Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interrupts

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Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interrupts

Post by 1885 »

Welcome to Part 5 of the Tease AI scripting overview. With this section, I'm going to show you Tease AI's Response and Interrupt system, and in the process hopefully blow your fucking mind. : D

Rather than begin by explaining the Response system, I want to start by showing it in action. The follow pictures are screenshots of a brief playthrough I went through before setting up to write this overview. Nothing was prepared or set up in advance, I just ran the program in its current state and let whatever happen, happen.



What you're seeing here is a Start script leading into a full round of Taunts and halfway through a Module. If I've done my job right, this seems as real an online teasing exchange as any you could come across. But what I really want to draw your attention to here is my repeated use of the phrase "I'm aching so bad", particularly what was happening in the session each time I said it:

Before we got started:
09:15 AM 1885: ok lol I'm aching so bad mistress
09:15 AM Elizabeth: but we haven't even started yet -grin-
After I started stroking for the first time
09:16 AM 1885: thank you mistress.... I'm aching so bad
09:16 AM Elizabeth: if you're aching already, i'm about to have some real fun -wicked grin-
As I was stroking to get to the edge
09:21 AM 1885: oh fuck I'm aching so bad
09:21 AM Elizabeth: just think how much worse it will be when you get close for me -smiles innocently-
After she told me to stop stroking
09:23 AM 1885: I'm aching so bad
09:24 AM Elizabeth: just think how much worse it will be when i make you start stroking again lol
Now hopefully right about now you're going "WTF what? How?! Tell me how!" As tempted as I am to reply "Dark magicks, bitches" and drop the mic, that would be a shame because I've actually designed the Response system to be extremely easy for scripters to use. In fact, by making the program keep track of virtually any state the sub can be in automatically, one of the most complex abilities of Tease AI is actually one of the most easy to utilize.

To be clear, the Response system in Tease AI is the ability for the user to type anything, at any time, regardless of script and have the domme respond accordingly. So how does this work? The first thing to keep in mind is that Tease AI keeps track of what the sub is doing at any given time. This is not something you have to script for, it is handled automatically by the program throughout the session. Here's a list of some various states:

Before Tease - Period of time during the Start script
First Round - The first Taunt cycle
Stroking - Sub is stroking
Edging - Sub is stroking to the edge
Holding The Edge - Sub is holding the edge
CBT Cock - Sub is enduring cock torture
CBT Balls - Sub is enduring ball torture
Chastity - Sub is in chastity
After Tease - Domme has finished orgasm decision and is saying goodbye

Since these states are tracked, it gives me the ability to create Response files which exist in their own directory in the domme's Vocabulary folder. Let me show you one of those response files that I've named "I'm aching.txt", and I'm willing to bet it will make immediate sense having seen the above transcript:


So what you're looking at here is one of the domme's response files. She has many like it in her Vocabulary, and scripters can add and share as many as they wish. Here's how they work:

Any time the user types something in the chat window (outside of Multiple Choice branches, where the programs is looking for specific input), the program takes what the user typed and compares it to every Response file the domme has until it finds a match. It does this by making three passes of all the files, looking at the first line of each file. As you can see, the first line has a group of words or phrases separated by commas. The program looks at each word or phrase looking for a match to what the user said, loosening the search parameters with each pass as follows (and I"m going to add the first line of that file again for easier viewing):
[I'm aching, I am aching, ache]
First Pass: The program looks for an exact match of what the user said. During this pass, Tease AI would only find a match if I said "I'm aching" or just "aching". Tease AI would NOT find a match in this pass if I said "I'm aching so bad"

Second Pass: The program looks to see if what the user said CONTAINS an exact match to the words/phrases in brackets. In the this pass, Tease AI would find a match to "I'm aching" and "I'm aching so bad", but it would NOT find a match to "I'm fucking aching so bad"

Third Pass: The program checks to see if what the user said contains matches in any order and location of words. In this final pass, Tease AI would find a match to "I'm aching", "I'm aching so bad", "I'm aching so fucking bad", "I have a toothache" (As you can see, the third pass becomes so loose as to potentially be ridiculous, but in my testing it has proven effective far, far more times than it's proven laughable. I imagine I'll have a better idea if this needs to be tweaked during open development, but for now that's how the system works.)

If the system finds nothing after three passes, the domme simply doesn't respond to it. (Case and punctuation don't matter when matching Response files. If a bracket contains "I'm aching", that will exact match to any and all of the following the user might type: I'm aching, Im aching, i'm aching, im aching, Im ACHING)

(It's worth noting that there are also such things as System Response files. These are very similar, but they involve some hard-coded trickery to allow me to do certain things in regard to common statements that require the domme's attention, such as the sub asking to stroke, speeding up, slowing down, begging to stop etc. These have much more limited customization, so they're not important to the scope of this overview. Just know that when searching for matches, System Response files take priority over normal Response files.)

Once a match is found, the program then stops searching and looks at the Response file where it found the match. It then randomly selects a line from however many are present and displays it as the domme's response. (Since Response files are List-type scripts, Command Filters can be used here as well to limit appropriate responses. You can add lines with Commands too "I guess this probably doesn't help any, does it? @ShowBlogImage" Another thing to note about Response files is that not every possible sub state needs to be in them. If you like, you can create Response files that only have responses if the sub is holding an edge, or enduring CBT or in Chastity. However it may be a good rule of thumb to keep all sub state brackets in the file as a template for yourself or others to add options later. It's fine to keep sub state options with nothing between them, the program will simply not respond and move on)

Over time, as more and more Response files get created and shared, the domme's Vocabulary will be tightened and honed. Each user can also tweak or add any Response words they like, I intend for these files to be as easy to edit as the Keyword files are.

So now we see how we can easily create Response files that let the domme respond to the things the user says. But what if we don't just want her to respond, what if we want her to possibly react? For that we just need to utilize another powerful feature of Tease AI - Interrupts. To demonstrate, I'm going to create one from scratch right now with the Command @Interrupt() (Don't worry about the parentheses, we'll fill those in in a second)

When the @Interrupt() Command is called, the program stops what it's doing regardless if it's in the middle of a Linear or List script. It then opens the Interrupt file from the domme's Interrupt folder that we specify in parentheses after the Command. So let's create an Interrupt in that folder called "I Can Always Make It Worse.txt". Remember that Interrupts are treated exactly like Modules, which are Linear scripts. So let's make that script right now on the fly:


This looks great, so let's save it in our Interrupt folder now as "I Can Always Make It Worse.txt". Now let's go back to our "I'm aching" response file and add the following line to the Stroking, Not Stroking and any other section we're inclined to:


So now, any time we tell the domme we're aching, there's a chance she could stop what she's doing and run this routine on us. That gives scripters a lot of power to direct the actions of the domme, without having to hard code anything in the program itself. As a scripter, you can easily combine anything the sub says with anything the domme can do or say in response, and that's pretty cool!

You know, I keep looking at that Interrupt we just made. As nice as it is, it occurs to me that it will kinda seem weird running as it is more than once. We can always create several different Interrupts and put them in our Response file for variety, but I have a better idea. There's a set of Commands for Linear scripts we can use that will make this much more natural in repeated viewings: @CheckFlag() and @SetFlag()

The @SetFlag() Command creates a Flag file in the domme's system folder. It's simply a blank file with no extension, named with whatever we put in parentheses. @CheckFlag() checks to see if the file named in its parentheses exists in the Flag folder, and if it does, it goes to the line in the script that is the file name in parentheses ( Much like a @Goto() Command), This is a clunky explanation, but should make much more sense seeing in action. Let's modify that Interrupt file we just made with good use of @SetFlag() and @CheckFlag():


So at the beginning of the script, you can see it's checking if a Flag called "INT_I Can Always Make It Worse" exists. If this is the first time running this Interrupt, then it won't exist and the script continues as normal. When it gets to the end of the section, you can see the @SetFlag() Command creating that Flag right before the script ends. So every subsequent time this script gets run, @CheckFlag() will find "INT_I Can Always Make It Worse" in the Flags folder, and the script will jump to (INT_I Can Always Make It Worse) just like a @Goto() Command. The second section feels much more natural as a recurring event, whereas the first section is more like an introduction to an idea.

The @CheckFlag() and @SetFlag() Commands can be used to give a lot of variety to any Linear script like this, but it also be used for other helpful things, like making sure the user only has to listen to a long set of instructions once.

I'll leave this here for now, but as the overview progresses and I show you more and more Commands in action like this, I think you'll start to see Tease AI take shape for what it was designed to be: Infinite cosmic power, itty bitty living space. Wait, that's not right. I meant infinite creative potential, but simple enough that more people can easily take advantage of content creation. My next post is going to be an intermission of sorts while I unveil a couple of new features of the program, but I'll pick back up with a more in-depth look at the potential of Modules. As always, feel free to ask any questions you have.
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by Mr-Elusive »

Just keeps getting better and better.

I can't wait.

I did have one question that I hand really seen covered, can one create different persona's and load them?
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by 1885 »

Mr-Elusive wrote:I did have one question that I hand really seen covered, can one create different persona's and load them?
Absolutely, that's actually a cornerstone of the program. I'll explain more about different personalities in a later overview.
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by NursCanim »

Can the program be customised to be able to launch other executable programs?
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by 1885 »

NursCanim wrote:Can the program be customised to be able to launch other executable programs?
For what purpose, what do you have in mind for it to do?
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by NursCanim »

I remember the Virtual Master program being able to take pictures via a webcam, or launch a website.

But what I had in mind was having the program able to control something like a safe for locking keys away. I like my orgasms and hate the idea of being locked up without knowing when I might get my next orgasm. I do like the idea of it being virtually impossible for the AI to not want me unlocked, but just the tiniest chance of ballsing something up and not getting allowed out.
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by 1885 »

NursCanim wrote:I remember the Virtual Master program being able to take pictures via a webcam, or launch a website.

But what I had in mind was having the program able to control something like a safe for locking keys away. I like my orgasms and hate the idea of being locked up without knowing when I might get my next orgasm. I do like the idea of it being virtually impossible for the AI to not want me unlocked, but just the tiniest chance of ballsing something up and not getting allowed out.
I remember teasinot had a similar idea in the original thread. It's an idea I've kept in the back of my mind but haven't prioritized. It's not that it's not a valuable idea, I could definitely work with it and implement it during open development. It's just that to me that's one of those things that people do because they don't have someone to control their orgasms, so they find other ways to create that loss of control.

Of course, at the end of the day, you could say the same thing about Tease AI. But part of my goal has always been emulating the actual experience of online control as completely as possible. When people use Tease AI, I don't want them to think "I'm using this because I don't have someone to control my orgasms". I want them to think "Holy shit, I have someone to control my orgasms!"

That's why I focused on spontaneity and interactive exchange. I want to create the potential of a domme that actually compels you to remain chaste even more than having your key physically locked away would. High goals I know, but I'm giving it all I got and all I can do is see how close I get.

Again, none of this is to say that I won't add a feature like this. It's just to say why I haven't yet when it's been suggested to me before.
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by msissyleah »

I wait ...
Keep denied ....
I downloaded this program
And the use cum!
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by Trusfrated »

1885 wrote:
Mr-Elusive wrote:I did have one question that I hand really seen covered, can one create different persona's and load them?
Absolutely, that's actually a cornerstone of the program. I'll explain more about different personalities in a later overview.
This is all so groundbreakingly remarkable, 1885. I've been quietly reading and trying to absorb all of the information.

However, since he asked, I think Mr Elusive and I probably have similar questions. I'm interested in seeing the file/folder tree to get a clearer understanding of how all these .txt files fit together. It sort of seems like you really only need one "collection" of script files that would be suitable for all dommes, because those well-written files would contain filters for different types of dommes (Crazy, bratty, vulgar, level 5, etc).

Perhaps some would prefer to have one perfect domme and always be teased by her. Personally, I like the idea of choosing a domme to chat with at any given time. I would choose that domme based on her looks and personality traits. Sometimes I would like to be teased by a young raven-haired brat, and perhaps other times I'd like to be chastised by a milf dressed in latex. (This might be similar to the succubi in d3vi0n's Heart's Club tease.) For instance, if I'm chatting, *who* is online right now? Every domme must sleep, right? ;-)

And so I guess that's why I'm curious about the file structure. If it's possible, how would one create and share a domme? Is it realistic to zip up a collection of jpgs and txt files specific to one domme and share it? And then the person downloading would just unzip and drop those files (including personality settings) into a folder hierarchy?

I think I should probably just "wait and see" but your response to Mr Elusive got me excited. :blush:

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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by 1885 »

Trusfrated wrote:However, since he asked, I think Mr Elusive and I probably have similar questions. I'm interested in seeing the file/folder tree to get a clearer understanding of how all these .txt files fit together. It sort of seems like you really only need one "collection" of script files that would be suitable for all dommes, because those well-written files would contain filters for different types of dommes (Crazy, bratty, vulgar, level 5, etc).
I'll try to put a picture of the file tree up when I talk about Tease AI Personalities, but it's really not as complicated as it probably sounds so far. There is a very good reason for not limiting scripts to one collection however.

Crazy, Domme Level and Apathy, etc are nuances and levels of degrees. They're meant to provide the right flavor and intensity to the domme type you're using. Take the personality I'm releasing with the program for instance.

I call that personality "Wicked Tease". She definitely gets off on making you ache, can be wicked and devious about it, but she doesn't try to humiliate you. Or emasculate you. You have no real history together prior to the D/s relationship. And she also has the distinction of holding very little appeal to me personally. :lol:

I like girls who are borderline insane and will cruise right by your physical limits without a second thought. I'm writing Wicked Tease for broader appeal, and I think what I'm coming up with is doing quite well by her. But when I step back to write a personality more in line with my tastes, she's going to be heartless and capable of verbally burning you down to ash.

Wicked Tease has #Cock Keywords like - @CockSmall cute little cock
My domme would have #Cock Keywords like '- @CockSmall worthless little cock

It doesn't make sense for Wicked Tease or my domme to ever use the other's Keyword. And when you branch out to Taunts, you'd have things like this:

Wicked Tease - I love how much you're willing to make that #Cock ache to please me
My domme - I don't care if that #Cock never cums again

Again, it doesn't make sense for them to ever use the other's taunt.

Going further, Wicked Tease can have entire scripts devoted to getting under your skin, wrapping you around your finger, reveling in the pleasure of how fucking bad you want her. My domme couldn't give a shit how bad you want her, you don't deserve her. The only pleasure she takes from you is making you suffer.

And that's just one example. Think of other personalities people could create -

Like an ex-girlfriend who teases you about how much more sexual she's become since you were together, and how she wants to keep you chaste now that you're no longer together.

You could create a domme based solely around feminization, solely around chastity, etc.

You go completely off the wall and be as creative as you want, really. Create a GLaDoS type personality that's just running dry experiments on you to test the limits of your teasing endurance. Take a fictional character and create an entire personality around her that references her lore in interesting ways as she teases you. If you can imagine it, go for it.

That's why individual personalities are necessary. You wouldn't want to try to juggle scripts and Keywords between them, even just two dommes as familiar as a wicked tease and a cold-hearted bitch.
Trusfrated wrote:Perhaps some would prefer to have one perfect domme and always be teased by her. Personally, I like the idea of choosing a domme to chat with at any given time. I would choose that domme based on her looks and personality traits. Sometimes I would like to be teased by a young raven-haired brat, and perhaps other times I'd like to be chastised by a milf dressed in latex. (This might be similar to the succubi in d3vi0n's Heart's Club tease.) For instance, if I'm chatting, *who* is online right now? Every domme must sleep, right? ;-)

Being teased by one perfect domme is a good way to interact with Tease AI, that's why I have so many options to really enhance immersion when you use one particular model as your domme. But you'll be able to customize that at any time you like. You can change image sets at any point in the tease, change her name, even changing entire personalities is as simple as selecting the one you want to use. If you want a raven-haired brat, select an image set with one at any time. Same for milf in lattex. CHoose a set, change her age real quick (you can even save custom domme settings, so you swap entire domme settings options easily)m and you're good to go.

As far as who is online, that will always be at your discretion. Use whatever settings/pictures you want and say hello. Your domme will be there, ready to tease you. :-)
Trusfrated wrote:And so I guess that's why I'm curious about the file structure. If it's possible, how would one create and share a domme? Is it realistic to zip up a collection of jpgs and txt files specific to one domme and share it? And then the person downloading would just unzip and drop those files (including personality settings) into a folder hierarchy?
Yes, sharing entire personalities will be just that easy. Just drop the folder in the Scripts directory and Tease AI will see it automatically. (jpgs aren't necessary, since each user sets their own pictures for their domme, althout you can include pictures if you want. Tease AI does allow you to call specific images if you want to).

If there's anything else you want to know, feel free to ask, but like I said I'll be going into more depth about Personalities in the near future :-)
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by desertfox »

I'm just guessing at this but I am going to assume you will have a file structure that is mostly common between domme types and you would share by either adding bits and pieces to each domme's folder. So say I write a whole bunch of responses to various phrases like ache, joy, i'm bored. I would either post the text file with the 'i'm bored' responses or you would open it up and paste some of the stuff I have into your own 'i'm bored' response script for that one particular domme.

I can see sharing working like having some 'master #cock' file that lots of good generic variety is added to the base personality types. Then also various snippets that people might write for a certain scenarios. Then fully 'moded' dommes that might have a more distinct personality.

I could also see pic sets that have been pre tagged getting shared with their files, enough so that if you choose a common person as a domme, different people might be able to share different picsets of the 'domme'.

I had one question to which relates to what Trusfrated said about choosing the domme. Way back I entertained the idea of just dishing my porn collection out through a chatbox, sort of a little friendly person in the computer. Obviously not possessing the raw awesomeness of 1885 I only thought about it :) But one idea I liked was the thought of the AI running in the background and deciding when it wanted to interact with you.

This would really need some sort of 'boss key' screen to pop up, but really the better solution would be the option for your domme to just NOT BE ONLINE. Start the program up and she's off line or will come on later to nag you, so you have to leave the program running like an im client as you wait. Could even have the ai set a time for the next day to be online, or be angry that you are late, or get offline in the middle of a tease.

I'm probably willing to bet your next set of posts will describe these features already implemented, but still thought it was worth mentioning. I'm really psyched about this, and I haven't even seen what is on the video tab yet.
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by 1885 »

desertfox wrote:I'm just guessing at this but I am going to assume you will have a file structure that is mostly common between domme types and you would share by either adding bits and pieces to each domme's folder. So say I write a whole bunch of responses to various phrases like ache, joy, i'm bored. I would either post the text file with the 'i'm bored' responses or you would open it up and paste some of the stuff I have into your own 'i'm bored' response script for that one particular domme.
Correct, domme types will share a common file structure between types. Things like URL Files and Domme/Image Tags exist outside of the domme personality folders so they can be universally applied, but otherwise each different domme has a very similar file structure, just different content within them.

If you wrote a bunch of Response files, you could share them by putting them in an archive, and then users could download it and extract it to their domme's Response folder, yes. I'm also including tools in the program itself to easily add and edit smaller contributions, so people can just paste the contents of their files into forum posts, and other people can copy and insert them easily without going through folders and opening files.
desertfox wrote:I can see sharing working like having some 'master #cock' file that lots of good generic variety is added to the base personality types. Then also various snippets that people might write for a certain scenarios. Then fully 'moded' dommes that might have a more distinct personality.
That's what I see as well.
desertfox wrote:I could also see pic sets that have been pre tagged getting shared with their files, enough so that if you choose a common person as a domme, different people might be able to share different picsets of the 'domme'.
The way domme tags work right now, it would actually be a little trickier to share sets than that. Domme Tags are saved to a master file that connects each tag to a picture's filepath. I might rework the system to make this suggestion more feasible, but as it stands creating your own domme tags is easy enough that I don't know how necessary it would be.
desertfox wrote:I had one question to which relates to what Trusfrated said about choosing the domme. Way back I entertained the idea of just dishing my porn collection out through a chatbox, sort of a little friendly person in the computer. Obviously not possessing the raw awesomeness of 1885 I only thought about it :) But one idea I liked was the thought of the AI running in the background and deciding when it wanted to interact with you.

This would really need some sort of 'boss key' screen to pop up, but really the better solution would be the option for your domme to just NOT BE ONLINE. Start the program up and she's off line or will come on later to nag you, so you have to leave the program running like an im client as you wait. Could even have the ai set a time for the next day to be online, or be angry that you are late, or get offline in the middle of a tease.
This is doable, I just haven't really considered it because it's antithetical to one of the inspirations for creating the program, which is creating a domme that can be available any time you want her to be.

That being said, I can appreciate the element of anticipation it would provide, enhancing the feeling of control in that respect, but it's not the default mode for Tease AI. At some point during open development I'll probably revisit this idea, see how and if it should be implemented as an option for those who want it.
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by Sisyphuster »

I feel strongly that when the Singularity is reached, they'll trace it back to this thread. And I, for one, would like to welcome our new robot overlords.
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by ark235 »

This is all looking pretty awesome. Very interested to try it when you release!

Everything you've done seems pretty amazing but I'm wondering if you've implemented anything like these ideas:

- Allowing a personality to change/evolve as time goes on. I like the set/check flags bit, but I was also thinking you could just have some kind of filter applied so that certain start scripts/modules/keywords etc are only used before or after spending so long with the domme. E.g. some would be available for the first x days / x hours with the domme, some are always available, others only "unlock" after a set time. Effectively just filtering them based on how much time you've spent.

That way the personality of the domme can change over time, e.g. become more harsh or more teasing, welcome you differently, etc etc. You could even build a full Giving Up Control / Jana style domme by having certain modules active for a few days each.

It may be a bad idea and too complex or you may already have some other idea in place!

Chastity - just wondering as to how this works in general. Is the program to the point where you could have a domme who, as with the above mentioned tease series, could tell you to lock yourself away, but still get you to unlock for teasing sessions - without release. Then only allowing you to cum after x number of days.

Mood - I noticed a "Domme Mood Index" back in the first lot of screenshots, is there something in the program to track the dommes mood so that she will be happy / pissed off depending on what you do, and dole out appropriate rewards and punishments?

If you've already talked about this stuff or are going to later on then apologies :-)
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Re: Tease AI Scripting Overview Part 5: Responses and Interr

Post by 1885 »

ark235 wrote:- Allowing a personality to change/evolve as time goes on. I like the set/check flags bit, but I was also thinking you could just have some kind of filter applied so that certain start scripts/modules/keywords etc are only used before or after spending so long with the domme. E.g. some would be available for the first x days / x hours with the domme, some are always available, others only "unlock" after a set time. Effectively just filtering them based on how much time you've spent.

That way the personality of the domme can change over time, e.g. become more harsh or more teasing, welcome you differently, etc etc. You could even build a full Giving Up Control / Jana style domme by having certain modules active for a few days each.
You can do a lot of this already in some ways, there's commands to change the teasing style of the domme during scripts. I plan on adding more specific ways to do the things you're talking about here duing open development.
ark235 wrote:Chastity - just wondering as to how this works in general. Is the program to the point where you could have a domme who, as with the above mentioned tease series, could tell you to lock yourself away, but still get you to unlock for teasing sessions - without release. Then only allowing you to cum after x number of days.
The program keeps track of several things about the sub, even between session, and one of those is whether the sub is in chastity. When the program knows the sub is in chastity, it uses a separate set of Start, Taunt, Module, Link and End scripts. The domme can unlock the sub at the start of the tease, or leave him locked and just run Taunts that mess with him, showing him a series of sexy pictures or taunting him about his situation, for instance. A sub can be put in or let out of chastity at any time, it's just a matter of having the scripts.

To be honest, chastity is not something I'm terribly interested in (unless there's spikes involved, then we'll talk :smile: ), so I don't really have the inspiration or the capacity to create very much content for this aspect of the program. I know it's a very important feature to have, so I have implemented it and made sure all the tools are there - but it will be up to the community to add content for it because I don't have anything to offer on that front.
ark235 wrote:Mood - I noticed a "Domme Mood Index" back in the first lot of screenshots, is there something in the program to track the dommes mood so that she will be happy / pissed off depending on what you do, and dole out appropriate rewards and punishments?
Yes, precisely so. The domme's mood is measured on a scale of 1-10. The user can alter this to suit his taste by setting the lower and upper limits of her mood index. If the domme's mood is below the lower limit, she's pissed off. If it's above the upper limit, she's happy. This way the user can create a domme that's nearly impossible or ridiculously easy to make mad, or someone who's very easy/difficult to put in a gracious mood.
ark235 wrote:If you've already talked about this stuff or are going to later on then apologies
IT will all get talked about at some point, the only question is how much of it I get out before release of the first public build :whistle:
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