Ballbusting Playtime (Story)

Ballbusting Playtime (Story) by Ban

Lindsey hated being tickeld. Mark straddled her on the ground, in stitches she was laughing so hard and desperately trying to get away from him, he only pressed harder. “I’m warning you!” she said as he continued to crawl his fingers across her sides. “I’m serious!”, breathing was getting sparse she was laughing so hard. “Alright, that does it!”

All of a sudden Lindsey’s soft cotton sock soared into Mark’s groin. “Ooof!”, a gush of air escaped his lungs as his hands detached from his side and he fell off her, clutching his balls. Mark groaned and rolled around on the floor trying to quell the pain. Lindsay pushed up off the ground, dusted off her miniskirt and giggled. It wasn’t the first time she’d kicked Mark in the balls and it probably wouldn’t be the last.

“I’m sorry, did I get you?”, she teased. Mark just kept groaning, his balls hurt bad. “Oh, it looks bad. I should probably have a look. Open your legs so I can check and see if they are ok.” Lindsey got down on her knees and rolled Mark onto his back, spreading his legs. “I would just feel awful if I popped one.” Mark could only oblige as she brushed his hands away and grasped his nuts, rolling them around. “It’s hard to tell, they feel alright but I should probably do a stress test to see if they’re still good.”