Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
Posts: 316
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:44 am
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Open to new ideas!
I am a: Switch
Dom/me(s): Not currently serving a Superior. I'd love to negotiate a contract to encourage my writing, as I've done in the past.
Any genuine females interested?
Location: Portland OR

Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by micheleFFS »

This is the latest installment in the well-received Sorority Initiation series. This chapter can be read out of sequence, but new readers will certainly be more satisfied by reading the chapters in order. For your convenience, summary and links are at the end of the story, below a series of asterisks you can search for. Copy and paste: ***

Chapter 7: First Failure

My rebellious mood propelled me to a pharmacy, where I bought a handheld mirror that magnified on one side. I figured the sorority bought my chastity device from some manufacturer who must put some sort of id on it. Also, the device obviously was controlled by radio frequency id like a car lock, so there ought to be some code to allow identification when compared to a database.
As I walked to the dorm, I thought over what I knew of my hated cage. Made of clear plastic, it consisted of two parts, a round piece that clamped around the base of my penis and a tube in the shape of a rather thick penis with an enlarged tip. The contraption gave a good bulge in a pair of tight jeans, but how misleading was that? Small, dark metal oblongs embedded in the clear plastic near the joints held the locking mechanism, and presumably the power supply and RFID chip. Inspection of the cages when stored in my cubby revealed no visible door or hasp for the lock in the exposed sections of the metal, evidencing top-notch workmanship. Gossip among the Auxiliary held that our batteries were changed during our shifts at the Sorority. No one was known to have ever broken out. I determined to be the first.
In my dorm room, I locked the door and used the mirror to inspect the parts of my cock cage not normally visible. What I found, or rather didn’t find, disturbed me. The plastic and the metal inserts, even examined from several angles with the magnifying mirror, revealed no irregular features, marks or even wear.
I sat and pondered. After a few minutes, I searched the web for “male chastity devices.” I found simple devices made of flexible plastic, a crude but effective device made of a hose clamp and PVC (overpriced at $75), custom-made medieval style metal belts, and a few attractive clear plastic devices more or less similar to mine.
All needed a tiny metal lock or a numbered plastic zip tie. None advertised a RFID option. To my dismay, the clear plastic traps came in different styles and five brands, but none quite as imposing as mine. I couldn’t guess which manufacturer TDK used.
Frowning, I thought some more. I retraced my internet search and obtained the 800 numbers for all the brands of clear plastic chastities. My call to Abuse Control Unlimited was typical.
“Abuse Control. Let us cage your beast.”
“Hello, I wonder if you can help me identify a chastity device I saw at a party recently. It was clear plastic like yours, but had no place to attach a lock or zip tie. Instead it had an embedded lock controlled by a RFID. The Mistress in charge told me it was a custom unit. Ever hear of anything like that?”
“A RFID like a car lock for a chastity device?”
“That’s correct.”
“Never heard of such a thing. The lock was embedded in the plastic?”
“Yes, I got a pretty good look at it.”
“Are you sure it wasn’t maybe a novelty item using magnets?”
“Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t like that.” Was I ever!
“Well, I never heard of a magnet device anyhow, but that idea sounds a lot more plausible than a RFID chastity. It’s too bad; many of our customers are into high tech and would jump at such a device. I’d sure like to know more if you ever track it down.”
I ended the calls by asking if they knew of any manufacturers I hadn’t turned up. No one had any other suggestions.
I looked at my cage. Like all the others, it could be defeated. The tiny locks most devices used could be broken; zip ties cut. I could hacksaw the plastic on mine and the lock mechanism would just fall out. Such thoughts revealed the true nature of the security plan for all the chastity devices. It was easy to get out, but impossible to do so undetected. The RFID allowed at least the possibility of success, if one broke the code and made a decoder device. Or stole or copied one.
Hmmm....There was no class in RFID in the whole university; the technology applied theories I’d learn over four years. Not a big help. I figured if I quizzed profs about RFID they’d suspect me of offsetting the high cost of tuition with hot cars. No, I must investigate alone and clandestinely; not even enlisting a fellow TDK servant as co-conspirator. This was a long-term project, darn it. In the meantime, I’d continue to develop the qualities of service Veronica emphasized. Truth to tell, I really loved eating pussy and dressing Kari yesterday gave me a special thrill. And maybe, just maybe, somebody would finally fuck me again.
I felt less dejected since I’d decided to rebel, though my progress was entirely negative. I carefully erased my history in case the Sisters snooped my drive, which I didn’t put past them.
Soon after that, I received a text giving me the option of a shift that afternoon and evening from 3:00 until dismissed. I’d never been given such short notice, but I texted my acceptance, wryly noting my rising hope that something good would happen for me that day.
The very beautiful, tall, slender Penelope unlocked me. She informed me Bethie had ejaculated without permission early in the afternoon and was taken out of rotation. She told me I earned an extra point for accepting the shift on such short notice. I watched carefully as she released me from my chastity, but without gaining any new insights for my release project. As always, I obediently (and I must confess, joyfully) began fondling myself immediately upon release. She handed me my required reading for the day and dismissed me.
Nicola sat alone in the room, engrossed in a magazine, but he greeted me with a smile. We’d worked two shifts together since my first time and talked a bit once when we met on campus. He asked me how my service had been.
“About as good as can be expected for a Freshman, I guess. I’ve licked several of our Mistresses to ecstasy and received none for myself except spankings, which I’m actually learning to enjoy. My butt’s been invaded, Veronica told me to develop a better attitude and yesterday I prepped Kari for a hot date with a jock and cleaned up after her this morning.”
“Well, you’re doing well if you have weekend shifts in less than two months. Congratulations.” He turned back to his book, illustrated with photos.
I read my essay, which was fascinating. Called “A Slave’s Happiness,” it bore the subtitle “Edited by TDK for modern insights.” It described a slave rebellion in the West Indies after which the slaves begged their masters to accept them back. The statement that it was in the nature of men to submit to women made me think quite a bit. I truly did not want to be free of servitude to the Sisters, but to have some sexual satisfaction for myself. So in a way, I agreed with the author. (I later discovered the essay originally referred to women as slaves. On reflection, I decided the subtitle was correct, at least as it applied to me and probably the other servants in the Auxiliary.)
Essays made keeping my erection a chore, but I managed. Finished, I took up an English femdom magazine and stared avidly at the pictures of lingerie-clad women paddling men bent over various articles of furniture.
A few minutes later, another servant, Steffie, entered the room, smiling broadly. I slightly knew him from one evening service shift and one cooking shift. He wore a pair of tight, high waisted shiny bronze colored panties with a prominent wet spot where his erection prodded.
“Oh, I'm so excited,” he said. “Beautiful Elaine used me for the first time. She said she’s new to femdom, but she’s a natural. She made me keep myself hard and describe how I reacted to her body as she stripped and masturbated. She’s got the most darling pale puffy nipples. I begged to worship them as I leaked precum again and again. She flashed her panties and rubbed herself inside them where I couldn’t see her slit. I kept telling her how beautiful she was and begged to be allowed to touch her to enhance her sensations, but she just laughed at me. She came with her hand in her panties, then made me get her vibrator that looks just like a cock. She said she didn’t want any lube in her pussy and told me to lube it up for her in my mouth. She even made me deep throat it ‘til I gagged, then she had me slip her panties off and sniff her aroma. Finally, she had me describe how much I wished I could fuck her as she used the dildo to cum. Then she sent me back down here.” As he told us this, he fondled himself inside his panties and the dark stain grew.
Nicola and I complimented him on his experience and on the nice stain. I asked Nicola what he’d been so engrossed in when I arrived and he handed me a magazine with a long letter about a woman describing how she maintained discipline on her college-aged son and nephew with spankings and semi public nudity. The beginning was hot, but a commotion distracted us before I read very far.
Dorothea and Susan entered, clad in full leather regalia, stiff corsets with gleaming metal accent points, thigh high boots that nearly completely covered their stockings. Each supported a stumbling Bethie by an elbow. We three stood up and curtsied.
The women looked grim and not to be crossed. Tears dripped down Bethie’s face. His panties were ripped and hung awkwardly from one hip. Smeared lipstick marred his face, there were raw spots on his nipples, and his limp penis appeared unnaturally red, almost like a spanked bum. Shocked, I stared openly.
“Bethie, face the more worthy servants and describe your offense and your punishment.”
Sniffling, Bethie looked at us, weeping. His voice broke a few times during his recital. “Mistresses Susan and Dorothea wished to make love while waited upon by a male. I turned down the bed for them, prepared massage oil and sensuous toys, lube, vibrators, and a slapper. They required I watch and masturbate silently, ready to obey any command. I received a specific admonition not to ejaculate, and not to let go of my penis.
“I was very aroused by the two women, whom I regard as the most beautiful of our Mistresses, cavorting about, pleasuring each other. I realized I was in trouble when they gently rubbed their nipples together. I used all my controls, and managed to stay on the edge, but I felt desperate for relief. When Dorothea spread her legs and pointed to her wet, open lips for Susan to lick, I lost all control even though I let go of my poor penis and refused to twitch or move. It involuntarily spasmed and my warm essence spurted onto Susan’s thighs and bum, interrupting and ruining their lovemaking.
“My apologies did no good, naturally. I’d disobeyed and paid the price. First, I wiped all my spunk from Susan and licked it up and showed it on my tongue to both Mistresses before I swallowed. Then they took me downstairs to the dungeon and gave me a most deserved and severe punishment with paddles, slappers, crops, lipstick, clamps on my nipples, penis and scrotum, finishing up with a sound cockspanking. B...but the worst...(He broke down at this point and had to compose himself before continuing.) I’m banished for a month. I miss the Halloween party and I return with no points and Freshman duties.”
He turned to the two Mistresses. “I apologize again for interrupting your pleasure with my rude disobedience, Mistresses, from the bottom of my heart. I deserve the punishment and thank you for the mercy you show in not making it more severe.” The two Sisters looked on disdainfully, not acknowledging Bethie’s apology.
Aghast, I kept staring. Susan snapped at me, “You, Freshman, get that sorry prick pointing upright or you may end up in a similar state.”
I’d unconsciously dropped my cock at Bethie’s pitiful spectacle. I hastened to grasp it, squeezing and pumping for all I was worth. “Yes, Mistress.”
Poor Bethie’s sore, limp penis was locked away, and he was dismissed to get dressed and leave. The two Mistresses departed as he put on his clothes. The sight of his bottom shocked me. Both hemispheres bore large purple bruises, with several striped marks criss-crossing them. Tiny drops of blood came from a few places. He looked so sad as he said his final good byes to us.
We three silently stroked ourselves for a few minutes, each with our own thoughts. I felt so sorry for him I brushed a few tears from my eyes. Nicola realized I’d not seen a truly punished servant before and explained that true disobedience was usually severely chastised at the time and backed up with banishment. The dungeon downstairs was used so the shrieks that usually accompanied punishment could not be heard. The dungeon was often used on weekends for extended play, less often during the week.
I thanked Nicola for the explanation, then went to the kitchen for a refreshing drink. Wow, I thought. I bet if I released myself and they found out, or even suspected, I’d probably be banished for good. I better be sure I know what I’m doing when I figure it out. I returned just as Penelope finished unlocking Tammy, a Senior servant, to begin h is shift. As soon as he touched himself, Penelope told him to go upstairs to serve Daniela. We who remained sighed. We all longed to be used by one of the Sisters.
I returned to the domestic discipline story and soon became fascinated because of the quotes from the chastised boys about how much the young women in their home and neighborhood enjoyed watching their spankings and erections. Again I was interrupted, this time much more pleasantly.
Samantha, wearing a halter and tight shorts, entered and we all stood to curtsy once again. She motioned us to sit down and to my delight sat next to me. “Jenny, it’s so nice to see you obediently wanking. Does it feel good?”
“Yes, Mistress Samantha, it feels very good.”
“Have you edged today?”
“No, Miss. I was distracted by poor Bethie leaving after his punishment.”
“Yes, that was shocking misbehavior by him. Well, Jenny, I like to check in on you ‘cause you’re one of my successful recruits. Do you like serving us?”
“Oh, yes, Miss Samantha, I do.”
“Is your cock cage comfortable? Does it chafe or catch in your pants? Make it hard to pee?”
“No, Mistress, much to my surprise it’s quite comfortable. I only wish...”
“Tell me.” A strong stare backed up this command.
I sighed. “I only wish it weren’t necessary.”
“That’s a good way to put it, Jenny,” she laughed. “But it is necessary so you know your place, to have a full charge when we do allow you to cum, and besides it makes you all so obedient. Tell me what services you’ve performed that you like best.”
“So far, the times I like best since my first training day are when I give a Sister an orgasm. I feel proud to make such highly sophisticated and sexy beauties feel great pleasure. I surprised myself recently when I realized I truly enjoy the spankings and such I receive, not to mention the pleasure it gives my punisher.”
“That’s a very good attitude, Jenny. What was the most enjoyable time you’ve had at TDK?”
“To be totally truthful, Mistress Samantha, it was when you so graciously took my virginity.”
She laughed and playfully pushed me sideways. “Oh, you boys, you all say that! Have you been allowed to cum since that special night?”
“No, Miss. Not once.” I failed to conceal my disappointment in my voice or on my face and body language.
“Good! That’s the way our slaves should be - obedient, horny, and very blue balled. So I want you to edge for me right now. As much as I like watching you beat off, I wonder if it would help you edge if I took over. What do you say, Jenny? Would you edge easier if I played with your stiffie?”
“Oh, yes, Miss Samantha,” I said, barely daring to hope.
“That’s me, always happy to help. Remember, don’t cum.” She replaced my hand with her cool palm. Oh, that felt good. She squeezed me and pumped up and down slowly, avoiding my tip for the moment.
Muttering my thanks over and over, I leaned back, eyes closed. The pleasure intensified and so did Samantha’s teasing.
“Oh this is fun. I love watching your face while I turn you on. Look at the other wankers here.” I opened my eyes to see the mingled fascination and envy on Steffie’s and Nicola’s faces. I gotta admit I gloated a tiny bit.
“You do have a nice cock, Jenny, and I promise to fuck it for you again some day. But I want you more experienced first. After you get engulfed by three different Sisters since your training, and get 4 or 5 points for your performance, then I’ll rock your world.”
“Yes, Miss Samantha. Thank you, Miss Samantha. But everyone says they want an experienced slave. It’s a cruel paradox.”
“Of course it is. Did anyone ever hint that we weren’t cruel? And stop complaining. If I hadn’t invited you here, you’d still be a virgin.”
“You are right as always, Mistress Samantha.”
All the while, the beauty stroked me harder and faster. “Oh, Miss, I’m on the edge!”
“Hold it, Jenny. Ride the edge! Love that edge!” The other servants chimed in encouragement.
“Yes, I do! Oh, Miss Samantha!”
“Take a break, Jenny,” she said, mercifully letting go. She gave me her TCD, blue eyes wide, as I gasped, waiting for my stifled desire to subside.
A few seconds later, she squeezed me and rubbed my cockhead between her thumb and forefinger. “I’m going to give you a choice, Jenny. You see, I haven’t spanked a boy today, and I love spanking boys. You told me that you’ve learned to like being spanked, so that choice is a win/win for us both.
“But I also haven’t sucked a cock in a long time, and even though I’m a domme, I do like the sensation of a velvety dickhead rubbing the roof of my mouth. I’m sure you’d like it if I sucked your cock, wouldn’t you, Jenny?”
“Oh, yes, Miss Samantha, that would be wonderful. I’m at the edge just thinking about it.”
“Hold the edge, slave Jenny. Hold it. Oh, you look so charming, stuck between agony and ecstacy. So the blowjob is your choice?”
I managed to gasp, “Oh, Miss Samantha, I’m your plaything. I’ll do whatever you prefer. O, Miss, the edge, the edge.”
“Hold it, Jenny, hold it.” “You can do it!” My fellow servants, despite their envy, were in my corner.
She allowed me no relief, but squeezed my frenum. I drummed my ankles on the floor, desperate to maintain control.
“My choice is to give you the choice. Shall I give you a short break and then begin to suck?”
“Yes, Miss Samantha, yes, please!” I felt desperate, so close to the edge, and after seeing what happened to Bethie, I sure didn’t want to lose control. Yes, she let go! I panted and gasped, still a bit frightened. Precum dripped down my shaft. I felt the top of my cum wad in my cock shaft finally recede like the top wave of high tide. “Oh, oh,” I moaned, slumped over and catching my breath.
Samantha allowed me a bit over a minute and I needed every second. When she touched me again, she used only her thumb and forefinger on the base of my cock. She held my tender balls in the other hand, squeezing very gently. The sensation gave me a different sort of edge, one between pleasure and pain. What she said, though, was shocking.
“Silly me, I forgot to explain the price you’d pay for each choice. I should have waited; no male can make a rational decision when a beautiful girl is pumping his cock on the edge.” Never had I heard so insincere a voice. “Oh, well, that’s no excuse. You made your decision and you’ll just have to pay the price I want. I’ll explain the price when I’m through with your cock. I’m going to suck you to three more edges, and you don’t need to tell me when you edge. I’ll be the judge of that.” She immediately leaned over and took my oversensitive, dripping penis into her mouth.
Oh, that felt sooo good! “Oh, ah,” I gasped. “Oh, thank you, Mistress Samantha. Oh, how good it feels.” One particularly pleasurable nip of her lips felt so delightful my eyes flew open. My first edge. Steffie and Nicola had approached as close as they dared, eyes riveted, hands busy.
Suddenly desperate, I again felt a surge in my cock. “Ah, ah, ah,” I cried out, edging once more. Samantha gave a muffled laugh and kept sucking, bobbing her head up and down, keeping me right where she wanted me. I bore down to control myself as I hadn’t done since inititation.I gasped beyond words and hoped Samantha realized I couldn’t take much more edging. Finally, she released her suction with an audible pop.
I buried my face in my hands. I’d been so close to cumming. Yet before I fully recovered, Samantha reclaimed my cockhead with her lips. Just about instantly, I began to fill again, my hips thrusting uncontrollably. “Ah, ah, Oh, please, Mistress, please!”
I twisted and turned, trying to distract myself from my urgent need to cum. It seemed like such a long time Mistress kept me at the edge. I gasped and grunted inarticulately when suddenly she completely released me. I sagged on the chair, panting, utterly relieved that I’d made it. At first I was only dimly aware Mistress was speaking again, then she got my full attention.
“...the price. Well, I think when a woman gives a boy a blowjob, especially someone as inexperienced as you, it not only gives him pleasure, it serves as a lesson in cocksucking for him. So I want you, Jenny to show me what I just taught you.” Again, that terribly insincere tone. “I know you and Nicola are getting to be friends, and I’m sure he’d like to know how good it was to be sucked by me. So I want you to be very nice to him and show him what I just taught you. “
Speechless, I stared at her.
“Go on, it’s nice to make your friend feel good, so go ahead and start to suck Nicola’s thick cock for him.”
Aghast, Nicola and I stared at each other. With a piteous look at Samantha, he spread his legs and let go of his wilting penis.
“Hurry up, Jenny. If he gets soft, I’ll punish you both severely.”
Stuck, I left my seat and crawled around the central table to Nicola. With a sigh, I gingerly took his cock in my hand and squeezed it. I soon had it between my lips and applied pressure. Fortunately for both of us, it responded to me despite our revulsion.
“Oh, I just love when you boys are so obedient! It’s the best. Jenny, don’t neglect your own prick. Keep it stiff. Yes, that’s right. What a lucky slave boy, to have a cock in one hand and another in your mouth. But I don’t think you’re showing enough enthusiasm. Here’s some encouragement.”
With that, Samantha spanked me. I smelled maleness, despite Nicola’s cleanliness, and, for the second time, felt my mouth filled with an object I truly didn’t want in there. Yet the sensation wasn’t all unpleasant. The soft, smooth tip felt good, but I sure didn’t enjoy the experience as a whole. Especially when Samantha locked her fingers in my hair and pushed me toward Nicola and I gagged on him. Ewww! Nicola seemed to like it, though. He started grunting. I knew what that meant.
“Oh, Nicola, you sound like you’re close to cumming. Give me one good, long edge and I’ll have more instructions for you. Jenny, don’t stop sucking him until I tell you it’s OK.”
Reluctantly, I settled in for what I figured would be a long haul. I did what I could for Nicola, lessening the pressure. He groaned and twisted for few seconds, then relaxed.
“Good for you, Nicola. I knew you could do it. You don’t want to end up like poor Bethie, do you?”
“No, Miss Samantha,” he croaked.
“I have instructions for both of you. Listen carefully and let me know that you understand. You won’t start until I say go. Nicola, when was the last time you came?
“The night of the initiation party, Miss.”
“Good, I bet you’d like to cum.”
“Yes, Miss.” Nicola didn’t sound very eager; I think he knew what was next.
“Good. So after I say Go, the blowjob goes until I say Stop, but that won’t be until after you cum. You do have permission to cum. As for you, Jenny, keep playing with yourself and you’re not to stop pleasuring your friend’s nice penis until I say Stop. I want your lips sealed tight, and I don’t want you to swallow anything. Keep every drop of his gift to you in your mouth. After I say Stop, show his cum to everyone in the room, then when I command Swallow, you’ll fully accept his gift to you. Do you both understand?”
Nicola said, and I mumbled, “Yes, Miss Samantha.” I always felt grateful to Samantha for recruiting me, and I sure looked forward to the time when she’d fulfill her promise to fuck me, but at the moment, I hated her a bit. For one thing, she never stopped slapping my butt.
“OK, go!”
At least Nicola and I both wanted to get it over with. I applied suction with my lips and rasped the cockhead against my tongue while bobbing my head up and down as Nicola’s hips pumped the stiff prick into me. In a short minute, he began moaning and the motion of his hips sped up.
“That’s it, Nicola!” Samantha was so encouraging. “You get to cum at last. Strong spurts to overflow Jenny’s mouth. There you go! Isn’t that a perfect cum for you?”
She drove me crazy with her sarcasm, but I bore down and sealed my lips and throat as spurt after spurt surged into me, warm and tangy. Yech! I thought. Well, millions of girls survived this, so should I.
Nicola calmed down, but I hadn’t been told to stop, so I obediently kept up the suction. Suddenly, Nicola went wild. “Oh, ah! Ouch! Oh!” He involuntarily tried to retreat and withdraw, his oversensitized prick taking over his body. Thinking of poor Bethie’s fate and wanting to avoid disobedience, I rode with him and with difficulty allowed none of his thick fluid to pass my lips.
Bethie finally stopped struggling and collapsed, panting.
“Stop!” called Samantha. “Show me his cum!”
Miserable, I pushed the wad to the front of my tongue and opened my mouth, facing Samantha.
“Oh, what a good boy you are, Jenny. All that cum and not a drop spilled.”She patted me on the head. “Now show the other boys what a nice blowjob you gave Nicola. First Steffie, then Nicola.”
I displayed the froth at my lips to both boys, who dutifully looked, then averted their eyes.
“Good boy, Jenny. Now let me see you slowly swallow Nicola’s sexy gift.”
I faced her and gave a distinct gulp as the slime went down.
“Some of the delicious fluid lingers on your lips.”
With a sigh, I licked my lips and ostentatiously swallowed again.
Samantha clapped her hands in delight. “Oh, what a terrific performance from both of you.” She positively beamed at Nicola. “One of my favorite sights is a boy cummnig when he doesn’t want to. The facial expressions are so precious! Now, Nicola, I know you just came and need time to recover but resume playing with yourself so you can be ready as quick as possible for the next Sister to use you.”
Nicola, looking quite glum, complied. Steffie never stopped, nor had I, despite the anti-erotic nature of my service in the last few minutes.
“I’m not through with you yet, Jenny. Follow me upstairs. I want to cum and cum and cum after that sexy scene.”
I followed her up to her room, curtseying to Dorothea and Angela on the way. Samantha left the door open, inviting spectators.
“Stand still,” Samantha commanded when I was at the foot of her bed. “Hands behind your back. She swiftly bound my wrists together with a soft, thick rope. I heard a whisper of cloth behind me, then she lay naked on the bed, legs spread. “Lick me until I tell you to stop. Start with my upper thighs, mound and the outside. I want max pleasure for me and the bonds deprive you of feeling me. Begin.”
I lay down on the bed, well, I flopped heavily since I didn’t realize ahead of time how much I needed my arms for the simple act of lying down. There before me was Samantha’s pussy, with large, plump outer lips concealing her inner lips, a perfect camel toe. I kissed and licked her inner thighs, then up and around her lower belly, back down the other side again and again, each time getting closer to her mound.
As I worked slowly toward her pussy lips, Samantha spoke in a hoarse stage whisper. “First time sex experiences are so memorable and life-changing. I’m sure you’ll treasure the memory of me taking your virginity forever...”
“I still remember the first time I let a boy take off my bra, and get a finger inside me, and the first cock I sucked, let alone fucked. Oh, and my first time with a girl. Angie was so sweet.” She paused at this point. I noticed she gripped her breasts with both hands and dampness oozed from between her cuntlips. The aroma, as always, aroused me. I humped the bedclothes shamelessly. “I loved the first time I spanked a boy, but one of the best first times got me interested in spanking males, yet I never slapped anyone.
“At the beginning of last summer, just after graduation and the big party, I went to another city with my Mom to visit her best friend, Pat. Fortunately for me, her daughter, a couple of years older than me, was also home. I hadn’t seen Ellen in a few years, but we were friends. Her brother Dick, a creepy nerd, was there also. My age, but like so many teen males, immature.
“One day, we planned to go swimming at the lake. We girls decided to change into our swimsuits and put a dress over them. We went to Ellen’s room to change. Well, in the years since I’d last seen Susan, two events occurred. Angie showed me how exciting sex with a girl can be, and Susan grew a big pair of breasts.
“While we changed, I admired her full titties and big nipples. ‘Wow, Ellen, you sure grew a pair,’ I said, blatantly staring. ‘They are pretty big, aren’t they? 34DD,’ she said. I told her they were the biggest I’d ever seen and she just grinned. I told her she was lucky to have such a set and she agreed. She appraised my pair and told me they were firm and beautiful.”
The image of two beautiful women trading compliments about their breasts got me humping. I stained the comforter.
“I wanted Ellen so much. She was beautiful and I like big breasts just as much as most guys. I told her I wished mine were bigger like hers. I noticed they were firm for her size and she just smiled. I took a deep breath and asked if I could touch them. It was partly from curiosity, but mostly I that hoped that if I once got my fingers on her bulges and nipples, she’d want more and I’d take her to bed.
“Ellen looked a bit confused, but came over to me and asked, ‘It’s just curiosity, right?’ I agreed, lying like hell.
“So I reached out both hands and lifted those incredible tits in my hands. They felt so good! Ellen sighed, so I knew she liked it. I was working up the nerve to kiss one and suck a nipple when we were distracted.
“’ Hey! What are you up to?’ screamed my mother. Ellen and I traded guilty looks and I dropped her boobs instantly. False alarm. Mom kept on. ‘You, Dick! Spying on your sister and my daughter! Wanking in the hall. You come with me, young man!’
“He protested, ‘Those lezzies were feeling each others’ tits!’
“To my great surprise, Mom responded, ‘I don’t care if they were locked in a girl 69 with screaming orgasms, you don’t have the right to peep on them!’ I grinned at Ellen and whispered ‘That sounds like fun,’ but her only reaction was an eye roll. ‘My stupid brother,’ she said. In the hall, Mom, in high dudgeon, went on. ‘Put that dripping dick back in your pants, Dick. And what’s this? A camera? Boy, are you in trouble!’”
I couldn’t help it, I laughed into Samantha’s thigh. She tousled my head and said, “My mom told us to get dressed and come downstairs right away. I was naked, so I got into my bikini. Ellen still had her lacy panties on, so she replaced her big mounds in the matching bra and we went downstairs, me silent on bare feet, and Ellen’s heels tapping on the steps.
“When we got to the living room, Dick sat on a chair to one side, looking frightened and avoiding our eyes. Despite his fear, he called, ‘Here come the dykes now!’ We glared at him. Across the room, Mom and Pat punched buttons on Dick’s digital camera. Pat rounded on her son. ‘Shut up, you peeping Tom! There’s no excuse for spying on her sister and her friend, let alone taking nudie pictures of them!’
“I gulped. Did he catch me with my hands on Ellen? I guess not, ‘cause we never got in trouble. Anyway, they deleted the pictures. Then his mom, Alice, lectured him, confiscated the camera, grounded him and told him to prepare for a severe spanking. ‘And I want you girls to watch the whole show. He was so eager to see you, now you’ll see him naked and in pain.’ She told Ellen to fetch the paddle. She ran out and returned right away carrying a two foot long wooden paddle with holes drilled in it and handed it to her mother.
By this point in the sexy narrative, I’d reached her pussylips with my tongue and Samantha’s voice grew a bit deeper and hoarse. She paused often in her account and her hips moved more and more insistently.
“Dick protested that confiscation of his camera and grounding were enough, but Alice told him arguing would only get him punished more. With many sidelong glances at us where we sat on a couch, he slowly stripped. His circumcised cock stood there totally stiff and bobbed about as he moved. Alice had him face us with his hands on his head and apologize. After his very insincere apology, Ellen walloped him with the paddle several times, making him jump and twitch, gasping at each strike. His hips swung back and forth like he was fucking. He looked very worried and tried to cover himself.
“Alice was wise to him. ‘Keep your hands on your head. Don’t you dare move.’ Dick obeyed, with a piteous worried look. ‘Watch this, girls,’ said Alice. She placed her fingertip on the shaft of his prick, just above his balls, and slowly slid it upwards.”
I slowly moved my tongue from the bottom of her slit up toward Samantha’s clit. I touched it just as Alice, in the narrative, reached the top of Dick’s shaft. Samantha punctuated her narration with gasps and moans as she came. Her thighs gripped my head against her.
“Dick was frantic. ‘No, Mom, no! I don’t want to!’ he wailed. But he was beyond control when Alice’s finger touched his cockhead. The panicked look on his face that did not go away, even when he gave his first, huge spurt, but he cried out. His mouth went slack and his knees buckled. He screwed up his face trying to stop further squirts, but he sure lost that battle. I didn’t pay much attention to his cock, though, ‘cause he looked so miserable and ecstatic at the same time, shaking his head with his eyes rolling wildly. I loved that look! His hips again and again as all his cum spattered out. Finally, he was done, standing there, head hanging in shame.”
Samantha spasmed a few more times, reliving the naughty event. Once she passed her peak, I withdrew from her lips and resumed my circling in. She gasped and recovered, then picked up the story.
“Alice snapped, ‘Compose yourself, Dick.’ She kept smacking him with the paddle and his deflated cock went limp. Big as he was, he started to cry. He moved all over the place, so his Mom had him grasp a chair and stick his bum out. Ellen and I lost our view of his shriveled penis, but his red bum made up for that. I’d never seen anything like that (another first for me) and I thrilled to see the glowing hot spots. Just before Alice stopped, I noticed some of his bum turning purple. My pussy was so damp I shamelessly rubbed my legs together. Even my mom, standing close by, shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
“With a final, ‘Let that be a lesson to you,” Alice put down the paddle. Dick’s hands flew to his cheeks, but Alice said, ‘No rubbing!’ Dick, still sobbing, jumped up and down on alternating feet, a true spanking dance. Dick’s limp dick flopped up and down. “Look at his thing,’ cried Ellen, pointing. ‘Isn’t it cute, all flapping around?’ I enthusiastically agreed it served him right.
“Alice sent Dick to the corner and told Ellen and me we might as well get dressed since we weren’t going to the lake. She and I ran upstairs. Once in her room, she said, ‘I don’t know about you, but that made me so fucking horny! I need to cum.’
“’Me, too,’ I said. ‘My bikini bottoms are as wet as if we’d gone swimming. But I was already getting horny before your brother got caught.’ I stared at her breasts, partially covered by pretty lace cups.
“She cupped her breasts with her hands. ‘You mean...’ I nodded, ‘They’re so beautiful and felt so nice, I wanted to kiss them.’ I gulped. It could spoil the moment...or make it.
“’Oh, wow,’ said Ellen. ‘Have you ever...with a girl?’ ‘Yes, and I love it. You will, too, Ellen.’ She paused for a moment, then opened her arms and said, ‘Well, I’m so horny, and I’ve always wondered about it. Just don’t tell anyone.’ And that was a first for her. I licked her all over (You better get busy and bring me over the top, Jenny.) and I gave her cum after cum, but the image of Dick’s face as he came never left me and helped bring me off just like now!” With that, she pushed my head into her pussy and I swirled my tongue around her clit and then up and down over it fast, bringing the beauty to yet another cum. She twisted and turned, moaning and rolling her head from side to side. She passed her peak, but barely paused. “Again,” she whispered, so I kept my tongue and lips busy. More gasps and twists. For once, I didn’t have much trouble keeping my lips glued to a Sister’s pussylips ‘cause Samantha held both sides of my head right were she wanted me. “Oh, that felt good. What nice, strong cums. You learned a lot since you started your service.” My heartfelt thanks went unnoticed. Samantha was distracted. “Oh, hi, Teresa. been watching long?”
I looked up to see the petite Freshman with her curly brown hair. Her hand plunged into the waistband of her miniskirt.
“I heard your moans and saw the open door. I guess you relived seducing some girl?”
“You bet, and now I want to taste pussy. Come here, girl, and let me play with that.” To me, she said, “Go stand in the corner. I may ask you for some toys from the bedside table. Remain stiff and don’t cum. You may come close to watch, but never touch or interfere.” She released my hands from the rope.
“Yes, Mistress Samantha. Thank you for the privilege. I wouldn’t dream of interfering. I wish you both great joy.”
Teresa wasted no time shedding her top. She wore no bra. Her breasts bounced a tiny bit as she lay down in Samantha’s arms. Sam kissed her passionately and gripped her butt as she whispered “Another first for me. I always admired your ass and now it’s mine.”
Teresa giggled. “Take me, Sam,” she said in a deep, sexy voice.
As the two women became better acquainted, I unobtrusively opened the drawer Samantha mentioned and saw lube, solid and battery powered dildos, nipple clamps, textured gloves, feathers, a pair of rabbit fur gloves, and a leather slapper with a stiff handle. Now ready if asked to supply any of the items, I decided to record this in my journal as an example of anticipating my Mistress’s needs. I barely needed to fondle myself, the action on the bed was so hot.
Sam stripped off Teresa’s skirt and rubbed her sex through her yellow bikini panties. The pair kissed each other and Teresa cupped one of Sam’s breasts.
“Oh, Samantha, I always envied your cleavage. Such beauties.” Teresa gently took Sam’s nipple in her mouth. Precum lubed my hand. My breathing sounded ragged.
Sam lay back and closed her eyes, arching her back to hold her chest up to be kissed and sucked. Teresa paid attention to both breasts with her mouth, then kissed her way toward Samantha’s belly button.
Sam had other ideas. She sat partway up, staring at Teresa’s small, firm breasts. “Beautiful puffies! How lovely.” She fondled and outlined the prominent nipples that bulged from the small conical breasts. When she sucked them, Teresa sighed and lay back on the bed. “Oh, I want to hurt these tiny beauties!” With that, Samantha twisted one of the nipples, making Teresa cry out.
The petite brunette did not protest, but instead pushed her breast toward Samantha. I took the nipple clips (chrome alligator clamps joined by a slender chain) from the drawer in case they were wanted.
Samantha sucked one small breast into her mouth and held the other, gripping hard, fingers digging into the taut breastflesh.
Tales in the Auxiliary held that the rare sight of one Sister topping another was incredibly hot, and now that I was a privileged witness, I heartily agreed. I barely gave myself full strokes before I edged.
Samantha reached a hand toward me and I placed the clips over her outstretched fingers as she said, “Nipple...Oh, good.” She flashed me a quick smile, then returned her attention to Teresa. With an evil grin, she said, “Sit up.” When Teresa obeyed, Sam slapped her breasts, lightly at first, then harder, making the little cones bobble about. “Hold still,” commanded Samantha. She then placed an alligator clip on Teresa’s right nipple.
Teresa gasped, but did not flinch away. Eyes wide, after a few deep breaths she appeared adjusted to the pressure. Twisting her shoulders, she offered the remaining breast to Samantha, who smiled, kissed her, and clamped the other nipple. The sexy pair held each other’s gaze as Teresa adjusted to the second pinch, then they kissed again. Samantha tugged on the chain, making Teresa lean to one side or another, as they gazed into each other’s eyes. They shared another kiss, twining their fingers in each other’s hair.
Samantha gently but insistently pushed Teresa on the bed face down. She than raised the girl’s hips and smacked her wide, round cheeks, partially covered by shiny yellow panties. Teresa looked back and smiled.
I edged again, knees buckling.
Samantha tugged the skimpy panties off Teresa’s legs. I tried to peer past Sam to see her pussy, but Sam blocked my view, kissing and licking Teresa’s ass, a classic round bubble butt. Sam bit both cheeks, shaking her head as she did so. “Mmmmm, growfff!” growled the excited blonde. “I’m gonna make this beautiful ass red and stingy.” She began slapping each cheek alternately, and in a few moments, the red part of her promise came true.
Teresa squealed, “Oh, ooooh,” in an artificially high pitched voice, wiggling her hips back and forth.
I took the slapper from the drawer, and gripped it so I could put the handle in Sam’s hand instantly. Not a moment too soon. Sam reached back and I met her perfectly with the handle.
Whap, whap, whap went the slapper. Sam started quite gently, but her blows increased in force. Teresa moaned and swung her hips from side to side, not in any way to avoid, but rather to entice, further slaps.
“Girl, you are so hot!,” said Samantha. “Roll over.” When Teresa quickly obeyed, Sam turned around, straddling her, facing her body, and lowered her cunt to the Teresa’s lips and tongue. “Spread those legs wide,” she demanded.
Teresa licked Samantha’s damp cunt, and I used my privilege to look closely as her agile tongue disappeared between Sam’s prominent lips. I breathed deeply through my nose, savoring the my favorite scent. Slapping sounds distracted me. To my surprise, I saw Samantha swatting Teresa’s pussy with her fingers, her palm pressed on her partner’s pubic mound.
Teresa loved it, gasping and crying, “Oh, yes, Sam, yes!”
“Oh, yeah? Take this, ‘Resa!” Sam wielded the slapper to her right hand and spanked the reddened pussylips. My eyes bulged and I stroked myself wildly, going right to the edge. I panted and had to stop, very reluctantly.
Teresa moaned aloud and pulled Samantha’s thighs to her face. Sam cried out, “I love slapping cunt!” Then both girls grew inarticulate, with Sam’s unimpeded cries filling the room. The Sisters came twice before slowing down. Sam dropped the slapper and climbed off her new lover. She reversed and they held each other, kissing tenderly.
Sam remembered me after a while. “Jenny, well done. Now leave us and close the door behind you.”
The hall was empty of people, the lights in the stairs and common areas dimmed. Sounds, however, filled the air. Moans, sobs, smacks, groans and wails of ecstasy, the sounds of a TDK weekend evening. On my way downstairs, I curtsied to a naked Doris, who barely noticed me as she went from a bedroom to the washroom.
Below Stairs was empty at 9:00; everyone was in service, I figured. My shift ended at 11:30. Idly fondling my partially deflated penis, I went to the kitchen, suddenly aware how famished I was. A chicken salad sandwich and some fresh apple cider took care of that. I kept myself partially stiff with some difficulty. I realized I might remain by myself for the rest of my shift. I looked at magazines and a video, managing to achieve full erections a few times. I always remained acceptably stiff.
Once, I heard voices from the basement stairs. I went to the door and saw Angela and a very happy looking Talissa, led by her hand gasping his boner, pass by. His bum was visibly bruised, even in the dim light. I curtseyed, but the intent pair took no notice. I guess Talissa had been used by Angela for what he’d called “special purposes.”
Finally, at about 10:45, Teresa, clad in a diaphanous robe over a negligee, entered. I stood and curtsied, then knelt and prostrated myself.
“What does this mean, slave?”
“Mistress Teresa, I was deeply honored to be of service to you during your intense playtime with Mistress Samantha. As a mere male servant, I felt humbled to observe the intense pleasure two women can give each other.”
I scrambled to my feet, hands behind my back, eyes to the floor.
“Had you ever seen one Sister submit to another before?”
“No, Mistress.”
“You’re wilting. Does that mean you find me less than attractive?”
“No, Mistress, on the contrary, I find you very attractive. My condition is caused by the lateness of the hour and the extreme degree of sexual stimulation I’ve felt this day and the lack of stim now. May I please have permission to arouse myself to a state more worthy of you?”
I happily resumed my nearly perpetual masturbation.
“Look at me and tell me of your reaction to my play with Mistress Samantha.”
Uh, oh. Some sort of test. “Mistress Teresa, I became very aroused and I literally dripped precum. I used all my control skills to prevent an accident. I barely touched myself before I edged, several times.”
“That’s not my concern. How did you evaluate the interaction between us?”
Oh, she was concerned I’d see her as a submissive female. “Mistress Teresa, I saw two very strong, sexually confident women intensify their respective roles in your first sexual encounter. I remained deeply humbled in the presence of such a unique and moving coupling and will treasure the honor of observing and providing some of the implements for your mutual pleasure. At this moment, I drip precum in homage to you both at the memory.” I meant it, but I hoped I hadn’t overdone it.
She met my gaze with a jaundiced eye, arms akimbo, her hands fists. Her shoulders and upper body were stiff with tension. “Pure butter. Just what you think I want to hear.”
I took a deep breath. Sweat formed on my forehead. Yet my cock remained rock hard and my blue balls ached. “Mistress Teresa, I’m not very experienced, it’s true. But I am truly submissive, with a lot to learn. From my reading here and in my dorm room, I understand that there is dominance and submission in any sexual act. The roles can alternate as fast as complimentary hip thrusts or as slowly as a lifetime. I happened to be utterly fortunate to watch two highly sexed women, attracted to each other, come together for their first time. One necessarily took the lead, given the nature of your sexuality. This time it was Samantha. Next time, or perhaps after I left the room, it might be you. But the sexual energy between you two overwhelmed you both. Again, Mistress Teresa, I am humbled and honored to have had a small part in your union.”
To my relief, Mistress Teresa took a deep breath of her own and the tension in her shoulders relaxed. Her fists disappeared. “Get your cage and come with me,” she said, striding forward and grasping my stiff cock. She led me to my cubby to retrieve my chastity, then out of the room and around to the stairs, up two flights to her room, where I placed my cage on her vanity. She bade me turn the chair in front of her vanity to face outwards and sat, pointing to her lap.
I bent over, a slight tremor in my thighs betraying my anticipation of a spanking. Sure enough, Mistress Teresa smacked me lightly at first, but harder and harder as time went on. However, before the sting truly hurt, she told me to stand up. When I obeyed, she grasped my stiff cock and pumped it slowly, with a medium grip I found utterly arousing. I groaned as precum spread from my opening to my cockhead and down to my shaft.
Suddenly, Teresa let go of my dripping stiffie and slapped it again and again. In seconds, the poor cock wilted completely. Without a glance at my face, Teresa gripped me very gently, squeezing and stroking. I reacted slowly at first, then surged to full erection. Teresa continued her cock massage until I dripped precum, then tightened her grip and sped up. Her thumb slid over my cockhead while her forefinger overran my rim again and again. “Describe your sensations.”
“Oh, Miss Teresa, you make my cock feel so good. The head throbs and my balls are very blue and ache when you jerk me. My scalp tingles and my toes curl with the effort to be obedient and not cum. I’m totally within your power, where I belong.” My hips twitched, half involuntarily.
She increased the pressure. “So your on the edge?”
“Yes, Miss Teresa, I sure am. It feels so good to hold it.”
“Do you really mean it, Jenny?”
“Oh, yes, the edge has the most intense sensations and proves your power more than anything.” I gasped my words, struggling to maintain control.
“Would you enjoy it if I gave you permission to cum?”
“Oh, yes, Mistress, I haven’t cum since initiation so many weeks ago.” I barely dared to hope. “I long to cum, I need to cum. It can’t be healthy not to cum with such blue balls for so long, Mistress. Please, please, Mistress Teresa, grant me relief. I’ll do whatever it takes. Oh, Mistress Teresa, I beg you, grant me permission. Oh, I do so hope you’ll have mercy on me and aren’t just toying with your humble servant. Please, Miss Teresa, please allow me to cum.”Just the thought of the possibility and I totally wimped out. Oh, these Sisters had me right where they wanted me. Begging somehow made it easier to hold the edge.
Teresa smiled like the Cheshire cat as I groveled. “You say you’ll do whatever it takes. I wonder, Jenny. Take your cage out of its little bag so you can see it.” She let go.
Gasping with relief, my body quivering, I nervously did as asked and held the chastity where she could take it if she wished.
Teresa swept her nylon robe from the front of her body, then spread her legs, revealing her pussy decorated by two parallel lines of trimmed hair above her lips. “Would you like to have your cock placed in my pussy?”
Instantly hyperventilating, I gasped, “Oh, yes, Mistress, yes!”
“Well, I have a test for you. Win or lose, your cock will be in some confining receptacle. If you pass, you’ll lie on my bed and I’ll engulf you and ride you to ecstasy. If you fail, back goes the cage. The only rules are you may not touch anything, so keep your hands behind your back, don’t cum and the most important one, remain fully erect. Understood?”
Trying to control my breathing, I managed, “Yes, Mistress Teresa. Hands behind me, don’t cum, stay hard.”
“Good boy.” She patted my head, the lower one. She took a small leather pouch from her vanity and extracted a spiked wheel supported by a handle. A most formidable toy. Watching me with an evil grin, she slowly worked the spikes up my thigh to my belly. The sharp points felt ominous without being painful. The wheel walked up my other thigh. I stared at Teresa’s dripping pussy, concentrating on my desire to fuck. Teresa gently gripped my cockhead with her thumb and forefinger, pulling it away from my body as the wheel traveled across me, right over the base of my cock. I gasped and my hips recoiled. Teresa very slowly walked the wheel across the top of my shaft, the least sensitive part. I felt it throb and stiffen. Perhaps I’d pass the test. I licked my lips and imagined my cock slipping between her pussylips.
“You’re doing very well. You may yet fuck me and cum tonight.”
I gasped, “Oh, Mistress Teresa, I hope so. This is a hard test.”
“Well, it’s a test of hardness, but I’ve barely started.” The wheel, with more pressure, rolled up and down one side of my shaft, not quite all the way to my tip.
“Ah, ah, ah,” I gasped, twitching my hips.
“Hold still, you’re making it difficult to press. I’ll fail you if you don’t stand stock still.” She held the my cage in her free hand.
Gasping, desperate not to fail, I forced my rebelling body to stillness. I stared into the gleaming brown eyes of my tormentor.
Again her evil grin. “Which is it to be, pussy or penis prison?” Teresa forced my stiff cock back against my body by pressing hard on the wheel, all the way up the front of my shaft, the spikes poking most painfully into my cum tube, over my poor cockhead, back and forth, all over the tip. I moaned as I felt my once proud cock soften and curl away from the painful wheel.
“Oh, too bad, Jenny. You failed, you shrinking wimp.” With that, she pushed me back and I fell on the bed, with her pressing that awful, stinging wheel across my cockhead and shaft, then down to my balls. I shrieked in pain, frantically crab-walking away from her. Tears filled my eyes and spattered about, impelled by my erratic motions.
She finally stopped poking me and laughed. “Oh, too bad you failed. I would have kept my promise, but it was too much for you, poor boy. Take a moment to recover, I’m not done with you.”
Sobbing, I barely noticed as she snapped my cage shut around my flaccid cock, shrunk to its littlest form.
Teresa lay on her bed, head propped up by pillows, slowly rubbing her pussy. She tousled my head. “Oh, I love seeing boys cry ‘cause they can’t fuck me. It’s so gratifying!” Her eyes glowed as she watched me, curled up at the foot of her bed.
I sobbed shamelessly, beyond all self control with frustration, disappointment and self-loathing. I lost a real chance to fuck one of the sisters and did all that shameless begging for nothing.
“Well, you don’t get to cum, but I do, as much as I need. Get busy and lick me. I need to cum a few more times before I can sleep.”
Still crying a bit, I reluctantly lay between her legs and began licking her outer lips.
“Oh, to be licked by a crying boy! Incredible! I love it! I have to tell Sam about this!” I cried all the harder with audible sobs despite my busy mouth.
“Go for the clit, I’m ready to pop.”
I sucked her clit into my mouth and buzzed my tongue tip over the bud.
A few seconds was all she needed. Teresa screamed, bucking her hips up to me, pumping them again and again, pressing my head to her cuntlips. She came again, crying out, “Yes, yes, yes! Oh, what a cum!” I kept licking and licking, still sobbing a bit, but I’ll be darned if my impudent penis didn’t try to grow again. Made my balls ache.
Teresa relaxed, still breathing hard. She writhed and twisted her back, still holding me to her dampness. “Finger fuck me, that’s as close as you’ll come tonight.” I obediently inserted two fingers deep in her slit and slid them in and out, wriggling them all the while. “Oh, I love being a girl. I get to cum and cum and cum as much as I like, while you have to hold it or you become totally useless. Oh, yes! Oh,! Aiiieee!” Again, she arched her back and moaned, rolling her head from side to side. She pulled my head up against her so hard it almost hurt, then with a final cry and a huge wrench of her entire body, she thrust me away and collapsed, panting, grinning, eyes closed. After several moments, she sighed contentedly. “Help me out of my robe.”
Blinking back the last of my tears, I tugged the thin nylon covering from under her hips and off her shoulders, folding it over the chair by the vanity.
“Tuck me in.” Mistress Teresa languidly arranged her self as I maneuvered the bedclothes, rumpled by our activities, over her.
“Good night, Mistress Teresa.” I forced myself to speak politely. “Thank you for using me for your pleasure. I humbly apologize for failing your test.”
“You boys are so pitiful. Begging is so gratifying to me, but I was determined to make you fail. You never had a chance. Maybe some day I’ll give you a real test. Now go downstairs and get dressed. Since you’re locked, you can let yourself out.”
Fresh tears fell down my cheeks as I heard her last cruel statement. I stumbled from the room, barely able to keep from sobbing aloud. The hallway was quieter than before, but from behind Angela’s door came the unmistakable sound of creaking bedsprings, slapping, and mingled male and female grunts and groans, punctuated by Talissa crying out, “Oh, Miss Angela, thank you so much!” I broke down, crying and sobbing. Fortunately, no on met me in the hall and I quickly dressed and went to my dorm. Sure was hard getting to sleep that night.


The story so far:

Jerry, an 18 year old nerdy college Freshman, is flabbergasted when a gorgeous blonde seeks him out. To his amazement, he is invited to compete against several other boys for the privilege of serving the sexual and other needs of a sorority of dominant beauties. He prepares himself to get an edge and endures ordeals in parts 1 and 2.

I apply to the Sorority Auxiliary, Part 1
I apply to the Sorority Auxiliary, Part 2
The ordeals continue into Saturday. Later, he and two other successful candidates begin training in both sexual and non-sexual service to the ladies. Will these nerds lose their virginity? Saturday is covered in parts 3A and 3B.
Initiation to Sorority Auxiliary, Part 3A: Saturday
Initiatoin to Sorority Auxiliary, Part 3B: Saturday
A rigorous training day goes into Sunday evening, when there is an initiation ceremony, complete with a faculty advisor.
Sorority Auxiliary, Part 4A: Marci ... 66#p102366
Sorority Auxiliary, Part 4B: Veronica ... 64#p102364
Sorority Auxiliary, Part 4C: Samantha
Jenny's first day of service and more are described in
Sorority Auxiliary, Part 5: My Service Begins
Sorority Auxiliary, Part 6: True Service is Hard
Jenny is further challenged to learn more about being a sexual servant and plaything.
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Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by looksee73 »

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Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by janmb »

Another fantastic chapter in this great story - loved it as always!

I think there was one or two cases of names mixed up in there, related to the visit with Sams mom, to Ellen, her brother and her mom, but other than that it's perfect!

I'll PM you a couple more feedback / ideas too ;-)
Yes, I most certainly CAN do it again!
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Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by Chico »

What a fantastic story :-D
I've never bothered with reading the story section much before because I've usually found them to be too much based on fantasy and really unbelievable but I'm really glad I found this one.
Thank you very much indeed for composing a great tale and for taking the time to share it here.
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Dom/me(s): Not currently serving a Superior. I'd love to negotiate a contract to encourage my writing, as I've done in the past.
Any genuine females interested?
Location: Portland OR

Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by micheleFFS »


I'm glad you liked the story. Have you read all the episodes?

I have other stories here and also on, here I use the name Paddler. I hope I can entertain you.

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Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by lez »

Hands down the best story series on the site. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
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Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by janmb »

Next installment - where art thou? :lol: :-D
Yes, I most certainly CAN do it again!
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Any genuine females interested?
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Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by micheleFFS »

Holidays, teaching classes, leaky roof, old tenants out, new tenants in, busted faucet. Soon, my friend.

Console yourself with the illustrated story I'll post a link to in another topic in Stories.

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Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by janmb »

Fantastic - no rush - just good to see you are still around and more installments can be expected in the future - whenever you get there :D

Downloaded the pdf - looking forward to read it - looks very good at first glance anyway
Yes, I most certainly CAN do it again!
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Any genuine females interested?
Location: Portland OR

Re: Sorority Auxiliary 7: First Failure

Post by micheleFFS »

Here's another.|0| ... r.pdf|3625

enjoy! I think this is the better of the two.

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