KCTC Reporter Reboot - 4

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KCTC Reporter Reboot - 4

Post by KittyZateez »

Tom panicked when he saw Brigitte’s question. It was an incredibly blatant thing to ask, and even though she had been increasingly direct in her previous messages, this was something else entirely. And it totally shocked him.

Still…his cock got hard the moment the message from her came in, and when he got to the end of it and saw what she had asked him, he almost came all over himself! A wave of emotions went through him right then - embarrassment, worry, and fear, but they were contrasted with thrilling feelings of arousal and anticipation.

And then he just sat there with his erection throbbing like crazy as the thought of being confronted about his masturbation like that slowly sank in. His mind ran wild as he pondered exactly what to do about the incredibly provocative question that his lovely KCTC temptress had just asked him…

First he started thinking about the message she had sent prior to asking him this explicit question. He just loved all the context she was giving him regarding the KCTC girls’ games and activities! He enjoyed her description of how lots of hot-looking teasergirls like her enjoy dolling themselves up, doing their hair and makeup, and getting dressed up all sexy, all so they can use their irresistible feminine charms to seduce and manipulate passive men.


Of course he also loved hearing her state what the rules of the on-site KCTC teasing games would be; she told him that the women there would be in charge of all the interactions, and that all games and activities that take place there would be Female Led. At that point he still really didn’t know any of the specifics of what these games would be, but the way she had been stringing him along into it was so appealing, he was just fine with all of it!

Anyway, according to her next request, he had expressed himself quite thoroughly to her, confessing how much his desire for her had been stimulated by all the suggestive correspondence, the questionnaires, and especially the lovely pics of her and the other girls that she’d sent. And of course, he promised to follow the rules as she stated them, and he proceeded to simply beg her to bring him in and play with him!

He had never acted like that with any other girl, and he’d never had these feelings of wanting to sexually surrender to someone that way either. He didn’t even really understand where this behavior was coming from inside himself, although he knew full well Brigitte was the one causing it in the first place.

But either way, he knew that he was incredibly turned on and 100% attracted to this girl, and he didn’t mind playing along with her ongoing “enticement games”, as she called them. Yes, it was all very new and yes, it was completely unfamiliar, but it was wildly intriguing, and somehow it even felt quite natural to simply follow her rules and let her have her way! So that was exactly what he decided to do…

In any case, after he poured his heart out to her as best as he possibly could, he was flatly told that his response would be analyzed for acceptability before the KCTC authorities would decide whether to allow Brigitte’s attraction games to continue with him. They already had him concerned about his behavior and worried about whether they’d continue to entice him toward them, and there really was something very sexy about the idea that Raquel, and maybe some other girls too, were reviewing his expressions of his feelings and making decisions about his fate…

And now this - a direct question about whether he’d been playing with himself during the process! In the context of a regular relationship it usually wouldn’t be discussed, and even though most girls know that guys do it, they usually don’t talk about it. And it’s usually not incorporated into the sexual aspect of most normal interactions between men and women either, at least as far as Tom knew…

So a chill of fear went up his spine as he read Brigitte’s statement that there was a right and a wrong answer to the question, and if he got it wrong he would be dismissed. Damn…after all this game-playing, after having these girls tease his desires into a frenzy and dangle him from their string while they interrogated him, he was quite desperate to please them and provide the right answer. But apparently they weren’t quite done dancing around idea of giving him the reward of a personal introduction just yet…


Whatever the case, the possibility of the whole ordeal abruptly ending because he answered her masturbation question incorrectly was completely disheartening. He didn’t want to insult them, and in any other situation, answering Yes to this particular question might be deemed to be offensive.

But in this case, Brigitte was making it very clear that she and all the other KCTC girls were cock teasers. She was reinforcing that idea with every message she sent, including those incredibly glamorous pics of herself and the other girls, and it was all being done just to arouse him and get him even more sexually excited. She had even made it a point to make him tell her he was getting turned on, too, so it would naturally follow that he might be pleasuring himself after all that, right?

So despite the fact that she hadn’t mentioned masturbation as being part of the equation in their little games, maybe it was okay to confess he’d been doing it. Maybe, just maybe, it was an important part of the teasing games these girls liked to play, and perhaps they actually wanted guys to play with themselves for them! And…maybe they wanted to MAKE the boys do it for them too…

And so he decided - what the hell, despite all the businesslike formality, she was clearly taking this in a more sexual direction, and her direct question deserved a direct answer, so he went ahead and did it. He typed a one-word reply in response to her question, he wrote it in all capital letters, and didn’t bother adding a signature. The word was…


He even added an exclamation point to emphasize his enthusiasm, figuring that if it was the wrong answer it wouldn’t matter anyway, but if it was the right one he might as well make it a point to be “all in”, so to speak. And besides, despite knowing that his answer would either lead to more teasing or outright dismissal, he was starting to catch on about how all these games were going to work. They had a very distinct direction they seemed to be going in, so something inside told him that Yes was the right answer.

After sending it, he simply couldn’t focus on anything else except waiting for a response, so he sat there with his cock standing at attention as he repeatedly refreshed his browser waiting for an answer. And it took 30 minutes or so, but sure enough, a reply came back as if she had seen it right away and taken some time to craft an appropriately detailed response…

Good boy!

Tom, you continue to please me with your respectful and compliant behavior, and I like how you seem to understand that KCTC girls like me enjoy being in charge of our men and taking complete control of them. Recognizing that simple fact and allowing us to have our way is the most basic requirement we insist upon with our KCTC client candidates.

Also - at this time I want you to know that the idea of consent is paramount in our activities, so rest assured that you will be allowed a choice in whatever game we are playing with you, and if it does not appeal to you, you are free to say so. However, I must also confess that when we are attempting to lure you into some deliciously erotic scenario, we will be doing everything we can to weaken your will to resist us. Every attempt will be made to sway your aroused male mind our way and turn it into a puddle of mush, all in order to let us have our way with you…

Anyway, having said all that, let’s move on to the main reason for this response. You will be pleased to know that your answer to my question about your masturbation is the correct one, and it’s another step in the right direction on your part! We believe it is good to have the topic of male masturbation out in the open before you come in for a KCTC visit, because most of our girls (including myself) love to incorporate it into our erotic teasing sessions…sooner or later.

Whether it is in simple correspondence like we’ve been having or during a more intimate in-person visit, we generally enjoy encouraging our teaseboy males to play with themselves as an inevitable consequence of our sexual games. It’s lots of fun to turn you boys on and coax you into doing it for us…eventually. But it is only allowed under our careful guidance, and with strict conditions and requirements in place, of course.

Given our interest in it, it is for that reason that we ask men if they’ve been doing it during the introductory period of time where we are enticing them in writing. If a male we’ve been targeting cannot admit that what we are doing to him makes him want to play with himself, and if he can’t simply confess to doing it when he’s not with us, then he is not eligible for further titillation and is promptly dismissed.

Now Tom, I can’t say whether you’ll be allowed to do it for us during your initial visit or not, that’s up to us to decide (as is everything else), of course. But I’m glad we got that important little item out of the way…

Tom paused reading right there – he was really starting to go completely out of his mind with desire at that point! He had pulled down his pants the moment he started reading the message, releasing his cock from his underwear and letting it stick up like a flagpole. He couldn’t touch it for more than a few seconds while reading her deliciously open and direct statements before feeling like he was going to explode. Visualizing what it might be like to be teased in person by such a hot-looking girl, then being encouraged to masturbate for her - it was all just indescribably erotic!

Of course, there was a post-script at the end too, and his heart skipped a beat when he began reading it.

P.S. I tell you what, sugar…today is casual Friday here at the KCTC business office, and I’m sure you haven’t forgotten what I said about how all the KCTC girls are required to dress especially provocatively on this day of the week. Today I’ve chosen one of my favorite styles of attire to wear in the office, so I figured I’d let you have a look and see if you like me dressed this way. So click the link below after you’ve finished reading this message and get a load of how I look, okay sweetie? Oh and this outfit may look familiar to you from somewhere, too…

Of course, it would be amusing to make you share your reaction to my outfit in writing, maybe by making you send me another luv-note, but I’m quite certain that you will find me to be attractive in this getup so I don’t see a need to make you express it! Besides, I think I’ve put you on the spot enough already, for the time being, at least, so we’ll dispense with that formality until I can gauge your reaction in person…

Speaking of which, I’d love to invite you in for an introductory visit later this afternoon, because I do have an opening near the end of our KCTC business day - around 3 o’clock. I am finding you to be quite agreeable to the things I’ve been describing so far, and I am sure your behavior will continue to be acceptable and appropriate when we meet in person. I think it will be great fun to entertain you, and if I like the way you are responding to me, then maybe I’ll decide to introduce you to some of our more intimate and erotic teasing games…

Alas, as I said before, I am not the final authority on the decision to allow your initial entry to the KCTC, and Raquel is still reviewing your application for admission. But I strongly suggest you make yourself available for the taking this afternoon, and I know you will wait patiently for a message from her regarding your status.

Oh and by the way, I was delighted by the way you begged me to bring you in and play with you at the end of your last message! I didn’t ask you to do that, but it is something I simply adore making boys do for me, so I am excited that you took the initiative and went there for me! In fact, it inspired me to show you something…

What you are about to see is a simple demonstration of just one of our tease game techniques, and although I’m hoping it excites you sexually, please don’t assume that participation in this particular game will be required of you if I am allowed to bring you in today. Just consider it your first real introduction to some of the details of how these sexual games can be explored. Having said that – I just love it when boys beg for my charms!

Warm regards,
Brigitte Sherelle
KCTC Tease Assistant

Tom was still sitting there with his cock standing at full attention as he got to the end of yet another deliciously direct message, and he had started to realize how pleasurable it was to be kept fully aroused and erect for extended periods of time the way this girl seemed to be able to do to him.

He knew if he touched himself for even a moment at that point, he might lose control and blow his wad, so to speak, so he just kept his hands away from his cock and enjoyed the sensation of his erection. This girl definitely had incredible power over him right then, and he was really starting to enjoy allowing her to exploit it!

And then he clicked the link…

This time it was a video clip, and it was from that same scene from one of the pics she had sent him before. She was sitting at a desk in what he assumed was her office, and she was dressed in that wonderfully appealing white furry sweater, a black leather miniskirt and kinky matching thigh-high spike-heeled boots. All the geeky-looking boys were surrounding her like in the pic too; they were seated around the edges of the room watching her, but of course, she was pretty much ignoring them like they weren’t even there…

Tom’s mouth fell open and he watched in utter fascination as she stood up and strutted toward the camera with a big smile coming across her face. The way she pranced toward him was a magnificent display of confidence and raw sex appeal, and he just loved the way she took tiny, bouncy, wiggly little steps that flaunted every inch of the curves of her magnificent figure.

She was sticking her chest out, clearly on purpose, and his eyes zeroed in on her obviously braless breasts as they jiggled and bounced around under that wonderfully soft sweater. They looked every bit as tantalizing as the way he had imagined them earlier, and he could tell they were implants by their shape - they were big, round, absolutely perfect cantaloupe-sized melons, and they looked so nice and firm as they moved around in an incredibly mesmerizing way…

He had never seen a girl openly showcase her titties like that for him before, and he could feel a drop of precum form on the tip of his cock as he stared at her in a simply mindless state of fixation. She gave him a quick flirty wave, and then she posed with her hands on her hips in that fabulous power pose like in one of the pics he saw before. Boy did she look good!


Then she swayed her body around a few times, shifting her weight from one booted leg to the other and throwing her wide hips from side to side in a very proud display of her self-assuredness. Next she rubbed her hands up the sides of her body, then moved them around her tummy and gave herself a gentle embrace in her soft furry sweater, rotating her upper body around a little like she was giving herself a nice, warm hug…

And then she lifted her hands up to her hair bun and undid it, letting her gorgeous long brown hair come cascading down over her shoulders and chest. She tilted her head back and ran her hands through it, fluffing it up in magnificent fashion, and Tom just sat there watching the mind-blowingly appealing sight of this hot girl showing herself off like that for him!

Suddenly he glanced at one of the boys watching her and noticed that the guy was rubbing himself through his pants. And as Tom looked at the other guys, he could see they were doing it too! And almost all of them were totally fixated on her boots for some reason...

He really didn’t have a desire to see them take out their cocks, though, so he was glad that wasn’t what was being shown. But now that he knew that masturbation was part of the KCTC girls’ intentions, it was strangely appealing to watch nevertheless.

Of course, Brigitte wasn’t giving these horny boys a moment’s attention right then, because she was keeping her eyes focused on the camera - the clip seemed to be filmed completely for the pleasure of the viewer. At the same time, Tom knew full well it could have been made just for him - or for pretty much any other guy. He didn’t pay much attention to what the boys surrounding her were doing either, because he just loved the way she looked in her sexy outfit, even more so now that she had let her hair down…

Things got even better as she began rubbing her hands around her upper body some more, enjoying the wonderful sensuality of that fluffy white sweater. Her hands went up onto her large breasts after a moment, and she rubbed and squeezed them a little, closing her eyes dreamily as she did it. And then she slowly, daintily unbuttoned one button on the front of her sweater, pausing for a moment to look down at what she was doing before undoing another, and then another.

The way the super-feminine fluffy white fur of her sweater clung so snugly to the curves of her upper body was very appealing, and it pressed her breasts together as she unbuttoned just one more button, leaving the sweater undone almost all the way to her belly button. With each button she undid, the sweater opened up wider and wider going down her chest, with more and more fleshy cleavage revealed as she went.

Tom’s mouth hung open as he watched her pinch her already plainly visible nipples right through the soft white angora, rolling them around between her thumb and forefinger to make them stick out even more pertly and proudly. He was literally salivating as he enjoyed the sight of this lovely girl enjoying her body. She was putting on a wonderfully enticing display of femininity, and he found himself wanting her quite badly at that moment…quite badly indeed!

But then she did something that upped the ante even more, and it was by far the most suggestively erotic thing Tom had ever seen. It surprised him because he had certainly watched his share of porn in his lifetime, and although watching sexual acts was definitely much more explicit than this, there was something about what Brigitte proceeded to do next that turned him on much more than simply watching people have sex…

Now that she had specially prepared her appearance for the task at hand, she turned to one of the guys watching her, pointing at him and beckoning him to her. As he stood up, she pointed at the floor in front of her, and he fell to his knees there, clasped his hands together and started begging!


He just kept saying the word “please”, over and over, and she stood there before him with her hands on her hips for a few moments, looking down at him with a big smirk on her face. She was clearly delighted with his behavior, because apparently it was exactly what she wanted, but soon she simply reached out and waved her long-nailed finger right in his face, playfully scolding him and telling him NO. Then she pointed to the door and sweetly but firmly told him to get out!

With that, he whimpered his disappointment, then hung his head and fell forward onto his hands, crawling toward the door. Before he reached it, Brigitte pointed at another guy and beckoned him over. The first one was just disappearing out the door, crawling out into the hallway as the next one fell to his knees in front of her, clasping his hands together and begging for her charms too!

But this time the begging was more specific, because this guy begged her to take him and play with him, pleading with her to let him be her slave. He was particularly focused on expressing his desire for those kinky boots she was wearing, and he begged her for them repeatedly while she stood there and watched with a triumphant smile of sheer satisfaction on her face.

She glanced down at her boots, reaching down to tug on the tops of each one, turning her body this way and that as she brazenly showed them off for him. And then, after listening to him beg for them a few more times, she stepped closer to him, moving within his reach, and he reached out with his hands to try and touch them.

But she simply rejected him by taking a step back, snickering at him in a wonderfully wicked taunting style. She repeated the process a couple times, stepping forward as if to offer them to him and then stepping back with a playful giggle when he tried to touch them. He didn’t chase after her either, other than reaching out to try to touch her boots each time they came within reach. But his begging quickly escalated and became more intense as the objects of his desire were offered and then withheld.

Tom noticed how this guy was definitely participating in the process too, allowing and accepting her rejections from right where he was, even though trying to chase after her would have been an absurd thing to do from down there on his knees anyway. It was a completely erotic thing to watch, even though it was just a simple demonstration of a teasing game and really wasn’t sexually explicit at all!

Finally, after cycling through the process of offering him her boots and rejecting him several more times, she came close enough to let him touch the tops of them for just a moment. He rubbed them briefly, panting like a dog with his entire body trembling at the excitement of being allowed to touch them even a little bit. But then she swatted at his hands, shooing them away from her, and she scolded him for being naughty!

Then she backed away from him and posed, listening to him beg and plead for them a couple more times. But instead of giving him even a little bit more of them she simply came back toward him one last time, bending forward and waving that long-nailed finger in his face, telling him NO and then ordering him to leave too.

Again she didn’t even wait for him to be gone before summoning another victim to her, and this time she pointed at the next guy, then pointed down at the toes of her wonderfully appealing, buttery-soft black leather boots. The guy stood up but then fell to his hands and knees, looking up at her as she stood there in front of him.

Then she made a smooching sound with her wonderfully full, pouty lips and ordered him to crawl toward her, and she watched with obvious delight as he obeyed. He scurried toward her and eagerly planted one soft kiss on each boot toe. But then she took a step back, taking them away from him as he tried to kiss them some more. And she ordered him to beg her to give them back!


When he did, she giggled and playfully told him NO, which only caused the game to quickly escalate to a slightly crueler level. His begging started to increase to a fever pitch as he pleaded and wailed for her to let him kiss them some more. She just stood there for a few moments, posing with her hands on her hips again, triumphantly looking down at him as if he was pitiful and weak (which he was). She clearly loved what he was doing but she was not responding to it, instead just simply standing there and ignoring his pleas.

Soon enough, however, she rolled her eyes in mocking fashion as if she had decided to have mercy on him and give him a little more, and she firmly told him to shush as she moved one leg forward, presenting one boot to him. She rested it on the spiked heel so the pointy toe was lifted up a few inches for easier access, and again she made the smooching sound, openly taunting his shameless display of male submission. He immediately obeyed, bending forward and planting one more kiss right on the pointy toe she had made available to him.

Then she pulled it away, shifting her weight to the other leg and presenting the other boot toe, making that same smooching sound again. But when he bent forward, she bent her leg just enough to take it away when he tried to kiss it, effortlessly keeping it away from his eager lips.

He chased after it in utter futility, crawling forward greedily until she barked at him not to come any closer. When he stopped, she giggled and demanded that he to try and kiss it without moving from where he was. She straightened her leg to offer it to him but pulled it away when he leaned forward, and she burst out laughing at his pathetic display of obedience!

It quickly became clear that this activity was intended solely as a wicked demonstration of the ease with which a submissive male could be toyed with and then completely rejected, because after giving him a little bit, she simply would not give him any more of what he wanted. She just kept effortlessly moving her pointy boot-toe away every time he reached out to give it a smooch, and she snickered as she cruelly denied him his desire while he whimpered and whined like a little sissy!

And again, when she had her fill of the game, she posed before him, looking down at him with a mercilessly powerful smirk on her face as he pleaded for more boot kisses. But she would not relent, and she bent forward with her titties spilling almost completely out of that magically soft white sweater, pinching his cheek like he was a small child as she firmly told him NO. She pointed at the door without saying a word this time, and out he went, crawling on his hands and knees.

There was only one guy left in the room now, and it was time for him to be subjected to a similar fate too! Only this time Brigitte taunted him by ordering him to kneel in front of her, and she spun around to face away from him. Then she turned her head to the side so she could see him out of the corner of her eye and she lifted up the spike heel of one boot toward his face, asking him if he liked it.

Of course, he blurted out his answer in the affirmative, and with great enthusiasm, I might add! So she baited him with it, rolling it round and round before his eyes as she coaxed him to reach out and touch it. She was cooing her enticing words at him like a seductive siren, but when he went for it she simply took it away without saying a word and planted it back on the ground, effortlessly denying him what he wanted. It was a completely predictable thing to do after the way she had treated all the other guys, but he fell for it nevertheless…

She proceeded to make him follow her around the room on his hands and knees, and he complied, begging and pleading for her to allow his advances on her boots. She giggled girlishly as she proudly strutted around in front of him with her hands on her hips, staying just out of his reach. His eyes were glued to the spike heels of her outrageously sexy boots the entire time!


Finally she stood still and posed for him, still facing away from him and allowing him to catch up to her. Then she turned her head to the side to peek back at him again as she ordered him to kiss every inch of each spike heel, one at a time, which, of course, he did…

After that, another little game ensued, with her allowing a kiss or two on each spike heel only to take them away, ordering him to try to come and get them as she led him around the room in circles some more. The cruelty of her rejections slowly escalated as she demonstrated a clearly practiced skill of making it more and more difficult for him to kiss them and giving him less and less each time she allowed it.

She seemed to be taking an almost sadistic glee in making things harder for him as she stayed in front of him, verbally taunting him as she ordered him to worship her spike heels but not letting him have them! As his begging escalated to a state of feverish desperation, his voice cracked as though he was on the verge of crying while she indulged herself in the simple but wicked game. And after a little while longer she spun around to face him, bending forward and waving her long-nailed index finger in his face just like she had done to all the other boys, loudly telling him NO and ordering him to leave.

Now, with every single one of the boot-obsessed subjects teased, toyed with and then dismissed, Brigitte turned her attention to the camera one last time. With a big smile, she pointed directly at Tom, then beckoned him toward her with her index finger just like she had done to each and every other guy. Her eyes opened wide as she stared into the camera, and she said sweetly, “Come HERE!” And the clip faded to black, leaving Tom once again simply stunned at the wildly erotic scene he had just witnessed…

Tom sat there with his mind reeling, realizing he had just witnessed his very first demonstration of the teasing games Brigitte had been referring to, revealing them little by little in each successive message he got from her. It was kinky, it was erotic, and even though he wasn’t so sure he’d like being treated like that, some wonderful thoughts popped into his head about how that kind of erotic game could be applied to other kinds of sexual intimacy…

He also recalled how Brigitte had told him that his consent would be requested before any particular teasing game would be explored, and how she had told him that his participation in the game demonstrated on the video clip would not necessarily be expected if she was allowed to entertain him that day. All of that just made him even more interested, aroused, but most importantly, more comfortable with the whole situation!

Anyway, he spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for the official approval he hoped would come in. Brigitte had dangled the idea of a 3 o’clock appointment in front of his eyes, but she had also told him that his “application” was still being reviewed. This ‘stringing him along and keeping him dangling’ torment was clearly being done on purpose, but Tom didn’t really mind very much, instead feeling like he was incredibly lucky to be engaging in such an enticing scenario with girls like her! So he went about his business, walking around his apartment naked with his unrestrained erection flopping around with each step he took.

He was starting to find the feeling of being constantly in varying levels of arousal to be quite comfortable! His erection would go away briefly when he was distracted by something he was doing, but then his thoughts would drift back to Brigitte again, and the moment that happened he would get hard in no time at all! Little did he know that that was exactly the state he was supposed to be in at that point, and these girls had him right where they wanted him. So now it was time for them to move things along…

Anyway, finally, right when he thought he might miss the 3 o’clock appointment because he hadn’t been qualified yet, he received a message from Raquel telling him his client candidate application had been approved! It seemed very formulaic, as though the same message was sent to any guy who had successfully passed their testing and qualifications process. He figured that it probably was the case, but he really didn’t care, because he was totally infatuated with Brigitte at that point and would do anything just to be with her!

Raquel’s message instructed him to show up at 3 at the address she provided, and to dress formally. But there was one important detail she made it a point to mention – he was not to wear any underwear! As he got dressed he quickly realized that meant his erection would be clearly visible under his suit pants…

It was about 2:30 right then, and he had just enough time to make it to the KCTC business office. Again he kinda figured that the close timing was probably part of their scheme, but it didn’t matter, because it seemed like things were finally going to proceed!


Oh dear...it's happened again! I fully intended this chapter to include Tom's arrival at the KCTC business office, but I seem to have gotten quite carried away describing Brigitte's little boot worship and begging games. So everyone will simply have to wait for the next installment, whenever that may be...

In the meantime I hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
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