[GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

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[GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by PlayfulGuy »

I am very pleased to announce the release of a new downloader for GuideMe with support for EOS teases.

Updated Feb 6/2024 to version 0.97, latest release, fixes download errors caused by recent Milovana updates, and more! See the Release Notes

See the next post also: Teases Converted to GuideMe

  • Download classic, flash and EOS teases
  • Download by url or tease ID number, or even enter a list of tease ID's for batch download
  • For classic teases you can paste the url of any page and the downloader figures it out
  • You can enter a comma separated list of tease url's or tease ID's (much easier) to batch download several teases.
  • Automatic assignment of hotkeys for buttons (customizable - see hotkeys.txt)
  • Automatically replace common BPM audio files with GuideMe metronome (doesn't work in all cases)
  • For Classic Teases images are named to match the pages, so page 1 uses image 1, etc.
  • A download with many media files can be interrupted and resumed later.
  • Easily organize teases in subfolders
  • Option to add "by <author name>" to the tease and folder name (off by default)

The downloader can be downloaded here. Mega download (current version is 0.97, Feb 6/2024)
Just unzip the file to a suitable directory and run MiloDownloader.exe
The first time you run it the program will create a Cache folder, and a local config file with all options set to defaults.
The downloader is written in python, using PySimpleGUI for the GUI.
Source code is available here. Mega download (Updated Feb 6/2024)

Samples: See the next post for samples of teases downloaded using the downloader

Usage Notes

Running the downloader from the source code
The false positive virus/trojan warnings should be resolved as of version 0.96. If they are not, or if you prefer to run it directly from the source code see the instructions in the spoiler below.

Spoiler: show
Running the downloader from the source code Added Oct 4/2021
To avoid the false Trojan/virus warnings you can download the source code from the link above, and run the downloader from the source. The instructions in the spoiler below are from the file "Running The Downloader From Source.txt" which is included in the source zip file.

This is a one-time setup you need to do to install Python and the libraries that are used by the downloader. Once you complete this you can just download and run future versions of the downloader source without needing to repeat this.
Spoiler: show
Running The Milodownloader from source

The following only needs to be done once. After that you can download newer versions of the
downloader and just run it without doing this.

Download and install Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/ (I used version 3.9.7)
* Be sure to run the installer as Administrator
* On the "Install Python" screen make sure you select the option "Add Python 3.9 to PATH"

After the installation completes, open a command prompt with administrator privilege.
* If you don't wait until after the installation completes Python won't be on the path yet

At the command prompt type the following commands to install the libraries used by the downloader
pip install PYSimpleGUI
pip install requests
pip install bs4 The BeautifulSoup package for parsing HTML pages
pip install unidecode
pip install pathvalidate
pip install pyperclip For copy and past support
pip install lxml

* Make sure you install all of these or the downloader will fail.
* If you get a command not found error then you probably forgot to select the "Add Python to Path" option
* If you get a warning about upgrading pip you can upgrade it or not. I tested this without upgrading,
using pip version 21.2.3

Run the downloader
To run the downloader double click MiloDownloader.pyw from Windows explorer

Please note that while many teases will download and work without issues, most more advanced EOS teases will require some editing or adjustments.

Downloading a tease
To download a tease just paste the url (or tease ID number) into the URL field, and click the download button.
More info in the spoiler below
Spoiler: show
When you paste anything into the URL field the program automatically retrieves the first page of
that tease (and the script for Flash and EOS teases) and displays the tease title, author and tease type.
If you manually edit the url or type something into the url field just press enter to make this happen manually.
Focus will automatically shift to the Download button and if you hit enter again the download will start.

The download of images etc. seems slow
Spoiler: show
Well, that's because it is, sort of. To help limit any potential impact on Milovana I built in a 1/2 second delay between media file downloads. I don't really know if it was necessary or not, but I figured better safe than sorry and I can always remove it later. Let me know your thoughts on the subject.

I get messages about unsupported wildcards!
Spoiler: show
This is an informational message only. The tease should work just fine. At the time the downloader was released GuideMe did not support this type of wildcard targets for pages, but the Guide produced by the downloader includes code to handle these wildcard targets. It's magical isn't it?

This message is so that you know those wildcards are in there, BUT you have options.

On the EOS tab you can change the option to handle wildcard targets in GuideMe instead of in javascript.
Firstly because I expect that a future version of GuideMe will include support for these wildcards.
Secondly, because some teases use a few simple wildcard patterns that can be easily replaced with different ones that work natively in current versions of GuideMe.

In some cases this also allows the XML file to be greatly simplified, eliminating a lot of the javascript in pages. For example, the tease "Furry Edge And Denial Lottery" (ID 49293) uses a wildcard target of "page-*" on almost every page. If you handle them in javascript all pages end up needing a javascript node. But, If you handle wildcards in guideme, most pages get simplified to pure XML. The downside is that you need to edit the XML file produced and do a global search and replace, replacing all ocurrences of page-* with page-(1..1002). This gives a much smaller and cleaner XML file, and possibly better performance.

What's this Cache folder
By default the downloader saves local copies of the tease html and script files in the Cache subfolder.
This will speed up future downloads of this tease, and the files can also be used to customize the tease.

More info in the spoiler below.
Spoiler: show
Each downloaded tease will create two files in the Cache folder. An html file, and a json file, named using the tease id number (eg Tease 82197.html, and EOSScript 82197.json).
The json files can be edited to customize the tease or correct errors in the original, and then you can redo the "download" using these cached local copies. Sometimes it's easier to correct issues in the JSON file, then use the downloader to recreate the GuideMe XML file.
This also limits the impact on Milovana since the files don't need to be downloaded again.
Also if it's a long tease with a lot of images and media files it can take a while to download. You can stop the download at any time, and then resume it later, and these files are used to help the downloader pick up where it left off instead of downloading everything again.

That's all for now!
Please post questions or suggestions for improvement, and let me know of any issues, and I will do my best to check in here regularly and reply.

Have fun!

Last edited by PlayfulGuy on Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:12 pm, edited 36 times in total.
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Teases Converted to GuideMe

Post by PlayfulGuy »

If you download any teases and adapt them to Guideme please share and I'll add them to this list. I have many more that I still haven't uploaded, and if others start contributing that will motivate me to get more uploaded myself.

EOS Teases Converted to GuideMe

Chastity games by SlaveBoy037

The Mystical Maze by Morexis

Stop! Hentai Headplay by Batman314. In GuideMe the slide delays were too short (1 to 2 seconds) and I found I'd often hit Stop but it was too late and I'd end up stopped on the next picture. I converted the delay to a variable for easier customization. Search for slideDelay in the XML.

Hentai Memory game by yeetobandito69. Actually a fairly fun one. You have to play through multiple times just to find out what the questions are and what to look for so it's not easy. I've fine-tuned it for use in GuideMe to automate some of the transitions, but it's essentially the same as the online version.

Riley's Ruined Orgasm Challenge by HellaLittyBroPoggers I downloaded this some time ago and finally got around to testing it out and it was actually more fun than I expected. The tease is well done, and although I've made some changes to fine tune it for GuideMe and adjust some spelling and wording here and there this version is still very close to the original.

Random Furry tease by TheRandomGamer69 For those that like furries. Like me :smile:

Hero Corruption 0.85c by diogaoo
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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by Roundhound »

Its crazy how I decided to go looking for something like this basically 12 hours after you posted this. Looks pretty good so far although I haven't loaded anything into GuideMe yet.

I have ran into 2 things so far.
1. Windows Defender was throwing a fit when I tried to run it the first time. I had to go in and allow the problem file. "Win32/Wacapew.C!ml" was what it didn't like.

2. Very large teases may not be handled well with the downloader. I tried to download the Miss Evans tease (https://milovana.com/webteases/showtease.php?id=49867) without images and after about 10 seconds of saying things like "Info: Copied unhandled property color to choice option: <>" it goes into a Not Responding state. Its been there for about 5 minutes now. I was able to download a smaller tease, Exchange by fibonacci, just fine. It created an xml that looks correct along with a folder containing images. The Miss Evans tease might be the largest EOS tease so it wouldn't surprise me if someone limit got hit.

Edit: After about 1.5 hours of trying to download the Miss Evans tease its still in a Not Responding state.
Edit 2: It looks like the Windows Defender problem is a false flag and might just be due to my computer not being up to date with it's Windows Updates. https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/ ... an-threath
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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by JBK »

Hi! First of all: thank you for attempting to imrove the EOS to XML conversion in your downloader.

I tried it to download my own tease (Estim Maffia Property), but Guideme gets stuck on the first page. After clicking the button to go the next page, it says 'Oops, it looks like page --intro0 does not exist. In the XML however, I can clearly see the code for page --intro0.

Button code in XML:
{ action: 'option', label: 'Got it!', target: '--intro0', hotkey: '' }

Code for the actual page:
<Page id="--intro0">
<Image id="Locations/1324354.jpg"/>
<Button sortOrder="1" target="--startp2">I understand</Button>

That seems weird?
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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by PlayfulGuy »

Roundhound wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 6:08 am Its crazy how I decided to go looking for something like this basically 12 hours after you posted this. Looks pretty good so far although I haven't loaded anything into GuideMe yet.

I have ran into 2 things so far.
1. Windows Defender was throwing a fit when I tried to run it the first time. I had to go in and allow the problem file. "Win32/Wacapew.C!ml" was what it didn't like.
2. Very large teases may not be handled well with the downloader. I tried to download the Miss Evans tease (https://milovana.com/webteases/showtease.php?id=49867) without images and after about 10 seconds of saying things like "Info: Copied unhandled property color to choice option: <>" it goes into a Not Responding state. Its been there for about 5 minutes now. I was able to download a smaller tease, Exchange by fibonacci, just fine. It created an xml that looks correct along with a folder containing images. The Miss Evans tease might be the largest EOS tease so it wouldn't surprise me if someone limit got hit.

Edit: After about 1.5 hours of trying to download the Miss Evans tease its still in a Not Responding state.
Interesting. I don't know what to make of the windows defender message. I've never seen that one. I'll try the downloader on my other computer and see what happens there.

I tried the Miss Evans tease and the same thing happened to me so I'll dig into that. I kind of figured the first people to try would hit bugs I hadn't hit yet :-D

For future reference, if it goes not responding for more than a 5 or 10 seconds something is wrong. The downloader displays regular progress messages as it works. The slowest part is downloading images and media files, and even that is usually only a second or two per file.

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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by PlayfulGuy »

JBK wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 1:01 pm Hi! First of all: thank you for attempting to imrove the EOS to XML conversion in your downloader.

I tried it to download my own tease (Estim Maffia Property), but Guideme gets stuck on the first page. After clicking the button to go the next page, it says 'Oops, it looks like page --intro0 does not exist. In the XML however, I can clearly see the code for page --intro0.

Button code in XML:
{ action: 'option', label: 'Got it!', target: '--intro0', hotkey: '' }

Code for the actual page:
<Page id="--intro0">
<Image id="Locations/1324354.jpg"/>
<Button sortOrder="1" target="--startp2">I understand</Button>

That seems weird?
As I suspected, it's the page names with the "--" at the beginning of the name. XML doesn't allow the string "--" to appear in an XML comment, and the downloader generated a bunch of comments about potential dead end pages. When I adjusted for that (by turning off that message on the EOS tab) I could get past the start page, but then it encountered another issue I haven't seen before that requires a fix in the downloader code. A little issue with my conversion of teaseStorage.getItem() commands.

I'll get that sorted, and look into the issue posted by RoundHound and post an update as soon as I can. Hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks for the feedback.

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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by Roundhound »

PlayfulGuy wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 10:43 pm
Roundhound wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 6:08 am Its crazy how I decided to go looking for something like this basically 12 hours after you posted this. Looks pretty good so far although I haven't loaded anything into GuideMe yet.

I have ran into 2 things so far.
1. Windows Defender was throwing a fit when I tried to run it the first time. I had to go in and allow the problem file. "Win32/Wacapew.C!ml" was what it didn't like.
2. Very large teases may not be handled well with the downloader. I tried to download the Miss Evans tease (https://milovana.com/webteases/showtease.php?id=49867) without images and after about 10 seconds of saying things like "Info: Copied unhandled property color to choice option: <>" it goes into a Not Responding state. Its been there for about 5 minutes now. I was able to download a smaller tease, Exchange by fibonacci, just fine. It created an xml that looks correct along with a folder containing images. The Miss Evans tease might be the largest EOS tease so it wouldn't surprise me if someone limit got hit.

Edit: After about 1.5 hours of trying to download the Miss Evans tease its still in a Not Responding state.
Interesting. I don't know what to make of the windows defender message. I've never seen that one. I'll try the downloader on my other computer and see what happens there.

I tried the Miss Evans tease and the same thing happened to me so I'll dig into that. I kind of figured the first people to try would hit bugs I hadn't hit yet :-D

For future reference, if it goes not responding for more than a 5 or 10 seconds something is wrong. The downloader displays regular progress messages as it works. The slowest part is downloading images and media files, and even that is usually only a second or two per file.

I do some programming myself and I know how crazy it can be releasing something for others to use. It's amazing how many ways people can "correctly" break your work.

As for the windows defender thing, I did a bit more digging into it and it looks like Microsoft has marked it as being safe at one point. https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/ ... an-threath I'm going to go ahead and edit my original post to say that it appears to be a non issue as to not scare off potential other people.
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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by PlayfulGuy »

Roundhound wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 6:08 am Its crazy how I decided to go looking for something like this basically 12 hours after you posted this. Looks pretty good so far although I haven't loaded anything into GuideMe yet.
Missed replying to that last time - That is crazy - timing is a gift I guess :-D
Roundhound wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 6:08 am 2. Very large teases may not be handled well with the downloader. I tried to download the Miss Evans tease (https://milovana.com/webteases/showtease.php?id=49867) without images and after about 10 seconds of saying things like "Info: Copied unhandled property color to choice option: <>" it goes into a Not Responding state.
Well, you know what they say, it's not the size that matters :lol:
This was a little bug that sent my code into an infinite loop. Got it fixed now and this tease appears to download and work without issues.
When you download it: Go to the EOS tab and in the first section, under handling wildcard targets set the logging option to ignore. It should download with no errors and no warnings. I tested the resulting XML file and went through some of the intro etc and it seems fine, although I have not tested in depth.
JBK wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 1:01 pm I tried it to download my own tease (Estim Maffia Property), but Guideme gets stuck on the first page. After clicking the button to go the next page, it says 'Oops, it looks like page --intro0 does not exist. In the XML however, I can clearly see the code for page --intro0.
This should be fixed now. I can download the tease and it seems to work properly.
As mentioned, the page names created the initial problem, so before you download it go to the EOS tab and in the "Messages for specific conditions" section, set the option for "Potential dead end not marked as end" to Ignore.

It should download with no errors and no warnings, but you may get a few messages about unsupported wildcards unless you disable that message too. You can safely ignore these, as the wildcards are handled in the javascript code. I'll add some information about that to the first post.

The download links in the first post have been updated to link to the new release.

Have fun!

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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by Shattered »

Very happy to see an Eos version for this, thank you very much :)
I managed to back up Before Eternity, but my other two eos teases failed! I will PM you.
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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by Trusfrated »

This is really amazing how you've been able to accomplish so many workarounds to make GuideMe still viable with EOS teases. :-O

I haven't done a lot of testing yet, but here's some early feedback:

-->These is probably least important to the masses, but the most important to me. :lol: The feature of GuideMe that copies text to the clipboard so that a TTS reader can read the tease to me is pretty much unusable with this downloader. For my examples, I'm using Pool Boy by wrylyb. The first page text that gets copied to the clipboard looks like this:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

 #container { height: 100%; overflow: auto; } 
 Rules:  1. No touching, cumming, etc. without permission  2.  Pink text contain instructions that you must follow    3. If you cum early: ruin it and try again later    4. Have fun!   You&#39;ve always loved working at the pool. 
 document.getElementById("container").scrollTop = document.getElementById("container").scrollHeight; 
So, the TTS reader reads all the extra "container" and "element" text, as well as the "&#39;" for the apostrophe. :weep:

Also, as you press the Continue button and additional text populates the same screen, the entire text from the beginning is re-copied (and therefore re-spoken), so there is a lot of redundancy.

I am not sure if any of this is within your control, or if the only way to deal with it would be changes to the GuideMe code. But I thought I'd mention it, because the TTS feature is really cool and I use it 100% of the time.

--->Also, in the same tease, a few pages in, The tease keeps "score" and this is what the "scoreboard" looks like:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

You are Pool BoyEVAL1

You are Level EVAL2.

You have checked out EVAL3 girls.

You have edged EVAL4 times.

You have cum EVAL5 times!

You have had EVAL6 ruined orgasms.
Not sure if it is even possible to keep these statistics, but this is an example of a tease that is supposed to.

--->The other odd thing has to do with the GuideMe Library. This is a really nice way to choose a tease because it uses thumbnails and you can sort and filter. Anyway, I downloaded DolphStarBeam's series, and for some reason Part 1 (Heather) and Part 2 (Gina) do not show up in the list of teases in the Library. I'm not sure what xml filters Philo used to determine a valid tease, but I think it has something to do with that? Parts 3-5 do show up correctly in the Library.

These are understandably fairly minor in the grand scheme of things. Great work on the downloader and thank you for your contributions to the community! :wave:
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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by PlayfulGuy »

Trusfrated wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:40 pm This is really amazing how you've been able to accomplish so many workarounds to make GuideMe still viable with EOS teases. :-O

I haven't done a lot of testing yet, but here's some early feedback:

-->These is probably least important to the masses, but the most important to me. :lol: The feature of GuideMe that copies text to the clipboard so that a TTS reader can read the tease to me is pretty much unusable with this downloader. For my examples, I'm using Pool Boy by wrylyb. The first page text that gets copied to the clipboard looks like this:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

 #container { height: 100%; overflow: auto; } 
 Rules:  1. No touching, cumming, etc. without permission  2.  Pink text contain instructions that you must follow    3. If you cum early: ruin it and try again later    4. Have fun!   You&#39;ve always loved working at the pool. 
 document.getElementById("container").scrollTop = document.getElementById("container").scrollHeight; 
So, the TTS reader reads all the extra "container" and "element" text, as well as the "&#39;" for the apostrophe. :weep:

Also, as you press the Continue button and additional text populates the same screen, the entire text from the beginning is re-copied (and therefore re-spoken), so there is a lot of redundancy.

I am not sure if any of this is within your control, or if the only way to deal with it would be changes to the GuideMe code. But I thought I'd mention it, because the TTS feature is really cool and I use it 100% of the time.

--->Also, in the same tease, a few pages in, The tease keeps "score" and this is what the "scoreboard" looks like:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

You are Pool BoyEVAL1

You are Level EVAL2.

You have checked out EVAL3 girls.

You have edged EVAL4 times.

You have cum EVAL5 times!

You have had EVAL6 ruined orgasms.
Not sure if it is even possible to keep these statistics, but this is an example of a tease that is supposed to.

--->The other odd thing has to do with the GuideMe Library. This is a really nice way to choose a tease because it uses thumbnails and you can sort and filter. Anyway, I downloaded DolphStarBeam's series, and for some reason Part 1 (Heather) and Part 2 (Gina) do not show up in the list of teases in the Library. I'm not sure what xml filters Philo used to determine a valid tease, but I think it has something to do with that? Parts 3-5 do show up correctly in the Library.

These are understandably fairly minor in the grand scheme of things. Great work on the downloader and thank you for your contributions to the community! :wave:
I will look into these items and post an update as soon as I can.

The good news is that the TTS part is probably easy. I add a lot of stuff to the page to make the text scroll they way it does in EOS, and so that text "accumulates" like it does in EOS. There is already an option built-in to "Guideme EOS Lib.js" to turn that off, but it would still add the extra code to scroll down. I will add an option for TTS support and post something you can test with. It may never be perfect but we'll see...

The stuff you posted about the scoreboard is indicating that something in that tease didn't get converted properly. I will download that tease and look into it. That scoreboard stuff should work just fine.

As far as the Guideme Library goes, I've honestly only ever used it once and noticed that not all teases showed up for some reason, and have never used it again. I'm a creature of habit so just keep doing it the old fashioned way.
I did a quick investigation and if you open the library and then look in the Guideme.log file you'll probably find that it's complaining about not being able to read the file, or about XML parsing errors. It has problems if the XML file is not 100% valid. I'll see if I can nail it down.

I'll post an update soon.

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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by JBK »

PlayfulGuy wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 11:25 pm
JBK wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 1:01 pm Hi! First of all: thank you for attempting to imrove the EOS to XML conversion in your downloader.

I tried it to download my own tease (Estim Maffia Property), but Guideme gets stuck on the first page. After clicking the button to go the next page, it says 'Oops, it looks like page --intro0 does not exist. In the XML however, I can clearly see the code for page --intro0.

Button code in XML:
{ action: 'option', label: 'Got it!', target: '--intro0', hotkey: '' }

Code for the actual page:
<Page id="--intro0">
<Image id="Locations/1324354.jpg"/>
<Button sortOrder="1" target="--startp2">I understand</Button>

That seems weird?
As I suspected, it's the page names with the "--" at the beginning of the name. XML doesn't allow the string "--" to appear in an XML comment, and the downloader generated a bunch of comments about potential dead end pages. When I adjusted for that (by turning off that message on the EOS tab) I could get past the start page, but then it encountered another issue I haven't seen before that requires a fix in the downloader code. A little issue with my conversion of teaseStorage.getItem() commands.

I'll get that sorted, and look into the issue posted by RoundHound and post an update as soon as I can. Hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks for the feedback.

Deselecting that option indeed removed the "page not found" error. It did, however, introduce several new ones :-/
- The delay times are extremely large. A 2 second wait translates to 25 minutes after the XML conversion.
- Boolean variables are set to 'true' automatically. In EOS these were set to false at the tease launch. In XML now, all 4 of the 'clue' variables are immediately set to true.

This is the best translation EOS => XML I have seen by far though!
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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by PlayfulGuy »

JBK wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 3:13 pm
PlayfulGuy wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 11:25 pm
Spoiler: show
JBK wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 1:01 pm Hi! First of all: thank you for attempting to imrove the EOS to XML conversion in your downloader.

I tried it to download my own tease (Estim Maffia Property), but Guideme gets stuck on the first page. After clicking the button to go the next page, it says 'Oops, it looks like page --intro0 does not exist. In the XML however, I can clearly see the code for page --intro0.

Button code in XML:
{ action: 'option', label: 'Got it!', target: '--intro0', hotkey: '' }

Code for the actual page:
<Page id="--intro0">
<Image id="Locations/1324354.jpg"/>
<Button sortOrder="1" target="--startp2">I understand</Button>

That seems weird?
As I suspected, it's the page names with the "--" at the beginning of the name. XML doesn't allow the string "--" to appear in an XML comment, and the downloader generated a bunch of comments about potential dead end pages. When I adjusted for that (by turning off that message on the EOS tab) I could get past the start page, but then it encountered another issue I haven't seen before that requires a fix in the downloader code. A little issue with my conversion of teaseStorage.getItem() commands.

I'll get that sorted, and look into the issue posted by RoundHound and post an update as soon as I can. Hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks for the feedback.

Deselecting that option indeed removed the "page not found" error. It did, however, introduce several new ones :-/
- The delay times are extremely large. A 2 second wait translates to 25 minutes after the XML conversion.
- Boolean variables are set to 'true' automatically. In EOS these were set to false at the tease launch. In XML now, all 4 of the 'clue' variables are immediately set to true.

This is the best translation EOS => XML I have seen by far though!
Yes, the problem with those boolean variables is the "other issue" I referred to. It should be fixed now (in version 0.92).
The links in the first post have been updated for the new version. If the variables are still false when you try it, try doing a Filre/Restart in Guideme to do a reset of the tease.

As for the 2 second delays becoming 25 minutes, I had a look at this, and what's happening is that your code calculates the delay in a number of places using

Code: Select all

$1000 * teaseStorage.getItem("bagwait")
In EOS delays are in milliseconds, while in Guideme they are in seconds, so your delay (bagwait) gets multiplied by 1000, and 2 seconds becomes 2000 (33 minutes and 20 seconds).

So, the downloader is converting the code perfectly, but the result is different because of the different platform. The downloader allows for this difference and converts numeric delays properly, but a calculation like that just gets translated and passed through. It has no idea why you might be multiplying something by 1000.

All you need to do is drop the multiplication by 1000 so the delay will just be

Code: Select all

Make sure you leave the $ at the beginning though. That tells the javascript code it's a calculation.

Let me know if you fnd any other issues.

Last edited by PlayfulGuy on Mon May 31, 2021 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by PlayfulGuy »

Shattered wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 6:50 pm Very happy to see an Eos version for this, thank you very much :)
I managed to back up Before Eternity, but my other two eos teases failed! I will PM you.
These should both download properly with the latest version (0.92).
Links in the first post have been updated.

And thanks again for the report. :smile:

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Re: [GuideMe] Tease Downloader with EOS Support

Post by PlayfulGuy »

Trusfrated wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:40 pm This is really amazing how you've been able to accomplish so many workarounds to make GuideMe still viable with EOS teases. :-O

I haven't done a lot of testing yet, but here's some early feedback:

-->These is probably least important to the masses, but the most important to me. :lol: The feature of GuideMe that copies text to the clipboard so that a TTS reader can read the tease to me is pretty much unusable with this downloader. For my examples, I'm using Pool Boy by wrylyb. The first page text that gets copied to the clipboard looks like this:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

 #container { height: 100%; overflow: auto; } 
 Rules:  1. No touching, cumming, etc. without permission  2.  Pink text contain instructions that you must follow    3. If you cum early: ruin it and try again later    4. Have fun!   You&#39;ve always loved working at the pool. 
 document.getElementById("container").scrollTop = document.getElementById("container").scrollHeight; 
So, the TTS reader reads all the extra "container" and "element" text, as well as the "&#39;" for the apostrophe. :weep:

Also, as you press the Continue button and additional text populates the same screen, the entire text from the beginning is re-copied (and therefore re-spoken), so there is a lot of redundancy.

I am not sure if any of this is within your control, or if the only way to deal with it would be changes to the GuideMe code. But I thought I'd mention it, because the TTS feature is really cool and I use it 100% of the time.
Support for TTS mode has been added in version 0.92 (links in first post have been updated).
When you download the tease go to the XML tab and enable the option Configure GuideMe EOS Lib for use with Text To Speech (TTS).
The option is flagged as Experimental because I don't use TTS and did not test it other than to see that it changed the text to something more suitable. With that option enabled it no longer adds all the excess stuff, and each "say" action replaces the previous ones instead of adding to them. That should cover 90+% of the cases, but I'm sure there will be some tweaking required.

Let me know how it goes and I will address any other issues I can.

FYI: All the TTS option does is set a boolean variable in the javascript (use_tts) to true, and then I've updated the code to alter the text handling based on that flag. This way you can have some teases configured for TTS and others not, or have one of each if you want.

Trusfrated wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:40 pm --->Also, in the same tease, a few pages in, The tease keeps "score" and this is what the "scoreboard" looks like:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

You are Pool BoyEVAL1

You are Level EVAL2.

You have checked out EVAL3 girls.

You have edged EVAL4 times.

You have cum EVAL5 times!

You have had EVAL6 ruined orgasms.
Not sure if it is even possible to keep these statistics, but this is an example of a tease that is supposed to.
This should be fixed in the current version.
Trusfrated wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:40 pm
--->The other odd thing has to do with the GuideMe Library. This is a really nice way to choose a tease because it uses thumbnails and you can sort and filter. Anyway, I downloaded DolphStarBeam's series, and for some reason Part 1 (Heather) and Part 2 (Gina) do not show up in the list of teases in the Library. I'm not sure what xml filters Philo used to determine a valid tease, but I think it has something to do with that? Parts 3-5 do show up correctly in the Library.
I had a look at this and discovered that Guideme looks in the teases media folder and basically uses the first image it finds as the tease thumbnail. For the two teases in question, the media folder only contains the mp3 files used for metronomes, and all the images are in subfolders (galleries in EOS terms). So Guideme doesn't find an image it can use and drops the tease.

All you have to do is copy a suitable image into the top level of the media folder and presto!, the guide appears in the library. So it's not actually a downloader issue, just a difference that Guideme doesn't handle. I'll try and remember to report that to eroticdevelopment as an enhancement request.

By the way: While investigating this I noticed that some of the text in part 1 was being duplicated, which was another subtle bug in the downloader, so make sure you run the download again on these with the new version.
Trusfrated wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:40 pm These are understandably fairly minor in the grand scheme of things.
Nothing is too minor. I want to get the downloader as close as I can to 100% automatic. I know it will never be perfect, but I'd like to get it to where most teases download and just work.
Trusfrated wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:40 pm Great work on the downloader and thank you for your contributions to the community! :wave:
Thanks! It's nice to know it's appreciated (even if I do benefit myself :-D There are so many great teases to play with now :lol: )

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