vibrator, there are much, much cheaper options.

As for using the e-stim function: There are some people who have reported ejaculating after prolonged stimulation by the electric shocks, however, they also say these were ruined orgasms or, in at least one case, the ejaculation wasn't even detected until afterwards. The e-stim pulses are intended to be painful and the power and waveform of the pulse is non-adjustable (only the duration, number and spacing of the sub-pulses), meaning that it is not very well suited for pleasurable stimulation.

My opinion: This thing is very good at what it's made for - a remote-controlled pain/pleasure punishment/reward platform. It really shines in the context of any sort of psychologically based games. If you use it for that it's well worth the price, but for other uses there are usually better or cheaper options.
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by seraph0x »

Quick update: I did get permission to release most of my code, on the condition that the code I extracted from their DL_Uplink program stays closed source. I also have to add some security checks so that device owners have to explicitly allow Priestess via the "allowed URLs" feature. That way if you have a keyholder on their DL Lounge website, you can't just bypass them by using Priestess.

In order to get the permission to release this I also offered to run some free advertising for them, so for the next month you'll see some DreamLover ads in the webteases section. They're a great company with a very niche product, so I don't mind lending them a hand. :-)
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by droog »

Agree with this... I've thought about writing some stuff for Chronovault also.

The hardware is cool, and while the API makes sense for the interface chosen, I'd like to interface the devices with iOS apps (iPhone, iPad) rather than DLBrowser.

Does your hack make an Android or iOS app easier to implement?

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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by enoch »

Interfacing this with any sort of smartphone would open up a world of possibilities. Imagine being able to impliment tiggers based on GPS location. Leash mode could become more like probation mode.

I have an inkling that doing something p2p with the command/control of how this behaves could be devilish. Imagine, perhaps, the ability to detect the proximity of other users based on GPS or similar (GeoIP via maxmind, Facebook Locations, etc). The app could react based on that. Perhaps when two users, User1 and User2, pass by each other in the grocery store the app gives them each commands to carry out (use your imagination), resulting in reward or punishment. Perhaps an app could be made that allows a Dom(me) to detect the presence of users in the area and play with their device(s) (pun truly not intended).

While we're at it why not a pam module that determines authentication based on this? That might be fun. Maybe the user can't login to their system if they've "misbehaved". Maybe they can, but they're discouraged by constant shocks...

I'd muse more BS but I'm too drunk to make sense of much more than pouring another one.

Eh, screw it. Imagine what could be done with all these smartphone extensions coming out (like exercise/health) monitors. Heh, imagine interfacing with Google Glass to react to who or what a user is looking at.

On the geekier side not related to phones, imagine a way to hook GNU make to tally coding errors and punish accordingly. ...with that, I could launch into a tangent about how being dominated by someone (the right person with the right mindset) can help improve our lives like a no-hold-barred personal trainer. Something like this, while marketed as a fun toy for one person to play games with another, could possibily be hacked into a self-help tool.
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by enoch »

.gitignore drunkness warning (if you please)

What if the "mood" of the controller was affected by loosely tangental information? For example, the local weather polled from online services? ...or perhaps the quarterly reports of a given business or industry? Maybe the box office earnings of movies the controller programatically reaches an opinion about? All sorts of data points are free for the parsing.

Hell, what if groups of controllers could "talk" about the performance/behavior of their users and reach a concensus which reflects on each controller's "mood"? err, pardon my ambiguitity; when I say controllers I mean the AI ("Priestess", right? my memory retention approaches 255++).

Your choice of the word Priestess just gave me an idea. What if there were multiple "gods", which would be rulesets which weight the decisions/personality of a given Priestess instance? I catch the Priestess -> Pele reference, so what about a Morrigan, Diana, or Isis, each with attributes weighted towards a different kind of experience...

Wouldn't it be hilarious if the much-vaunted "Singularity" emerged not from a Fortune 500, university, or nation-state but from some self-abasing perverts (not to offend anyone ;) ) who broke the fourth wall by allowing our carefully architected, open-source simulations of our personal gods and goddesses to reach across the digital divide and touch us?

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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by droog »

Nice. Charles Stross meets Pauline Reage going on in your head there.

Sounds brilliant now - But you're going to feel shit tomorrow :-)

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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by seraph0x »

droog wrote:The hardware is cool, and while the API makes sense for the interface chosen, I'd like to interface the devices with iOS apps (iPhone, iPad) rather than DLBrowser.

Does your hack make an Android or iOS app easier to implement?
Priestess uses the raw USB driver, so it's independent of DL Uplink. The screenshots you see are from Chrome, not DL Browser. Priestess must run on the computer where the DL LINK USB dongle is plugged in. Pele must run on some server that has access to the computer running Priestess. But you can then open the UI in any browser from any computer on your local network. I have actually used the UI through the browser on my Android phone and it works perfectly fine.

So yeah, you would still need to run Priestess on a computer, but if your Android/iOS device is on the same network, your app could trivially call the Priestess API.

If you're looking to create Android/iOS apps that are totally independent of any computer (and where you only have to be in range of the Android/iOS device rather than some other computer) - that is theoretically possible at least on Android. You could connect the DL LINK USB dongle to your USB host mode capable Android device with an adapter. However you would have to port a lot of code, so it wouldn't be easy. Also, the smartphone + adapter + dongle package would be pretty unwieldy and battery life probably wouldn't be great.

My hope is that some future version of the DreamLover will be Bluetooth 4.0 Low-Energy based. That way, many modern smartphones would have the hardware and drivers to talk to it built-in. I think that's basically what we would need to implement the vision that enoch mentioned of apps interacting just from walking past somebody.
enoch wrote:What if there were multiple "gods", which would be rulesets which weight the decisions/personality of a given Priestess instance? I catch the Priestess -> Pele reference, so what about a Morrigan, Diana, or Isis, each with attributes weighted towards a different kind of experience...
Good thought! That's actually exactly why I picked those names. Priestess is a generic API that provides access to the functionality of the devices, hence the generic name. Pele is my specific application implementing all of the behaviors that I'm interested in experimenting with. So if someone were to write their own software on top of the Priestess API, they could indeed name it after another goddess.
enoch wrote:I could launch into a tangent about how being dominated by someone (the right person with the right mindset) can help improve our lives like a no-hold-barred personal trainer. Something like this, while marketed as a fun toy for one person to play games with another, could possibily be hacked into a self-help tool.
Exactly, that's what I'm trying to explore. I did a test run of a simplified implementation of my day planner idea (see original post) yesterday. In the simplified model, every two hours the app would page you. You would go to a computer and click either the "Success" or the "Failure" button. "Success" means the last two hours were productive, you got stuff done and you're happy with your progress. "Failure" means you procrastinated and wasted the last two hours. The former gets you a level 1 cycle on the arousal inducer. The latter gets you a level 3 timer cycle (which on my device is set to a fairly lengthy punishment session using level 3 pulses.) If you don't click either button within five minutes of being paged it defaults to Failure. During those five minutes you get paged again every minute as a reminder.

Early experience with it: During the two hour periods in between reports I was definitely more motivated than normal. I think what was really crucial was to have both the carrot and the stick. It really makes it extremely present in your mind if your choice is between something that going to feel very good and something that's going to be very painful.

I managed to get through the day with all two hour periods being productive. I had originally planned to slack off during one of the periods so I could experience what the punishment was like, but when that period rolled around I thought that the punishment really would suck pretty hard, so I decided to be productive instead. Hacking your brain like this is a rather fascinating experience. :-D

I noticed a few issues with the simplified approach:

- The success/failure self-assessment could be problematic. I think the mind would go to great lengths to rationalize the slightest thing into a reason to click "Success". Ideally, Pele would only care about measurable specific goals. They could still be self-reported, but I do think they need to be something measurable where you can't argue your way out of your punishment. In other words, our model of the user is that he's honest, but heavily biased.

- The two hour periods worked surprisingly well, but I still think the full day planner with different length periods depending on the task at hand would be more interesting. That said, unexpected things can happen and more control means the planner also has to be more flexible in terms of accounting for events outside of the user's influence. If you have a task allocated for a thirty minute period, but your boss calls you and gives you a high-priority job for those thirty minutes, there needs to be a way in the day planner to account for that.

- In operant conditioning there are more effective reinforcement schedules than reward/punishment every single time. In combination with shorter evaluation periods and more fine-grained reporting I think using a variable-ratio reinforcement schedule would have a much greater effect. It would also make it easier to honestly report failure if there is a chance you won't get punished for it. In general, the threat of punishment is very beneficial, but the actual punishment can condition the trainee to dislike the training process itself. So goal levels in any motivation system should be set such that it is fairly easy to avoid punishments and slightly challenging to achieve rewards. Punishments are great for maintaining basic compliance - for example it is very easy to login and click a button to report your status once prompted, so it is totally fine if non-compliance carries a large painful punishment, because it's very easy to achieve 100% compliance.

All in all I would call yesterday a very promising test run and I'm looking forward to testing a more elaborate version of the day planner.

A more philosophical point: The combination of human trainer (programmer) and computer subject (program) has a great synergy - humans make mistakes, but they have (at least right now) a more flexible way of operating, so by distributing tasks the right way, great efficiency can be achieved. Based on my experiment so far, I think that computer trainer and human subject also has a great synergy for much the same reasons. A computer trainer provides perfectly consistent 24/7 training with no moods. With a human trainer there might be days where their head is not in it - not so with a computer. So if one plays to those strengths, it becomes a symbiotic relationship where either party's strengths help make up for the other's weaknesses.
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by Bandit224 »

On the whole synergy thing, computers can have learning algorithms to adapt to the needs of the human subject, but human trainers have their own needs.

That could actually be a pretty neat benefit to the DL2000 if it is able to pick up and learn the conditions of when a boss interrupts with a high priority task, and predict those interruptions.
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Re: DL2000 Pro & ChronoVault - Review and building cool stuf

Post by droog »

Priestess uses the raw USB driver, so it's independent of DL Uplink. The screenshots you see are from Chrome, not DL Browser. Priestess must run on the computer where the DL LINK USB dongle is plugged in. Pele must run on some server that has access to the computer running Priestess. But you can then open the UI in any browser from any computer on your local network. I have actually used the UI through the browser on my Android phone and it works perfectly fine.

So yeah, you would still need to run Priestess on a computer, but if your Android/iOS device is on the same network, your app could trivially call the Priestess API.
Cool. The functionality of DL Uplink is good enough for me, so no need for priestess but I would like to develop a different/nicer web interface to the Chronovault. Interface requirements:

[Owner mode]
1] Be clean/fast & usable from browser on mobile phone
2] "Remember" user details by cookie - no need to login each time
3] Have a calendar widget where "owner" can click on a "release date"
- app will confirm number of days picked
4] Buttons for +/- Hour, +/- Day +/- Week
5] Button for "dice roll" number of days
6] Optional message from owner to male
7] Nice to have - notifications when message received from male and/or email with hyperlink
8] Nice to have - attach photo /file to message

[Owner mode]
1] TImer countdown widget
2] View messages from owner
3] Ability to message owner, beg for timer change
4] Nice to have - attach photo with message

If anyone has seen the http://ilovechastity.com website, looking for something similar but focused, and interfacing with chronovault on the back end.

Sepharox - your sample apps have a nice clean look and feel. Are you using a JS toolkit/editor for that?
Also, could you share any code.

I don't know how to use rest api's to do the authentication and save cookie. Once I have that working, could play around with the rest...

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