Christmas in the Heir (A Locktime Holiday Original)

Christmas in the Heir (A Locktime Holiday Original) by bennygrimm


1. Sorry, I know this is a little late for Christmas, but the holidays got quite busy this year.
2. This is a parody of the Hallmark/Lifetime Original Christmas movies that are really formulaic and tacky. Obviously it is very NSFW, and it's told POV, but keep that in mind if the story seems a little bit silly at some points.
3. Happy Holidays!]

Your partner Kenzie could best be described as "uncompromising," and "ruthless."

It was a good attitude to have in the Private Equity business, and the two of you had made a lot of money over the past six or so years.

She's the brains of the operation, and you're the guy who gets the money.

It's December 20th, and she drops a bomb on you.