my mistress is my wife

my mistress is my wife by secretstroker

Well guys and girls, my beautiful wife listened to my passionate pleas for some playful B&D and has become the woman that can fulfill all my needs... so this is Secretstroker's last webtease. This website has helped me get "the kinks" out but should not ever become a substitute for sharing your passions with your mate. years ago, my wife said she would NEVER play the mistress role... now she "playfully" spanks me and gives the best ass in my face handjobs I cold ever want. I routinely kiss her perfectly manicured toes ( some of my best paintjobs !) and we spend that money on lingerie and get away weekends where I get to be the slave ! I promised to stop with the porno and got a gorgeous Goddess in exchange.

Bye all...

The End

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