
BadMatt by casey

That rat Matt. He’s been at our computer. Thank god we found him out. He made up a tease for Milovana using pictures of us!
Thank goodness the stupid idiot didn’t realise you have to press the ‘publish’ button to get them on line!
We only found it yesterday by accident. They were mostly beach pictures and some from our holiday at Rottnest. He got a hold of Jesse’s digital camera too!! We know because of the more intimate photos! Sheesh.
And then there’s the other photos we had no idea he had.

(Note: This is a reissue 'cos we missed changing one of the original pictures. But Jesse said she didn't mind. It's an old one of her anyway. But I still tossed a pair of dice to make the decision for us. First toss, boxcars, tossed again, one six and the other went under the couch, after we got it back out tossed again, third time wouldn't you know it, SNAKE EYES so the tease remains as first published.)

maybe ...