An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Discussion about Cock Hero and other sexy videos.

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After trying this video tease, do you like the Edging concept for this tease?

1) Yes! It works great.
2) It's ok - it sorta works.
3) No, it doesn't work
4) I don't get it.
Total votes: 93

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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by supermokkori »

Wow - thanks everyone for the very great feedback. :blush:
jstwolf wrote:Going back and looking at it again, I have to say that it probably wouldn't work well as a stand alone. Just starting from scratch, there is no way I could edge that quick. Guess I was planning ahead when I decided to use it as my reward vid. But, taken that way, it is superb. Maybe try marketing this as a hardcore winners reward video or something like that.
I agree jstwolf - I think used in conjunction with the standard CH-style video teases of sound/music based stroking, Edging could really enhance some of the video teases.
realnot wrote: 3. If I wanted to just edge a bunch of times and prolong my enjoyment, I can just do that myself (and often do). To me, the fun of the Cock Hero concept is that you're given a set requirement of what you have to do, and it's your challenge to try to control your arousal within those requirements. With this new style, I'm basically just doing whatever I want, except I'm being interrupted every once in a while.

Anyway, as I said, I appreciate the work you put into it! I don't mean to complain about something you are offering to the community for free, but I know you want honest feedback, so here is mine.
You're not complaining at all realnot - the only way to improve on the Edging concept is if I get critical & honest feedback... it's very much appreciated. :yes:

Your point on #3 is well-taken and I agree to a certain extent - the fun of the CH-style video teases is you're supposed to stroke to sets of required beats while the whole time controlling your arousal level no matter how difficult the stroke pattern. But eventually, after you play a video tease a few times, your body gets acclimated to the same stroke pattern, so it gets less and less difficult. That's where I think Edging could give more "longevity" to video teases - since there's no set stroke beat pattern, there's a bit more randomness to the stroking when Edging. In theory, of course. :whistle:
LordAdam wrote:Constructive ideas ... just a couple ... its a great idea to let folk run over the stop line so that they can reach an edge if there's not enough in the vid for them or they are slower than you thought they might be -- making the horn sound less intrusive might help them to do that (I found it a bit brash and off putting at a time when I just wanted to go a bit further!) ... some of the 'Do Not Fap' sequences seemed a bit long relative to the fapping time itself. This is probably just a personal thing and others might say the opposite.
Thanks LordAdam for the very good feedback. :smile:

"Going over the stop line" as you put it, is kind of the equalizer in trying to get all viewers to the Edge from the get-go so they have at least one Edge early in the video. I don't know if in future video teases, "going over the stop line" to get to the Edge will be something used too often in my future video teases.

Also, have to figure a way to explain this so it's both clear and brief as possible - telling users to "Stroke to the Edge and Ride/Hold the Edge - if you don't get to the Edge in Edging duration, keep stroking till you get to the Edge and Ride/Hold the Edge until the next stop period"... well that's REALLY long. :lol: Oh yeah, and the sound effects will be a lot less intrusive. As for the 'Do Not Fap' sequences...
Sisyphuster wrote:I concur with many people here, there wasn't enough time give to edge, and too much time "off," but I'm really glad you're doing these!
LordAdam wrote:Staying interested whilst not stroking at all, and then getting to an edge from a standing start is hard for most (me included) ... rather than a 'Do Not Fap' (total ban on stroking etc) how about a 'Stay Interested' mode where folk do what they need to keep ready to approach an edge again in a short while? That certainly works for me and gives me the best fun as I like playing with the edge when the time comes.
I might just do as LordAdam suggested, but I'll also likely make the Do Not Fap periods REALLY short, then follow it with really slow stroke beats. I'll be working on this new concept over the weekend. :yes:
dtspam wrote:I have a few suggestions for improvement though:
- Because the command just said "edge and hold" I was never sure how fast to edge. I think it would work better, if there would be some countdown (like edge in 10s/30s/1min).
Thank dtspam for the very good feedback. I'm thinking of having an Edge/Hold countdown ticker as you suggested in the future... but only for maybe half the time. The other half the time I think I'll do a "Time Left = ???" so users have no idea how long to Edge/Hold... just to make it a bit mysterious and hopefully a tad bit more difficult. ;-)
dtspam wrote: - Most holding times were rather short for me, they could occasionally be > 1min
- The symbols for stroking and especially not stroking were kind of a turn down, at least in the beginning. (After edging enough I didn't care anymore ;-) Maybe replace them with girls (smiling and angry domme, or whatever)
1 minute is quite a pretty long time to hold an Edge I think... tho 1 minute to Edge THEN Hold the Edge is doable for most viewers I think. I'll work on it in the future.

Oh the symbols were TOTALLY placeholder... As I stated earlier, I was simply working on a video compilation not associated with the Edging concept when the idea hit me. The "symbols" were originally used only for the beginning and more for humorous effect than anything else (you can see the original compilation here: ... deo495397/ - though it's essentially the same as the Edge Version).
dtspam wrote:Just doing edges gets a bit repetitive. The stroking videos have more variation due to different speeds and rhythms. Maybe you could mix stroking and edging periods. Stroking fast after an edge is especially challenging after all.
That is exactly what I will be doing. ;-)

Oh, while I'll start working on the next Edging experiment this weekend, I don't think I'll have it done till next weekend... almost forgot about Mother's Day this weekend. :lol:

Thanks again everyone!
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by dtspam »

supermokkori wrote: I'm thinking of having an Edge/Hold countdown ticker as you suggested in the future... but only for maybe half the time. The other half the time I think I'll do a "Time Left = ???" so users have no idea how long to Edge/Hold... just to make it a bit mysterious and hopefully a tad bit more difficult. ;-)
Mixing it up is always good. But I wouldn't leave out the edge-count down that often.
In a webtease you could use an "edge-button" and hand out punishments for failing to edge in time etc.
So the decision about how fast to edge would be exciting.
In a video it just boils down to "edge as fast as you can", cause if you don't get there in time, you can't start to hold.
Edging as fast as I can is fun of cause, but not all the time, and after 30 minutes of edging it gets pretty dangerous. ;-)
Leaving out the holding-time works fine though ;-)
If you want to play some tricks on the stroker, you probably could play arround with the counter (like hide it, slow it down/speed up/just give hints like "long edge a head", "just a few secs") and stuff like that.
supermokkori wrote: 1 minute is quite a pretty long time to hold an Edge I think... tho 1 minute to Edge THEN Hold the Edge is doable for most viewers I think. I'll work on it in the future.
I know one minute is tough for some, but I think it's still a time frame most people can achieve with practice.
But I admit, I just love long edges ;-)
supermokkori wrote: That is exactly what I will be doing. ;-)
Great :-)
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by Gsus »

First of all I think this new format idea is great. I enjoy long edging sessions, my orgasms are better and I'm back for more sooner.

It is torture, it's something to endure, but that's the fun of it.

As to how it worked... once I'd gotten used to it I was able to make it work better.

I view it as kind of... green light - go for it.. red light - you'd better hurry.. because if you don't hurry in the red light if you've not edged, then if you're late then you'll be edging when the next green light comes on, which means an extra long ride on the edge which is torture. So I like this format very much because of that mechanic. I don't think you should change it much.

I did catch myself stroking too slowly at times in the green parts, but once I'd remembered I was supposed to stroke to an edge even if a red light came up then that was encouragement enough to make sure I used the green time properly.

The content itself was ok, big tits aren't one of my top favourite thing, but you did pick hot models, and there were only a few that I struggled with. If you do a lesbian one... oh jesus I'll be in trouble.

I also had some porn on standby so that if I didn't edge by the red light... and then the next green light I'd pause, watch the porn until I was riding an edge and then go back to the titties test. I felt by doing that I wasn't cheating, since I'd be edging at least the required amount.

I also found that the more I was on edge the easier it was to stay on edge, and the faster I got to the next edge, so the more torturous it was. Because of that towards the end if I didn't enjoy a particular scene I'd pause, go to porn and edge strongly and then come back and unpause. If I wasn't going to do that then I think the scenes that weren't great would have a knock on effect I think.

Don't make the challenge any more difficult than it is already, I think people who find it too easy will find other ways of spicing it up.

And for goodness sake - MAKE MORE! :)
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by Edgemycock »

I thought it was awesome to play after edging on some other tease, basically a finishing game, no way would I be able to edge that quick right off the bat, maybe lengthen the edge times/green times to make the riding edge longer?

awesome selection of models! right up my alley, love big boobies!
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by texasinstruments »

I like the concept, it could work very well as the final round of a Cock Hero tease.

What I would like that weren't included in the Incredible Titties Test is music with a beat and a timer for the fap / don't fap sections. It's easy being too conservative and not edging when there's no indication if it's ten seconds or a minute left. Also, a beat would make it more challenging and more difficult to keep a slow pace.

Great selection of scenes and girls BTW.
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by Severen »

I can't wait until the second incarnation of this concept is out! Super stoked, man.
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by book_guy »

I liked it 90%, which is more than most of the Cock-Hero-style vids I get from here, so it's a definite plus, man!

For me, it's about the girls. I am finding that the thing which makes me most enjoy, or dis-enjoy a vid, is whether or not I find the girls in it super-hot. I don't exactly like point-blank hard-core (it doesn't show off the girls' bodies enough, since they're in weird positions and covered by the guys' bodies, etc.), so that's sometimes a minus for me. Mostly it's just, "Can I see the super-duper-hot chick well enough that all of her looks all hot to me?" And because a large portion of the POINT of this vid, is to show "incredible" chicks, I liked the vid. It managed to hit all my interest-points pretty much because of its premise.

That having been said, I did find the on-again-off-again fapping instructions less than ideal. It seems that it's just, yes for 30 seconds, then no for 30 seconds, then back to yes, etc.. That was disappointing. I had hoped that the instructions might have more to do with the video content -- so, for example, when she's teasing and not really doing anything but disrobing, maybe we don't fap; but then, suddenly, JUMP-CUT! to a point-of-view blowjob, and we HAVE TO fap-and-edge; then suddenly no blowjob and no fap. That's one suggestion. To the contrary, as it presently is, with the predictable, dissociated timing, I didn't really find that the pictures had much to do with the instructions. In fact, I can't really figure out what the difference among the three "rounds" was. Wasn't the beginning of round 2 just a continuation of the end of round 1? What changed, between the rounds?

So, I loved the girls, the pictures, and the concept. I would like for the concept to be a bit more integrated, so that the instructions bear more connection to the images, and change in relation to the changing images.

Solid A work, man! Thanks!
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by book_guy »

PS -- actually, come to think of it, what does "hold an edge" really mean? I can think of two or three different possible definitions.

Hold an Edge:

1. There and stay. Bring yourself to near-orgasm. Relax the stroking, such that a certain tingling feeling that you recognize as ALMOST the point-of-no-return is maintained. Keep stroking, but NOT TOO MUCH. Mentally recognize and maintain that tingle.

2. There and beyond. Bring yourself to near-orgasm, and even beyond the point-of-no-return, but prevent the orgasm through strength of your PC muscles and other orgasm-preventative measures, such that you are essentially "feeling like the orgasm is ongoing" but also you are meanwhile "flexing against it."

3. There and back again. Bring yourself to near orgasm until you recognize the point-of-no-return arriving. Back off, stop stroking, wait until you are no longer at the point-of-no-return. Stroke again and bring yourself again to near orgasm.

I don't know that the three can be done by all people. I have read about method 2 on the internet, but I believe that if I were to engage in it, I would probably "ruin" the orgasm and therefore have a very very long time before I could reach an edge again. But I am adept at 1 and 3. :) Of course, I wonder which method is preferred by the maker of the edging video experiment, 1 or 3?

What about other people? Can you guys all do 1, and 2, and 3? Or just a few? Or is there another 4th concept that I'm not aware of?
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by vivi »

book_guy wrote:snip
I can only do one and three, but i'm working on strengthen my pc muscle
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by beercap »

Worked great. And who is the girl at 2:00 min? Thanks.
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by krims »

I really dont get it why you dont use torrents.
Those download sites are completely worthless. (takes long time and link dissappear).

Please, start making torrents to your high quality content!! :-)
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by supermokkori »

krims wrote:I really dont get it why you dont use torrents.
Those download sites are completely worthless. (takes long time and link dissappear).

Please, start making torrents to your high quality content!! :-)
There is a torrent available for this video in the "Cock Hero Torrents" thread. Additionally, this video is available on the cockhero streaming site as well.
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by bmu1 »

This is absolutely fantastic, I LOVE it. Blew my load at 27 minutes but will try again ... :lol:
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by bmu1 »

Is it just me who'd like to see another part of the Incredible Titties Test???
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Re: An Edging video experiment: The Incredible Titties Test

Post by NightsVoyage »

the horn that blows telling you to stop is really annoying. I would say change that and this video would be more watchable.
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