Torrie and Candice's Kinky Game

Torrie and Candice's Kinky Game by Bondageman

Torrie (blonde hair) “Thanks for agreeing to our little ‘game’. Even though you don’t know what it is, you’re still willing to take part just to make us happy? How nice of you.”

Candice “Torrie and I have had this fantasy for a long time. It’s so exciting to finally do it for real. Allow me to explain the rules. This game is between me and Torrie. Why do we need you then? Good question. All you have to do is sit there and constantly play with yourself while we take turns to try and make you cum. Whoever achieves that first is the winner.”

Torrie “So what’s in it for you eh? What’s to stop you cumming right away? Well, if you make it to the end without cumming, I promise that you will get to see BOTH of us completely naked! No clothes at all!”

Candice “However, if you lose control before then, the game is over and you have to go home. Understood?”